Monday Digest III: LGBTV propaganda glitches everywhere, another rapist doctor charged but commits suicide, and 30-plus more sudden deaths
December 5, 2022

We talk a lot about death on this website. Thus it’s fitting, in more ways than one, to report that another top brass in the powers-that-be (“TPTB”), Evelyn de Rothschild, died on November 7 at age 91. That’s after [“Queen”] Elizabeth Windsor died in September.

Rothschild received zero fanfare because his entire family is “conspiracy theory,” according to normies. Death is omnipresent in 2022, to the point of conditioned apathy. But even “death hunters,” as this blogger is called by mainstream media, have moments of sadness and retrospect.

“Flashdance…What A Feeling” by Ms. Irene Cara was number-1 on the Billboard Hot 100 “36 years ago today,” as reported on the eponymous website in 2019. It’s been the go-to song for decades when days get tough, things seem hopeless, and a little pick-me-up is needed. “Take your passion and make it happen,” the song says.

Next year (2023) would have been the 40th anniversary of the song’s apex. Ms. Cara has had a special place in this blogger’s heart since childhood (we’re all only human). It was absolutely devastating when she tweeted the following in March 2021.

This woman was 63-year-old and looked almost identical in 2022 to what she looked like in 1983, at the height of her fame. In other words, she was very healthy and vibrant. Ms. Cara died without explanation in her Largo, Florida home on November 25.

Last week, we published an article about mainstream media manipulation related to the Paul Pelosi saga. The song “Little Lies” by Fleetwood Mac was embedded at the end of said article, in reference to mainstream media modus operandi. A commenter named Beth pointed out that Stevie Nicks, the band’s long-time lead singer, virtue-signaled about her injections.

That was November 23. Fast forward to November 30. Ms. Christine McVie, the other long-time Fleetwood Mac singer and keyboardist, and best friend of Steve Nicks, passed away in London after a “short illness.” Ms. Nicks tweeted a handwritten send off, which she states “I didn’t even know [McVie] was ill.”

RELATED: Taylor Hawkins: Foo Fighters drummer likely died from vaccine-induced myocarditis, as mainstream media push the “drug overdose” narrative (March 28, 2022)


In other words, Ms. McVie got really sick, really fast. Granted she was 79; and there’s no definitive evidence of her receiving the injections. But it sounds all too familiar.

That same Pelosi article talked about long-time NBC Today Show weatherman vaxx zealot Al Roker and his post-injection blood clots. He was released from the hospital after six days, on November 24. But Mr. Roker was rushed right back to the hospital the following day, November 25. He remains in the hospital as of publishing.

RELATED: Bieber Fever: 28-year-old pop star cancels North America tour dates after being diagnosed with a known and documented Pfizer mRNA adverse reaction (June 11, 2022)


We may have to rename this website Teen Vogue COVID Blog if we keep mentioning Justin and Hailey Bieber. Justin announced an indefinite leave of absence from live performances while he deals with post-injection Ramsay Hunt Syndrome (facial paralysis).

Mrs. Bieber is either very unlucky, or the mRNA injections are destroying her body from the inside-out. She’s already survived a stroke and a hole in her heart in 2022. Now Mrs. Bieber, 26, revealed on November 28 that she has an apple-sized cyst on one of her ovaries. Granted ovarian cysts are relatively common in women and typically heal on their own without medical intervention. But “giant ovarian cysts,” those over 10 centimeters in diameter, are rare and can have complications.

It simply was not normal for 26-year-old models to have this many serious medical issues in one year, with her husband also having serious medical issues. Welcome to The Great Reset.

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Even with all those celebrity vaccine injuries, the masses still refuse to accept that a genocide is happening. Western society is accustomed to lies and deceit, based on tribal politics. Lies are gospel in 2022, as long as the propaganda comes from tribal leaders. That’s how we got to this vaccine genocide.

Liberals will do and believe anything their tribal leaders say as long as homosexual culture and “vaccines” are front and center. Donald Trump still controls the minds and thoughts of the conservative masses, though not as strongly as his 2020 grip.

Pure truth-telling makes you a leper to a vast majority of Americans and Westerners in general. Both tribes have their own versions of truth. It provides comfort and acceptance amongst their respective brethren. If others are doing and living it, then it must be a good thing – to be a follower, to be accepted.

A 1969 study by French researchers concluded:

“Group consensus seems to induce a change of attitudes in which subjects are likely to adopt more extreme positions.” 

The principle of “social proof” is also quite powerful. Dr. Robert Cialdini, in his 1984 book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, wrote that humans naturally do things that they see other people are doing, particularly if “authority figures” dictate the actions. More recently, Dr. Mattias Desmet blames mass formation psychosis for the Cult of COVID.

The liberal tribe has zero chance of breaking the trance. This past week put on full display how thoroughly the liberal tribe have been indoctrinated, particularly since 2020.

LGBTV mainstream media propaganda glitches across the globe

The World Cup is the biggest global sporting event after the Olympics. Several European teams had planned to wear the homosexual flag via armbands on the pitch while playing. But Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) warned it would issue yellow cards to any players wearing them on the pitch. The idea was quickly ditched, since soccer is more important than homosexual culture, even in Europe.

Mainstream media are the ministry of communications for the LGBTV (for vaccines) religion. They act as de-facto missionaries, spreading their religion, which now includes the injections as the sacrament, around the world. That was never going to work, however, in a conservative Muslim country like Qatar.

The LGBTV religion is inherently disinformation, propaganda and subterfuge. Adherents are immune from any and all accountability and responsibility for their actions, including degenerate sex culture (“they have no choice”). LGBTV adherents are divine and omnibenevolent, according to their unwritten tenets. Perfect segue.

Liberal media had a field day blaming conservatives and the Second Amendment for the Club Q mass shooting in Colorado Springs on November 19. Anderson Lee Aldrich shot and killed five people, and injured 22 more. Mainstream media blamed conservatives for the shooting because the latter are constantly calling out groomers, drag queen shows for kids, and genital mutilation on kids. But their propaganda quickly unraveled as more details emerged.

RELATED: Thomas Senzee: longtime LGBT journalist mocks the non-vaccinated with the regurgitated “faster download speeds” trope, dies unexpectedly (April 11, 2022)


Aldrich is “non-binary,” which is simply one of the many 21st century terms for homosexual. He will be addressed as “Mx. Aldrich” in court filing, according to his lawyers. It’s unclear if Aldrich was already an LGBTV adherent prior to the shooting, or he quickly adopted the religion so he can be sentenced to a women’s prison. His mother told the Denver Post that she never called him “they” prior to the shooting.

