September 27, 2023 British Columbia (Canada)-based Dr. Charles Hoffe said in July 2021 that tiny blood clots in the capillaries will ultimately kill all
Month: September 2023
Midweek Mashup VII: new vaccine propaganda working, as we chronicle 50-plus more sudden deaths and the countdown to total chaos in the Western world September 27, 2023 The story of Ms. Marion Carrett epitomizes the psychological deterioration of humanity globally since The Great Reset commenced in March 2020.
Correction: getting on an airplane during The Great Reset is no longer foolish; it is preposterously asinine, dunderheaded and downright dimwitted September 27, 2023 Most people in the Western world are either forced to drive on streets with 80%-plus vaxxed drivers or get in public/shared
Vivek Ramaswamy, his fake World Economic Forum lawsuit-settlement, and full details of the big pharma racket that made his family millions September 21, 2023 Republican voters were once the reasonable, critical thinking wing of the American populace. This blogger had teachers as far back as
Kathryn Huffman: 60-year-old triple-vaxxed Texas nurse resurrects her competitive youth bodybuilding endeavors, suddenly dies in her sleep September 21, 2023 FRISCO, TEXAS — Average life expectancy in the U.S. had risen or stayed the same every year from 1943 to 2019.
Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. escaped what appears to be an assassination attempt by man impersonating a U.S. Marshal; mainstream media silent September 21, 2023 (updated September 22, 2023) Mr. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (“RFK” or “RFK, Jr.”) published an op-ed in the San Francisco Chronicle
Part II: U.S. finished as country – Illegal aliens (“asylum seekers”) have achieved protected, privileged status, while Ukraine remains highest priority for U.S. government September 21, 2023 This blogger, in a November 2021 interview with Mike Adams (Health Ranger/Natural News) said that U.S. presidents have gradually morphed into
Part I: U.S. finished as country – tribal leaders unconditionally worshiped in final stage of what KGB defector Bezmenov called “the great brainwashing” September 21, 2023 This blogger does not know who or what Andrew Tate is. What we do know is that Mr. Tate is wildly