Nowhere To Run? Spike protein shedding, 5G wreaking havoc on humanity, particularly the non-vaccinated
November 21, 2021

UPDATE 5:26 a.m. Pacific – The COVID Blog immediately banned from Twitter after publishing this article.

Of course we won’t be doing their bidding. So there will be no further updates on Twitter. But apparently 5G articles trigger instant bans. That’s why you need to read this article in full.



It’s indisputable fact that mRNA-injected individuals transmit spike proteins via shedding to any and everyone around them, particularly the non-vaxxed. Pfizer admitted the shedding phenomenon in its own documents. Dr. Luigi Warren, one of the pioneers of injectable mRNA technology, also admitted that shedding is a real phenomenon. We also know that self-disseminating vaccine technology exists that spreads from one human or animal to another just by being in close proximity to a “vaccinated” human or animal.

Fewer people are familiar with the connections between COVID-19, “vaccines” and 5G technology. Mainstream media dismiss all such connections as “conspiracy theory.” But most humans understand that radiation in general is bad for them, specifically because it causes cancer. Fifth generation broadband technology (“5G”) was deployed worldwide from 2019 to 2021 “without investigating the risks to human health and the environment.” It was also deployed while most of Western humanity was locked down in their homes.

Millions of people across the globe chose/choose to be injected with experimental mRNA and viral vector DNA serums in 2021. Others were/are coerced into injections to save their jobs, for the “right” to travel and live a normal life, etc. But a vocal minority in the Western world is choosing to preserve natural humanity. Unfortunately it’s becoming increasingly difficult for pure, natural humans to maintain that status. Shedding is the enemy of the non-vaxxed. 5G is the enemy of all humanity.

Post-menopausal bleeding after spike exposure

Stories of spike protein exposure via shedding, and the subsequent symptoms, are disturbing and far-reaching. Non-vaxxed women living with and/or having sex with vaxxed men are essentially ruling out the possibility of having children from that point forward. In fact non-vaxxed women working among a vaxxed workforce are risking their ability to procreate.

At least one woman recently reported feeling “funny and dizzy” after having sex with her vaxxed boyfriend. Trolls immediately told her to get a pregnancy test and made several other off-color jokes. But the situation is obviously something to monitor in these surreal times.

Many women are reporting strange menstrual activity after spike protein exposure via shedding. Granted we’ve known about this issue for quite a while. But it’s obviously more common and widespread than originally thought, perhaps affecting every woman in the Western world. Post-menopausal bleeding is apparently quite common. Women as old as 70 years old are suddenly having periods again after being around vaxxed people.

Post-menopausal bleeding is a sign of uterine cancer, cervical cancer and/or uterine polyps according to the Cleveland Clinic. The Mayo Clinic says post-menopausal bleeding is not normal and should be immediately evaluated. Dr. Gina Mantia-Smaldone of the Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia made post-menopausal bleeding sound like a sure sign of life-threatening issues.

We know that the injections inhibit the body’s natural ability to fight off various cancers. Dr. Craig Wax, a family doctor in New Jersey, got banned from Twitter hours after implying a connection between mRNA and viral vector DNA injections, and cancer. He is now at least the third doctor that we’ve covered on this blog to make similar connections.

Post-exposure headaches, heart issues and more

There’s no limit as to what may or may not happen to you after spike protein exposure via shedding. Of course many people are hesitant to even talk about it for fear of backlash.

One non-vaxxed man described “stabbing” feelings in his heart after being around his vaxxed girlfriend. The girlfriend developed post-injection heart issues herself.

At least two non-vaccinated individuals reported sneezing episodes “like inhaling pepper spray” when around vaxxed people.

There are menstrual issues with young women exposed to spike proteins via shedding as well.

5G – the second leading cause of coincidences

Dr. Riina Bray is a Canadian medical doctor and environmental scientist. She warned the world back in 2015 about 4G technology and the damage electromagnetic fields are doing to all life on Earth. More recently (2019) she spoke about what was happening to people who live in countries where 5G had already been deployed. Headaches, fatigue, tinnitus, heart issues, nervous system issues, etc. are/were the most common symptoms of overexposure (“microwave illness”) to 5G radiation.

Of course anyone who reads this blog regularly knows that debilitating headaches, heart issues and neurological disorders (nervous system issues) are also all common adverse effects from the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. These symptoms are also consistent with mainstream narratives related to COVID-19.

Further, even mainstream media reported that tens of thousands of people are suffering from post-injection tinnitus (ringing in their ears). Thus 5G and all the other electromagnetic radiation that Western populations are exposed to, cause the same medical issues as the injections and so-called COVID-19. That’s by design.

Verizon launched its first 5G networks in four U.S. cities in October 2018. Two of said cities were Los Angeles and Houston. In yet another coincidence, Houston and Los Angeles were two of the hardest hit U.S. cities for so-called COVID-19 cases in 2020. But New York was the epicenter of everything COVID in 2020.

CBS Channel 2 in New York reported in 2017 that thousands of “mysterious towers” were being erected near public transportation sites all across the city. Regulators refused to answers reporters’ questions as to what purpose the towers served.

It’s yet another coincidence that Wuhan, China launched one of the first 5G demonstration zones in the world, and COVID-19 introduced itself to the world via Wuhan.

5G real-world effects

There are two indisputable fact here. The United States was locked down for most of 2020 when 5G towers were erected across the country. Thus, nobody saw it happening. Second, the COVID-19 “pandemic” perfectly coincided with mass deployment of 5G technology.

A subscriber to The COVID Blog sent us a book entitled Magnetobiology by Professor Vladimir M. Binhi. We already knew that 5G broadcasts on the 60 GHz frequency band. Professor Binhi made clear that oxygen molecules destabilize at the 60 GHz frequency, making it impossible for human blood hemoglobin to absorb said molecules. In other words, a few deep breaths of this compromised air causes blood oxygen shortages, leading to hypoxemia and/or hypoxia.

UPDATED January 8, 2022 – A September 2021 study published in the Journal of Clinical and Translational Research concluded the following:


There is a substantial overlap in pathobiology between COVID-19 and wireless communications radiation (WCR) exposure. The evidence presented here indicates that mechanisms involved in the clinical progression of COVID-19 could also be generated, according to experimental data, by WCR exposure. Therefore, we propose a link between adverse bioeffects of WCR exposure from wireless devices and COVID-19.


Coughing, shortness of breath, heart rate fluctuations, etc. are all signs of low blood oxygen. Again, these are also symptoms of so-called COVID-19. But the more pressing issue with 5G is cancer. A 2011 press release by the World Health Organization (“WHO”) declared that radiofrequency electromagnetic fields are potentially carcinogenic to humans. But the WHO made sure to only classify said radiation as a Group 2B carcinogen to avoid potential lawsuits and backlash.

Smartphones in general are hazardous to human health. A 2010 meta-analysis published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology found “a harmful association between phone use and tumor risk.” A 2014 study published in the peer-reviewed journal Occupational & Environmental Medicine concluded that there was “a possible association between heavy mobile phone use and brain tumors.”

A 2013 case study of four women between the ages of 21 and 39 found that all of them developed breast cancer after carrying smartphones in their bras for 10-plus hours per day for several years.

So we’re doomed no matter what?

Becker’s Hospital Review estimates that about 60% of Americans have been “fully vaccinated” as of November 18. Nobody knows how long vaxxed people shed after their injections. But anecdotal accounts suggest that the effect could last for a year or longer.

Tech Republic reported that 80% of the U.S. has 5G coverage, but only 12% of consumer devices are 5G compatible. Regardless, an April 2021 Pew survey found that 85% of Americans own smartphones with at least 4G technology. It’s also a fact that both the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections contain graphene oxide, a strong radiofrequency transmitter.

