Are COVID-19 injections the “ethno-bomb” Israel began developing in the late 1990s?
January 17, 2022 (updated February 6, 2022 – all updates moved to end of the article)

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla.

TEL AVIV — Israel was the first country to start administering fourth (second booster) shots at the beginning of 2022. Turkey started administering fifth booster shots at that same time. But there is growing evidence that the people of those nations may be less susceptible or even immune to adverse effects from the shots.

Who are the Israelis?

The Western world refers to the people of Israel as “Jewish.” Biblical Jews are descendants of the tribe of Judah, which the people who rule today’s Israel are not. Approximately 32% of Israelis are Ashkenazis and political Zionists, aka the rulers of Israel. We’ll interchangeably refer to them by one of those two names or the nationality in this article. You must look no further than the Torah, in the very first book, to begin understanding Ashkenazis.

And the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah…By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations. Genesis 10:3-5 (KJV).

Thus, Ashkenazis are Gentiles, according to their own Torah. Gentiles are of course non-Jewish people. Interestingly or otherwise, the foregoing passage only appears in the King James Version of the Holy Bible. It has been deleted and/or changed in all of the most popular subsequent Bible versions (e.g. NIV, ESV, etc.). Lots of mental gymnastics have taken place about this one Bible verse for decades. This blogger was almost kicked out of a college history course for writing a paper about Ashkenaz and Ashkenazis that challenged the accepted narrative.

The New Testament is even more blunt as to the who and what of today’s Israelis.

“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” Revelation 2:9 (KJV)

One of the best books this blogger has ever read on the subject is The Invention of the Jewish People by Tel Aviv University history professor, Dr. Shlomo Sand. The book has of course been widely denounced by mainstream media despite Dr. Sand being the son of Holocaust survivors and a tenured professor at one of Israel’s most prestigious universities.

Dr. Sand’s book, combined with Arthur Koestler’s 1976 book The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage, leaves little doubt that Ashkenazis are descendants of Eastern Europeans and Turks.

The “ethno-bomb” reports

The Sunday Times in the U.K. reported on November 15, 1998 that Israel was developing a biological weapon that kills Arabs, but is harmless to Ashkenazis. The report, citing Western intelligence sources, said that Israeli scientists are “trying to identify distinctive genes carried by Arabs to create a genetically-modified bacterium or virus.” The weapon as described in the story likely sounds very familiar to those who follow this blog.

“The intention is to use the ability of viruses and certain bacteria to alter the DNA inside their host’s living cells. The scientists are trying to engineer deadly micro-organisms that attack only those bearing the distinctive genes”

Several U.S. media outlets tried to “debunk” the story. But one of their sources used to debunk the story may have provided the greatest clue as to a connection between the 1998 ethno-bomb and COVID-19 injections today. Dr. Bill Richardson served as Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of Defense in both the Reagan and H.W. Bush Administrations. Salon interviewed him to debunk the story.

“I think it’s nonsense,” Richardson told reporter Jeff Stein. He continued with this antenna-raising quote, as it relates to potential deployment of an ethno-bomb:

“Even if an ethno-bomb were developed in a petri dish, [Richardson] said, ‘there’s a long leap from having a mechanism to having an environmental viability, a weapon, or vector, or means of dissemination,” he said.

Of course the Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca COVID-19 “vaccines” are viral vectors. J&J, specifically, uses Adenovirus 26 to deliver DNA that instruct cells to produce spike proteins.

Apartheid South Africa origins of ethno-bombs

Every report on the Israeli ethno-bomb to kill Arabs said that Israeli scientists used South Africa research as the baseline. The Europeans who ruled South Africa attempted developing a biological weapon that only kills Black people in the 1980s. The above-linked UPI story says the following:

Foreign Report in October cited unnamed South African sources saying Israeli scientists used South African research in a bid to develop an ‘ethnic bullet’ against Arabs. The head of a South African chemical and biological warfare plant, Dr. Daan Goosen, said his team was ordered in the 1980s to develop a ‘pigmentation weapon’ to target only Black people. He said the team discussed spreading a disease in beer, maize or even vaccinations but never managed to develop one.

The story goes on to say that Israeli scientists discovered Arab-specific genetic traits that they could exploit with biological weapons. “The intention is to use the ability of viruses and certain bacteria to alter the DNA inside their host’s living cells,” the story says.

The good Dr. Lee Merritt, in a recent broadcast with attorney Reiner Fuellmich, clarified the foregoing further. She spoke about how Australian scientists utilized “immunogenic contraceptive” technology to vastly decrease the population of mice.

The rodents were captured and injected with self-disseminating “vaccines” that kill the female ovaries. The injected mice were released back into nature, and transmitted the vaccines to other mice via shedding. It sterilized thousands of them. Dr. Merritt said that the mouse DNA vaccines were built exactly like the J&J shots. Note – the video is further down in the article, as it is referred to again.

Project Coast in South Africa

Dr. Merritt said there was no such thing as “emerging infectious diseases” until Ebola and HIV “came out of the jungles in Africa.” Project Coast was the name of the aforementioned chemical and biological weapons program in South Africa. The goal was to make these weapons so they were untraceable and undetectable. They’d kill, maim and manipulate slowly so it’s more difficult to pinpoint the cause. It was reported that these weapons could not only sterilize and paralyze, but also change Black men’s personalities to be more docile, and prevent rebellions.

The aforementioned Dr. Goosen headed Project Coast. The weapons were never fully developed because Project Coast was disbanded once Nelson Mandela took power in 1994. But Dr. Goosen said, “the weapons placed in the wrong hands could have killed millions.”

Here is a short documentary about Project Coast.

Who developed the COVID-19 “vaccines?”

Albert Bourla has been with Pfizer since 1993. He was promoted to Chief Operating Officer in January 2018, before being appointed CEO later that year. Thus he has been in charge of Pfizer since the so-called pandemic commenced.

Bourla frequently speaks about his love of Israel and how his parents survived World War II. In fact he accepted the Theodor Herzl award on November 9, 2021. The award was created by Herzl’s World Zionist Organization, and is given to the most influential and important Zionist in the world. In his acceptance speech, Bourla compared November 9, 1938 (Kristallnacht) to November 9, 2020 when Pfizer announced that their mRNA injections were effective against COVID-19. Take that for what you will. Bourla did not develop the Pfizer mRNA injections. But he hand-picked the guys who did.

Dr. Mace Rothenberg was promoted to Chief Medical Officer by the new CEO Bourla in January 2019. Rothenberg led the entire development effort for Pfizer’s mRNA injections. He quit his job at Pfizer in January 2021, as soon as the mRNA shots he developed were deployed on the human race. Rothenberg is a Zionist. Mikael Dohlsten is the company’s Chief Scientific Officer and head of research and development. He is a Zionist as well.

