Midweek Mashup V: The COVID Blog® is technically three years old, metallic particles found in blood of 94% of mRNA recipients, and a record 50-plus sudden deaths in one article

January 11, 2023

Three years ago this week, on January 6, 2020, the New York Times published its first article on a “mystery pneumonia-like illness” in China. This blogger was living abroad at the time. Celestial alignments and pure propaganda radar pointed to something big happening. By March 20, 2020, the first article that would become the foundation of The COVID Blog® was published. It appeared on this blogger’s oldest website, which first went online in 2007.

The third foundational article was published on April 10, 2020. A woman from Nigeria published a video on YouTube, reporting that seven babies in Senegal died instantly earlier in the month “due to this coronavirus vaccine.” Her video was removed from YouTube.

We re-posted the video on Vimeo. Our Vimeo account was immediately suspended. It was a taste of what was coming in 2021 re: censorship. We re-uploaded the video to Bitchute. This blogger got in contact with the woman, named Aggie, who said she was scared due to all the unexpected attention from her video. Today, Aggie’s YouTube channel is completely scrubbed. We’ve been unable to contact her despite trying since early December.

The fifth foundational article of The COVID Blog® was published on April 18, 2020. It was about Bill Gates and Microsoft filing Patent #WO2020060606, a “Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data.” All of the foregoing seemed so crazy, so surreal. But as a journalist, it’s simply your job to report what you see, what you hear.

RELATED: Kizzmekia Corbett: Wikipedia, Twitter fast-track black vaccine researcher to relevance (April 14, 2020)


Fast forward to January 8, 2021, when the first official article on this website was published. We first used the term “died suddenly” in a January 19, 2021 article. Post-injection seizures, Bell’s Palsy, and uncontrollable convulsions were themes that month.

The powers-that-be (“TPTB”) punished and mainstream media censored a California police department for reporting the truth about a near-instant post-injection death. It was, again, a precursor to the mass censorship that started in mid-2021.

Today we are three years into The Great Reset. Humanity is now divided in three groups – vaxxed and proud, vaxxed and anxious, and non-vaccinated. The estimated breakdown of each group in the Western world is around 45%/35%/20%, respectively.

Millions of people now realize they made a mistake by receiving the injections. But there’s nothing medically they can do about it now. They also know that mainstream media and their vaxx zealot fan bases will attack if they reported their issues publicly.

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A TikTok user named Michelle (she does not disclose her last name) is a healthcare worker. She describes herself as “Navy Proud” and MAGA. Michelle suffers from post-injection chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP), a known adverse reaction to the Pfizer mRNA injections. She posted a video on October 4 to address the question “what do you think of people who refused the COVID vaccines?” Her response is yet another mea culpa, as we’re seeing more often than not since mid-2022.

There have also been several mainstream media mea culpas. Pfizer-owned Reuters published a “fact check” article on June 3, 2021. It concluded that there is no evidence that the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections are causing all the new so-called COVID-19 variants.

Eighteen months later, on January 1, 2023, the Wall Street Journal conceded that the injections may in fact be causing the variants. It’s the closest we’re going to get, for now, to TPTB admitting that the variants are actually post-injection adverse reactions.

Speaking of variants, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), etc. just released their latest track – some new “COVID variant” called “XBB.1.5.” Mainstream media launched its coordinated propaganda campaign for the variant a few days ago.

One of those late-night talk show tools even made a song about it last week, as part of the propaganda campaign.

Millions of people around the globe will continue injecting themselves into oblivion, even in 2023 and with all the information out there.

Nearly all mainstream media tools need “COVID-19” and all the fearmongering to continue in perpetuity because their entire existences and jobs depend on it.

Joe Rogan and Stew Peters

There’s also a new “alternative media” or “truth movement” as some call it since mid-2021. But their actions make you wonder about their actual goals. Many so-called critical thinkers still support former rapper and bounty hunter Stew Peters despite the completely unnecessary and deliberate sensationalism in his “Died Suddenly documentary.”

Joe Rogan does the same thing, and has absolutely no excuses for it, particularly with his seven and perhaps eight-figure production budget. We received an email on New Year’s Day, pointing us to this tweet from a doctor.

The first thing we did, as always, is go to Twitter and authenticate the tweet. It took less than a minute to learn it was fake. It did not exist on the doctor’s account. But Rogan passed the tweet off as real to his 13 million Spotify subscribers and 10 million Twitter followers in Episode #1919 of his podcast on January 4.

Rogan subsequently apologized for getting “tricked.” He then edited out that portion of the podcast and re-uploaded it to Spotify.

But that should never happen on a platform that size. Further, many in the general public clump this blogger into that group of “truth movement” sensationalists who are allowed on social media, PayPal, etc., while The COVID Blog® is banned from every platform. It all makes our job that much harder.

This world is only going to get weirder as Year 3 of The Great Reset progresse. The Satanic Temple, Inc. of Boston is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in Salem, Massachusetts (PayPal facilitates the organization’s donations). It is currently selling tickets to SatanCon 2023 in Boston from April 28 to April 30. The event requires all attendees to show proof of vaccination and wear masks.

Then there’s Alena Buyx

Alena Buyx.

Alena Buyx was elected chair of the German Ethics Council on May 28, 2020. The council was created by an act of The Bundestag (Parliament) to:

“pursue the questions of ethics, society, science, medicine and law that arise and the probable consequences for the individual and society that result in connection with research and development, in particular in the field of the life sciences and their application to humanity.”

Ms. Buyx did an interview with weekly newspaper Die Zeit last week. She, like we did in this article, looked back on the three years of COVID dystopia and her role therein. Ms. Buyx danced around apologizing to the non-vaccinated for all the discrimination they faced in Germany.

She called the non-vaccinated the “radical camp.” Ms. Buyx was also asked if anyone should be held responsible for the strong possibility that so-called COVID-19 was created in a lab. This question was obviously directed at her role. So she deflected and played victim.

“This need to find guilty parties has something insatiable in part, sometimes it seems more about feelings of revenge, about atonement. A search for guilty parties driven by revenge and anger is a dangerously simple one, so no solution, it does not help at all.”

She went further, implying that even investigating the origin of COVID and “vaccine” safety would destroy the country.

“The search for the guilty is often sparked by concrete losses. This need is understandable, but incredibly toxic. It has a deep effect on the polarization of society. And it is dangerous to democracy. Because people with unprocessed anger are demonstrably more inclined to violence and extreme political positions.”

In other words, nobody will be held responsible for the vaccine genocide in Germany or anywhere else in the Western world. The entire agenda is out in the open for all to see. But ignorance is certainly bliss to vaxxed people. These types will only accept truth in their last second or two of consciousness before collapsing and dying after booster shot number 4, 5, etc.

Peer reviewed study: 94% of vaccinated subjects had “metallic particles” in their blood

The International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research (IJVTPR) was first published on July 15, 2020. That was a little over one month after The Lancet retracted that smear study on hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for so-called COVID-19. There were several issues with the study, but most importantly, one of the authors was funded by AstraZeneca and Pfizer.

IJVTPR was founded because legitimate doctors and scientists recognized that mainstream journals were compromised in the age of COVID-19. Vaxx zealots have continually attacked the journal with random, petulant insults. But all submissions to IJVTPR are peer-reviewed before publication. The journal also has a stricter conflict of interest standard than mainstream journals.

That all said, we’ve known since the summer of 2021 that the mRNA and viral vector DNA serums contain metallic particles, and even life-like creatures floating around in them. German scientists confirmed these findings further in a July 6, 2022 study. Now Italian researchers, in an August 12, 2022 study published in IJVTPR, have solidified all the foregoing as established science, and confirmed the worst fears of all vaxxed people.

The blood of 1,006 subjects was analyzed with a dark-field optical microscope. Most of the subjects (84%) had received at least two injections. The rest received one. A single drop of blood from a finger prick was obtained from each subject. Blood samples were gathered from 12 of the subjects before receiving any injections. All of those sample showed “perfectly normal hematological features” prior to the shots.

Researchers found “strange phenomena in [the] blood” of 948 of the 1,006 subjects (94%). One subject was a 33-year-old male athlete. He experienced severe headaches and fatigue one month after his first Pfizer mRNA injection. The following was found in his blood.

Another subject was a 64-year-old male medical doctor who also practiced martial arts. He suffered, among other things, “significant episodes of tachyarrhythmia” after his first Moderna mRNA injection. The following was his blood at 40x magnification before the shot.

Here was his blood two days after the second Moderna shot.

The following was also found upon closer examination. Researchers “identified the structures that seem likely to be graphenic particles.”

Researchers concluded:

“The alterations found after the injection of our patient/cases with mRNA materials (whatever may be in them), we found what we believe is conclusive evidence that the modifications observed, as these persons went from normal blood profiles to very abnormal ones, must be attributed to the proximate mRNA injections.

[S]uch abrupt changes as we have documented in the peripheral blood profile of 948 patients have never been observed after inoculation by any vaccines in the past according to our clinical experience.With the hematological pictures we have presented here it is reasonable to expect reactivation of oncological disease along with blood circulation disorders.”

Read the full study here.

Thus if we extrapolate this study onto all of humanity, then 94% of vaxxed people have this stuff floating around in their blood. The metal particulates are likely the transmitters for the central computer all vaxxed people are now connected to. But the human immune system works on hyper-drive, recognizing the metal particles as pathogens. Nearly all vaxxed people who received real shots will develop weird blood clots (and all the issues that comes with them) and/or various cancers.

We could literally post these all day, everyday.

