July 25, 2022 (updated 6:00 p.m. Pacific)
Readers have said it many times here at The COVID Blog™: “why don’t they just do a study on the health of vaccinated versus non-vaccinated people, and end the debate?” It actually has been done, quite recently. The doctors responsible for the study paid a heavy price, but earned them the “good doctor” label for their efforts.
The study was published on November 20, 2020 in the peer-reviewed International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH). Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, CEO of the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge (IPAK) in Allison Park, Pennsylvania, and Dr. Paul Thomas, of Integrative Pediatrics in Portland, Oregon, authored the study. IPAK is the organization that published the peer-reviewed manuscript in October 2020, showing that the CDC massively manipulated and inflated COVID-19 death and case numbers that year.
Relative Incidence of Office Visits (RIOV) is the proprietary measurement utilized on 3,324 pediatric patients over a 10.5 year span (June 2008 to January 2019). The vast majority (2,763) received vaccines of some sort, while 561 patients were 100% non-vaccinated. The entire study is fascinating (read the full document here), and also quite predictable. Vaccinated kids had far more office visits for various ailments in those ten years versus non-vaccinated kids.
The aftermath was also quite predictable. The Oregon Medical Board issued an “order of emergency suspension” of Dr. Thomas’ medical license two weeks after the study was published. His license was reinstated in June 2021 with a bunch of stipulations. All of the so-called “fact checkers” launched coordinated attacks on Dr. Lyons-Weiler beginning in December 2020. The study itself was retracted from IJERPH in July 2021. But the truth that most critical thinkers already knew was now out in the public sphere for anyone to see.
Common sense and deductive reasoning are not allowed in today’s society. It’s “conspiracy theory” to state that autism rates went from 1 in 150 American kids in 2000 to 1 in 44 kids in 2018, according to the CDC. The giant pink syringe in the room is that kids in the 1970s and 1980s received one or two vaccines, while those born after the late 1990s received upwards of 50 injections before they turned 18. In fact this blogger never heard of celiac disease and gluten allergies until the late 2000s.
The last (and only) vaccine that perhaps benefited humanity was the original smallpox vaccine in the late 18th century. It was simply live cowpox virus that made the recipient break out with said ugly, nasty rash. But after healing from cowpox, which is harmless other than the rash, you are immune to smallpox, which will kill you 30% of the time. Once upon a time, you could choose between dying from smallpox or potentially dying from its original vaccine. Today’s “vaccines” are mad scientist concoctions that can, will and do harm overall health, and have no tangible benefits.
Histamine response in all vaccines
Dr. Darrell O. Ricke is a Massachusetts-based data scientist and molecular biologist. His pre-printed March 30, 2022 study published on Research Square proposed the hypothesis that “the majority of vaccine associated reactogenicity adverse events are caused by temporal histamine intolerance in vaccinees.” Most people know the word “histamine” from antihistamine drugs like Benadryl, Claritin and Zyrtec.
A quick, layman’s lesson on histamines is necessary for this section. Histamines are (mostly) the human body’s response to allergins, i.e. certain foods, pollen, animal dander, etc. But histamines also play critical roles in immune responses, digestion, cognition, circadian rhythms (sleep), and appetite regulation. Histamines are present in nearly all human tissues, but mostly concentrated in the intestines, stomach, skin and lungs. They bind to one of the four histamine receptors (H1, H2, H3, H4) to trigger a response. The H1 receptors are what we’re focused on here.
When humans are exposed to allergens, mast cells release histamines that cause all the allergic reactions, like inflammation, hives, sneezing, etc. Extreme vasodilation (widening blood vessels) plus bronchoconstriction (tightening of lung airways) equals anaphylaxis. H1 antihistamines stabilize the response by binding to said H1 receptors.
All vaccines introduce foreign, unusual substances to the human body that elicit activation of mast cells.
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Dr. Ricke downloaded all vaccine adverse event data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) from 1990 to November 12, 2021. All of the most common adverse reactions from COVID-19 “vaccines” (hives, rashes, shortness of breath, etc.) are also associated with excess histamine conditions that induce temporary intolerance-associated symptoms.
“Elevated histamine levels are consistent with many of the adverse events temporally associated with vaccinations,” the study concluded. Read the full study here. While many of said cases resolved in a few days, the long-term effects are still being monitored.