Tal Zaks – Moderna

Dr. Tal Zaks was appointed Chief Medical Officer of Moderna in March 2015. He was the man in charge of developing the Moderna mRNA injections. Zaks was born in Israel and served in the Israel military as a medic and ambulance driver. He frequently talks about his Israeli heritage, making no bones about where his loyalty lies.

Coincidentally or otherwise, Zaks stepped down from his Moderna CMO position last February, around the same time Rothenberg left Pfizer. Zaks is now a board member for Israeli pharmaceutical company Teva.

There’s also Facebook, YouTube and Google. The three platforms are the primary COVID-19 and “vaccine” propaganda machines. They are owned by Mark Zuckerberg, Sergey Brin and Larry Page. All of them are Zionists.

Smoking gun evidence that Moderna created SARS-CoV-2

We would never use that term lightly, as it could destroy credibility. But there is a fascinating report that this blogger will attempt to summarize and explain in layman’s terms since it is highly scientific and virtually indisputable.

First, we must give credit to Prashant Pradhan of the Department of Nuclear Medicine at Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh (India). He identified amino acid sequences of the SARS-CoV-2 genome/proteome in his 2020, now withdrawn paper, entitled, “Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag.” It’s an engrossing read in and of itself.

Next we give credit to Dr. Ah Kahn Syed. He is a medical doctor and a PhD. The name is a pseudonym because his work on this subject is essentially as a whistleblower; and he doesn’t want to lose his positions. His article also introduced this blogger to the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) administered by the National Institutes of Health.

It took reading his article three times and toying around in BLAST for 2-3 hours to grasp the scientific truth being presented. We also had two biology professors at two different U.S. universities read Dr. Syed’s article, and asked them to refute it.  Both said the research and analysis was rock solid.

RELATED: Supreme Court: Pfizer, Moderna et al. may own your genes once you’re injected with their lab-created mRNA, DNA (April 27, 2021)


The “smoking gun” if you will is #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG (note we added the hashtag. It’s not part of the sequence). That is the 19 nucleotide genome sequence of SARS-CoV-2. The chances of this sequence happening in nature are less than one in a billion. There was no such virus containing this sequence prior to 2020. Every patent in BLAST that contains this near-impossible sequence is owned by Moderna, and all of them predate SARS-CoV-2.

Dr. Michael Worobey is the Head of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Arizona. He attempted to prove that SARS-CoV-2 is a product of nature. “Dr. Syed” responded and completely dismantled Dr. Worobey arguments in one tweet. The latter disappeared and did not respond further.

In fact, Dr. Syed uses the #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG hashtag frequently on Twitter. No “fact checkers” or big pharma-owned doctors want to touch it. It will be great when/if this data are part of a federal lawsuit subject to rules of evidence and procedure. Read the full Dr. Syed article and comments here.

But why would Israel poison their own people with the injections?

Note, again, that Ashkenazis comprise only 32% of Israel’s population. Mizrahi Jews are 44% of the population. Arabs/Muslims are about 18% of Israel’s population.

Two of the first 13 stories we wrote on The COVID Blog back in January 2021 were about Israel. At least four Israelis died and 13 others developed Bell’s Palsy after Pfizer mRNA injections by January 16 last year. But the more interesting story was about the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights accusing Israel of running unauthorized human trials in the country. Pfizer and the Israeli government signed an agreement that allowed Pfizer to collect data on all Israelis who received the shots.

Dr. Merritt spoke about the differences in angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, or ACE2, receptors by race. It is the ACE2 receptors that spike proteins in the mRNA injections hook on to and begin wreaking havoc in the human body. Dr. Merritt referenced a July 2020 paper published in the peer-reviewed journal BMC Medicine. Cleveland Clinic scientists studied the racial specificity of the ACE2 pathway. The study measured up-regulation of ACE2 receptors by race, meaning how active said receptors are in specific groups of people.

RELATED: Shir-el Hilel: 22-year-old Israeli woman suffers heart inflammation, dead two weeks after second Pfizer shot (April 6, 2021)


White Europeans and Americans (except the Finnish) have 54% up-regulation of the ACE2 receptors, the highest of all humans. Thus they are the most susceptible to post-injection adverse reactions and deaths. Black Americans and Black Africans have 39% up-regulation. Dr. Merritt said Black Americans have the same 54% up-regulation as White Americans, while Black Africans are at 39%. This blogger did not see that in the study. But Dr. Merritt is the doctor, so we defer.

The Finnish, along with East and South Asians, and Latinos, range from 2 to 10% up-regulation. But the most surprising part of the study – the Amish and Ashkenazis have ZERO percent up-regulation. Read the full study here and watch Dr. Merritt talk about it below.

There’s also the December 2020 study published in the journal Biochemistry and Biophysics Report. It concluded that ACE2-K26R decrease electrostatic attraction of spike proteins. These receptors are most frequently found in Ashkenazi populations. All other ACE2 variants increase electrostatic attraction of spike proteins, with South Asians and Europeans having the strongest attraction. Read the full study here.

What does all this mean?

Zionism is a political ideology that attempts justifying the apartheid state of Israel. Many people remember when Senator Joe Biden declared “you don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist. I am a Zionist” in 2008 after Barack Obama selected him as the Vice Presidential candidate.

Of course Biden is also right up there with Justin Trudeau (Canada), Jacinda Ardern (New Zealand) and Scott Morrison (Australia) as the top Pfizer spokespeople posing as world leaders.

What we know for sure is that Israel has been talking about this ethno-bomb since the 1990s. We also know that Israelis used research from South Africa’s Project Coast as the guide to race-specific weapons. Further, the spike proteins behave differently in ethnic Ashkenazis than they do in everyone else on the planet.

We’ve covered only one post-injection Israeli death (linked above) after the January 2021 stories, despite paying a lot of attention to what’s happening there. Perhaps the Israeli government is hiding the deaths and/or Israelis do not report them as readily on social media as others. Regardless, make of that what you will.

RELATED: Natural immunity proves highly effective in Israel


This blogger fully expects backlash for writing this article, just like we got from Mormons, Trump supporters, Christians and LGBT people, for telling the truth. This one is different because Zionists are 100% off limits to talk about in the United States. You get the “anti-semitic” label if you think critically about Israel. But nobody is allowed to escape truth here. And let’s be honest – it’s the epitome of irony that the Illinois Holocaust Museum is now asking people to “show their papers” before entering the facility.

The late Shulamit Aloni, a 30-year Israel Knesset member, told the greatest truth about so-called anti-semitism in a 2002 interview with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now.

We know that vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences. Now we see all these coincidences related to the development and deployment of the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections.

The United States declassified NSA documents in 2004 revealing that the whole Gulf of Tonkin incident that escalated the Vietnam War didn’t really happen as history told it. That’s 40 years after it happened. We’ll likely have to wait at least that long to know the full truth about COVID-19 vaccines.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


UPDATED February 22, 2022 – A month after we published this article, mainstream media and “scientists” are now digging into what we called the smoking gun of Moderna creating and patenting the SARS-CoV-2 in 2017.


