July 14, 2022
ISTANBUL — We’ve seen several stories about giant, post-injection blood clots in the past year. Most of said stories are dismissed as urban legend and “conspiracy theory.” But now we have a living, breathing victim who survived exactly what doctors and morticians have been describing for most of 2022.
Mr. Richard Hirschman is a mortician at two Alabama funeral homes, according to his Facebook page. Note that the primary steps in preserving human corpses for presentation at funerals are forcing all the blood out of the body and replacing it with formaldehyde, usually via the carotid artery in the neck.
Mr. Hirschmann said in a February 2022 interview that he’s found huge blood clots that look like “white fibrous material” in more than half of the bodies he’d embalmed to that point in 2022. These “suspicious clots” were found in 37 of his 57 total embalming jobs in January. Mr. Hirschmann said 15 of his peers were seeing the same thing in their practices, but are afraid to say anything about it publicly.
Several other morticians, including Mr. Cary Watkins of Alabama and Ms. Anna Foster of Missouri, have since corroborated Mr. Hirschmann’s observations based on what they’re seeing day-to-day. Mr. John O’Looney, a British mortician, said in January that he’s witnessed a “500 or 600% increase” in deaths of people under age 30. He noted that nearly all of said deaths were caused by blood clots; and all of them were vaccinated.
We’ve written about Dr. Ryan Cole connecting the dots between the injections and cancer. His diagnostics lab in Idaho also processes 40,000 patient blood samples every year. Dr. Cole last month shared photos of “worm-like” blood clots he’s finding in vaccinated blood.
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All of the foregoing taken together is solid evidence that everyone who received the injections (and not placebos) is likely already suffering from deep vein thrombosis. But if the blood clots are what all the morticians and Dr. Cole describe, then it explains why so many people, young and old, are spontaneously dropping dead or dying in their sleep across the globe.
We’ve covered several post-injection amputations, likely caused by deep vein thrombosis. But we’ve never been able to put a living face on these blood-curdling clots (pun intended). That is until now.
Matthew Erickson lucky to be alive
Mr. Matthew Erickson falls into a relatively uncommon category on The COVID Blog™. He is not a vaxx zealot. Like Ms. Jessica Turner, Mr. David Menchinton, Mr. James Cooper Sawyer, et al., Mr. Erickson is a self-identified Republican and/or conservative. He loves Donald Trump and very much dislikes Joe Biden. Mr. Erickson is a Christian and, according to his Facebook page, attended a Bible college called Christ for the Nations, Inc. (CFNI). He is also very close to his father, who suffered a stroke sometime in 2016. The two do almost everything together since Mr. Erickson has been his father’s primary caretaker since the stroke.
Mr. Erickson is anti-mask and against vaccine mandates. He praised Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers for avoiding the injections, while acknowledging the effectiveness of natural immunity against so-called COVID-19.
Mr. Erickson, in April 2021, wondered why people still had to wear masks in public places even after receiving the magic vaccines.
He also criticized Pfizer in September 2021 for, ironically, manufacturing a “vaccine” that causes blood clots, while also manufacturing drugs to treat blood clots.
But ultimately, Mr. Erickson loves traveling internationally, and loves going to concerts and sporting events. He and his father traveled to the Bahamas in August 2021. Based on all the clues we could piece together from his Facebook page, Mr. Erickson received a Johnson & Johnson viral vector DNA injection in July or August 2021. His stroke-victim father also received the injection.
RELATED: Cody Robinson: 36-year-old Atlanta-based television stunt man says “I really don’t want to do this” before Johnson & Johnson shot, develops three blood clots, strange nightmares days later (October 15, 2021)
Mr. Erickson and his father kicked off a trip across Europe on April 18, 2022. It started in the Azores Islands (Portugal), followed by Spain, France, Italy and Greece. They reached Istanbul, Turkey on May 7. But Mr. Erickson wrote on that day, “my legs are killing me.” He described perpetual cramps in his legs that Turkish doctors said might be blood clots.
The next day, on May 8, Mr. Erickson shared a photo of himself in a hospital. He wrote that doctors may have to do a “surgical procedure” on his legs.
Mr. Erickson went under the knife a few hours later and talked more about how he went from just having sore legs to getting blood clots removed. Doctors told him that the situation almost required partial or full amputation of his leg and/or foot.