We’re all going to die eventually. That’s part of being human, as is socializing with other humans. But at this point, you have to be very selective about social interactions if you wish to prolong this human experience.

This blogger declared a few weeks ago that he’s going to see his family over the holidays despite all of them being vaxxed. That means Christmas, but not Thanksgiving. And before the visit(s), super doses of Vitamin D3, zinc and white pine needle tea will be consumed. Another cup of tea will be consumed upon my return home.

RELATED: Buy White Pine Needles


This blogger has also mentioned living off grid, eating fresh fish, wild herbs and breathing mountain air for more than four years. Those times likely extended my lifespan by being away from cities and all the radiation. But humans are innately social creatures. Now we’re forced to avoid most of humanity for our own health and well-being. We cannot even date normally because now the first question has to be “are you pure or GMO?”

All you can do is mitigate the dangers and make the best decisions for yourself and family. There are at least 20 Orgonite pyramids in this blogger’s home. They are said to absorb radiation. Get rid of microwave ovens. Never place a smartphone on your ear or sleep next to one. Use earbuds and only call someone when absolutely necessary. Never use smartphones in enclosed areas like cars. That’s akin to sitting inside a microwave.

The Zombie Apocalypse is here, just as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) posited. The CDC literally published a novel where “readers follow Todd, Julie, and their dog Max as a strange new disease begins spreading, turning ordinary people into zombies.” S/O to commenter “Car” for pointing this out. Now here we are. Hope you’ve been preparing all this time.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


Contact COVID Legal USA today if you are fighting against mandatory vaccines for employment. We also assist people with pro se representation related to other COVID mandates and restrictions. Follow us on Telegram.


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Non GMO human
Non GMO human
2 years ago

Good day Sir,

Where do you purchase your orgonite from?

2 years ago
Reply to  Non GMO human

This reply is for all and especially Brian, a true investigative reporter that has courage and integrity and is not afraid to “offend” fools and charlatans.

If you are impressed by what you read about orgone energy, then I humbly suggest you get or make a genuine orgone blanket as it has been physiologically proven to help charge up the red blood cells and other biological systems as all they rely on bioenergy– which is really cosmic energy that is enclosed in an organism. Asides from the natural supplements and nature, using a blanket regularly will boost your immune system and generally relax you. I won’t comment on “orgonite”, but suffice it to say, the blanket works with your body and not with blocking any energy, and concentrates energy which then is reabsorbed though your skin.

The blanket is made by putting a layer of wool/cotton/polyester on top of a layer of fine steel wool; this then equals 1 (double) layer. You continue adding layers until you have a minimum of 3 (but preferably 5). This is either more easily finished by enclosing it a large pillow case-like fabric and sewn up, or if wanting a stronger charge, with a layer of fine steel mesh which faces your skin as you are laying down. The most efficient blankets are the latter and they are usually close to body size, and thus can be made in 2-3 pieces for ease of folding.

As most of us know, 5G, WIFI and cell phones are unhealthy and thus also should be kept away from the blanket, as these frequencies have an antagonistic effect on orgone–which in turn makes our bioenergy “radiation- sick”. Mainstream science does not completely understand the mechanisms of EMR harm, and adding an energetic factor helps solve the riddle; think of positive and negative poles violently sparking and you get an idea of opposite energetic effects.

Kimmy J
Kimmy J
2 years ago

After exposure to vaxxed @work in the spring, I had high fevers and headache and felt very ill for 3 days, and same day started daily spotting for a few weeks. Then heavy heavy periods which permanently remain 3-4x heavier than they were pre-exposure.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kimmy J

Shedding exposure at work could vary for folks. I think it personally depends on the work environment. Exposure could be less or decreased if someone has their own office, and the work building is using air filtration that can actually trap viruses.

Last edited 2 years ago by Osa
2 years ago

My faith is what sustains me in this trying time. I am around vaccinated people all the time including family. The issues you mentioned in your article are undoubtedly real, but God gives me hope that is not available through purely looking at the circumstances. If you remember the miracles of Jesus you will recall that He not only touched lepers, but He healed them. I am encouraged that those who walk by faith will not only resist the negative health effects of the vaxxes but be able to lay hands on those sickened by them and see them healed. I believe I have personally seen one instance of this already. I would encourage people to read Numbers 21: 5-9. It is a very strange passage. The people of God started complaining against God and against Moses and as a result God sent fiery serpents among them. When the people confessed their sin and ask for relief God instructed Moses to make a fiery serpent and put it on a pole so that whenever someone was bitten they could look at the serpent on the pole and live. As a Christian I understand this passage as a prophetic event pointing to the cross where Christ died and became sin for us. However, there are some very significant implications for our current time. I think the bites of serpents are the Biblical analogy to vaccines as both involve the injection of poison via a hollow fang or needle. “Modern” (NWO/satanic) medicine is built upon the vaccine cult because that is how most human disease is initiated (Much proof abounds but that is beyond the scope of this post!). In fact, if you look at medical symbology you will consistently see snakes. This is true of the WHO emblem as well as the emblem of the AMA. I strongly see the current vaccine debacle as the beginning of the greatest awakening and revival in human history as millions of us repent of our involvement with a now openly satanic cult and turn to God through Jesus, His Son.

2 years ago
Reply to  Alexis

Well said. However, I still will not be doing any snake handling anytime soon. Nor will I be anywhere near a white lab-coated mad doctor with a needle in his or her hand. I do know that once I got right with God and turned away from all the distractions this wicked world has to offer, I never got one headache again and its been years since I have downed any aspirin or pharmaceutical, although I did have a bad backache and put pure aspirin in a vaporizer for a few nights. That seemed to do the trick. The very miraculous healings ended about the time the apostle Paul was nearing the end of his ministry, I believe.

2 years ago
Reply to  liz

We have to be careful with pharmaceutical drugs now. I have heard that they are putting graphene oxide in drugs now, and I actually saw a couple videos from folks in the UK confirming it. Now it makes me wonder if Pfizer is putting graphene oxide in their new Covid drug that has gotten emergency approval by the FDA, and governments worldwide are buying to use.

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

Sadly, this is most likely true. The big food companies are also putting graphene oxide in foods and drinks – I’ve seen it in cereals such as Kellogg’s Special K, in meat, and in one of the waters. So, avoiding processed foods, or testing them with strong magnets may be a good idea. Large grants have also been given to a US university to study how they can put vaccines into our fresh foods – the two items mentioned were spinach and lettuce. So, probably a good idea to start learning how to produce your own food also – and use heirloom seeds where possible. Also, GO has been found in some masks, and may well be in the tests also. The “tests” are actually chipping you, as well as harvesting your unique DNA signature. So, the best course of action is to keep distance from the vaxxed, and don’t comply with ANY of it. Hope this info. helps someone. I foresaw the whole thing – and I’m not happy that almost everything I said at the start has come to fruition. Anyone who hasn’t taken this non-vaccine jab – PLEASE don’t take it, or allow any of your children to take it. Don’t give up your health or life for ANY reason. We must stop this NOW.

2 years ago
Reply to  Phillis Stein

The don’t comply rule is difficult to follow if you travel because if you don’t have a vaccine card or even if you do, it is required to do a Covid test before you travel overseas, and before you leave your destination. The test has to be negative otherwise you cannot travel. I have only taken Covid tests when I travel overseas, which is not very often. Also I don’t wear masks everywhere unless it is required or a store manager bothers me about it. Thank God there is no longer mask mandates in Texas, and because of the Covid shots businesses have relaxed their rules for customers, but the sheep still wear masks no matter what. Still see a lot of folks wearing masks even though it is not required. The food situation is a lot more tricky for folks because not everybody eats a perfect diet, and can afford to buy organic or none GMO foods all the time. Plus people are on government food assistance, which limits the type foods they can buy, or eat I think.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

There is no merit WHATSOEVER in not wearing a mask when not required, or only “when a store manager bothers you about it”.