Colorado allows men who say they are women, to be imprisoned with women. Thus it’s a real and effective criminal defense strategy since the LGBTV religion created it. Aldrich knows he’s guilty, so now he’s angling for cozy prison time.

Liberal media are now scrambling to create a new narrative. CNN interviewed a man wearing makeup on November 23. He said that Aldrich is not non-binary, basically because that doesn’t fit their narrative.

The week worsened for the LGBTV religion and their propaganda. Sam Brinton (“they”) is a deputy assistant secretary with the U.S. Department of Energy. He is not to be confused with Rachel Levine, the other Biden Administration man who wears makeup and women’s clothing. Levine was named 2022 “Woman of the Year” by USA Today.

Rachel Levine (L) and Sam Brinton

Brinton, 35, was charged with stealing a woman’s $2,000 suitcase from the Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport luggage carousel on September 16. He tried lying his way of it, utilizing the LGBTV immunity tenet. But Minneapolis Police filed a criminal complaint on October 27. Brinton has been on leave from his government job since the complaint was filed. But it was only made public last week via a report from Alpha News.

His first court date is December 19. Brinton faces up to five years in prison. Both he and Aldrich are praying that junior fellow Joshua Heath, of prestigious Trinity College, part of the University of Cambridge system, is correct. He said during a church sermon on November 27 that Jesus was transgender.

But of course all of this would have been worse if “they” weren’t vaccinated and wearing masks.

Eric Salada: 54-year-old Florida doctor commits suicide after being charged with drugging and raping female patients

Dr. Eric Salata.

Brazilian Dr. Giovanni Quintella Bezerra was charged with rape in July after placing his penis in a sedated female patient’s mouth. Washington state Dr. Josiah Hill was charged with rape in July after sexually assaulting at least four sedated female patients.

RELATED: Reap what you sow? Doctors dropping like flies in deaths described as “died unexpectedly” and “died suddenly” since mid-October (November 17, 2021)


Wisconsin dentist, Dr. Scott Carmoli, was sentenced to 5.5 years in prison in July after deliberately breaking people’s teeth to collect insurance payments for crowns. Not to mention all the doctors and hospitals that turn away non-vaccinated patients in need of heart and kidney transplants. There are plenty of logical reasons not to trust doctors. And said reasons just keep on coming.

Dr. Eric Andrew Salata ran Pura Vida Medical Spa with his wife in Naples, Florida. He was a plastic surgeon. Dr. Salata, 54, was arrested on November 21. He was charged with raping two female patients, ages 51 and 72, while they were sedated. A third woman came forward with allegations two days after his arrest. He posted a $200,000 bond and was released from jail with an ankle monitor. Dr. Salata’s first court appearance was scheduled for December 19.

Police did a welfare check at Dr. Salata’s home on November 28 after the ankle monitor showed no movement for eight hours. He was found dead in a ditch near his home with a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. An attorneys representing the victims said he still plans to sue the medical practice “for every penny it’s worth.”

CDC’s Walensky mocks victims of Tuskegee Experiments

Quadruple-vaxxed, perpetual “COVID” infectee CDC Director Rochelle Walensky isn’t even hiding the malevolence in her empty soul anymore. She tweeted on Tuesday that the CDC will “honor” the “suffering and sacrifice” of the 600-plus Black American men and their families who were forced guinea pigs in the 40-year Tuskegee Experiments.

Perhaps Walensky, an Ashkenazi Zionist, should also “honor” the “suffering and sacrifice” of her ancestors in 1940s Germany and Poland. The tweet reminded this blogger of that 2012 interview actor Denzel Washington did with New York Times Magazine editor Lynn Hirschberg. The clip is 150 seconds of truth serum mainstream media weren’t expecting.

All Walensky accomplished with this tweet is admitting that the U.S. previously only used Black Americans as forced guinea pigs in mass medical experiments until relatively recently. Now over 70% of all Americans, with White, non-Ashkenazi Americans being the specific targets, are coerced medical guinea pigs for experimental mRNA gene therapies since 2021. But at least the experimental group can rely on the CDC “commitment to ethical research and practice.”

TPTB have little to worry about, as far as a mass revolt due to division and inertia. Plus there are still hardcore zealots this late in the game, walking around like this.

The Marcus and Jayme Unger story

We’ve been following the story of Ms. Jayme Millsap-Unger for almost a year. She is the widow of Mr. Marcus Unger, Jr. They’d been married since 2009, and have four kids, judging from Facebook photos.

Marcus and Jayme Unger.

Their story is yet another reminder that vaxx zealots will attack you, even if you’ve received the injections.

RELATED: Nate Bronstein: 15-year-old Chicago high school student commits suicide after relentless bullying for false rumor of being non-vaccinated (April 29, 2022)


The couple, from Redding, California, received their Pfizer mRNA injections in February and March 2021. They didn’t want the shots. But they were convinced by the axis of evil (CDC, FDA, NIH, mainstream media) that the shots would protect Jayme’s immunocompromised, wheelchair-bound brother. The couple also wanted to “do their part.”

Mr. Unger died on March 5, 2021, nine days after the second injection. He was 37. Ms. Unger described his death in a lengthy November 2, 2021 Facebook post:

“I lost this man to a heart condition that he did not have prior to receiving the Pfizer vaccine. He received his second dose & died shortly after, very suddenly & very traumatically.”

Ms. Unger spent the rest of 2021 grieving and using her platforms to speak out against vaccine mandate, mask mandates, and the injections in general.

She’s constantly fended off vile vaxx zealots on TikTok during the grieving period, like in this April 5 post.

Ms. Unger frequently used the hashtag #WidowLife on social media. There’s no happy ending here. But at least Ms. Unger is now dating someone else after over a year of grieving.

Most families and individuals are quiet about vaccine injuries and deaths because of the imminent backlash, as Ms. Unger received. But all of them are grieving and picking up the pieces in much the same way as Ms. Unger.

India is featured quite a bit in this week’s sudden deaths, as are “dying in their sleep”and “collapsing and dying.”

Jake Flint: 37-year-old Oklahoma country singer dies in his sleep hours after his wedding

Mr. Jake Flint was a “red dirt” musician, which is a combination of country, bluegrass, rock and honkytonk. The genre is native to Oklahoma. Mr. Flint resided in Tulsa, and was born in Holdenville, Oklahoma.

He and his girlfriend of 2.5 years, Brenda, who is also a country singer, got married at a remote location in Oklahoma on November 26.

Mr. Flint died in his sleep just hours after the wedding. He was “fully vaccinated.”

Clif Doyal, Mr. Flint’s publicist, quickly did what he’s paid to do. He released a statement on December 1 saying that Mr. Flint’s death was not related to the injections.