The next day, May 9, Mr. Erickson shared graphic photos of the blood clots that were removed from his leg, including one that was 10 centimeters (four inches) long.
One month later, and back in the United States, Mr. Erickson looked back on the incident. He knows that he’s lucky to be alive and to still have all of his limbs intact. Mr. Erickson also said the cause of the blood clots is “pointing directly at the J&J COVID Vaccine.”
Mr. Erickson appears to be on the mend. He’s since posted photos of himself hiking, attending concerts and at a family reunion. We’ll provide updates in due course.
Mr. Erickson lucky he was abroad?
We don’t hear much about the Johnson & Johnson injections anymore because the powers-that-be recognized that those shots were killing people way too fast. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized the J&J Janssen injections for emergency use on February 27, 2021. By April 19 of that year, The COVID Blog™ covered five post-J&J deaths, with an average length of time from injection to death of 3.5 days.
- Mr. Benjamin Goodman: dead 24 hours after J&J (March 14, 2021)
- Ms. Desirée Penrod: dead seven days after J&J (March 17, 2021)
- Mrs. Beth Ellington: dead 48 hours after J&J (March 10, 2021)
- Mr. John Francis Foley: dead 24 hours after J&J (April 10, 2021)
- Ms. Darlene Blackwell: dead 10 days after J&J (April 9, 2021)
The FDA and CDC literally had no choice but to “pause” use of the J&J injections just six weeks after authorizing them for emergency use. There was no way to hide all the carnage. Around that same time, the CDC created the propaganda narrative that all adverse reactions to J&J and other shots are simply anxiety and all in the heads of the victims.
The United States quietly eliminated the J&J shots from mainstream circulation. Around the same time in 2021, most of the world also eliminated the AstraZeneca viral vector DNA injections from circulation. Those were killing people fast as well.
RELATED: Italy: body count grows as another young professor is dead after experimental AstraZeneca shot (March 29, 2021)
All of the injections are deadly and will kill you eventually. But from what we observed in early 2021, the viral vector DNA shots kill much faster than the mRNA shots.
Regardless, Mr. Erickson is lucky to be back home in one piece. Had his ordeal happened here in the states, doctors would have likely sent him home with aspirin. Even if U.S. doctors did take his complaints seriously and performed the necessary surgery that the Turkish doctors did, they certainly would not have given Mr. Erickson the actual blood clots for him to share on social media. Based on all of our coverage of post-injection amputations, Mr. Erickson was maybe 72 hours away from losing at least a foot and perhaps his entire leg.
This blogger believes that the initial rollout of the injections in early 2021 did in fact include placebos, “watered-down injections,” and full monty injections. It gave big pharma the opportunity to use humanity as unwitting lab rats, and adjust the formulas of the shots to ensure slow kills, not fast kills. It’s no coincidence that we’re seeing far fewer fast post-injection deaths (less than a week after the shots) in 2022 vs 2021. But all booster shots from late October 2021 to now are the full monty, adjusted formula injections.
All booster recipients’ blood is slowly turning into red pudding as their bodies continuously produce spike proteins. Ultimately their organs, specifically their hearts, will fail. They’ll either fall asleep and never wake up, or spontaneously drop dead. Perhaps taking daily anticoagulants (blood thinners) may prolong vaxxed people’s lives. But there’s only so much space inside blood vessels. They can only pray to go quickly and painlessly.
Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
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The most depressing stories for me (outside of the ones about young kids) are the people who know better but then finally cave in and get the jab, and suffer bad consequences.
Never cave in under any circumstance. I lost my tech sales job which paid $140-150K 2 months ago due to not taking the jab. Ive taken 2 months off and am living on savings and meager unemployment of $450 per week. I’ve glanced at tech sales jobs listings online, and most of them are from companies which require the jab. I am weighing my options on what to do. Some kind of freelance work, or create content which people can buy through the web. Ultimately I may have to move to a Red state soon from LA, but Ive been here 20 years and will miss the beach, weather and outdoor activities. Contrary to popular misconception there are many millions of Conservative and Libertarians living in CA. We are not all Leftist crazies.
Actually people who know better are worse than those who are ignorant. They are willingly and knowingly going along with evil.
Where to start on a character like Mr. Erickson. First if all, there are many Republicans who have been jabbed like Mr. Erickson, so it’s not only a Democrat, liberal thing. And if he still believes so, then he’s part of the problem by not taking a stronger stance against these jabs. Continuing to travel was more important to him than fighting against ‘the liberal power grab’.
