5 times Donald Trump encouraged his supporters to receive mRNA or viral vector DNA injections since leaving the White House

The COVIDBlog.com
November 30, 2021

UPDATED December 20, 2021 – Donald Trump endorses booster shots in Dallas with Bill O’Reilly.

Then he pulled rank on his supporters who started booing by saying “no, no, no.”

Meanwhile Trump supporters continue making excuses for this guy. The most popular excuse is that Trump doesn’t know the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections are lethal because his “team” won’t tell him. That’s a pathetic excuse for a guy who’s supposed to always be the smartest person in the room, according to his supporters. That’s now at least seven times in 11  months Trump encouraged his supporters to line up for their slaughters




Everyone denies idolatry in their own lives. Their “guys” and “gals” are good people, while the other guys and gals are evil and wrong. Idolatry is the driving force behind obedience and adherence to The Great Reset/New World Order.

President Barack Obama was known as “deporter-in-chief” to prominent Latino organizations throughout his Presidency (not to mention his administration built the cages for kids on the border). But the liberal masses said nothing about the cages until President Donald Trump took office. Problem is that Trump caged and deported far fewer illegal immigrants than Obama.

Democrats still love Obama like he’s god, like an idol, more than four years after his Administration. And now, there’s Trump post White House.

It’s too easy attacking Biden and Fauci for this “vaccine” genocide. But it’s funny how liberals believe they are superior human beings because they are more likely to be “vaccinated” than conservatives. In fact liberals have made the words “anti-vaxxer” and “Trump supporter” (and “conspiracy theorist” and “tin-foil hat,” etc.) synonymous. But just like all of 2020 forward, it makes no logical sense.

Trump is one of the biggest vaxx cheerleaders in the U.S. He’s always careful (and clever) to insert phrases like “we have our freedoms” and “it shouldn’t be mandated” in his pro-vaxx rants. But other than that, he’s making Pfizer, Moderna, et al. proud. The Republican masses and virtually all Democrats believe Trump is against these injections. That’s as fallacious as everything that comes out of Fauci’s mouth.

Here are five times in 2021 that Donald Trump played chief cheerleader for the experimental injections.

1. Trump to Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo: “It’s a great vaccine. It’s a safe vaccine.” March 2021

We posted this video in a previous article. But here are the highlights and the video again (skips right to Trump’s vaxx zealotry). Bartiromo asked Trump if he would recommend “the vaccine” to the Fox News audience. Paraphrased:

“I would recommend it to a lot of people who don’t want to get it. And a lot of those people voted for me frankly. We have our freedoms. But it’s a great vaccine. It’s a safe vaccine.”

2. Trump encourages all Republicans to receive “vaccines” on Sean Hannity – April 2021

At the 28:25 mark: “A lot of our people don’t want to take vaccines. You know, I don’t know what this is exactly. Republicans? Don’t know what it is. I encourage them to take it. I do.” Hannity then asked Trump if he received the injections. “Yes I did. I had [COVID] and I took [the “vaccine”].”

At the 29:08 mark: “That’s the worst thing the FDA could have done” re: pausing the J&J viral vector DNA injection in April after several cases of blood clots.

Not to mention Hannity, three months later, got on his soapbox encouraging viewers to receive the lethal injections.

3. Trump to New York Post: “I’m all in favor of the vaccine” – April 22, 2021

Here are the rest of his quotes via New York Post columnist Michael Goodwin:

“It’s pretty amazing stuff. If we didn’t have a vaccine, it would have been just like the 1918 Spanish flu. The vaccine is a great thing and people should take advantage of it. Nobody should be forced, we have our freedoms. But I strongly recommend it because it’s a real lifesaver.”

4. Trump tells crowd at Alabama rally: “I recommend [you] take the vaccines.” August 2021

It’s almost like the crowd didn’t know how to react. The “chosen one” is encouraging them all to receive injections of experimental mRNA and viral vector DNA when he’s supposed to be the antithesis of Fauci. You could hear a few jeers in the background. But ultimately Trump used his clever wit towards his fans and got everyone laughing again as he, again, straddled the line.

5. Trump tells conservative radio host John Fredericks: “I’m very proud of [the vaccines].” September 2021

“I am a strong believer. You wouldn’t have vaccines if it wasn’t for me. And please I love our people. So I want our people to take the vaccines.”

It starts at the 43:58 mark. Fredericks said he got the Moderna injection in mid-August.

RELATED: July Briefs: Republicans joining Democrats in vaccine Great Reset rhetoric; American Academy of Pediatrics funded by Pfizer (July 26, 2021)


Trump is no ally of humanity. And all the Christians out there worshiping this guy need to divest of idolatry. The Bible is pretty clear to me.

  • “Do not turn to idols or make for yourselves any gods of cast metal: I am the Lord your God.” Leviticus 19:4
  • Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. Colossians 3:5
  • “Those who cling to worthless idols turn away from God’s love for them.” Jonah 2:8

You’re either on the side of pure humanity or GMO/Great Reset humanity. Plain and simple. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


Contact COVID Legal USA today if you are fighting against mandatory vaccines for employment. We also assist people with pro se representation related to other COVID mandates and restrictions. Follow us on Telegram.


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Frank Digorgio
Frank Digorgio
2 years ago

He’s in his own Trump world and probably has no idea these are suicide jabs because the only thing he’s focused on 24/7/365 is Trump. His advisers are probably backstabbers and giving Trump poor or wrong advice about these death jabs. I doubt Trump is any different than any of the other swamp creatures in Wash. DC.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank Digorgio

Don’t forget Trump loves money too, so he is probably getting paid too. A lot of money was made from the Stop the Steal campaign. I would not be surprised if Trump is getting money from theses jabs. A lot of politicians make money from vaccines. Basically a lot of politicians are bought by big pharma.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

He probably agreed to be put in office so all his bankruptcies would go away. Plus, he is probably morally compromised so his handlers know he will say “how high?” when he is asked to jump.One big, fat, and ugly zero.Like all the rest that inhabit the halls of Congress.

Last edited 2 years ago by liz
2 years ago
Reply to  Frank Digorgio

That is 100% wrong…Trump is an evil Luciferian Kahballist Jesuit that knows precisely every word that comes out of her mouth…and knows how to cover up errors…Trump is all in on the Genocide agenda…and knew about these things decades in advance…nothing happens by accident, everything is by design…You have no idea…Get out of the Cult and stop drinking the Kool Aide…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

Indeed, Trump himself has written glowing praise about his Kabbalah teacher.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

It was in “The Art of the Deal” that Trump praised his Kabbalah teacher. He, at one time, called his Tree of Life award the greatest honor he had ever received. The Tree of Life is the center symbol of Kabbala. The ones who award this honor are Kabbalists. Kabbalah is a form of black magic, and it sounds to me, from Trump’s own words, that he practices it…or at least he supports it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

It was in “The Art of the Deal” that Trump praised his Kabbalah teacher.