It is like bragging : “I don’t comply with the demons, unless they demand it. Give me a medal for my bravery”.

You might as well wear a mask in your bedroom and get vaxxed.

Are people getting “stupider”, or is it just me ?.

Tim H
Tim H
2 years ago

If a Fart smell can pass through underwear, pants and at times a seat, and still smells, then you can bet the CCP virus will go through the same and more because of how small the virus is.
Wearing masks is a complete joke and Fausy who made up the idea doesn’t even wear them correctly in public, which is a joke.
Not to mention that he funded “Gain of Function”, but MSM won’t say a thing.

St. Longinus
St. Longinus
2 years ago
Reply to  Tim H

All of this rests upon the idea we’ve been sold that a virus actually exists. Without that bill of goods, there is no need for further discussion of shots. So all of the Johnny-Come-Lately “heroes” that have come forth at just the right time who never address/question the existence of a virus are, in effect, still pushing the narrative of the shot.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago

More stupid. When you see someone walking down the street or crossing the street by themselves wearing a mask, man has reach almost the lowest level of stupidity there is. Sadly they will sink lower.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago

No, more like you are just getting more rude and ridiculous to others.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

Osa : Though I stand by what I meant, I realized that my style was unnecessarily abrasive. Nobody is perfect.

Your candeur to say what you said, is to be acknowledged, commended and hopefully will be a gateway to more growth and detachement from the pitfalls of habits and comfort. A big hug to you.


Been here and there
Been here and there
1 year ago
Reply to  Phillis Stein

How shocking and enlightening is ALL the information and posts on this incredible website. Mr. Wilkins is a messenger from G-d and he should be supported and encouraged by every sane decent human being fortunate enough to come across this website. Thank you and G-d should bless you with only goodness for your devotion to all of us living in these horrific days.I don’t want to have my name printed publicly on line, as I believe doing so is another dangerous trap set up for us by evil demonic tyrants determined to destroy us.

1 year ago
Reply to  Phillis Stein

doubt cereal. the video that went around of grinding up cereal and getting graphene I believe is just iron particles. Iron is magnetic and has been added into cereals for a long time. There is nothing wrong with iron–our body needs it. I would expect they are also in meat as well since cows consume a lot of feed and probably added into processed grain not any different than what we consume.

Max Power
Max Power
2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

I was going to buy some magnesium supplement until seeing one of the ‘other ingredients’ was something called burned rice powder. Sounds carcinogenic to me. Forget that product.

2 years ago
Reply to  Max Power

The best way to get magnesium into your body is to use magnesium chloride and make a super saturated solution of that with distilled water. This makes “magnesium oil”. Put this on skin (it absorbs through skin) or take internally by adding 1/4 tsp to a glass of water once or twice daily. There is zero added crap to your magnesium supplement when you make your own like I just described.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

It seems that all the new antivirals that are coming out are GMO, they knock out your immune system as well….a jab in pills clothing….

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

It has two AIDS drugs in it. Do not take it. Pure poison. Pharmacist here. Retired.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

Of course they’re adding the Graphene Oxide. The vax was designed as a bio-weapon and becoming more & more effective in it’s depopulation agenda.
I am witnessing more and more of the unvaxxed falling prey to the pressures associated with this death jab (many expressing job pressures and inability to travel internationally).

2 years ago
Reply to  Alexis

Thank you for this comment…in reference to ” The Bite of Serpents,” it does not go unnoticed by the Luciferian Elite. There is an ingredient in this 666 Luciferase Soul Snatching Death Serum Serum called ” Peptides “…these are tiny trace amounts of Scorpion and Snake Venum…No cost is spared by the Devil Worshipers as these Peptides cost over $30 million a gallon. And Predictably….Google, the search engines, and Fake Fact Checkers have the Gaul and audacity to claim that it has beneficial medicinal values…Not that it would stop the average Corona Zombie from taking it all…Humanity has turned away from the Truth of the Scriptures and has embraced False Idols and False Prophets…to their detriment. Matthew 7:15

2 years ago
Reply to  Alexis

Whoah, it IS like a serpent bite!

1 year ago
Reply to  Alexis

God cares about you so much he let the entire world modify the perfect human genome and did nothing to smite the wicked who think they can play god?

If god exists, he is the Old Testament god and would sooner squash you like an ant then aid your cries.

Act accordingly.

2 years ago

I have Meniere’s disease, a type of tinnitus. Some days I barely notice it, at other times it’s like a roaring ocean. It won’t surprise me if this condition starts showing up in large numbers soon. If you don’t what’s going on or how to deal with it, it can make you crazy. I feel for anyone who has to deal with it.

2 years ago
Reply to  MrMonkeyShines

Long time tinnitus sufferer here, most times it was just an annoyance. I live rural, but still, the last 6 months my tinnitus has been off the charts. For decades I just assumed my problems were my own, but lately I’ve been wondering if it’s my body picking-up on the ever increasing EMF that poisons our environment.

You’re right, at times it’s debilitating, and those debilitating episodes seem to have been increasing in frequency the past 5/10 years. Nothing surprises me anymore, so this article presents a hypothesis as believable as anything else out there. I’ve no doubt that whatever they’re doing, they’re not going to stop until they’re dead, while trying to take the rest of us with them.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kielanders
2 years ago

While reading here about the role out of the 5g systems, I remembered years back there was an incident at a US embassy building in Cuba, I think it was. Apparently the bad guys were bombarding the building with microwaves and a lot of the workers there were complaining about not feeling well. I think in the end the building was vacated. So maybe there is some truth to the theory that the 5g system isn’t all that good for the human body after all.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bert

5g is just a tiny step below “weapons level”. Ugh.

2 years ago

Excellent post.
5G is a threat. I’d say the number of 5G signals poses a bigger threat en toto than 4G, which penetrates more deeply than 5G.
Some 30% of people are electrosensensitive, meaning they exhibit physiological effects from exposure.
5G-blocking paints, window screens, and even clothes/blankets are available. Prior to any blocking efforts, the use of a device for EMF (electromagnetic field) detection will be necessary.
Smart devices send countless signals through your house, so older appliances reduce your radiation load. Proximity to 4- or 5-G towers/nodes should be take into consideration: as the author notes avoiding these is—like noise free areas—getting nearly impossible.
Keep food and supplements away from your phone. Reduce bluelight—dont take phones into the bedroom. If you can unplug wifi overnight, do it and as long as you can, into the day, to maximize recovery time. See how you sleep with it off.

Last edited 2 years ago by JohnP
2 years ago
Reply to  JohnP

It costs up to a few thousand dollars a person to buy all the EMF gear to protect one’s self from this constant radiation…Crucial are Hats, Shirts, Blankets, etc…These products are made with genuine Silver linings that deflect Radiation Waves….there are companies on eBay that sell these things. I use the one that is based in Slovakia for quality…Don’t try and save money on the cheaper stuff you really get what you pay for…

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Car

Thank you, buying these products is on my to do list this week. Do you recall a brand name for the Slovak company? Thanks. Planning on at least hats, shirts, and blankets, like you wrote.

2 years ago
Reply to  JohnP

If you can’t unplug the wifi the alternative is to pile all those self-help books you no longer read around it about 8 books high or 8 books deep (if vertically stacked) to reduce the more harmful effects. Each book should be about an inch thick.

Shungite stones also can work in blocking EMF.

2 years ago
Reply to  SpecOps

That is stupid advice. If it blocks the EMF of the routers WiFi, then your connectivity will suffer and what is the point of the WiFi router at that point? You might as well do the smart thing and simply STOP USING WIFI. Put your computer back on the umbilical cord and use ethernet cable. By doing this you accomplish two things: you eliminate exposure to WiFi within your home, and secondly, it makes your computer and router nigh-unhackable via wireless protocol transfer attacks.

