There are currently at least 96 studies, with 78 being peer-reviewed (as of February 1, 2023), showing that Ivermectin is highly effective in treating COVID-19 in early stages, late stages, and as prophylaxis (preventative measure).


View the data and studies here and here. Also watch Dr. Pierre Kory  Senate testify before the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs about Ivermectin on December 8, 2020.



Slovakia becomes first EU country to approve Ivermectin as prophylaxis and treatment for COVID-19 patients (January 28, 2021)


Dr. William C. Campbell and Dr. Satoshi Omura win the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for discovering Ivermectin.


According to the Barcelona Institute of Global Health:

[Ivermectin] is used to treat millions of people at risk of contracting devastating diseases, such as onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis, and also plays an important role in the control of intestinal helminth infections. Because of its excellent safety profile and broad spectrum of activity, ivermectin is catalogued by the World Health Organisation as an essential medicine and is regarded by many as a “magic bullet” for global health.

The article concludes, “The global community must act to ensure that essential medicines are affordable, accessible and available to those who need them, irrespective of what disease they may have or where they were born.”



Watch “A Case For Ivermectin” by The S.A.Q. Project. It expands further on Dr. Kory’s testimony with more facts and news surrounding Ivermectin suppression.



New York Judge Saves 80-Year-Old COVID-19 Patient By Ordering Hospital To Give Her Ivermectin (January 18, 2021)



Antiparasitic drug Ivermectin kills coronavirus in 48 hours (April 6, 2020)



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John Yates
3 years ago

Thanks for commitment to spreading essential truths. There is a sars infection about in UK with a minute number folks made quite ill with long term recover problems – how much worse than a very bad flu? Ivermectin? Be great to know a trusted source to buy Ivermectin without prescription for UK.

3 years ago
Reply to  John Yates

Early Days – search Tess Lawrie and BIRD Ivermectin Meta Study sent to MHRA and Matt Hancock.

Last edited 3 years ago by admin
3 years ago
Reply to  John Yates

Many online chemists…

3 years ago
Reply to  Scout

One difference is their evidence has been filed for years. This new information is questionable. The CDC’s website still shows Hydroxychloroquine as safe for most people, and yet they lied. THEY ALL LIED!!!



From what I’ve heard/read these vaccines are pulling the iron from the blood, is why the jab site is magnetic. Some say the body cannot withstand but maybe 6 months of this robbery before people will die. TIME WILL TELL !!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Respect2Glory

I suspect whenever they want people to get covid, they spray some kind of poison in their “stratospheric aerial injection.”

3 years ago
Reply to  Shana

I have been suspecting the same! And not just aerial spray but physically infecting public areas. The timing is very suspicious w/the 2nd outbreak in India, then the delta varriant suddenly showing up in major western countries. The p.t.b. saw that the 1st wave of cv-19 had not killed as many people as they hoped & they already had created a stronger version to release and spread across the world as a backup; knowing that it would take a while for a large number of people to take the vaccine, which would propagate more infection, they spread the delta version to speed up the deaths. Some will say this these ideas are conspiracy, but I urge them to research & follow the timing.

2 years ago
Reply to  Shana

A military plane flew low over our rural area at the end of June.

Less than a week later, Independence Day, everyone in our neighborhood (with the exception of two older folks who stay inside all the time), and far too many people in the surrounding counties, came down with the bioweapon.

That is statistically impossible, but it happened.

So yeah. they’re crop dusting, and they think we are bugs that must be destroyed.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pony
2 years ago
Reply to  Pony

December 31st, 2021, in the Springfield, Missouri area and south of it, there was such an operation of chemtrailing going on that only the ignorant would have missed it. Just the freaking level of haze under all the back-and-forth chemtrail paths and patterns said something was amiss. I personally was outdoors that day farther south, and came down with something within a day or so, which I whipped with heaping teaspoons of vitamin C at regular intervals, along with garlic capsules and garlicin tablets..