We focus a lot on post-injection deaths here. But there are millions suffering in silence, or simply being silenced. There’s also a completely new breed of humanity who are likely already being controlled by the “software of life.”

Jessica Robb: CTV (Canada) reporter appears to have stroke live on air

We’ve seen this so many times now that it’s practically normal for mainstream media on-air workers. NBA announcer Bob Rathbun had some strange, stroke-looking episode live on air on December 5.

Clara Pfeffer of N-TV in Germany had the exact same thing happen to her on February 14.

Now there’s Jessica Robb, a multimedia journalist for CTV Edmonton.

Jessica Robb.

She was doing a live broadcast on January 8 when this suddenly happened.

She obviously had some sort of post-injection medical episode, as we’ve seen time and time again. Ms. Robb has received at least three injections.

She has since deleted the foregoing tweet, and locked her Twitter account.

Ms. Robb was then forced to released a statement via CTV Edmonton on January 9. She expressed severe denial, saying that the incident “is in no way related to the COVID-19 vaccine.”

As stated previously, The COVID Blog® is not allowing mainstream media and their vending machine doctors to insult the intelligence of critical thinkers in 2023. We just hope Ms. Robb accepts reality and uses her platform for good, instead of protecting the evil that landed her in his position.

Arthur Robinson: Texas LGBTV vaxx zealot pushes the injections on his family for two years, sister dies in her sleep on Christmas Eve

Mr. Arthur Robinson is originally from the Syracuse, New York area, but now lives in San Antonio, Texas. He is a die-hard LGBTV vaxx zealot. His entire life revolves around homosexual culture and talking about, as he says, his “biracial sister,” Ms. Ashley R. Lessard-Neron. She was also an LGBTV member. Mr. Robinson, 51, frequently called his sister a “bitch.”

He referred to his “husband’s” family as “cunts” because they initially refused to receive the injections.

Mr. Robinson eventually talked them into the poison in September 2021. He said that his “Q-Trumpy in-laws finally bowed.” Mr. Robinson would not visit them before they received the injections.

He confirmed that his sister, Ms. Lessard-Neron, received the injections by January 2022. She suffered apparent adverse reactions that mainstream media and vaxx zealots call “COVID.”

Ms. Lessard-Neron died in her sleep on Christmas Eve. She was 39, not 38 as her brother indicated.

It was a deadly holiday season for many families in 2022. All of the following happened since Christmas week (except one). It doesn’t even include the story of Durham Police in England. They responded to eight sudden death calls on Christmas Day alone, according to the BBC.

We could have easily include 100-plus stories herein. But here is a representative sample.

Gregory Yee: 33-year-old Los Angeles Times reporter dies unexpectedly from “respiratory illness”

Mr. Gregory Yee was a breaking news reporter for the Los Angeles Times. He was born and raised in L.A.

Few details are available. But the newspaper reported that Mr. Yee “died unexpectedly” from “complications from a respiratory issue” on January 4.

Three Massachusetts cops die suddenly in a four-day stretch

The Massachusetts State Police announced all of the deaths via Facebook on January 4.

Mr. John Santos (pictured) was a corrections office at the Plymouth County Jail. The 25-year-old died on December 28 at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston from a ruptured brain aneurysm.

Mr. Sean Besarick (pictured above) was a 48-year-old officer with the Brockton Police Department. He “passed away suddenly” on December 29.

Mr. Christopher Davis was a 42-year-old officer with the Stoughton Police Department. He “passed away unexpectedly” on New Year’s Eve, December 31.

Former Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker mandated the injections for all state-level workers, including state police, on August 19. Municipal and county police departments had their own individual mandates.

Stephen Ordaz: 27-year-old South Carolina bartender dies without explanation

Mr. Stephen Eric Ordaz resided in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. He was a bartender at Tavern on Surfside in Myrtle Beach. Mr. Ordaz “passed away unexpectedly” at his home on January 3.

Francisco Gonzalez: 28-year-old California water polo coach dies suddenly

Mr. Francisco “Paco” Gonzalez was the head water polo coach at Tustin High School, about 15 miles southeast of Anaheim. He died suddenly “without any warnings or signs” on January 2, according to a GoFundMe page. California has had a vaccine mandate in place for all teachers and school staff since August 2021.

Annie Auffenberg: 24-year-old Missouri veterinary student dies unexpectedly

Ms. Annie Grace Auffenberg was a horse trainer and caretaker at Equine Assisted Therapy in St. Louis. She was also a dog groomer for a company called No Leash Needed. Ms. Auffenberg loved animals, and had just started her education as a veterinarian.

Few details are available. But Ms. Auffenberg “unexpectedly passed away” in St. Louis on January 4.

Victoria Lee: 18-year-old Hawaii mixed martial arts fighter dies without explanation

Ms. Victoria Sun-Hui Lee resided in Mililani, Hawaii. She was a gifted mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter for the ONE Championship combat sports promotion in Singapore. Her brother, Christian Lee, is the men’s ONE welterweight champion; and her sister Angela Lee is the women’s ONE atomweight champion. Victoria’s fourth professional fight was scheduled for January 14.

Angela announced via Instagram on Saturday that Victoria passed away on December 26.

ONE Championship has had a vaccine mandate in place for all fighters since September 2021.

Briana Kromer: 21-year-old U.S. Army soldier dies suddenly on Christmas Day

Private First Class Briana Kromer was stationed at Fort Sill Oklahoma. She was originally from Pennsylvania. PFC Kromer died without explanation on Christmas Day while home for the holidays.

Jacob Sanchez: 35-year-old Texas teacher and coach collapses and dies in classroom

Mr. Jacob Sanchez was a teacher and coach at Devine Middle School, just southwest of San Antonio. He married his high school sweetheart; and 2023 was their 18th year of marriage.

Mr. Sanchez collapsed and died in front of his sixth grade class on January 5.

The cause of death was a heart attack.

Modeste M’Bam: 40-year-old Cameroon soccer star dies from sudden heart attack

Mr. Modeste M’Bam was born in Yaoundé, Cameroon. He played professional soccer for 16 years, mostly in France and Spain. Details are scant. But Mr. M’Bam died in Le Havre, France on January 7. The cause of death was a heart attack.

Max Sorenson: 17-year-old Wyoming basketball player dies unexpectedly

Max Sorenson was a basketball player at Thunder Basin High School in Gillette, Wyoming. He and his family moved there from Texas two years earlier.

Max “died unexpectedly” at home on December 26. Mr. Rory Williams, Max’s coach, told Cowboy State Daily that Max died from a “freakish medical situation.” Ms. Karin Lange Sorenson, Max’s grandmother, said he died from “complications from a torn hip muscle.”

If that’s the case, it would be one of the most unusual deaths reported on this blog since Mr. Sang Ho Baek died from Tommy John (elbow) surgery on June 12, 2021.

Adam Rich: 54-year-old “Eight is Enough” child actor found dead in his home

Generation X remembers Nicholas Bradford, played by Mr. Adam Rich. He was the youngest of eight Bradford kids on the television comedy-drama Eight is Enough.

The show ran from 1977 to 1981, when Mr. Rich was 9 to 13 years old.

The show was the apex of his acting career. Mr. Rich co-starred with Lorne Greene in the television action-drama series Code Red. It ran for one season before being cancelled in 1982. Mr. Rich had several small roles in television shows throughout the 1980s, but never replicated his early success.

He reprised the role of Nicholas Bradford in the 1987 television film Eight is Enough: A Family Reunion, and in the 1989 television film An Eight is Enough Wedding. Like nearly all 80s child stars, he struggled with drug and alcohol abuse.

Mr. Rich was found dead in his Brentwood, Los Angeles home on January 7. Authorities have ruled out foul play. Mainstream media appear to be angling for a suicide or drug overdose cause of death. Mr. Rich’s publicist said he was in a “fight against mental illness.” But Mr. Rich, unfortunately, vaxxed himself to death.

Jannis Noya Makrigiannis: 39-year-old Danish musician dies after “short illness”

Mr. Jannis Noya Makrigiannis was a founding member of the Copenhagen, Denmark-based band Choir of Young Believers (COYB). He was a vocalist and played every instrument. The 2007 COYB song “Sharpen Your Knife” is one of their most successful singles.

Ghostly International, the band’s U.S.-based record label, announced that Mr. Makrigiannis passed away on December 30 “after a short period of illness.” No further details were provided.

Ashari Hughes: 16-year-old Nevada flag football player collapses and dies during a game

Ashari Hughes was a sophomore flag football player at Desert Oasis High School in Las Vegas. She was playing in a game against Valley High School on January 5 when she suddenly collapsed. Ashari died a short time later. Mainstream media are blaming a “medical episode,” despite the obvious cause of death being sudden cardiac arrest.

A GoFundMe page is collecting funds in her memory.

Barbara Woolston and Tayler Woolston: New York family loses two young members suddenly in three days

Ms. Barbara Ann Woolston resided in Lockport, New York. She was the mother of four children. Ms. Woolston, 36, died in her sleep on December 30. Mr. Chris Woolston and Mr. Bob Woolston, Barbara’s brother and father, respectively, wrote about her death via Facebook.

Tayler Marie Woolston was Chris’s 16-year-old daughter, and Bob’s granddaughter.

Tayler Woolston.

Tayler died without explanation on January 1. Bob also pointed out that his mother, and Tayler’s grandmother, just passed away on October 25 – making it three family members dead in nine weeks.

A GoFundMe page is collecting funds in Tayler’s memory.