2 years ago
Reply to  JohnP

My neighborhood has fiber optic cabling and so has no towers in the general area. I quit using my in home router and purchased a 25 foot long internet cable. It’s plugged from the wall entry point directly into my PC. No lag time and no Wi-Fi radiation.

Last edited 2 years ago by MrMonkeyShines
2 years ago

This is a mild reaction compared to what most people are saying, but a couple of months ago I was in close contact with a vaxxed person, and less than an hour later a different person reached out her hand to me to shake my hand. Before I had a chance to process my thoughts, I found myself shaking her hand, and soon after I regretted it. Hours later I had a weird sort of under the skin rash on my right wrist—just above where the woman had shaken my hand. It was a bunch of little red dots. A couple of days later the rash, or whatever it was, was completely gone. I’ve had rashes before, but always above the skin. This was very different.

I have no idea which of the two women may have been the cause of that rash, and I don’t know if the one who had shaken my hand had been vaxxed or not. But the whole thing is beyond disturbing. You don’t want to treat a person like a leper, but at the same time you have to be so careful. And it’s even more disturbing that the people who have had the shots have no idea what they’re doing to those who haven’t!

2 years ago
Reply to  Margo

No more shaking hands unless you have wipes ready. Be like Monk who is a germ phobia. I have a mover coming to my house this week to do an in-house estimate but I always wear disposable gloves and mask when anyone comes in my home. I also plead the Blood of Jesus over me when anyone NOW has to come into my home. These are very scary times we live in now and I am almost 71.

Don Dolin
Don Dolin
2 years ago
Reply to  Margo

I have also had skin rashes every time I am around the vaxxed. Exposure to many vaxxed people… dizzy, shaky, heart races and more severe rashes… no vax ever for me!!! I’ve had a blood clot!!!

2 years ago

We cannot even date normally because now the first question has to be “are you pure or GMO?”

Haha, I know it is the main question on my mind, but I try to spend some time getting to know the person a little before springing it upon them. If you throw it out there too quickly, even someone one our side of the discussion may say, “you have no right to ask me that.” A shame, she was the fittest looking 42-yo I had seen in quite a while.

2 years ago

I suppose we can not find the answer to this question but it crossed my mind so here it is.

Can a non vaxxed person who has been in contact with a shedding vaxxed person then pass on any contamination to another non vaxxed?

2 years ago
Reply to  Turpin

At this rate we’re all contaminated. We have no idea who around us in public is jabbed., dentist, massage therapist etc…do we just stop going out of our houses? We just have to make up our minds not be taken over by fear not much else we can do about it.

Kimmy J
Kimmy J
2 years ago
Reply to  Christina

Since it’s not an actual virus which replicates (it’s just a modified surface protein), and you’re not manufacturing spikes unlike the jabbed, I doubt you shed or transmit them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kimmy J

I personally get a nosebleed when around newly vaxed people. Explain that.

Kimmy J
Kimmy J
2 years ago
Reply to  Jules

Yes you contract the numerous spikes they shed so they affect you. But your immune system clears them and you don’t produce new ones.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jules

I got a very bad nosebleed about a month ago and woke up with blood over my face. I never had a nosebleed before until I had a housing inspection even though I wore a mask and disposable gloves too. Thank you for your post,

2 years ago
Reply to  Turpin

My experience says no. I had to take my dad to ER after his bad jab reaction in late May. (1 moderna) I was in close contact with him for 6 hours helping him get in and out of the car, and moving around the hospital since he is quite old.

Anyway, I had bad rashes unlike any I’ve ever seen before, weird bumpy type rashes on ankles, waist, forearms, and neck, shortness of breath, and very tired, lasted about 3 weeks. Wife got none of my symptoms. I am thinking this settles down as time passes, since I regularly visit, and now have no more problems. This is roughly 7 months after his jab.

2 years ago
Reply to  Turpin

Yes!! It is possible. Happened to my family. My non vaxxed father sleeps with a vaxxed person. We all in my household (non vaxxed) feel ill after being around him.

Linda N
2 years ago

Hey Brian. May I make a suggestion? Think aobut adding some supplemental Vitamin E (As D-Alpha tocopherol with mixed tocopherols) to that regimen of yours, as well as a good multivitamin mineral supplement (preferably containing an active form of folate), and lots of Vitamin C. Vitamin E is the main fat soluble antioxidant, and cell surfaces are composed of FATS. Cell integrity is very important! Vitamin E is one of the most suggested supplements for those exposed to radiation of any kind. Vitamin C is the major water soluble antioxidant.

All this talk of zinc and vitamins A and D and herbs such as quercetin and black seed oil these trying times is all well and good, and, yes, very necessary, but they are not the only important nutrients. Anyone interested should look up studies by the Shute brothers (physicians) concerning vitamin E and cardiovascular issues, Dr. Levy’s work on vitamin C, and check out nutritionist Ann Louise Gittleman’s book “Zapped: Why Your Cell Phone Shouldn’t Be Your Alarm Clock and 1,268 Ways to Outsmart the Hazards of Electronic Pollution”

Increasing my vitamin E dosage when a cell tower was erected close to our house vastly reduced my symptoms to the radiation exposure until we could eventually have the affected side of the house painted with radiation protecting paint and I could make curtains out of radiation-protecting material for the affected windows as well.

2 years ago

My daughter’s foundling dog had a small lump under the skin on his chest for a few years, vet didn’t think much of it. It’s exploding out of his chest now.

So anyhow, She lives with a number of vaxxed roommates and she is vaxxed herself and had quite a reaction. (I tried for months to dissuade her but she dismissed all the evidence and reasoning I presented her with)
So now the poor dog has an enormous tumor on his chest, just saw it a week ago as I rarely visit her.
I don’t know for sure, but it seems the growth of the tumor is connected to the vaxxed environment, She sleeps with the dog and he’s such a loving little guy and everyone pets him. A lot of contact with gmo folk.
I’ve heard stories of babies and pets dying after the parents and owners are vaxxed.
This is eerie and upsetting. She’s married with a little boy, I pray she doesn’t get him vaxxed. I don’t say anything anymore, they might want to get him vaxxed to prove me wrong so the less said the better.

2 years ago

Thank you, Brian, clearly by now all Astute Observers, and there are many in the comments section of this Blog see by now that this NWO nightmare has been meticulously planned out and Pre Scripted, IMHO for over 100 years now…Humanity was losing the War in all over twenty years ago, as they were being conditioned to believe in all the Virus Hoaxes, such as Bird Flu, SARS, Zika, and Ebola just to name a few. It brainwashed the masses to believe that a Virus can not only be Isolated but could also harm a human body with a healthy immune system. Right there the Cult of Big Pharma convinced the masses that their Sorcery was a substitute for Natural Immunity… This gave the Baphomet Elite the credibility to sell the Vaccine Hoax, and also the Corona Scamdemic when they decided to pull the trigger on it in early 2020. Anyway, all these dynamics from 5G, mRNA, Lockdowns, and the division it causes between both sides have been planned out to the last detail since the 1918 Spanish Flu when Ritualistic Slave Masks were imposed…Only the Devil or an Evil Genius could have planned out most of humanity taking these Mark of the Beast Jabs out of their own ” Free Will “…and produce ( Please Search ) Black-Eyed Pandemic Babies & Spike Protein Shedding…Now early on, babies being born to Fully Vaxxed Parents look like they have no Soul…frightening…Walk close to the Creator of the Bible…as there is no other pathway out of this Litteral Zombie Transhumanist Apocolypse…we are offered comfort in Psalm 91…Although 1000 may fall at your left side and 10,000 at your Right Hand, none of these things will Afflict you….Keep on the Full Armor everyone…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

Haven’t seen any Black eyes in babie. Yet!! But. I will definitely be looking out for this now. This Black eye business is 4th dimension Reptilians/Satanic possession!!!!!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  ALAN FOLEY

There are pictures of black eyed babies, and one Mother said, “If you have one, you won’t want another, because they’re born with an attitude, from birth, and takes all your time just coping. What the bible calls “strange children”. I never knew what that meant before. NOW I KNOW.

