There are currently 348 studies (as of July 4, 2022) for hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19. The drug is 92% effective as an early treatment, 67% effective as a late treatment, and 83% effective as a pre and post-exposure prophylaxis.

See the data here. More data here.


Dr. Stella Immanuel demands an apology after studies prove she was right about Hydroxychloroquine


Lancet study that found hydroxychloroquine harmful in treating COVID-19 has been retracted.

The study “found that the use of a regimen containing hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine (with or without a macrolide) was associated with no evidence of benefit, but instead was associated with an increase in the risk of ventricular arrhythmias and a greater hazard for in-hospital death with COVID-19. These findings suggest that these drug regimens should not be used outside of clinical trials and urgent confirmation from randomised clinical trials is needed.” See the retracted study here and here.

Dr. Frank Ruschitka is one of the researchers who conducted this study. He works for University Heart Center at University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland. The acknowledgements say that Dr. Ruschitka received “grants and personal fees from SJM/Abbott, grants and personal fees from Servier, personal fees from Zoll, personal fees from Astra Zeneca, personal fees from Sanofi, grants and personal fees from Novartis, personal fees from Amgen, personal fees from BMS, personal fees from Pfizer, personal fees from Fresenius, personal fees from Vifor, personal fees from Roche, grants and personal fees from Bayer, personal fees from Cardiorentis, personal fees from Boehringer Ingelheim, other from Heartware, and grants from Mars.” Emphasis added.


Dr. Anthony Cardillo explains how hydroxychloroquine paired with zinc kills COVID-19


More hydroxychloroquine + zinc evidence.



Second-largest factory in the world that produces hydroxychloroquine precursors goes up in flames (December 20, 2020)




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Donald Davis
Donald Davis
3 years ago


3 years ago
Reply to  Donald Davis

And ivermectin. And chlorine dioxide (MMS). And likely IV vitamin C. Bet there are other combinations as well.

3 years ago
Reply to  Laura

I heard that liposomal Vitamin C is almost as good as IV vitamin C.

Bryan H
Bryan H
2 years ago
Reply to  Laura

I believe Ivermectin helps eliminate the virus from one’s system (not necessarily blocking replication). MMS is also a potent anti-viral and anti-bacterial, apparently very effective against Covid as well.

2 years ago
Reply to  Laura

The biggest hurdle to any of these cheap/effective methods is whether or not it affects the Central Bank Clan’s “bottom line” or may destabilize their obscene power over “our” government.

Ray White
Ray White
2 years ago
Reply to  Donald Davis

Amen Donald Davis! I wish the film I clicked on with all good doctors testifying against this fake plandemic had a link I could share!

Brenda Butler
Brenda Butler
3 years ago

How can we buy hydroxychloroquine without getting scammed?

3 years ago
Reply to  Brenda Butler

Website, America Frontline Doctors has a covid area where you can set up a telehealth visit and they’ll get you a prescription. I did it & you get hydroxychloroquine, antibiotics & zinc for $85.

2 years ago
Reply to  Doreen

Cross the border and buy all necessary medicines at a Mexican pharmacy.

3 years ago
Reply to  Brenda Butler

You can make it yourself. Boil Grapefruit and lemon peels. The information is out there.

3 years ago
Reply to  Brenda Butler

You can also purchase quinine from cinchona tree extract or capsules.

Joyce B Clemons
Joyce B Clemons
2 years ago
Reply to  pam

The extract [straight] is sold online I have some of that [use according to label] and also buy El Guapo Bitters Tonic Syrup which tastes nice in an icy glass of juice mixed with club soda. I use about 2 tsp per drink of the syrup. It also has galangal, and ginger and other anti-viral herbs in a citrus base. Delish. You should use it to swallow your zinc piccolinate. Your vitamins D3, and C, and multivitamin, magnesium, etc. go down easier with food and milk or almond milk.

Danielle Thompson
Danielle Thompson
2 years ago
Reply to  Brenda Butler

Tonic water has it. Check the ingredient label.