A 2019 study published in the Journal of Dermatological Research found that regulatory T cells (Tregs) are suppressed by the histamine response in (allergic reaction) contact dermatitis patients. Tregs help the body fight off autoimmune disorders and sepsis. Both of the foregoing are common adverse reactions to the COVID-19 “vaccines.” Tregs are also important for preventing dormant viruses from reactivating. Pop star Justin Bieber, for instance, was diagnosed with Ramsay Hunt Syndrome (RHS), aka herpes zoster oticus, last month. There are several studies showing herpes zoster reactivation after COVID-19 “vaccines.”
But what’s really important is how vaccines likely cause autism. There are numerous studies from the 1980s and 1990s showing children and young adults suddenly developing autism symptoms after herpes encephalitis diagnoses. Every human being is carrying bits and pieces of every so-called virus known to man, which is why PCR “tests” are useless for diagnosing disease. But activating dormant herpes zoster viruses leads to autism, as seen over and over again in the research.
Further, nobody outside the actual labs knows what’s in all these vaccines. What we do know is that high concentrations of mercury, lead, cadmium and other toxic metals in the blood are associated with autism as well.
RELATED: Japan suspends use of Moderna injections after “metallic particles” found in vials; country continues using Ivermectin to treat COVID-19 (September 1, 2021)
What’s in the new monkeypox vaccines?
The Pfizer and Moderna mRNA injections are pure gene therapy. They tell your body to continuously create spike proteins until your blood turns into red pudding, and shuts down your internal organs. AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson use a modified adenovirus to carry similar genetic instructions (vector) to the human genome. The Novavax injections are the creepiest, utilizing insect virus vectors and soap to trigger immune responses.
RELATED: Monkeypox: how this all started and where it’s headed (May 25, 2022)
JYNNEOS is the brand name of Denmark-based biotech firm Bavarian Nordic’s monkeypox vaccine. It is spelled with all capital letters in branding materials. The company has a proprietary mad science “platform” called Modified Vaccinia Ankara – Bavarian Nordic, or MVA-BN. Bavarian Nordic infected chicken embryo cells with vaccinia/smallpox. Said cells continuously produce more of the virus. Bavarian Nordic extracts the virus from those chicken cells, and uses a process called Tangential Flow Filtration to allegedly “purify” and sterilize the virus so it cannot replicate in the human body via the vaccine.
The shots are kept frozen until ready to use. Once thawed, they are only good for 12 hours. The thawed solution looks like a milky, yellowish/whitish liquid. It is administered in two doses four weeks apart, directly into the shoulder muscle, like the COVID-19 “vaccines” are administered. The medical establishment and mainstream media told the public that COVID-19 injections do not enter the bloodstream. Of course we know/knew that’s a bald-faced lie. Nothing the CDC, FDA, and/or mainstream media say about JYNNEOS or any other “medicine” can be taken as truth.
Monkeypox is a sexually-transmitted homosexual male disease. It literally only affects those people. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine on July 21 found that 98% of the 528 monkeypox infections it tracked are homosexual males. Said study also found that 41% of those cases had preexisting HIV/AIDS.
Bottom line is that homosexuals will line up for any and all injections and drugs mainstream media tell them to receive. That’s been a consistent phenomenon since AIDS came on the scene in the 1980s. Nobody should be rolling up their sleeves for these experimental JYNNEOS concoctions. But you’d have to be a special kind of zealot to receive a monkeypox injection if you are female, non-homosexual, and/or celibate/in a committed sexual relationship.
As recently as 2019, the U.K. Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) said that monkeypox rarely passes from human to human. Of course that page was scrubbed from their website because there’s a new agenda in 2022. Even Fauci, in an October 11, 2004 C-SPAN interview, said the best vaccine is to catch the actual disease and let your immune system fight it off.
Don’t expect him to ever repeat this in his last days on Earth.
And don’t forget Marburg virus
These people simply get off sexually on all this virus, fearmongering, vaccine propaganda. There’s now another “deadly African virus” that, like monkeypox, originated in Europe. Two people reportedly died of Marburg virus in Ghana last week. Not surprisingly, the Bill and Melinda Gates-funded Gavi Vaccine Alliance has been the head cheerleader for a Marburg plandemic since at least 2021. The International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) is leading the way for the life-saving Marburg vaccine. Bill Gates also funds IAVI.
Only die-hard COVID cultists are still playing along with the original “COVID” plandemic at this point. But unfortunately that’s a significant portion of the Western population. The powers-that-be are going to milk this thing dry. The World Health Organization issued a warning last week for “new COVID-19 waves” coming soon. Meanwhile mainstream media are forced to report truth about “vaccine” adverse effects because there are too many to hide. They are now even admitting that vaccinated people are dying of so-called COVID-19 far more often than what is reported.
