Depopulation Agenda: Planned Parenthood’s documented blueprint for destroying humanity comes to fruition over last 50 years, culminating with COVID-19
October 15, 2021 (updated December 24, 2022)

The provisional number of births in the U.S. was 3,605,201 in 2020. That is the lowest number of births in the United States since 1979, according to the Centers for Disease Control. 2020 also had the lowest fertility rate since the government started tracking births in 1902. And don’t blame the so-called “pandemic.” Birth rates have been steadily declining since 2007, when 4.3 million babies were born in the United States. Total fertility rates have been below replacement – meaning the number of births necessary for a generation to replace itself – since 1971.

Google searches for the term “depopulation” reached peak popularity in April 2020. The term “population control” reached its peak Google popularity in March 2020. Granted we’re learning in 2021 that intelligent people succumb to government psy-ops. But critical thinkers understood immediately that something was very wrong with all the COVID-19 stuff. Plus many among the global elite continually and openly gloat about their desire to cull the masses.

RELATED: Bill Gates is the second-largest funder of the World Health Organization (June 23, 2021)

Bill Gates isn’t even coy about his desires. Despite mainstream media saying his words were taken out of context or he misspoke or something, Gates said at a TED Talks that new vaccines can lower the population “by 10 to 15%.”

Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger is quoted (via a third party) in the book The Final Days saying, “military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.” Kissinger also implied that population control in poor countries should be a priority since “rich” countries need the resources from those places. That quote has been sensationalized over the years. But the real quote comes from National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM) 200, dated December 10, 1974.

Whatever may be done to guard against interruptions of supply and to develop domestic alternatives, the U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries. That fact gives the U.S. enhanced interest in the political, economic, and social stability of the supplying countries. Wherever a lessening of population pressures through reduced birth rates can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resource supplies and to the economic interests  of the United States.

Kissinger’s “useless eaters” quote also cannot be verified. But if you know Kissinger, you know it’s not out of the question.

RELATED: British Medical Journal: “Why have so many African leaders died of COVID-19?” (July 21, 2021)

Billionaires can only buy so much with their money. There are only so many toys and travel destinations in the world. Power is the ultimate goal for these types. They yearn control, the power to administer every move, every thought, and every goal of humanity. The World Economic Forum (WEF), founded and run by Klaus Schwab, made clear that by 2030, humanity will “own nothing and be happy.”

All the usual suspects (Facebook, Google, Bill Gates, PayPal, etc.) are listed as partners of the WEF, along with Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Moderna.

The United States officially launched its depopulation blueprint in 1969. It has come to nearly 90% fruition in 2021 after hitting some roadblocks in the 1980s. But the talks about depopulation among those in power commenced in the 1930s and progressed from there. Keep these stats in mind as you read this article. They will be repeated throughout:

  • The average American adult woman (up to age 35) had 3.58 kids in 1960 (Baby Boomers).
  • 76% of black American babies were born to married mom and dad in 1965.
  • 97% of white babies were born to married mom and dad in 1965
  • 72% of all American adults were married in 1960.

The depopulation agenda is deliberate and documented. This article chronicles the depopulation journey from 1916 to today.

1916-1942: The race-based beginnings of U.S. population control

Planned Parenthood and its founder, Margaret Sanger, are the progenitors of all modern population control agendas in the United States. It’s important to note that Planned Parenthood receives a vast majority of its funding from the federal government, thus is essentially a government organization. The first “birth control clinic” opened on October 16, 1916 in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn, New York. One website described Brownsville, at that time, as “a down-trodden part of New York City where the ‘inferior races’ and ‘human weeds’ lived; immigrant southern Europeans, Slavs, Latins and Jews.” Today Brownsville is predominately Black.

Sanger began publishing the magazine Birth Control Review in 1917. Though Sanger was always careful about the language she used in public speeches, her eugenics goals were blatant and obvious. The July 1922 issue of Birth Control Review, stated the following as a founding goal:

“Sterilization of the insane and feeble-minded and the encouragement of this operation upon those afflicted with inherited or transmissible diseases, with the understanding that sterilization does not deprive the individual of his or her sex expression, but merely renders him incapable of producing children.”

Sanger founded The American Birth Control League in 1921, according to the Encyclopedia of Women’s History in America. It’s mission statement not only reiterated Sanger’s goal of eugenics, but racially-targeted eugenics.

THE AMERICAN BIRTH CONTROL LEAGUE. Its Aim: To promote eugenic birth selection throughout the United States so that there may be more well‑born and fewer ill‑born children ― a stronger, healthier, more intelligent race … and in order that those who are physically and mentally unsound may use birth control to have fewer or no children” Birth Control Review, Volume XVI, Number 12 (December 1932), page 319.

Sanger launched her “Negro Project” in 1939. You can read more about that here. But essentially the goal was to stop Black babies from being born at all in the United States. The American Birth Control League changed its name to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America in 1942.

1942-1969: Planned Parenthood hastens destruction of nuclear family

Sanger continued expanding Planned Parenthood and connecting with eugenicists globally and domestically. She established the International Planned Parenthood Federation in 1952. The organization won several victories in courts and on administrative levels in the 1950s and 1960s. The Food and Drug Administration approved the first birth control pill – Enovid-10 – on May 9, 1960. The U.S. Supreme Court struck down all bans on birth control pills for married couples in the 1965 case Griswold vs. Connecticut. Sanger died one year after the decision. But the organization was left in “good” hands. More on that shortly.

Daniel Patrick Moynihan was the Assistant Secretary of Labor for Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson. He was also a U.S. Senator for New York from 1977 to 2001. Moynihan and his staff published a report entitled, “The Negro Family: The Case for National Action” in March 1965. He pointed out many reasons for inequality between Blacks and Whites, particularly “the racist virus in the American blood stream still afflicts us: Negroes will encounter serious personal prejudice for at least another generation. Second, three centuries of sometimes unimaginable mistreatment have taken their toll on the Negro people.”

But Moynihan’s main point throughout the document was clear – Black Americans cannot prosper as long as the family structure continues deteriorating. He pointed out how much of the American Black family paradigm carried over from slavery days, meaning Black men jumping around impregnating multiple women (to create more slaves for their White masters), fear of the family being torn apart via trafficking (slave sales), rape by masters, castrations, etc.

Black families thrived in 1950s and early 1960s

Despite all the hurdles, nearly 85% of black babies were born to a married mom and dad in 1950. Granted that’s much less than the 98% of white babies born to married mom and dad in 1950. But that’s as even as it ever was in post-Antebellum U.S. history. Meanwhile there were less than 150,000 Black Americans in prison or jail in 1950 (of course the “war on drugs” greatly contributed to that number being 10-times higher in 2021). Black-owned businesses thrived through the early 1960s and were pillars of stability in Black communities. Here, we repeat the statistics from the beginning of the article.