The Daily Mail is the most-shared mainstream media source repeating what we already said last month. A group of scientists also published a study into the Moderna “COVID” patent in the peer-reviewed open-access journal Frontiers in Virology. Vindication sure is nice, particularly with all the hate mail we received for this article.


UPDATED January 28, 2022 – COVID-19 actually raised the fertility rate of Jewish Israeli women, the opposite of what happened in many other countries (via Israel 365 News).


Another article entitled “Is Extremely Low Rate Of Reported Side Effects Among Israelis Proof Their ‘COVID’ Vaccines Are Actually Placebos?” is also interesting. Both were provided by commenter “Gigolo Joe.”

More layers of information to consider.

UPDATED 7:07 p.m. Pacific – A long-time subscriber named Christine sent us a link for vaxx-injured Israelis.

Most of the testimonials are in Hebrew. This blogger took four semesters of Arabic in college (anticipating covering Middle Eastern affairs abroad in the 1990s) from my great professor who also knows Hebrew. He translated three of these for me already. The caveat: “some of these victims are Arabs living in Israel.”

Just more information to digest.


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2 years ago

Great blog post. I hope that Israel is starting to lose control of the narrative. They hate the internet and free sources of information. That is their #1 enemy.

2 years ago
Reply to  SuperCoolGuy

They are behind the Censorship, the ‘hate speak’ laws and the comment removal algorithm used by the likes of youtube and facebook. You are not allowed to question the ‘approved’ or ‘official’ narrative or interpretation.

As the well-known quote goes: “To learn who rules over you, first you must find out who you are not allowed to criticize”.

Last edited 2 years ago by Cody
2 years ago
Reply to  Cody

Favorite method of the Ashkenazi is censorship.

1 year ago
Reply to  Cody

They actually have a Military Censer, and thousands of Sherut Le’umi ( national service) personnel to enforce the narrative.

2 years ago

Quite a powerful article indeed, so much to read up on.

However, I did have one LOL. The fictitious name Dr Ah Kahn Syad. Dr I Can See it?

Ian Allan
2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

It’s probably “Dr. I Can’t See It“ as pronounced by a non-North-American, so perhaps LSMS (“somewhat more softly“).

2 years ago
Reply to  Ian Allan

This JikkyKjj is now my favorite serious twitter handle. Incredibly interesting developments out today (1/17) discussing miRNA. His pinned thread from Jan 11 is fascinating as well.

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Sounds like a proper Muslim name to me.

Reality Check
Reality Check
1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Dr Arkancide is what I got.

2 years ago

So we’ve gone from wet markets to Event 201 related to Wuhan Lab Leak to Chinese PLA (Li Meng Yan) to Moderna Poison Shots? And somewhere in here is 5G activation. Let’s not forget hundreds of millions of pigs died / were culled due to swine flu in China in 2019. That’s when 5G began testing in China….

youtube search – china pig cull 2019 ; scroll down until you see a video labeled HORRIBLE. That’s what one needs to see.

We won’t fully know the truth until the “Truth” is in control…for that to happen…some other things need to happen. The fun began years ago but now has reached the broad public – who is still largely unaware of the true extent of ” end time fun.” Next chapter opens in about a decade. Enjoy the ride!

Thanks for this post.

2 years ago

Thanks for reporting on this topic. I need to re-read this article and its links in depth because there’s so much information. I, too, have wondered why Israel has been at the forefront of the COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine experiment. Seems like the holocaust repeated. I do know Israelis are experiencing vax injuries and deaths. I watched a documentary a while ago on this subject.

But this article does pose a larger question for me. Who is actually getting the vaccine and does the vaccine radically affect some without affecting others? (The latter question is addressed in this article.) For example, Jennifer Gates, Bill Gates’ daughter, is a medical student in New York City. She posted on Instagram that she received her COVID-19 vaccine in approximately February 2021. When I saw the post, I wondered so many things. Did she really receive it? Would Bill Gates allow his daughter to actually receive this “safe and effective” vaccine? It just makes me wonder what is actually going on with these COVID-19 vaccines behind the scenes. Did Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Pricilla Chan receive their COVID-19 vaccines? Or are the rules entirely different for them in the sense that they promote it but don’t receive it? It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that these vaccines are far from safe and effective so what are the ruling elite and their families actually doing?

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

“I do know Israelis are experiencing vax injuries and deaths. I watched a documentary a while ago on this subject.”

Many Israelis are of arab/middle eastern descent (the good-looking ones). Others are of european/ashkenazi stock. Once I met a jewish israeli girl of turkish origin, who left israel because of racism incurred at the hands of the ashkenazi stock.

Most jews of israel have been hoodwinked and terrorized by the zionists into emigrating there in the 50s and 60s (operation magic carpet, Lavon affair,..etc).

I still like ‘Woody Allen’ though :

Gigolo Joe
Gigolo Joe
2 years ago

Mizrahi and other dark skinned Jews receive nearly the same horrible discrimination as everyone else at the hands of “Israeli” Jews (the story of their being herded into occupied Palestine by the Ashkenazi is quite a sordid tale), yet these minority Jews rarely miss an opportunity to heap that same mistreatment on those below them in the hierarchy, and they all close ranks when they’re criticized.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

I think these people like Gates, their friends and relatives, all the politicians (doesn’t matter which country) and anyone ‘receiving’ their jab on TV are indeed promoting the death-shots but don’t receive the real thing. I call them photo-ops, them staging getting their jabs and then sanctimoniously pressuring the rest of the population to get it as well, another shameful example being Piers Moron from the UK, I don’t believe he took any of the three jabs he was photographed receiving. Anyone who is ‘someone’ in this crime network (many of the names in this article) will get a placebo or nothing at all, while a few of their less important members will slip through the net. I actually think all these celebrities and public figures already have their vaxx passes for travel and everything else, regardless of whether they are injected or not, getting something like that arranged is easy for the very-well connected.

2 years ago
Reply to  Howdy

Thanks for your comment. I tend to agree with you. Makes what is going on even more egregious as the elite (most likely) opt out yet promote these harmful products.

2 years ago
Reply to  Howdy

Awhile back a whistleblower nurse in Europe revealed that there were numerical sequences on the vials. The ones beginning with #1 were placebos intended for politicians, those beginning with #2 were the mRNA injections, and the ones beginning with #3 were the ones filled with garbage (heavy metals, diseases, animal DNA and aborted baby fetal cells).
There are other abbreviations on different batches which “they” closely watch.
Also, I suspected that safer jabs were being given to blue states and cities, but more dangerous ones were being given to the red states and cities. This has been confirmed lately.

July Hunter
July Hunter
2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

Micro chips are being inserted for one thing. Other experiments are being carried out. Only the people in control of the lot numbers knows what is in each JAB !!! Some are extremely lethal, while others are just saline with nano bots swimming in it. It is Russian Roulette !!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

Killing people.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

I saw that documentary about seriously injured Jews, too. First thing I thought of because it looked bad.