Brad William Henke: 56-year-old actor and former football player dies in his sleep

Mr. Brad William Henke played one season in the NFL (defensive end) with the Denver Broncos in 1989. He appeared in Super Bowl XXIV that year. Denver lost 55-10 to the San Francisco 49ers. Numerous injuries ended his football career in 1992. He started acting in 1994, and stayed in that industry until his death. Mr. Henke is best known for his roles in the Showtime crime drama Dexter, Netflix comedy-drama Orange is the New Black, and ABC television drama October Road.

There’s no definitive evidence that Mr. Henke received the injections. However, it was impossible to work in Hollywood without the shots from March 2021 to November 2022. High-ranking celebrities parroted Fauci-isms at every opportunity during that time and still now.

Disney, Netflix and Paramount (National Amusements) started relaxing vaccine mandates last month. It’s too little, too late, however, as we’ve already covered the sudden deaths of at least four Netflix employees since June.

That all said, Mr. Henke was working on three different Hollywood projects since the start of 2021. He had no publicly-disclosed medical issues across all his social media platforms prior to that time. Most of his social media photos were taken at movie studios or in the gym.

Mr. Henke posted via Instagram about being 55 years old and “feel[ing] good” on April 14, 2021.

One month later, on May 15, 2021, he reported surviving blood clots in his heart. He said in a video that there was 90% blockage in one artery.

Six weeks later, on June 29, 2021, he reported receiving two stints in his heart, and having his spleen and parts of his pancreas removed due to tumors. He reported a “clean bill of health” thereafter.

Mr. Henke died in his sleep on November 29.

Melanie Leffler: 39-year-old quadruple-vaxxed Australian healthcare worker dies in her sleep; mainstream media blame so-called “COVID-19”

Mrs. Melanie Leffler resided in Sydney. She was a genetic counselor for the New South Wales Ministry of Health. Mrs. Leffler was born with Wilms’ tumor, a rare kidney cancer that affects children. She underwent chemotherapy and had a kidney removed before reaching age 2.

Mrs. Leffler tested positive for so-called COVID-19 on November 18, according a 7News. She died in her sleep that same night. Mr. Kris Leffler, Melanie’s brother, said in the report that his sister was quadruple-vaxxed. He believes Melanie died from something “heart-related.”

A mainstream doctor told 7News “COVID can also cause abnormal heart rhythms, blood clots in the legs and lungs, and heart failure.” A GoFundMe page is raising funds for Mrs. Leffler’s husband and two daughters.

David Robinson: 50-year-old “Dog the Bounty Hunter” co-star spontaneously collapses and dies in his new wife’s arms

Mr. David Robinson played the role of “Dog’s right hand man” in the WGN reality show Dog’s Most Wanted. It ran for one season in 2019. Mr. Robinson’s only other acting credit is playing himself in one episode of Dog and Beth: On the Hunt in 2015.

He was married to his ex-wife, Rainy Robinson, for a total of 25 years. She also starred in Dog The Bounty Hunter shows. Rainy publicly announced their separation on September 3, 2020 due to “heartbreaking and irrevocable actions.”

David was allegedly cheating on Rainy with his current wife, Brooke Robinson. Brooke is close friends with Jamie Pilar Chapman, the wife of Leland Chapman, who is Dog the Bounty Hunter’s son, and David Robinson’s best friend. Note that in the following Instagram post, David is talking about and pictured with Beth Chapman, the wife of Dog the Bounty Hunter. She died from throat cancer 0n June 26, 2019.

The very-public, very nasty Rainy/David divorce was finalized in March 2022.


David married Brooke on May 23, 2022, according to the latter’s Facebook page. A little over two weeks ago, Rainy was still feuding with the Chapman (“Dog”) family.

Mr. Robinson died on November 30. Interestingly Rainy was the first to break the news to TMZ. She said Mr. Robinson was on a Zoom call when he “had some sort of medical emergency.” The report also said that Mr. Robinson “suffered some sort of heart attack or stroke.” The death did not stop the public feud.

The new Mrs. Robinson, Brooke, then added via Facebook that her husband “collapsed…[and] died in my arms.” But she denied that he had a stroke or heart attack.

There’s no definitive evidence that Mr. Robinson received the injections. But we’ve covered countless, very similar post-injection death stories since January 2021.

Andrés Balanta: 22-year-old Argentina soccer player collapses and dies during practice

Mr. Andrés Balanta was originally from Colombia. He was a midfielder for the Argentinian soccer club Atlético Tucumán. Mr. Balanta collapsed and died during the team’s first practice after Thanksgiving, on November 29. The cause of death was cardiac arrest.

Mr. Sergio “Kun” Agüero is considered one of the best soccer strikers of this generation. He’s also one of the first soccer players we wrote about on The COVID Blog™. Mr. Agüero was forced to retire from the game in 2021 after a sudden arrhythmia diagnosis. He heard the news of Mr. Balanta in real-time while on a live podcast. Mr. Agüero recounted how doctors told him to never play soccer again because that could have been him collapsing and dying.

Jillian Miller: 40-year-old Pennsylvania therapist dies in her sleep

Ms. Jillian Miller resided in Sharon, Pennsylvania. She was a licensed professional counselor at Parkside Psychological Associates. Ms. Miller was the mother of two children.

Her story is, unfortunately, typical in this new global medical industrial complex. Ms. Miller “was very ill weeks, days and hours up until her death,” according to a GoFundMe page. “The hospital kept sending her home with vague generalized diagnoses.”

RELATED: Clive Haddon: 74-year-old Australian man dies in hospital after doctors refuse to treat him for AstraZeneca blood clots (May 25, 2021)


RELATED: Jenny Porter: California real estate worker develops Multi-system Inflammatory Syndrome two days after Pfizer injection, now bedridden in excruciating pain (February 28, 2022)


Ms. Miller died in her sleep on November 26. Parkside Psychological Associates is a Medicare facility, and thus subject to the federal CMS vaccine mandate for all healthcare workers.

Patrick Torrey: 22-year-old Iowa college basketball player died “unexpectedly”

Mr. Patrick Torrey was a senior psychology major at St. Ambrose University in Davenport, Iowa. He was a 6’8 center for the school’s basketball team. Mr. Torrey was originally from Pekin, Illinois.

Details are scant. But Mr. Torrey “unexpectedly passed away” on November 19. A GoFundMe page says his family is “shocked, saddened and completely devastated by this loss.” St. Ambrose University has had a hybrid vaccine coercion policy and mandate since September 2021.

Mr. Torrey is the second St. Ambrose student we’ve written about on The COVID Blog™. Ms. Leah Taylor is a physical therapy PhD student at the university. She is also a bodybuilder. Ms. Taylor, now 23, was hospitalized with myocarditis in August 2021, just three weeks after her second, coerced Pfizer mRNA injection.

