November 30, 2022 (updated 11:50 a.m. Pacific)
UPDATED December 5, 2022 – More fallout
Here is what we wrote in our original review:
“It also would have been good to see attribution, as to the who, what, when, where, why, and how of all those deformed babies. As a result, a critical thinker is left wondering if all those legitimately happened since 2021. This section receives six out of 10 stars.”
The nose-less baby at the 58:24 mark in “Died Suddenly” is Baby Eli, born on March 4, 2015 in Foley, Alabama.
H/T to Sandra R. for pointing this one out.
We always try and maintain neutrality when evaluating content from creators trying to expose the vaccine genocide. Our original review gave the Stew Peters documentary “Died Suddenly” 6.7 out of 10 stars. But we updated that to 5.7 out of 10 stars because Peters completely excluded Dr. Jane Ruby from the documentary. She’s the one who first broke the story of the plastic/rubber clots. But the fallout is getting worse.
RELATED: Died Suddenly: critical review of the Stew Peters documentary (November 23, 2022)
The 52-minute mark of “Died Suddenly” features a doctor pulling, what Peters implies, is a post-injection blood clot from a beating heart. But that clip is from an April 1, 2019 video produced by Florida heart surgeon, Dr. Erik Beyer. Obviously that is long before the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections were available to the public.
We created a side-by-side video of the infringing clip, with Dr. Beyer’s footage on the left and Peters’ plagiarized propaganda on the right.
That’s not all. Twitter allowed Peters to create a “Died Suddenly” profile on October 6, 2022. It has 145,000 followers after just seven weeks. Here is the first tweet from the account.
Twitter does not allow truth about the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. We wrote two weeks ago how the new Elon Musk-owned Twitter will not reinstate The COVID Blog™ even after announcing its so-called “general amnesty” policy. The platform is also, allegedly, no longer enforcing its “COVID-19 misinformation policy” as of November 23. Thus it appears that government and big pharma agent-type content related to the injections is allowed, but not real truth.
The only logical explanation for all this is that Peters, Steve Kirsch, and company deliberately released this sensationalized production for the sole purposes of interference, deflection and discrediting truth about this entire COVID-19 charade. They also must be working with government and mainstream media propaganda agents. The Bigfoot and Keyontae Johnson stuff was bad enough. But this “documentary” has an agenda, and it certainly has nothing to do with truth.
We have removed the link to the “Died Suddenly” movie from our previous review. This production is an insult to critical thinkers and to everyone who’s been tirelessly working to expose the truth about the injections. H/T to Lyn for pointing us to the plagiarized propaganda.
Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog™ book here.
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What’s really telling is how they added their OWN NARRATIVE to that video from 2019, saying things like ‘this is coming out of a beating heart’ – PRESENT TENSE LANGUAGE, and “look at this and tell me if it looks the same way”, as though the cause of this clot were the same and the cause of present day clots. They completely excluded the original language from the video. Peters is attempting to use vague language and present the beating heart with the clot as a present day issue. Someone defended Peters on Gab stating this – “At 52 min 26 Seconds The embalmer states “I believe that the only way a medical doctor could see this in the body is if they actually went internally into the body” ( referencing the types of clots the embalmers are seeing) ! And ONLY then the beating heart video is shown from years back which shows massive heart blood clot being removed from a beating heart and audio says “ look at this and tell me if it looks the same way” ( clearing referencing embalmer prior statement about how the only way a medical doctor could see these in a body…”. At NO time did the Died Suddenly film say that the blood clot being removed from a beating heart was from a vaxxed person nor was it in any way related to the embalmers direct work- the beating heart clot removal was in the film simply to draw the comparison that the clots the embalmers were seeing looked similar.”
That may be believable IF the original narrative from the 2019 video were included, BUT, Peters left it out. He presents it as ‘present day’ when he added “this is coming out of a beating heart” – ‘is coming’ is in the present tense, a verb used to describe something happening in this present time/hour/etc. Nowhere was a disclaimer added stating this was from a 2019 video, nowhere was credit given to the original poster. It was a snippet borrowed from 2019 and added by Peters to sensationalize his video.