  • The average American adult woman (up to age 35) had 3.58 kids in 1960.
  • 76% of black American babies were born to married mom and dad in 1965.
  • 97% of white babies were born to married mom and dad in 1965
  • 72% of all Americans were married in 1960.

Out-of-wedlock Black births rose from about 15% in 1950 to 24% in 1965. Black-owned businesses closed at a rapid pace after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 officially ended segregation. Thus Black-owned businesses were no longer “necessary.” Black customers were now more inclined to patronize the White-owned business that they formerly could not go to. In fact many Black intellectuals who grew up during those times blamed integration not only on the fall of the Black family, but also Black infrastructure, meaning businesses.

The damage was done to Black Americans. The situation continually worsened until it reached abyss levels in 2021. But eugenicists weren’t satisfied. They now had the blueprint to population control and manipulation – destroy the nuclear family. White families had been unaffected by all of the happenings of the 1960s. A new strategy was necessary, as the same tactics used to hasten Black family self-destruction wouldn’t work on white families.

Birth control pills were mainstream among white women by the late 1960s. That alone slowed births quite a bit. But Planned Parenthood and its partners had loftier goals for global population control.

1969: the official start to modern global depopulation

Mainstream media “fact-checkers” (e.g. Snopes and Politifact) say that Bill Gates, Sr. never worked for Planned Parenthood and dismiss the whole idea as “conspiracy theory.” Planned Parenthood websites have scrubbed all remnants of Gates Sr. working for them. Unfortunately for mainstream media, Bill Jr. spilled the beans in a May 9, 2003 PBS interview. Like eugenicist father, like eugenicist son. Gates Jr. told Bill Moyers:

When I was growing up, my parents were always involved in various volunteer things. My dad was head of Planned Parenthood. And it was very controversial to be involved with that. And so it’s fascinating. At the dinner table my parents are very good at sharing the things that they were doing. And almost treating us like adults, talking about that.

The full PBS transcript is here. Bill Gates Jr. was born in 1955. Thus he was “growing up” in the 1960s and early 1970s. That is the time frame that Gates, Sr. headed Planned Parenthood, likely after Sanger died. His visions extended far beyond Sanger’s black genocide goals. The organization and its partners forged ahead with its new, larger visions.

The Jaffe Memo

Frederick S. Jaffe was the Vice President of Planned Parenthood in 1969. He was also Executive Director of Planned Parenthood’s Center for Family Planning Program Development. He wrote a memorandum in response to a request from Bernard Berelson, who at the time was President of the Rockefeller-founded Population Council. The March 11, 1969 letter became known as the Jaffe Memo.

The 9-page document is a fascinating read into the minds of eugenicists and depopulation advocates. But it is page 9 that is essentially the blueprint for everything that has happened since 1969 related to American families, social norms, sexuality and depopulation. A table outlines “Proposed Measures to Reduce Fertility by universality or Selectivity of Impact in the U.S.”

The full document is here if the screenshot is hard to read. The left-hand column outlines Universal Impact measures for Social Constraints.

  • Restructure family – alter image of ideal family and avoid/postpone marriage
  • Compulsory [public] education for children
  • Encourage increased homosexuality
  • Fertility control agents in water supply
  • Encourage women to work

Payments to encourage self-sterilization, contraception and abortions are also proposed in the document. It also discourages private home ownership.

Planned Parenthood’s Center for Family Planning Program Development broke away from the organization in 1974 and became the non-profit subsidiary Guttmacher Institute. It was named after Dr. Alan Guttmacher, an OB-GYN and former Vice President of the American Eugenics Society (now called the Society for Biodemography and Social Biology). The Guttmacher Institute officially split from Planned Parenthood in 2007. Jaffe headed the Guttmacher Institute until his death in 1978.

Of course mainstream media “fact-checkers” have done amazing word gymnastics trying to discredit the Jaffe Memo as “conspiracy theory.” But again, read it for yourself and continue reading this article.

Legal abortions and executing the homosexual agenda

Planned Parenthood and the Population Council were and are very influential. They also have bottomless government funds. The organizations immediately went to work executing the Jaffe Memo in real-life.

The homosexual agenda is necessary to destroy nuclear families, destroy the natural, common sense fact of man and woman; and cull overall birth numbers. Obviously homosexual “couples” cannot procreate without weird science. The more homosexuality, the less procreation.

Coincidentally or otherwise, three months after the Jaffe Memo, the so-called “Stonewall Riots” occurred in New York. An Italian Mafia-owned bar in Greenwich Village that catered to homosexuals, was raided by police on June 28, 1969.  The mainstream story is that the bar was raided because homosexuals were in there. The whole narrative, particularly the “who threw the first brick” thing, is now disseminated in memes, as much of the story is exaggerated and fabricated, like all 21st century “LGBT” narratives. Stonewall was orchestrated to create the modern “LGBT” movement.

We’ll get back to homosexual culture and its importance to the overall depopulation agenda shortly.

Abortion and Planned Parenthood victories in 1970s

The Family Planning Services and Public Research Act was signed into law by President Richard Nixon in 1970. Known more broadly as Title X, the bill guarantees federal funding “dedicated to providing individuals with comprehensive family planning and related preventive health services.” Since 2010, the Title X program received about $300 million in taxpayer funds per year, every year.

New York was the first state to legalize abortion in 1970. Planned Parenthood opened its first legal abortion clinic in Syracuse, New York that year. But federal law still prohibited the practice. The U.S. Supreme Court broadened its ruling in the aforementioned Griswold case in 1972. The Court, in Eisenstadt vs. Baird, extended legal contraception to unmarried couples as well – essentially everyone. Back-alley, illegal abortion clinics operated in many cities in the 1960s. Of course Roe vs. Wade was decided in 1973, legalizing abortions in all 50 states.

Normalizing homosexuality

Abortion and birth control were now fully legal across the U.S., just three years after the Jaffe Memo. Now it was time to fully implement homosexual culture as legal, protected and sacred. The American Psychiatric Association updated its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-II) in 1973. It changed homosexuality from a mental disorder to a “sexual orientation disturbance” and a “normal sexual variant.” An additional caveat was added in 1974 that said, “homosexuality by itself does not constitute a psychiatric disorder.”

The International Gay Association (now ILGA) was founded in 1978. Homosexual culture was well on its way to becoming a protected, mainstream class of people as it was integral in the overall population control agenda.

Mainstream powers tried equating disco music with homosexual culture to disseminate the lifestyle as normal. Of course a vast majority of disco acts were Black Americans who weren’t homosexual. But most disco acts simply did not care who their fans were because they were making hundreds of thousands, and even millions of dollars, during the disco era. This blogger did a college podcast on the negativity of hip-hop in 2006. It also touched on disco in the 1970s. You may listen to it here.

White liberals fueled the homosexual-disco narrative. Disco Demolition Night essentially ended the disco era and the momentary homosexual mainstreaming in 1979. It was more a backlash against homosexual culture, and not necessarily the music. Hollywood also wasn’t cooperating with the homosexual agenda, for whatever reason.