She was finally cleared to get back into the gym on April 5, 2022, about 10 months after she first starting feeling chest pains.

Ms. Taylor still struggles with symptoms. But she will earn her doctorate degree later this month.

Grace Rush: 14-year-old Irish multi-sports athlete “dies tragically”

Grace Rush resided in Greystones, County Wicklow. She was a local celebrity due to her athletic talent. Grace excelled in rugby, golf, Gaelic football and hockey.

Few details are available. But Grace “died tragically” on November 9. Her funeral drew a huge crowd.


Ashley Clock: 39-year-old Canadian woman dies “suddenly and unexpectedly”

Ms. Ashley Louise Clock resided in Toronto. She loved sports, particularly hockey. Ms. Clock had two young children.

Details are scant. But an online obituary says Ms. Clock “passed away suddenly and unexpectedly” at St. Michael’s Hospital.

Sheryl Ziegler: 55-year-old Indiana doctor dies suddenly

Dr. Sheryl Lynn Ziegler was an oncologist based in Evansville, Indiana. She was involved with a nonprofit called Chemo Buddies, where she volunteered to keep cancer patients company while receiving mustard gas (“chemo”) therapy. Dr. Ziegler was also involved with an organization called Cancer Pathways Midwest, which provides “individualized support and resources to anyone impacted by cancer.”

She passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on November 20.

Dr. Ziegler, of course, was first in line for the mRNA injections in December 2020.

Meredith Legin Smith: 35-year-old North Carolina admissions counselor dies unexpectedly

Mrs. Meredith Legin Smith has been affiliated with Elon University in North Carolina since her freshman year at the college in 2004. She graduated from the university in 2008, and has worked in the admissions office ever since. Mrs. Smith left her full-time position as assistant dean of admissions in June 2021, but stayed on as a part-time worker. She started working as a recruiter for Scott Insurance sometime thereafter, according to her social media pages.

Mrs. Smith “passed away unexpectedly” on November 27. Elon University has had a vaccine mandate for students and vaccine coercion policy for staff since June 2021. It appears mainstream media are trying the “car accident” interference tactic, which is becoming quite common.

Susan Tyler: 48-year-old New York medical assistant dies unexpectedly after “mysterious illness”

Mrs. Susan Calogero Tyler was a medical assistant at New Beginnings Plastic Surgery in Poughkeepsie, New York. She was a married mother with five kids.

Mrs. Tyler passed away unexpectedly following a “mysterious illness” on November 10. The illness caused her “unbearable internal organ pain.” She more than like suffered from post-injection, multi-system inflammatory syndrome (MIS-A), like Mr. Michael Granata and journalist Glenn Greenwald’s “husband,” David Miranda. There’s been no update on the latter since October 9.

New York State has had a vaccine mandate for healthcare workers, with no religious exemptions, since August 2021.

Hailey Foisy: 29-year-old California woman dies suddenly

Mrs. Hailey Temple Foisy resided in Irvine, California. She married her long-time boyfriend, Ryan, in late 2021. Mrs. Foisy worked remotely in the technology sector.

Few details are available. But Mrs. Foisy died suddenly on November 17. An online obituary says she “qualif[ied] for the Boston Marathon in December 2021.” Her last Instagram post was on September 12, talking about her registration for the 127th Boston Marathon, which takes place in April 2023.

The 126th Boston Marathon required all runners to show proof of vaccination. The 127th Boston Marathon has a wishy-washy vaccine mandate.

Manoj Vishwakarma: 40-year-old India man collapses and dies while dancing at a wedding reception

This is becoming the norm in India.

RELATED: India: three popular singers die in 10-day stretch, including one who collapsed and died on stage, as the country continues using celebrities to push “vaccines” (June 10, 2022)


Mr. Manoj Vishwakarma was dancing at a wedding reception in Piplani Katra, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, on November 25. He suddenly collapsed to the floor, and was pronounced dead shortly thereafter.

The cause of death was a sudden heart attack.

Daksh Kumar: 14-year-old India boy collapses and dies during a track meet

Daksh Kumar was a student at St. Mary’s Convent Senior Secondary School in Seenk Village, Panipat District, Haryana. The school hosted a track meet on November 26. Daksh had just finished competing in a 100-meter dash when he suddenly collapsed.

He was rushed to a nearby private hospital. But doctors told school personnel to take him to the larger general hospital, according to the Tribune (India). Daksh was pronounced dead at the general hospital. The cause of death was heart failure.

Josna Cotha: 23-year-old India woman collapses and dies during Catholic wedding ceremony

Ms. Josna Cotha resided in Basrur Village, Kundapura, Karnataka. She was participating in a Roce ceremony in the Dakshina Kannada District on November 23, when she suddenly collapsed.

Ms. Cotha was rushed to Kasturba Medical College, but pronounced dead shortly after arrival. Mainstream media blamed low blood pressure for her death.

Maunika Khursail: 25-year-old India singer dies from a sudden stroke

Ms. Maunika Khursail (spelled “Monika” in media reports) resided in Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh. She worked for Birla Open Minds International School, according to her Facebook page. Ms. Khursail was also a popular singer on the regional scene.

Ms. Khursail suffered a massive brain hemorrhage (stroke) on November 23. She was rushed to a local hospital, but pronounced dead shortly after arrival.

Anna Sienkiewicz-Rogowska: 51-year-old Polish museum director dies suddenly and unexpectedly

Ms. Anna Sienkiewicz-Rogowska was the deputy director of the Museum of Warsaw, Poland. She also served as director of the National Film Archive.

Ms. Sienkiewicz-Rogowska died suddenly and unexpectedly on November 27. She was at least triple-vaxxed.

Devonte Grant: 18-year-old South Carolina college freshman dies without explanation in his dorm room

Mr. Devonte Grant was a freshman theater major at Coastal Carolina University in Conway, South Carolina. He had already performed in Disney productions, and was active in a group called People Respecting Individual Diversity and Equality (PRIDE).

Mr. Grant was found dead in his dorm room on November 27. The Horry County Coroner’s Office determined that he died of “natural causes.” Mr. Sinsei Zae, Devonte’s older brother, said via Facebook “I’m not stupid, I see the suspiciousness.”

Coastal Carolina University had a vaccine coercion policy in the 2021-22 school year that offered vaccinated students a chance to win $2,500 scholarships. The grand prize was full tuition, room and board for one semester. The university “strongly encouraged” the injections for the Fall 2022 semester, with no prizes.

Richard Morin: 53-year-old Canadian doctor dies without explanation

Not much to this story. We’re tallying up all the young Canadian doctor deaths since 2021 to have a fairly-accurate total by the end of the year. It’s well over 100.