John Brennan
John Brennan
2 years ago

You have courage, my friend. Like Ernst Zundel, the German who got seven years in prison for exposing the Holohoax. Or his attorney Sylvia Stolz, who got three for attempting to defend him in court against the judge’s order. After she got out, she spoke about it at the anticensorship league in Switzerland. Then got three more years in prison when she got back to Germany. Don’t leave America, Brian. Watch your back.

2 years ago

Thank you Brian for addressing the elephant in the room. I have been making comments here for a while about the terror and true nature of the Zionists and the Ashkenazi peoples. And that they are the force behind this genocide. You deleted them and I see why know. Indisputable proof.

I am so glad you dug into the research and all the information out there and tied it all together so clearly. Thank you again for the proof.

May God protect you and keep you and yours.

You’re an amazing man.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

Could there be any connection between the Ashkenazi Jews in Ukraine and the US biolabs there? There was reputedly the distinct possibility SARS-Cov2 was developed there.

2 years ago

Thank you for having the courage to name the source of all humanity’s ills. Parasites kicked out of every country they ever infiltrated.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tara

Most Ashkenazim don’t know about what you accuse them of. They just live their lives like everyone else. For the record, I’m not Ashkenaz

2 years ago
Reply to  Book23and6to5

Very good point, thanks.

Having spent many years in nyc, my experience is that ashkenazis who happen not to be severly indoctrinated with extreme versions of zionism and jewish eschatology, tend to be the most pleasant people to be around (open minded, very generous, eager to know and experience other cultures, passionate about animal welfare…etc).

2 years ago

Brian, I don’t know who you are, man – but damn, God (whomever god is) Bless You. I’ve been on this stuff for over 30 years, and can’t believe I’ve lived long enough to witness folks waking up and publicly tackling the issue that MUST be tackled for any sort of sanity to return. Excellent Article!

Back in the day, the only material available was on Short Wave, or some nondescript guy who reprinted out-of-print material in his garage, books that discussed the reality of the world in which we live. The only real power we have in life is to speak the truth to the best of our understanding, and let the chips fall where they may.

Your soul is on the right path . . . no wonder the Feds are getting so worried.

Words are cheap, I’ll sit down with the wife this evening to check our budget – donation (however humble) coming your way.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kielanders
2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

You could have been reading my thoughts and then writing them down. In comments on other blogs, I have written the exact same thing about booklets printed in garages, being the only way to receive this info 30 years ago.

Bravo Brian! Bravo! Finally the taboo is cumbling…but not fast enough. I also read information about Ebola being created in a lab, back in 1997.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kris
2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

Centuries ago it was much more common knowledge. But it’s been erased from recent history. So much has been deleted from the Bible, there is much more to the story than any of us knows.

But we also know enough from recent history, the 20th century genocides in Russia, Eastern Europe and China /Asia to know that they rule through mass murder. They despise those not of their race.

Mrs One
Mrs One
2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

They call us goyiem

I don’t think that the route of the word vaccine coming from the word cows is a coincidence either

2 years ago
Reply to  Mrs One

My husband worked in the produce department of a grocery store in Central Florida back in 2018-2021. The store he worked in during 2020-2021 was a very busy tourist store (just 10 miles from the wretched Disney.) March 2020, everything came to a stand-still because all tourists had to travel back to their country. The store was barren. All of the sudden, in April 2020 (Passover,) the store was overflowing with people. It was obvious they were of Jewish origin. We guessed they were coming to Florida to celebrate their Passover because of Florida’s relaxed c-vid restrictions. (And, I believe, they were privy to some kind of pre-arranged discount with their travel and housing accommodations. Because of c-vid, all of the vacation homes were empty and now they had these neighborhoods all to themselves.) None of them were nice. They would throw produce on the floor and walk away, etc.

One time, there were 3 males in my husband’s department. He was working and keeping an eye on them as they were gibbering in their Yiddish. He was the only one in the department with them. He overheard a word he knows as they looked over at him and he immediately started walking toward them and said (with a commanding voice,) “DID YOU JUST CALL ME A GOYIEM?!! ” All of their faces turned white and they immediately fast-walked out of his department, with him watching every step they took and making sure they saw him. (He’s a 5’11” 185lbs muscular Scottish man, so he’s quite intimidating even when he’s in a good mood.) 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  Amy

Nice. All the races must unite against these evil ‘people’.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hamadi

Please don’t misunderstand me: I don’t advocate uniting against any type of ‘people,’ no matter how evil they seem. I do advocate standing up to them and not allowing them to treat me in the manner that their Talmudic religion has taught them. (They believe only they are created from the sphere of the One True God – and, because of that, they believe they are gods. The flip side of that is; they believe anyone not of their cloth is created out of the 3 spheres of Satan, which is why they consider all of those people as substandard.)

I believe all created by The One True God are worthy of love and respect. However, I will not allow anyone, no matter what religious beliefs they may hold, to treat me as if I am less than, as if equal to an animal.

I believe we must all come together and understand that our battle is not with flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. If we could all grasp this and fight this battle as it should be fought, the world would see a massive change!

2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

It was. My Boomer mother told me that when she was a kid, people weren’t mean to Jews but they knew better than to trust them, and knew what they were. I guess with the hippie movement and churches that “bless Israel” and promote “Judeo Christian values”, people just forgot, or were never told because it wasn’t culturally appropriate any longer.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

Hi Brian,

I hate to be tacky and post this here, but didn’t see a contact email. We just sent a small donation, wish it could be more right now, but wanted to thank you for all of your work.


2 years ago

Excellent article.

Atom man
Atom man
2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

Someone here mentioned the Amish – they’re an interesting case as I think almost all of them are Northern European stock – they live as “God” would have them live in their opinion and don’t take vaccines in my understanding. They too are zero on this up regulation thing.

One other point – I have read about attempts to militarize diseases to affect certain ethnic groups – I heard the Russians tried to weaponize Ebola virus – or was that a slander as we too are doing it? It may be that everyone is doing this – a circular firing squad? If the Israelis are doing this as a number of articles I have come across have suggested, this makes me wonder about MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome). It too is a corona virus derived from SARS-CoV-1 as they now call it, and just seemed to pop up out or nowhere. The more you know …

Last edited 2 years ago by Atom man
2 years ago

Okay, can someone please explain this to an unscientific mind such as myself, is this article stating that they are specifically targeting white people with depopulation?

2 years ago
Reply to  Lana

Data summary: Amish=Ashkenazis. White Europeans are more likely to suffer adverse reactions, as are Black Americans and Africans.

The Israelis fine-tuned a tech developed in South Africa (Israelis ruled South Africa, FYI). They used their agents, placed around the world to disperse this poison under different labels to poison the world. Moderna has the patent on Sars Cov 2.