Good observations!
I would add that just including the “Bigfoot” issue was a gigantic slam on the issue, stigmatizing clot shot deaths as ‘controversial’ and ‘conspiracy theory’.
Truly, Peters is just another controlled opposition ‘front’ individual. The alternative news is rife with them. How many alternative news sites are just popup creations made for the purpose of nuance misdirection? Probably most..
I’m thinking the same thing aby Kirsch.
I completely agree. Stew Peters is controlled opposition 1000%
But, the embalmers & other statisticians that he interviews are clearly authentic!!-
i agree! That’s really the only part that matters when it comes to the present value of the film, no matter WHAT Peters is!
Pretty sure he is not. He is simply getting a bit carried away and making mistakes. Now Dr Malone… another story. People were already questioning his cia background and his attacks on medical freedom advocates don’t help that perception. I believe he bashed Stew’s doc and went further by saying it was not helping relations with pharma. Why on earth do you want good relations with big pharma ?
Stew Peters is always very excitable and upset about this information. (Can you blame him??!!).. One time I saw him almost in tears during a broadcast!-
“Stew” is a good actor like most professional shills (eg. A.Jones or R. Brand etc.). I would not trust his tears at all 😛
To back that 1000%, look no further than him being on the Alex Jones show recently and vice versa, both bragging about how great and accurate they are.
Both are just paid to tell us what’s coming. This way they help speed up the plan. They are highly likely on the side of the ‘globalists’/ruling elite’ (Jews).
By the way this movie is made it became clear to me its a mind-control film. Especially the madness at the beginning! I regret watching it although it was interesting to see the rubbery blood clots.
The controversial conspiracy footage in the beginning of the documentary that did not belong in a film of such a serious subject made me confused, so I stopped watching.
I thought Mr. Peters was a good guy because he was revealing the CDC hospital death protocols.
The evil side has many years experience in using tactics such as controlled opposition, disinformation agents, Shills and Trolls. We are at disadvantage, except that we have God on our side. 🙏🏻
Yeap, may the Almighty listen to our prayers and protect us from the exposed and hidden evil!
Alone, we ( the ‘normal’and real human beings, we the folks) are disadvantaged cos TPTB can clearly do anything in order to achieve their dark aims.
Through with Stew.
Me too, but not with Dr. Ruby.
She is also a fraud. Sorry, not trying to piss you off. Take a look at her website, hugging up with the usual actors and puppets.
Yep, if I recall correctly, she was grubbing for money on social media and trying to drag dr malone thru the mud. I found it very tactless and disgusting.
She doesn’t need to drag Dr Malone thru the mud. He is the mud and the fog. Just look at his background, “intelligence” clearance, after TV he goes on Joe Rogan’s podcast to cement his celebrity status…etc.
A podcast highlighting all those issues is out there, look for it and knock that guy out of the pedestal you placed him on.
I don’t know Rogan’s show very well, but from what I’ve seen, he too is likely just another front group. From what I’ve seen he’s not Christian and just comes across as another slob host sort of like Stern.
What does his religion has to do with it? There are good and bad in all religions.
Joe Rogan has a $100 million contract … I don’t even waste time with him …
Gotta agree. I asked her a question once, as one nurse to another, but she wouldn’t answer it. Too busy making a name for herself.
I too have communicated with her and she is an ASSHOLE. Arrogant, dismissive, nasty. She refuses to even engage about anything that may cause her to rethink her narrative. After 40+ years as a healthcare provider with advanced degree, I find her to be DISGUSTING.
Dr. Ruby too? I stopped watching Mr. Peters because of his hyper-emotional ranting but Dr. Ruby’s passionate outrage about the children’s lethal injections being rolled out convinced me of her genuineness. I might still be gullible.😬
Stew Peters has two claw hands(freemasonic) on his lapel, I was wondering if that is significant.
