October 31, 2023 The video game crash of 1983 is forever tied to the Atari 2600, its pathetic E.T. (Extra Terrestrial) game and that
Month: October 2023
Glenn Smith: 55-year-old Indiana man suffers gruesome post-injection eye injury October 31, 2021 INDIANAPOLIS — A 55-year-old man may go blind in one eye, as the lethal injections continue proving that anything is possible
Zakaria Attal: 12-year-old Michigan boy dies from hyper-aggressive pancreatic cancer October 31, 2023 DEARBORN, MICHIGAN — A 12-year-old boy is dead after a year of torture and suffering at the hands of the cancer
Arne Burkhardt: mysterious death of German doctor after declaring young women “should not start families with vaccinated men”; died shortly after Dr. Rashid Buttar October 31, 2023 (updated November 3, 2023) We’ve known from the very beginning that the lethal injections destroy the female reproductive system. Former Pfizer
Hocus Pocus: the 300-year usurpation of Judaism by Zionism, the fiat currency blood sacrament, and the vaccine pogrom pre-genocide of World War III October 31, 2023 (updated November 23, 2023) This blogger would like to thank all of the Jewish people from Israel, the U.S., Britain, etc.
Kenya: over 100 fully-vaccinated girls at Catholic boarding school suddenly come down with “mystery illness” all at the same time October 20, 2023 (updated 8:36 p.m. Pacific) KAKAMEGA COUNTY — Bill Gates, via Microsoft, filed a patent for his “body activity data” apparatus in
Jim and Louise Shockey: Canadian television producer, hunting guide develops mysterious post-injection paralysis; wife dies from post-injection cancer October 20, 2023 DUNCAN, BRITISH COLUMBIA — A family and their well-established, popular brand will never be the same, in perhaps the saddest story
Friday Update V: Pfizer faces mass layoffs as vaccine racket dries up, House Speaker drama continues, plus 25 more sudden deaths October 20, 2023 (updated October 22, 2023) One must wonder how much Fauci truly got paid for his role in the vaccine genocide from
Kirsty Smitten: 29-year-old British biochemist who developed new class of antibiotics, dies from hyper-aggressive heart cancer October 20, 2023 (updated October 23, 2023 – 10:57 p.m.) SOLIHULL, WEST MIDLANDS — This blogger considers himself to be fairly intelligent. Part of
Atrocity propaganda: the age old war tactic, particularly involving babies, is being implemented with Israel since Ukraine failed in covering up the vaccine genocide October 20, 2023 (updated October 21, 2023) Most of this blogger’s childhood took place in the 1980s. It was the only decade since the