Bill Gates: a look back on the vaccine godfather’s evolution, as “at least I’m vaccinated or it would be worse” becomes official slogan of the COVID religion
May 12, 2022

Every successful commercial product needs a slogan. This blogger, while working for content marketing firms in the late 2000s and early 2010s, created slogans for various brands. Most of the inspirations came from the 1980s.

“Raise you hand if you’re Sure” for Sure deodorant was a good one. It’s catchy, easy to remember, and resonates with the target audience.

Empire Flooring in Chicago had the second-most famous phone number in the United States, at least in the Midwest, where WGN Channel 9 could be picked up. One-hit wonder pop band Tommy Tutone forced thousands of people to change their phone numbers after “867-5309/Jenny” hit number-4 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1981. But Midwesterners equally couldn’t help singing the catchy “588-2300” jingle of Empire Flooring. The catchy jungle made Empire the first number people called when they needed carpet, flooring or anything related.

It’s all about marketing when it comes to selling products. The Pet Rock is perhaps the dumbest product ever to come to market. But creator Gary Dahl packaged the rocks in a pet-carrier looking box with a 32-page instruction manual on how to care for your new pet (rock). He also released the product during the Christmas season of 1975. He sold 1.5 million units and made well over $4 million.

Miracle medicines, like “life-saving, safe, effective” vaccines, should not need 24/7 marketing via mainstream media. Government and social coercion should also be unnecessary. But when the objective is sinister and ominous versus noble and altruistic, the marketing strategy requires subterfuges and deceit to procure and engage customers.

Bayer Pharmaceuticals President Stefan Oelrich said it was absolutely necessary from the start to lie and market the gene therapy injections as “vaccines.”  Otherwise, nobody would have ever taken the injections if the government said “get your gene therapy” versus “get vaccinated.”  Then you must use Hollywood, professional athletes, mainstream media, government officials, and billionaires to cover up and soften the ongoing maimings and deaths.

Bill Gates makes it official

This blogger wrote about the Lanham Act in late March. It’s the trademark law that we used to get a copycat, imposter website taken offline. The Lanham Act is also the umbrella legislation for false advertising in the United States. Kellogg’s, for instance, paid $5 million in 2011 to settle a Lanham Act lawsuit claiming Rice Krispies boost immunity. More on this later.

Six weeks ago, we wrote about the obvious, deliberate, and desperate ad campaign by several top Democrats meant to encourage their flock to receive booster mRNA injections. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Jen Psaki, Kamala Harris, et al. all coincidentally tested positive for so-called COVID-19 in a two-week stretch of March. Every single one of them tweeted some variant of “I’m grateful to be vaccinated or it would be a lot worse.”

RELATED: Every major triple-vaxxed Democrat tests positive for COVID-19 in two-week span, encourage everyone to get the shots (March 30, 2022)


Now vaccine godfather, World Health Organization owner, and Jeffrey Epstein BFF Bill Gates has made it official. Gates tweeted that he tested positive for so-called COVID-19 yesterday. And he repeated the now-well-established slogan for the COVID-19 religion and their holy serum. “I’m fortunate to be vaccinated and boosted,” he wrote.

Variants of this mRNA and viral vector DNA slogan were already the unofficial slogan for the COVID religion. But ‘ol Bill is God, with Fauci playing the role of Jesus, in the Book of COVID. Liberal media parade this guy around like he’s the foremost voice in virology and epidemiology.

Truth is that when you have billions of dollars, you don’t need the little green army men, action figures, or video games. You can use actual humanity as your playground, as Bill Gates and other oligarchs do. Remember, Gates is a complete dork. He was picked on and made fun of when he was a kid and as an adult. The funniest part of the following 1998 video is how news anchor Dan Rather makes the incident sound like a Presidential assassination.

Rather’s commentary is no surprise, as Bill Gates pays mainstream media platforms untold millions per year to talk good about him.

Some picked-on and bullied kids become cops so they can kill people with impunity to avenge their childhoods. But Bill was raised by Bill Gates, Sr., a proud eugenicist and former chairman of the board for Planned Parenthood. Bill Jr. wanted to manipulate millions of people, not just a few like cops have in a town or county.