RELATED: Ontario healthcare workers pester government into allowing fourth injections for all adults, then four doctors, three at same hospital system, die suddenly of #ABV (July 28, 2022)


Dr. Richard Morin was a military physician before joining Quinte Health in Belleville, Ontario in 2019. He died on December 1.

Maria and Leticia Margotti Sartor: Brazilian mother and daughter die suddenly five days apart

Letícia (L) and Maria Margotti Sartor.

This happened a few months ago. But there is a growing trends of entire families being wiped out by the injections.

Ms. Maria Aparecida Margotti Sartor and her daughter Letícia Margotti Sartor resided in Cocal do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Maria, 49, had been hospitalized with endocarditis (inflammation of the heart valves) since mid-May. She had three heart valves replaced, but died from respiratory failure on August 31.

Letícia was rushed to São José Hospital, the same place her mother died, on September 5. She died four hours later. Mainstream media shamelessly reported that Letícia died from sepsis caused by an inflamed pimple on her face.

Joel Addyman: 20-year-old British waiter dies suddenly and unexpectedly

Mr. Joel Matthew Addyman resided in York, England. He was a server at the Fox and Roman pub in nearby Dringhouses.

Few details are available. But Mr. Addyman died suddenly at York Hospital on November 23.

John Indrizzi: 46-year-old Australia construction executive dies suddenly

Mr. John Indrizzi was the managing director of Perth-based construction and architectural firm Exclusive Linings, according to his LinkedIn page. He was overseeing two projects in Adelaide, with the contracts totaling over A$600 million ($408 million USD).

Mr. Indrizzi’s family announced via Facebook on November 14 that he “tragically” passed away. reported that Mr. Indrizzi died suddenly. There’s no definitive evidence that he received  the injections. But the Australia Department of Health and Aged Care reported on November 20 that 96% of Aussies over age 16 have received at least two injections; 72% have received three injections.

A GoFundMe page is collecting funds in his memory.

Cory Burrelle: 30-year-old U.S. Army soldier dies of “natural causes” in his home

Sergeant First Class Cory Burelle was originally from Massachusetts. He enlisted in the U.S. Army in 2009. Mr. Burrelle was deployed twice to Afghanistan and once to Kuwait between 2010 and 2016. He was most recently assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 320th Field Artillery Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), Fort Campbell, Kentucky.

RELATED: U.S. military personnel continue dying suddenly and unexpectedly as mainstream media deflect most attention to suicide (May 3, 2022)


Mr. Burrelle was found unresponsive in his Clarksville, Tennessee home on November 22. A statement by Fort Campbell Public Affairs said he died of “natural causes.”

Mainstream media continue promoting amorality, degeneracy in support of the depopulation agenda

Homosexuality, propaganda news, degeneracy, and sports make up about 80% of everything seen on mainstream media. Now they are actively venerating adultery.

ABC’s “Good Morning America” is a three-hour show. The third hour, called “GMA3,” is hosted by T.J. Holmes and Amy Robach. Both had been married to their respective spouses for 12 years. Holmes has a son and daughter from a previous marriage, and a daughter with current wife and immigration lawyer, Marilee Fiebig. Robach and husband Andrew Shue have a blended family with five children – Robach’s two daughters and Shue’s three sons. The two families were close, often hanging out together on double dates.

The Daily Mail broke the story on November 30 of Holmes and Robach’s ongoing extramarital affair. Despite mainstream media trying to mitigate it, both Holmes and Robach were cheating on their respective spouses. The two returned to GMA3 the day after the Daily Mail report, as if nothing happened. But instead of condemning the two as adulterers, mainstream media appear to be sugarcoating, justifying and even glorifying the affair. It’s all part of the depopulation agenda – destroy families.

RELATED: Depopulation Agenda: Planned Parenthood’s documented blueprint for destroying humanity comes to fruition over last 50 years, culminating with COVID-19 (October 15, 2021)


Holmes is a serial adulterer. He had an affair previously with another GMA employee before the romp with Robach. At least one of their on-air co-workers, Robin Roberts, is displeased with the entire saga. Both adulterers are now divorcing their respective spouses. The countdown to which famous cheater cheats first in this new relationship starts now.

RELATED: History of media deregulation, monopolization of media by 8 alleged “chosen people,” the NewsGuard app, and why trust in mainstream news is now at all-time lows (November 7, 2022)


It seems we cannot go a week without reporting on new degeneracy or propaganda issues at NBCUniversal. This time it is courtesy of their online streaming platform Peacock.

Casey Anthony owes her entire life to savvy defense attorney Jose Baez and incompetent Florida prosecutors and police. Anthony was acquitted of killing her two-year-old daughter Caylee on July 5, 2011.

Most Americans believe Anthony is guilty of murder. Despite being acquitted of homicide, Anthony was in fact convicted on four counts of lying to police. She is a convicted pathological liar. But NBC provided Anthony money and a platform to tell more lies after having more than 10 years to think about it all.

Peacock/NBC premiered its new Casey Anthony documentary on November 29. The docu-series is three hours of Anthony playing damsel-in-distress, crying and lying. She blamed her father, George Anthony, for the murder. Retired Judge Belvin Perry, who presided over the case, spoke with Inside Edition about the new series. He said “the truth and Casey are total strangers,” and that “her believability is zero.” But nothing about humanity is surprising anymore.

A contingent of TikTok and Twitter users, led by comedian Rosie O’Donnell, say they now believe Anthony is innocent after watching her lie and cry for three hours.

Granted it’s still a minority opinion. But few people would ever publicly state that they believed Casey Anthony was innocent 10 years ago. The following was a common theme this past week.

Mainstream media reporters are paid puppet liars who manipulate the masses with prefab propaganda. Casey Anthony is a seasoned, skilled liar. All she did was take advantage of societal conditions, made some money, and repaired her image among the most impressionable sectors of society. That’s capitalism. Mainstream media paid her to lie, just like they do their reporters. Both parties benefited. Give Anthony credit for the skillful grift. She’d be an excellent on-air personality for NBC, ABC, CNN, etc.

TPTB have been trolling humanity since March 2020, and enjoying every moment of it. Remember that Time magazine named Fauci as one of its Top 100 influential people in the world in 2020. They put him on the cover. The placement of the “M” in TIME behind his head was no accident.

Further, Fauci is a Sicilian (Italian) surname meaning “sickle” or “someone who uses a sickle, according to the Dictionary of American Family Names. Granted the Grim Reaper technically carries a scythe, not a sickle. But that just makes the trolling job worse (or better, depending on your perspective).