Gangsta Boo: 43-year-old Tennessee rapper dies without explanation; mainstream media blame fentanyl

Ms. Lola Chantrelle Mitchell, known by her stage name Gangsta Boo, was a member of the Memphis, Tennessee-based rap group Triple Six Mafia (aka Three 6 Mafia). She joined the group in 1995 at age 16. Gangsta Boo was featured on six of the group’s albums between 1995 and 2001. She also had three solo albums.

Gangsta Boo tweeted about the state of the Memphis rap scene on the morning of New Year’s Eve.

She died on January 1. TMZ is leading the charge with the “fentanyl overdose” narrative. But The COVID Blog® typically sides with Occam’s Razor in these situations.

Jeremiah Green: 45-year-old Modest Mouse drummer dies days after hyper-aggressive, post-injection cancer diagnosis

Mr. Jeremiah Green was a drummer and founding member of the Washington state-founded, Oregon-based indie rock band Modest Mouse. They’ve been around since 1993, and have 1.6 million followers on Facebook. Modest Mouse is best known for its 2007 studio album We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank. It reached number-1 on the U.S. Billboard 200 and number-1 on the Billboard Canadian Album charts.

RELATED: Taylor Hawkins: Foo Fighters drummer likely died from vaccine-induced myocarditis, as mainstream media push the “drug overdose” narrative (March 28, 2022)


The Modest Mouse official Facebook page announced on December 28 that Mr. Green had been diagnosed with an unspecified type of cancer “a short while ago.”

Three days later, the band announced that Mr. Green passed away after he “simply faded out.”

Nearly all Modest Mouse live performances required proof of vaccination for entry in 2021.

Adam Nelson: 26-year-old Louisiana sheriff’s deputy dies of a “medical event”

Mr. Adam Nelson was a deputy for the Sabine Parish Sheriff’s Office in Louisiana. He’d been with the department for three years.

Details are scant. But the Sabine County Sheriff’s official Facebook page announced that Mr. Nelson died on December 29 of a “medical event” while on vacation with family in Colorado.

Heather Kleiman: 40-year-old Michigan athletic trainer dies of complications from blood clots

Ms. Heather C. Kleiman was the athletic trainer at Grand Ledge High School, just west of Lansing, Michigan, for 19 years. She was also an athletic trainer for Sparrow Sports Medicine. Ms. Kleiman was home for the holidays in Escanaba, Michigan when she suddenly fell extremely ill. She passed away unexpectedly on December 26 at St. Mary’s Hospital in Green Bay, Wisconsin. The cause of death was complications from blood clots.

Jo Mersa Marley: 31-year-old Jamaican reggae artist dies suddenly; mainstream media cannot get their lies straight re: cause of death

Mr. Joseph “Jo Mersa” Marley was a reggae singer from Jamaica, but raised in Florida. He was the son of Stephen Marley and grandson of Bob Marley. Mr. Marley had two albums (2014 and 2021) released via Spotify and iTunes.

RELATED: Three Jamaican school teachers die in three days, as Jamaican government continues lauding, encouraging the injections (September 28, 2022)


He passed away in Miami on December 27. Some media outlets are claiming he died from an asthma attack, which is a common excuse for sudden deaths since 2021.

Other media are angling for a drug overdose narrative.

Agne Jagelaviciute: 42-year-old Lithuania stylist and social media influencer dies from “pneumonia complications”

Ms. Agnė Jagelavičiūtė resided in Vilnius, Lithuania. She had nearly 300,000 followers between Facebook and Instagram. Ms. Jagelavičiūtė was the editor-in-chief for fashion magazine L’Officiel Lithuania, authored several books, and hosted television shows about fashion.

She died on December 28. A friend of hers angrily told Lithuanian National Radio and Television that Ms. Jagelavičiūtė died from pneumonia. This was apparently in response to the Occam’s Razor cause of death circulating on social media.

La’Bree Bonaby: 18-year-old Bahamas woman collapses and dies while playing basketball

Ms. La’Bree Bonaby resided in Masons Addition, a subdivision of Nassau, on the island of New Providence in the Bahamas. She was playing basketball with friends on January 5 at a local park when she suddenly collapsed. Bystanders tried reviving her. But Ms. Bonaby was pronounced dead on the court.

Kirsty Cracknell: 30-year-old British woman dies without explanation

Ms. Kirsty Cracknell resided in Kingston upon Hull, East Yorkshire. She was the mother of a 5-year-old son. Ms. Cracknell had gotten engaged to be married two days prior to December 11, when she suddenly passed away. No further details were provided.

A GoFundMe page is collecting funds in her memory.

Manuel Gabrielli: 47-year-old Italy lawyer dies without explanation

Mr. Manuel Gabrielli was an attorney who resided in Novedrate, Como, Italy. He is best known for representing Mr. Mario Frugerio, the sole survivor in the December 11, 2006 quadruple murder known as the “Massacre of Erba.”

Olindo Romano and his wife Rosa Bazzi were Frugerio’s neighbors in Erba, Como. The couple had some sort of personal animosity towards Frugerio. They broke into hisapartment, and killed via stabbing and bludgeoning, his wife, Valeria Cherubini, neighbor Raffaella Castagna, Castagna’s 2-year-old son Youssef Marzouk, and Castagna’s mother Paola Galli. Frugerio survived despite being stabbed in the throat.

He was the key witness, with the help of Mr. Gabrielli, in getting the couple sentenced to life in prison on November 26, 2008. Mr. Frugerio died from an unrelated disease at age 73 on September 16, 2014.

RELATED: Italy: body count grows as another young professor is dead after experimental AstraZeneca shot (March 29, 2021)


Few details are available. But Mr. Gabrielli was found dead by his wife in their garage on January 6. No foul play is suspected.

Addilyn Booth: 23-month-old Canadian toddler dies in her sleep

Addilyn Emelia Radomske Booth resided in Kelowna, British Columbia with her mother, father and older sister. She just enjoyed the second Christmas of her very young life. Addilyn, known as Addy to her family, and her sister, Alexia, stayed overnight with their grandmother on December 28. She did not wake up the following morning, and was pronounced dead on December 29.

RELATED: John Thiessen: 60-year-old quadruple-vaxxed Canadian homeless advocate dies eight days after fourth mRNA injection (December 8, 2022)


We just wrote about Ayla Grace, the nine-year-old from Kelowna, on December 15. She died from sudden sepsis on November 29.

A GoFundMe page is collecting funds in Addy’s memory.

Gareth Blenkins: 40-year-old British man collapses and dies in front of his family on Christmas Day

Mr. Gareth “Gaz” Blenkins resided in Armley, Leeds, West Yorkshire. He was the father of a 15-year-old son. Mr. Blenkins was enjoying Christmas Day with family when he stepped outside to smoke a cigarette.

He came back inside, and told a few jokes to everyone. Mr. Blenkins suddenly clutched his chest and collapsed to the floor. He was rushed to Leeds General Infirmary, but was pronounced dead upon arrival. The cause of death was a heart attack.

A GoFundMe page is collecting funds in his memory.

Dori Monson: 61-year-old Seattle conservative radio host dies from a heart attack

Mr. Dori Monson had been a fixture in Seattle, Washington mainstream media since the 1980s. The Dori Monson Show debuted in 1995 on KIRO-FM, and aired on weekday afternoon since that time.

He was the host of Hawk Talk on the Seahawks Radio Network, and anchored the pre-game, halftime and post-game shows for the Seahawks. Mr. Monson was also the head coach of the Shorecrest High School girl’s basketball team from 2000 to 2017.

Mr. Monson was hospitalized on December 29 after suffering a “cardiac event.” He passed away on New Year’s Eve at a Seattle hospital. Mr. Monson had received at least two Moderna mRNA injections. He suffered adverse reactions after the second shot, and spoke about it on April 13, 2021.

Liberals, like they do vaxx zealot Donald Trump, constantly and fallaciously belittled Mr. Monson for being an “anti-vaxxer.” He always defended himself against the accusations.

Bianca Spence: 25-year-old New Zealand woman dies unexpectedly while visiting family in India

Ms. Bianca Antonia Sasha Spence was born and raised in Whangārei, New Zealand. She and her husband, Mr. Arwinder Singh, and her three-year-old son, flew to India on December 24 to celebrate the holidays with his side of the family. It was the first time Ms. Spence had ever been to the country.

She suffered a heart attack on December 30, and died unexpectedly. Investigators concluded that she died of natural causes. Family described her death as “mysterious and shocking.”

Price McMahon: 36-year-old Massachusetts woman dies from “one in a million influenza”

Now is a good time to remind everyone that influenza was first identified in 1892. Humanity has had “flu seasons” every year since that time, except in 2020-21 when the flu went almost completely extinct due to TPTB rebranding it to the name “COVID-19” to facilitate their fearmongering and propaganda campaigns (“The Great Reset”).

That all said, Mrs. Price Meropol McMahon resided in Wellesley, Massachusetts. She was a wife and mother of two children. Mrs. McMahon started “feeling feverish” on December 19, according to Boston.com. She was rushed to a hospital the next day, and pronounced dead hours later. Doctors said she died from “one-in-a-million influenza.”

Ms. McMahon’s LinkedIn page says she worked at both American Express and Burberry. The previous has had a vaccine mandate in place since November 2021. The latter has some weird, perceived “altruistic” position where it believes everyone in the world should receive the injections.

Tirzah Richmond: 28-year-old New York nurse dies unexpectedly

Ms. Tirzah Richmond resided in Plattsburgh, New York – in the northeast corner of the state, just over the water border from Vermont. She was a nurse at The University of Vermont Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital (CVPH) Medical Center. Ms. Richmond had one daughter and three stepchildren.

