April 29, 2022
CHICAGO — This story would have been published yesterday. But this blogger took a few deep breaths and removed from the story all of the home addresses and phone numbers of the parents and teachers involved in young Nate Bronstein’s death. What an absolutely awful time to be a child in this day and age.
Mr. Robert Bronstein and Mrs. Rosellene Bronstein filed a 66-page lawsuit in Cook County (Illinois) Circuit Court on April 25. The complaint starts right out describing the ghastly details of January 13, 2022. Mr. Bronstein discovered his son Nate “hanging from a shower head, with a cord wrapped around his neck as a noose” at 9:30 p.m. that evening. Mrs. Bronstein and Nate’s two sisters ran into the bathroom after Mr. Bronstein screamed in horror.
Mr. Bronstein and the 17-year-old sister desperately tried to resuscitate Nate. But he was gone. Now the entire family must live with that frightening final image of their beloved family member. And of course mainstream media are covering up the reason Nate took his own life.
Nature of lawsuit
Several Chicago-area mainstream media outlets, including CBS 2 and ABC 7 covered this story. But they failed to include the most crucial fact from the lawsuit. Thus we won’t be linking or embedding any of those stories.
Nate was a sophomore at the Latin School of Chicago. It is a private school with tuition costs of $41,000 per academic year. He transferred to the school in the fall from Francis W. Parker School because the latter was not offering in-person learning due to the so-called pandemic. Nate was relentlessly bullied and harassed by other students from his very first day at the Latin School. Mrs. Bronstein contacted Latin School administrators, including counselors Anneliese Kranz and Jane Knoche, and Dean of Students Bridget Hennessy, a total of 30 times in October and November of 2021. But her concerns were dismissed as “family problems,” according to the lawsuit.
The Bronstein’s are suing pursuant to the Illinois Parental Responsibility Law (740 ILCS 115/3). It states that “the parent or legal guardian of an unemancipated minor who resides with such parent or legal guardian is liable for actual damages for the wilful or malicious acts of such minor which cause injury to a person or property.” They are also suing for wrongful death and breach of contract, since the Latin School has specific policies and protocols in place to combat bullying. But the school failed to enforce said protocols.
“It must suck to have to take COVID tests every week”
Nate, just a few weeks into his first semester at the Latin School, tried socializing with other students. He asked his classmate and neighbor about homecoming parties and the dance the following month. But the student told Nate that he was not allowed to hang around him. Said student, who is the son of parent Mark Solovy, allegedly spread rumors that Nate was non-vaccinated.
The Solovy kid invited Nate to their house just a week or two earlier. Mrs. Solovy, according to the lawsuit, said to Nate, “it must suck to have to take a COVID test every week.” Despite Nate telling Mrs. Solovy that he had received the injections, she replied, “yeah right.” Several other students at the Latin School continually asked Nate if his parents were “anti-vaxxers.” It got so bad that Nate started skipping school in October to avoid the harassment.
RELATED: College athlete suicide rate for 2022 already shatters previous years, as more data tie suicidal thoughts to mRNA injections (April 27, 2022)
Several students then coordinated a social media attack (“cyberbullying”) on Nate. They transmitted Snapchat messages and photos saying things like “Fuck Nate Bronstein” and “[You’re] a terrible person.” They also transmitted a bunch of subliminal messages from rap songs that translate to implied death threats. It all culminated with the son of Leigh Ballen sending a Snapchat on December 13 telling Nate to kill himself.
The Bronstein’s informed the school that Nate was transferring back to Parker in the spring semester. Nate’s sister had planned to stick it out at the Latin School. But she told Ms. Bronstein that all the other students ignored her and wouldn’t speak to her at the beginning of the spring semester. The sister, on January 12, the day before Nate’s death, informed Mrs. Bronstein about what was happening. “No one talks to me any time I say anything at lunch. Everyone just ignores me,” the daughter texted Mrs. Bronstein that day.