It’s the 33rd degree ones that are Satanists – you don’t get to be 33 degree unless you are Satanist. The rest are likely just average Joe citizens, I’ve known some under 33 degrees and they are not Satanists.
Freemasonry is ALL demonic. No authentic Christian should ever entertain becoming involved in the ages old club. Too dangerous for your spirit which should be indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
I’ve known several in the small town I lived in, that were Masons and not 33 degree who were sincere Christians. Only 33 degree are Satanists, that’s why not many “make the grade.”
You can’t have it both ways. You can’t be a Christian and a Mason. Mutually exclusive clubs. If you think so, you either don’t understand Freemasonry or Christianity or both. Most likely you have not read books by published prior Masons.
I”ve known a number of Masons who were Christian, my grandfather was only one of them.
Im gonna stick with ruby. Who knows who is what etc. Everybody rips the other this is what pharma wants and you giving it to them. Stop it. We will see in time anyways. In the meantime I listen to all views. Dont block somebody out just consider the info critically always. With your gut and discernment.
If it’s on TV, it’s controlled opposition.
Even if the rank and file of an organization are real, the leaders are always controlled opposition.
This is what spies really do. They don’t chase Chinese or Russians. They control the minds of their own citizens, for profit.
Why do you think they make James Bond movies? It’s all propaganda to make you think they are using your tax money to fight terrorists and evil billionaires. The REAL James Bonds of the world WORK FOR the evil billionaires.
In fact they are not really SPIES, per se. They are ACTORS. And there are thousands upon thousands of them.
Like a famous 16th century propagandist once wrote, “All the world’s a stage…”
This sums it up. This message needs to be broadcast far and wide.
Ian Fleming (MI=6) wrote the James Bond novels. The symbol for 007 was from the cartouche of John Dee, an advisor to Elizabeth I. He was the predecessor to Francis Bacon, who wrote the 33 degrees of the The Scottish Rites of Freemasonry. CIA Mi-6 work for the international banksters. The top of the pyramid is the Bank for International Settlements, the clearinghouse for the central banks of the world. All of the European royalty and all of the US Presents, are descendants of the Roman Emperor, Constantine.
You’re darn right there are 1000’s of them.
I had a best friend (he died in 2017) who turned out to be working for a major intelligence/security contractor. His regular job was the overnight shift at a convenience store. To make a longer story short, I saw the return address on one of his paychecks and it was that contractors name, which I’m not sure I should mention.
There’s more to the story, suffice to say I found pretty good evidence there was also a young woman of 25 at my mother’s church, who was a similar contract spy.
Why be shy about exposing the contractor’s name? Bring this stuff into the light and don’t be protective of these evil-doers!
Instead of throwing out the baby with the bath water; if true about the video piece, I wonder how this happened?
Somebody is responsible for it.
I highly doubt Stew Peters approved of something like this if he knew about it…how did the filmmakers allow this in?
So, I do not agree with: “has lost ALL credibility” without further data.
It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. (Ps 118:8)
Something cannot be ‘credible’ IF in includes deliberate deceit. You don’t agree Peters has lost all credibility, so you think he is still credible? Then you follow that with Psalm 118:8 … you can’t have it both ways. Either you understand ‘the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked, who can know it? {Jer. 17:9} or you don’t. There is no in between.
“The Stew Peters Network is proud to present…” The buck stops with Stew Peters. Plain and simple.
Just look at all the clips with the people swirling around and then collapsing. Why were ANY of those included. Nobody knows if they had to do with the injections nor does anyone know if the people died. Did they actually follow up on every clip? No way did they. For it to be documentary they would have actually had to verify every person and made sure how they died, if they died and if it was truly sudden. The whole movie is speculation. The only truth is MAYBE Dr. Hirshman.
As a 40+ year healthcare practitioner I can assure you that I have never seen this behavior, in anyone. I have seen far too many seizures, etc to blame this bizarre behavior on anything other than these damn shots. The only other thing I can surmise is that these people were targeted with 5G, but that is just a possibility. The technology is so incredibly sophisticated that they can literally control minute movements.