I never knew that about him, but thank you, that ties up a lot of loose ends.

I assumed he was a Crypto at the very least (never read his books) – judging by his words, actions, and the backers that finance him – “you know someone by the company they keep” rings as true as ever.

If he’s into Kabbalah, he’s nobody’s friend, not even to the tribe – just another useful idiot who’ll be disposed-of when he outlives his usefulness.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

Anyone that is into the Kaballah is a Crypto…Period…Kaballah and Talmud is Synagogue of Satan Mysticism…It is Devil Worship Certified…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

Yes, get out of the red/blue paradigm and seek truth above all else. Truth is love, not sentimental love but a true grounding love of life, yourself, others. Can’t go anywhere without it!

2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

Well said Wim. The whole red/blue paradigm is what people have to get away from.

Duke Nukem
Duke Nukem
2 years ago
Reply to  Frank Digorgio

He knows exactly what they are. Don’t kid yourself…

Paul Kersey
Paul Kersey
2 years ago
Reply to  Frank Digorgio

Trump invested in the pharmaceutical companies like all the rest. Stocks doubled that make the jabs.

2 years ago

Thank you for covering this and for telling the truth about Trump. We need to realize that it’s the global elite pushing this agenda. Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same coin.

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago

The false left-right paradigm, Democrat, Republican, two wings of the same dragon. The world is a stage and Trump (like all the rest) is just playing his part.

I will say however that liberals, left wing loonies, so called “progressives”, whatever you wish to call them, are the most vile people on the planet, I cant stand any of them as they support everything evil under the sun & destroy everything, literally everything. I’m looking forward to destruction when God’s wrath hits.

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

Your first and second paragraphs just contradicted themselves.

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago
Reply to  Alphaandomaga

No it doesn’t, i’m talking about the politics in the 1st, then liberals as people in the 2nd paragraph.

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

Here, let me fix that for you….

“I will say however that Conservatives, right wing loonies, so called “Republicans”, whatever you wish to call them, are the most vile people on the planet, I cant stand any of them as they support everything evil under the sun & destroy everything, literally everything. I’m looking forward to destruction when God’s wrath hits.”

See what I did there? On the opposite side they are saying the exact same stuff. So much venom. As an independent thinker, I see this on both sides and it is so crazy to me. You literally wrote that the whole bird is ONE (each wing of the bird is one political party of the machine) and is corrupted. Through and through rotten.Galatians 5: A little leaven leavens the whole lump. But you consumed one wing of that rotten bird and then spew out talking points that you learn from them, just like the left repeat crazy speech like this too. Wake up people…we have to get away from this political narrative. We are coming up on the fight of our lives!

If you are a believer…Please read Proverbs 11. It talks about humility. I don’t think the God of the bible is on the side of people with hate in their hearts. Yes he has laws/commandments and wrath will come down; but it is for us believers to walk in peace and share the testimony with whom we can.

Commenter Alphaandomaga is correct: Your first and second paragraph contradicted.

2 years ago

Trump is a willing stooge of the NWO….the fool was the one who started “Operation Warp Speed” with Fauci and the rest of the click clack gang.

Now the dupes are drinking the jim jones juice like the fools they are.

2 years ago
Reply to  bladerunner

David Knight said it best. Trump is not just an ignorant stooge… he’s a *corrupt* ignorant stooge.

2 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

Trump has no morals or scruples whatsoever…and is Luciferian to the Core…the Whole truth can not be posted here…even on a Truth Forum it is not fit for consumption by those that are mostly awake…Let me put it this way…Trump makes Obama look like a Saint…Might be worse and more Evil than Crowley or Bush Sr. and I am not Joking…BTW, I myself am not a Partisan…

We are the Planet of the Apes
We are the Planet of the Apes
2 years ago

Ah, the Trump-card, The puppet to keep the conservatives quiet. Looks like a reality TV show host to me.

2 years ago

This is also why Biden was ” Selected ” instead…the NWO could not get as many Kool-Aide drinkers to take the Jab with Trump still in there…Trump maxed out her credibility on all this…The JWO will use economic coercion to bring in more MAGA to get the Jabs…

2 years ago

Problem with Trump is that he has too much pride, and afraid to admit that he was wrong about stuff like the Covid vaccines. It would hurt him because he claims it as his biggest accomplishment to the world.

German Reader
German Reader
2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

Trump knows exactly what he is doing. he belongs to the satanic occult elite. This elite has honed the strategy of „Hegelian dialectics“ perfectly, using impostors in both camps of any system (traditional/progressive etc.) to create a stage performance to deceive the masses. It has worked pretty well with Trump and the „conservative“ camp so far.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

Having spent many hours researching Trump in 2016 while sizing up the candidates in the Republican Primary (my 11th presidential primary, not my first goat-ropin’), I discovered many things. I did a lot of digging and log-keeping; he was not at all like other, wealthier billionaires worth three times Trump’s claimed value. Trump had been in at least 18 major motion pictures in movie cameos (three movies in our home collection had Trump cameos, “brilliant businessman billionaire” myth). On a list of America’s billionaires, he was in the lower third tier. I learned a lot about Trump, where he stands in comparison with other of American billionaires, what kind of respect he had for the military, his morality, etc. He began aggressively marketing himself when he was in his 20s in pop media, otherwise he would be an average joe of little interest to anyone.

I am convinced that the ONLY reason people had heard of Donald Trump, was because he was born wealthy enough to indulge his huge vanity to excess.

Last edited 2 years ago by Janyuary
2 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

Even with all his aggressive marketing of himself when he was his 20s in pop media, Donald Trump did not really became a global household name to most folks until he made a cameo in the Home Alone movie, and did the reality TV show The Apprentice. He also got street cred with a lot of rappers name dropping him in their music. He was a media darling, and rappers wanted to be him until he ran for president in 2016. I also think Obama once said Trump represents the American dream.