Gates continues putting on his oblivious, indifferent “why does everybody hate me” act. Bill is an omnibenevolent, altruistic philanthropist in his own warped, evil mind. Mainstream media reinforce his delusions.

You have to go back to 1998 to understand how this Microsoft computer nerd turned into Satan incarnate and ruler of global medicine.

United States vs. Microsoft (1998)

When this blogger was a child in the 1980s, the family had a Commodore 64 computer at home. At school, there were Apple IIe’s and Apple IIc’s. A few friends had those Texas Instruments computers at home. Microsoft chose its name because it specializes in software, not hardware. IBM computers marketed to businesses. The first IBM personal computer, Altair 8800, debuted in 1981. Microsoft’s MS-DOS  was the operating system. Microsoft was by far the world’s largest and richest software company by the end of the 1980s. The internet is what got Bill Gates in trouble.

Microsoft settled an antitrust lawsuit bought by the U.S. Department of Justice on July 15, 1994. Microsoft and the government signed a consent decree, forbidding Microsoft from using its near-monopoly on operating systems to destroy competition. More than 120 million computers used MS-DOS, with another 50 million using Windows by 1993, according to the government. That equated to a 70% market share. But the government wasn’t done with Microsoft yet.

The lawsuit and settlement

The Justice Department and 20 state attorneys general filed an antitrust (Sherman Act) lawsuit against Microsoft on May 18, 1998. The central issue was Microsoft automatically installing Internet Explorer (“IE”) on all Windows and/or Intel-based computers, and making it difficult to uninstall. The “uninstall” feature on Windows computers only removed the Internet Explorer icon from the desktop, but kept 97% of the actual IE coding.

The government accused Microsoft of essentially trying to own the internet, and block Opera, Netscape Navigator, and other browsers from true competition. Microsoft also used an proprietary version of Java, making it impossible for other company’s apps to operate in Windows. A who’s who of tech companies testified, including, among others, Symantec, AOL, IBM, and Sun Microsystems.

The Bill Gates deposition spanned three days and over 20 total hours. He was arrogant and smug throughout. But one moment defined who and what Bill Gates is as a human being. A Justice Department lawyer asked Gates to identify competing web browsers that “concerned” him. Gates looked genuinely confused. Granted it could have been part of the act. But Gates does not know what “concern” is or means. He cares only about two things: himself and money.

RELATED: Indian Bar Association (Mumbai) pursues murder charges against Bill Gates. (last updated January 31, 2022)


Long story short, U.S. District Court (District of Columbia) Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson found that Microsoft violated antitrust laws. He ordered Microsoft to break into two companies. The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear a direct appeal. The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the lower court’s breakup ruling. The Justice Department and Microsoft ultimately agreed to a settlement on November 1, 2002 that many legal pundits felt was a slap on the wrist.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Microsoft survived completely intact. But Gates lost out on his dream to control humanity via his virus-laden computer operating system and web browser. Gates ultimately wanted control over all human data like Facebook and Google enjoy today. But since he couldn’t monopolize that market (e.g. own a Facebook/Google combo company via Microsoft) to harm humanity, he turned to “public health” to maim and kill.

Gates was mostly seen as a villain to the general public during and after the trial. He needed an image makeover quickly. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation officially launched in 2000. It’s basically the same move oil oligarch John D. Rockfeller used (i.e. Rockefeller Foundation) to rehab his image as an evil billionaire narcissist. There’s no need to get into how many humans, mostly Indians and Africans, Gates has killed and maimed with polio and malaria vaccines since 2000. And good luck finding any information on that in any and all search engines.

Gates essentially owns the entire global “medical industry” via his foundation. And now years after the antitrust lawsuit, the obsequious, slumbering masses look at him as a honest, noble, generous man. Gates is on record saying his $10 billion investment in vaccines returned $200 billion in “economic benefit.” He said it’s the best investment he’s ever made. Bill funded and orchestrated the entire COVID-19 “pandemic,” including the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. That is not a “conspiracy theory.” Bill uses his two loyal lieutenants, Fauci and World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, to make all this happen.