2 years ago

I avoid people at work best I can, they just won’t stay away though. Always some busy body has to come over to tell me what he or she did the past weekend.

2 years ago

I think everybody’s sensitivity to shedding is different, but there are tests you can do to see how sensitive you really are. Mainstream medicine won’t do the tests, but holistic doctors will. I heard they actually make you hold a vial of the Covid vaccine while they do tests on your body. They check to see how your body moves or reacts while you hold the vial of Covid vaccine in your hand. Then they do the same test without the vial of Covid vaccine in the hand. This was explained in an interview because woman’s 5 year old daughter was getting sick from shedding, and the test basically proved it was from the Covid vaccine that her dad took. It was proof that the 5 year unvaccinated girl was getting sick in the presence of her vaccinated dad.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

If I hold a bag of wheat I get glutened, even if wrapped in clean plastic or a jar. The bodies electromagnetic system is sensitised to the electrical energy of it.
Placing the substance up and under the ribs is even better, near the adrenals producing the strongest dislike.

2 years ago

Thank you for the wonderful article and being a strong voice for the dead and injured – whether they know it or not.

2 years ago

Are you answering people whose posts you use when they’re asking for info about symptoms from being exposed to shedders or symptoms from the jab? I hope you are! This man who is having stabbing heart pains needs to get to a doctor.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kat

It was a doctor that caused the heart problem…

2 years ago

I’ve read that many pandemics coincided with an upgrade or increase in technology, like the 1918 Spanish flu coincided with the widespread rollout of radio waves. The good news about this is that humans have been able to adapt eventually- never underestimate the healing power of your own body. The bad news is the assault continues from all directions. I would love to know more about countering the effects of 5G.

2 years ago
Reply to  AmySukwan

I’m electro sensitive.
This link
is fairly comprehensive. I have multiple sensitivities to smells, noises, visual, food, chemical as well as emf.

But just like avoiding shedding from spike proteins, avoidance of chemical and emf exposures is the primary tactic.
So apartments, cities and office employment all become unworkable.

I recently swapped out LED light bulbs for halogen, and also recently started on distilled water. My computer is ethernet wired and I dont us a cellphone.

Its endless what I have to do to not suffer symptoms of fatigue, even so I will have slept 12 hours in the last 24 hr period, and am housebound and now 10 yrs unemployed.

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
2 years ago
Reply to  AmySukwan

There is a pattern with electricity in general – most major pandemics DID coincide with “advancements” in electricity, and now EMFs. However, WWI saw the largest military force gathered by the US – 6,000 soldiers all in one place. So, they couldn’t resist the opportunity to “test” out their new vaccine on them. The “vaccine” was for bacterial meningitis, from memory, and apparently ONLY the vaccinated perished. Many people also died from wearing dirty masks. So, this stuff has a much longer history than people realize. Many people believe vaccines have only been around since the 50s – not so. They have been around for a couple of hundred years. There are also some players back from the Spanish ‘flu’ days whose grandsons are doing the same today. Sad, but true. I have some quotes from doctors from back in those days, and they were talking about how many people died from “vaccines.” People need to realize that MANY of the organizations and individuals involved in today’s happenings are actually part of the eugenics movement.

2 years ago
Reply to  AmySukwan

That is a good point to make!!! Tesla had to of known back then that this was the reason. And he tried to build cell towers back then. This so-called virius business has definitely been manipulated since electricity took off.

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
2 years ago

One thing I can tell you is that right at the start of this “pandemic”, which was never a real pandemic, with an unproven virus and condition dubbed “covid” – I had a strong intuition re 5G. So, I found 4 maps from 2 different countries (these were UK and US) – one map was a “5G rollout map” and the other was a “Covid Hotspot Map.” I can tell you that you could literally lay the maps over each other – and the comparisons were absolutely unmistakable. It is also no coincidence that one of the symptoms of radiation (5G) poisoniing are ‘flu’-like symptoms. In Australia, for example, the states that were hit hardest by “covid” were those states who were more advanced in their 5G rollouts; the others had very little “covid” at all. I looked into supra-magnetic nano-particles and watched a video about how they were made. I then watched another video in a science lab, where they put these nano-particles into a petri dish (obviously under a powerful microscope). They then turned on a Tesla coil over the top of it, and the nanobots came to life and commence joining together into chains and webs. What’s the equivalent of a Tesla coil? 5G, of course. These things are designed to work together.

2 years ago

Prophet Gideon used energy weapons in the Bible; Gideon could only use 300 pure blood warriors so that the energy weapons would not affect them (blood O-) Judges 7:20: The three companies blew their horns and shattered their jars. Holding the torches in their left hands and the horns in their right hands, they shouted, “A sword for the LORD and for Gideon!” 21 Each Israelite took his position around the camp, and the entire Midianite army fled, crying out as they ran. 22 And when the three hundred rams’ horns sounded, the LORD set all the men in the camp against one another with their swords.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Rick

That is not my understanding of how God chose the 300 men. Read ALL of Judges 7.

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
2 years ago

This time (of what is happening now) was predicted by the very “connected” Rudolf Steiner – and he died almost 100 years ago. This tells you that this evil has been here for quite some time (much longer than that, actually) – so this is the final thrust of this darkness, and WE are going to win. Staying out of fear and other low vibrational emotions is also VERY helpful, although sometimes hard to do. The GOOD NEWS is that not all shots are the full real deal, so to speak. I’ve been onto this kind of stuff for a VERY long time, but most people I tried to tell simply called me a nutter. Fortunately, I have now at least talked most of my family and virtually ALL of my friends out of it. The problem is that not all people have “ears to hear.” Or, as Mark Twain said: “It’s easier to fool someone than to convince them they have been fooled.” This whole thing breaks my heart – especially what has been done to the elderly and now the children, because they are the innocents.

Deus Ex
Deus Ex
2 years ago
Reply to  Phillis Stein

Most people, until they get burned at least once, they never learn what is the true nature of the fire. But then it may be too late. Not everyone seems to have the ability of deductive logic, to question commonly held assumptions, to overcome society’s “programming”, to think in terms of cause and effect, to learn from the stories and anecdotes of others as an example.

2 years ago

Via the merkaba, the wicked and sinful have been shedding malevolent micro-particles since the beginning of time.
The bible clearly advises against being close to their energy field

2 years ago

I will never trust big pharma, the FDA, AMA, or the CDC EVER AGAIN

2 years ago

The WHO has reported 2.6 MILLION ADVERSE VACCINE REACTIONS, covering all parts of the body for 2021. And we are not even through this year. These vaccines are BIOWEAPONS BEING USED GOR DEPOPULATION – Agenda 21.

Deus Ex
Deus Ex
2 years ago
Reply to  Linda

Pray for the people having the adverse reactions, whether they knowingly took it, or under coersion, or simply uninformed.

2 years ago

Sometimes when I am around the vaxxed. I have this massive headache and when I would go and lie down to go to bed for the day, I feel literally my heart is going to explode and an external force is trying to take control of me. Not sure if I am going to crazy.

2 years ago
Reply to  James

First time my mother visited us after admitting she’d had two shots (after insisting she wouldn’t have any) me and my son both got a crushing headache within minutes of her walking into our hallway (our bungalow is small to put it kindly) and, at 47 I have suddenly in the last 4 months (since that day) developed migraine with aura – connected? Who knows, but the headache thing is definitely odd

Neither my son nor I are jabbed (nor will we be) but he’s the only one unjabbed at his work (there are nine others) – luckily it’s outdoor farmwork and he’s mostly alone prepping feeds, but it makes me wonder if he’s being shed on…we are both unusually tired

It’s definitely worrying!