I just watched the video and it was very good. I found it to be factual and informative.
I’m so glad that I didn’t watch that ‘documentary’! From the beginning, it had a ‘National Enquirer’ feel about it. Cheap and sloppy!
That aside…all I can say is, ‘Wow!’…to the allegation that these people are following government orders. A bold accusation, indeed.
I have other issues with ‘the entire herd’,…tribalism, for one…but THAT potential travesty…never crossed my mind.
What are your thoughts on Dr. Jane Ruby? I’ve followed her awhile and I do think she is more credible and truthful than Peters. I’m glad you mentioned that she broke the story about the clots first too because everyone else is trying to take the credit for that, including Kirsch.
Hi Ash. My opinion of Dr. Ruby matters not. She broke the story of the plastic/rubber blood clots in dead people around February 2022. Dr. Ruby is credited for informing us all of this phenomenon. Thank you for commenting. -B
Thanks Brian, great article by the way It’s getting harder and harder to make sense of everything and to know who to trust but I find your balanced, fact-based articles reassuring and grounding 🙂 You are everything a real journalist should be. A rare thing these days, no doubt!
I emailed Dr. Jane Ruby as an audience member of the Stew Peters Show to promote information in the ‘Open Secrets’ interview with one of her guests attorney Todd Callender. I pointed out to Dr. Jane Ruby her promoting Todd Callender in the Stew Peters Show went down in flames. The more recent work from Dr. Ruby seems of lower quality and that was the reason for my suggestion. The response I got from Dr. Ruby came across as bitchy questioning me on where I am getting my information and why I didn’t know she was working with Todd Callender. It is apparent to me there is a lot of stress going on behind the scenes of the Stew Peters Show.
Shill/Agent Peters, couldn’t make it as a “rapper,” or a “bounty hunter” so like all low-life freaks, chose to help destroy humanity for a paycheck.
True, They are extremely brilliant. The dark forces follow you since childhood and give you odd jobs and make you a nobody like a bounty hunter or a failed rapper and then they give you an offer you cannot refuse.
Its not a simple recruitment process. You are set for life if you sell your soul and screw humanity a bit more.
They have unlimited money, unlimited resources, real science. They know human psyche which is we want to become something in life.
Another controlled opposition which would fly under the radar for sometime is Andrew Tate. He will gather mass following and then demoralize humans, same with Kanye and Tucker.
There is then Dr. Aseem Malhotra too.
Andrew Tate joined twitter same day as Kanye but The Covid Blog is still banned.
Yes. Andrew Tate is also an agent of the system. Not sure what his role will be yet, you can be sure he is participating in the destruction (but pretends he’s on the side of the people, of course).
A snake on his chest, a snake in his one-eyed logo…his name is 666 in Sumerian and other ciphers…does he also charge $33 a month for the online course? Check out his site, it’s a Hollywood type production.
Collecting a database on young men trying to break free…selling false hope, drop shipping promotions, crypto, and “supplements”…while making TV appearances…just shameful.
Did you see the Illuminati hand symbol Tate flashed as he was being arrested in Romania? Quite revealing for those who were watching closely.
Pathetic. Really, it is.
It is as if these people are INTENTIONALLY trying to discredit the real seriousness about these vaccines.
Stew Peters is the new Alex Jones, he”s used to portray “conspiracy theorists” as insane by putting out material that’s 90% true but has holes that can be discredited to make the person sharing this and the idea the vaccine is dangerous to garner more support for the Vaxx zealots who can then say see see, it has holes, it’s ridiculous just like your theories on said vaccines.
This video was pushed everywhere on altenative media sites, 4chan, reddit, GLP and more…even saw Medical Doctors on twitter who are unfamiliar with the trickery in this online space.
Alex Jones behaves more like a WWE wrestler, whereas Stew has what appears to be an intentional amateurish looking show with scrolling text and an old 3d rendered backdrop to make it appear he’s an amateur freelance.
There is so much deception in these times.