Orchestrating and funding “pandemics”

Of course Fauci has been on the Bill and Melinda Gates Leadership Council since 2010. Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who is not a medical doctor, was Chairman of The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria from 2009 to 2011. He was a board member of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance from 2008-09. Both organizations were founded by Bill Gates. Adhanom Ghebreyesus has been WHO chief since 2017.

Bill is so arrogant that he tells everyone exactly when and how he’ll orchestrate these “pandemics.” Lieutenant Fauci straight up told the world in 2017 (same year Adhanom Ghebreyesus took over the WHO) that “there will be a surprise outbreak” during the Trump Administration.

Gates said last month, “we’ll have another pandemic. It will be a different pathogen next time.” But he also hyped this next pandemic up on June 23, 2020 in a livestream with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The following video is a little over two minutes for context. But if you want to cut to the chase, listen to the last 20 seconds. Bill and Melinda smirked at each other when he said the next pandemic “will get attention this time.”

This blogger believes “the next pandemic” will be this coming winter. Something related to 5G, and the living organisms and metallic materials in the mRNA serums, will “activate” and kill millions.

All the foregoing matters not to vaxx zealots. They love Gates and Fauci unconditionally. We’ll end this article with a few more short clips showing just how evil and sinister Bill Gates is, along with his out-in-the-open intentions with humanity.

Another evil giggle

CNN’s Anderson Cooper, on August 4, 2021, was asking Bill Gates about government forcing people to show vaccine passports to get on planes, to collect Social Security, etc. Bill was so tickled and having so much fun with the question, and the prospect of his “vaccines” having so much control over humanity, that he couldn’t contain his laughter.

Gates’ veiled threat to kill PBS presenter

PBS New Hour’s Judy Woodruff was not giving Bill a pass with the Jeffrey Epstein story. Gates is accustomed to softball questions with no follow-up. But Woodruff bulldogged him about his relationship with Epstein. Bill looked and sounded very uncomfortable and frustrated. When Woodruff asked Gates “is there a lesson for you or anyone else looking at this?”

“Well, he’s dead. You always have to be careful,” Gates said, seemingly telling Ms. Woodruff the consequences of crossing him.

“You don’t have a choice” when it comes to the injections

This one is self-explanatory

But none of this matters

The masses have been told these gene therapy injections are “vaccines.” Hollywood celebrities, professional athletes, mainstream media and government say so. Thus it’s true to 70%+ of the U.S. population. And all of said marketing was/is free. Well, sort of.

There is not one direct-to-consumer ad from Pfizer and Moderna regarding mRNA injections because 1) it’s illegal since they are only authorized for emergency use and 2) U.S. government appropriated $1 billion via the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 to “strengthen vaccine confidence.”

All that money went to mainstream media networks, social media, print media, etc. to push the vaccine agenda (propaganda).

But again, none of this matters to the lambs. Even the recent Walgreens report that shows the non-vaccinated test positive for COVID-19 at lesser rates than double and triple-vaxxed people, won’t matter to the zealots. The injections are killing and maiming; and it’s all being blamed on so-called COVID-19. The “but at least I’m vaccinated or it’s be worse” slogan makes vaxxed people feel better, despite being a blatantly false statement.One COVID Legal USA inquiry asked if we would help them with a pro se false advertising lawsuit against Pfizer. The client ultimately backed out. But it would have been fun to try.

Slogans nurture product loyalty. Vaxx zealots are perhaps the most loyal customers for a particular product in human history. Credit must be given where it’s due. “I’m grateful to be vaccinated, or it would have been worse” is the most effective slogan in advertising history. Unfortunately it also shows just how unintelligent the average human being is.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram.