2 years ago

I think there is going to be a complex interplay of the results. Plus, I believe in God and I don’t think He will be mocked in all of this by people pretending to either be “god” or pretending to be “chosen”. Here are some of the things that I think will mess with getting a clear picture: 1. Different batches of “vaccines” 2. Other “payloads” in the vaccines besides just the “spike”. and 3. Different types of vaccines used in different places.

I must say I think you are correct about the folks I call “Synagogue of Satan”. These masquerade as Jews, but I don’t think they are. In contrast to “Synagogue of Satan” I have been blown away by Dr. Zev Zelenko who I appreciate very much. As far as I can tell he is the epitome of what I think a “Jew” actually is. He seems to have genuine faith in God and he seems to be using his abilities to save lives.

I will admit to seeing a prominent coterie of people who seem to be “secular” Jews, but I think they are not. I think they are actually serving a false god. These folks are smart and evil. Among them in my opinion in addition to Albert Bourla are Jeffrey Epstein, Paul Offit, Peter Hotez, Harvey Weinstein, Sidney Gottlieb, Stanley Plotkin, and Dorit Reiss (among many, many others). These folks are, or were, mostly involved in “entertainment” or in vaccine pushing, though Sidney Gottlieb was responsible for the notorious MKUltra program.

I think it is totally fine to observe this pattern and to question who these people are. I am doing my very best to make sure I understand who is who, because I don’t think anyone truly “chosen” by God would ever attempt to deceive people to take a “vaccine” that is actually a genetic bioweapon.

I will pray for truth to prevail and for innocent lives to be saved. I am also praying for justice.

2 years ago

Brian, I think you are very good at writing and at doing research. You are reminding me of ‘Christopher Bollyn’ who dug into 911 like no others. Other so-called “911 researchers” used to steal his material and never give him credit.

It sure would be an honor to meet you in person one day, God Willing.

2 years ago

It was the research from the collaboration Bollyn had with Eric Hufschmid and Daryl Bradford Smith that awakened me to Zionism, I first started learning about it about fifteen years ago from their work and interviews they did together. They did a great job exposing many of the fake 9-11 ‘truth seekers’ who were hiding Israel’s involvement in that false flag, indeed they made me wise to numerous concepts such as the wolf in sheep’s clothing, controlled opposition, limited hang outs, obfuscation, all of which has taken and continues taking place during this scamdemic era, it’s from the same playbook.

2 years ago
Reply to  Howdy

“Christopher Jon Bjerknes’ is not to be forgotten. His highly referenced research is fascinating : the Armenian Genocide, the crypto-jews of Turkey, the Donmeh, ‘Hitler’ as the controlled leader of organized jewry and their role in WWII…etc,

He knows what he talks about and has a very good command of the english language but lately he became overly focused on “whiteness”, which is a dead-end to me.

Between Three Centuries
Between Three Centuries
2 years ago

So, do the people of Kazakhstan have the same o% up-regulation as the Jews in Israel? If so, that is some pretty strong evidence of them being the false Jews.

interstellar overdrive
interstellar overdrive
2 years ago

kazakhistan sits on part of what was the khazarian empire, so it’s highly likely modern kazaks have the same make-up as the khazarian mafia in israel today. the word “kazakh” comes from the turkish word for “wanderer”, as they were nomads, just like the khazars before them. it reminds me of the *wandering jew*.

Atom man
Atom man
2 years ago

Hebrew came from Khabiru which means desert wanderers.Source: Julian Jaynes.

Gabreal Jones
Gabreal Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Atom man

“And the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah…By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations. Genesis 10:3-5 (KJV) ”

Right on the shekels (shackles) uh money indeed…


Karhl Chillders
Karhl Chillders
2 years ago

The “wandering Jew” moniker comes from their relation to Cain and his DNA, for he was cursed to wander the earth. Jews have his DNA in them as well as Canaan, another man who was cursed by Noah through his father Ham. They have rephaim, Hittite and an admixture of Israelite blood from Edom. These wanderers are cursed because of their non-Adamic DNA, as apposed to the belief they are cursed because they rejected Christ. The fact is, He rejects them outright because they are and never were His sheep. Only His sheep have the ability to hear His voice…it’s in the blood

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
2 years ago

Great article! Helps explain several questions I had as to why Israel keeps giving these suicide jabs to their people.

It seems there are multiple evil factions competing for world dominance in the 21st Century e.g. China, Israel, WEF/NWO/UN/IMF, Bill Gates etc.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

Dive into who exactly implemented Communism in China, and who exactly was behind Mao Zedong. For instance, the Rockefeller Foundation and their eugenics philosophy, was behind China’s one child policy. No independent nation would allow that. Only a nation with puppet masters pulling the strings, would go for that. The Chinese tradition up until then, was that huge families were extreme good fortune.

Gates is a crypto. His bloodlines are easy enough to check. There has only ever been one entity bent on world domination over the past 2000 years, although they want you to think there are many, to muddy the waters. It has taken years to bring this to light, no-one is going to grasp this overnight.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kris
2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Kris; have you read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion? It makes for shocking reading. Their end goal is the subjugation and totalitarian rule over all GentilePeoples. The masses- punch-drunk on TV, the media and Hollywood- seem to think they are misunderstood huggable teddy bears wearing funny black hats and sculcaps. They are the architects of communism.

2 years ago
Reply to  Cody

Indeed, and I am sorry to say, as a Christian myself, that ignorant Christians with no discernment have joined forces with these folks, against their own people. They are cheering on the building of the Third Temple, and they will worship the Beast who will rule the world from that temple. And yes, first read the Protocols some time back in the 1980s.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

The Ashkenazis control Israel and have partnered with the CCP to kill the Europeans and Africans and Indians.

Howard T. ewis III
Howard T. ewis III
2 years ago

There should be no doubt this is true. NOBODY on earth is so convince of their own innate superiority. NOBODY on earth is such a legend in their own mind. This race specific attack should be sending some of the perps to hell.

2 years ago

I think this is one of the most important articles I have read so far on this website, truly brilliant reporting and so much information to explore, thank you so much for the work you do with this blog. I hope my words and the comments from other who appreciate your work go someway to counter act any attacks or abuse from the likes of the afroementioned above i.e. the vaxx zealots, lgbt’ers, forever trumpers etc.
Here is what I find odd about this situation in relation not only to Israel but other nations as well, such as Turkmenistan (mandatory vaxx) and the Philippines (mandatory vaxx). Israel was the first country to unleash vaxx passes on their people, the first to push segregation-style measures based on vaxx status, the first nation to push 4th booster doses on their people. According to a notorious online report (the one from Deagel) Israel was listed with a population decline of roughly 50% by 2025, yet with the policies their government is pushing it’s looks like their survival rate would be even worse than that. Turkmenistan and the Philippines are both listed with population increases. But what if this is all a ruse, more deception? Before I read this article I have wondered if the injections Israel is using at least half of them MUST be placebos, either that or they are a specifically designed formula which will leave most of their population unaffected, I think the info above brings more light to this possibility.

2 years ago

This thing’s face (Bourla) is so ugly, it’s scary. It reflects who he is inside.