“Stew Peters is the new Alex Jones”
I would venture to say that at one time – at least Alex Jones – was genuine. He exposed the Bohemian Grove gatherings (“the cremation of care”) and did try to show that something is wrong with the official story of the Oklahoma bombing (1995).
We don’t know what is going on behind the scene that makes such people less worthy of trust. Maybe they just thought that people are cowards anyway and they just need their soap opera of sensationalism fix, so they provide it to them on a regular basis to make some money.
Alex Jones tells the truth… in a way that makes him seem crazy to the curious and down right absurd to the normals
Just because he exposed those things, doesn’t mean he started of as genuine. I believe he was controlled opposition, a shill, from the beginning. Getting to a place like bohemian grove to film it, would be impossible for an outsider. They have top security. Then all the weirdness in his personal life. Of course, this is just my opinion.
The Elite loves to expose things through media, through these “agents” like A.Jones. These days they are even more open about their agenda (balenciaga etc)
Their believe is that they get a good karma, when they reveal things to as normies, but we dont do anything about it. Everyone on the so called truther scene knows this stuff.
I have picked kernels of truth out of warm bullshit my entire life. Almost nothing is immediately verifiable. Sometimes it takes years to confirm the actual facts. As time has passed, I’ve come to trust alternative news sites over the corporate mainstream because the alternative sites have proven the mainstream to be blatant liars.
I suspect that government spooks infiltrate, influence, and outright control some alternative information sources. They mix true facts in with obviously ridiculous speculation as a way of casting doubt on the truth.
Another aspect of this influence might be called “truth control”. The facts on the ground can become unavoidably apparent to the population, so they have to get out in front of it before the official narrative is forced to become closely related to actuality.
Thus, we get the footage of enbalmers pulling out long clots. It could not be hidden forever, so the information has to get out…but they are not ready to reveal the reality of it, so they put it out on easily discredited information sources, while they massage their narrative into a sculpture of bullshit for the masses to admire.
Stew Peters came out of nowhere with slick production most alternative news sites could never afford. I didn’t trust him ever, and I figured he was a phony trying to bring alternative news into the mainstream.
Thanks to this blog, I can now confirm the huge pile of bovine excrement that is Stew Peters.
Similar to Russel Brand, and the Rubin Report… and while we are on the topic, Ben Shapiro, and Louder with Crowder. The first two are a lot less persuasive than the last two, but all have done and said some VERY questionable things.
Ca. 80 – 90% of so called “truth movement” (I include the anti vax ppl in there) is fabricated in my opionion. And the topic contr. ops / shills is one of my hobbies so I know a bit. I will post also a BC popular shill channel list 🙂 I found most trending or popular vids/channels at Bitchute are shills.. . seems “someone” pushes these..
Kirsch clearly is controlled opposition. See how he responded to the scientists like Lanka and Kaufman, who have challenged the entire virus paradigm. He called them ‘covid deniers’. Now that exposed him straight away to me because anyone who refuses to discuss what the virologists do when they ‘isolate’ a virus is not being honest. They cannot afford the general public understand how fraudulent virology is. Until we slay this beast we will never be free.
Absolutely right. Glad to see my own observations and dot connections shared by another soul.
Snowmen melting in the sun
A short while to have their fun
Don’t spend much time disproving lies
Take what truth they give and fly
Always forward goes the fight
Leave the dead to their own plight
This shows, they are not done with us yet. The entire Vaccine Side Effects is hijacked now. If a normal human being is behind this, he would be happy with his billions.
But, this is relentless propaganda, gate keeping, even when they already got what they intended which is to vaccinate 99% of humanity.
But why still shill on a dying human being. Its soul less. A human cannot be this evil. Why are they now after Anti-vaxxers, who mostly watch vaccine related documentary.
This Anti-Anti Vaccine shilling would gather pace as more humans die, but I just dont understand why. Leave us alone.
