March 2, 2023 Drug cartels have always made for great theater, whether in Hollywood or real life. Every Generation X kid knew/know the names
Category: Ivermectin
Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, two other physicians, sue FDA, DHHS for exceeding authority and interfering with doctors’ ability to prescribe Ivermectin to patients June 29, 2022 HOUSTON — Dr. Pierre Kory, of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), deservedly receives most of the credit for
Truth Bombshell: 9 peer-reviewed studies conclude that Ivermectin is a powerful, highly-effective anti-cancer drug April 11, 2022 We know that SARS-CoV-2 is a man-made “paravirus” if you will, created in Wuhan/Moderna laboratories and reinforced by mainstream media propaganda.
If you still trust “mainstream” doctors after reading these four stories, then may God help you February 3, 2022 (updated 8:15 p.m. Pacific) A July survey by British market research firm OnePoll answers an important question. Why has this sloppy,
December 16 Roundup: more threats against the non-vaccinated, Demaryius Thomas, and Canada pushing Australia for dystopian capital of the world December 16, 2021 Jump To Demaryius Thomas These longer articles are becoming the norm at The COVID Blog because there is so much
Japan suspends use of Moderna injections after “metallic particles” found in vials; country continues using Ivermectin to treat COVID-19 September 1, 2021 TOKYO – CNN, NBC, ABC, and other U.S. mainstream media have continually mocked and dismissed as “conspiracy theory” thousands of videos
Fred Pye: 39-year-old Canadian man suffering convulsions after Moderna injection, self-medicating with horse Ivermectin July 21, 2021 CAPE BRETON ISLAND, NOVIA SCOTIA — A 39-year-old father of two took matters into his own hands when the medical established
India Bar Association serves legal notice on WHO Chief Scientist Soumya Swaminathan for lying about Ivermectin effectiveness against COVID-19 June 8, 2021 MUMBAI — We wrote a few weeks ago about India adding Ivermectin to its COVID-19 mitigation protocols. It resulted in dramatic
India: COVID-19 cases plummet as the country turns to Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine May 16, 2021 (updated May 17, 2021) UPDATED June 8, 2021: India Bar Association serves legal notice on WHO Chief Scientist Soumya Swaminathan for
New York Judge Saves 80-Year-Old COVID-19 Patient By Ordering Hospital To Give Her Ivermectin
The COVID Blog January 18, 2021 UPDATED February 22, 2021 – Judith Smentkiewicz healthy, back at home after Ivermectin treatment. WILLIAMSVILLE, NEW YORK — Millard