2 years ago

I just listened to Jay Sekulow of ACLJ say he took his booster although his organization is fighting mandates in the courts. He supports the shots like they are fine-and-dandy delights. Like Trump, he has wholly disappointed me and a lot of other conservatives who believe the VAX should be AXED. I can no longer listen to these types who look the other way while people are being injured and dying from the shots, and that includes Trump. I do not want him back.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Kriss, I stopped self-identifying as a “conservative” in 2016, it only took me 30 years (!!!!) to figure out some obvious things, such as the fact, solid fact, that voting “against” is an imaginary action. Purely imaginary, a pretend action. Yet virtually every conservative leader and politician, pundit and advocate, had always constantly urged me to vote for candidates I loathed, such as Romney and McCain, on the pretense of voting “against” the bad guy, good guy bad buy identify politics it is easy: Democrats are bad guys, Republicans are good guys, very easy, right? WRONG I figured out after 30 years, gotta get up pretty early in the morning to get one over me! {^)

Yet most like-thinking of my family and friends are yet persuaded they’re “conservatives,” even though the actions and words of official conservatives in our real world, are wrong way, lefter and lefter. A lefty Democrat only increases socialism in one party; a lefty Republican increases socialism in TWO parties. So which is the lesser evil, and as if the only choice was one or the other???? It took me only 30 years …

I am on offense now (conservatives ONLY play and think defense, the losing position guaranteed), and I progress, move forward, toward liberty. Live and let live in Christian liberty. We have a tough road ahead.

2 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

You’re right. The label “conservative” is tarnished. I only use it for want of a need to communicate about a certain group in the population but as we know, labels suck for true understanding. Distinctions are still the most relevant part of any conversation.

2 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

This should help. Look up the definition of a license in Black’s Law dictionary. Tell them to shove their licenses up their a**s,

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Why is it all or nothing? Can’t they be wrong about the shots and still not be an enemy? I think Trump was deceived by the medical community.

I think they are wrong about the mRNA shots, which I refuse to get because of the murdered babies connection and I just dont trust the medical community (necromancers). And it looks like a lot of people are dying because of the shot.

But a lot of other areas I agree with Trump, like America first, pro-life, border security.

Also Trump’s judges (with Jay Sekulow as an advisor) seem to be helping stop the mandate madness.

I caution against “all or nothing” approach.

2 years ago
Reply to  bjohn

You mean, “Nobody’s perfect”? True. But Trump had his chance to prove he is a real man by coming out against dangerous jabs that can KILL and admitting he made a mistake or at least asking for a big step back on the distribution of the shots, a slowdown. If you, as a leader, can’t admit you made a mistake and make corrections, you’re just another talking head. If you want, I can chalk it up to Trump being too ignorant to know about the shots killing people although I don’t believe it. He’s in denial, like the rest of the scaremongers.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kriss
2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

It’s because too many in the US population actually believe in and worship at the altar of the medical complex and grew up trusting in vaccines. It’s really a huge religious cult Where they treat getting a vaccine as a “gold passport” and “good” thing to do in order to protect ones self and others. They continue to believe this as true when even the drug makers have stated these shots DO NOT PREVENT INFECTION OR TRANSMISSION OF THIS VIRUS TO OTHERS?!! How can they continue to believe that clear contradiction unless it’s indeed a religious cult that accepts into their body the modern day sorcery of men called “vaccines”?!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

FOX News vaccine mandate: Jab passport required for entry to “Patriot awards”
FOX News required vaccinated/or recent test to enter studios.

I copied comment here below – good insight:

Red States Supplying COVID-19 Shots for Parents to Abuse and Attempt to Murder Their Children

As I predicted in earlier articles, Red State Governors are doing nothing to prevent the COVID-19 shots from being injected into children as young as 5 years old now.

Some, like Florida Governor Rick DeSantis, are opposed to mandating them, but so far I have not seen one governor step forward and say: “Let’s stop this madness and stop killing and maiming our children!”

Not one.

They all apparently believe parents have the “right” to attempt to murder their children, because Biden’s FDA and CDC said they could.

Texas began injecting children yesterday, and Florida will begin injecting children tomorrow, Saturday, November 6, 2021.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Sekulow is a jew. What do you expect?

2 years ago
Reply to  Melinda

I don’t look at that; I used to listen to several people, Jewish and not, on the radio who revealed they have been jabbed and are recommending it, including boosters. People being harmed by them—they don’t mention. That tells me something about how much they’ve sold out.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kriss
German Reader
German Reader
2 years ago

There are clear indications in the Bible concerning masturbation. Look up the story of Onan.

Sperm is the bodily fluid with the highest energy in your body. It has the power to create life, and this energy comes from your soul. By masturbating, your soul diminishes. You give away yourself.

You need food to sustain your physical body, but you don’t need sexual arousal and gratification for the same purpose. Then also, you should not eat merely for the pleasure of eating. Likewise, you should only use the gift of being able to create life for creating life. Everything else is sin.

This is the time to say good bye to everything that belongs to the world and give yourself fully to God, which will bring rewards much higher than any pleasure of the flesh.

The 144 000 are Jews. A Jew today by definition is somebody who rejects Christ. A minority of pure souls among them, the 144 000, will eventually recognize Jesus as their Saviour. Besides that, anybody who accepts Jesus Christ and lives according tho His word will be saved, there‘s no limit to the number.

I hope that helps, and God bless you.

2 years ago

I don’t blame Trump or Biden for the vaxx – they’re not scientists or doctors – they can only know what their advisors tell them and if they’re surrounded by incompetence or malicious intent – with only a layman’s knowledge it would be hard to ferret out.

I imagine both had info withheld and/or distorted. Trump didn’t attempt to force me to get jabbed – Biden did and I hold him accountable for that, but again, I’m not so sure he’s fully aware of what’s happening.

After all, we’ve been watching agencies “fix” or “scrub” data, withhold data, censor doctors, scientists and researchers, threaten hospital personnel, and bully researchers until they’ve withdrawn opposing research papers – all with the aid and backing of big tech and big pharma.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hillsong

What do your advisors tell you? DO you have a brain?

2 years ago
Reply to  Hillsong

Of course Trump and Biden know. There is no excuse, especially not now in 2021! They didn’t become president by accident.

Aaron Marheine
Aaron Marheine
2 years ago
Reply to  Hillsong

Whats your take on him pushing them then and constantly reminding us he is responsible for them. I think they killed him on Jan 6 in the whitehouse blackout event following his speech

2 years ago
Reply to  Hillsong

Nope. Trump is a big shot. He can have access to way more info than a low-paid school grunt in California; I figured out the shots were bad and he KNOWS they are not safe but looks the other way, rationalizes by telling himself SAEs and deaths are rare—collateral damage in the battle against the “it” virus (insert current virus name of the week). These guys talk the talk but fall way short on this one. Maybe they don’t want to be called “anti-vax” as though that were the worst thing in the world because in some social circles, it is. In the meantime, people die from the jabs when it should’ve been pulled off market—all of them—months ago. At this point, we got the stupids telling the other stupids to take a booster for the “Omicron” scariant. It’s not going to work either; nature is way ahead of them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hillsong

“. . . – with only a layman’s knowledge it would be hard to ferret out.”