Joyce B Clemons
Joyce B Clemons
2 years ago

Not quite enough, but it’s a good base for the bitters tonic I described above.

1 year ago

Yes, in many places it’s still called quinine water.

Jay C
Jay C
2 years ago
Reply to  Brenda Butler

$90 fee and appointment for Covid19 protocol plus $199.99 HQC 40 pills 💊

2 years ago
Reply to  Brenda Butler

Go to Front line Dr’s web site or Dr. Immanuel’s web page

Last edited 2 years ago by NAV
3 years ago

It’s disturbing that such good and capable Doctors are being treated like this all over the world, they really should unite get a webpage up and contest the MSM and GOVs Misinformation with Facts based on science and documentation, this way they can’t be easily contested, then spread the word like wild fire and Question them , Question those which do not wish to be questioned yet Dictate like dictators how you must live your lives, cause it makes them feel uncomfortable that you might just know more than them and the real truth which isn’t based on their trust and medical competence.

3 years ago
Reply to  Number03

They have a website up its Americas Frontline Drs

Sheila D
Sheila D
3 years ago
Reply to  Crazycloud

dot org

Pamela Fingar
1 year ago
Reply to  Crazycloud

Americas Fronytline Drs website is

3 years ago

This is a virus which is killing people..why hasn’t anyone put this out publicly for all persons to read and know?

3 years ago
Reply to  guest

No money in that

3 years ago
Reply to  guest

This virus is only killing people because the Corrupt DEMS were attempting to keep the right drugs away from us SO WE WOULD HAVE TO TAKE THEIR ROGUE TEST VACCINE – IN WHCH THEY HAVE BEEN TESTING IT FOR YEARS BEHIND OUR BACK !!! See the uprising in Nigeria where every vaccine trial has killed or maimed thousands of people. I saw their videos on youtube.

2 years ago
Reply to  Respect2Glory

There is no virus – it has not been isolated

MW Tyler
MW Tyler
3 years ago
Reply to  guest

Why haven’t you seen the results of people putting it out there is the question. Now, it is available with more support than ever. Called the second most populated country in the world, India has now been a live study, with the results that proves the benefit of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. Restoring life is the goal. The goal is met, when using these two treatments.

3 years ago
Reply to  MW Tyler

According to the OWID ‘Vax’ data, it looks like India’s Jabbing got started on 15th January. They had been using Ivermectin and had about 13 covid cases per million people.
•in the 3 months since began JABBING it’s citizens, their cases per million rose from 13 to 159.

A MORE than 12 fold increase!! What’s IN that jab?

Last edited 3 years ago by Alias
3 years ago
Reply to  Alias

Several SCIENTISTS have gotten the vials of the different jabs and proven that in EVERY VIAL its 99% GRAPHENE OXIDE and 1% mRNA!!! Hence why people are becoming MAGNETIC 🧲

3 years ago
Reply to  MW Tyler

Because the Corrupt Ones are in control of MSM and Social Media (Fakebook and Twitter). But, last NOV 2020, they admitted there are more people watching youtube videos for their news and information than on MSM (ie. the nightly news).

Rightly so. I’ve seen more Hard Evidence on youtube than what the DEMS/MSM show.

You only need to watch the original video ‘of the clips DEMS/MSM share’ TO SEE DEM LIES.

3 years ago
Reply to  guest

Not a virus. Not proven. Just like AIDS

2 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

Whatever it is we know it was manufactured in the Wuhan lab and distributed by Chinese New Year to the world

3 years ago
Reply to  guest

It has been put out by thousands and thousands of doctors and people like us that know the truth! The problem is all social media says with their stupid lying fact checkers that it’s not the truth and blocks and deletes us and our accounts! Then there are the people that won’t do research and think we are all crazy! Yet all we are trying to do is save them!