80’s backlash to homosexuality, while women work

National and global psy-ops need a coordinated mainstream media to work. Television shows and movies in the 1970s and 1980s depicted women as workers and career people. Whereas June Cleaver and Donna Reed were to the 1960s, Mary Tyler Moore and Ann Romano (One Day At A Time) were to the 1970s. The movie “9 to 5,” released in December 1980, was still the 20th-highest grossing comedy in history as of 2005. Dolly Parton, Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin all played working women in corporate America.

The agenda was working, in that women now worked just as much as men. And it had the desired effect. Fertility rates were slashed in half in a matter of 20 years. The average American woman had 3.58 kids in 1960. That number dropped to 1.77 kids by 1979. Out-of-wedlock births spiked dramatically among Black Americans, from about 20% in 1960 to 55% in 1980. But most importantly to the eugenicists, the plan was working, albeit more slowly, for White Americans too. Out-of-wedlock white births rose from 3% in 1960 to about 12% in 1980.

Women were officially workers first, instead of mothers and wives. Most women – 60% – used birth control pills or some other contraception by 1988. But the homosexual agenda hit an unexpected snag. Those who grew up in the 1980s know that the words “faggot,” “fairy” and “homo” were commonplace in popular 80s movies.

Further, homosexual culture was still too taboo for even Hollywood. Perhaps the two most popular homosexual characters of the 1980s – Lamar in “Revenge of the Nerds” and Hollywood in “Mannequin” – were both Black. Just like Black people were the first to die in 80s horror movies, they were mostly the only homosexual characters in movies.

Hollywood (the city, not the character) also was not fully cooperating as it related to breaking up the nuclear family. The Cosby Show depicted a successful, well-off nuclear Black family. Family Matters and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Aire did the same in the late 80s and early 1990s. Growing Pains and Family Ties depicted stable, nuclear white families. Even Al Bundy, from Married…With Children, would never cheat on his wife, Peggy.

Other than the establishment of new, independent movie studios in the 1990s (e.g. Miramax, Lions Gate, and New Line), it’s unclear what happened in Hollywood to change from anti-homosexual and pro-family, to the direction it swayed in the late 1990s. The watershed moment came in 1997 when Ellen DeGeneres “came out as gay” on her eponymous television series. The terms “LGBT” and “GLBT” first appeared in English-language books and newspapers around 1995. Internet also became mainstream in the late 1990s, making messaging more coordinated and streamlined.

Surveillance state, childhood vaccines, water supplies and homosexual protected class

September 11, 2001 was a litmus test. It determined gullibility and acquiescence levels in Americans. Everyone watched three controlled demolitions of skyscrapers that day. But the “19 Muslims with box cutters” narrative caught on and remains the official government story today.

The strategy was now clear – scare Americans into cooperation, even if they know you’re lying to them. Americans at-large were scared after 9/11 and would do anything government and media told them to do for “safety.” The Patriot Act got Americans accustomed to giving up their rights. Surveillance became the norm in a matter of 2-3 years. That same strategy would be used 20 years later for an even more sinister agenda. More on that in a bit.

More vaccines for kids

When this blogger was a child, he remembers receiving one vaccine – the MMR. There may have been one more for tetanus, but can’t really remember.

Vaccine schedules for children continually expanded in the 2000s. Today most children born after the year 2000 get 16 injections before age 12, plus annual flu shots. Autism was present in 1 in 150 children in 2000, according to the CDC. By the end of the decade (2010), it was 1 in 68. In 2016, it was 1 in 54 kids. Mainstream media say that any relationship between vaccines and autism is “conspiracy theory.” Autistic adults rarely have children, essentially eliminating this entire group from procreation.

Contaminating the water supply

The Jaffe Memo also mentioned “fertility control agents in the water supply.” Dr. Tyrone Hayes and his studies on the ubiquitous herbicide atrazine, manufactured by Syngenta, became a lightning rod issue in the 2000s. Dr. Hayes found that male frogs exposed to atrazine not only exhibited homosexual behavior, but also biologically morphed into female frogs.

Atrazine is the most commonly-detected pesticide in U.S. ground water, according to The National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Project. Dr. Hayes’ research was groundbreaking. But unfortunately Alex Jones turned it into a meme about “gay frogs.” Jones covered and editorialized Dr. Hayes’ research, but failed to interview Dr. Hayes or even attribute the research to him. Thus everyone believed it was just Jones spouting this off since he never cited the source.

A 2007 study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that testosterone levels in American men have declined by 1% every year since the late 1980s. In other words, a 40-year-old man in 2021 has testosterone levels 30% lower than a 40-year-old man in 1991. A presentation by Yale researchers at the 2020 American Urological Association Virtual Experience outlined how testosterone deficiency has a prevalence upwards of 40% in American men. Less testosterone means less sexual desire and lower sperm counts, thus, less procreation.

Victories for the homosexual depopulation agenda

Meanwhile, the homosexual agenda had yet another watershed moment in the late 2000s. Miss California, Carrie Prejean, likely lost a beauty pageant because she had the audacity to say marriage is a union between a man and a woman in April 2009. A homosexual man asked her about homosexual marriage during the pageant. Ms. Prejean was the first public person ever “cancelled” for refusing to regurgitate LGBT propaganda.

Homosexual culture, aka non-procreative culture, was now mainstream, protected and reinforced by media, public schools and government. The Jaffe Memo also proposed compulsory education for kids. California public schools…well, see for yourself.

COVID-19 vaccines – voluntary sterilization and death

The depopulation agenda, in accordance with the Jaffe blueprint, is essentially a mission accomplished by 2019. Birth rates continually plummeted to their current all-time lows. The nuclear family is nearing extinction. Nearly 40% of all American babies were born to a single mom in 2018, according to the CDC. That’s up from 12% in 1980. About 70% of black babies were born to single moms in 2018. And 30% of white babies were born to single moms in 2018, up from 3% in 1960 and 12% in 1980. Birth control and abortion are normalized. Men are now called women (“trans”). Those who fail to play along with these word games are cancelled “bigots.”

COVID-19 is the final chapter in the depopulation agenda for both the United States and world. The Jaffe blueprint spoke of voluntarily sterilization. But 9/11 provided a further framework to execute the plan. If you scare Americans they become more obedient. “Terrorists” and “Muslims” were the boogeymen in 2001. An invisible, allegedly deadly, arbitrary virus took that role in 2020. The United States completely shut down in March 2020. The very popular NCAA basketball tournament was cancelled, the NBA season was postponed, and everyone was told to stay home for their own safety. It was all completely unprecedented and spooked the populace.

Scared into obedience

The messaging was clear – if you catch COVID-19, you will die. The vast majority of Americans believe this narrative despite readily-available CDC data showing a 99%+ survival rate for everyone under age 70. People wore/wear masks religiously despite readily-available data showing positive correlations between mask mandates and rising COVID-19 cases. The 2021 “vaccine” agenda was set up well by 2020.