This blogger wasn’t necessarily “anti-vaxx” prior to 2020. The concept was irrelevant since there had been no doctor visits since 2007-08. The last needle prick was probably 2005-06 for a dental surgery. But these last two years have provided clarity. Vaccines are poison created and administered with malicious intent. Sure, we had one or two mentally retarded kids, Down’s Syndrome kids, etc. in 1970s and 1980s classrooms. But autism was about as rare as a homosexual kid in a 1980s Midwest high school. Now both are represented in practically every other child in 2022.
We covered all those stories last year of kids and adults being “accidentally” injected with Pfizer mRNA and other COVID “vaccines.” These were not accidents. The goal is to inject everyone by any means necessary. Avoid doctor’s offices, hospitals and dentists at all costs. Be skeptical of acupuncturists as well. You just never know what’s in those syringes or on those needles.
Oral health is easy to maintain without a dentist. Regular flossing and a nightly mouthwash made of 50/50 aloe vera juice and hydrogen peroxide, plus a few drops of peppermint oil for flavor, is the ultimate mouth cleaner. It will make your teeth whiter too. Just be careful, everyone. Those we once thought were allies are the most dangerous people on the planet.
Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog™ book here. Shipping starts on December 15, 2022.
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Without a doubt Autism is on the rise. No question about that. Autism only cinema screenings and shops with reduced noise and dedicated times to cater for parents with autistic kids were not common years ago.
I’m always seeing young kids displaying autistic traits when out and about. Vaccines have definitely played a role in that. In fact I watched an interview where a man stated that autism wasn’t thing in Vietnam before mass vaccination on kids. Get ready for an explosion of kids developing autism (if they are lucky not to be maimed or killed by these vaccines)
I was in the same boat as Brian about vaccines before 2020. I wasn’t necessarily “anti-vax”, just indifferent. Didn’t need any kind of vaccine.
Now the lid has well and truly been blown off on the truth about vaccines: pure poison. 100% anti-vax now. Couldn’t care less if the pro-killer vax bridge berate me. Their time is almost at an end.
Keep well, everyone!
The moms in my area say “my child is a special needs child.” They wear it like a badge of honor. And of course they are full time members of the branch covidian cult. Don’t worry. I am sure their doctors gave them some pharmaceuticals to deal with it. 🤨 frustrating.
The other day at a store they were selling T-shirts written on them : “Proud parent of an autistic child”.
I thought, WAOW, “they” screw up their children then ” they” train them to be proud of the result. I took a deep breath and thought : “I better not get involved. It is between them”.
The television program, “Monk”, was likely a pre-conditioning of the American public with regards to autism.
Just like “JAG” and “Navy CSI”, etc., were likely engineered and created to raise recruiting levels for the Iraq War.
“When you are buying a ticket to a movie, you are buying a ticket to manipulation” – a movie director.
You are paying to be manipulated.
I know people who took their child out of public school because of his special needs. They were comfortable talking about it in front of others at a party. I asked them what was wrong with Jack that he needed special treatment. They said “occupational” meaning what we used to refer to as uncoordinated.
No one ever considered wearing it as a badge of honor. Of course at this private school they enrolled him in he was forced to do a sport so they put him in football. He is standing flat footed and gets dumped on his head and suffered a really bad concussion. He was out of school for months. I am sure he has been multiply jabbed so that will go well with his concussion.
I vaxxinated my two children when they were little because I was ignorant of vaxxines. However by homeschooling they never received any vax after 5 yrs of age. a few years ago I got my dog vaxxinted for rabies. Kinda stupid because we live in the city, but she really reacted badly from that jab and I didn’t vax her after that. She had major heart issues that now I am convinced she got from all the jabs she received in her life. Studies say that dogs have more medical problems and live shorter lives now than before. What could be the reason? Probably the numerous vaxxines and doses they receive.
Then a few years ago I had viewed a documentary called The Truth About Vaxxines. After that documentary I knew for a fact my oldest daughter was majorly vax injured. When she was little I could hardly get her to sleep because she cried all the time when she was about six weeks old. For many months I had to have her sleep in a baby swing because it was the only way the poor thing could get any sleep. Plus she had terrible diarrhea all the time as a nursing infant. I had no idea what was wrong and just assumed that her stools were loose because I was nursing her. I have terrible guilt that I gave these poison’s to both of my daughters and I pray God will use this terrible ordeal we are going through to finish off the vaxxine industry for good. It appears now that a lot of people are forgoing childhood vaxxines because of all of this.