Dana Wilkes
Dana Wilkes
2 years ago
Reply to  GodsChild17

They hear what they want to hear, and disregard the rest…

Joseph Brauen
Joseph Brauen
2 years ago
Reply to  guest

Far too many people don’t research anything for themselves and put blind faith in their government and their doctors.

David Malcolm Currie
David Malcolm Currie
3 years ago

The CDC already admitted they haven’t isolated the “SARS-CoV-2” virus, therefore the DNA has not been sequenced, despite medical propaganda to the contrary (ref: nomorefakenews.com) The CDC also admitted the PCR test is useless, using the FDA’s recommendation, and the PCR test is useless even if there were a virus – the person who invented the PCR test said it should never be used for diagnosing sickness! By the CDC’s own (fake) statistics, this is not even close to being an epidemic/pandemic. Finally, wearing masks makes people sick, while offering no protection, even if there were a virus. Both “doctor” Fauci and the Surgeon General both told the public to NOT wear masks at first, the Surgeon General even “doubling-down” a month later saying the same thing. Science does not change, so they are both lying about wearing masks offering protection.

3 years ago

The CDC admitted in November 2020 that only 11,040 Americans had died solely from CoronaVirus, with no other underlying medical issues. This is much less than the Common Flu Virus, probably because we took precautions. BUT, we wouldn’t have lost that many people if the DemonRATS hadn’t attempted to hide or removed access to the drugs needed to CURE US !! The DEMS removed Hydroxychloroquine from shelves where some countries sold it over-the-counter in February 2020.

Ladies and Gentlemen. these TRAITOROUS RATS have proven, beyond a doubt, they are in depopulation mode. Pray and keep watch!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Respect2Glory

Not just DemonRats, the “republican” conspire with the Ds.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Okay, some. But by FAR, the DemonRats are leaps & BOUNDS ahead of the Repubs– & SHAMELESS about it, no regrets, no concern for exposure, because MSM is totally Leftist–OWNED by the Cabal that puppeteers the Democrats.

2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Trump is just as dirty as the demonrats. He declared covid an emergency 3 consecutive times. He funded the development of the clot shot with billions even tho safe and effective medicine was available. His covid task force was advising governors to shut down on a weekly basis.

Now, this fubar sock puppet (trump) is telling people to take the clot shot. Is there a bigger rhino in the room? Nope. NAFC.

2 years ago
Reply to  jesse

Look at the -2 on your comment. You spoke the truth. It says more about people idolizing the man than the truth about what boosted and double jabbed Trump says and did.

2 years ago
Reply to  Respect2Glory

I guess those 22,000 plus parents of the deceased are thrilled.

MW Tyler
MW Tyler
3 years ago

When life is renewed from a substance, that’s all the evidence a human needs in order to decide what to do. Only criminals lie to cover up information and label it unproven.

Phil C Uriarte
Phil C Uriarte
3 years ago

The truth is getting out there, the truth is getting out there, little by little, bit by bit, BUT, the truth is getting out there. I’m receiving from relatives of mine all over the globe and half way around the globe; on my Facebook wall or page or whatever you call it, video clip after video clip of doctors and nurses that are coming forth and posting a video about what they’ve found or discovered about the truth about – ‘the vaccines’ and ‘the swabs’ – which get shoved half way up your skull and right next to your brain, my response, ”No thank you”.
The latest video I just got is from a nurse of almost 30 years; Cassandra Astan, who is not only a nurse, but, is a Certified Federal Medical Investigator and in her video clip she talks about ‘The Swab’. These are those swab things that get shoved up your nose and half way up your skull that – ‘are laced with E O or better known as Ethelene Oxide. And what is E O capable of doing – changing a persons ‘DNA’ – surprise, go figure.
Also, check out Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche PhD, DVM who has done extensive research on what the COVID vaccine actually does and why he will NOT let his own daughter take or receive the COVID vaccine in ANY, WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM (( PERIOD )). And when you check out and look into his research, THEN, you will know why.