I also wonder if Trump-loving, Mr. Erickson, thinks differently about the probable Muslims that saved his life, and gave him and his father such good, quality care.
It’s apparent that people like Mr. Erickson have not gotten the memo, or don’t want to bother trying to understand the message. The reset button has been pushed. The lines have been redrawn. It’s about the jabbed and the unjabbed for beginners.
Mr Erickson’s hero, Donald Trump (who I voted for), urged his followers on and on to get vaxxed. I do believe, though, that a substantially larger percentage of white liberals have taken the vaax than is the case among white conservatives. Remember when Donald Trump urged supporters at a big rally to get vaxxed, and the masses of them booed him for it? That has never happened at any Democrat/bolshevik event, and it likely never will.
I voted for him too but he steered this country so wrong during the Plandemic. He went from No Mask to Ok lets wear a mask then encouraged his supporters to go get his Warp Speed Experimental Jab. It just proved to me that both sides are compromised. I trust no politician. The American people are on their own to defend the constitution and body autonomy.
Exactly! Your post is spot on! Both sides are compromised, and, in my opinion, these so-called sides do not exist any longer. ‘They’ would like to keep the masses divided by these now obsolete barriers, because these divisions have kept them in power…especially, the illusion of tacit protection that many Americans have enjoyed for years.. The concept of betrayal and being compromised is unfathomable for many! The jab has changed everything!
And while I don’t agree with him about the jab, what would you have done facing what he faced? Think about it. He was damned if he did nothing and damned if he did anything. He was forced into a corner by powers that he may not have even imagined that were swirling around him. That being said, I still think one of the most IDIOTIC things he did NOT do on his first day in office was to fire every single appointee that he allowed to remain from Obama.
I read alot and research alot on The Great Reset and who is behind ALL OF THIS and how this plan was enacted in the early 1900’s. I don’t think we will ever know all of the conspirators or the plan until Jesus Christ is victorious one day. The end is in sight. Praying those those unbelieving will come to faith in Jesus Christ and live for Him and fight for Him and our country until our last breath. They will ultimately all be revealed and all of them will have to face judgement and punishment in hell for what they have done. We just have to fight our fight and be prepared to pay the ultimate price if it comes to that. It is coming………..
I think Trump in his position should have just told the American people the truth. Everything they are saying to you is a lie, we are at war and they want you all dead without putting boots on the ground.
I would have invited the Great Barrington Declaration doctors to the White House. Then I would have appointed a group of them into a co-working role with Fauci to collect the latest on pre-treatments that worked. Then, I would have given them EQUAL time with Fauci during the Covid briefings.
If you’re older and have health issues, you know you have been on your own since the 40’s. I have fought a bloody war for every prescription I have ever had written because I asked questions and wanted answers like “Why won’t you prescribe the off patent CHEAP, EFFECTIVE meds with a safety profile of 60 years??!!! I have been screamed at, dismissed and had doors slammed in my face. I need my medication to stay alive and they are always dangling it in front of my face. These are doctors, mind you. If you don’t believe me, poke the bear and ask a question or bring in an article. The medical “industry” is exactly that. It manufactures sick people and gives them drugs for their symptoms. not for the problem. They are bought, paid for and controlled by big pharma. It took 20 years, but I fought for the treatment that has worked for 90 years and now my numbers are like a twenty year old. Fist bump.
Ms. Penrod died on Wednesday, March 17, becoming the youngest victim this blog has covered for all of the experimental shots.
Age 25 was the youngest victim on this site at that time. Man, how I wish we could go back to those days.
I am glad the above article mentioned the British funeral director, John O’Looney. I had the pleasure of meeting him in person at the Birmingham Protests. He was the guest speaker. Please watch his videos and interviews. He is an extraordinary human being.
Besides the obvious depopulation agenda behind these vaccines, I was wondering yesterday what if there is an even darker side to these vaccines?