I think chemtrails are responsible also for things like plant diseases: Walnut Canker, Pine Beetles, and others: the aluminum and/or barium acidify and stress the trees, then beetles and their worm stages attack and kill trees.

2 years ago
Reply to  Respect2Glory

I don’t think that anyone is chem-trailing our skies where I live. I collect rain water and test it regularly for a range of heavy metals and some other compounds. The only thing I’ve found in it is pesticides.

2 years ago
Reply to  John Yates

Noromectin is injectible for horses, made in UK, on Amazon. It’s expensive and it comes and goes, otherwise search for the manufacturer.
I know of 3 people that used it by drinking their dosage and felt better in a few hours, cured in 3-5 days. What else they used I don’t know. Dosage: 1ml (10mg) per 100lbs body weight – from Dr. Mercola and I think also Dr. Carvallo, and a commenter on Amazon that has since been scrubbed.

3 years ago

Bad news from EMA – definitely a stitch up!

K. Lehto
K. Lehto
3 years ago

While it seems there is legit evidence Ivermectin is efficient indeed; The headline “kills Coronavirus in 48 hours” is kind of lame… because in most cases, and for most people who are infected, coronavirus is killed by our immune system, with or without Ivermectin, in less then that.
I suppose it should say it helps with the rare cases that do not heal fast and get more serious symptoms.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
3 years ago
Reply to  K. Lehto

It is killed by a *healthy* innate immune system, and cleared before the need for antibodies – why (healthy) kids get no symptoms. After decades of poisoning through food, ‘medicines’, now microwaves etc. etc., how many have this basic human defence intact?

3 years ago

I’m in Canada. Where can I get these drugs?

Josh Segal
Josh Segal
3 years ago
Reply to  Lois

American Frontline Docs and others in America have made it available. You may want to go to their site as they might have recommendation for Canadians.

3 years ago
Reply to  Lois

Check out https://covid19criticalcare.com/network-support/the-flccc-alliance/ . There is a list of Canadian doctors who are part of the coalition.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jennifer

I contacted these doctors and received Ivermectin. It was not a cheap ordeal though. I paid 50 to get an appointment, 45 for the appointment and then 600 dollars for the ivermectin. It is supposed to be for prevention, but I am keeping it case someone in my family should get the bug.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bill

That price is beyond ridiculous. Contact an reputable online chemist and you can pick up 30 pills of 12 mg Ivermectin to less than $60.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jesse

I, too, have paid almost $1,000 for ivermectin and HCQ – would like to know how to contact the online chemist that is reputable?

Delia Lopez
Delia Lopez
2 years ago
Reply to  Bill

Wow, I walked into a Mexican Pharmacy asked for it and got a weeks worth of pills for 101 pesos. About $5. Hydrox $12 gov permission not needed. I got a bunch for friends etc. I gave some to my aunt and her husband trashed it!

2 years ago
Reply to  Bill

WOW go to a farm and ranch store and ask for Ivermax $30 a bottle that will last two people a year taking half the dose for swine every week by mouth. It stays in your system for a long time and builds up so I just felt this was a safe dose. My wife and I both work in the public her at a farm store and me at a school and neither of us have had any systems. We’re both older and we have a lot of animals so we use Ivermectin in paste, pour-on, and injectable. Ivermectin is super cheap and widely available.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bill

The “horse paste” version of Ivermectin is the exact same Ivermectin molecule as the pills.
And very very inexpensive.

Alysia Mcalister
Alysia Mcalister
3 years ago
Reply to  Lois

I found some online at reasonable price without a prescription. when searching Google will censor. so use another search engine like DuckDuckGo.

1 year ago

DDG is censoring too. Use Yandex.