She “died unexpectedly” at her home on Christmas Day. Both the State of New York and the federal government have had vaccine mandates in place for all healthcare workers since the fall of 2021.

Jim Collins: 45-year-old Canadian man dies suddenly

Mr. Jim Collins resided in Peachland, British Columbia with his wife and four daughters. He was the owner and operator of a home renovation company. Mr. Collins suffered an apparent sudden cardiac arrest on January 7 at home. Mrs. Jen Collins told Castanet that it took 30 minutes for emergency workers to arrive. He was pronounced dead 45 minutes later.

A GoFundMe page is collecting funds in his memory.

Evelyn Bauer: 6-year-old Ohio girl dies unexpectedly without explanation

Evelyn Bauer resided in Sandusky, Ohio, with, from all appearances, her mother, father and two siblings. Few details are available. But Caitlin Nearhood, of the Sandusky Register, reported that Evelyn passed away unexpectedly on January 8, at Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital in Cleveland.

A Facebook post from Mr. Matt Bauer, who appears to be the father, suggests that Evelyn was on life support for several days before passing.

Hayley Beadman: 24-year-old Australian woman “dies from COVID” after returning from Bali trip

Ms. Hayley Beadman resided in Aldinga, South Australia. She and her boyfriend returned home from a trip to Bali, Indonesia on November 23. They both tested positive for so-called COVID-19 upon arrival back in Australia.

Ms. Beadman experienced chest pains the following day, and was rushed to a local hospital. She went into cardiac arrest, followed by a medically-induced coma. Ms. Beadman woke up from the coma on December 15.

She suffered a second cardiac arrest on December 27 that took her life. Mainstream media are blaming “myocarditis-induced cardiac arrest” caused by so-called COVID. This story sounded eerily similar to another one we covered, which prompted double-checking to assure we haven’t already covered this.

Ms. Olivia Cowley was from Currumbin, Queensland. She was also 24 and died in Bali on August 19. None of the mainstream media stories about Ms. Beadman mentioned the fact that Bali requires proof of vaccination from travelers.

Theo Gibbs: 18-year-old college baseball player dies in his sleep

Mr. Theo Gibbs was originally from Regina, Saskatchewan. He was a baseball player at Lassen Community College in Susanville, California. Mr. Gibbs arrived on campus last summer. But a shoulder injury cut his season short.

He was at home for the holiday when Mr. Gibbs died in his sleep on December 30. A GoFundMe page is collecting funds in his memory.

Liam Coward: 27-year-old Canadian LGBTV advocate, big pharma pin cushion, dies suddenly on New Year’s Eve

This story initially went to our spam folders because it sounded too fake. But when two other people sent it, we investigated further. And it’s true.

Mr. Liam Coward resided in St. Catharines, Ontario. He was an LGBTV (for vaccine) advocate. Some of the news articles about him used the acronym “2SLGBTQIA+.” Mr. Coward called the non-vaccinated “garbage” and advocated for lockdowns for the non-vaccinated.

He died suddenly on December 31. Mr. Coward received at least three mRNA injections and two monkeypox vaccines.

Hunter Brown: 21-year-old U.S. Air Force Academy football player collapses and dies while walking to class

Cadet 3rd Class Hunter Brown was a sophomore management major at the U.S. Air Force Academy near Colorado Springs. He was also an offensive lineman on the academy’s football team. He was originally from Lake Charles, Louisiana.

C3C Brown collapsed and died while walking to class on January 9. The U.S. military vaccine mandate just ended late last month.

Terrence Dortch: 43-year-old Georgia funeral director dies in apparent car #vaxxident

Mr. Terrence Dortch was the owner and operator of Dortch-Williamson Funeral and Cremation Services in Riverdale, Georgia – about 13 miles south of downtown Atlanta. He was a husband and father of two kids.

Mr. Dortch was driving home from a charity event on December 14 when he suddenly lost control of his car. He crashed into a parked tractor trailer on the side of the highway. Mr. Dortch was pronounced dead at the scene.

RELATED: U.S. motor vehicle traffic fatalities in 2021 break record for largest annual percentage increase in recorded history (May 25, 2022)


It was 46 degrees Fahrenheit that day in the Atlanta-area with light rain; and it hasn’t snowed significantly in Atlanta since January 2018. Weather was not a factor.

Blaze Jacobs: 17-year-old Ohio student collapses and dies in class

Blaze Jacobs was a student at junior at Western Brown High School in Mount Orab, Ohio. He collapsed and died in class on January 9. The cause of death was “cardiac arrest activity.”

Damar Hamlin update

The official story now is that Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin was transferred from the University of Cincinnati Medical Center to Buffalo General Medical Center/Gates Vascular Institute on Monday.

He posted a tweet on Sunday from his hospital bed, and live tweeted during the Bills game.

RELATED: Damar Hamlin: 24-year-old NFL Buffalo Bills safety in critical condition after collapsing on the field, while former NFL player Uche Nwaneri dies suddenly (January 3, 2023)


We have to be very careful about how we report this, to protect identities. But for background, we published an article on April 14, 2021 about Mr. John Francis Foley. He was a 21-year-old University of Cincinnati (UC) pre-med student. Mr. Foley died 24 hours after receiving the Johnson & Johnson viral vector DNA injection.

Numerous UC students contacted us at the time because they were worried that the university would mandate the injections for the Fall 2021 – which it did.

That being said, we were told by two University of Cincinnati Medical Center employees that the area where Mr. Hamlin was being treated was cordoned off in a military-like fashion. An entire wing of the hospital was inaccessible. Here’s an exact quote (with redactions) from our source:

“[REDACTED] overheard [REDACTED] say that [Hamlin] passed away. [They] weren’t supposed to be in that area of the hospital at all. But it as part of [REDACTED] regular duties. A police officer in a suit threatened to arrest [REDACTED] for trespassing even though he works here. [REDACTED] hasn’t been back to work since that day.”

Make of that what you will. Plus the NFL, in a completely unprecedented and shocking move by the stingy, greedy league, retroactively fully guaranteed Mr. Hamlin $3.6 million contract. There’s also now nearly $9 million on Mr. Hamlin’s GoFundMe that had only $3,000 on it in the two years prior to that Monday Night game incident. Thus the Hamlin family is now worth $12 million. Damar made just $1.6 million in his first two NFL seasons. That’s quite the king’s ransom – enough for cooperation. We’ll leave it there.

When The COVID Blog® first started, we wrote individual stories about victims. As 2021 transitioned to 2022, that was no longer adequate to capture what was really going on in the world. We started including five deaths per article, then 10, then 20 by last fall. Now we’re doing story with 50-plus deaths. Scary to think about what things will look like this time next year.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog™ book here.


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Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
1 year ago

Brian, you’re going to need a large staff to cover all the 2023 “died suddenly”, “died after a short illness”, “died after a brief illness”.

So I was walking our dog a few days ago and struck up a conversation with someone I normally don’t speak with and she was commenting on all these recent sudden deaths on tv. I don’t know if she is vaxxed or not, but it was interesting listening to her as she was trying to figure out the cause. She was like “I don’t think these people are dying from Covid, it must be from something else like their diet, maybe they aren’t eating healthy “.

I mentioned: “I don’t think it’s their diet, it’s probably something else”.

She responded: “but what else could it be other than a person’s genes or diet”?

I was thinking to myself during the entire conversation, are you freaking kidding me?!?!?!

She kept asking: “huh, I wonder what it is”?

She’s in her mid 40s and works at a very well known high tech company.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

So, why didn’t you tell her???? Because you know that she knows already and she knows that you know. No one wants to admit it.

Don’t engage in fairytale conversations with this fool. You’re playing into their nuthouse. For your own sake, and sanity walk away from them! Why waste the time? For God’s sake, Frank!

1 year ago
Reply to  Cat

If he said it was the vax she would have immediately shut down the conversation. They cannot even fathom it could be the vax. I think what he did was correct.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
1 year ago
Reply to  Citizen

If enough people say it to them, just maybe…

1 year ago
Reply to  Citizen

The goal is not to change people’s mind nor to convince them of anything.

Rather, the goal is to let the truth out on the loose, like an angry feral cat who refuses to be put in a cage, then walk away and let the chips fall where they may.

1 year ago
Reply to  Cat

“It is easier to fool the people, than to convince them that they have been fooled”.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

What was keeping you from dumping an ice cold bucket of facts and truths on her, instead of dancing around the bush like so many hypocrites do ?.

How are you going to contribute to changing the course of the boat ?.

Everybody is just trying to find a rock to hide under while fantasizing about being the hero that they see in movies.

So fooking frustrating.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
1 year ago

Because you can not cure peoples stupidity or convert them to your way of thinking. For instance some people still refuse to believe the War On Terror was a manufactured crisis. They refuse to believe 9/11 was an inside job and Muslims were just used to forward a New Word Order Agenda. Most people in the West were made to hate Muslims and blame them for the War On Terror. Western man had to kept bickering with Muslims so as to distract them from the real agenda. Divide and conquer.

Pure Blood
1 year ago

When people talk shit to me about sudden deaths and they claim not to know its the jab I just tell them they sound vaxxed

Thorton Thornberry iii
Thorton Thornberry iii
1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

Well now is not the time to be silent. Why not engage her in conversation about the jab? At bare minimum you should have directed her to TheCovidBlog to validate some of her observations. We need to be telling everyone that’ll listen.

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
1 year ago

In retrospect maybe I should have said something. I neglected to mention my wife knows her from the gym and I guess I didn’t want to possibly trigger this person and then my wife is pissed off at me. Not that I mind pissing her because I routinely do it anyway. If I see her again and we discuss this subject I’ll bring up the death vax. I live in an area that’s most likely 90%+ vaxxed and fanatical about it so not sure it’s worth trying to educate someone who is already a programmed sheep. In some ways I felt sorry for her being so clueless.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

A vaxxed funeral director who died was mentioned in the article.