I watched the movie 28 Days Later yesterday. I have watched these sort of ‘zombie’ movies many times before. I used to dismiss them as far fetched science/horror movies. But now I am beginning to think perhaps all these zombie movies were predictive programming. It is not beyond science now to have injected people who were stupid enough to take this fake vaccine with ‘the rage virus’ or the spike proteins also have the ability to turn on pure demonic rage. We are still in the early months of these horrific vaccine experiment. Is it possible world governments will use 5G at some point to ‘activate’ this ‘rage virus’ in the vaccinated? If this scenario does come about, it will be hell on earth for us. Imagine this possibility? The vaccinated turning on the unvaccinated to further the depopulation agenda.
Hi Omri. I wouldn’t rule out anything. I never thought I would be living in these times and with these behaviors either. I think the only rage the vaxxers are going to feel, if ever, is against tptb for lying to them about these shots. And towards us unvaccinated because they resent us for being too intelligent to get the shot. They will not blame themselves.
I don’t think most of the vaccinated will ever work it out. Today I met an English friend by chance. I haven’t seen him since all this nonsense began. He told me he was triple vaccinated. He mentioned how worried he was that Covid 19 cases are rising again. He told me most of his vaccinated were ill with Covid 19. I thought he was going to conclude the vaccines were to blame. No! He said there should be another lockdown! I saw so many Brits wearing the masks again today because the British government has advised them to do so! How can anyone at this point not know the plot yet? It is shocking how many people still cannot think outside the mainstream media narrative on this subject.
Many of the vaxholes will get Prion diseases,.they wil blame the prion diseases on eating meat. Then they will attempt to replace meat for our safety.
Yes. I see it coming.
“I am glad the above article mentioned the British funeral director, John O’Looney. I had the pleasure of meeting him in person at the Birmingham Protests.”
I’ve loved that guy since he first appeared on the scene. Is he as genuine in person as he seems in the vids?
Wow! Get a shot you know is bad for you and you call a power grab – for any reason – makes no sense. It is a complete caving into pressure. No fortitude or strength of conviction. And I am sure the good Turkish doctors, who treated him better than most American doctors, didn’t cure him. So the clots will keep forming. Only upside is he posted it on social media and called it for what it is. An adverse effect from the clot shots.
Mike Adams, Dr. Jane Ruby and others have taken on analyzing these (non)blood clots. Dr. Naomi Wolf mentioned her research from LNP manufacturers noted the lipids are liquid at 70 below, but when warmed to room or body temperature, they become “gummy”. If these rubbery clots aren’t made of proteins, lipids may be the source.
A video I watched on another site showed the clots under microscope and I believe the biologist said they were made of proteins.
Stupid is as stupid does. And I doubt he’s out of the woods.
Agreed. The doctors removed “clots”. They didn’t cure him. There probably isn’t a cure for them “clots.”
If they were “real” blood clots, you would have a fair chance of preventing them by taking over the counter “blood thinners” (anticoagulants) such as aspirin or nattokinase. Clots are clumps of RBCs (red blood cells or erythrocytes) held together by platelets (thrombocytes) in a kind of sticky spider web to prevent blood loss from the body due to a break in the skin due to a cut. I actually saw on Twitter about a year ago some videos from two French physicians showing how the RBCs linked up in columns following “vaccination” by Pfizer I think. They had remarkable photos and videos. They also said it was “hard to draw blood even from the fingers”.
He’ll be a Big Pharma customer for life. He played right into their hands. Play stupid games get stupid prizes!
Stuck on blood thinners for the rest of his life would be my guess.
I hope the blood thinners work on the clot shots clots.
It’s a fortunate thing Mr. Erickson wasn’t in the states or the hospital would have watched him die. They definitely would not allowed him to keep the evidence in a plastic container. Hope he bought a lotto ticket, that was his lucky day.
I’m repeating myself here but here it goes for the umpteenth time to the brain-dead sheep:
I want to travel as much as the next person,Mr Erickson. However I don’t live a depressing live to need travelling as a coping mechanism. Also I don’t have social media to depress myself every time some “fwriend” of mine posts about their holiday that millions of other people are having at the same moment.
Former “fwriends” of mine thought I was weird that I didn’t go travelling abroad. They are also the same morons who thought I was weird because I didn’t break the bank to get the new shiny phone and instead have a cheap brick as a mobile. And these are the same people who I guarantee you have taking these death shots because in order to live their “amazing lives” they need to (unknowingly) play Russian roulette big pharma style. Looks like my weird life is paying off.
I’d rather not risk my live to travel if that means taking a “vaccine” that was developed in less than a year. And this is a something the sheep didn’t need to find on the “conspiracy theory” websites but just use their head (or basic maths).