If you believe the statistics, 57% of Americans are “fully vaccinated” as of October 13. We know for a fact that these injections cause spontaneous abortions and still births. We know that the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections pass from mother to baby during breastfeeding. There’s also data showing that these injections inhibit placenta development, thus rendering women infertile. But these things only happen if you survive.

The injections do not stop the spread of so-called COVID-19. That is a fact. The only proven purposes of these injections are obedience and depopulation.

Looking ahead to 2022

Let’s recap. The 1969 Jaffe Memo appears to be the blueprint for everything happening in 2021. Fertility rates are at all-time lows in 2020. Nuclear family is nearly extinct in the United States. In 1949, 79% of U.S. households had a married couple. Today, that number is 48%. Groundwater is contaminated with gender-bending chemicals. Homosexual culture (“LGBT”) is now the most protected, sacred people in America because they are not procreating. This agenda also ensures that the nuclear family continues its path to extinction.

Comedian Dave Chappelle spotlighted these phenomena in his latest Netflix special.

And Chappelle’s theory played out in real life just days later. Former Las Vegas Raiders (NFL) coach John Gruden was fired from his post this week. But here’s the funny part. He made disparaging remarks about the Black head of the NFL Players Association back in 2011 (said something about big lips). That did not get him fired. It wasn’t until a day or two later when more emails were released, showing Gruden making anti-homosexual remarks during that same time period. Then he was fired.

But do the powers-that-be really care about LGBT? The group is by far the most obedient and most easily manipulated since their entire existences are predicated on smoke and mirrors. An August survey by a pro-LGBT organization found that 92% of Americans who identify as LGBT have received one of the mRNA or viral vector DNA injections. Thus they are the most likely “group” to line up for the shots. It’s an interesting phenomenon since this group is needed for depopulation agendas to work. Yet they are being vaxxed at a much higher rate than any other so-called groups, thus are “self-deleting” more than any other group.

We know for certain that the world will look very different by the end of 2022. What that means exactly is anyone’s guess. The non-vaxxed will come out of this as the only pure humans left on Earth. GMO humans will be the majority, at least in the Western world. But they will also be sick and dying much younger than they should. Are there going to be piles of bodies? Will anyone ever be held accountable? This is The Great Reset. This is the New World Order. We are living the final days of what used to be humanity, and entering this new era. Cling to like-minded people.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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2 years ago

The plandemic was and remains an intelligence test. Now that the sheeple too dumb to think have already willfully poisoned themselves…when will the globo pedovores unleash their dogs on the remaining 30% that get it? That’s when the real fun begins.

YOU are the disease, their covaid$ death squirt the cure
PfiZer macht frei….permanently

2 years ago
Reply to  Martillo

Even some of the ones who get what’s going on, have and will take the jab.
A co-worker I speak with regularly says he knows the dangers of the shot, but he wants to travel. He confirmed he’ll take it when it becomes necessary so he can traverse the world.

rm p
rm p
2 years ago
Reply to  MrMonkeyShines

Yikes – if anyone imagines the possibility of travelling very long after getting spiked then they do NOT know the dangers of the situation…..Such people may have been programmed by too many t.v. “Survivor” episodes, and imagine they will be “winners” of the game?
This is not a game, Life…and, if one is not spiritually prepared for the Next Phase of life, a premature departure from this phase I would not wish upon an enemy, let alone a stranger….

2 years ago
Reply to  rm p

Unfortunately, I feel that we all have been unknowingly been playing the Hunger Games 4real! 😕

1 year ago
Reply to  rm p

“Survivor” was taking two groups of people and pitting them against one another, and within both groups, pitting people against one another.

The show which really deserves the programming award, however, appears to have been “Big Brother”, getting people used to the idea of being spied on 24/7 and having no privacy, not to mention ‘that everyone is single’.

2 years ago
Reply to  Martillo

CDC Deputy Director, Anne Schuchat; CDC Chief of Staff, Sherri A. Berger; CDC Chief Medical Officer, Mitchell Wolfe; CDC Director, Washington Office, Jeff Reczek; COVID Czar, Jeff Zients; Albert Bourla, Tal Zaks, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Rochelle Wallinksy, Anthony Fauci, Alex Gorsky, Rachel Levine; Mark Zuckerberg, Susan Wojciki and Sergey Brin; Moses Hess, Genrika Yagoda, Lev Davidovich Bronstein, Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich (Kogan), Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov-Blank and Matvei Davidovich Berman; Rothschilds, Susan Rosenberg, Gyorgi Schwarz, Barbara Lerner Spectre, Betty Friedan, Sonia Steinem, Tim Wise, Moshe Kantor, Noel Ignatiev, Anetta Kahane………..

fan of flowers
fan of flowers
2 years ago
Reply to  Gary

all ‘jews’. why do they hate humanity so much?

Karen Hetherington
Karen Hetherington
2 years ago
Reply to  fan of flowers

Because they worship an off-planet god, Yaldaboath and want total domination of the earth. But they are on the quest to rid the world of everyone else but Chews. The same story thru history but this time the jab-murdered may come close to 5 bn; some dying sooner than others.

Last edited 2 years ago by Karen Hetherington
2 years ago
Reply to  Martillo

“It is aSmallRootlessInternationalClique. That isTurningPeopleAgainst each other and PreventingThem fromHavingPeace”. Who said this? His wisdomed words are still relevant to this day, as this Nepotism-practicing Clique still hold positions of MalignInfluence in HostNations.

2 years ago
Reply to  Martillo

Many of us are not retired or near retirement age, nor do we have the money to just leave our jobs. Now I am being forced (mandated) to get this. Many of us don’t have a choice.

2 years ago
Reply to  rmdoug

I sympathize with how you feel, and I am not in your position so I don’t fully understand because I am not living the same thing, but I would like to remind you that you always have a choice. In this case the choices that are obvious are not good, but brainstorm for a bit and see if you and perhaps a good friend or family member can come up with another or several other choices.
Some people I know who lost their shops last year went online and now do almost all of their business that way. There’s always Etsy, eBay, and Amazon if you sell goods. One friend sold her expensive home, downsized, and bought one for cash with money left over to live on for 2 years. We moved to a different state. Teachers can tutor online privately, or even open their own studio, as can musicians. You can even practice law online, and of course if you can write code it’s also done remotely, from home. Surely better minds than mine can come up with many more options, and you only need one that might work for you. I wish you all the best in this terrible time, Molly.

2 years ago
Reply to  MollyMalone


2 years ago
Reply to  rmdoug

FIGHT IT! There is no mandate, and it is totally illegal for employers to be doing this. You aren’t being forced, you’re being lied to. has good resources and so does TJ Mars, look them up. And get your co workers together to stand against it, injected or not. Don’t just let things happen to you, be brave! There’s always a way.

