November 17, 2023
One of the core tenets of depopulation is destroying the nuclear family. The powers-that-be (“TPTB”) declared in the late 1960s that mass homosexual culture, women working outside the home, abortions, and single motherhood would be normalized to fulfill said goal. Six decades later, we sit at The Great Reset, the fulfillment of their depopulation goals.
The mRNA and viral vector DNA injections have sterilized billions of humans, halting procreation altogether and further reinforcing the depopulation agenda. Vaxx zealots and their media thought the hypothesis stated in the photo above was “conspiracy theory.” But almost exactly two years after said photo was taken, that hypothesis is now reality.
TPTB always find ways to conflate and manipulate mutually exclusive premises for their propaganda campaigns. This story should be a productive wake up call for slumbering lambs. Instead TPTB turned it into a celebration of mammon and debauchery, as the U.S. inches closer to complete societal breakdown.
RELATED: Pfizer documents: unvaccinated people can be exposed to experimental mRNA from vaccinated people; frightening adverse reactions (May 7, 2021)
Here are the facts:
- Vaxxed vaginal arousal fluid and breast milk are poisoned with synthetic mRNA
- Vaxxed uteruses produce contaminated placentas ripe for stillbirths and miscarriages (if pregnancy is even possible at all)
- Vaxxed males have low sperm counts and low motility sperm
- Vaxxed ejaculation into female vagina is essentially an mRNA booster shot for the female
The good Dr. Pierre Kory, the Ivermectin godfather, published an interesting article on November 9 about sexually transmitted spike protein shedding.
RELATED: Truth confirmed: research proves two more “conspiracy theories” related to vaccine shedding, pregnant women to be true all along (May 25, 2022)
Non-vaccinated people put themselves and their potential offspring at risk by having sexual relations with vaxxed people. Any potential pregnancy, whether one or both parties are vaxxed, is likely to involuntarily terminate or result in unpredictable birth defects that lead to sudden death. Further, a non-vaccinated person having unprotected or otherwise sex with vaxxed people is equivalent to knowingly having sex with AIDS patients.
The reality is harsh on all levels. Non-vaccinated single people have an extremely narrow pool of potential romantic partners as a result. Vaxxed people are sterile and can freely pass share their spike proteins with other vaxxed people.
This blogger is launching a non-vaccinated dating site in the next several weeks (subscribe to our email newsletters to learn more). We’ll keep it as close to 50/50 men to women as possible. That’s about the only way non-vaccinated men can possibly find non-vaccinated women, and vice versa, in 2023.
Vaxxed females, however, are now acknowledging their own fertility issues, and that of vaxxed men. They are seeking potential solutions thereof. These conditions have created quite the strange marketplace on social media.
Non-vaccinated sperm Facebook group inaccessible; but homosexual sperm donation groups abundant
The Daily Mail published an article on November 5 featuring a Facebook group called Sperm Donation USA. In order to understand said group, you must look at it from the perspective of The Great Reset.
An Alabama man posted photos of him and his wife requesting a non-vaccinated sperm donor so they could “grow their family.” Another user identified herself as a single mother of one daughter, seeking a non-vaccinated sperm donor to “give my daughter a sibling.”
Non-vaccinated men were willy-nilly (no pun intended) ejaculating into plastic bags and syringes, and selling their semen to the highest bidders. The follow photo was taken in Garden Grove, California earlier this month.
Tall young men, shapely middle-aged men, and men with square jaws can apparently name their price and women pay it, as long as said men are non-vaccinated. Of course there is no way to verify vaccination status, short of the men having documented histories of battling big pharma. The whole process is also pointless if the woman is vaxxed, and had a mea culpa thereafter, believing her vaxxed eggs can still conceive from non-vaxxed sperm.
The group members specify whether they wish to do the transaction via AI (artificial insemination) or NI (natural insemination). Nearly all of said requests are the previous.