Kiem Nguyen
Kiem Nguyen
2 years ago
Reply to  Lois

To buy Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine without prescription: http://www.covid19criticalcare.com

3 years ago

The Pharmaceuticals gave us the virus and then sold us the vaccines, a more expensive and dangerous treatment than Ivermectin, as the saying goes, (they broke our legs and then sold us their crutches) 💉 + 💰💊 – 💰

Alysia Mcalister
Alysia Mcalister
3 years ago
Reply to  Lolyduran

exactly. this is an earth culling going on; to survive we are going to have to have a strong will and do the research and never trust .gov nor even the medical society of big pharma. there are good doctors but very hard to find some that will risk their profession to help the vaccinated.

Jack B
2 years ago

Well said–these people pushing this satanic AGENDA don’t need more money, they are already fabulously wealthy, although they are making billions their goal is to cull the sheep.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lolyduran

There are no facial tissues of any sort in my home and haven’t been for a few decades now. I quit getting sore throats and colds, basically, and this is a part of it, I believe. Too much incentive to put sore throat and cold virus in said products, to generate sales.

Gary Given
3 years ago

What is ivermectin dose..

  1. for prophelaxis?
  2. if you have been admitted to hospital..for 180lb person..my friends dad is in hospital here in Argentina..cost 6$ for 6 6mg tablets here
  3. thankyou
3 years ago
Reply to  Gary Given

check out the various protocols at flccc dot net

3 years ago

Great article! When you ask is this about health or is it about money? I have to ask you, have you considered that this is about something else? Have you considered other agendas? I’m sure you have, it might sound like a whole other topic, but it’s not. …they want to take us down a dark path by deception.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
3 years ago

During the 1918 Flu Pandemic, people who practised urotherapy did not get ill, and did not die. Since (self) Urine is anyway a non-toxic fluid, then why not try for COVID?? Incidentally, it will cure many other ailments, especially when used in tandem with a prolonged fast.

3 years ago

Ivermectin can be found in the form of horse wormer paste in many retail outlets like Tractor Supply, CAL Ranch, etc. I have been using it for years.

3 years ago

Hi John, when you say ” been using it for years ” for your livestock or for yourself?

3 years ago
Reply to  Jody

There are youtube vids on using the horsepaste on humans.

David K
David K
3 years ago

An Israeli double-blind study using Ivermectin has shown it is effective with covid-19. The study is still in peer-review. You can see it at

Paleo Con
Paleo Con
3 years ago

I was confirmed positive yesterday for covid at 1:00 pm after having been really really sick since Thursday morning. My blessed Dr put me on a concoction of Ivermectin, Azithromycin, an oral steroid, and an inhaler. Of course I continue zinc/selenium, D3, C, and L-lysine. Within 2-3 hours of taking the meds I was much much better and this morning I’d say I’m at least 80%. Praise God for my doctor and the Lord’s healing hand!

Now for the pissed off part. Why aren’t all Americans accessible to these treatments, which were NOT all covered by our insurance or the Dr. since he’s not in our HMO, and cost me a grand total of $50? Fifty dollars!!!!!!!!! And I’m almost totally healed!!!!!!

Our government is criminal suppressing these treatments and pimping the so-called “vaccines!” With my comorbidities I could have died and certainly felt like until the treatments.

Just sayin’

3 years ago
Reply to  Paleo Con

Greetings -Is your Dr. anywhere near the west coast. I would love to become a patient of your Dr. Would he do an online or video consult/visit? (I just found this website today.)

2 years ago
Reply to  Paleo Con

Paleo Can, so good to hear that testimony! Please share which doc and where you got your prescription filled. Thanks.

2 years ago
Reply to  Paleo Con

Wow! My hospital refused to give me Ivermectin and it turns out, it was on my orders and they insisted on giving me Remdesivir. I now have Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquin, Doxycyline. I will take it if I even suspect I will get Covid a 2nd time.. I believe I have natural antibodies for a long time.

Joseph Edward Erisman
Joseph Edward Erisman
3 years ago

Don’t be worried about supply. Ivermectin is crucial to livestock, including but not limited to sheep, swine, and cattle and poultry. Try your veterinarian, tell him you want to protect your family dog from heart worms and WANT ivermectin, add your dog doesn’t have white paws as collies seem to be sensitive to it. Some formulations is pour on, some in tablets and the rest injectionable. Most important is it is Ivermectin and not with additional ingredients like clorsulon.