PamV from Texas
PamV from Texas
2 years ago
Reply to  rmdoug

That’s a terrible choice to have to make but one surely coming to all of us non wealthy. Maybe you can delay it by accepting a different job? A patriot run business perhaps?

Kathryn Gannon
Kathryn Gannon
2 years ago
Reply to  rmdoug

A mandate is not the law you need to know your rights.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Kathryn Gannon

When your employer is pointing a gun to your head and you are single, need health insurance and aren’t a wealthy person, it is not as easy as many think it is. And please enough about what is mandated and what isn’t. Employers don’t care. If you work for a Fortune 500 company, most of them sold their souls long ago and are forcing employees to comply or lose their jobs. I guarantee also that the government is going to find a way to stop unemployment for the unvaccinated. Don’t forget that everything they do is to deflect from what they are really doing.

2 years ago
Reply to  rmdoug

You have a choice you can quit and find another job. Really, you are trading your health or life and your liberty for money.

I’m 46 and quit my $200,000 per year job that took me 21 years to advance to over the mask and lockdowns. Now I’m farming and building cabinets making about $30,000 year.

2 years ago
Reply to  Martillo

My co-worker will never take it, his wife will never take it, but his brother took it solely because his job said if he gets sick then he won’t get paid unless he got it…even after knowing that it is poison.

2 years ago

Please…all believers who comment here…pray for my 98-year-old father, Kaare. He tried to lift a heavy tire and collapsed. Was on the ground two hours, and they just took him away to the hospital. I am terrified they will give him a phony covid test, and then kill him with a ventilator and resdesiver and he will be dead in three days. The problem is that his wife worships the killer medical industry. She will to agree to anything. He needs to get out of the hospital as soon as possible.

His wife forced him to get Moderna last March. I’m pretty sure they were saline, because he has not had any problems. If he gets a booster… no such luck. I warned him to BE SUPER careful, not to hurt himself, because if he went to hospital he would be a dead duck. As usual, he didn’t listen to me.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

I will remember your father in prayer. My dad is 93 and he still does things that make me cringe if I don’t keep an eye on him, like get on the roof in the heat. It’s hard when people don’t listen to you–one of the hardest realities to accept about the relationships with our loved ones.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

You should try to establish medical power of attorney, which you can often arrange with the hospital itself ahead of time (The VA calls it a living trust). This way, you cannot be excluded from the hospital. You have to be at his bedside in order to protect him.

Robert Hansard
Robert Hansard
2 years ago

Carrie Madej has done all she can warning people about the cov fraud. I think we all have and now i feel it would be a good thing if everyone who took the vaccine would drop dead. I still cannot see my brother who is in Assisted living. My dad died weeks after taking the pfizer booster shot. He was in the same assisted living facility as my brother. And they still won`t allow me to visit him unless i take the same mRNA vaccine that killed my father.I been searching for a Lawyer to file a lawsuit against Sun Valley, 110 Terrapin Drive,Sykesville, MD 21784. Now i just hope the ignorant employees and owner of Sun Valley would just drop dead. The world would be a better place without them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Robert Hansard

Praying for you, hun…this scenario you presented is just unfathomable. I often have wondered for people in situations like yours with loved ones seemingly being held “hostage” in these long term care/assisted living facilities, are you allowed to discharge them and have them cared for at home? How does that work? I’m a registered nurse but I truly don’t understand how those facilities have the power to completely isolate ther residents from family and the family go along with it. I understand that some people are really ill, have dementia, etc….but if it had been a year or more and some pompous nursing home administrators banned me from seeing my mom, I would have her moved out of said facility immediately and try to find an in home care taker or something. Many people on Medicare qualify for home health aides and home health services. Just curious on what the psychos running these facilities that have become death camps use as justification to hold residents hostage.

2 years ago
Reply to  Robert Hansard

Horrifying, I am so sorry. Is it possible to have him transferred? I’m thinking to another state… FL looks good, or any state that is fighting back, but probably not feasible for most of us.
My people refuse to listen too, very sad and sobering, and it drives a certain type of wedge between us.

2 years ago
Reply to  Robert Hansard

Sadly, all that have taken the 666 are beholden to Lucifer and are property and patented commodities…The Creator will never recognize them again because their DNA has been altered at the precise moment the contents of this Luciferase entered their bloodstream, not in the image of the creator, but in the image of Lucifer as a literal GMO Transhumanist Cyborg…future Cannabalisic Zombies made to order and polished to perfection…I doubt that they would be even half-human after the operating systems in these Jabs are fully updated…the Mark of the Beast…

PamV from Texas
PamV from Texas
2 years ago
Reply to  Robert Hansard

And bill gates and the rest of that death squad.

Amin Abdullah
2 years ago

Thank you for the effort. Great and informative article.

2 years ago

Just as the waves are allowed to go so far and no farther, so are the depths of human debauchery. I believe that the good news in all this is that Jesus returns soon. Covid is the warm-up act before the main event.

In the meantime, keep teaching people, warning people, doing what we can to make whatever difference we can until then.

rm p
rm p
2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

What afflicts humanity today is beyond human debauchery, Mr. R…. Am praying for conversions/salvation of many more – eternity is a long time…🙏🏼💖🎆

2 years ago

I remember in 1965 my family and I were at a local Indian trading post. They sold buffalo burgers, had a play yard for kids and a great souvenir store. I was very young then.

A black family came in to eat. Mom, Dad, 2 kids. Well behaved, polite, clean. I remember playing with them in the yard while my older family members were eating.

Black, white or Indian (which was the majority of people I grew up with), the couples were married, the man worked, usually mom stayed at home, they had clean yards, and they were really good people. People back then were just more good.

So much has changed even in the town I’m living at now. I don’t know what happened. I don’t know if it’s vaccine damage to their brain, GMO food, illegal drugs or SSRI’s prescribed by their doctor.

I’m living in Zombieland. Younger women around me have multiple children with multiple men. Some brag about how many abortions they’ve had. Most of them cry on social media they need a go fund me page to pay for medical bills, yet they have thousands of dollars of tattoos on their bodies. A lot of them are very unhappy. Many of them are revolving doors at the local parole office. A entire family next door to me were arrested on drug charges, buying drugs from the cartel.

I’m no angel. I had my fair share of going to the discos and dancing all night long, but today? I’m a saint compared to what I see. I feel very sad for some of these lost souls. I’ve given out my phone number a gazillion times if someone wanted to talk. I’ve not had one person call me.

I give up…I stay at home. Shop in a different area, avoid the big blue store, and cook mostly at home.

Amin Abdullah
2 years ago
Reply to  Debbie

Saying “thank you”, “please” and having “clean yards”, does not make people good people. That’s often just a subterfuge.

“Illegal drugs” are illegal because they are used as a pretext to prohibit natural substances that expand consciousness. The “war on drugs” is a war on the mind and to fill the privately run prison complex to make the shareholders with “clean yards” richer.