I’m getting so mad that I feel like digging holes in the beach and then getting even madder that I made it for the clot shot victims because I don’t want their spike protein riddled corpses on any beach. Send them to Chernobyl or Larne for disposal.
I’ll make a fort with my new hole and maybe find me some buried treasure. Arrrrrrr!!!!! Back away, ye scurvy, vaxxed bilge rats, or ye go down to Davy Jones’ Locker. Arrrrrr!!!!!!
Brian, you are doing all of us critical thinkers a massive favor with these posts. They are a breath of fresh air from living in zombie clown world.
Now I’m going to roll around in the grass, if that’s okay with the fake checkers.
My vacation is a walk through the woods as a pureblood.
I agree with you Aidan, however the toxins AKA “vaccines” were not developed in under a year. They have been many years in the making. Tests on animals conducted around 2014 (I could be off by a year or two) resulted in 100% deaths of the test animals from immune issues. They knew what this shit was going to do to people and planned the whom shebang. The so called spike protein was artificially developed in a laboratory and did not come from a virus – that is why the Covid 19 virus has never been isolated.
The new “variants” they invent like a bad soap opera are nothing more than a feeble cover up for the vaccine fallout.
The real vaccine (the clot shot) was made over a long period ( I agree with you there), but the fantasy vaccine that was going to save granny could only have begun to be developed as soon as the so called “first sample” of covid-19 was isolated.
That piece of information should have been enough to wake up Joe Soap.
But better them than me. Looks like people such as me and you are becoming more valuable as the days pass by as the sheep are continuing to drop. Poor fools. Take care, my friend.
It really amazes me how many people rushed out to receive the toxic experimental mRNA shots because they wanted to travel – even after being aware of the risks. Your life and health is worth more than the ability to travel. This man is indeed fortunate to survive his blood clots. It isn’t called the clot shot for nothing!
So many people are dying. My elderly Mom’s podiatrist told me he has lost so many clients – and not all his clients are elderly. The most depressing thing for me is the little children whose parents force this death shot on them and then wonder why their child died.
It’s like the stupid supermarkets shooting up their customers with boosters, killing their stores’ repeat business. Trading a fistful of Covid cash for lifelong customers dying early or dropping out and going broke due to clotshot/dementia deaths.
These pro-Trumpers make me laugh. If they only knew what a dirt-bag he really is. Trust me when I say that Trump-stein is going to fix nothing. He couldn’t even if he wanted to .. and he doesn’t. His Israeli handlers pay him too much.
I voted for him but he was a complete failure during the last few years and no way he ever convinced anyone I know to take these shots. We were disgusted the way he was pushing them. Well his ex-wife Ivana was found dead in her Manhattan apartment today. No foul play and was not ill from what the news said. Hmm…wonder what it could be?
Possible Trump is a member of the tribe himself. Look at his son-in-law. Pretty unlikely an Orthodox is going to marry a gentile.
The blood clots above don’t look like the amyloid clots I’ve seen pulled out cadavers in other videos/photos. Either way, the clots will come back for sure. I believe this man is living with a death sentence. I am perplexed when folks who claim to be Christian, and know that this is wrong, do it anyway. It is the perfect text, to see if people will choose worldly pleasures over their soul. It is the perfect test to see if one has critical thinking skills. Like the old emergency broadcast alerts on the boob tube: THIS IS A TEST…but I can’t add the tagline…the line that eased the viewer’s fears: this is ONLY a test. There is no ONLY about this test…there is no going back.
I was lucky enough to receive the money to travel in the 1990s. I knew this was coming, and I knew it was “now, or never”. By 2000, I sure didn’t think we still had 20 more years…that was a surprise to me. However, if the money had not come to me, I would have made my peace with not seeing the places I so wanted to see. Nothing is worth my soul and my health.
I agree. The “shot takers” that I have the very least respect for are the Christians who took it to travel, go to a wedding, attend a family gathering, go to a restaurant or gym or even attend church (yes, that is actually happening in NYC). That is called idolatry – loving the world and everything in it.
Yes indeed, imagine taking the death jab to travel, then losing the ability to travel except for that one way ticket to Valhalla…that is a high price to pay for Trusting in the Science…I myself also feel grateful to have had this same foresight and ability to travel and see many places…before the whole shithouse goes up in flames…because of all these vaxx compliant statists.