I have not seen that video. You have a point. Including pre-epidemic material means either sloppy work to create a sensational report to gain views and whatever $$ can come from that, or becoming controlled opposition by presenting a report that can be easily disregarded to gain whatever $$ can come from that. Either way that could mean $$ or possible notoriety, also known as fame. My wife’s aunt Zena told her once, years ago, “if you don’t understand what’s going on, it’s always about the money”. Truer words have never been spoken in this crazy world.
Stew Peters came out of nowhere, with top production and “A” list guests. He obviously has a lot of help with that show and where does the money come from? A has been rapper/bounty hunter? Nah, he has disinformation agent written all over him. Jane Ruby also, who’s not an MD or PHD, on her YouTube channel she pals around with the likes of Laura Loomer and Alan “I never took my underwear off” Dershowitz.
She’s not a Ph.D.? Huh?
She does have a doctorate in addition to a master’s degree – here is what you find on the Internet: ” … she holds two doctoral degrees in Education and Psychology, two Masters Degrees in Nursing and International Health Economics …” She may not be a physician (good) but nurse practitioners “know where the bodies are buried” even if they can’t talk about it. Don’t forget the old saying about physicians, “they bury their mistakes”. That does happen as you all know now and that has been happening for many years as well if the truth be told.
I have no doubt people would find fault with the movie even if the integrity of the footage was impeccable simply because it would show that they themselves were gullible enough to roll up their sleeve and get euthanized slow via the clot shot and there is no known way out and no cure. Name calling, lying and denying seems easier for a lot of people than thinking, finding the truth and believing it. Sometimes it is hard to know who is worse the powers that be or their sheeple.
Stew Peters is an obvious shill. I don’t know why anyone buys his BS. He has that utter clown Bryan Ardis (as does Jane Ruby) on his stupid show, who promotes ridiculous, and easily debunked, nonsense. I’ve over-heard members of the general public, on public transport, talking about and laughing at the stuff these clowns talk about. Its an age old trick, poison the well with your own stooges to discredit any idea that something is amiss. Its as old as the hills and pretty much guaranteed when in this instance when so much money and so many high level people are involved in the vaccine/covid scam.
Always look for people who have attempted to become famous in other areas before finding themselves with high quality production shows on alternative media, if you want to find the real scam artists. They’re usually scouted and tested to see how desperate they are for fame and fortune, and to sell out their fellow humans.
I would be interested to see if anyone can pinpoint where his funding comes from. Is he viewer supported? Of course that can be a smokescreen as well but not his original source of funding. He is likely a CIA asset. Alternative media is close to switching places with the state sponsored propaganda that hardly anyone believes.
Is this truly a bait & sink operation, or just a production that was poorly thought-out ? Time will tell. I’d like to hear what Peters has to say about it.
Stew has lost all credibility and I wonder of kirsch as well is controlled opposition designed to stifle criticism of the trump juice. Just like dr Ardis and the snake venom crap and Alex and the selling of the plandemic along with his devotion to trump these people are not your friends and will lead you off the cliff.
Yes, I now question the motives of Steven Kirsch. You could almost see the need for notoriety and fame in these people’s eyes, self-centered motives vs helping humanity. And I find it appalling. It is very important for people to review the content of the “documentaries” they are asked to be a part of. Dr. Ryan Cole though has integrity imo but may unfortunately bear collateral damage being in this film.
hmmm the Big-Tech connected non-medical (((Kirsch))) aggressively inserts himself as a Savior of Humanity, beginning on the (((Dark Horse podcast))), proceeds to lead legit vaXX tyranny opposition down this dark alley dead end?
Trump is a damn fool narcissist/science illiterate who has disqualified himself by continuing to promote the vaXX, probably on the ‘advice’ of (((Kushner)))
Kirsch has the so called “covid early treatment fund” together with another millionaire. So he even promotes “Covid” as real !
Stew Peters just seems like controlled opposition.
We did our own breakdown on some of the other scams of Died Suddenly and referenced your work:
The opening montage was my favorite part! Being a Pink Floyd fan many years ago I recognized the music aptly backing it was from the song “Sheep”. And I think the key moment was the guy incredulously asking: “You don’t believe in _any_ conspiracy?”