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2 years ago

The man that needs to portray himself as the philanthropist and saviour is usually killing people on a mass scale

2 years ago
Reply to  Andre

philanthropist is another word for fraud and eugenics

1 year ago
Reply to  ck10

I thought philanthropist meant money launderer or is that when they say they have a “foundation”

2 years ago

I always encourage the people who respond like this to get more boosters, flu shots, in short, anything to speed up the process. I’m just done with them. I can’t muster up sympathy or compassion anymore. 😔 Give them what they want.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

I feel the same way. I’m not yet at the point of overtly saying, “You really ought to get another shot. You’ve already had 3, you’re over 50 and since having taken the 1st 2, you’ve become immune-compromised, which is why your dr. advised that you take the 3rd. It makes no sense to wait to take it in the fall. Just go ahead and get it before Independence Day.” But I’m disgusted by those who say, “____ got the 4th right after Easter because he travels a lot, so wanted to be safe. Fingers crossed. I’ll wait till the fall and get the flu shot and the covid shot at the same time.” Why even wait?! Just get it now and cross your fingers. That’s an optimal strategy.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

Dr. Lee Merritt was on Stand Up for the Truth last week and her advice is to not get another jab of ANYTHING if you took the first. No flu or shingles.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

While I am aware that some of them – if not most of them – can not be reached, I definitely do not wish ill fate upon most of them.

2 years ago

You don’t have to wish any harm on them. They did what they did because they believed fervently that their politicians, doctors, representatives of Big Pharma really cared for them.
Now you can’t help them and whatever your wish is it’s too late for them. They will be dead soon. It’s sad, it’s shocking, I don’t laugh at them because I am not like Gates or Fauci and other psychos but at the same time I don’t have any pity for them. I can’t have any genuine sympathy for them. Their belief in TV personalities and authorities, so called experts, brought death upon them. Still it’s their choice.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

I’ve come to feel the same way over the past 12 months. All we’ve had is disrespect and insults from these people for as long as I can remember. Give them what they deserve

2 years ago
Reply to  Andre

When their conversation starts with the entire praise me I am vaxxed, boostered, every other shot because I care – I just go along and say good for you. Do what you want. Get more. Yadda yadda yadda. No reason to fight them anymore. They won’t listen. 😔

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

I’ve recently talked to my brother’s wife who told me that she was so happy to be vaccinated as her “covid” was not so bad for her thanks to vaccinations. Without jabs she would be much worse than she was. (How on earth she can know it?)
I told her: good for you. Now she is waiting for the third shot. I told her: very good, take it as soon as possible.
My brother is boosted and all the time he has problems with his health.
But there is no way for them to see how absurd all of this is.
I stopped fighting, I stopped worrying about them, I don’t care. I have no pity for them. It’s their choice.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

Compasion and symphaty will not help them now as well. It is over once you took the shot. Your Slavery and torment will continue in the spiritual real in a mental way. We are not the flesh but inhabit the flesh. This is a battle for the free will. Will you be the master of your won free will or veil forces and entities. He who do not want to listen will have to learn trough brutal lessons. Relatives or none relatives. It is what it is. I Carey on without them. This is about spiritual survival or descending into spiritual darkness. I do not want to go that way. They made their bed and all that. Remain the master of your own free will. Whatever the costs. You are the only one won can give it away and that is what really is going on here . Take care.

2 years ago

Gates and all the other players involved in this fraud sure found a stupidly willing population to pull this on. There has always been evil in this world because this is satan’s playground. The TPTB were probably surprised how easily they pulled this off with the happily ignorant population in the US and elsewhere. We have all allowed this evil to be inserted into almost every aspects of our lives for a long time. Instead of speaking up we were silent. We didn’t want to be mocked or ridiculed by our peers or the press so we said nothing. Even many churches played the “ go along to get along” game because it would be uncomfortable to do otherwise. I include myself; just wanted to be left alone, to each his own, it doesn’t involve me. Well that hasn’t worked out too well because they won’t leave you alone. Now this evil is at our doorstep. What are we going to do?

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

I couldn’t believe how many in my church were vaccinated. And I was sick of hearing how Christians should obey their leaders. My husband spoke with the minister saying that everything about this pandemic and the vaccine is a lie, and God hates lies. We had ridiculous mask rules long after our state suspended them. There was a lot of irrational fear, but there were no sermons on “be anxious for nothing.”

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

Well said. In my personal opinion, long story short, as a believer in God and Christ, it is crucial we stay close to them, keep praying for protection, guidance and forgiveness.