Your comment reminded me of the biblical parable of the Tax Collector and the Pharisee. Guess which one you are.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

Wow. What a judgemental man you are. Meth doesn’t raise consciousness. It destroys families and kills people.

You completely missed my point. People were nicer then.

You sound very bitter.

Amin Abdullah
2 years ago
Reply to  Debbie

You mean back then in 1965 you didn’t feel threatened by that “black” family, but now you feel threatened by blacks.

People are still nice when one is easy going, radiate good energy and secure in one’s persona, but when you project your fears and insecurity on others, expect them to be conform to your own culture , all you see around you is your own BS. Granted, nobody is perfect of course.

Your external world is a ripple/reflection of your own internal world. If you see too much BS around you, it only means that there is too much BS inside you.

Your initial comment comes out like this :

“Back in 1965, when I was a kid, I played with black kids, therefore I am not the prejudiced biatch that you think I am, eventhough now blacks make me feel unsafe, uncomfortable and I expect nothing but the worse from them.”

When you say that I am judgemental, you are just projecting. Also, when have I said or even insinuated that meth expands consciousness ?. You are either a liar or a liar. Most man made drugs are harmful.

You are reminding me of that stupid woman who was riding in my taxi a few years ago. When a black woman asked me for directions then left, the stupid woman mumbled : “She is very polite. Very unusual”.

fan of flowers
fan of flowers
2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

exactly! i read her comment in the exact same way! smh

2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

Also, when have I said or even insinuated that meth expands consciousness

You did so here:

“Illegal drugs” are illegal because they are used as a pretext to prohibit natural substances that expand consciousness.

You did not specifically say “meth” but the implication was clear. That illegal drugs can expand your consciousness. Many, such as meth, do not. Even those touted as doing so have grave side effects. Man made drugs are dangerous, but that doesn’t make illegal drugs safe.

Your external world is a ripple/reflection of your own internal world. If you see too much BS around you, it only means that there is too much BS inside you.

This is utter bull. Our actions effect us but also those around us. You want to push a no personal responsibility agenda in which you tell people that life is a happy little rainbow as long as they believe in their imagined mind that it is. It doesn’t matter if the government passes detrimental laws harming people. It doesn’t matter if the Covid injections are bad. It doesn’t matter if your family members get killed. It’s all “okay” as long as you act upbeat and believe that it is. The toxic positivity is strong in you.

And if you claim to be against these injections (otherwise why are you here?) then you have to admit that our special snowflake “internal world” cannot fix every external thing that may happen in our lives or the lives of those we love. Please rethink this dangerous world view. It keeps people asleep when you shame them into not noting negative societal changes or problems because if they do they are “bad people”. Just stop.

2 years ago
Reply to  Debbie

Actually, as a stimulant, methamphetamine ands it’s analogues do raise consciousness by nature, it’s why people on meth can’t sleep for three days.

vincent mackay
2 years ago
Reply to  Debbie

Debbie,I grew up the same way.I was taught right and wrong.My Dad went to work my Mom stayed home and cooked, took my sister and I to and from school. Today there are very few families who eat home cooked meals, my Dad bought a house, paid cash for our cars, took us on family vacations. To do that today with only one person working would be very hard not impossible.NAFTA and globalization were the death of the good paying union jobs.So much has happened and none of it was random, this has all been planned out years ago.

Spec Ops
Spec Ops
2 years ago
Reply to  Debbie

I was born in 1983. Even then I still remember when things were simpler and straightforward.

Now, I just keep away from everyone.

fan of flowers
fan of flowers
2 years ago
Reply to  Debbie

why did you feel the need to describe the black family in that way? did it shock you that they were “clean”???

PamV from Texas
PamV from Texas
2 years ago
Reply to  Debbie

Me too Debbie I feel as if I am in a foreign country- people speaking in foreign languages everywhere. I go to work and stay home.

RJ Palmer
RJ Palmer
2 years ago
Reply to  Debbie

I hear you. I truly wish I’d been born 25 years earlier than I was. This world has become a hell hole with the “Me” generation (which comprises people of many ages.)

1 year ago
Reply to  Debbie

Amazing ,how people have money to blow on expensive tattoos,then complain or get angry when ,they cant pay bills or their debts

2 years ago

I did my own personal “dig” on the NIH and I found truly stunning connections to the agenda you have described here. In my opinion, the “lynchpin” is a woman named Mary Lasker. Unless it has been recently “updated” if you look at her ‘wikipedia’ page you will find out that this woman was a close ally of Margaret Sanger AND a key person in developing the NIH as the major funder of medical research world wide. Furthermore, if you examine the winners of the so-called “American Nobel Prize” which is awarded by the Lasker Foundation you will see very significant recognition of the depopulation agenda via the HPV vaccines, which can cause ovarian failure, as well as an award specifically given to Planned Parenthood. The NIH is, in my opinion, a dedicated ally in the depopulation agenda and the Lasker Foundation is one of their biggest cheerleaders.

2 years ago

I think that lockdowns, social distancing and shutting down the economy also contributes to depopulation by making it more difficult for people to meet and interact and create new relationships/get married/have children.

Uncertainty about the future and money worries created by lockdowns and restrictions also make many people less willing to have children now, I imagine.

2 years ago

This was an absolutely fantastic article. Very well done, researched and clearly presented. Bravo!!

2 years ago

Paying close attention to the names, I am always noticing certain (((commonalities))). I guess it is just another one of those Cohen-incidences?

fan of flowers
fan of flowers
2 years ago
Reply to  Gary

yes. it’s very hard to ignore!

2 years ago
Reply to  Gary

Actually, when you research the Genealogies of famous figures you will find commonalities as they are interrelated going back centuries, and if you dig deeper, they have the Tribe of Dan/Ashkenazi bloodlines, and this includes Royals…Gates for example trace her bloodline back to William the Conquerer & Charlemeign as do most Presidents who are also related to the British Royals…actually Presidents are all interrelated among themselves and De Facto Governor Generals for the British Empire..All the Founders were British Nobles that sold out the Colonists who gave their lives for Freedoms….ameriKa to this day is not a country, it is a Corporation under England…anyone can confirm these things on any public genealogy site…I use but there are others…once you see the patterns and bloodlines of all these Luciferians,,, then it all starts to click…Now you know why Geneology and even Human Anatomy, are not taught in Government Indoctrination Camps, I’m sorry, I meant to say Public Schools…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

You are 100% correct. Excellent insight. I hope the masses are starting to figure it out. But I’m afraid either way we are going for quite a ride in the foreseeable future.

2 years ago

Regarding to your reference to a medical journal documenting the declines in men’s average testosterone levels over the years.

One underlying factor may well be a urological condition some men suffer from; it is called varicocele (pronounced sort of like: ‘very-cold-seal’; ‘vari-koh-seal’). Varicocele is basically a varicose vein in the scrotum. Defective valves in the testicular vein tasked with draining waste blood away from the testes means that warm, deoxygenated waste blood ‘pools’ around the testes, increasing testicular temperature. This increased scrotal temperature inhibits spermatogenesis (sperm cell production) and steroidogenesis (testosterone production).