Mary Hein
Mary Hein
3 years ago

I’ve been using the topical/ liquid ivermectin(do not take orally but rub on like you were using an essential oil). 1 teaspoon , rub on the bottom of your feet for 3 nights in a row every 6 months from a holistic friend. I use as a preventative. If infected test the same way. Same does for 3 days. She said everyone of her clients felt much better after the first 24 hrs

2 years ago
Reply to  Mary Hein

Mary … I am intrigued by your comment. Please share the brand of ivermectin you are using … would it be possible to forward a picture of it to me? My internet search has yield so many results leaving me confused. Thanking you in advance for your help.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mary Hein

How much do you rub into your skin? Do you use a lotion or something else to use with the ivermectin to rub it into your skin? How often do you use it to rub it into your skin? Please help. Thanks

2 years ago
Reply to  Mary Hein

Dr. Carvallo, from Argentina, says: “Ivermectin will work for 3.5 days. For the other three days, you will be exposed.  You may contract the virus, but even before the virus can replicate enough to pass from the incubation period to the invasion period, you will take ivermectin again. So, you won’t know it exists. You won’t even realize you have contracted the disease. Your immune system will have [encountered] the virus and will start creating immunity … We keep on using that four months. We’ll stop for a couple of months because ivermectin will accumulate in the fat tissue. After two months of not using it, we start again.”

Helen Barbian
Helen Barbian
3 years ago

Ivermectin is also Heart guard for pets. Doubt same dose/delivery method. Last year one month after covid broke, I was staying in a domestic violence shelter and Colorado and had the devastating misfortune of contracting body lice. Super lice. Nano lice. This s*** almost drove me to suicide it was a relentless demonic onslaught, a plague. After nothing worked I was prescribed ivermectin and everything just seemed to irritate the condition so I dove into the research and discovered very quickly that I was totally okay from covid. People all around me were getting sick and I still have not gone sick. I understand the science of it although I couldn’t explain it it just made sense since I took it what it was doing and because these doctors are practicing and they’re paid actors who knows why a medicine designed as an antiparasitic is the only cataloged quote unquote cure for this quote unquote virus??? All I know is I’m grateful that God brought me through one horrible scourge to keep me from another that could have cost my soul if I had chose to be vaccinated.

The alias
The alias
2 years ago
Reply to  Helen Barbian

Because viruses ARE PARASITES!!

Bonnie L Alexander
Bonnie L Alexander
3 years ago

And no one wanted to believe that the vaccines injured and caused AUTISM 23 years ago. But now things seem to be real and getting attention. I am glad of that for sure. All vaccines have side effects. .

Sue g
2 years ago

My grandson has been afflicted with severe autism and other brain damage due to baby vaccinations since about two years old. He has the mentality of a three year old. It also made my daughter a prisoner in her home although she sacrifices every day to make a better life for him

2 years ago
Reply to  Sue g

So sorry to hear! SO many of these stories! Good luck to you and yours

Rebecca Bennett
Rebecca Bennett
2 years ago
Reply to  Sue g

Im sorry. Give the child Activated Charcoal along wit Ivermectin 1mg per 100lb 5 days on 5 off repeat. Its not going to fix brain damage but you will be amazed beyond belief as the autism vanishes,

3 years ago

Where can I get Ivermectin in Houston, Texas, USA?

Butterfly Lily
Butterfly Lily
3 years ago
Reply to  Gerald

Amazon has the paste.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gerald

Some doctors will prescribe. There are pharmacys in India sending to the US. Check out Critical care.com and Dr Ardis, free doctors.com
Canadian pharmacy scripts to India.