Keep striving to have your voice heard so that those seeking answers can have the opportunity to know the other side of the story that the MSM (mainstream media such as your local news or yahoo, for those unaware) doesn’t tell, so they can decide for themselves.

2 years ago

Damn he’s acting so creepy and disgusting like a snake in a frying pan in the Epstein intetview.

2 years ago

I talked to my aunt a few days ago, and she told me about all my cousins and their spouses who had Covid recently, saying “at least they’re vaccinated, or it would have been worse.” I asked her how do you know? There have been no studies to prove this. She didn’t have an answer for me. I didn’t press any further because she’s 91 years old, but I could tell she thought I was nuts for not being vaccinated.

2 years ago

I can’t help but on commenting about this article. So, it has been said by Mr. Gates that he got COVID-19, despite his current vaccination status. I wonder who really believes him. Who are those that really got vaccinated among the powerful who rule our world ? What kind of COVID-19 vaccines did they get ? I really don’t believe that they are vaccinated, for they know very well what these gene therapies can do to their bodies…unless there are other types of substances they can take to protect them from the COVID-19 disease. If they really took their chances with these “vaccines”, wouldn’t we expect that they will no longer be healthy, in a short term, from now on ? It sounds much like that joke that’s been around for some time now: the vaccinated tell the unvaxxed and vice-versa: “why are you still alive” ? Only one thing I know for sure: If Mr. Gates really took the same “vaccines” he offers to us, he might just be crazy, because stupid we all know that he isn’t.

#FBA Sasha
#FBA Sasha
2 years ago
Reply to  Otho

I think on this site, it’s just assumed by all that the rich and powerful get placebos (saline) if they do the shots in public and on camera. Bill probably never got a shot at all. But there are a lot of celebrities going down from the shots too. Wendy Williams, Celine Dion, that Democrat Senator (name escapes me, but there’s a story on this blog about him), Bob Saget, etc. None of the billionaires get the real poison. But some of the millionaires are being sacrificed along with us peasants. Bill still needs to promote his product though.

2 years ago
Reply to  #FBA Sasha

Exactly. These people are psychopaths and will lie to the hilt about getting vaccinated when, in fact, they are not (or have received a placebo). However, there are a lot of “lower level” high income/famous people that are getting caught up in this (such as Celine Dion and Wendy Williams whom you mentioned)…more than I anticipated.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago
Reply to  Otho

He is pretty stupid – couldn’t even finish a degree with mummy and daddies help! Doubt he can write a line of decent code – he bought (scammed) DOS from others and then had a workforce to develop it and Windows. Yes, he clearly has business acumen, but does he really understand the lethality of the genetic transfer therapies? Again, I doubt it, and just maybe he did take them himself. Well, one can hope anyway.

2 years ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

“does he really understand the lethality of the genetic transfer therapies?” All he cares about is how deadly is it? How many shots does it take to maim or kill. He is not a doctor but he plays one on TV.

2 years ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

Absolutely. Ask any programmer over the age of 50 what they think of Gates. But make sure you duck just before they answer!

Unless one counts scamming as a talent, the man is utterly talentless.

Oh yes, lying too…

2 years ago

He is a walking, talking, propped-up intelligence test. Most take him at face value and thusly fail the test.

2 years ago

In addition to being arrogant, Gates is the king of vaccine colonialism and he has now colonialized the USA. Not all of us, of course (who are not jab addicts). But the rest don’t see the shots, or him, as they really are. Good article. There’s lots more, isn’t there, on this Gates person with $$ in every pot, every country. So much some countries don’t even like him anymore. That’s where the USA should be.

A Forgettable Username
A Forgettable Username
2 years ago

I’m pretty sure that Bill and Melinda aren’t actually human. And I’m not really sold on Melinda being an actual woman. Gotta love her upside-down cross though. Let’s you know who their master is right up front.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago

I always wonder how these demons inform their spouses of who they are in league with? Do they sell their soul for money (and/or fame)?

2 years ago

Windows MS-DOS 6.0 itself is stolen software from Stac Electronics using DoubleSpace. They forgot to even remove the Stac label when you booted up Windows and there was a lawsuit that was dragged on into the late 1990s.