It’s not hard to figure it out.

A basic premise of logic is that when someone is speaking, and they contradict themselves, they’re either mistaken, or they’re lying – that’s it, done.

The experts have been contradicting themselves from the very beginning of this with both the guidance they’ve been giving, and the numbers they’ve been flogging – so either they’re incompetent, or they’re lying – take your pick.

You don’t need an M.S., M.D., or PhD. to figure it out.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  Hillsong

I am not a scientist or a doctor, no degrees, a high school education and I don’t have advisors, just my own little brain and widely available reliable evidence from truthful sources; i.e. with no axe to grind. This tells me that the Jab is poison and that the agenda is to cull the global population. Trump is surely no less intelligent than I am and has access to the same sources of information.

However, he is also at the top of the social and political hierarchy where only those who are members of the ruling elite reside. To imagine that he isn’t one of them is, to my way of thinking, extremely naive. They are the ones carrying out the depopulation agenda.

The great unwashed, i.e. you and I, are usually treated like mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed B/S. The purpose of this to divide us by giving us a choice between two wings of the same bird of prey. In other words whatever we choose to support we get the same result. It sounds like you haven’t realized this yet. I trust that some day you shall.

Last edited 2 years ago by David Robertson
Duke Nukem
Duke Nukem
2 years ago
Reply to  Hillsong

That is a cop out. Drumpf claims to be the “smartest”, with the best genes, uses the best words, blah blah blah. The EO death warrant has his signature on it. He made sure the maniac scientists had all the funding they needed. Even a simple driver or watchman during a bank robbery is charged with murder if someone is killed during the crime. They did not even have to handle a weapon. Drumpf is as guilty as the trigger men. He is responsible for every death, injury, etc., that has anything to do with this scamdemic (i.e., lockdowns, masks, loss of liberties, economic damage, etc. etc. etc…

Christel Picciano
Christel Picciano
2 years ago

Encouragement does not a mandate make a là Biden administration

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago

Mandates are legal instruments and Trump is in no position to issue one. He does however promote the Jab which is proven to be poisonous, killing and maiming hundreds of thousands of Americans.

By 2024 the situation will have worsened exponentially and the push for a world government will have reached global proportions, even more than today. Along with State control, this has been the central purpose of the Covid Plandemic and even more deadly infections are yet to come.

Trump is positioned to oppose this agenda, embracing as he does a fervent nationalism. Whether he is controlled opposition is a moot question. It seems very likely. The rulers usually control both sides of the debate.

Jean Valley
Jean Valley
2 years ago

More like, holding a gun to someone’s head is just “encouragement.”
When government uses force, it’s just a request. If you resist, you will be killed as an example…

It’s not like this is a new, novel, never before seen, human behavior, though. Authoritarians by any name are the same thing, every time. Do the same thing every time. Rome, Babylon (Tower of Babel), Byzantium (we get the word Byzantine, as in extremely, extra, enhanced, complex and convoluted; superlatives for magnitude and scope), Soviet Union, even the Persian Empire, Macedonia (Philip, then Alexander), China a few times, you see it in Japan (Shogunate, Warring States, Meiji Restoration), War of the Roses (Religious, but also the real life “Game of thrones”), the whole history of the Catholic Church…
But “It Can’t Happen Here!” (While it’s happening TO THEM.)

2 years ago

It’s always enjoyable to hear the voice of reason.

The supporters of the genocide abroad are now confronted with the democide at home. There are your political parties.

2 years ago

Brian my virtual friend, spot on!!

The two party system is a giant hoax–two sides of the same coin. This system is in place to cause division of the masses–lack of unity among people in the ultimate goal. Imagine if all these mindless liberal, pro fake jab people realized we outnumber the corrupt elite, we as a human species may actually make it out of this war……ALIVE!! Rep/Dem/Independent/Conservative—they are all S**T.

To the awaken, NEVER CONSENT (regardless of the mouth piece that encourages these shot), be strong and stay united.

Jean Valley
Jean Valley
2 years ago

That is because those who wish to rule others, are always shit. No matter how well they plan to rule – they plan to RULE, first and foremost.
And even the best of them are still human, E.G., Prince David (killed a man so he could take the man’s wife.) (We’ll assume he qualifies as “the best of them,” for sake of argument.)

2 years ago

It’s about time for people to admit their Orange Jesus was ,and is, nothing more than controlled opposition. Always has been; always will be. My advice to the Trumptards is the same advice I’d give to the double jabbed…. ..Admit you’ve been had and move forward accordingly. It’s OK; no one is perfect!!

Jess Hansen
Jess Hansen
2 years ago

I voted for Trump twice, that doesn’t mean I am going to take his jab. Liberals are sheep, fewer conservatives are sheep. Quite frankly no one has had more to do with the development of the shot than him, he okayed warp speed.

I have no problem with people having the option of the shot, as long as they are given full data about it.

I strongly oppose forcing people to get it.

I can vote for Trump because I like 90 percent of what he does, even though he is an ass and even though he is wrong on this one. Besides if he gets the nomination he is better than the alternative.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jess Hansen

“he is an ass” “wrong on this one” “better than the alternative”

We’re talking about mass maiming & murder here, which is already happening & can only get worse.. let’s see what lies ahead for the little ones.. & what lies ahead for all people except those at the top. This is a waking nightmare. The last thing on my mind is who I’ll vote for.

Jess Hansen
Jess Hansen
2 years ago
Reply to  Grace

We are talking about an experimental drug. It should not be forced on anyone, but it should be available. Neither you or I know what will happen, that is why I am not taking it. That being said if someone wants to take it that is their right.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jess Hansen

You completely disregard the evidence of what this shot is doing and where this is headed. It would be nice if you get it only if you want, children excluded, and it stayed like that but one needs only to see how this same medical mania is going in places like Australia. They’ll be ramping things up here too. You think all these psychopaths in politics and public health are just going to go away or back off??

2 years ago
Reply to  Jess Hansen

So, you’re okay with the crowd who brought this vaccine to the public being allowed to continue in this vein? They are now developing mRNA flu shots. More kill shots. Most won’t even know they’re getting a killer shot when the ask for the flu jab.

Jess Hansen
Jess Hansen
2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

“I have no problem with people having the option of the shot, as long as they are given full data about it.”

So you ignored this part of my statement?

Anthony Tuminello
Anthony Tuminello
2 years ago
Reply to  Jess Hansen

Exodus 23:7 (KJV) Keep thee far from a false matter; and the innocent and righteous slay thou not: for I will not justify the wicked. 