Aidan (with no agenda)
Aidan (with no agenda)
2 years ago

But the sheeple will never accept it. They might listen but not accept it. They choose an early death intentionally. We choose to live as long as we can.

It’s an amazing thing when we listen to others and even more so when they tell us something new. And we more so when we accept it. I was told by a stranger at the start of this year that the LED streetlamps they are putting up have a link with the 5G rollout. Because I was aware of the real truth about the scamdemic I was openminded enough to listen and accept. It scared me. Same when a friend told my about 5G and the other things the government have been doing to us in the past and that I didn’t know about it.

But now we know. We have the tools. The correct and unbiased info with no agenda attached to it. And we have also gained something new. We have now learned who to really trust. Who are real friends are. That is special.

The future looks scary. But we can only hope it doesn’t turn against us. I have been blessed with loving parents and friends who are aware of the lies. So if we are doomed then at least be with those who you really care for and those who really care about it.

Read your bible (and read hard). Pray (and pray hard everyday). Look after yourself and your loved ones. In the words of Bob Dylan, “God’s on our side”.

Aidan (with no agenda)
Aidan (with no agenda)
2 years ago

It’s stupid when you think about the fact that this so called deadly virus is resulting in a vaccine that than can spread actual deadly spike proteins. The vaccines are more dangerous to humanity than the virus. And the sheeple can’t and won’t understand. This better go down in the history books.

Ray Witter
2 years ago

The vaccine is the virus. Viruses in nature dissolve dead matter. Synthetic man made viruses have an agenda and are in a syringe.

2 years ago

This is so scary… I have serious concerns for things I’ve recently experienced, and their possible connections to the topics covered in this article.

For context, I’m 26 years old and have pretty bad PCOS. For those who don’t know, this is a hormonal disorder which can cause all kinds of problems such as hirsutism, irregular menstruation, fertility issues, weight gain/difficulty losing weight, and can contribute to other issues like depression and anxiety (both of which I also have and they’re severe). So all that being said, I’ve been having very irregular menstrual cycles almost since I first began menstruating at 13. I was diagnosed with depression that year and began taking several different medications over the next several years (none of which helped by the way). I don’t know for sure, but I think these medications contributed to my PCOS worsening and my ongoing fertility and menstrual problems to this day.

When it first started at 13, it came once a month, until later that year when I began taking medications. It’s never returned to normal. So all that being said, I have often gone several months between periods (sometimes up to 6 full months), and I’ve had times where my period will be extremely heavy and last a month or longer. What never happens is me getting a regular period, or periods that are too close together. It’s extremely difficult to track because I go so long in between, but it’s been so many years now that I more or less know the situation. Sorry for lengthy message, but I felt the context was important for what I’m getting to now.

So I’ve never gotten this vaccine (and I never will), but several people I know have. My boyfriend has not, but his parents (whom he lives with) have. My mom and stepdad also have gotten both shots. So here’s my concern… About a month and a half ago, I stayed at my boyfriend’s house for a few weeks. My “regular” period had just ended the week before I got there. So with my situation, I was expecting to go at least a few months before getting another. Instead, after being at his house for around 2 weeks, my “period” came again… But it was unlike any I’d had before. It was very light and spotty, light pink in color — for ladies in the know, I was concerned because I thought this might be implantation bleeding. It lasted 3 or 4 days (which is how long that kind of bleeding is said to last) and resembled it from the pics I saw online. I also had some pretty bad cramping, frequent headaches, back pain, random nausea, and a few times I felt oddly dizzy.

Normally I don’t cramp unless it’s a heavy period, and I rarely if ever get those other symptoms (aside from migraines I get from time to time, but this was different). So of course, knowing my history of infertility, I was surprised and thought I must somehow be pregnant, because this has never happened before… I waited 5 days and took a test which came back negative. I waited another week after that and took another test, also negative. So at that point I was perplexed as to the nature of the issue.

Now here’s the kicker… The past 4 days, I’ve been staying at my mom’s and stepdad’s house for the Thanksgiving holiday. They have both been vaccinated, as I said. The first night I was here, my “period” started again, only a week and a half or so after the previous weird thing. It’s been VERY similar to what I just recently experienced, except I haven’t had the nausea and cramping isn’t as bad. So at this point I’m very concerned, I know I’m not pregnant, it’s not implantation, and it’s not my period. So, WHAT THE HELL IS IT?!

I didn’t make the connection at first and just thought maybe my body was doing something weird and new or it was somehow related to my PCOS issues… But deep down I knew that was wrong, it just felt wrong and different. And now I’m scared… Having PCOS already increases the chances of cervical cancer, from my understanding, and now after reading this article, I’m seriously worried about what all this could mean. I haven’t seen an OB/GYN since before the pandemic started, and now I don’t trust doctors at all (not that I ever did much to begin with). And knowing that they’re all vaccinated, and learning about this horrible “shedding” thing… It sounds like the women who are being effected by these issues are losing their ability to conceive because it’s causing some problem with placenta or the umbilical cord? Can’t remember exactly now…

But all that being said, I’ve had pretty bad depression over my health issues for years, and as I’ve gotten older (and been with my boyfriend so long now), I’ve realized more and more that I do want a baby in the future (if there is a future)… That was already highly unlikely for me to begin with, and now I fear it will be 100% impossible. I mean, with things going the way they are, I don’t know if I’d want to bring an innocent life into this messy hellscape of a world… It seems wrong somehow, but… I don’t know. It’s just hard to realize that at 26 years of age, I feel my life and future have been totally snatched from me. This is so depressing and hard to reconcile. I don’t deserve this, nobody deserves this, none of us deserve what’s happening… No, what’s being done TO us.

I also have questions and concerns for the older women experiencing strange issues after menopause… Many of them seem to be commenting like it’s their “period coming back” against nature, when in reality, it’s basically the total opposite… It’s like some sort of weird attack on the reproductive organs??? This is all so f***ing dystopian, I can’t even wrap my head around it… And I’ve been pretty aware of the corruption and “elite” situation in the world for years… All the things I was afraid, 10 years ago, would happen someday… They’re happening now. This is the most frightening situation possibly in all of human history. Children of Men was a documentary, predictive programming. I am SO terrified for all of us. I have a friend whose sister is pregnant, the sister got the vaccine pre-pregnancy (friend did not), and now my friend & I are both very worried for her sister and what may happen with her baby.

This is so unthinkable and disgusting, all of it. How can we fight this? I honestly want to die most of the time now, living in this hell world has become such an unbearable burden on me, mind, body, and soul… I am not a religious (but am spiritual) person, and I would rather delve into the unknowns of death, than continue much longer in this world the way things are going. I’m very sorry if those comments just now are offensive to anyone, but it’s the way I truly feel and I don’t feel safe sharing those thoughts anywhere else. This is my first post here, I’ve only recently discovered this site… Was not expecting to type such a long comment and I hope it’s okay that I did. I just felt I should give proper context and a good explanation for my concerns.

If anyone else has had similar experiences being around vaccinated people, or similar thoughts on all this, please respond and let me know what you think… I don’t know about you all, but I come from a very small (and not very tightknit) family… no siblings, and only have 1 real friend… I feel very alone in all this and I hate that society is in the state it is, globally, and still SO many people remain unaware… Or are being censored. It’s sick, it’s just f***ing sick.

Deus Ex
Deus Ex
2 years ago
Reply to  Joy.

An anecdote:

A man, depressed at the state of the world, tried to hang himself. As he dies, he goes into the afterlife and meets God. He complains to God about the state of the world, why is God not doing anything, etc, and finally demands that God sends a hero down to the world to solve all these problems. God thinks for some time, and says, “I send you.” The man gets sent back down, and finds himself on the floor, alive and conscious, the rope broken.