Phil C Uriarte
Phil C Uriarte
3 years ago


Especially if the – ‘so called’ – vaccine came from Pfizer Moderna – which as you know; after being injected into the person goes to work on altering a persons DNA, and clearly and made well known by the worlds #1 vaccinator – Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche PhD, DVM as to how and what it does inside a persons blood steam.

‘Nano Soma’ repairs a persons DNA. I’m not saying that this is a cure-all, but at least it’ll give a person a fighting chance especially after getting ”The Jab”.

Here is a product that can help in countering the adverse affects of the ‘so called’ vaccine; called ”NANO SOMA”, developed by a doctor, by the name of
Dr. Richard Presser. And it does a number of healing benefits to the person(s) needing this product, especially for what it has to offer; it was originally developed for – anti aging and ( DNA repair ), that’s right, but according to Dr. Richard Presser it does a whole lot more, and for example it )Assists in improving a persons immune system )Enhancing wound healing )Stimulating cell regeneration )Promoting healthy energy levels )Reduces pain )”AND HELPS REPAIR A PERSONS – DNA”, especially for someone who is a victim of receiving the ‘so-called’ – (vaccine), because if anything, to me, it’s anything BUT a vaccine. To me, it’s a – ‘Death Sentence’ – to put it lightly.

I am hearing an avalanche of stories all over the country from pastors, preachers, and ministers giving testimony of story after story of losing one congregate member after another from those who ‘innocently’ went and got – ‘the SHOT’ – as the pastors would mention. And losing members of their congregation, one after another in the most horrifying way from getting – ‘the SHOT’ – and dropping dead within only minutes after getting – ‘the SHOT’ , to sometimes within a matter of a few days – (( AND THE ‘VACCINE’ IS NEVER MENTIONED AS – THE CAUSE OF DEATH – OH NO, IT’S ALWAYS SOMEOTHER AILMENT )) AND I’M NOT TALKING ABOUT JUST A FEW, NO I’M TALKING ABOUT SEVERAL HUNDRED IF NOT THOUSANDS THAT THIS ‘SO-CALLED’ VACCINE HAS CLAIMED AND THE STORIES JUST KEEP COMING IN.

3 years ago

Does HCQ work for late stage also? My impression is it’s less effective. & IVM works better

3 years ago

Dr. Stella Immanuel, you are totally Correct! There needs to be accountability, now. Not sure that it will ever happen, sad to say.

Thom W Schotanus
Thom W Schotanus
3 years ago

SO how can one be assured of getting this treatment if one does contract Covid 19?

3 years ago

You have to phone a doctor for a consultation and he’ll write you a RX for HCQ or Ivermectin or Chlorine Dioxide

Deeann Southern
Deeann Southern
3 years ago

My neurologist has me taking 200mg of hcq per day as a preventative and if I get COVID it’s supposed to keep it from being as bad. I have MS and Arthritis and have not been able to tolerate flu vaccinations for many years. I was recently stung by a red wasp and it just about killed me. After that, my neurologist told me, “no vaccine for you.” That’s when he started me on hcq. I’ve recently added zinc, vit c, and vit D to my daily routine.
I’m wondering how long is it safe to take hcq on a daily basis at 200mg. I’m 52 years old, 5’3, 135 lbs, white female. I don’t know if any of that matters but I don’t mind sharing my info. I started hcq about 2 months ago. Today is 9/6/21.
Any responses would be helpful and appreciated! Be safe my friends.

Last edited 3 years ago by Deeann Southern
3 years ago


Contact Professor Dolores Cahill, she may be able to help.

Danielle Thompson
Danielle Thompson
2 years ago

Tonic water at the grocery store has hydroxychloroquine. Just check the ingredients on the back. I took that and zinc when I got sick.