2 Samuel 23:3 (KJV) The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God.

 Psalm 118:8-9 (KJV) It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes. 

Psalm 146:3-5 (KJV) Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish. Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God: 

Proverbs 6:16-19 (KJV) These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. 

Proverbs 8:13 (KJV) The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate. 

Proverbs 25:19 (KJV) Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble is like a broken tooth, and a foot out of joint. 

Jeremiah 17:5-8 (KJV) Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD. For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited. Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is. For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit. 

Romans 12:9 (KJV) Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. 

2 years ago
Reply to  Jess Hansen

Why should we keep a dangerous inoculum that vandalizes your body, doesn’t stop transmission, and loses effectiveness in a few weeks? In the last decade, a third of the 220 or so of FDA “approved” drugs have been recalled because they are bad drugs which kill and hurt. What makes the jab clot shots okay to keep on killing people with? In the USA or anywhere? No, this has gone on too long. The experiment should’ve been over ASA the death and SAE count began to pile up. In the meantime, several drugs that are effective in the treatment of covid have been dismissed by the health (and wealth) hierarchy in charge in order to pad their own pockets. No, ax the vax; it’s long overdue.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Trump made a range of possibilities happen: ventilators (which was also used to kill people), hospital ships, and the “Right To Try” comes clearly to my memory. When he broached subjects like hydroxychloriquine–which undoubtedly helped people because he brought it up–it was derided and banned by the pharma-medicide industry. His record is more mixed than his detractors and supporters want to admit.

Jayna Dinnyes
Jayna Dinnyes
2 years ago
Reply to  SpaceKittyCat

I just now read this. IMHO, President Trump and his family never took the vaccine and never had COVID-19. I will always consider him to be “The King of COVID-19.” Very early on I wrote to him at The White House. I told him that a healthy, cheap supplement kept us from having all Coronavirus’ since 2009. I have not taken any flu shots either and won’t! It’s less than $10.00 a bottle. I was exposed to COVID-19 (unknowingly) in January, 2021. Thankfully, I was not ill at all.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  Grace

Most people can’t empathize beyond their immediate family and friends. As Josef Stalin said “An individual death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic”.

2 years ago

This is real journalism. Exactly the kind of information I wanted to learn.

2 years ago

I have to say this. I had one dream about Obama (he was standing in my supermarket and wouldn’t let me purchase any groceries, so I left without buying anything.) I had literally 20 dreams about Trump. I keep say “Why do I keep having dreams about him”? They were always the same theme. I would try to talk to him and he would ignore me. Every time….it was really weird. I would be sitting next to him and he would turn away from me. I finally realized that my dreams were telling me that he really isn’t for the people. He doesn’t want to hear what we have to say. Its all about him.

Ms Smith
Ms Smith
2 years ago
Reply to  Rox

The more I hear things like this, and after observing what he has said and done since 2016, my gut reminds me about who is the personification of the A/C in Revelations.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  Ms Smith

The antichrist does not appear in the Revelation. The term is only used in the letter of John and refers to those who opposed the apostles.

The Beast in the Revelation is both the world system, symbolically Money or Mammon, and a man who personifies that system. Trump does indeed personify Money and Americans as a culture are devoted to Money, it is the defining characteristic of their society.

Therefore the United States is undoubtedly the modern incarnation of ancient Babylon and fits the description of that City in the Revelation. More specifically the City of New York, the financial centre of the United States, is a good match for Babylon. Trump is a New Yorker and indeed personifies that City. So it may well be that he is the man described in the Revelation but not exclusively or completely. Thus far he does not excite the universal adoration accorded the Beast.

One man in the public eye who is widely revered and much richer than Trump is Bill Gates. He could just as well be the Beast if we are looking for candidates to fit that description. Certainly he is a media favourite and lionized all over the world. Trump does not excite such a broad base of adulation. Gates is also not a politician who automatically attracts opposition from political rivals.

2 years ago

I noticed how you “COMPLETELY” left out Romancatholism. But a lot of people who say America is the great whore “Mistery Babylon” undermine the fact that “the Vatican” has made all of the kings of the earth sleep with her and take part in her fornication. Also, avoid Steven Anderson a.k.a. “Andersnake” as some brethren like to call him. He is no doubt for Romancatholism, which some brethren have exposed him to being an agent for catholicism to damage the image of the saints.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeremy

My comment was not intended to be a full dissertation on the subject, self evidently.

The Reformation Church did believe that the Pope was the Antichrist and that the Roman Church was Babylon. They may still believe that. There are more interpretations of Biblical prophecy than there are books of prophecy in the Bible. In the final analysis they will all be proven in the fulfilment, as were the prophecies about the coming of Messiah. In that case even the fulfilment was missed by the Jews but that too was prophesied and planned by God.

It is certainly not worth debating them contentiously. It only leads to rancour and division which God doesn’t want. I am sure we agree on many aspects of prophecy and that is what we should concentrate on.

Last edited 2 years ago by David Robertson
Anthony Tuminello
Anthony Tuminello
2 years ago

There is absolutely no doubt that the Vatican is the great city of Rev. 17. Other cities may fit the description, but only to a certain extent. The Vatican is the only one that fully and completely, 100% fits the description of Rev. 17.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jeremy

Of the two cities that are candidates for Babylon, and which also sit on seven hills, a careful, prayerful, long (like years long) study of this subject reveal Jerusalem to be that city. It is also the city where the Beast kills the two witnesses, and is also the city where the Beast reigns for three and a half years, as the King of the world ( in the rebuilt temple). The Beast is now on Europe, and much younger than people expect.

Anthony Tuminello
Anthony Tuminello
2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Yeah the beast will reign in Jerusalem for the last 3 and a half years of Jacob’s Trouble, but he will undoubtedly be reigning in the Vatican for the first 3 and a half years. I’m sorry but Jerusalem fits the description of Rev. 17 only to a certain extent, not 100%. The Vatican is the only city on earth that full and completely, 100% fits the description of Rev. 17.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ms Smith

the antichrist isn’t anyone known publicly!!!
The early church fathers said that the antichrist would be a JEW from the TRIBE OF DAN, a tribe you can find in the first 5 books of the Old Testament, but you won’t find it in Apocalypse – it was banned from the Book of Life.
Americans thinking the antichrist is either ‘Obama’ or ‘Trump’ shows the arrogance of americans… who believe they are the center of the universe, that everything revolves around America [sic].
The antichrist for a start is EUROPEAN, was born in Europe!