2 years ago
Reply to  Deus Ex

Hi Deus Ex,

I read your anecdote a few times. I’m not sure how it’s meant to be interpreted. At first I was slightly offended, but after rereading a few times, I kind of like it….

The thing is, I don’t question God. I don’t look to God to solve all problems in the world. I don’t put my life wholly in the hands of God — that is to say, I believe that if God truly exists, then He gave us brains for a reason — and he expects us to use them to solve our own problems. I abhor those Christians who put their entire fates in God’s hands; meaning, those who are so lax in their own lives, so neutral towards the evil around them… they think that simply having faith, and condemning others, is enough to grant them passage to God’s realm; that they don’t have to personally adapt or change their way of thinking; that they can continue with their lives in perpetuity without ever growing on an emotional, mental or spiritual level… and simply because they were devout all their lives, God will save a place for them at His table…

I cannot, and never would claim to know the will of God; this is something very significant that separates me from so very many Christians today. As I said before, I’m not religious, but I am spiritual. I don’t ascribe to any particular religion; but I do not discount the existence of God. The longer I live, and the more tragedy I endure (both personally, and on a societal level), the more I think there must be some divine plan for us all. Possibly as a coping mechanism — if there is no God, then what is the point of all this suffering? It’s a horrible thought.

At any rate… To get back to your passage… Which, by the way, I did thoroughly enjoy, and I believe I understood the message… I’m not afraid to live in this world. I don’t know if I expressed myself clearly enough. I have been through many personal hells, and many revelations, realizing the sheer horror we’re all in for… It’s not that I fear what is yet to come. In fact, in a strange, almost self-sabotaging way, I’m curious about it.

Rather, I hate how alone I am in my perceptions; I hate how alone I’ve been for so many years… If I’m being honest, my entire life I’ve been lonely. I’m used to it now, and not afraid of being alone. But I’m also sick of it. And I see enough people who are awake, and in similar mindsets, with similar experiences, speaking on the internet… But nobody I know in real life, no matter how long or how gently I’ve tried to wake them. To see my own family and friends fall victim to this disgusting agenda…

Regardless of what self-righteous passage you have on standby, you cannot deign to tell me that I’m wrong for feeling forlorn about this situation. I have cried out to the heavens more times than I can count, cried for anyone out there to listen… I’ve never once gotten an answer, not an inkling, not a feeling… So all I could take from that is that either I’m doing something wrong, I’m not worthy, or there is nothing….

And I refuse to believe it’s the latter… So I would love to know what I’ve done so wrong, that in my most dire hour, my most hopeless and helpless, after a lifetime of suffering and loneliness, I have been met with absolutely no answer?

All I want is to know a single soul in my waking life who can relate to me… In this hell of hells, I don’t think that’s so much to ask. But still I walk a lonely path, as I always have, and it seems I am destined to. I’m not afraid of the path, or the destination. I simply wish that God would grant me a single companion somewhere along the line.

I don’t fear the rope, or the world around me… I fear the lonely path I’ve tread all my life, the path I grow weary of. Please tell me, what simple and condescending 3 sentences you have on hand to solve this problem.

Louise Dobson
Louise Dobson
2 years ago
Reply to  Joy

God wanted you to be born and gave you life, He has a wonderful plan for your life and He has sustained your every breath up to this point and will continue to do so until your last appointed breath. He has a solution for every one of your problems. I, too, am without close friends except for my husband and so I started talking to God and I asked Him for a friend. I have some autistic tendencies with Asperger Syndrome, was red-pilled years ago and love to do research especially on alternative health and the bible so not quite an easy fit to find a friend, especially one who is not jabbed because I have had negative health issues (severe migraines, cramping and bleeding 15 years after menopause) after being around people who have taken the jab. Though my prayer has taken several months to be answered, through an odd set of circumstances I have recently connected with a like-minded woman my age in a small village near me. I encourage you to believe God will help you to find a friend so talk to Him and ask for help. He helped me and I know He is willing to help you, too, if you will but ask and trust Him to bring the right person at the right time into your life.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joy

Beautiful prose, which comes from beauty inside. Don’t give up on finding a soulmate as that makes life bearable (the web is here to help you).

2 years ago
Reply to  Joy

Man can I relate. And just like you said, here you are on the internet so we will probably never in real life. Finding those w such similar circumstance and mindset anywhere is great but kinda bittersweet to know they’re out there but alone we remain.

Ray Witter
2 years ago
Reply to  Joy

You are not alone. Thanks to the internet technology we are able to network in a way we never could have decades ago. So it’s a double edged sword.

Dorothy in Oz
2 years ago
Reply to  Joy

To Joy…I understand exactly how you feel…and feel just as alone, as isolated, as stuck in a wicked world, but I choose to believe in something better in the next life…that there is a purpose to the suffering we encounter in this life, that we learn from this human experience, and hopefully learn to be more like God, and live out God’s love to others. To be part of the light..

Kind regards…

2 years ago
Reply to  Joy.

Joy, There are vitamins, minerals, herbs & teas you can use. I am almost 75, I have no uterus but still have my ovaries. I have an out of state friend staying in my home, (vaxxd) for about 5 weeks now. My ovaries have hurt,for one day, like just before you ovulate. It’s been 10 or 15 years since I’ve had that sensation. Before she arrived I was already taking vitamins A, C, D, E, B complex, Zinc, Milk Thistle, Turmeric, Calcium-Magnesium, MSM and a Probiotic. I do believe you need Spiritual protection also.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joy.

It’s all in the Bible! THose who don’t know it, or read it, won’t know what is happening Too many people have forsaken God, so He’s removed His hand of protection, as they wanted. In Deuteronomy, God gave everyone a choice. Choose Life, and His blessings, or choose the curse. Most have chosen the curse–by turning away from God to false gods. NO GODS. We are in the end times spoken of in all the prophetic books of the Bible, and evil must come to the full, and boy is it ever! YOU MUST KNOW OUR SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST. He is the only one who can save us. PLEASE SEEK HIM TODAY. It is the reason for everything happening, and why evil men have taken over, and give their kingdoms to the antichrist. The snake bite, I believe, is the mark of the beast. Praying for you to seek the Lord today, believe in His Word, and read it–pray for understanding, and you will realize exactly what’s happening and why. Jesus is coming soon to destroy those who are destroying the world HE CREATED. Choose the blessing today…Jesus Christ.

Ray Witter
2 years ago
Reply to  Joy.

I feel the same as you. Not wanting to live mainly because so much of the world fell for this claptrap. Permanent divide. The division will only increase as brainwashing increases.

1 year ago
Reply to  Joy.

We are in end times, and it’s culmination. It IS sick, but all in the Bible. And the whole world followed after the beast. Our ONLY HOPE is in Jesus Christ, who is coming to destroy those who are destroying the earth. Put your hope in Him only. These are the birth pains mentioned in Matthew 24 & other places. Seek the Lord God Almighty. And never, never deny Him or forsake HIm. This is all happening because most of the world HAS forsaken Him, and serve the devil instead. They will end up in the lake of fire, but those who love the Lord will get to live eternally with our Lord and Savior. Rev. 3:20.