It was over Stac Electronics own Disk Compression Software called ‘DoubleSpace’. The article on Wikipedia talks about it under ‘Stac Electronics’ article.

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
2 years ago

Gates seems to be everywhere. Is he cloned???

I hope someone will see him walking on the sidewalk and do the right thing for humanity.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

He’ll never be that openly available to the public.

Sean OC
Sean OC
2 years ago

Pzifer has been airing commercials about being “up to date” on cable TV in the SF Bay Area..the commercial implies that staying up to date will allow society to remain open

2 years ago

Let’s not forget how much Bill Gates loves the environment. Constantly pushing for legislation to limit our use of it while living in the worlds largest underground house (where no one has ever been inside). Bill cares about the environment so much that his home required appx. 500,000 500+ year old Douglas fur trees stripped from the Pacific Northwest. The house (compound) is accessed by an underground tunnel and underground docks and has no power lines. What does he do with all his trash? Probably just opens a hatch and drops it directly into Hell.

2 years ago

Gates still tries to control things via the “Word document” requirements by certain state government employers. Somehow he got them to require that a “Word document” that meets certain requirements, must be submitted to apply for a state job.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tom

We used Novell in one of NYC’s agencies, but then went to Microsoft. More payoffs. Novell apparently offered much more for less $$ but they still went with MS.

2 years ago

About two weeks ago I talked to my brother’s wife who used exactly the same words as in this famous slogan. Now I know why she used them.
Great article again.
By the way, an acquaintance of mine told me in November 2020 that he despised people who claim that Bill Gates makes any profit from vaccines.
Although I found a video when Gates himself admits his profit is 20-to-1 I would never show this video to him. He is too stupid to tell me that he is wrong.
I am sure that he would downplay this fact anyway.
No matter what proof is he will always defend this sick reality.

2 years ago

Billy boy will get what is coming to him. The spiritual law of cause and effect rules Everything. Literraly. It will see to that. Share truth with who is open to it or move on if they cannot be reached.. Billy is misleading many into the many realms of spiritual darkness but what he does not know is that he is also being misled. That is Standard procedure on the path of serving the self. Forever going evil deeds are part of that path. For 1000 and 1000 of years you’ll hear his wailing and crying. Cause and effect for Billy boy in progress. Just remain the master over your free will under all circumstances no matter what and do not take no vaccination. And spiritually your ok. Too bad for those wo took it. Free will is sacred. The did not used it well and like with Everything it comes with spiritual consequenses . It is what it is. Take Care.

2 years ago

We have enough data now to know for a fact that:

  • majority of covid deaths had 3+ comorbidities
  • CDC artificially boosted covid #s by recommending too high cycles of PCR tests
  • treatments for covid that the FDA and hospitals blocked doctors from worked and would have saved thousands of lives
  • hospitals were given bonuses by the govt to not treat covid and more bonuses to put them on ventilators
  • vaccines were not tested properly and the FDA didn’t care
  • vaccines are responsible for more injuries/deaths in those with no covid risk than covid would have caused
  • lockdowns made everything worse for the population just like all the data said at the time
Christa Ford
Christa Ford
2 years ago

Your articles are ALWAYS phenomenally researched and presented, and I share them widely! I have been trying to wake all around me up vigorously for two years, now, and won’t give up! God bless you all in the Name of Jesus Christ

Gabe Olozil
Gabe Olozil
2 years ago

“Microsoft chose its name because it specializes in software, not hardware.”
Actually, Bill Gates named the company after his then-girlfriend’s pet name for his penis.

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
2 years ago
Reply to  Gabe Olozil

LOL! Seriously though, does Bill even have a penis? Is he even a man? He looks and talks like a prepubescent boy. No facial hair or 5 o’clock shadow to be seen. Soft flabby body. This “man” must have the lowest testosterone of any male on the planet. Maybe he was castrated as a boy?

2 years ago

South African actor Jamie Bartlett dead at 55 from a cardiac arrest.

2 years ago

Even 25 years ago, Gates was the arrogant, entitled scum of the earth…..the warning was there, some saw it but they were ridiculed by the MSM.
Nobody is laughing now!

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