One of this blogger’s assistants requested to join the Sperm Donation USA group on November 7 to see it for ourselves. But the page started showing as unavailable the following day, despite it being live when viewed from a non-signed-in account.
Here is the page when not signed in.
And here it is while signed in.
There are several similar groups on Facebook, some of which we were able to join.
It appears Facebook allows sperm donation groups as long as said sperm is being donated to homosexual females; and there aren’t too many requests for non-vaccinated sperm in said groups. One thing is clear – all of said groups are heavily homosexual female.
Here are a few of the most recent posts in USA Sperm Donor, a group with 10,000 members.
Some of the “men” in these other active groups are allowed to announced their non-vaccinated status, apparently as long as they are homosexual and a little off.
There are very few requests for non-vaccinated sperm in the other groups. It appears Facebook shadow-bans said groups if too many posts about non-vaccinated sperm exist.
These groups are essentially mail-order coterie. It is definitely not family-oriented.
There are many anecdotal accounts of males meeting these females at Walmart and Starbucks parking lots, ejaculating into syringes, and exchanging the syringes for cash right then and there. Several males use these groups as side hustles or full-time gigs.
Some group members claim to have upwards of 200-plus offspring conceived from their sperm.
RELATED: Anniken Jørgensen: 25-year-old Norwegian beauty entrepreneur suffers menstrual bleeding everyday for a year since her second Pfizer mRNA injection (July 22, 2022)
The Jonathan Rinaldi aspect
There are elements of “controlled opposition” at play as to Sperm Donation USA (the non-vaxxed sperm group) and how this whole story unfolded in mainstream and social media over the last few weeks. Jonathan David Rinaldi is a Republican candidate for New York City Council. He lost to Democrat James Gennaro by over 50 percentage points last week. More on that in a second.
The Daily Mail published their non-vaxxed sperm story two days before the election. They enhanced Rinaldi’s 15-minute, semi-celebrity status by calling him “The Sperminator.”
Rinaldi reportedly has 16 offspring conceived from his sperm, along with three children with his ex-girfriend. He was said to have started a new non-vaccinated sperm Facebook page. But none of the ones we checked listed Rinaldi as an administrator. Three days after the Daily Mail article was published, Rinaldi, 44, appeared on the Fox Corporation show OutKick. He then appeared on the Stew Peters Show on November 10.
It is more logical for sensationalized media to interview one of the “200 club” men versus a politician if this story was organic. Further, Rinaldi did a strange interview with the Jewish Telegraph Agency back in May. Rinaldi, who is a Zionist, had 18 total offspring and children from his sperm at the time. He said, regarding said offspring:
“Eighteen is a holy number. It’s just what God has blessed me with. I’m doing this because I don’t believe in abortion. I am pro-life. I explain to each [woman]: This child will be born into a larger family. I have eighteen other children.
I’d like as many as God will give me. Why put your entire bloodline into one child when you can spread it out? Eighteen is a holy number in Judaism. And the next one is 36, so I’ll reassess then.”
Rinaldi is also quite unhinged. He confronted Gennaro at an RFK, Jr. Townhall in Brooklyn on August 30. Granted New Yorkers lost either way with these candidates. But Rinaldi, in MAGA-type fashion, threatened Gennaro with violence after the latter called him “a white supremacist.”
Rinaldi has had multiple similar encounters with political opponents in 2023. And again in typical MAGA fashion, when Rinaldi was asked about threatening violence against his opponents, he denied it despite posting video of said threats on TikTok himself.
The very important message about poisoned sperm and eggs due to the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections was completely buried by homosexual culture and what looks to be a political plant. Congrats to TPTB for this successful deflection campaign.