I have that same documentary, I think that the newest version has 9 discs. I also have Vaxxed 1, have not seen Vaxxed 2 yet. My wake up was when my sister, who lives next door, got her twin baby boys vaxxed with the MMR. One died in his sleep of a brain fever, the other developed autism and is now an adult who will never be able to live on his own.
A few years ago I met a couple who had 2 autistic children. When I mentioned vaccines, they tried to evade the subject enough to know that’s what screwed up their kids. These days I drive through small town usa very often. One would be hardly pressed not to find a retarted/autistic adult working in a convenience store. Crazy and sad.
so what did you learn ?
Kudos to Brian for bringing this fascinating study and document to light (excuse the freemasonic reference) here in this forum. Every bit of empirical evidence shows what probably the majority of the readers here knew intuitively for years regarding the dramatic rise in damaged kids concurrent with their being pumped full of more and more poisons. The medical establishment is not just peeing on our collective leg and telling us it’s raining, they’re standing on the roof, as it were, member in hand and hosing the general public, while openly pointing and laughing at us. And still most refuse to acknowledge it. Nothing new.
I suppose in some ways this is not surprising as I have read the children of the Amish are healthier than other American children and that has to be explained, not to mention the growing evidence about the link between multiple childhood vaccinations and autism. Some compounds in those vaccines which contain mercury or aluminum are likely the culprits as both of those are known neurotoxins but are used as preservatives or “adjuvants”. As a child, I accidentally received an extra polio vaccine (private pediatrician + the school system) and the reaction to the 2nd one nearly killed me. Gates’ vaccine group was asked to leave India as even the corrupt WHO noted the vaccine strain was more prevalent than the wild strain of polio. An employee of a walk in clinic also told me that everyone he has seen get a “shingles” vaccine later came down with shingles. This appears to be happening with these COVID “vaccines” as well with all of the “breakthrough” cases and that actually may not be the worst problem those unfortunate people face – antibody dependent enhancement is a real issue for them as their cells are turned into spike protein factories.
It doesn’t even have to be a chemical in the vaccine that causes autism.
It could simply be immune-response inflammation of certain brain structures during critical periods of development.
The thing with childhood vaccines is that we are causing large amounts immune reactions very early in life that would not ordinarily occur. The goal being to protect the children later in life.
Without the vaccines, they would likely encounter whatever virus we are trying to protect them from perhaps years later after many of the critical early brain development steps have occurred.
Dishonesty has been at the core of this debate since its inception (or should I say insertion). Zero-sum and perhaps even worse I fear. The gaslighting continues.
Great article. I am canceling my dental cleaning. 😄 I switched toothpaste to Tom’s from Maine peppermint toothpaste and my teeth are way cleaner. I will never go to a doctor willing anymore. Maybe to set a broken bone etc. I don’t trust them at all. And not just children with issues – I always commented on the people at least 10 years younger than myself (I am 60) and how they have higher rates of cancer, illness etc. It’s due to the doctors and the vaccines. Don’t forget about your pets too. My one dog was injured due to her shots. Enlarged heart. Where have we heard that before. 🤔 and I was told it was #ABV/shots. No more. Done with them all.
So true, Annie. Our pets have been experimented on too. Why do they need so many injections? I am sure some of the injections have caused pets to die a lot sooner. Even pet food seems to be contaminated – they change the formulas all the time now. In Australia, several pet foods were recalled because of contaminants. Sadly, the pets that had eaten those foood brands died.
The advice about using natural products as much as possible is the way to go. I remember reading an article from a French scientist back in 2013 about toxic household cleaners also aggravating allergens. Apparently some of the chemicals used are known carcinogens or else they trigger the immune system negatively. I make my own household cleaners using vinegar, soap and washing soda, applied with old fashioned elbow grease😀.
Spot on, Annie. As a kid growing up in postwar 1950s Eastern Europe, my father suffered rheumatic fever. Spent months in a government hospital. One of his heart valves was permanently damaged. Yet, he’s 83 now and mentally very sharp.
By contrast, when my closest friend was diagnosed with diabetes, he started seeing crème-de-la-crème private doctors in a top-notch private hospitals. They constantly reassured him how great he was doing. The result: Sudden unexpected cardiac death at age 44.
Years before covid, that is what I observed and learned: Patients nowadays die SUDDENLY. We are so pumped full of so many questionable chemicals, one fine morning the body just shuts down.
It comes as no surprise to me whatsoever that some people get the jab and die the same day. Doctor-prescribed insulin, or even the contrast substance used in scans can wreak total havoc in many people’s systems. Let alone an experimental gene concoction.