Atom man
Atom man
2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

To me it looks more like smug arrogance – someone who thinks he can’t be wrong.

Atom man
Atom man
2 years ago
Reply to  Atom man

While I still think some kind of altruism (their belief maybe) + a big $$$ grab are behind this thing, the global depopulation theory can’t be dismissed out of hand. Now certainly that dangerous gain of function research occurred in Ralph Baric’s lab at UNC-Chapel Hill and “batwoman” Shi Zhengli and another colleague of hers from Wuhan were present – their names are on the paper too. We also know two researchers from China were removed from a BSL4 lab in Canada for removing “specimens” and evidently sending them back home. The original lab leak in Wuhan may have been accidental but the virus wasn’t. It was genetically modified from SARS-CoV from 2003, carried by those ugly (a face only a mother could love) horseshoe bats found throughout Eurasia. Patient Zero is said to be a young female Chinese researcher – when they went to dispose of her body the morticians were infected. Look for “I found the source of the Corona Virus” on YouTube.

The real smoking gun to me may be the (previously) secret farewell speech of Chinese General Chi Haotian in 2003. He mentions the germ warfare advantage of depopulating North America without firing a shot or risking a nuclear war but in the 8th paragraph from the bottom he mentions “the US has a shocking conspiracy” – about 500 globalists including Bill Gates and George Soros were in a conference and it was said 80% of the world’s population was not needed to run the economy and gradually that 80% “trash population” could be “eliminated” by “high tech means”. One wonders if those high tech means could possibly be the experimental vaccines of a type never used before – “the cure is worse than the disease”. I don’t know if links are allowed here but type Nyquist + Haotian and you will get to the entire speech published on the blog by J. R. Nyquist. Chinese ex-patriates at the Epoch Times newspaper (best one in this country IMO) first published it.

One last thing – when this madness began, ZeroHedge had an article on the number of those ACE-2 receptors by race – East Asians had the highest, Europeans were next, and Africans had the least – some thought that was the reason the novel corona virus did not decimate Africa while others would say now it is the wide usage of anti-malaria drugs HCQ and Ivermectin. There was some belief that medication for high blood pressure (“hypertension”) increased the number of those receptors too. You find that used in older “Western” people. This “up regulation” thing is new to me. I always thought the number of receptors was the important thing.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gwen

The ones behind Covid agenda are all EVIL. Also all Royals that endorsed it and believe they are special, above the rest.
I do believe there is just one source in the Universe. Also believe our spirits (higher beings) are trapped in this 3D Planet. But also that we are different – aka created by different ”Gods”. Why? I dont know yet. But people are not all evolved from the same and we are not all natives of this Planet. We were engineered and souls trapped here. Religion is used to keep us in this prison. Jesus spoke only about the law of attraction and spoke the truth: we together (souls) are all one no matter what we are reincarnated. We are created from different genes, this is why some have positive RH and others negative to that Rhaeus gene. Why we were constructed different? Maybe to be able to trap souls from different dimensions, needed diferent vessel?
Yet, when you get the big picture you understand all these meagre things with some humans believing they are superior is such a joke. We are all in this together and when we will understand this and work together then we will be able to escape the matrix. All of us, not some that become enlightened. Anyway so much noise for nothing. Life is short and we behave like is the only thing that matters. When we all know is so short and also that is suffering, bc they blocked at one point us to this shortened life. And why? To trap more souls? To what purpose?

#FBA Sasha
#FBA Sasha
2 years ago

You know what I’ve never understood…why do Zionists and their worshipers get so mad and bashful when you point out that they own everything – U.S. media, U.S. military, U.S. Congress, and now, are behind these “life-saving, safe, effective vaccines?” Every country the U.S. has invaded since 9/11 has been for Israel. Shouldn’t you be proud to rule everything and have created these shots that media have made out to be god-sent medicine? If you’re really that bashful about the truth, then there must be evil intent.

2 years ago
Reply to  #FBA Sasha

facts. They need propganda to subjugate everyone

2 years ago

Wow you really bring the info. Thanks so much.

2 years ago

Sinister how many ‘Chosen people’ play a long term strategy of moving themselves into positions of power, and then abuse the goyim for gain. Is it something about the upbringing that turns some of them into psychopathic monsters? I mean look at Harvey Weinstein or Dominique Strauss-Kahn. They really do believe they are superior to others. Pfizer, Moderna, the White House are all basically controlled by them now., which is not healthy.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kryptos

Unless mistaken, their behaviour is derived from the Talmud. That holy book conveys very strange teachings, that any other religion would find sinful.

2 years ago

Hi, my name is Sara. I am a Jewish Ashkenazi woman, living in Israel. I myself have not taken the “vaccine” so I have no idea if it would or would not have harmed me in any way. But, I can tell you for a fact that my ex-husband and his entire family who are Sephardim have taken at least three shots (one grandfather even took the fourth shot) and they are all well without any side effects whatsoever. On the other hand, I also know of Yeshivot where many Ashkenazi boys were injured or even worse after taking the shot(s). Very, very sad. So, I honestly don’t know how much that study is really accurate when applied to real life data. I also do not think it is possible to define the Jewish people so accurately into Ashkenazim/Sephardim because the more recent generations have been intermarrying and mixing much more than the previous ones. Furthermore, looking into the Torah, it should be obvious to EVERYONE that the Jewish people cannot be defined by something like a pure common bloodline. This is a lie of the Zionists who are the enemies of EVERYTHING our holy Torah teaches. Judaism has been from the very beginning a religion of converts. Abraham our forefather, who was called a Hebrew (meaning “the one who crossed over”) was a convert. His wife Sara and his daughter in law were also converts. Abraham’s grandson Isaac’s wives were converts, Moses’ wife Tzipora and her father were converts and so was the wife of Moses’ follower Joshua. One of the most prominent convert in the Torah is probably Ruth, the grandmother of King David through whose seed the Messiah will come. Then, fast forward we have great Torah sages like Rabbi Akiva, who was the son of converts and Onkelos a convert himself. So looking at the biblical genealogies, the whole idea of a pure Jewish bloodline totally falls apart. I personally consider myself a G-D fearing Jew and that is also the reason why I decided to stay away from this poison. As a G-D fearing person, I truly believe that the separation between political Zionism and the teachings of our holy Torah will and ultimately MUST become more and more separate and opposed to one another. Only like this will the people be finally able to understand that the State of Israel and the G-D of Israel have nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in common. Many Israelis are waking up right now and are beginning to understand that this State is nothing else but an evil Rothschild cooperation. G-D is currently waking up the entire world and for many of our non-Jewish friends it is a lot easier to understand who are the good and who are bad ones here. For the Israeli people that is not so easy. At least it was not until now. People have been living for over 70 years now in a state that fed them a mix of Zionism and Judaism. It is much more difficult to recognize half-truths than complete lies. That is what many Israelis are dealing with now. But, the Corona narrative is speeding that process up ALOT. With G-D’s help, in the end, everyone will see it clearly and hopefully choose the right side. Because in the end, there will be no more way back. Wishing you all a lot of strength and the guts to ALWAYS chose the right side.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sara

Hello Sara, thank you for your input.