Otherwise I felt like much of the movie lacked context such as subtitles explaining what you were viewing. Do your own research I guess is the ultimate conclusion….
Still not going to take the clot shots.
That should never even be considered… any injection for that matter..
Well as much as it upsets us all. Stew peters should either pull this documentary or at least put a disclaimer in that part that shows the heart surgery from 2019 as a comparison of the clotting. I have no favorable or non-favorable opinion of stew peters work. The venom in the water interview should also be opinionated with disclaimers. In all things we should question the people doing these documentaries.
Snake venom in water sounds entirely made up to discredit people. Just a few things to think about. 1) How much snake venom can there even be in the world and how much would you need to contaminate the water? Keep in mind you would need to be continually putting it into the water in large amounts. It would take teams of thousands of people continually milking snake venom to get any appreciable amount. The infrastructure that would have to be in place to keep millions of snakes alive and fed and their food alive and fed would probably take up every inch of spare land in the U.S. 2) It would also be harmless in water and dissipate and break down. 3) it is only a danger when injected into the blood. Animals in the wild regularly steal the kill of venomous snakes and eat it. 4) there is much worse stuff in water than snake venom and much easier to come by. There are bacteria that could just grow itself.
I honestly don’t know who to believe anymore. It seems as if everyone bad mouths everyone in order to add to the confusion. I will pray for discernment and to trust that my gut feeling will lead me to the truth.
Nearly everyone in the Truther community has known that Stew Peter’s is a certified controlled opposition shill…and has no brow ridge bone…if you know what I mean..ljust reads a script along with the other fakers Jane Ruby, Mikovitz, Medej etc…
Message, weird clots are coming out of cadavers in funeral homes since covid jabs came out. Reaction stew peters is a prick
I don’t buy that Stew is controlled opposition. I just think he just got a little carried away with himself and wanted to be famous so he added a bunch of hollywood trickery to make that happen which is a shame because now the ignorant masses with cement their belief in the official narrative. As for Musk, if he doesn’t reinstate Alex Jones and the Covid blog then he’s just controlled opposition. You’re either for free speech or you’re not.
He seems like he has always been hungry for fame. I don’t trust him one bit. Probably a freemason.
Stew Peters – Rap Song – “Fokiss – I Never Made It [Official Video]” on YouTube
Stew Peters – Bounty Hunter Career
No surprise on Stew Peters, Steve Kirsch and Muskrat and his Twitter soon to be WeChat . Remember when Peters and shill Ardis gave us “Snakes in the water” many fell for that grift. I watched what was available of this sensationalized crap and I was not impressed.
Peters lost credibility with me after the jab roll out. He had a sensational video about an airline pilot dying in flight which was diverted. No tail numbers etc to verify. Luckily aviation enthusiast can look these things up pretty quickly and no such diversion was noted in any of the flight tracking databases. He is either disinfo or a grifter.
TheCovidBlog has done some great posts on aviation accidents.
Listening to these people, Cheshire Cats. Many came out of the woodwork on Scathing A-typical findings post Vaxx, and haven’t gone away: reason they SPIN nonsensical information with proven truths interwoven.
Dr. Ruby one Stew solicits nearly every Bombshell upload. I watched her once for minutes. I do not find her credible. She’s a Shock Jock.
There is another woman that has been on USA Watchdog ( Greg Hunter) She too is a Shock Jock, Karen Kingston. She raises her voice at Greg. She basically insults his intelligence. She is very hardcore. Right there, I said She’s a Shill. Premise, forced information he questioned, she over ran him. Greg is not inept, he uses logic.
The known fundamentals of persons who follow truth, isn’t provided by these Experts. The foundation of their claims are their own. They tout their credentials as if they own the book of answers. No they write the answers to fulfill the agenda they’re paid to promote. .