Mainstream media are the Synagogue of Satan. Many of their employees readily admit that they serve the god of fiat currency. Vaxx zealot Stephen A. Smith is one of the most recognizable faces and (obnoxious) voices in mainstream sports media.

He’s best known for speaking 1,000 words, while saying nothing. He appeared on the Tamron Hall Show on October 26, 2021, and readily admitted that he is an obedient, sycophantic slave for TPTB, as long as they pay him.

Smith truly believes he said something profound there. He’ll always have a job because both right-wingers and “moderate Democrats” love this cross between Candace Owens and minstrel show act. Mainstream media employees are actors, not journalists. It’s time to start labeling them properly.

The Washington Post has been featured on The COVID Blog™ a lot lately. It’s only fitting that we end this article with their November 27 propaganda piece by “journalist/actor” Carolyn Beans:

“…before insects can become common fare, more diners must be convinced that six-legged critters are, in fact, food. Through tasting experiments, surveys and educational demos, researchers, entrepreneurs and educators are delving into consumers’ psychology and finding that resistance to insect-eating can be strong.”

RELATED: Great Reset Accelerated: governments declaring red meat carcinogenic, encouraging humans to eat insects and eliminating private car ownership (January 10, 2022)


Call it nihilism, cynicism or whatever. It’s reality. It’s The Great Reset. How you handle it is up to you. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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1 year ago

Last night I spoke with my father-in-law. He told me he was going to the doctor this week. I reminded him not to take any vaxxines. He told me “what if I get the flu?” I told him he has a better chance of combating the flu without a vaxxine, which he has taken for decades. I told he they might give him a Covid vaxxine instead or could be giving a mixture of them both. He said you can’t believe ever you hear. I didn’t say it but I thought do what ever you want I just don’t care anymore. If he does get a shot then whatever happens to him is on him and I’ll be more angry at him than grieved should anything happen to him. To be fair though he has many friends and family who have taken the Covid bioweapon and haven’t had any Ill effects to date so he doesn’t see any problems with it. Thank God so far he has not taken it.

Last edited 1 year ago by Zoe
1 year ago
Reply to  Zoe

I think a lot of them are just going to keep taking the shots until they feel something.

1 year ago
Reply to  ElleWyn

They’re going to feel something, alright, something sudden & unexpected is my guess.

1 year ago
Reply to  Zoe

I didn’t say it but I thought do what ever you want I just don’t care anymore.

You’re not alone, I basically have only my in-laws left, all of whom I love dearly. My wife has been angst-ridden for almost two years concerning all of them taking the shots, now up to their 4th or 5th poke.

I told her that they have most definitely chosen this path, to play Russian Roulette – but to pull the trigger 4 or 5 times, consecutively, without spinning the barrel each time?

. . . we know how this ends as the revolver is a 5 or 6 shot pistol.

The human organism, particularly in Western Culture, is a uniquely insane creature among living organisms on Earth.

Our success in agronomy has granted us the leisure time to literally lose our f##king minds, and our connections to the healthy boundaries established by the natural world to live a normal life and normal lifespan.

1 year ago
Reply to  Zoe

My son (47) called me a couple of days ago and told me he has Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), his wife had a miscarriage, my ex-husband has lung cancer…..all vaxxed. My oldest granddaughter is 4 months pregnant, vaxxed and works in nursing home. I am concerned about her baby. They live in MA. I send links to them on FB like this blog and Dr. Jane Ruby’s videos to open up their eyes to the truth of these Bioweapon toxins. I am 72 and never had the Flu or so-called Covid vax and still alive and kicking but barely. I never followed anyone because I have always been an outsider looking in. All you can do is tell them and pray that they will be deprogrammed from this Covid cult because that is exactly what it is

Patrick Tobin
Patrick Tobin
1 year ago
Reply to  Donna

I’m sorry to hear this news about your family. It’s beyond difficult seeing what is happening in the world right now. Thank you for sharing your story as it helps to know that one is not alone. I think being an outsider is what has saved us.

1 year ago
Reply to  Patrick Tobin

Thank you for your kind words Patrick. Things are really amping up. Just look at many of the famous people dying almost on a daily basis too. Many could be caused by old age or something else but I believe many of them took the Bioweapon. Now the “Pure Bloods” are getting sick because the vaxed are causing spike protein shedding. It certainly is hard to have a positive attitude when we are surrounded with all this insanity going on around us. Stay safe and well.

Vera Mercado
Vera Mercado
1 year ago
Reply to  Donna

“Now the “Pure Bloods” are getting sick because the vaxed are causing spike protein shedding.”

Exactly, these cases of strep and rsv going around are a consequence of that. It attacks the throat because it’s the entry way into the lungs and breathing behind people is hazardous.

1 year ago

The “Queen” that is to say Elizabeth Saxe-Coburg-Gotha aka Elizabeth Mountbatten Windsor whose day job for seventy years was as head of state for a large number of countries (including Canada) as well as head of an organisation known as The Commonwealth accused those of us who refused or declined to accept the untested Jab as being selfish. She also implied cowardice as she said that the little prick hardly hurt at all. In may be that the jab prematurely ended her own life. We will surely never know although the possibility thereof cannot be discounted.

1 year ago
Reply to  Opus

They had to bring King Chuck in now. Perfect timing don’t you think? Like its all planned or something, Chuck is all about going green and helping the planet survive another day. He has to get all is his little principalities, commonwealths and realms all on the same page. There is a picture somewhere of one of the Rothchilds pointing a finger at chuck… he owned him. I’m sure he does.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rox

The whole point is to hussle Charles onto the throne and off again quickly. William is the one they need on the throne at this time. The queen is enjoying her long awaited retirement at her favorite place on earth… Balmoral. After pledging to the world on her birthday, as a very young woman, that she would never quit her duties…she was stuck.

Hamburg Syndrome
Hamburg Syndrome
1 year ago
Reply to  Opus

Charles is a founding member of the WEF. They wanted the Queen gone and replaced with Charles. He’s a bag of feces as evidenced by the fact that his murdered wife Diana said he was not fit to be King.

1 year ago
Reply to  Opus

Richest welfare recipients on the planet. As useless as the day is long.

The Ogs
The Ogs
1 year ago

Here in the wild west end of Toronto, the main Lakeshore Boulevard drag is typically teeming with rascals and miscreants and street people/night people including the young and sometimes homeless, and the partiers who never need to get up early (for whatever reason). Of course, none of these have ever been inoculated…
But radiating off from the wide boulevard like the veins of a leaf are street after street after street of little houses. Row after row, as far as the eye can see in any direction. These contain mostly ‘nice old people’ in their fifties and sixties, in front of their televisions, representing an enormous (and predominantly WASP) demographic wave. Millions of them beyond count… and these in their huge masses have all been inoculated!
I have to wonder what the world will look like, in another year. Or two?
Hey I s’pose it is pretty safe to assume this will solve the Housing Crisis (at least).