The Christian shottakers thought They where Christian. Ones true nature will be revealed in matters of life and death. It does not come in a more real way then this c19 murders and maimings. It turns out that many christians where not christians because of their heart nu because They are people who just follow Whatever is convenient. From a christian pov; Why would a christian take something which possibly can change your dna . Knowing that God created humans ander therefore also your dna. Then you agree that someone change your dna? Words fail me. Its better to be murdered by the shots then. The shottaker christians where no christians out of deep conviction but just followers of what is populair or easy. C19 era revealed that. Truth sets free. Even unpleasent truths. Take care
Makes sense to me when Jesus says he’s going to sort the sheep from the goats…….many examples of this happening in this day and age… really can not judge someone from what he says but what he does……
The mortician clots have nothing to do with blood. They are fiberous growths caused by the mRNA genetic experiments. Blood clots either disappear when rinsed or they remain gelatinous and deep red. These growths turn a pale flesh tone when you rinse the blood off of them. They are the result of an experimental genetic therapy that programs your DNA to grow proteins.
The photos do show blood clots to my eyes – maybe the J & J product (and AstraZeneca) really do that but the Pfizer and Moderna products? They produce “something else”. What’s the difference? “Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker.”
The nanobots are creating these clot structures. So the person eats food, and gets a lot of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals flowing through the blood stream. So these nanobots take those nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, and assemble them into those clot structures.
They are possibly part of our defence system – when inflammation occurs which cannot be fixed, the body surrounds the inflamed tissue with Inflammatory Barriers. These are made of semi conducting proteins, allowing only electrons access to the inflammation sites. As long as the inflammation is not fixed, these barriers will continue to be made. So removing a clot, will only ensure others are made. Electrons from the Earth are the only place you can get the antioxidant quantum particles – but very few ground (24/7) today.
I agree. Is there any benefit to taking supplements that break down fiberous growths in the blood? Such as nattokinase?
Quercitin and Curcumin dissolve fibrin in the blood. I’d say it would have to be taken early though because I doubt once these massive fibrous clots form that anything could dissolve them.
Wow, just Wow! So this guy knew Pfizer were criminals but figured J&J had ethics? I guess he missed the lawsuit against them for their baby powder. This guy didn’t even do it for a job. He did it to travel. He cut his life short and will now be a Big Pharma customer because he thought vacations were more important than his health. I will never get this thinking, EVER!
Absolutely! And it was well known from the very first that the J&J shots contain fetal cells (although it sounds as though they all do, if you believe the Pfizer whistleblower. I do. All live vaccines contain actual bits of dead babies. Why should these be any different?)
No one who calls themselves a Christian should have ever taken the J&J shot!!!
And Al Mohler should apologize for pushing the lie that the vaxxes only contain a very small amount of fetal DNA from abortions done many years ago. Those are more lies straight from the pit of hell!
However, Pfizer and Biondreck are also “not much” better in terms of quick death risk.
If I have to read: “for the””emergency”, that is a brazen mockery and lie. There is never an emergency. Germany also has a vaccination victim – archive with Austria and Swiss witness reports. I read a lot and the “vaccinations” from the manufacturers don’t make a big difference in their “effect.”
Big Pharma is absolutely corrupt.
yes i met a woman like this at an antique mall in metro atlanta. she is a trumper and said that she took the bioweapon because, “if it was good enough for trump, it is good enough for me.” she is a pleasant woman though she seems to support jukraine. did she not stop to consider that trump may have had an air shot just like biden? so far her health is holding, but i need to stop in soon to see how she is.
as for this guys, his days are numbered small unless he finds protocols to defer his fate further. removing the clots did nothing to repair the root problem. But he gets some credit for asking if there is a link between his health and the bioweapon, something which very few of the vaxxed here do.
That is serious, this guy is a walking tombstone
Wife was at her friends house that had 3 jabs. We tried to talk her out of it, but nobody listens, anyway, she cut herself in the garage doing something, and my wife noticed the blood just kind of oozed out of her and dried, thickened? up instead of dripping as you would expect. Likely she’s toast soon
That’s what the tattoo artists are reporting as well, with their clients.