Who else I do not trust is Dr. Malone. I watched/listened to him, I said Nope. He is another long line of propagandists. I did watch every week the report by Tenpenny, Critically Thinking. I can’t stand listening to Dr. Larry Palevsky. He has said some questionable statements. I listened to her, I followed her Before 2020. I promoted her to everyone. Post mid pandemic, she changed.
Listening to her the last time, I believe she’s gone to the dark side. There is MONEY to be made in all the hype. People automatically believe any information that isn’t mainstream ABC corp driven. What is considered alternative info, these people LIE too. Without an Audience they get nothing, Good Day Sir (Willie Wonka).
Dr. Lee Merrit, I do listen to. She’s done research on parasites invading the human body. She has pdfs online. Her research is clear, concise. She’s not selling anything. Her protocols are defined for healing, information without scare tactics. I have no interest in watching Died Suddenly. All one has to do is type in search Died today. Young Healthy Persons Deaths appear, Persons in 40’s early 50’s, no known cause, listed as freak accidents. If the person is known by many, it’s automatic suicide or freak accident, again No, esp when their online social accounts say they are jabbed and boosted. Use Discernment, if the info comes with horns blazing, it is what it is, ” an attention grab” only you can make it viral. Ignore it, they up the Ante, there is your sign.
No he visto el documental y después de las aclaraciones que ha hecho Brian no voy a verlo.
He visto el documental “sure and effective ‘ un documental británico en el que hay testimonios de personas afectadas por el veneno experimental. Lo recomiendo, sorprendentemente está en YouTube si es que no ha sido censurado . Y por supuesto recomiendo muchísimo el documental “The Great Reset movie”. Un documental hecho por españoles y que está en la plataforma Odyssey. Muy muy recomendable!! Busquenlo y véanlo
The embalmers’ stories, the weird white clots, and the increased number of sudden deaths are all true. It’s too bad they added all the unvetted, incorrect stuff to completely delegitimize the film. I agree with Brian. Thanks for the update!
This is one of the comments that shows greatest discernment. It´s fundamental to keep in mind what has been proven, beyond a reasonable shadow of doubt to be true:
– Graphene oxide and many other toxic and metalic substances in the toxic soups that have no health related reason to be ithere
– MAC addresses
– Magnetic people, meat, cheese and everything else
– self-assembling and disassembling nanotech in the vials
– A mind-blowing increase in all cause mortality all across the globe – particularly odd the incredible number of younger people dying (and clear correlation between mortality and rate of inoculation)
– A shocking and yet to be explained increase in sudden death (well, we know why …)
– The enpoisonated continue to become seriously ill, far more than the uninjected
– Totally unsafe and rather extremely dangerous and ineffictive inoculations
– Etc, etc, etc….
We cannot allow ourselves to be led astray – the truth is a puzzle, built together slowly, piece by piece.
I just hope the psychopathic monsters that deviously, painstakingly, meticulously and patiently behind this undescribably evil plan are forced to face the Justice of the Sword in the earthly realm.
His name is stew peters… sound a lot like stupiders… he is trolling you
That’s a real shame.
Stew Peters is a racist. In an interview with Maria Zeee, he said something to the effect that “black people with guns” is the biggest cause of death in the U.S. You can hear the fottage here (2:38):
Whether he really is a racist or is just playing one for the conspiracy so he can smear us (as well as gun owners) in the process remains to be seen. But he is not to be trusted. The bigfoot footage in the film also seems to indicate that he is either trying to smear us as “conspiracy kooks” or he is signaling to “higher-ups” that he is really on their side.
Thank you for your honesty. Conservatives have to not stoop to the level of criminal globalists and represent honesty, integrity, good values – this has to take precedent over making a buck. There ARE a boatload of people who died suddenly and there ARE people who are getting this clot-like growths in their arteries – it’s a shame Peters did not get legitimate footage. I watched “Died Suddenly” and felt that it was amateurish and was more of a propaganda piece than solid journalism. Demagogues and opportunists need to be removed from the conservative movement – it should be about good people helping good people. Same thing goes for people on conservative sites flogging their health products and not sharing complete information about what will help people because they only promote their own stuff.