I am trying my best to avoid doctors but it is not easy. My main environmental medicine physician is at least on board with not getting the jab. I don’t talk about it much but I have a genetic inability to breakdown histamine with mast cell activation syndrome (being so sick as a result all my life is what led me to study nutrition and herbal medicine) and it was interesting to read the histamine issue with the “Convid” shots, although this is not the first time I have read about it. I have just fired my second ophthalmologist. I have cataracts in both eyes but one is pretty darn bad and I continue to refuse to let anyone do any surgery.
First they have no conception about the severe reactions that can occur with those of us who have histamine intolerance (aka genetic diamine oxidase enzyme mutations with its secondary problems), and second, even with a medical exemption, among a host of other problems with me having such a surgery (like rejecting the lens and more), I am terrified one of these maniacs would give me the jab while sedated.
Monkey pox is an avoidable virus that the WHO and our government are going to go overboard on by current actions taken by both. I read where some doctor for .gov stated that it CAN become airborne and a risk for all of us. Lock downs and mandatory inoculations may be next, you know, to flatten the curve. This virus should be labeled as sodomypox and a wake up call for those who choose this abhorrent lifestyle. This goes against God’s law as well as nature’s laws. It should also be a wake call for us all to reject the sins in our lives. Sin is sin whether gay, straight, furry or multi gendered and will only result in our destruction and death.
Before 2020 our government and health authorities used to bombard us with health advice (while slowly killing us at the same time with chemtrails, poison tap water and cell phone radition, etc…). Ahh, classic hypocrisy.
Now… all of that health advice stuff on eating veggies and going for walkies with the kiddies is all hokey-pokey, conspiracy theory, alt-right, granny hating rhetoric. I can’t recall recently any advert on any mainstream media platform (which I’m trying to cut down on since it’s bad for my health) that is promoting healthy living, aside from “live in fear” and “take the shot”.
In my country for the past 2 decades it was all about road safety, and the adverts were quite graphic. They were making these ads at an insane rate and we always on TV. Now… you hardly ever see them, and yet accidents on the road are still happening.
When was the last time you saw any type of PSA (not related to the covid scamdemic) on tv?
As for the sodomites… you can’t tell those snowflakes that they can’t live their risky lifestyle. It’s their body, their choice. They are a protected species. If anybody told me to get the monkey shot I would respond with, “I’m not into sodomy”. Maybe someone can think of something funner to respond with.
You’re right on the wake up call. It applies to everyone. It certainly got me thinking on sin in my life.
If only it could rid us of the rainbow brigade permanently, all of them.
Don’t worry. The plan is to get rid of the useful idiots i.e. rainbow brigade. TPTB will have no more use for them either. All is going as planned.
I appreciate this article. Before 2020, I thought most vaccines were helpful. However, I was born in 1968 and didn’t realize the pediatric vaccine schedule had changed radically since that time until I did research into this topic. What I found was astounding. I literally couldn’t believe how many pediatric vaccines are administered today. It’s insane. I went down the pediatric rabbit hole after researching the COVID vaccines.
I don’t know about others here, but I feel really isolated in this whole fight. Until recently, I was “pro choice” when it came to the COVID vaccines. But the more people who choose to get vaccinated for COVID-19, the more it doesn’t bode well for individual sovereignty. I realize some had to get vaccinated or they would die a financial death. But so many got vaccinated for societal acceptance or because they wanted to travel. My two closest friends are on board with this agenda and, honestly, it’s really hard for me to keep my mouth shut given what I know…They simply don’t want to hear that these vaccines aren’t “safe and effective”. I feel like there are a lot of us who see this agenda, but in every day life, it can really be isolating.
Marie you are not the only one. Don’t get discouraged in telling people the truth even if they don’t accept it and even if they don’t want to be your friend anymore because you never know who may receive your information and you could possible save a life.
Thank you. I appreciate your encouragement.
I use to feel the isolation until I came to the Truth and became a follower of Jesus, he’s the only one I worry about offending, and I never feel alone.
Where you live makes a big difference. I moved from a leftist city (Santa Cruz, California) to a small rural town in the mountains of California. It’s like night and day. In Santa Cruz I very rarely met anyone who was awake. I would estimate about 1 in 100 at best. In the small mountain town it’s about 1 out of 5, possibly higher.
Better rural California where you live now over Santa Cruz; but even better to leave California altogether. California, on its very best days, is a cesspool of moral filth and debauchery. That state is a lost cause.
I will probably leave at some point, but for now I’m happy where I’m at, it’s beautiful.