Jakob Unger
Jakob Unger
2 years ago

A thought expiriment:
What would the Media/Big Pharma complex do to Trump if he questioned the vaccines IN THE LEAST???
They would jail, or assassinate him for interfering in the great reset.
Trump showed us Monoclonal antibodies work. He showed us HCQ.
They almost pilloried him FOR THAT!
He has said, and done, all he could. One man against the entire Dem/Rep complex.
What did you expect? Magic?

#FBA Sasha
#FBA Sasha
2 years ago
Reply to  Jakob Unger

“They would jail or assassinate him.” So he just encourages his sheep to line up for their slaughters so he can keep his high status of controlled opposition, and you get your idol. Win win for Trump and his followers. I expect exactly what we’re seeing. Donald Trump being Donald Trump. All about him. He gets saline. You get the kill shot. Be my guest.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  Jakob Unger

You obviously fall for the Trump brand of sorcery.

2 years ago

In April 2021, live on air, during Maria Bartiromo’s show, Trump was asked about the vaccines AND how Biden was the one responsible for their roll out, his response was, “I AM THE FATHER OF THESE VACCINES”, (paraphrasing here)–without him, we would not have these life saving shots.

For anyone who claims he was lied to, he didn’t know—I call BS–by April there was more than enough evidence that people where DYING from the jabs. Not to mention, Robert Kennedy’s CHD, Mercola, Tenpenny, Northrup, Cowan, Madej, etc. were all sounding the whistle on the poisonous origins of mRNA and the rest of the ingredients.

2 years ago

Thank you for an excellent article. At first glance it appears many in comments are coming up with excuses for Trump, which is disappointing. I now think that Trump has been a master performer (possibly empowered by the devil) since day one all leading up to this point & the nightmare that lies ahead for us. It’s a terrible thought that he could be so evil, especially since I once thought he had people’s best interest at heart, but I see no other conceivable explanation, considering he isn’t stupid & is quite capable of finding out whatever he wants to. The whole media assault against him (which continues at a lower intensity) would make sense if it was engineered to cause people to emotionally LOCK ONTO Trump in major support of him, because good people don’t like seeing someone unfairly treated & abused, especially when that person is appearing extremely courageous & is fighting for THEM. That’s where I stand at this point. It would take a lot for me to change my mind about this- like Trump admitting he was dead wrong, how that happened, stopping boasting about “vaccines” & then fighting like hell against any & ALL mandates. Somehow I don’t see that happening, but I wish it would.

Jonny Finn
Jonny Finn
2 years ago

He is fully engrained in the authoritarian class.. I mean he doesn’t say “We have our freedoms”.. he says “you have your freedoms”.. He’s just clowning us.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonny Finn

Yes, exactly. I noticed that, too. People need to listen closely to his words & lack of words. They reveal things.

2 years ago

The dude told you who he was on the 2016 campaign trail with the uber-creepy ‘The Scorpion & The Frog’ story.

*Spoiler*: He was NOT the frog.

I was rooting for him when elected, but his continual Deep State cabinet picks, the vaxx, and pardoning a bunch of dual-citizen criminals like Pollard & Kushner, was the end for me . . . well, that and having to look at his leftest pinhead daughter & peckerhead son in law everyday in the news didn’t help matters, either.

I quit voting 26 years ago for this very reason, eventually they’re all the spawn of Satan.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kielanders
2 years ago

Millions of people have done their research into these ‘clot shots’, SO it is no excuse that Trump and the like have had bad advisors and were given poor faulty information. I knew something was not right about this plandemic and inoculations. I (like many others) have taken it upon myself to find the true science of what these injections are. He was and is surrounded by his family which were part of his administration and his closest confidants and they were fooled?…….I do not believe it!

Trump is supposed to be a genius and wrote the ‘Art of the Deal’ but they pulled the wool over his eyes and tricked him?!…… I do not believe that for one minute.

Great article. Thank you!

Kimmy J
Kimmy J
2 years ago

I said back in March 2020 when DJT on national TV bowed and ceded his crown to the midget pope Fauci, the revolution had officially began. No surprises for me ever since: the violence, election steal, gen0cide, it’s all play by play what the bolsheys did, once they took out the czar. We’re just seeing the softer less messy version of the process.

DJT in the end became but a compromised pawn and has to comply to TPTB or for real die. It’s how things work.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kimmy J

He was a compromised pawn before he took office. That’s the kind of people who slither through the Halls of Congress and Capitol Hill.

2 years ago

“You knew I was a snake, before you let me in”. Spoken in true Masonic fashion. Just did not realize how much of a snake. All our “leaders” suck. We cannot put our faith in men. Put your faith in the Lord and turn from the backslidings we all get caught up with on this corrupt planet.

2 years ago

Trump said, from the beginning, that Covid would work itself through the population without a vaccine with a 99.997% survival rate. He implemented Warp Speed to monkey wrench the Deep States plan to lock down and starve the population for 5 to 10 years before rolling out a vaccine EVERY human being would have been begging for. SIMULTANEOUSLY, Trump repeatedly stated that there, not only was a 99.997% survival rate, but that there was a safe drug that has been proven effective for over 75 years: Hydroxychloriquine. And Trump also insisted, it was the individual’s choice, and the vaccine should NEVER be mandated. Why on earth, would anyone with this knowledge, take an experimental jab where the dealers are exempt from any legal recourse?
If I went to a restaurant and ordered my wife a soda, and the waitress gave her a drink laced with arsenic would I be guilty of murder? I have every right to believe that the waitress would give my wife a soda without poison in it.
We are at war, and unfortunately, as is the case in countless wars, many people have been hit with friendly fire. Follow no-one BLINDLY. THINK.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  Joekerr

Trump stopped recommending HCQ as soon as he came under fire for doing so. Then it was banned by the FDA. He has never to my knowledge recommended Ivermectin which is still available.

The fact is he is part of the problem and just as corrupt as any other oligarch. He is a skilled entertainer and able to convince his supporters he is just like them but nothing could be further from the truth. Sadly there is no worthwhile individual running for office at the higher levels of US government. They are all practitioners of deception in a corrupt system.

The sooner Americans wake up to this fact the sooner they will abandon voting and let the system collapse. I doubt however this will happen as the ideology has been impregnated into the American psyche over generations of propaganda. There is always a new generation of young impressionable voters who will carry on the charade in sufficient numbers to sustain it. Hope springs eternal but to is a vain hope.