Hope he recovers. This should serve as a lesson that nobody should take the clot shot, even if it means losing a job (like happened to me). On a related note, “Vaccine” advocate, NFL and college football analyst Kirk Herbstreit is trying to recover from his vaccine blood clots. This was mentioned in the media, when he had to miss the NFL draft a few months ago, but there has been no mention of it since.
Maybe he gave in cause he wanted to take his dad travel so bad (who may not have many days left on earth)? He took only J&J last August. he probably thought it was a little safer (1 jab instead of 2). So it took ~ 9 months to form clots, despite having “no immediate adverse reactions” wow.
I don’t buy the idea of him believing the Johnson and Johnson shot was safer than the highly endorsed Pfizer shots.
J and J was quickly thrown under the bus for causing blood clots that even the mainstream media covers it.
He did his research about Pfizer when it’s info on how dangerous it is still hidden from the normies.
This guy has zero principles. Simple as that.
Right. People here are so quick to jump and wish death on people because of reasons that they don’t know or disagree with. You disagree? That is fine. But to wish death on someone is getting down into the demonic gutter that I sure don’t want to be in.
So far, most of the people I know in my city who have been jabbed at least twice are still going about their daily business as usual. People are getting new jobs, going back to university for graduate/professional programs in a few months, travelling, buying new cars, playing sports etc. At least on the surface, one cannot tell at all that anything has gone wrong with the health of these people, some of whom have even received their booster shots already last year.
Yet, I have a sneaking suspicion that micro clots have slowly but surely been forming in their bodies all this time. How many more years (months?) can these jabbed young individuals live before a major blood clot causes some kind of major organ failure? This is to speak nothing of the increased risk to develop all types of “rare” cancers that actually used to be rare pre-rollout of the clot shots. I would be glad to be proven wrong, as some of these people are dear friends and are no vaxx zealots and were even convinced not to take any additional jabs.
It absolutely saddens me that all of these institutions I used to have some trust in have failed us big time. When my institutional employer started aggressively pushing the jabs on the employees last year and claiming the shots were safe and effective just because governmental and other institutions stated they were, deafeningly loud alarms were going off in my head warning me not to yield. Of course, as a result of my choice, I was terminated from my job. Better that though than slaving away for such an oppressive institution for the remainder of what would have been a short life if I had instead chosen to be jabbed to keep a job.
“Mr. Hirschmann said 15 of his peers were seeing the same thing in their practices, but are afraid to say anything about it publicly.”
These are the worst kind of people.
I can forgive the stupid and the ignorant, but these cowards deserve no forgiveness.
They are worse then the cabal itself.
Yeah, but it is not their job to do this. Pathologists, doctors and academics are the ones who should be sounding the alarm – but most are not. They are much more cowardly than the simple morticians.
In matters of life and death it is the job of each and everyone of us.
I would not say anything either. Whats the point? There is plenty of evidence out there and yet the goyim arent convinced… Will the word of the undertaker convince them? Why lose your job for nothing?
Vaccines are great if you want to travel. In fact you get a very fast trip in one of those vans with the flashing lights on top!
hahaha, a trip in one of those vans to a large hotel charging $2000/night. the waiters wear white coats and sell drugs.
A friend of mine spent 2 nights in a hospital after falling a few yrs back, hit her head. She was billed $100,000 of which her insurance paid 70%. She got stuck with the rest. I can’t even imagine what they’d charge today.
A trip in a shuttle van to the mortician who goes thru their pockets and then a final one way ticket to Valhalla…a terrible way to go…
I hear those sirens all day long lately. Three times in the last week the Interstate was closed ( both directions) for terrible truck accidents. Also, a man passed out at the wheel, crossed several lanes of traffic, struck two girls, and smashed into a tree. The girls, aged nine and sixteen, both were killed. He was not charged with a crime because it was not determined what caused his “medical emergency”. Extra caution is now required to stay alive driving, biking or walking.
Those who got these shots because they wanted to travel and for similar asinine reasons are the ones who will have the most painful deaths of them all. At least some vaxx zealots will keep their ignorance to the very end. But these individuals who were blessed with the voice of reason and chose to ignore it will have their decision weighing heavily on their conscience as they waste away.
They had the door of critical thinking opened to them and the light shining through, yet they chose to slam it shut on themselves. And for what? Silly things like travelling and superficial pleasure.
John 12:25 — He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.