Social and legal ramifications of social media sperm swapping
The Cornell Daily Sun, the student newspaper at Cornell University, publishes anonymous articles in a series called “Hater Tuesday” every week. The October 30 edition is entitled “The Freshman Class’s Complete and Utter Lack of Social Skills.” A freshman described their experiences attempting to interact with classmates in their first few months at the university:
“For one thing, no one speaks — not in classes, not while walking around campus and not in the dining hall…Getting people to talk in classes is excruciatingly difficult, and trying to actually make a friend is even harder…the freshman class does not seem to possess the social skills for these sorts of interactions.”
This young student is unfortunately experiencing the norm for their generation. Normal human communication is no longer verbal or face-to-face. Talking on the telephone is even too bothersome for Gen Z, Gen Alpha and young Millennials. It’s all text messages, social media and email. That’s been conditioned into young people for 20-plus years. That is who and what they are. There’s no way to change that now without coordinated, concentrated de-conditioning for at least two generations.
This blogger comes from a time when you were 12 years old, and had to built up the nerve to either call a girl on the phone or walk up to her and tell her she cute. The phone calls were awful because their little brothers or sisters would answer, laugh, tease, etc.
As a teenager and college student, you also had to walk up to girls, and ask them out to their faces, knowing full well you’re either getting dissed and embarrassed, or you’re getting a date. But those experiences as a 12-year-old prepared you for the ones later in life.
Now in 2023, men and women meet and communicate via swiping and social media. They don’t even have sex when they want babies anymore. They get on social media, arrange a semen-in-syringe meeting place, and complete a monetary transaction.
The potential offspring, especially if it’s male, is destined for psychological dysfunction, particularly once they learn how they were conceived. Being raised by two females, and never knowing their father, exacerbates mental illness. The beauty of human reproduction and family is now reduced to this. And TPTB absolutely love it.
Potential legal issues
There’s also the matter of child support. Several states, including Kansas (which has very weird laws) and North Carolina, force some sperm donors that do transactional donations like in this article, to pay child support. This doesn’t apply to people who donate through sperm banks since donor names are anonymous.
A homosexual male in the U.K. was ordered to pay two homosexual females child support in 2012. They conceived a child from his sperm. All these guys on social media masturbating for money and/or clout, have no idea what they’re potentially getting themselves into. “Signing away parental rights” has absolutely zero legal effect if the female truly wants to come after you.
Just more societal decline
This should be an important story. But like everything during The Great Reset, it’s just more debauchery in a declining society. Most of the sperm donor pages on Facebook aren’t even focused on non-vaxxed sperm. It’s a bunch of vaxxed homosexual females soliciting sperm from vaxxed males. We scrolled all the way back through January 2021 in USA Sperm Donors, and found only one success story. Vaxxed sperm and vaxxed eggs are dead ends.
The fact that so many men are willing to give their second-most precious bodily fluid (after blood) to total strangers to father children they’ll never know, in exchange for a few dollars, is quite disturbing. Plus nearly all of the offspring will be raised in homosexual female households.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and universities stopped doing regular research on homosexual female domestic violence around 10 years ago because of the truth: that 44% of two-female households in the U.S. reported domestic violence. “Bisexual women” are affected at a 61% rate, versus 35% for normal women (and many of those have police in the households).
Some of the most grizzly murder stories you’ll ever find are homosexual women killing their kids. Again, these Walmart syringe babies are unlikely to ever be born anyway due to contaminated sperm and eggs. But if they are and they survive into adulthood, their destinies are already written.
Non-vaccinated people – do not exchange bodily fluids with vaxxed people. Life is tough for single, non-vaccinated people. But it’s better to be alone than to be genetically modified. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog® book here.
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Sorry I can’t read this article, seeing those female lgbt pervs makes my blood boil. ONLY MEN have girlfriends or a Wife, to even hear or read them using (hijacking) such terms is beyond insulting, actually everything they do, say etc, even their very existence is insulting to me as a man.
They are nasty.
I skipped over the vile posts from those crazy women and just read Brian’s article.