In my bitchute uploads, I have a video of a courageous Israeli girl taking a strong stand against mandatory con-vid vax in Israel. She is awesome and inspiring. If only men had half her courage, we wouldn’t be where we are today.

Under the surface and beyond the labels, the power hungry narcissists are all the same – a burden on humanity – no matter what they claim to be for the sake of controlling the masses (jewish, muslim, christian, humanist…etc).

I am muslim. 2 of the nurses that I really liked the most during my long hospital stay about a year ago, were conservative jewish girls (with their traditional hair covering, ankle long skirt…etc).

Some people love to hate jews just for being jewish. Others love to hate muslims just for being muslims. Let’s not forget those who love to hate black people just for being black. But really, who cares, let them stew in their spiritual sewer.

Unfortunately, delayed toxicity is not the abscence of toxicity. So, I hope you will remain vax-free and those vaxxed in your circle will be as ok as possible.

2 years ago

We are all in this together. This is a very big test on humanity. And sadly, many will not pass it because they have or will lose their humanity on the way. I am happy that you wrote me. It really does not matter if we are Muslim, Christian or Jewish. The test is about if are we righteous or if are we wicked. And soon everyone will be able to see for themselves in what category they themselves fit in. Nothing will remain hidden. Everything will be revealed, and no one will be able to hide in the end behind a religious or political figure who told them to do or not to do. We are all responsible for our own deeds, and we WILL be held accountable for them by the One who put us here for this very test. Many blessings!!!

Ariel Adrian
Ariel Adrian
2 years ago
Reply to  Sara

Thank you for your testimony! I am really glad you commented here. The human kind is waking up and we need to expose these evil entities that have planned this genocide. But we have to stay united because that’s how we’ll be stronger.

Atom man
Atom man
2 years ago
Reply to  Sara

Yes, I have read the King James version of the Old Testament and it is clear that YHVH (Yahweh or Jehovah) would allow anyone into the tribe who followed “his” rules. For instance, Joseph’s wife was an Egyptian. This is a very complex issue. If the Ashkenazis are from Central Asia (Turkic tribes) then many people in Turkey are more closely related to them as the article asserts. When Spain expelled those who would not convert, the Spanish Jews became the Turkish Jews. I assume these are the “real” Jews of the Old Testament who are related to Arabs, not the “conversos” (to use a Spanish term), the people from Central Asia who adopted the religion. After the Roman destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD and also the Bark Kokhba revolt in 132 AD, the original Jews who survived were spread around the Mediterranean including Roman Spain.

Last edited 2 years ago by Atom man
2 years ago
Reply to  Atom man

In the end, it all boils down to only one thing alone. G-D had chosen the Jewish people only for this one reason, to be a light to the nations, to ultimately return ALL straying humanity back to Him. The question that every person that was born as a Jew must ask themselves is the following. Am I fulfilling my G-D given mission? If they are not, then there is no need for them to call themselves Jewish. In fact, our sages tell us that a Jew that is not following the ways of the Torah is in the eyes of the Holy One no different from a non-Jew. So that in itself should show everyone that there is no such thing like a bloodline privilege. If it was so, why then was Esau considered wicked despite being the grandson of Abraham. Where is his bloodline privilege? It does NOT exist!

2 years ago
Reply to  Sara

I think the point is that the Jews of today are not descended from the Jews of the Bible, which you clearly just confirmed. But most of us looking into that subject already knew that.. A you repeatedly say “they are mixed , are not a bloodline and are very unlikely to be at all related to the Jews in the Bible… And you need look no further than their forced poison injections on their own people to see the evil.

2 years ago
Reply to  MDylan

As I said. There is no such thing as a pure bloodline. It did NEVER exist. It’s just as with the American people, who are made up of diverse immigrants from all over the world. Just in the case of the Jewish people, this is a spiritual immigration. If the bloodline was supposed to be pure then G-D would not have allowed Boaz to marry Ruth, the convert from Moab, who is the great-grandmother of King David. King David himself had no pure blood. It was mixed with the blood of his converted grandmother. The idea of a pure bloodline does not exist. And, it is also a very dangerous ideology because it leads to race fanaticism, as we know it from the Nazis. That was NEVER G-D’s intention. Rather, He chose Abraham who loved Him and followed all of His ways unfailingly, to create a NEW people that would consist of all those who wanted to follow in Abraham’s footsteps. No matter if there was or wasn’t a blood connection. The bloodline obsession is an invention of the Zionists, who used it to discriminate against everyone who didn’t fit into their plan. And, if you look at all the rich and powerful “Jews” that are in very high positions today, NONE of them is an observant Jew. They have disconnected themselves completely from their natural heritage. And so, just as they have rejected G-D, G-D will reject them too on their day of judgment. So please, try and differentiate between Judaism and (political) Zionism. They have no common basis. On the contrary, they are completely opposed to one another. If you want to know who G-D’s people are today, just look if they follow G-D and His Torah or if they follow a man-made religion that encourages discrimination against Arabs, discrimination against the unvaccinated, and discrimination against all and everyone who opposes their plans and goals. It’s kind of difficult to explain in a few sentences here, who is what. But, if you are truly interested to understand where the trouble of the Jewish people first began, look a bit deeper into the “Exodus from Egypt”. The “Mixed Multitude” that Moses decided to take out along with the children of Israel are those who have been a stumbling stone to us until this very day. It’s even obvious within the text itself. Whenever G-D is talking about His people, He is referring to the children of Israel. Whenever He says to Moses “Your people”, He is referring to those who Moses took out without G-D’s approval, “the mixed multitude” or “erev rav” in Hebrew.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sara

Speaking of ‘Race Fanaticism’, how are the Palestinians and African Israeli minorities(namely, Somalian Israelis) faring in Israel? Judging by the numerous videos I have seen, such as the one titled: “Israel’s New Racism: The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land”, they are not welcomed in the slightest.