It’s kind of Brian to wish the vaxxed a quick and painless death. Unfortunately, the only ones who were lucky enough to have that were those from 2021, when the vaccines worked at speed. After the adjustments by TPTB, the killing is now more insidious. The vaxxed now have to live with the mental torment of knowing they’re ticking time bombs and they’ll keel over without notice.
There isn’t even a way for them to predict whether they’ll be gone next week, next month, next year, or 401 days from today. It’s a fate much worse than being terminally ill.
I don’t like to admire evil. But you only have to look at the strategy and complexity of the plandemic and vaxx rollout to realize TPTB are truly skilled at hiding large-scale destruction (to those who lack discernment) in plain sight.
A former co-worker of mine caved and took the injections last Fall because she thought it would interfere with her travel plans. She admitted to feeling like she was playing Russian roulette. She’s still alive as far as I know but I don’t hear from her as much anymore. I felt sad that despite all of our conversations, she still took the easy path and submitted.
“This blogger believes that the initial rollout of the injections in early 2021 did in fact include placebos, “watered-down injections,”
I really want to believe this because our daughter took it. I know that certain batches were far worse than others. Could that indicate some were placebos or a different (less toxic) formula?
I do too. There’s a site about bad batches that proves certain lot numbers were more potent. This is tracked by VAER’s and personal reports by my understanding. It’s also been said that more placebos were administered on the initial rollout, but I’ve seen no credible numbers to back this claim. It does seem that multiple doses do the most harm at this stage of the ongoing nightmare tho.
Yes, I think the website is called “How Bad is My Batch” or something like that. You can put in the batch numbers there.
Same here. My daughter and 12 year old grandson got the Moderna shots and I fear what is in their future. So far they have not shown any side effects, so I hope they got the placebos. She told me that they will not get boosted, so there is that. I warned her when this all started and begged her not to get vaccinated but she didn’t listen.
If I was depopulating the world, I would do this:
And I believe that is exactly what has happened.
Travel, travel and travel! Fun, fun, fun! Why am I surrounded by so many people that have wanderlust? Time for some sober reflection in my opinion – to put on that sackcloth if you will. Certainly the Lord blesses His own in the best of times and the worst of times. But now is not the time for avoidance.
Government derives it’s just powers from the consent of the governed. All who have partaken in this experiment have done so by their own consent. Now they must live with the consequences of their choices- same as beginning of time and will always be… man has to live with the choices he makes. One cannot blame others for a choice he himself has made. If the masses would live by this simple principle, we as a people would be so much farther along in our progression than we currently are. I am saddened by the choices that so many are making with their lives but it is theirs to choose not mine.
I am sorry for this man. I hope he recovers. He is looking after his father after his stroke and taking him around with him, instead of dumping him in a nursing home like many Americans seem to do. Yes, I hope he somehow gets better.
me too. My gut feeling tells me he sacrificed better judgement for his father’s happiness– Maybe he prayed before his injection that God would somehow nullify it and he’d be okay. My sister got the J&J vax thinkng it was the lesser of two evils, but now she’s got sciatica which she never had before, as well as tinnitus. who knows what else will develop later.
This is one case in which I have empathy for this person, just like Cody Robinson…but at the end of the day they still caved in out of their own Free Will…they failed the IQ test and will be paying for that mistake in more ways than one…the most useful thing they can do at this point is become vocal advocates against the injections…name and shame The sorcerers at Big Pharma and the Doctors and Nurses all taking their 30 pieces of Silver…I just wonder how long it will take for these Epic Sellout Judas Goat Paycheck Prostitutes to start watching their backs when more than enough vaxx injured figure out what has been done to them…we just aren’t at that point…not yet…
The injections are a chemical that was derived by combining many things. Remember when the injections first came out and they had to be kept at – 200 degrees F? Now, it seems no one cares. The “clots” are the PLASTIC that was used to “keep the injection” viable until it could – INFECT – the cells, and then do the “magic” that they do, and FORCE the body to produce the spike protein.
Once the injection infected the cells, the PLASTIC SHELL was useless, and just floated around in the blood stream. The Human body has no defense for that plastic empty shell, and does not see it as an enemy. The plastic shells gather in the legs/feet, and clog the blood vessels.
Plastic in the bloodstream has never been attempted before.
Sure we get plastic in our food supply all the time, but never before in the bloodstream.
His right eye is wonky in that last photo. Unfortunately since the basis of it is fungal, it will simply regrow and at a more rapid pace.