Unfortunately, I’ve lived and traveled all over the United States and everywhere I go I see the same filth in the big cities. It may be worse in California but other states aren’t far behind.
I agree with you. Where you live makes a big difference. I’m glad you were able to move to a small rural town. Changing locations can definitely help.
It definitely does, Marie. When I’m outside of New York City it almost feels like I’m in a different world. The policies here are terrible!
Consider yourself lucky. I live in New York City. There are some crazy COVID jab regulations here. I’m a long distance runner and until recently, you had to be vaxed to even enter most races. They actually had race officials at the starting line demanding to see your COVID pass before allowing you to line up for a race. It was just ridiculous!! They finally removed that rule.
I’m also ’68 born, therefore in the same boat. To be honest, I still don’t know how many vaccines kids get before they start school, but that kids get the 1st of the Hep. B shots before they leave the hospital is shocking to me. I would never acquiesce to this, but people do. Strange! I’m also starting to think about vaccines differently than I ever did. I’m now an ex-vaxxer.
I completely agree with what you are saying. Based on the research I have done, I’m an ex vaxxer as well. I’m also starting to distance myself from people who either don’t see or refuse to look at the global agenda that is taking place before our eyes. I need to align myself with people who see what’s going on. The fact that babies receive Hep B vaccines before they leave the hospital is horrifying and unnecessary. I had come across this as well in my research.
Think I’ll be skipping the bathhouse and only hit the bar going forward – wife was starting to ask questions anyway.
Great article, Brian.
In the UK, gay men are already lining up for this new Monkey Pox vaccine. I honestly believe this Monkey Pox outbreak in just another ‘side effect’ of the Covid-19 vaccine. Most of the gay men who have spoken out on British MSM have received the Covid-19 vaccine. I believe the Covid-19 vaccine destroys the immune system in gay men to make them susceptible to Monkey Pox, or it triggers it in the human body.
I did read somewhere this new Monkey Pox vaccine does cause cardiac problems. I can’t remember where I read this. This vaccine does increase the risk of a heart attack. It’s just another depopulation shot.
I believe in natural medicine. The plant world has provided us with a cure for every disease. What a shame modern man has ventured so far from the natural world.
The natural doesn’t make wicked men extremely wealthy as the medicine does. If people really understood what is going on here they would reevaluate their decision making paradigm when it comes to their relationship with their doctors. Doctors don’t make money off healthy people, but the sick and infirm. So they give them jabs that create new problems in which the doctors then administer new drugs to combat the infirmities patients developed because of the jabs. It’s sick and evil.
Incredible. It’s a literal rerun of the 80s AIDS saga. We might as well gather for a screening of My Beautiful Launderette while we’re at it.
Before the scamdemic, I didn’t have any problem with vaccinations. They seemed to do what they were designed to do with a small minority having adverse reactions. After the DNA altering mRNA witch’s brew came along, I have since become 100% anti vaxx. Big pharma have proven they cannot be trusted. I’m glad that the US government banned me from returning to the USA for not taking the mRNA death jab. I now live in a country where there are zero required vaccinations of any kind. If you have a problem, doctors prescribe proven medications, not experimental poisons. The incidence of “covid” is almost zero here. Everyone takes ivermectin as a prophylaxis for other parasitic illnesses and it stops “covid” as well.
American citizens and permanent residents have always been allowed to come back without being vaxxed, although the potato administration requires all other foreign visitors to get the shots. Australia finally let its unvaxxed citizens back a month or two ago.
Now you have us all awaiting on bated breath to learn what land you speak of where freedom may be still found…
No more vaccines for me ever again. If I am ever fortunate enough to have children if God wills it, then no vaccines for them either. My trust in our so-called “elites” is beyond gone.
Same here….No vaccines ever for me…
Like many of you I wasn’t necessarily anti-vax prior to COVID. Both of my kids have nut allergies from a very young age which my wife and I found odd since neither of us nor anyone in our families had a history. We suspected the vaccines later on but there really hadn’t been any research done to prove either way. The last 2 years have really opened my eyes to the “business” of big pharma and their disregard for human life at the expense of their profits. There is now absolutely no doubt in my mind that vaccinations created our kids’ nut allergies. It is a special kind of living hell to worry that the act of kissing someone who had a peanut butter cup early in the day could potentially kill them. Of course we’ve spent thousands on epipens so it looks like the drug companies got what they wanted….
Thanks, Brian, for all u do!
Common food substances are used in the making of vaccines and end up in them. Then people develop allergies to those common food substances.