Last edited 2 years ago by Cody
2 years ago
Reply to  Sara

_Quran [044:30-33] :

وَلَقَدْ نَجَّيْنَا بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ مِنَ الْعَذَابِ الْمُهِينِ
مِن فِرْعَوْنَ إِنَّهُ كَانَ عَالِيًا مِّنَ الْمُسْرِفِينَ
وَلَقَدِ اخْتَرْنَاهُمْ عَلَىٰ عِلْمٍ عَلَى الْعَالَمِينَ
وَآتَيْنَاهُم مِّنَ الْآيَاتِ مَا فِيهِ بَلَاءٌ مُّبِينٌ

“And, indeed, We delivered the children of Israel from the shameful suffering
[inflicted on them] by Pharaoh, seeing that he was truly outstand­ing among those who waste their own selves; and indeed, We chose them knowingly above all other people, and gave them such signs [of Our grace] as would clearly presage a test.” (as translated by ‘Mohammad Asad’)

_Quran [005:44] :

إِنَّا أَنزَلْنَا التَّوْرَاةَ فِيهَا هُدًى وَنُورٌ يَحْكُمُ بِهَا النَّبِيُّونَ الَّذِينَ أَسْلَمُوا لِلَّذِينَ هَادُوا وَالرَّبَّانِيُّونَ وَالْأَحْبَارُ بِمَا اسْتُحْفِظُوا مِن كِتَابِ اللَّهِ وَكَانُوا عَلَيْهِ شُهَدَاءَ فَلَا تَخْشَوُا النَّاسَ وَاخْشَوْنِ وَلَا تَشْتَرُوا بِآيَاتِي ثَمَنًا قَلِيلًا وَمَن لَّمْ يَحْكُم بِمَا أَنزَلَ اللَّهُ فَأُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الْكَافِرُونَ

“Verily, it is We who bestowed from on high the Torah, wherein there was guidance and light. On `its strength did the prophets, who had surrendered themselves unto God, deliver judgment unto those who followed the Jewish faith; and so did the [early] men of God and the rabbis, inasmuch as some of God’s writ had been entrusted to their care; and they [all] bore witness to its truth. Therefore, [O children of Israel,] hold not men in awe, but stand in awe of Me; and do not barter away My messages for a trifling gain: for they who do not judge in accordance with what God has bestowed from on high are, indeed, deniers of the truth!” (as translated by ‘Mohammad Asad’)

Last edited 2 years ago by donthatemetoomuch
Atom man
Atom man
2 years ago
Reply to  Atom man

If this story about “up regulation” is true, this would also explain why Turkish people like Dr. Mehmet Oz (“discovered” by Oprah) would have a mild reaction if any while Wendy Williams whom he suggested receive one of those “vaccinations” didn’t. (At the same time I hear the infection rate and deaths in Israel are out of control.)

One last thing on the religious side – that name YHVH (the tetragrammaton or 4 letters) means “I am that I am”. That “name of God” is absolutely consistent with Buddhist and Hindu ideas about the deity not being separate from the Universe although Buddhism is not a theistic discipline. They say there is only the “One Mind” and thoughts and emotions and people and trees are all aspects of it – but the “Mind” cannot see itself just as a razor cannot cut itself – so there is no one to know the “One Mind” exists. If so we all have to be like Jesus in the Temple in our individual locations – we have to do what we can (in a non violent way). While I do not donate to television evangelists I have always liked what Joyce Meyers once said – “if we don’t do what we can do, how can we expect God to do what only he can do?”

Ariel Adrian
Ariel Adrian
2 years ago

I’m truly convinced there are two types of jews: the good ones, like Dr Zelenko, Bernstein from the Darkhorse podcast and many innocent, honest citizens who have faith in the Torah (who are being used as lab rats in Israel and were sacrificed in the holocaust) and the “sinagogue of Satan”, zionist/kabbal/talmud satanists from the elite like Bourla, Rotschild, Zuckerberg, etc These are our enemies and should be exposed to the whole world. They are the master mind behind this genocide. I also apologize for my rant as an LGBT person, Brian. I love you and your blog, and admire your hard work. You are truly brilliant. This article proves it once again. I consider you an ally and guide in this spiritual war against evil and planified genocide. I thank you for all the awesome content you bring. I’m definitely planning to donate to you once I am not broke in future. But I’m sharing your content all the time. God bless you. Much love sent your way.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ariel Adrian
Sean Connors
Sean Connors
2 years ago

This article has serious scientific validity. Before this article came out in 2021 I read a few articles pointing out that ACE2 locations by vital organs varies by race. This really furthers that finding. These inoculations fit the US FDA definition of gene therapy. In effect in some parts of the USA a non recipient of the indefinite involuntary gene therapy inoculations marketed as vaccines
can be subjected to discrimination in public accomodations, employment, education, housing, etc. GINA

Unfortunately in some blue states the gene therapy recipients have gotten so deep into it they will make Jonestown look like amateur hour

2 years ago

YOU were 100% over the target. Anyone who can not connect the dots to what group is behind the covid culling has no idea who the enemy is. Always start with the banking cabal and work your way down thru the ((generational satanists)) who all profit. Thanks for posting the updates!

2 years ago

Omg…don’t know how I missed this post. Just borrowed The Intention of the Jewish People. Thank you so much for your research and writings. I’ve enjoyed your blog but this is the post that’s causing me to find some money to donate to your blog!

2 years ago

In announcing Albert Bourla’s selection,(for the winner of the 1mill dollar Genesis Prize) The foundation noted the wide-ranging contribution of numerous Jewish scientists, doctors and healthcare officials in helping to save lives during the COVID-19 pandemic. It specifically highlighted the contributions of the following individuals:

  • Dr. Drew Weissman, Professor of Vaccine Research at the University of Pennsylvania, whose discovery of a novel nucleoside-modified mRNA platform enabled the creation of pioneering mRNA vaccines,
  • Dr. Mikael Dolsten, Chief Scientific Officer, Pfizer, who guided the development of the Pfizer vaccine in record time,
  • Dr. Tal Zaks, Chief Medical Officer of Moderna during the development of the successful mRNA 1273 vaccine;
  • Dr. Joanne Waldstreicher, Chief Medical Officer of Johnson & Johnson, which delivered a successful COVID-19 vector vaccine,
  • Academician Alexander Gintsburg, director of the Gamaleya Institute for Epidemiology and Microbiology, which developed the Sputnik vaccine,
  • Dr. Anatoly Altstein, Chief Scientist at Gamaleya, who led Sputnik’s development,
  • Dr. Rochelle Walensky, Director, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which coordinates the US public health response to the pandemic, and
  • Jeffrey Zients, the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, who oversees the US federal government response to the pandemic, including vaccine distribution.

2 years ago

All these comments and not one mention of the talmud. Not even by the jew. This is why they can’t be trusted. They, through omission, denied a whole group of sadistic jews exist. Ok to kill the goyim. Ok to rape under 3 yrs old. Noahide laws. Oh those don’t exist either but were actually signed into law by 2 presidents but they will tell you if was just figuratively.

1936 is back
1936 is back
2 years ago

I always wondered who the Anti-Christ is. Now we know.

2 years ago

Will Albert Bourla potentially be the biggest mass murderer ever in human history?

2 years ago
Reply to  IainW

No there are many more Ashkenazis that have committed worse crimes

2 years ago

I only started the article, but Biblical Jews are descendants from the tribe of Judah? What about the other tribes?

1 year ago

Maybe, just maybe the folks responsible for the beginning of this genocide, will be replied to in kind. There is no apparent repentance, only hate and murder, and they believe in, an eye for an eye; therefore let their punishment fit the crime – may they reap what they’ve sown TEN FOLD!

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