A funeral home director here in the town where I live, died in late December.

I saw him at the funeral of a friend I knew since 5th grade, who died near the end of November.

The director was at that funeral, and he looked very sick, with a grayish skin pallor. I was shocked seeing him in that condition. I’ve known him for a very long time too. His wife died in April 2022. That’s enough stress, a wife dying, to kill a man, but I think it’s highly likely either he and his wife were vaxxed, or they were exposed to shed vax material in their embalming and body handling work.

The friend known since 5th grade had been sick for several months, with his heart capacity being very low, diabetes, and vision problems. He told me he had not taken any vaccines, but I wonder.

This is 3 to 4 people likely dead from Covid vaccines in the last year. I’m not going to sit and think about all the other people who’ve died or had health problems, it’s too much mental work at the moment.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

I am pretty sure you meant “pissing her OFF”, but I LOLed heartily from the way you stated it in that sentence. 😀

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

My neighbors 20 yr old grandson died in 2021 unexpectedly, she was baffled and I immediately asked if he got the jab…she gave me a very immediate loud’ish NO then simmered down and said yes. Said he was a good kid and wasn’t into drugs and an autopsy was going to happen. Never heard a word until a couple months ago 2022 when she unexpectedly lost a 2nd 20 year old grandson. I went to give my condolences and she and his mother almost excitedly explained they both died from fentynal 🤔.

Anyway, definitely say something as we are living in a time we need to be extra brave especially for the children.

1 year ago
Reply to  Den

Wow. I’d rather it be the clot shot than fentanyl. That’s disturbing that they would prefer the kids overdosed on narcotics. Of course, both are horrible and part of TPTB plan.

1 year ago
Reply to  Den

I noticed that some of these families would rather have drug overdose or suicide listed as a cause of death – anything but a mention of the vaxx. Like it’s a better way to die. How about the truth and justice for the person who passed? 🤔

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

I wonder if they are paid to say that.

1 year ago
Reply to  Den

When they are more concerned about protecting the pharma companies and the delusional world they live in rather than their own blood, I think they are beyond saving. Simply put, their own foolishness will end up killing themselves and their family lines off and there is nothing anyone could do about it. It is only their CULT LEADER, the msm, that can convince them otherwise if they come out with the truth.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

Its very difficult reasoning with a Leftist about the jab. They simply do not want to hear any dissenting fact that goes against their brainwashed beliefs. One of my longest and best friends, a Democrat came out to Los Angeles last week and I met him and his family for dinner. He and I disagree politically and we also disagree on Biden (for the record, I do not support Trump or Republicans either, but I despise corrupt Biden). Anyway I’ve tried to get him to watch RFK Jrs movie about Fauci, and have talked to him about the jab but he does not want to discuss it. I think that he is jabbed, and I hope that he has not jabbed up his kids who are 4 and 5, but I suspect that he may have.

While we were eating at a sports bar, Damar Hamlin went down during the game. I turned to him and said “thats been happening a lot with athletes lately. Its looking like its the jab causing it”. Again, he did not want to discuss it.

I’ve thought that Hamlin died as well and a massive coverup is in place with a hired actor. Lets see how that unfolds going forward. I also live about a mile from where Adam Rich died. Its lonely being a PureBlood in LA, but thats the way, I like it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

I actually agree with your approach. It’s not a cognitive but an emotional battle. Challenging their reality can lead to acute decompensation, they can dig in deeper, get hostile and cut off all contact and hope of help. It’s an unconscious defense mechanism. Best to listen & acknowledge their feelings while gently keeping the door open. If they do ask questions or show some ambivalence or skeptism you can briefly introduce the issue then leave it at that for now..

Cultish or abuse psychology is very complex, that’s why some often need professional deprogramming. Very smart people ironically tend to be the most thoroughly indoctrinated.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kimmy

WHY are we burdened by this? We have to know biology, PTSD counselor, anxiety counselor, therapists, experts at sympathy.

Frank is not a doctor, OKAY? Teenagers get mixed up in cults. This woman is in her 40’s and an adult. We are all adults.
Smart people are college smart, which is just learning obedience, indoctrination. It’s not actually intellectualism.

We post here to the choir, but when we have the opportunity to speak up, we must. We should be talking to one another, not posting. And if this is so safe and effective, why can’t we talk about it? Not until they become vaccine injured and are ignored, even by their own doctors.

1 year ago
Reply to  Cat

I agree yes, we must speak IRL, but that only helps when they’re ready to listen and reason. I don’t in any way suggest we owe them or we need any special expertise . . . But if it’s folks we care about, then we must face the reality that simply throwing facts at them is beyond futile.

Myself I’ve openly but concisely spoken about it when someone asked, but even then it didn’t change their views or behavior. They know where to find an alternative view should they ever reconsider, and that’s enough for me.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

When you engage these people, use their buzzwords back at them. I get these conversations all the time now. They know I am unvaxxed. I tried all during the big push and mandates to try to get them to not take it. Yeah. I was either called names or told I was uncaring etc. At best I was misguided or dumb. Made to feel left out. So now it’s dawning on them that maybe they are the ones truly screwed. So when they have these chats I say I am “baffled” and yes it’s happening so “suddenly or unexpectedly ” a lot lately. When they give me their lame reasons I point out that never happened this often in the past. I am not comforting them. I am not bringing up the vaxx to have a #ABV argument. Let them have their circle jerk arguments in their own minds. Until they come to me and say it’s the vaxx and what can I do, I am not having these conversations with covidiots.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

I wonder if this person has an idea of what she believes it is, but doesn’t want to say it out loud. She is waiting for someone else to call out the elephant in the room. I’m convinced that rational thought has become a super power over the past few years and it only seems to be getting worse.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

I can’t say I blame you for just going with the flow. I for one am tired of trying to inform others; it’s been a long 3 years. I’ve learned by now, thru many conversations, debates, etc… it won’t matter what you say. They have to be curious enough on their own to go search it up. It is and has been out for a long time. I begged everyone in my family not to take. To date 2 daughters in laws and my own daughter took it, even after promising she wouldn’t. 😕. I pray every day.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

Don’t stick your neck out Frank for someone already injected. As Mother would say, “they’ve made their bed, now let them sleep in it”. Their fate is not in the hands of any living human being anyway. It’s not up to us. Frankly I don’t think anyone here should volunteer any information about their health choices. We have HIPAA rights. What vaccines we have taken or not taken, what medication we are on or have been on, what diseases we have or have had is not the business of anyone else unless they have a legal right to know! Now if someone asks you whether they should take one of those shots, you could tell them “I can’t tell you what I have done but I can tell from my reading there have been a large number of people with side effects and even a number of deaths. You might want to check this site that I go to to get some alternative information. Frankly this situation scares me.” You are not on a crusade against potentially dangerous people. Don’t let anyone here egg you on. I think “Annie” (?) here mentioned those zealots are dangerous and a Catholic priest in Rome has already said (assuming deaths mount like the the “Black Death” in Europe long ago) that “people will lose their minds” and predicted attacks against journalists, politicians, and physicians – and also against the refuseniks. He said people may have to arm themselves, flee from the cities, and look for safe houses. Yes, that is a worst case scenario but it could happen.

Elephant bit my Mother
Elephant bit my Mother
1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

Fishing Expedition: “I wonder what it is”?

I always answer with: “Me too. I dunno. Maybe an Elephant bit them”.

John McClane
John McClane
1 year ago

I really hate seeing young children among the dead listed on here, they are innocent.

As for LGBTQ, if every single one of them and their supporters kicked the bucket right now, I would raise my glass and say, good riddance perverts. Yeah I know, I’m a big meanie when it comes to them, but they poison everything they touch.

I can only hope my family members, mainly my parents are still here 1 or 2yrs from now, but they still haven’t woken up to this lunacy after all this time, it’s like a strong delusion.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
1 year ago

Definitely just the tip of the iceberg. A huge amount of Brits died suddenly over the festive and New Year period. Most were found dead after returning from a party or good night out. The hospitals in the UK are now overwhelmed. Patients are dying in their cars as they await treatment, in the ambulances, and on the floor of the A&E departments. The immune system of the British people has been ruined. Most are dying from the ‘flu’ now. The truth is because they have no immune system any minor lung infection escalates into a life and death situation. The official English Government data indicates there are 2,000 excess deaths per week. However, I think the true death toll is being hidden. All my friends are now ill. All I see around me everyday is one funeral after another. A distant relative of mine died suddenly too. He too was fully vaccinated. I think 2023 is going to pure carnage. I have now lost count of the people I know who have cancer. This is a terrible human tragedy.