Somewhat tangential to this overall discussion, but I heard of a case a few years ago that may (hopefully not ever) occur for your children. A boy with a nut allergy somehow came into contact with something that caused an allergic reaction. There was an epipen available; however, the date on the epipen indicated that the epipen had “expired”. So, the person who would have normally administered the epipen (if that’s how it’s termed) on the young boy decided not to use it.
Consequently, the young boy died. It was determined afterwards, however, that an expired epipen should have still been used and that that would have produced the desired result.
The only three rules followed by Big Pharma:
Make em wellProfitMaybe we will get lucky & monkeypox will take out all the LGBT, males & females.
Say that directly to the face of our lord Jesus as you await your judgment at the gates of heaven.
Until now, I had ruled out all vaccines except those for tetanus and rabies – after all, what are your choices if you suffer a puncture wound or are bitten by an animal – but now I feel I’d have to think twice even about those given the health industry’s determination to play God with its gene-therapeutic jabs.
Of course with tetanus and rabies, if you’re exposed it becomes a matter of ‘damned if you do, damned if you don’t’ so far as the shots go. Looks like all of us will have to learn to live with a multitude of situations in which there are no good choices on hand.
I do not know about rabies…..But for tetanus, please read what Dr. Suzanne Humpries has to say….As for rabies, I will take my chance if a dog ever bit me – will take high dose Vit. C (but never a rabies vaccine ).
Way back in 1997, I read that the Marburg and AIDs virus were created in the same European lab.
I have Mast Cell Deregulation Syndrome, and it is misery beyond words. The only vaccine I’ve had as an adult, was a yellow fever vax in 1999. Like so many idiots, I got it to travel (it was all for nothing, because nobody ever asked to see my certificate of vaccination). The only two yellow fever vaccines ever created contain a live virus. Vaccine aquired yellow fever is identical under the microscope, to the wild disease. There is a 65% chance of death after one aquires vaccine induced yellow fever. I survived this, on my own with no medical care. Years of being my own doctor saved my life. The only silver lining for that experience, is that now, when I read historical accounts of yellow fever wiping out hundreds at a time, I can personally relate.
The vax gave me Mast Cell Deregulation, and baring a miracle, I’ll probably have it for the rest of my life. It comes and goes in flares. I have to be extremely careful what I eat. The pain can be so intense that I have spent nights curled up on the floor in the fetal position. I have been dealing with IBS for almost eight years, because of the damage the deregulated mast cells have done to my gut. If I could go back in time, and trade every trip I have ever taken, to be free if this curse …I would do it.
A tip for dental health: every night before bed, open a bee propolis capsule, and use a tiny brush, to brush the propolis between each of your teeth.
I don’t have mast cell problems, but I have had other problems involving histamine inflammation. I recommend looking into the Spooky 2 Rife Machine. It has ended many problems that I had learned to live with. It’s affordable and has worked for me.
Thanks…will check it out.
I know personally someone murdered by the medical establishment. I avoid st all cost. When they want you there behind locked doors there is something else going on. One nurse blowing the whistle on patients being killed is enough for me. When there are multiple people who have come forward that is conclusive.
I live in Los Angeles and I flat out can not get sick or injured. The doctors and hospitals here will not see me if I do, and will force the jab on me in order to see me. I am a Pureblood for life. I recently lost my tech sales job for not submitting to the jab. Others on the sales team now have cancer, heart attacks, issues etc. after their jabs. I refused. I am in great health and I run 3 miles a night, lift, box and cycle and eat pretty well too. I ordered a cache of different covid drugs, including hyrdoxychloquine, Ivermectin, Zithromax as well as 5 antibiotics awhile back so I have a stash to self treat with.
I’ve had chronic allergies all my life. My sinus is about 90% full at all times, lots of flem in my chest etc. It sucks to live this way. I’ve tried allergy treatments, medications and sinus flushes but nothing helps. I took Nasacrom for a month and it robbed me of my sense of smell. That was 7 years ago and I still do not have my sense of smell back. Do not take Nasacrom or any of the steroid based sinus sprays.
I wonder if my allergies are caused by my childhood vaccines.
Antibiotics wreck your stomach. You may have food sensitivites that cause the sinus/phlegm problem. I suggest a functional medicine doctor – often DCs. The AMA has battled the DCs because they use natural products.
Hey Ed,
Look up the benefits of bee pollen for allergies. I take it in the summer and it works wonders. I also give it to my dogs as they have seasonal allergies and they are doing great this summer. It’s worth a try 😊. Good luck!