Joyce B Clemons
Joyce B Clemons
2 years ago

Not exactly, it has quinine. That’s the natural precendent to the pharmaceutical hydroxichloroquine.[HCQ] It still helps though, however, I add .7 ml of non-alcohol quinine extract [I got it online from Amazon. Mine is HERBAMAMA brand. You can take that much 2 times a day. [total 1.4 ml] A 2 ounce dropper bottle has 84 servings which will last you 43 to 84 days. Don’t overdose on it. Go ahead and put it right in your tonic or juice or combined. Tastes fine mixed like that. Natural quinine has been a treatment/preventive for malaria for almost 400 years. COVID is not malaria, but quinine does for your cells what HCQ does. What it does in enable Zinc to get inside the cells to kill viruses inside. Zinc, therefore is the real virus killer.The door opener, like quinine, HCQ, or Quercetin,etc, are called zinc ionophores. There are peer reviewed studies and other literature on line that explain how zinc works with the ionophores. Malaria was very common in old time seafaring men who visited tropical countries. These guys liked their rum, and needed citrus fruit for Vitamin C, and their quinine. They got their zinc from seafood and shellfish [had plenty of that] and beans. So, because quinine is so bitter, and citrus might spoil, and was also rationed, the solution was to grind up the citrus and juice it out,put the bitter quinine in that, and put it in their daily ration of rum. They put cane sugar syrup in that to sweeten it…voila, much less malaria and scurvy. Viruses are microscopic parasites, and the ‘germ’/organism that causes malaria is ALSO a parasite. So modern scientists put 2 + 2 together and said…let’s try zinc and quinine or HCQ in a petrie dish and see what happens. Dead viruses happened. Then, they gave the combo to animals with viruses. They got well. Then, our smarter and less greedy doctors and virologists tried it on people. It worked. The bosses of the health care regulatory bureaucracy are heavily invested in the pharmaceutical industry that they were charged with regulating for your safety. And big pharma buys politicians who put pressure on public administrators to hire ex-pharma scientists…then later, the retiring bureacrats get jobs with Big Pharma. The whole bunch of them put a lot of pressure on our doctors to do what they want, for their enrichment. This collusion scheme is called REGULATORY CAPTURE, and it’s a disgrace. We suffer.

Barbara J Massette
Barbara J Massette
2 years ago

Anyone look at the connection with parasites? Malaria and ivermectine and HCQ. And more?

2 years ago

I talked to a friend who had Malaria after I had the Wuhan Virus. His symtoms and mine were almost identical. I did not have a fever.

Joyce B Clemons
Joyce B Clemons
2 years ago
Reply to  Phil

The definition of a virus is an extremely small parasite. Unlike some other parasites, a virus doesn’t have its own DNA. It needs the content of your cells [or an animal’s] to complete its capacity to reproduce. That’s parasitic. It’s really no wonder that zinc ionophores like quinine, HCQ, QUERCETINE, AND EVEN IVERMECTIN, help the zinc get inside the cells to kill viruses before they reproduce. Very smart scientists who care more about humanity than money, figured this out.

2 years ago
Reply to  Phil

malaria is forever. But it can be controlled. All the best to you. HCQ is an effective treatment.

2 years ago

I recently heard an interesting speculation that it’s a GMO parasite with “payloads” (virus & spike proteins). If we think outside of the “virus box”, why not? since it responds to anti-parasite drugs. & the virus has never been isolated.

Jeffrey Ade
Jeffrey Ade
2 years ago

5G harm causes parasite blooms. Your smart phone is your enemy. Find out about the “wifi killshot” and A. Firstenbergs “Invisible Rainbow.” Trump paid our tax dollars to install 14,950 new microwave internet of things transmitters!

Phil C Uriarte
Phil C Uriarte
2 years ago

1.6 million (so-called) ”vaccine” doses withdrawn out of Japan after being examined and found – foreign substances in the (so-called) ”vaccine”, go figure. And of course, that’s only the beginning, wait until they find out that it’s going on world wide!!!!!!!

December – is just around the corner and that’s when it’s calculated that this (so-called) ”vaccine” is finally going to show it’s full unrelenting effects.
Once it’s in a persons body, THERE IS NO WAY TO REVERSE IT’S DEADLY EFFECTS.