Rebecca Bennett
Rebecca Bennett
2 years ago
Reply to  Gerald

go to a friendly cattleman

Arianna Raiola
Arianna Raiola
3 years ago

God bless all the medical heroes who have stood up against tyranny to speak the truth and stand behind their oaths.

Devon: Drake
Devon: Drake
2 years ago

Pine Needles Tea is suppose to be an antidote to the Spike Protein. To protect it’s effects on your body, if you had the shot, and from those who are shedding it. Pine trees can not be outlawed.

2 years ago
Reply to  Devon: Drake

White pine tea helped me , 5/6 hour relief, Ivermectin fixed me (horse paste, got it at feed store) tube is for 1250lbs , I am 200 lbs took 1/6th of tube ,

Helga Weber
Helga Weber
2 years ago
Reply to  Bill

Here in Ottawa , in the Weed and Feed Store you have to proof that you have horses, otherwise they will not sell you Ivermectin. And trying to have it shipped from India, customs will seize it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Helga Weber

I think another thing you could try is wormwood. Or Google Dr. Morse Parasite G and look at ingredients if you can’t get it. Those type of things are parasite killers, all natural.

2 years ago

“How many times can you be lied to if you don’t know the truth?” Not enough people strive to discover the truth. Why? Blinded by The Powers That Be (TPTB)

2 years ago

Hospitals in USA and in first world countries are refusing life-saving Ivermectin treatment even with court orders. Big Pharma doing everything they can to jab us no matter what, while alternative COVID cures EXIST! There happens to be heavy censorship who are looking for these treatments. The Research Is Clear: Ivermectin Is a Safe, Effective Treatment for COVID.

2 years ago

Ivermectin took my daughter’s symptoms away in less than 24 hours. Her friend who caught it the same day suffered for a week. It works.

2 years ago
Reply to  Pethal

and it kills the virus in the body….it is the perfect ‘naturally derived’ drug, if you read about its mechanism and discovery, it is nothing but a soil microbe. If you took it for worms, it would actually just knocks the worms out/paralyzes them, without killing them, and lets your body dispose of them…if Ivermectin killed the worms in your body, that would lead to ill heath for the patient. It is a miracle drug and deserved its Nobel Prize. I am not implying that it’s action is the same for C19, it does actually kill the virus.

2 years ago

Everything the main stream media says is a big lie

2 years ago

Ivermectin works. This is true. God bless this blog an Dr. Kory.

2 years ago

A crying shame the media suppressed the fact that ivermectin was effective since day one. The media, big pharma, and the oligarchy may burn in hell for being willing accomplices in the mass murder of millions.

2 years ago

Thank you so much for posting this, Brian! I hope my friend, who has 2 PhDs, 3 Pfizer shots, & a “fully vaxed” brother in law, who lies dying in an ER as I type this, will take the info & fight for his family.

In his mind, WE are the Darwin candidates “overpopulating the ERs & threatening everyone else.”

He doesn’t know “Dr” Fouci cut the voice boxes out of beagle puppies so he could quantify OTHER expressions of agony as they were eaten alive by larve they injected, then tossed them in the garbage.
That evil entity deserves more than a Darwin award!
I have to remember the friends (who still talk to me) are human-(for now).
If I let disgust, disappointment and anger cloud what’s left of my heart, I am no better than Fouci.

Last edited 2 years ago by Chris
2 years ago

I bet just being shed of worms is enough to put many cancer patients’ immune systems ‘over-the-top’ with regard to cancer cases.

2 years ago

My wife and I qualify to get ivermectin even if we’re not sick because of our age. So we got some just in case. I had heard that some medical professionals think Ivermectin might kill all pathogens. So a few weeks ago I had a very painful toothache in one of my wisdom teeth. I took 4 advil and after over 2 hours it didn’t do anything. So I decided to try one ivermectin pill, and within less than 10 minutes the pain started to go away, and it went completely away and is still gone weeks later.
I’m thinking, what if, instead of paying $1000 or more for a root canal, you could kill tooth infections by taking something like ivermectin.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x