I hope you are being extra careful when running and cycling. It is unreal, the daily vaxidents in my area. It seems like an average of 2/3 per day, with about the same number of fatalities. Most are cars leaving the road, slamming into poles (last week three slammed into homes) or flipping over, for no discernable reason on the highway. Also, about twice a week an 18-wheelers has a major crash that shuts down the freeway. Two weeks ago they found a guy who was missing for a week. His car had left the road, and was found at the bottom of a ravine, with him dead behind the wheel.
The authorities like those crashes, because nobody questions them. It is getting harder for them to explain missing walkers who are found dead on trails and in parks. At first they were quick to reassure the public: no foul play here, nothing to see folks…now after the first short news article, and promise of an autopsy, they have stopped with any follow ups.
Ed_J…I began having sinus issues and CHRONIC strep throat in my early 20s, antibiotic after antibiotic, no real help from drs as to why.
Had to research for myself, and this is what CURED me (and built my immune system back up): 3,000mg of time released Vit C daily. No special brand, just time released so it is in your system. You can go even higher, this is the number that worked for me. I have never had strep, nor ANY sinus issues, again, I am 49.
I gave this advice to my daughters boyfriend with chronic allergies and he no longer has them.
Another life changing thing: the blood type diet (Dr D’Adamo). Just throwing it out there! I think within 10 days-2 weeks on it you’ll see your phlegm issues gone. Those who like to say it’s “been debunked” have never read it, and the debunking has been done by the usual types.
It is life changing! But whatever you may find, I hope it helps you!
One of the silver linings of this scamdemic is the number of people who are becoming aware of the harm vaccines do.
Like many of you, I rather sheepishly went along with most of the vaxx schedule for our children. For some reason I did have enough sense to reject any “voluntary” ones and after a few years I said, “No more.”
When the COVID jabs we’re introduced I began a deep dive into vaccine research and was absolutely horrified by what I’ve learned. I’m firmly a proud anti-vaxxer now! Never again will I take another vaccine. If/when we have grandchildren, I will do everything in my power to protect them, too.
Why is the pro-life community not talking about the infants murdered for their organs to create these vaccines and for other medical research? May God have mercy.
I, too, am now an anti vaxxer…thanks to what I have learned about vaccines and big Pharma through this blog and other sources since the start of the scamdemic. I wasn’t before. My kids got their recommended shots—-which now I regret tremendously. I somehow knew to refuse gardasil for my teen a few years ago before I knew what I know now. Thank God. They will receive no more and neither will I.
Two weeks celibacy to flatten the curve?
its VERY likely a stealth attack ((fake vax numero 2 oh)) How easy to have a dormant bug be inJected then activated on a whim via 5G signals, talking bout wild jungLe pox = smallpox, that’s how EVIL to the bone it’s gotten since 2020, the deviL plays hardball , remember that, the Nostradamus blurb of July 2023 being the final Rapture can’t come soon enough for most !!
Parents would rather go to jail rather than have their children “vaccinated” for smallpox back in the 1880s. They got tired of seeing their children being harmed.
Dissolving illussions by Suzanne Humphries documents the whole episode quite well.
We’ve been fed lies, all our lives. Strangely enough I actually feel sorry for parents like mine. They didn’t have access to proper resources back in the day, and they trusted the medical system like they were supposed to, unthinkableto them they were allowing pharma poison to be injected into their children. It’s incredibly sad.
Thanks for the update. Here in Australia, seasonal flu and other respiratory illnesses are rife and my daughter ‘s school is pressuring her to getthe covid shot. She HAD covid last month and was sniffly and headachy for just 1 day. She recovered completely the next day. So why on earth does she something that can give her strokes and heart attacks !!!!????
All of this news about the latest variants of COVID, monkeypox, or even the so called “Marburg” virus, proves that this effort to force people to wear masks like crazy, never mind get multiple vaccines for such viruses, has never been about health. It’s about control, power and wealth. In other words, the “powers that be” that are overseeing this “plandemic” aren’t going to be satisfied until they have divided, conquered and isolated everyone from normal living. It’s time to say “Enough is enough” No more!
“THE SMALLPOX VACCINE RACKET” available on whale dot to
“It is pathetic and ludicrous to say we ever vanquished smallpox with vaccines, when only 10% of the population was ever vaccinated.” ~ Glen Dettman Ph.D
This was the original mad science experiment. They soon dispensed with using cows and began injecting people with fluid taken directly from a nearby diseased corpse.
All vaccines do indeed cause harm, especially cumulatively across the vaccine schedule. The worst part is there have never been any viruses proven to actually exist and cause disease. All harm, all risk, no benefit.