I did not skip over these vile posts. We need to know about this disgusting stuff going on. I am not, nor was I ever, a fan of gay couples. They were not “born that way”. That used to be the comment years ago when gays were “coming out” – they were born that way. I always had a retort, “no, they chose that lifestyle”. Now they are free to choose that horrible lifestyle for their children. It is horrendous!
I told my young adult children there’s no future with a vaxxed person. Yes it reduces your potential dating and future spouse pool but in a good way. It screens out cavers, alphabet people, covidians et al. So you are left with a better genetic pool, critical thinkers and less mental illness and delusional behaviors. Be supportive and you can be friends but no swapping bodily fluids.
Good for You Annie! Wish I had a supportive mom like that. I’m the only unvaxxed person in my family. It sucks but chances of finding those unvaxxed critical thinkers is slim (even impossible). This world was meant for dummies for sure. I just want to see how things will turn out in 4 to 5 years.
Stand strong and know you are in the right here. My son went on the rightstuff dating app and met an unvaxxed woman who shares his values. Maybe the dating site here on the covid blog. You are not alone.
If there are many more posts like this one, I fear I am going to start thinking maybe the WEF is on to something…
Brave coverage and stunning delivery, as always.
I was a philanderer last year, and I bedded at least 5 vaxxed women. We were not particularly safe. It’s highly unlikely that I’m NOT modified now.
Signs include fatigue, mental cloudiness, weird teeth degradation, unreasonable slimming, short temper,reduced critical thinking capacity, irregular heartbeat etc. It’s a tragedy of errors.
I might not be long for this life. That’s what being a slave to carnal pleasures has gotten me.
I had enough knowledge not to take the vaccine. Yet I couldn’t resist temptations of the flesh, and ended up receiving it anyway via coitus. So it was all for nothing.
Classic self-saboteur.
Regarding everything else…
The TPB must be overjoyed at this. Children born and raised under such bizarre conditions are perfect slave-class citizens. This might be be the preferred breeding method for part of the 500 million left in 2030 (besides survivors and runaways).
It’s hard to imagine more prime conditions for lifelong psychological trauma. The lesbians will be more than glad to pass down their documented mental illnesses. The circumstances of a loveless, depraved, and commercialized birth are enough to break anyone.
Cornelius, it takes courage to acknowledge your mistakes and try correcting. I hope you find a solution for revamping your health. Maybe start by changing your diet, avoiding processed foods and including stuff like seamoss and ginger in your foods. The admin, Mr Brian, also recommended pine tree tea which should help clean your system. I wish you all the best.
My partner had coitus with a vaxxd person, he actually cheated on me. Since last year Dec I have watched him change, he has all the above symptoms you’ve mentioned. He has HBP and was hospitalised this year after almost having a heart attack…From this blog and other educational sites, I know the mess he put himself into and I know how it will end for him. I confronted him about it and it was ugly….This is someone who acts all enlightened but went ahead and cheated despite me telling him how dangerous it is to engage with a vaxxed person. Thank goodness my instinct couldn’t let me sleep with him.
Thank you Mr. Brian for the insightful Blog. I appreciate your work and the efforts you put into it. May you be forever blessed for speaking the truth which is becoming rare in the current world.
Wow that’s some deep ass stuff… it’s documented in Pfizer’s own hidden papers that intimate contact can transmit ???????? that happened in the movie Prometheus ????
1) Detox! 2) & Find God & Repent, seriously!!.. 3) I had similar residual symptoms after weird covid infection imposed on me by some visiting vacc.’d relatives (I have many, despite my best efforts!) who wouldn’t stop coughing from their “cold” & I had to take care of them… But, working through it all quite well. You can counter this junk & Detox.
**But, in your case, it’s Time to sincerely Repent for your promiscuity!!- Time draws short.
Good Luck!–
I recommend taking ivermectin, NAC, and nattokainse. These meds and supplements are known to cleanse the body of the spike protein.