What happened, did the (( COVID Plan-demic )) take care of the ”flu” epidemic problem? You’d think so, the way that this (so-called) ”vaccine” is being relentlessly pushed so hard.
Could it have anything to do with : “Population Control”, just maybe, or a possibility that it has something to do with their final objective according to the writings on the Georgia Guidestones erected in 1980 – to reduce the population to 500 million???

Just a thought.

2 years ago

The Fact is THEY don’t want to save Lives. Why can’t you all see, IT’S a WAR? They are TRYING to kill us, get you to stop breathing and consuming the resources THEY WANT. Super sinple. They don’t care about protests, terrorists or social issues or AUDITS. THEY SIMPLY WANT US DEAD!

Rob McFall
Rob McFall
2 years ago

SO Good to see your vital information about early intervention that is being supressed.

2 years ago

God bless Dr. Stella. She is a healer, not a stealer.

2 years ago

Take grapefruit and lemon peel them and boil the peels together make a tee and drink it. This combination makes a natural form of hydroxycloquin

Bryan H
Bryan H
2 years ago

Great news on the Hydroxychloroquine/Zinc combo. Any chance one could get the protocol? We’re overseas; this would be very helpful here in Brazil.

Phil C Uriarte
Phil C Uriarte
2 years ago

Go figure, here we have a powerful antidote that can help some one with THE COVID sickness, fight against it in a matter of days not weeks or months, but in a matter of days. Our own president contracted it; President Donald J Trump ( and as far as I’m concerned he IS STILL MY PRESIDENT, ‘he never conceded, because he knows and WE KNOW THAT THE WHOLE ELECTION WAS STOLEN ), and took the “Hydroxychloroquine” and he was fine in just a matter of days. And he himself point blank told the public, “It works.”

Which means, how many deaths could have been avoided if those people that have passed were to have been given on a immediate basis, the “Hydroxychloroquine” and would have been made well and better and back to normal doing the regular things that they did before the COVID. And I take it that includes all the people with side effects that have altered their lives for as long as they live and a lot of these folks are going to need -inhouse convalescent care – for the rest of their days here on earth.

And this gargantuan World Wide disaster could have been avoided, go figure..

Lisa Augustine
Lisa Augustine
2 years ago
Reply to  Phil C Uriarte

my aunt got COVID in 2020, and her son was able to get Hydroxychloriquine online.. and she took it and attributes it to having gotten her better quickly.

Lisa Augustine
Lisa Augustine
2 years ago

God bless Dr. Stella..
I am praying for a time of accountability for all involved in this plandemic and deception, and covering up treatments that truly do work. Their accountablity may not happen during their lives, but that is unfortunate for them. It is better to face one’s own self-evil now than have to face oneself before our Creator and ultimate Judge.

2 years ago

The homemade hydroxychloroquine most definitely works as I’ve watched it work for 8 people that I know. The FDA is allowing people to die in the hospital by not allowing this and ivermectin. They will most definitely have their day in court. The gallows await.

Big E
Big E
2 years ago

Dishonest press/social media would have a field day with this headline because of an unfortunate layout, as shown in above video screenshot:

Dr. Anthony Cardillo explains how
hydroxychloroquine paired with zinc kills

Full headline, if not wrapped, would read:
Dr. Anthony Cardillo explains how hydroxychloroquine paired with zinc kills COVID-19
Completely different meaning, but a person in today’s mass formation psychosis would have no trouble publishing the first interpretation, shown in red above.

chris myers
chris myers
2 years ago

I’ve known you were telling the truth from day 1 and you are right, they all owe you an apology!!!! Thank you for telling us how to help ourselves and for standing up to the corrupt Fake news, Drs, nurses, and politicians who are lying to us!

2 years ago

i take the homeade Hydro 1 tlbs daily. Its 1 Grapefruit, 2 Lemons and 1 lg Orange. Cut rinds and cook in crock for a couple days keep adding water. Then freeze and drink. I get about 2 pts i think. Thank you for all the information here

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