1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

It’s the same here in NSW, Australia Omri. Today, my wife and I attended a funeral of an old friend in a small neighboring town (6000 people). My friend was in long term remission from cancer – cancer that had been cured 6 years ago by Laetrile and NOT Chemotherapy. He was convinced by his quack to get the injections about 4 months ago. Within a few weeks he was diagnosed with a virulent form of cancer and died of it on 2 January.
Here’s the rub. His family could not get a funeral arranged for 2 weeks which is unheard of in the past. (usually 4-5 days). At the cemetary, we noticed many new graves with fresh flowers and about 5 freshly dug graves for new burials. My wife recently lost her brother after the 3rd booster. All her family members are vaxxed and are always sick.
Here in our city, ambulance sirens are heard day and night.
In the week I’ve been looking at real estate sites for rural properties. I noticed many properties were empty – something I’ve never noticed before. Are these deceased estates?
The lying press and the government are deliberately concealing the truth.
I think winter in this country is also going to be a carnage due to the high levels of vaccinations and boosters.
I agree it is a tragedy – one brought on by deliberate intent to murder.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
1 year ago
Reply to  DavidB

David, it very interesting you should mention more properties or real estates are coming onto the market. I have noticed in my area a lot of houses are now empty and for sale. I counted five properties for sale on one road which is very unusual. Also, a dear friend of mine wanted to move last year because of a malicious neighbour. He could not afford to rent privately and applied for a housing association house. He thought he would be on the list for ever waiting and waiting. But no a lovely house was given to him in the exact area he wanted to move to within a month. He was informed by the neighbours that the man who lived there died quite suddenly. Whenever I visit me, he is always telling me a few more houses on his estate are now suddenly empty. A few of his neighbours have become gravely ill and gone into ‘care’.

1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

Same here – retirement homes with “care” centres once had a waiting list, now they are openly advertising for “victims”. A former work acquaintance of my wife decided to put her 95 year old mother into one of these “care” centres. She then had to be double vaxxed as a condition and a month later was dead. Even at that age she had no health issues. The quack who injected her bragged about her being the oldest victim he’d vaxxed. If there ever are Nuremberg trials in this country, this bastard must be at the top of the list.
We started vaxxing here about 6-12 months after the UK, so what’s happening there is what will happen here in later 2023.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
1 year ago
Reply to  DavidB

Here in the UK the British Government went to great lengths to get these killer jabs into as many people as possible. Another friend of mine who lived in a privately managed luxury apartment block was also forced to take the jab. The housing company that managed owned and maintained these luxury flats were given £500 per tenant who took the jab. This was a private housing company and had nothing to do with the Government. Tenants who refused to take the jab were evicted. Also, he found out this housing company was given thousands of pounds up front to bring in these vaccine mandates. The irony is my friend is now very ill and had to move in with his sister in the end. History has shown it is the order followers that always do the most damage. People who through greed and lack of humanity will be complicit in horrendous crimes against humanity.

1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

It also shows how far government and compliant, greedy businesses will go to force something on people. Both will probably be doing it again with digital currencies and digital IDs, here soon.

1 year ago
Reply to  DavidB

Australia is already at 16-17% excess deaths, so will probably be a bigger catastrophe than England.
By the way, this story just came out: https://www.finder.com.au/property-prices-plunge-jan-2023
– I wonder why house prices are falling? Lack of demand?

1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

and kids in the Uk are dying of strep throat. Something like 99% of kids recover from. I was immune compromised as a young child and got strep throat constantly (I still do when I am stressed or overworked) and never died…..

1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

There is literally no point in warning against this shot anymore in terms of salvation of the flesh. We must concentrate on the soul salvation now and give the message because once we die our personal probation is closed.
2 Corinthians 6:2 …behold, now is the accepted time: behold, now is the day of salvation
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
John 3:15-17

1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

What I find so frustrating are the promises of autopsy results that we never receive…for all the dead bodies scattered about.

The latest silence is about two dead bodies found on a pleasure craft floating by the interstate bridge. There was a collage student who went missing two weeks before Christmas. Lots of news stories mentioning the fact he was 23. Just after Christmas his body was found beside his vehicle at a hiking trailhead. In that article it was just a “man” found…no mention of age or student status. Still no word on cause of death. The story just vanished from the news…like all the roadside bodies we are told are “probably” hit-and-run. Before this nightmare, finding a single dead body was big news.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

Kris, the heart breaking stories in the UK press are the now countless children left orphaned. A couple died within weeks of each of cancer leaving behind four children. Also, a mother died next to her baby. It was days before someone found her body or raised the alarm. I have noticed road accidents are going up now. The UK once had the safest roads in the world. Lately there are a lot of ‘multiple vehicle’ crashes. A few bus drivers from my local bus company have passed out at the wheel. All dead. One took a house with him.

1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

We are walking through Holocaust 2.0. It feels surreal.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
1 year ago
Reply to  AngelA

This is going to be the worse Holocaust in history. World War 11 and Hitler slaughtered 50 million people. Stalin purged 20 million people. This Holocaust wants to eliminate billions of people of the face of the earth. The worse is yet to come.

1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

We lost a beautiful (inside and out) teacher for disabled kids. Died suddenly with heart attack or clots. Sixty years old. I know the school system she taught in and the teachers had to be vaxxed. What a shame!

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
1 year ago
Reply to  DHooper

I have lost so many good and decent people to this damn vaccine too. At least five beautiful souls I know died suddenly. The world is a worse place now they have gone forever.

1 year ago

I have personally lost 2 acquaintances this past year from heart attacks, have 3 friends who lost parents suddenly who were healthy, and a friend’s son lost a buddy of his who died in his sleep while at college. It’s beyond bizarre. Every single day I pray for my husband and daughter who were coerced into the vaxx for their jobs. Neither of them wanted to get it.

1 year ago

The Two Year prediction is coming true….2 years from your first vax, plus or minus 3 months seems to be the sweet spot for vax death.

2023 is already hell, it will just get worse.

Greenngold Cheesehead
Greenngold Cheesehead
1 year ago

I think the estimate of unvaxed, vaxed deniers and vaxed repentant is about right. I am hearing from more people regretting getting the jab. I had mentioned an employee a couple of months ago who was vaxed and had a heart attack. He and his wife overheard the nurses corner the er doc on why they were seeing this everyday. They questioned the cardiologist who got defensive and said he wouldn’t say it was the vax. We were out of town last week and he felt miserable and was out of breath just walking to his car. I was trying to get him to let me take him to the hospital but he insisted he wait for his doctor to call back first. He said that maybe it was just anxiety from what happened right before Xmas. I asked what that was. He tells me he went in for a flu shot and the nurse accidentally gave him a covid booster instead! He was furious as he knows his heart attack was caused by vax 1 and 2 and he probably has heart damage as a result. Once he got back home he went directly to the hospital as he was now feeling much worse. Turns out he had pneumonia – 1.5 weeks after the booster being incorrectly given to him. These shots are absolute poison.

1 year ago

“He tells me he went in for a flu shot and the nurse accidentally gave him a covid booster instead!”

He should sue, or at least name that nurse so others can avoid her and the institution she works for. Maybe it wasn’t “accidentally”, but also you should tell him that flu shots aren’t healthy and people who get them regularly are at increased risk for dementia.

1 year ago
Reply to  jojo

No hope for that dude if he went to take the flu shot! Really! He just thought he got bad luck with the covid ones. A new pandemic, he will rush to take the other vax. Is just karma.
At this point anyone who fells into any kind of vax trap deserves the darwin award for stupidity
Trick me once, is your fault, trick me several times…

Carolyn Holm
Carolyn Holm
1 year ago
Reply to  Maria

And you end up just as evil as those on the other side.

Greenngold Cheesehead
Greenngold Cheesehead
1 year ago
Reply to  Maria

I told him that flu shots aren’t good for him either. They prescribed him doxycycline for the pneumonia. After 5 days he now has an enlarged spleen. Doctors want to give him a different script and he said he wants to see if his body can fight it off now. He is now avoiding all shots and drugs as best he can.

1 year ago

The flu shots are using the mRNA technology and I’ve read that this technology will be used for other so-called “vaccines.” All vaccines are toxic and cause many issues, but now using mRNA technology they will kill and injure much quicker

1 year ago

If that guy is still making a difference between flu shot and convid shot, then he hasn’t learned anything. He needs to head toward the exit door, without explanation.

1 year ago

i knew that hamlin died. as one commentator stated, he was under continuous cpr treatment for 9 minutes until the ambulances arrived. that time is well beyond brain death.

1 year ago
Reply to  tony

Come on. I know people will hate this comment, and if they do, that’s ok, but please don’t add more ammo to the vax zealots’ arsenal. I don’t want to sound snotty, but exactly what is it you think CPR actually does? CPR keeps the blood flowing. There was no “brain death” on the field, given he got medical attention within seconds.

Of course, the blood is not as oxygenated when doing mouth-to-mouth as it is if the patient is getting “bagged,” nor are chest compressions as good as your own heart beat for blood flow (roughly 25% of the stroke volume, according to one study I read), but it gets the job done while waiting for the heart to start back up again.

I have no idea how Hamlin is doing right now. He might be dead for all I know. But it’s simply not true, what you said. I have done CPR myself on patients in in-patient settings for long stretches of time, almost every time being longer than 9 or 10 minutes, and it is not uncommon for children to get CPR for 45 minutes to an hour, even longer before reestablishing a heart beat, if that child can be saved. I’ve seen patients regain consciousness after extended bouts of CPR. I’m talking 30 minutes or more. Obviously, the longer it takes, the greater the chances of death, but it’s not usually because of brain death, unless CPR was delayed and the patient was already pretty much dead before CPR was begun.

If what you said is true, then it would be useless to do CPR for more than 4 or 5 minutes. Fortunately, the window of time is longer than that. I am surprised that nobody has offered a counter-argument to what you said.

I know a lot of people feel the way you do, but please don’t give those jerks any occasion to mock us.

1 year ago

Just had my car in to be inspected. The mechanic told my husband about an auto repair place in the next town over where he knew some of the guys. The shop owner required his employees to be jabbed. 11 employees total. 10 are now dead. Half from heart issues, half from sudden cancer. I wondered if they all got jabbed together…same lot number? This is a nightmare.