Last edited 2 years ago by David Robertson
2 years ago

During most of Trump’s speeches he mentions that he should do the opposite of whatever goal he is trying to accomplish, i.e. saying illegal immigrants should be allowed into the country, whereas the democrats would then demand he build a wall. It could be argued that Trump is telling the many Trump contrarians NOT to take the vaccine. It would be naive to think that he hasn’t used his opponent’s bias, in some instances.
All warfare is based on deception. When able to attack, seem unable. When far away, seem near. When in full control, seem deceived. Read The Art of War by Sun Tzu.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  Joekerr

Maybe you are just smarter than Trump Joe. In any event I think you are justifying your support for him in spite of his obvious alignment with the intentions of the Oligarchy or the Cult or the Cabal or whatever you call the ruling elites. It isn’t a political issue as they control both wings of the bird of prey.

I don’t think it is complicated. Trump is very intelligent and knows what he is doing. He has been a booster of the Jab from the beginning and continues to be so. The Jab is poisonous and killing and maiming millions worldwide, including no doubt thousands of Trump supporters. Ergo, Trump is a mass murderer. Why would anyone vote for him?

2 years ago
Reply to  Joekerr

So you are pro trump?

2 years ago
Reply to  Ste


Anthony Tuminello
Anthony Tuminello
2 years ago
Reply to  Joekerr

I’m sorry but that’s the dumbest excuse I’ve ever seen given to support Donald Trump. If Trump was the good guy in all of this, why would he be telling people to take the death shot, even if he meant otherwise??? Why would he even take that risk??? And that could be easily used against him in the future if this whole scamdemic were to come to an end later on down the road. And you seem the be forgetting, Trump was the one who pushed this death shot forward via “Operation Warp Speed”. So no, Trump actually meaning to say “don’t take the vaccine” simply CANNOT be argued.

Psalm 118:8-9 (KJV) It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes. 

Psalm 146:3-5 (KJV) Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish. Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God: 

Jeremiah 17:5 (KJV) Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD. 

Anthony Tuminello
Anthony Tuminello
2 years ago
Reply to  Joekerr

It’s like David Robertson said to you; Trump is a mass murderer, which he absolutely is, so WHY would you “absolutely” support him?!

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago

Trump supporters who are opposed to Jab mandates may rationalize their support for him by saying he promotes the Jab but doesn’t compel anyone to take it. However the fact is the Jab is poison and by urging his supporters to take it he is actively encouraging a definite percentage of them to commit suicide.

That percentage may well be the difference between defeat and victory in many constituencies, so a cold blooded calculation should advise him to stop the sales pitch. That he hasn’t done so suggests that he is either ignorant, stupid, malevolent or in the pay of Big Pharma. Whatever the cause it is nothing good and should deter anyone from voting for him.

The problem is there is no good choice in U.S. politics at that level. Both of the front runners are wealthy and corrupt individuals, owned by the real power brokers, the real rulers, the scions of the big banking and corporate families. Their decisions will always favour these families. To believe otherwise is simply naive. Therefore the only sane action is not to vote at all. The entire system is a corrupt charade that should be destroyed by ignoring it.

2 years ago

I have questions.
Ever wonder why Trump did the following?
1.      Trump destroyed our society with his lockdowns and payments to states encouraging C19 diagnosis and ventilators, which killed thousands.
2.      Sent out helicopter cash to the Governors to implement all their tyranny.
3.      He knew they were paying hospitals $39K to ventilate, which murdered tens of thousands.
4.      Allowed Facuci and Birx to crank up Covid #’s using WITH rather than FROM.
5.      Allowed Fauci and Birx to destroy America and never fired either of them. Still defends Fauci.
6.      Was the biggest drug cartel dealer in the history of the world with this gene therapies.
7.      Never mentions one word about the coming Global ID (vax passport) that he ushered in.
8.      Allowed mail-in ballots and hardly fought them at all.
9.      Hired an old drunkard to run his Stop the Steal.
10.  Did you know any donation under $8,500 to Stop the Steal could be kept by Trump?
11.  Told everyone to come to the Stop the Steal rally 1/6 when he knew it was over.
12.  Never mentions the 100’s of political prisoners he encouraged to come to the 1/6 trap.
13.  EO rather than law to regulate firearms (bump stocks).
14.  Still pushing the gene therapies.
15.  I used to wonder. Now I know.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  larry

It sounds like maybe Trump is a Judas Goat, leading the sheep to slaughter. It is beyond tragic.

John B
John B
2 years ago

I was for Trump but now everything we know about Fauci, the AIDS scandal etc., he KNEW of course. Notice he did NOT pardon either Snowden or Assange but some very bad people I understand. Biden? Nah. Trump? No thanks.

2 years ago

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for this post. Amen.

2 years ago

It’s never a great idea to put other humans on a pedestal. I voted for Trump, but that doesn’t mean I don’t see things worthy of criticism. I cannot imagine why he so wants his name associated with this clotshot, and it cannot possibly be good.

2 years ago

The creation of the US Corporation in 1871 has disenfranchised the American people from all power and laid the foundation for the FED in 1913, a private central bank that belongs to international bankers. The British Empire aka globalists, is the eternal enemy of freedom and self-determination of all peoples. The US today only gets presidents chosen and selected by the corporate elite and there will be no real president as long as the former republic isn’t reestablished as envisioned by the founding fathers in 1776. Remember President Kennedy and his fight against the deep state.

2 years ago

Ron DeSantis is the best choice for America for 2024. Trump is toast BECAUSE of the “vaccines”. He did not create them, but he facilitated their production. Pfizer gave Trump $1 million for his inauguration ceremony in 2016. Trump did many great things for America and was the best President since Reagan (which shows how desperate America is for decent leadership) and was a FAR better choice than Stinky Joe AND the Election was Stolen. But Trump hanging with Big Pharma is a HUGE mistake. The “Vaccines” are killing people and the Mandates will lead to WAR. Desantis 2024. No Mandates. Save America from the Communists.

Last edited 2 years ago by ed_J
2 years ago

To be fair, they never sold Operation Warpspeed to Trump as an mRNA campaign, it was simply to bolster production of vaccines.

Greenngold Cheesehead
Greenngold Cheesehead
2 years ago

I dont think Trump knew the damaging effects of the jabs. He doesn’t follow alternative media – just big tech. His advisors certainly wouldn’t tell him. From Dr Scott Atlas’s book it seems that Trump was catching on to Fauci around Sept 2020 but politically his hands were tied til after the election. I think he really wanted the jabs to work and spent all his political capitol on getting them out that his pride will not allow him to see the reality now. Of course, Pfizer lied in their trial data and the FDA went along for the ride. Fauci, the manufacturers and fda, cdc, nih are the real villains – as well as the Bill Gates elites.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago

You are twisting your mind into a pretzel trying to justify support for Trump. Why not use Occam’s Razor and realize that he is part of the problem not the solution. He is as much a mass murderer as Fauci, Clinton, Birx, Biden and Harris. They are all criminals. It does mean of course there is no political pathway out of this, so eventually people will realize this and then the end will come. It won’t be pretty.