2 years ago

I was pushed out of my job of 20+ years (just last week) for refusing the death jab and illness from being around the vaccinated. I loved my job. I worked for a nonprofit youth development program. My coworkers were indoctrinated liberals, which had not been much of a problem until the “virus” and death jab. After these sheeple got their jabs, the pressure, screaming & name calling began to force me to put poison in my veins. I refused. This continued for many months. They tried to crush me into compliance. It didn’t work because I knew I was only a danger to their narrative! Only after the sheeple began getting their boosters did my trouble began. I began to get ill when I spent time in close proximity to those who had boosters and double boosters. I began to wear double face diapers and long sleeved layers but no good. I realized my health was being damaged BY THE VACCINATED!
I did research and read up on shedding. I had not put any belief in it … not really listened or read about it … but here I was … so very, very sick depending on who was around and how close they were physically. I knew I had to leave my job. I left just last week so I am on a rollercoaster of emotions. My health is more important. I am so much better even after just a few days out.
I will miss my job. I know I made a difference in the lives of the youth in my community. I will have to be content with knowing that. We will see what happens as the jabbed keep putting more poison in their veins.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gee

Standing for principles is the best lesson you could give them, whether you get to say that to them or not. You will still be here to help them after the mess, others who got jabbed likely wont.

2 years ago

Thank you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gee

It has been 2 + months since I was pushed out of my job. I thought I would be great. I ignored and pushed through my post coworker covid poisoned health issues thinking they were stress related. Once the horrendous psychological treatment was gone, I would be great. I have not been great. I am dealing with joint pain, headaches, long periods, areas mostly on my arms and legs feel like bruises without marks or damage, lethargy and inability to sleep, the area around my feeling mouth numb, tinnitus, chills and fevers, my hands and feet feel painful tingling. I am accustomed to being active but now I am unable (practically bedridden). I am taking vitamins and eating as organic and possible, but what else can I do to get to a more normal life? I would appreciate any advice. Thank you!

2 years ago

Free floating spike protein fragments can attach to platelets, cardiac muscle cells and other human cells. 

Apparently, the greatest danger comes from free-floating spike fragments that form when the vaccinated cells die. This process is certainly known to the manufacturers of vaccines. The manufacturers of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines claim that they have removed the receptors from the vaccinated spike proteins. Thrombocytopenia, heart disease and thrombosis can occur when viral proteins bind to the HS receptors of platelets,or to the ACE2 receptors of human cells. When inoculated cells die, fragments of spike proteins are formed. If too many of these fragments bind to platelets, at some point a thrombocytonomy will automatically develop, from which thrombosis can result. 
In this research paper, as is so often the case, rare cases are referred to. But that is another story. The dose makes the poison. 
Light and shadow. Research results indicating the ability of spike fragments to attach to human cells.

To prove that the free-floating spike particles can cause the most severe side effects and death, the blood of vaccinated individuals would have to be tested for the number of these particles. In addition, platelets are actually a good way to tell if there are foreign particles at the HS receptors. This would also prove that the spike proteins from vaccines are very dangerous. The article reduces the long known mechanism of free floating spike proteins from vaccines somewhat. Nevertheless, it recommends to look for solutions that prevent spike fragments from destroyed vaccinated cells from attaching. 

Here is another link, to a research paper dealing with the toxicity of positively charged lipid nanoparticles from vaccines. These dangers are also known to the vaccine manufacturers. Sometimes the link does not work immediately.
In addition, vaccinated persons will always be infected with covid even after the fourth vaccination. 
Why? Because the immune system continues to massively form its own antibodies against Covid, even in vaccinated people. 
So the immune system reacts automatically. It simultaneously forms antibodies against the spike proteins from vaccines and its own antibodies against the virus. The immune system is not asleep. The vaccination doesn’t somehow turn it off. 
There is a simple solution that is safe and allows everyone to avoid getting vaccinated. 
Antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 are preferably taken from recovered, unvaccinated people, purified and then multiplied. Their effect is undisputed. This form of therapy is much older. 

It is totally simple to take antibodies against the spike proteins from recovered vaccinated people, of which there are many at the moment. These would then be purified and could be given to every unvaccinated person. This would have an immediate prophylactic effect, and it can also be administered immediately when infections begin. 

In addition, the antibodies of recovered vaccinated people can be given to the already vaccinated instead of the genetically manipulated vaccines, as soon as their antibodies become lower. 
Antibody amplification can be done by any good laboratory. It is also less dangerous than nanoparticles from vaccines, both for the donor and the recipient. 
However, the vaccine manufacturers are not concerned with preserving health. Otherwise, this therapy would have existed long ago. It is probably more about a planned, worldwide genocide. Reduction of the world population. The great reset begins with the death of healthy children and adults through vaccines. 

2 years ago

I always thought it bizarre that they push 5G as hard as they push the vax. The difference in speeds between 3g and 5g for most users is not that big of a deal. It’s a youth thing.

Logically, producing more ambient radiation could have nothing but harmful effects. And I”m writing this from my wireless laptop 🙁

2 years ago

When I had an RF meter I checked wired earphones connected to a cell phone. The wire transferrs the RF to the ear phone. A solution is the Hollow tube earphones which have a tube that contacts the ears instead of the wire going directly to the earphone.

2 years ago

Like what happened in Wuhan with thousands dead could have been millions drop dead, China does not like footages in or out unless they allow it. When 5G Grid was switched on that’s when people collapsed or drop dead where they stood. I believe that Wuhan burned the bodies with incinerators so no one is the wiser.

I read on line that America not sure which States will also be turning their 5G Grid on, it was postponed until around this time no idea got pushed forward yet again. All that is switched on are just 5G Towers any that are 4G Towers are not part of the 5G Grid.

I been researching on how Covid 19 was Isolated and with 150 plus FOIA’s that not one has a pure sample from someone that is allegedly has symptoms and sick, that has been Isolated and Purified using only Koch Postulates that’s been used for around 2 Centuries the only Gold Standard. The CDC admits that their isolation did not occur from Koch Postulates instead with a RT-PCR Test, then had Vero Cells which are from a Monkey Kidney. It would have to be the same one that had its EUA pulled December 31st 2021, so you think the current isolation technique should be scrapped as well.

I wonder if any Disease or Virus has been through the Koch Postulates or is Germ Theory huge Fraud and Terrain Theory from Antoine Béchamp was right all along and those Elites like Rockefeller made sure his name and experience is never world known. When I hear Conspiracy Theory from Governments and MSM that they are the ones committing the Crimes and the Factcheckers are paid handsomely to make anything that is a Conspiracy Theory Fake. Including 5G, Experimental Gene Therapy Bioweapon all the Tyrannical Measures.

Now in 2022 seeing many Cases and several Deaths from this Bioweapon not a Vaccine, the Booster Rollout mid in 2021 and everyday more and more Cases and Deaths will occur. Seeing more ICU, Ventilators and Deaths when using Remdesivir as the Protocol. When the CDC now state most really died with Covid than of Covid would that mean those payments will not happen when Deaths with Covid not of Covid 🤔🤔🤔

Last edited 2 years ago by Questionit21
Margie Miller
Margie Miller
2 years ago

Those towers are NOT decorative and the fact that when queried, the answer is “no comment” tells you they are hiding something harmful.

2 years ago

As a non-vaxxed person I have severe coughing fits when around the vaxxed, especially the Phizer jab. Also had a few sneezing fits being around some vaxxed in my church!

2 years ago

At this point I believe we will all be contaminated on some level. Clearly there is a difference between vaxxed and unvaxxed. Personally, I’m unvaxxed but I also sneeze when I’m around vaxxed individuals. I think we should be less fearful as there is nothing we can do at this point.

1 year ago

I am also banned off of Twitter for refusing to delete a comment they disagree with. So much for Musk’s “Freedom of Speech” platform — he is a Globalist shill who just wants to make sure he keeps Cabal advertising dollars on the platform.
Great work as always with your updates — you are truly a blessing!

Stephen Coffin
Stephen Coffin
1 year ago

I’m very interested in why was there so much discussion about the safety of humans regarding 5G in the beginning and then nothing, well I’m for those who still want to know.

1 year ago

I have a question here. I agree shedding is real and 5G are destructive. But why did the satanic men like Gates, Schwab, Fauci etc whose goal is to depopulate created them? Because shedding and 5G can also affect them and get them killed too. Any response will be welcomed

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