1 year ago
Reply to  JSH

Well if 10 out of 11 employees of that auto repair shop died, is it even still existing? The shop owner murdered his staff. You would think word would get around and no one would want to work for him. Actually ‘murderer’ should be paired with the owner’s name and people should avoid his shop, or even put graffiti all over it blaming him for the deaths. It is not like there will be much staff there to witness it. The sole worker is probably too busy to do anything else.

1 year ago

At this juncture it is wise to question everything and trust nothing. Covid could have been treated without vaccinations with cheap, safe and effective means. Do the research yourself.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fred

“Covid could have been treated without vaccinations with cheap, safe and effective means.”

So true. A pair of scissors made in China, then cut the cord of the TV post : BAM, covid gone…along with its scariants, global warming, climate change, celebrities gossip…etc.

1 year ago

The way I get rid of covid is I turn off my TV.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fred

I’ve been doing that since February 2020.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fred

Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin works. Hell, even vitamine D works… But no, much better to spread fear because the vaccine means $$$$. People are lab rats and they embrace it… Creepy.

who's next ?
who's next ?
1 year ago

Mr. Coward calls me garbage and wants me placed under house arrest.
Well, I’m not going to argue with a dead man. Adios amigo !

1 year ago
Reply to  who's next ?

I thought his name was very apropos. – Coward. Probably hid behind his computer acting tough.

1 year ago

Oh my, the purge didn’t stop.

1 year ago

Keep up the good work!

1 year ago

Your Hamlin update is interesting. I have a source that reported that Tiffany Dover has been transferred to Buffalo and will be in charge of his care and rehab. Make of that what you will.

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

It would be great if TPTB would show us a proof that Tiffany is still alive…

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

😭😭😭 You just coined a new Urban Dictionary phrase for all the coming #ABV mass cover-ups. … “Haven’t seen Biker Bob lately? Oh didn’t you hear, he got transferred to Buffalo”.

1 year ago

Thanks for the update on Mr Hamlin. I knew the official narrative couldn’t be accurate because many people in the exact same scenario died, but Hamlin didn’t? What? I was wondering if they would pull a Tiffany Dover narrative because a lot of people saw Hamlin go down just like Dover and TPTB couldn’t have the ignorant masses be told the truth that Hamlin didn’t make it. Now his family is very rich. I suppose many could be bought off because they love money more than truth or their own family members. What profit is it if you gain the whole world and lose your soul? Maybe one day both the Dover family and Hamlin’s will do the right thing and tell the truth about what happened.

1 year ago
Reply to  Zoe

Ha, I beat you by two minutes in making this connection.
To me, it is quite a tell that all the public has is this one picture of Hamlin, when there have been reports of him talking and even “jumping” excitedly, enough so he set off alert alarms, while watching the Bills game this past weekend.
If he is facetiming with the team, why not have a short interview where he could deliver a message for the fans?
Maybe Brandy Z will be able to clear this all up for us.

Carolyn Holm
Carolyn Holm
1 year ago

Ashley Lessard-Neron had a “wife” so another homosexual deviant relationship. Her brother is in the same type of deviant relationship. Really wonder just what their home life was like growing up.

1 year ago
Reply to  Carolyn Holm

I can only imagine, or actually probably don’t want to.

1 year ago

When the people begin to destroy the control matrix, by destroying the equipment the “governments” erect, ie., 5G towers and cameras, then only can we begin to take out towns and cities back.

1 year ago
Reply to  driveby

Don’t hold your breath. The masses line up to get hired and vaxxed whenever they hear the “government” is hiring. Even when they are fully aware that their “job” is contributing to keeping the beast alive.

Matthew Grant
Matthew Grant
1 year ago

Liam Coward: 3 COVID jabs and 2 Monkey Pox shots. Holy smokes!! He drank the Kool-Aid by the gallon. They might as well say that he committed suicide!

1 year ago

Bob Woolston got 3 person in his family dead and does not even ask the obvious ? Wow… What the hell does these people have to gain to not blame the vaxxine ? Do they fear being ridiculed ? Blame the goddamn vaxxine, we need to stop this genocide… even though it’s most likely too late and people will continue dying left and right because of that shit…. I find it astonishing that nobody even blame the vaxx and worse, gets angry when someone slightly TRY to blame the vaxx…

1 year ago
Reply to  Ben

I don’t get it either. And a lack of anger for these deaths. Yet a social media post with a gofundme request. I believe Gofundme gets a % of the funds raised. Business must be booming for them. 😒

1 year ago
Reply to  Ben

You could post a comment without that terrible cussword. Loser. Too bad I can give you only ONE down vote.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ron

Ok. I’m sorry I offended you with that word. It’s just that we’re censored almost everywhere, can we say how we really feel here at least ? It’s a little huge to be called “loser” just because of that but if you think so…. Have a great day buddy !

1 year ago
Reply to  Ron

One pureblood using a cussword online is hardly a matter of great concern at the moment. I mean there are things in the future to worry about like famine, burying dead vaxxed loved ones, etc…

And how are you any better by calling that same said person a “loser”. You’re the loser who is wasting time online instead of doing something more productive.

Sean OConnor
Sean OConnor
1 year ago

Well I’m in my mid 40s and know three jabbed friends/peers that are no longer with us. I’m from the Bay Area, CA. One died of rapid cancer complications. Another had a cardiac event while swimming. The last one had a hemorrhagic stroke.

To my knowledge none of them have a VAERS report. The most scariest thing is the reproductive harm. If you research VAERS data for Guam on the website, you will find that reported miscarriages exceed deaths! The ratio is 11 to 1! 44 miscarriages to 4 deaths.

I’m getting reports out of my area by mother’s concerned about the lack of newborns at the playground.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sean OConnor

The beginning of the first half of the Tribulation cannot be far behind.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sean OConnor

“Well I’m in my mid 40s and know three jabbed friends/peers that are no longer with us.”

I think my wife & I have counted 10 so far, both in our small town, people we knew, and her side of the family. I just happened to look up an old friend from high school, only to find out that he has a remission cancer that’s come back with a vengeance.

Our neighbor two doors down from us just died suddenly in his 40’s last December.

A family member on my wife’s side just had a reemergence of his cancer, now a wildfire case – doesn’t have much longer. Another of her family members was just diagnosed with a tumor on his pancreas in his 50’s, has to wait 3 weeks to get a biopsy.

I’m seriously considering heavy drinking again – since we appear to be in The Tribulation, might as well stay permanently buzzed while watching the world commit suicide.

1 year ago

In my neighborhood I’ve seen many more ambulance calls than normal. The fire station is only two miles away and I hear many more sirens than usual. For some reason a ladder truck has always been dispatched with an ambulance. In the last few months, only the ambulance is arriving in my neighborhood. The also turn off the siren once they get to the the gate. (Which every delivery driver in the city has code to) I’m home most of the time and witness this. Most folks are at work and don’t know what is happening.
The local news and newspapers carried a running toll on the deaths caused by covid 19 for over a year. I wonder if they are going to have a running toll on the deaths by suddenly and unexpectedly? Probably not. No reason to ramp up the fear factor over intended deaths.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hal

No. Only one “Covid death” is one too many… But these sudden and unexpected deaths (almost always cardiac deaths) are not worth investigating…. medias barely talk about them and if they do, it’s “ABV” because… Of course it is !

1 year ago
Reply to  Ben

So basically what they are saying is … it is way, way too early to ever know what could have caused it, but we definitely without a single doubt know one thing and one thing only that wouldn’t.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hal

“For some reason a ladder truck has always been dispatched with an ambulance.”

The ladder truck would be dispatched just to get extra manpower there. Generally need 4 to 6 people to effectively work cardiac calls – especially if CPR is involved.

Holding On
Holding On
1 year ago
Reply to  Hal

My local fire station is very close to my home. They are busy every day, and at night. Sudden deaths, vaxxidents, people having heart attacks. There was an accident right outside my house and I still can’t fathom how it happened. The police diverted the traffic. I believe, though I have no proof, that someone died. The rapid response
ambulance was parked next to the vehicle, deliberately hiding the scene. It didn’t have its siren on when it arrived, which is why I’ve assumed the victim died.
I have continued to avoid driving during peak times, and if I have no alternative, I am hypervigilant. I think this is not good for those of us who aren’t jabbed either because it’s maintaining a constant state of high pressure and anxiety on all fronts.
There isn’t a word about any of this in the local paper. I’ve tried to bring it up in conversation to see if anyone else has had a similar experience, and the subject is immediately changed.
That said, I refuse to live in fear, but I’m mindful that the risks of doing everyday things are so much greater than they’ve ever been.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hal

I hear a lot of sirens in my neighborhood too. I see paramedic trucks frequently while I’m walking the dogs.

Christina January
Christina January
1 year ago

Brian, sincerely, thank you for your service to this present time of events. You are a valuable life at this moment in HIStory. “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. If you say, “But we knew nothing about this,” does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it? Will he not repay everyone according to what they have done?” (Proverbs 24:11-12)

1 year ago

Only 19 days (31/01/2023) until Pfizer’s study completion date on their “totally safe” vaccines is complete.

I wonder if they will report on the “rare” side effects from their “fully tested” vaccine?

Or didn’t they already do that with their cumulative analysis of post-authorization adverse reactions report (reported back in Feb 2021)?

And to Yoav Even: we weren’t happy that you had to go under the knife. We were happy because you just confirmed that we were right all along that the vaccines were lethal and not necessary. We were right while being called every name under the sun; having our God-given rights and freedoms removed; bullied and coerced (with job dismissals) to take same said jab. You didn’t give a damn about us. So what makes you think we give a damn about some disease-riddled, useless eater with no brains; and will only have a few years to live? You have nothing to offer us. Your time is almost up.