While many men with varicoceles remain fertile and continue to have healthy testosterone levels throughout their lives, in some men, the varicocele can cause damage to the testes over time. Factors such as heavy cigarette smoking, excess alcohol, poor diet might exacerbate the testicular-damaging effects of varicocele; this may account for why some men with varicocele do not see any declines in testosterone production and sperm count/motility, while other men with varicocele suffer from symptoms of low testosterone, lowered sperm count and/or poor sperm movement (low % motility) and reduced testicular size (testicular atrophy) over time.

The good news is that varicoceles are easily treated by minor surgery or radiologically-assisted embolisation. As varicocele is under-diagnosed, I can guarantee that many men have varicocele without even knowing.

Varicoceles are not all that uncommon. Varicoceles typically occur in the left side of the scrotum; ones that occur on the right side of the scrotum should be more cause for concern, as it might indicate an underlying tumour in the renal or peritoneal region.

It is speculated that varicoceles are on the increase because of poor Western diet lacking in fibre and inadequate intakes of fresh water, which are conducive to constipation. Over time, heavy straining during toilet visits to relieve a constipated colon of stools may lead to permanent distention of the left testicular vein- hence, a varicocele develops. Larger varicoceles may be felt as a ‘tangle of rubbery worms’ in the scrotum. I have one myself, but it does not appear to have harmed my sperm count/motility (as a ‘science geek’ I own a professional microscope, which I have used to examine my sperm).

Jayna Dinnyes
Jayna Dinnyes
2 years ago

Thank You! I do not remember how you came to my email. ??? I agree whole heartedly! I post how to naturally and cheaply prevent all Coronavirus’. Don’t go near any COVID-19 nose-jab testing and vaccines.


2 years ago

EXCELLENT article—hats off to you Brian. Regarding the LGTBXYZ community, they are completely psychologically damaged by their lifestyle that the thought of the government being on their side, is a relief for all the self-condemnation they are feeling.

Homosexuals know in their bones their lifestyle is cosmically and biologically wrong, so whenever they have a person, organization and gov’t fight for them, they become that entity’s slave. They will defend the talking points to their own demise. Lady Gag “Born This Way” was a psychological operation that made gay cool, accepted, and gave permission to many unsuspecting/vulnerable young minds the green light to be exploratory with same sex relations. All men go through a moment of–“is it possible I’m gay”, whenever they catch themselves admiring another man’s physic, but that momentary thought is just that–a moment–until, they catch a glimpse of a woman.

I have a family member who is gay (at this point I think everyone does), in his 40’s, in favor of socialism, communism, the BLM movement, defunding the police, riots, masks, medical tyranny, Biden, etc.. My only explanation for his unwavering attitude is, his soul is so morally corrupt (this goes for many people both gay and straight) that he wants to project a virtuous face to the public by obeying, remaining loyal to the DEM party, appearing more involved in community, and more human toward unfortunates. However, deep down he is miserable, incomplete, alone, afraid, and utterly incapable/unwilling to break free from the proverbial monkey on his back (aka: homosexuality).

The amount of manipulation humanity has endured is unthinkable. We have to remain strong, NEVER CONSENT and be courageous, live by our convictions and truly help other out of compassion not virtue. Be well everyone.

2 years ago

What do Margaret Sanger, Bill and Melinda Gates, and every single Feminist Icon, without exception, such as Gloria Steinem, Betty Freidan, Gloria Allred, etc all have in common just to name a few…they are all Synagogue of Satan, Tribe of Dan/AshkeNazi Jewish, Baphomet Transgenders…Beholden to the Kabahllah & Talmud…this is the Tribe that Yahshua Messiah called out as the Synagogue of Satan and that is wreaking havoc and destruction on humanity…the same members running the Covid Hoax, including the three CEOs of Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca…now tell me…what are the odds of that happening?

1 year ago
Reply to  Car

They claim they want ”A World of their own ” which means genociding all others who arent members of their Tribe ,who will do all the work and and keep Society running ? Second Coming of the Bolsheviks, whom the majority were Jewish ,murdered and killed and tortured millions including the farmers, who grew the food ,history Repeating !! another Holomodor coming ! Vax them out ,Starve them out ,Freeze them out !

Doc Holiday
Doc Holiday
2 years ago

What a fantastically written and researched article! Really enjoyed reading and will enjoy sharing even more. Oftentimes we are so distracted from so many “shiny objects” being thrown at us that it is difficult to go back and put all the pieces together, even when we KNOW what is occurring. This is a great piece to show each puzzle piece and how they fit together to accomplish the same goal. Bravo!

Eric the Red
Eric the Red
2 years ago

They’ve been trying to exterminate us, in the name of their progressive secular humanity. And for decades, step by step we’ve been retreating, without ever taking a stand against their entire agenda. Now they finally have us boxed into a corner, and still most of us can’t envision the idea of using physical force against our enemies. It’s almost too late, when will we ever wake up?

2 years ago

Once again, the Mexican president AMLO, is leading the way against this madness. Apparently they have idiot, activist judges there too, but THEIR president knows how to deal with them.

Parents of a diabetic girl took the Mexican government to court, to get a vaccine for their daughter. The activist judge ruled that the government has to let all Mexican children be vaxed if they want it. The result?

AMLO: “It will be respected legally but at the same time we’ll go to the relevant authority to clarify it.” referring to a legal challenge.

Health Minister Jorge Alcocer said vaccinating children could have a limiting effect on the development of their immune systems. Then the health ministry instructed it’s offices to close, and abstain from receiving any notifications from jurisdictional authorities, leaving the court order in an impasse.

That’s the way to do it AMLO!!! One of the few world leaders with the huevos to fight back against the Global Elite. I just keep praying for him, I know he has a target on his back. They want him dead like those African presidents. Even if the kill him, he will fight them with his last breath.

2 years ago

Thank you very much for posting this great article, such a wealth of information summarising the recent history of the depopulation and population control agenda going back over the past hundred years. It is sombre reading, and I wish it wasn’t true but it is, and I agree with your conclusions that by 2019 it was virtually ‘mission accomplished’. With this being the case, with Western society being in the state it’s in, I think now all that’s left to do is a big cull followed by mopping up afterwards. This article deserves a lot more attention and more comments, you put so much time and effort putting information like this together, I save almost everyone of your posts, along with all the other great articles on this website, it truly is a fantastic blog. And I think many of the commenters are some of the wisest I have read on any blog ever, everyone who posts here usually brings a unique point of view and perspective, for me the comments are like the ‘part 2’ to your articles, sort of like bonus reading material.

2 years ago

‘Thus they are the most likely “group” to line up for the shots.’