1 year ago
Reply to  The Ogs

“These contain mostly ‘nice old people’ in their fifties and sixties, in front of their televisions”

“…some people are already dead, they just need to be put out of their misery.” (a quote from Oliver Stone’s movie : ‘Natural Born Killers’, playing over the scene of a “nice” family watching TV).

1 year ago

Regarding the Jake Flint story, saying to someone “I hope you were vaccinated” is the equivalent of saying “I hope you die.” Dark, I know, but it is.

Christel Picciano
Christel Picciano
1 year ago

Brian since you mentioned the non-binary killer. Who remembers
“On April 3, 2019 a shooting occurred at the headquarters of the video-sharing website YouTube in San Bruno, California. The shooter was identified as 38-year-old Nasim Najafi Aghdam.” As Austin Powers said, that’s not a women that’s a man, man. Did you notice how the msm swept it under the rug. You can still see “her” videos on the web.

1 year ago

Irene’s “very special birthday gift” is the gift that keeps on giving. And it does give. More than you bargained for. Although, I’m not sure that being buried as a result of the “gift” is something worth celebrating.

On another note, the doctor got off easy. Any doc who rapes patients ought to have things done to him that I can’t mention online.

And on a final note, why can’t demons like Walensky get jacked by the Florida doc, end up with a nasty case of syphilis, and get hung out to dry to see what course the disease takes with her?

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
1 year ago

So is “sleep” causing all these sudden deaths??? Asking for a friend.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

Over the years I have heard about only a few unexpected deaths due to specific medical conditions such as an undiagnosed arteriovenous (AV) malformation in the cerebral circulation or an undiagnosed blood infection (septicemia) but what is new now is the sheer number of sudden deaths and the lack of any specific diagnosis – as mentioned here, death from “natural causes” is a phrase reserved for much older people so “20 is the new 70” sounds right. The common thread in most of these premature deaths is those shots. That has been documented in many of these cases and is probable in the rest.

So Al Roker was quickly re-hospitalized – wonder if his “clots” are those brown, plastic looking things morticians are finding in decedents. I suspect that is probable. Sounds like heparin and coumadin are not working on them as this site has suspected. That would likely mean other anticoagulants (blood thinners) like aspirin and nattokinase would not do the job either. That in turn means there is a real chance he will not get out alive!

Holding On
Holding On
1 year ago

Thank you for another brilliant article, Brian. I honestly don’t know how you cope with reporting all this death and mayhem, but I thank you for your honest, unbiased reporting.

The perversion, distortion of the truth, the immorality, wickedness and blasphemy is getting worse and worse. That picture of Fauci says it all, really.

Not only are TBTB trolling people, but they continue to persecute the unjabbed. You may be familiar with the case of baby Will in NZ? The story you did on Baby Alex and his mother Cornelia is now well known in NZ. Baby Will is four months old and his parents want to give him clean, untainted blood for his heart surgery. Donors are lined up, but the blood service, hospital and evil government want to take this precious boy away from his loving parents. Let that sink in, people. The medical/legal/big government complex is happy to sacrifice a 4 month old baby boy, just like they did with little Alex. I know things are going from bad to worse but I keep praying. We MUST pray. Please hold Cornelia and her husband in your prayers, as well as little Will and his family. Cornelia did a follow up interview with Free NZ media and it was heart breaking. It’s devastating to see the grief of these parents but also encouraging to see them absolutely determined to fight back. That is what true bravery looks like.

I still don’t think we have a true picture of the scale of this genocide, however, thanks to Brian’s efforts, we have a glimpse.

God bless you, Brian. You are a courageous warrior.

1 year ago

Brian, your love for humanity is evident in all of your concerned posts… I sometimes feel like I might want to take up “ambulance chasing” to see what the paramedics see on their frequent calls… are they just body retrieval units?

Please know that those of us that check in here and refer MANY to this site, are grateful for your cantor and your accurate information gathering. You are reliable, AND, more importantly, you call out the BSery, while remaining kind and compassionate toward those that have been cruel and vindictive… after all, they are perishing, and they don’t even know why. It is catastrophic… all of it, and we are all scarred in the witnessing as humans cascade over cliffs and crash on jagged rocks to their demise, completely unaware that they have committed suicide through compliance with wickedness…

Please keep up the good work Brian.
You are appreciated.
Yours in Christ,

Linda Grace Byers

1 year ago

The explanations given to us for young people dying “suddenly and unexpectedly” are really getting ridiculous. So now a pimple can kill you. Good grief. And then we have the “natural causes” catch all for a 30 year old. 30 year olds do not die of “natural causes”. It is entirely unnatural.

1 year ago

Never forget, people. Never forget what these traitorous, lying bullies put us through. Reaping time for these pathetic losers who wanted to deny us our God-given rights. The world is better without them.

Never forget how they were okay with locking up the elderly in care homes, with no one to see until they croaked.

Never forget how they forced untested and dangerous shots on children and on people’s livelihoods.

Never forget how it was their complacency and ignorance that resulted in countries getting themselves into more debt.

If they still don’t want to look at the facts then screw ’em. I’m sorry for the myocarditis that they have to suffer with, but tough crap.

We are still here. We didn’t cave into the gas-lighting and fear tactics. We didn’t get the shots. We are not killing any grannies, but they are thanks to lockdown-induced inflation, which is going to see granny either starving or freezing to death. I predicted that from the start of the fake pandemic. Of course I was berated for it, but was right.

Student of Mary
Student of Mary
1 year ago

I was so sad to read about 18-year-old Devonte Grant. I know what it’s like to be young and want to work for Disney! I am an artist and grew up not far from their Burbank studios. Now I am relieved that God had other plans for me! I offer my sincere condolences to his family.

1 year ago

Thanks again Brian. You are appreciated.

John McClane
John McClane
1 year ago

This is probably the most harsh thing I’ve ever said so far on here, but I’m glad the LGBTQ pe****ts are mostly jabbed, good riddance to every single one of them. They deserve everything they get (or worse, as do their supporters) for everything they have done.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
1 year ago

Alas, all the ‘sudden deaths. reported above are just the tip of the iceberg. I was looking at the number of people who died suddenly in Italy. My god it was pure carnage! So many young faces peering at me. I shudder to think how many people have been wiped out by these Covid vaccines so far? I know millions have died but what is the exact number? The English writer/ TV presenter Sandi Toksvig is seriously ill in Australia. She had to cancel all her tour dates in Australia. Of course, we know what has made her ill. Will she just be another Covid-19 vaccine death statistic?