2 years ago

Donald Trump was booed by his supporters at a post-2020 rally when he brought up the experimental vaccines. It was the only time I heard anything like this in 5 years.

This is the one area that still has me questioning Donald Trump.

Mr. Lucky
Mr. Lucky
2 years ago

Trump is the Orange Judas sent to deceive his followers and lead them to the kill shot.

He is the father of the VAXX, and continues to push the death jab.

Trump has always been a globalist stooge who cleverly positioned himself as a Nationalist to get elected, and then betrayed every campaign promise except the one to Israel.

2 years ago

In a time of Universal Deceit…Telling the TRUTH becomes a Revolutionary Act…Not all News is Fit to Print…

2 years ago

Is Trump that STUPID, or just playing the LONG GAME. Faith in Trump gave us Biden. Faith in God would have given us somebody better than Trump.

2 years ago

Trump got “treated” for COVID-19 in October 2020 but the vaccine was only available in December 2020; so how can the FDA claim that the vaccines are the ONLY “effective treatment in reducing the spread” if Trump was not quarantined for 2 months (did the FDA allow Trump therapeutics to super spread COVID for 2 months)? I am just playing devil’s advocate because virus theories are flawed.

2 years ago

Part of the same club of which you and I are not in it

2 years ago

Wow, if Trump doesn’t tell the truth about the Covid vaccine or admit that he was tricked, then it could be political suicide for him as he continues to back the Covid shots. Even Mike Adams called him out on his Health Ranger podcast yesterday, and he is a Trump supporter because even he knows the evidence of the vaccine deaths cannot be ignored anymore. I have mentioned before that Operation Warp Speed could come back to haunt Trump if he chooses to run for president again in 2024.

2 years ago

i started liking trump cause he seemed like a legit guy and he was for the most part. i used to think everything he went through was really to help us americans who have been last in every presidents eyes since the 1800s. but when you finally grow up, lay down your pride, and do your own homework instead of voicing your own oppionons that are just guesses. when you realize trump is just a puppet in the swamp of satanist you realize he was put into office to run a pysop to draw out the real patriots, to anger the people to get ready to go to war with each other. its all part of their grand stragedy. now china is next in line to take the seat. this will go down as the greatest military achievment on ccp part and greatest deception to lead a super power to its end in the fashion they did. what did we do besides the few courages people trying to wake us up, we took the side of the enemy, the “main stream media” and believed their lie. agenda 21, lock step look it all up. trump is 33 degree freemason

2 years ago

FOX News vaccine mandate: Jab passport required for entry to “Patriot awards” FOX NEWS VACCINE MANDATE: JAB PASSPORT REQUIRED FOR ENTRY TO “PATRIOT AWARDS

 Red States Supplying COVID-19 Shots for Parents to Abuse and Attempt to Murder Their Children

As I predicted in earlier articles, Red State Governors are doing nothing to prevent the COVID-19 shots from being injected into children as young as 5 years old now.

Some, like Florida Governor Rick DeSantis, are opposed to mandating them, but so far I have not seen one governor step forward and say: “Let’s stop this madness and stop killing and maiming our children!”

Not one.

They all apparently believe parents have the “right” to attempt to murder their children, because Biden’s FDA and CDC said they could.

Texas began injecting children yesterday, and Florida will begin injecting children tomorrow, Saturday, November 6, 2021.

Red is not doing as much as they could to sound the alarm (I mean politicians not web sites etc.) Blue side either except what I have learned about the book by Robert F. Kennedy ” The truth about Fauci”

It is two wings of the same bird (machine). I hope more people will keep walking away from it.

2 years ago

His E.O. outlines all the “terrible” things added to the serums in the fake vaccines…..like, nano-bots that are self assembling…..the 5G – linkable interfaces
And Hydro-Gel (although not spelled out that way)

2 years ago
Reply to  Kevin

Trump messed up when he did not fire Dr. Anthony Fauci, and stick to his guns. He was talking about alternative treatment for Covid at first, but then he let Dr. Anthony Fauci, and big pharma take over. 5G was supposed to be part of the war on China. USA did not want China to lead in the 5G race, but the funny thing is USA is already behind in the technology. China, and Europe are already moving to 6G.

2 years ago

I feel sad for anyone who believes Trump is going to save this country. Its an old game they are playing. : Good guy, Bad guy”. They create a problem so they can be the misleading hero.
This is the deception of the Antichrist as depicted in Revelations.

Last edited 2 years ago by stan
john mosbrook
john mosbrook
2 years ago

President Trump knows the stupid, the fat and leftists are overwhelmingly in favor of taking the vaccinination. He also knows no matter what he says, his own supporters will remain vaccine Refuseniks. It’s just Trump’s way of getting rid of ‘progressive’ voters. There’s nothing he can do about saving the children.

Kevin G
Kevin G
2 years ago

This TRUMP Idolatry has got to end sometime! Perhaps Mr. Trump is still going to Save us in 2025 and still Make America Great Again? After Grandad Bidumb Builds Back Better!… and deagle dot com had predicted the U.S Population in 2025 will be 96 Million. What is happening in Austria and Australia is soon to arrive here if people don’t wake up!

2 years ago

Please don’t be fooled. No one – read that, NO ONE attains the office of the president of the United States without the tacit approval of the global elite. Trump is a Trojan horse. He started us on this road with Operation Warp Speed. Pay attention – watch his hands. He is literally always flashing occultist signs. Everything from 666 with his constant use of the “okay” symbol to the way he holds his hands in a pyramid shape when he’s sitting. At least with some of the other “powers that be”, their evil is on full display. Trump is different – he’s like a slick televangelist to his followers. They hang on every word he says, with no regard to questioning anything. Wake up. Jesus Christ is our only hope. He is the only one worthy of our adoration. This world and its evil is all going to burn.

2 years ago

One thing i never understood ..Trump says he is against the globalists…but telling us to take the jab????? Come on…

RJ Palmer
RJ Palmer
2 years ago

I believe both sides of the political spectrum are on the same side as big pharma. Although Biden and his handlers appear to me as demoniac, Trump is no better pushing this garbage. When I heard him say that in August at the rally, I heard people in the crowd booing. I would have been one of them. Something is wrong here. I don’t think either side of the political spectrum has Americans’ health rights first and foremost.

2 years ago

Either Trump is in on it or he’s oblivious to the long time evil background of the mass inoculation global attempt that has been going on for years.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x