Unfortunately today children are no longer a reward for humanity they are a commodity to be bought and sold like cattle. My daughters were the a great blessing and seeing the way people think children are just a pet or an accessory is so disgusting and sad. It will be a wonder these children, who happen to live, will be so messed up they might wish they were never born.
Goodness! I’m single, unvaxxed but had a hysterectomy, so I can’t have kids. But, I still have to consider that if I choose to be in a relationship, I better ensure it’s with an unvaxxed guy.
It’s a question I’ll add to my list cause I wouldn’t want to unknowingly get shots/boosters.
TPTB are on top of their game and have managed to gaslight and manipulate nearly everyone.
Before Covid my pool was men with same blood type. Now if I will ever make children adds the non vaxxed atribute.
But will never take a sperm donnor.
Thats bullshit.
I will either find (while for the moment I am not ready but when time will come) a partner, or will continue to stay childless as I am not convinved at the moment Humanity deserves my genes.
I do not get sick, dont take any bacteria, disease etc even of around me ppl get i5, dont age. Once in a few years my body restarts, coming to a teen.
My blood type is very rare and I can pass as any race with different hair color and weigth/tann or not.
But sperm donnor? Why the Hell would I become a single partent why would I put my body to tgat stress to have a pegnancy alone??? Beats me
The commoditization of the human race — in all its forms — is an absolutely evil social catastrophe. God help us to trust that the Creator’s original design for family and society is true and trustworthy.
Notice how with these deranged homosexuals, “having a child” is all about what the adults want. Not a single thought is given to the poor child created and how some day they are going to grow up, ask questions and wonder who their real parents are. Not to mention when they do figure out how they came into being how unloved they will feel because their “moms” or “dads” didn’t care enough about them to give them a mom and dad which is what they have a right to. No, no, it’s all about the wants of the adults. These are the most unstable, selfish and mentally ill people ever and the saddest part is they don’t have a clue. To anyone around these people whether they are friends or family please don’t fall for the lie that “love makes a family” or it doesn’t matter who the “parents” are as long as they both love the child. That is all nonsense and horse manure. There is no love there. Chance are one of them is going to walk out and just like that, another single parent. These people are godless and don’t have the faintest idea what real love is. Pity them, but don’t encourage them in their offensive immorality, lest you become an accessory to it.
I would upvote this comment 1000 times if I could. Humanity is in a sad debauched state of affairs and any children that result from these types of arrangements, will be laden with generational sin and trauma of many types that will perpetuate more individual suffering and greater problems for society as a whole.
When I read these stories, I wonder: Do these people who spend thousands and thousands of dollars on failed IVFs, or those out soliciting sperm on the internet with no idea of the donor’s mental or physical health, really want a child? If they really wanted a child, really wanted to expand their families, there are thousands of children of all ages and races available for adoption here and abroad. This is acquisition and narcissism — not nurturing.
I see the comments here are from all the regular ‘people’, which is no surprise. (Edit this portion out)
This article was particularly potent and I will definitely be sharing it with friends. The last paragraph highlighting an extreme importance.
I look forward to the launch of your non-vaxxed dating website.
I, myself, am a 33 single male living in Upstate (Syracuse), New York. Never took a test nor needle of any kind, ever.
I could never donate knowing that a child who is 50% me would be raised by deranged deviants.
Social Media needs to DIE. Go out and meet people in real life.
“and men with square jaws”
Brian, your wit shines like a beacon, as you report on the dire events out there.
I imagine this dating site will be an interesting but very tough project, finding unvaxxed people who also haven’t had intimacy with a vaxxed individual. One of my unvaxxed neighbors met a lovely woman around 2020 who, despite his warnings, proceeded to get the jab for her nursing career. He dated her anyway and has experienced some side effects since then. I have no doubt that our still officially “unvaxxed” neighbor may just as well have taken the jab.
I have a lot of respect for Brian Wilkins. That’s all.