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

I get my “death information” only from this site and a few others. It is good you are aware. There is an effort to push it below the consciousness of the masses but that will not last for long as the numbers climb. Already there are reports of MILLIONS of “excess deaths”, not encountered in “peacetime” and I gather that many of those who took the shots are now beginning to worry! As Dr, Wayne Dyer said in one of his books “If you believe that feeling bad or worrying long enough will change a past or future event, then you are residing on another planet with a different reality system”. His point was a person with those feelings must take ACTION. The trouble for them is what action should they take that could possibly alleviate side effects or stave off their demise? They read about bromelain, nattokinase, NAC, and many other things. Are any truly helpful or is someone just trying to sell them something to make $$? There is no “research” on “nutrients” and the “authorities” will tell them there is no problem from that “safe and effective” thing. Ironically, a number of the “authorities” (at the local level anyway) are passing away too despite having used something “safe and effective”. What can we do? Write letters to newspapers and give moral support to friends and family – act locally. Four other souls in my orbit have not had “gene Rx”. May “God” bless and keep you all from harm.

1 year ago

We humans are the height of God’s creation. God designed us in such a way that our bodies can heal themselves. The right medicine can help alleviate symptoms, but healing is by the body.

I hate how in the last few years especially the pharma industry makes it look like you’re some deficient idiot that will not survive without them. It’s so demeaning. Making dollars from making people sicker and sicker.

1 year ago

Re Sam Brinton, someone should tell “them” that matching the lipstick color to your top adds 10 years.

Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
1 year ago

I don’t even know what to say. Aside from seeing all the health troubles in my own family and at work its everywhere. It still amazes me how everyone can see it right in front of their eyes and experience health trouble yet still not want to blame the shots. I do believe everyone who did take them are now fake humans as I call them. Genetically altered humans. I feel the deaths are coming and slot closer than we think. I don’t think ill ever be ready for it. Sad sad world

Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
1 year ago

I hear Mr Henke’s argument all the time. Basically they say when new vax comes out there are always people against it. That it takes a few years to work bugs out. To which I say its not a brand new CAR! And to go off that argument, why would you want to be first to get it? Isn’t that most dangerous?? Oh yeah the vaxxed don’t really like me anymore lol

1 year ago

Robach is most famous for having the Epstein story years in advance, and NOT breaking-it.

What self respecting, moral man would put his thing into that, much less leave his wife & family for it?

She’s a piece of garbage, a feral cat in need of a spay, and/or a one way trip to the pound.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kiel

She also did a classic interview with Hunter a few years ago. If you pay close attention to the editing, you’ll see they had to cut his responses into a million pieces and slice them back together again to make his answers seem coherent.

Patrick Tobin
Patrick Tobin
1 year ago

I have tremendous gratitude for Brian’s reporting. His articles are simply remarkable. Mereidith Legin Smith’s death hit close to home for me. One of my nieces graduated from Elon University about 5 years ago. Her parents are huge supporters of the school and surely knew Meredith. It is heartbreaking that children so young should loose their mother. After reading her obituary I was emotionally overwhelmed with the prospects of what’s ahead. I realize how unprepared i am for what happening. My brother and his wife took the juice and boosters as it was “right for them”. How does one prepare for a global genocide? The shock of these deaths leaves me listless and unable to focus. PTSD? Thankfully these unproductive episodes pass and I am able to function as a human being. I am so thankful for my close friends who are awake and understand what it means to know the truth. They are few and far between. We are living in a twilight zone reality at this time. When and where the dam breaks i don’t know but it is coming. Please share your thoughts and feelings on this matter. God bless you all.

1 year ago

David Miranda, of Glenn Greenwald fame, was last mentioned as still having serious setbacks as recently as Nov 25th on Glenn’s substack. Glenn also posted a substack on Nov 5th regarding an “Update on David Miranda’s Health…”. I had read the Nov 5th update and knew I had seen him somewhere else but had forgotten your article mentioning his love for the vaccine in September. I appreciate Glenn’s reporting as he is not afraid to tell (some of) the truth about how crazy the “progressive” left has gotten BUT really wish he would finally admit to himself and the world that his lover has been permanently and most likely fatally damaged by these horrific injections. It would be powerful indeed if someone like him, with an audience so widely varied and “inclusive” would finally admit the devastation caused by the vax. I won’t hold my breath.

On another note I was trying to find if you had written about this person bc I saw the pictures on another substack and looked up the case which was truly horrifying. A 32 year old woman who died after a year of suffering. I wanted to know more as it was definitively tied to Pfizer.
The case report was written in April of this year. It appears that she died in February and had gotten her first shot in February 2021.
Blessings to you and yours and all of the folks at The Covid Blog!

1 year ago

“separation on September 3, 2020 due to “heartbreaking and irrevocable actions.””

Geeee…what a mystery, I wonder what that might be.

1 year ago

Ok, It’s sad that these people died, even though they had lots of warning against these injections, but these GoFundMe pages are ridiculous… I’ll never encourage and donate to someone that promoted these poisonous killer injections, alive or dead… These people had plenty of warnings and went anyway… their deaths is on them. If you’re healthy, you don’t go and take any “vaxxine” they release… Pharmaceuticals make money when people are sick… They have no interest in healing you…. and that is why they try to ban or discredit any natural medicine…

Last edited 1 year ago by Ben
1 year ago

I don’t see many died unexpectedly or suddenly obituaries in my local newspaper because I live in one of the least vaxxed counties in my state. However, they crop up now and then. 41 year old in the most recent one. “Died unexpectedly” with no other explanation. Jab…suicide…who knows?

Regarding the bugs, my mother grew up poor with 9 brothers and sisters. They supplemented with small game such as squirrels and rabbits. I’d do that over bugs. Bugs are not food.

1 year ago

Your content just keep getting better and better

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
1 year ago

Elon University is a Christian college that has a Vax mandate. I believe their mascot is the fighting Christians. Sounds like they put up very little fight.

1 year ago

Love the LGBTV label-so appropriate. The “trans” guest proves the pretense of the entire culture when he claimed the Q-Club shooter couldn’t be a true trans because he couldn’t dress in drag and “pass” as a woman the next day!

Vera Mercado
Vera Mercado
1 year ago

Jon Salley pointed out how Stephen A went so hard against Kyrie but ended up with c19 twice and at one point could barely walk. Salley stated how Kyrie never had any problems being nonvaxxed. He went on to speak about the benefits of colon cleansing and the sycophant Shan Sharpe promptly changed the subject. I was shocked that he would change the subject with so many colon cancers cropping up.

1 year ago

“TPTB have little to worry about, as far as a mass revolt due to division and inertia.”

You have got that right!

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