By its spiritual nature, the homosexual lifestyle is self-exterminating.

2 years ago

Who the H does bill gates think he is? GOD???

Philip Power
Philip Power
2 years ago

The “Vicar of Christ” Pope Francis said, getting the vaccines, is a Gift of Love!
How depraved & despicable is this person?
A saline nasal spray will prevent Flu and Tuberculosis virus
Harvard researcher Gerhard Scheuch stated that nasal inhalation of a simple saline spray can stop the flu virus and tuberculosis dead in their tracks. For reasons perhaps best known to Merck and others, this potentially life-saving information did not receive wide distribution in the popular press.

PamV from Texas
PamV from Texas
2 years ago
Reply to  Philip Power

Yeh I wonder why……

2 years ago
Reply to  Philip Power

“Pope Frankie” aka Jorge Bergoglio is a demon. Look at the role he played in the Argentine Dirty War. He was the “confessor” of Junta thug Jorge Videla. The book El Silencio is an eye opener concerning this wolf in St Francis clothing. The whited sepulchur is evil and extremely dangerous for gullible and ignorant members of the Roman Church. It’s a big club and they are ALL in it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Philip Power

He is an antipope. Check out what Most Holy Family Monastery has to say about him and his predecessors.

2 years ago

“and homosexual protected class” …>>’weaponized deviance’ (per Dr. K.McCairn)’

Richard Noakes
Richard Noakes
2 years ago

I picked up a dose of a viral infection the day before yesterday, it might have been when I was out shopping or at the doctor’s surgery – I have NOT had the vaccine and won’t if I can avoid it “here”

I had the peppery feeling in my nose, which usually suggests a cold, so I did my salt water sniffle, which I repeat below, and had a slight reaction to the salt, so I did my salt water treatment again, straight afterwards and this time I had a strong reaction to the salt, from my left nostril right up into my hair line – I would describe it best if I could have split my head in two equal halves, the left half was the sore side, in my brain and to the top of my skull the right half was clear – I have NEVER had that experience previously with my salt water sniffle.

I left the salt in my head for another couple of hours and I had a slight head-achy feel at the top part of my head, which another salt water cure erased and afterwards I blew out my nose and flushed away, washing my hands afterwards.

This morning I had my salt water sniffle and no reaction at all to it, which means I had cleared the viral infection and just to be sure I had another salt water sniffle a couple of hours ago and still OK, so I have passed the virus – killed it dead in my head and of course I won’t get Covid anything – bearing in mind that the virus could have been for any viral illness, Alzheimers, Chicken Pox, Legionnaires Disease, The Flu or Coronavirus relating to Covid or just about anything – have to see if any “new” viral infection is reported locally over the next few days or so.

My point being that if you think you have even the slightest reason to think you have picked up a viral infection, do my free salt water cure and stay healthy and safe, because this works and why I never get sick from viruses these past 27 years and I never have vaccines for Flu or Coronavirus type illnesses – because I remain well and am never ill, so what is the point?

The assumption is that the only way to deal with Covid, is after it arrives as Covid in your body, after the initial cold infection, in your head, some 20 days earlier

.Why is that?

Kill the Flu or Coronavirus in the head, soon after getting the virus in the nasal passages inside the head, the brain bulb and brain stem, etc, with my free salt water cure, which flushes out the nasal passages (so no Long Covid) and kills off the Coronavirus infection, immediately, or during the 10 to 14 days of self isolation.

No infection in the head, no Covid – it is as simple as that.

Then the purpose and functions of the vaccines, ceases to be a problem and you simply can’t get sick and won’t ever get Covid.

Mix one heaped teaspoon of “iodine” table or sea salt in a mug of warm or cold “clean” water, cup a hand and pour some of the solution in, then sniff or snort that mugful up into your nose, spitting out everything which comes down into your mouth, from the back of your throat, by so doing, you flush out your nasal cavity, where Coronavirus lives.

If you get a burning sensation (which lasts for 2-3 minutes) then you have a Coronavirus infection.

When the soreness goes away, blow out your head with toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards and continue doing my salt clean water nasal cavity flush cure, morning, noon and night, or more often, if you want, until, when you do my free salt water cure, you don’t experience any soreness at all in your nasal cavity inside your head.

While you are at it, swallow a couple of mouthfuls and if you get a burning sensation in your chest, then you are killing the Covid/Pneumonia there too, so keep it up, each time you do a salt water sniffle, until the soreness in your head and lungs goes away – job done.

When you flush your head with the salt water remedy, it should feel like you are flushing your head with water – no reaction felt at all.

I have been doing this for 27 years and I am never ill from viruses and there is no reason for anyone else to be either and of course, I never have vaccines – what is the point?

You don’t need to be tested to see if you have a head infection, you will know instantly if you have or not, with my free salt water cure

We will need a cure for Coronavirus or the Flu, which everyone will get sooner or later and this is it – my Covid Crusher.

Pass it around to everyone and take credit for it yourself, if you want.


wendy wallace
wendy wallace
2 years ago
Reply to  Richard Noakes

Or get a Neti pot, for simplicity.

RJ Palmer
RJ Palmer
2 years ago

The biggest problem is we still do not know the long term effects. Perhaps DNA will be ruined, maybe the body will repair itself. The problem is we don’t know and won’t know for a number of years. I believe this poison is exactly that – poison – but short of millions dropping dead from the clot shots immediately, it’s too hard to tie the cause and effect well enough to halt this horrible abomination big pharma has come up with.

Also, isn’t it amazing how they all dropped the old “vaccine” method of employing a dead/weak strain of the virus in favor of this new technology? Isn’t it just amazing how they all came up with the exact same idea at once? Go figure.

1 year ago
Reply to  RJ Palmer

When masses of children start dying ,parents are going to go after these Doctors ,nurses ,media doo gooders ,Politicians,Health Officials,etc and chase down in the streets and give them the same treatment

Dennis Gannon
Dennis Gannon
2 years ago

Don’t leave God out of your calculations, etc. The so called “elites” are just pawns. You reap what you sew. While the Kingdom of God is GROWING, like the mustard seed, you still get judgments for Godlessness.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dennis Gannon

So true. Evil always consumes their followers.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

once ”useful idiots are no longer ”useful” ,they get ”removed”

Derek Felton
Derek Felton
2 years ago

Excellent article well done !

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago

One show that I would add to the article with Ellen Degeneris was “Will and Grace.” I knew when that show premiered with an openly homosexual man as a main character that we were in trouble. Well…………………….

2 years ago

It was right in front of our eyes.



2 years ago

Most of us need to die so the like of Gates have more space to park their Lear Jets…

1 year ago
Reply to  Matthew

all those middle class who are ”unsustainable ” in Bill and Klaus’s ,”Brave New World ”

bloggers in boston
1 year ago

Thank you very much for the information you have given, You are one of the sites I follow constantly, I wish you continued success.

1 year ago

Our “elites” are subhuman animals.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x