And by-the-by: you didn’t take the vaccine for your country. You actually took it for your globalists overloads. The same people who want you dead.

And if you knew of the risks, then why take it? And what about the effectiveness of it? No mention of Fauci’s statement of the vaccines not stopping transmission? Or Pzfier admitting the same thing to the EU Covid Committee? Or the many people getting the rona but yet are vaccinated? How thick can some people be.

And why is he even surprised that people receive nasty comments online? No one is free from criticism. This isn’t China (yet). Don’t like it: then either grow a thick skin or get offline.

We warned you.

And to my fellow unvaccinated heros: give yourselves a pat on the back.

1 year ago

If I was born with the surname ‘Coward,’ I would get it changed immediately after my eighteenth birthday.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gary

I thought the same! I would have changed it as soon as I could!

Hal 🏳️‍🌈💉
Hal 🏳️‍🌈💉
1 year ago

How often have we seen people like Liam Coward, fanatical, in your face type lunatics leave this world. He’s a strong one, five dose of poison to take him out. I’m sure he’ll be missed by somebody.

1 year ago

Something is not right I am from Poland and we don’t have that many excess deaths as in US, UK and we are 60% vaccinated so quite high number. So..why in UK which has 70% vaccination rate only 10% more than in Poland we see massive excess deaths ? Maybe more people have 3 doses in UK and 3 dose is crucial for dying suddenly ? In Poland very small number got 3 dose and “fully vaccinated” still means in most cases 2 doses. So many people took 2 but small numer took 3 and that’s why in Poland we don’t have excess deaths. Another theory is that vaxx is particulary bad for overweight/obese people or athletes and UK, US have anormous number of fat, sick people and many athletes.

1 year ago
Reply to  Adam

I’ve heard that in some countries many people have paid doctors and nurses to give them the vaccination certificate without actually receiving the injections.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gary
1 year ago

“Olindo Romano and his wife Rosa Bazzi were Frugerio’s neighbors in Erba, Como. The couple had some sort of personal animosity towards Frugerio. They broke into hisapartment, and killed via stabbing and bludgeoning, his wife, Valeria Cherubini, neighbor Raffaella Castagna, Castagna’s 2-year-old son Youssef Marzouk, and Castagna’s mother Paola Galli. Frugerio survived despite being stabbed in the throat.”

WAOW, the power of hate.

The perpetrators got life in prison.Free room and board. The west is so civilized and merciful.

Nobody N. Particular
Nobody N. Particular
1 year ago

Too many people have fallen into the trap of trusting both government and corporate interests. I told people from the outset that they needed to avoid any vaccine that was rushed for the sake of a virus that was 99% survivable for 98% of the population. I told them it would be better to catch it and let your immune system process it, than trust Big Pharma and what they would put out with indemnification from legal action and cutting all sorts of corners. It is no coincidence that the Greek word used in the New Testament for Sorcery is Pharmakeia, just like those who advocated for it, the Greek word for actor is the same root as HYPOCRITE. God will NOT be mocked, the number of deaths will only go up from here, in time, you will discover more will die due to the vaccine than the virus. NEVER TRUST CORRUPT GOVERNMENT WHO ARE IN BED WITH CORRUPT CORPORATIONS.

1 year ago

Many of those said to have died from the “virus” actually died from hospital/institutional protocol. Nurses who worked in the New York hospitals witnessed it and even spoke out about it. They witnessed people put on mechanical ventilation unnecessarily and right away, even though they didn’t need it and came to the hospital for something else (such as super high blood sugar due to psychiatric meds). Once on mechanical vents, they would be overdosed on dangerous drugs. The government was paying hospitals extra money to do that, extra money by claiming “coronavirus”, extra money for putting people on vents, and extra money for claiming deaths by coronavirus.
In the UK they were overdosing patients with Midazolam. The government started the policy in March 2020 before anyone was ill, and they had a 3-year supply almost depleted by October 2020 even though they weren’t doing the surgeries. In U.S. the government pushed hospitals to use Remdesivir, which damages the liver and kidneys.

1 year ago
Reply to  jojo

‘died from a protocol” or in plain language ‘murdered by hitmen and hitwomen”

1 year ago

I’m afraid the extra deaths might be the least of it. You will have read about programs like MK Ultra: Trauma-based mental fragmentation followed by occultic reintegration. A.k.a. multiple personalities, programmed multiples, etc. I sense that the vaxx (coupled with electromagnetic signals) is likely a way of scaling these horrors to truly global parameters. Turning 70%-80% of humankind into zombies. Imagine a Rwanda scenario for the entire planet. What a way to depopulate the Earth in one fell swoop.

1 year ago

Jessica Robb was getting very breathy and speaking slower similar to comedian Heather McDonald before she fell and hit her head on the stage as she was bragging about all her vaccinations.

1 year ago

What they are doing is engaging in psychological abuse towards people who cannot recognize it. They play on your goodness, your desire to help or protect others and be a selfless caring individual. They use guilt trips, character assaults and demonization of those who refuse to create a cult like atmosphere where people feel like they have to go along with the herd to avoid being made to feel bad. It’s sick and disgusting. This is what pschopaths do, they trick people and laugh about how stupid they are for not recognizing it. That’s why they do predictive programming. They throw it in your face and then laugh at how dumb you are for not getting it.

Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
1 year ago

At this point I feel it is useless to say anything. Believe me I’ve tried. Pointed out all of the sudden deaths happening this latest one with Lisa Marie Presley, and I’m still getting the stop being a conspiracy theorist this has always been happening. I say not like this and I get yes it has just never heard about it before because everyone has a camera and a phone now. I’m amazed at the stupidity and how they flat out don’t believe anything we say. I’ve decided I’m going to do like terminator 3. Just find a safe place and hole up and let the bombs fall. Its too late to save them. Its sad but I truly believe this.

1 year ago

At this point, it’s their pride speaking. They don’t want to point the vaccine because they got it so they don’t want to suffer the same fate… It’s their pride of “doing the right thing for others” speaking… Nothing else.

1 year ago

Generally, I’ve been seeing many death notices on the news. Every day there’s someone. So my guess is, they’ll try to normalize sudden deaths, and death in general. ‘Look, everyone’s dying, it’s ok, you can too!’ They won’t talk about it directly but will program the mind that death is ever present. That also goes along with an insane trend of normalizing euthanasia /Maid here in Canada.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kate

MAID is being pushed because the vax injured are expensive to treat and uncurable, they just want them to go away before they overwhelm the health care system.Here’s our other option says government.

Amy Sukwan
Amy Sukwan
1 year ago

One thing that I almost feel like screaming about is why does every single one of these collecting funds for the tragic sudden death of their loved one do so with GoFundMe? That company has made clear that they will blacklist anyone who so much as insinuates a link between the jabs and the death. As this accelerates it becomes so obvious that some percentage of these deaths are related that it must com up in conversation. This is especially true on the sudden deaths of young children, who were not Covid jabbed in large numbers. So if that child was one of the few who received it, the issue deserves special attention. It will never bring all of the lost future years back, but perhaps it can save others…sad. I’ll keep a close eye on the Damar Hamlin situation. Sooner or later I’d think they’d have to bring him on TV

1 year ago

An extraordinary time to be alive and be a witness to all this. Humanity is amazing on all levels of existance in the negative sense of the word amazing. The true battlfield is on the mental plane and many eventhough not dead yet, are already casualties. Once the shot is in it’s game over. You can only await your faith in the flesh and outside of the flesh. This is a spiritual battle. Further into darkness or away from it. Thats what it is all about.
Free will must be applied with common sense. It comes with consequenses. For me. I carry on and learn. Thank you covidblog. Stay mentally strong overhere because there is much worse to come. Truly extraordinary times. Don’t be ruled by fear. They feed on that energy. Enjoy all the things you can still enjoy. Love ya.

1 year ago

Great article. I am not sure exactly how or what to make or it all. I do think Hamlin is likely dead, but obviously don’t know for sure. The shot is both nuts and poison for sure. I truly hope I’m wrong, as what a crappy world to live in if too many people die from this.

Linda Grace Byers
1 year ago

My heart hurts for Michelle, the tic tock nurse… poor lamb. I think we must be moved to compassion now, in the aftermath. The suffering is great, and it is an opportunity to love people. She is sorry, and that means a lot: I pray she is comforted in her time of sorrow. We all have people we love that treated us badly: shame is sometimes the best educator, especially when it is followed closely by an apology or a desire to reconcile with those we have hurt. Michelle is coping, and I have no clue where her strength comes from, given her employment: God help her.

1 year ago

While sometimes I feel like “they got what was coming to them” for not using common sense regarding the “vaxx” or death jab, I also feel as though many of these people were terrorized and pressured into taking the jab. The red flags were there, but people ignored them and gave in to the peer pressure and the terror tactics of the government.
The biggest red flag for me was the type of virus…. Since the beginning of vaccines, there has NEVER been a successful vaccine against a corona virus… NEVER!!!! All of a sudden, there is this corona virus called Covid that is “so deadly,” you need a test to know you even have it… a test that is so flawed, the creator of the test stated publicly the test could NOT determine infection. This test could also NOT differentiate between the mythical “covid” and the common flu. Then magically they instantly have a “vaccination” for this virus that has a 99.97% survival rate.
I’m still a #pureblood. I had the mythical covid 19, or so they told me, based on a flawed and inaccurate PCR test… no viral load test, just a PCR… and never had it again. Good luck to those who had all the jabs and continue to contract “covid” over and over again. you should have done your research first… now you’re basically screwed.

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