The Latin School said the lawsuit is “inaccurate and misplaced,” and that the claims are unfounded. It’s unclear if the other Bronstein kids are still attending the Latin School.
Vaccinated is the “cool” thing for kids
This blogger remembers those ugly days in the mid-late 1980s when his parents divorced. That led to changing schools and towns every single year from sixth grade forward. It’s so very difficult for a teenager to change schools. It’s even worse when your family is torn apart at the same time. But at least in the 1980s, this blogger’s biggest concern in junior high was wearing Guess jeans to fit in with the new popular kids. He also had to physically fight bullies for the first time at the new school. But that was simply part of growing up.
Today kids are bombarded with persistent propaganda about mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. Get your shots, and you better have vaxx zealot parents. Otherwise you get the Nate Bronstein treatment. We’ve assisted several clients over at COVID Legal USA who are embroiled in bitter divorces and custody battles. One parent wants the kids injected. The other does not. But the kids want to be injected so they fit in with the other students. Further, most kids have been wearing masks everyday in school since 2020. There’s also the whole internet and social media aspect that has completely changed the way young people communicate.
This blogger wanted children when he was one himself. But as early as the late 1990s, he realized that it would be unfair and a bit cruel to bring children into this world. Nate received the “in-style” experimental injections, yet still was the target of vile vitriol taught to kids by their vaxx zealot parents. To all the non-vaccinated parents out there who are also fighting to keep their kids’ blood natural – you are heroes and deserve high-praise.
Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
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There are two terrifying places on this earth for a child, the womb and the school. Not all children come out of these places whole people.
Public Schools are Government Indoctrination Camps cranking out Brainwashed Programmable Zombies for the NWO whose only skills are to Obey, Comply, Stay Afraid, Question Nothing & simply Regurgitate Government Propaganda…Looks like they have done a thorough job…
Thank you for covering this story. It’s so completely sad, it’s unbelievable. And this is just the beginning. I don’t have children but I can’t even imagine finding my son hanging from a shower head. The pressure on kids today is unbelievable. I’m glad I grew up pre-social media.
(Mat 22:18) But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, Why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites?
So we see hypocrisy as an identifying trait of the enemy. A la bullying is not allowed under any circumstances, so let’s create awareness…oh but wait…you didn’t take our drug? Then proceed.
Shame on con-sellers Kranz and Knoche. Not a fan of the Icke, but I agree with his assessment to always be on-guard with people who go by a “C” or “K”.
“the student told Nate that he was not allowed to hang around him”
ideally: SHOULD be t’other way ’round…
its these Vaxx`d-out zombies that need to be ‘shunned’;
spewing out their spike-protein nano-tech’ every-where…..
makes the Black Plague look like a mild case of the common cold….
Vaccinated is the cool thing for kids
so… ‘cool’ is the new code-speak for STOOPID, eh?
An avoidable tragedy with plenty of blame to be shared by all, including Nate’s parents. Hindsight proves they should have acted with bold decisiveness by immediately removing their son from the school. And aggressive legal action against this poorly governed zoo, right from the first instance.
why do parents insist on educating their children in a school system designed to destroy them, bully them, indoctrinate them? What a terrible shame to be treated like a plague all over a bio weapon that is more dangerous than any unvaxxed person; and NOTHING is done about it. Can you imagine if the situation were reversed and a vaxxed child were bullied this way? The mainstream coverage would be endless. People are deluded, brainwashed, their thinking is off. Especially if they took the sorceries from big pharma. I am so grateful to the Lord this world is not my home, I am on a journey to a ‘better country’…it can’t come soon enough. This world is nothing but death, sorrow, corruption, wickedness, idolatrous, etc.
Uh, did I miss something? This was a vaxxed kid, he was bullied by people saying he wasn’t, right?
Personally, I feel that if you willingly live somewhere that you are not allowed to own a gun to defend yourself and the mayor is a cockroach, well, that is poor lifestyle choice IMO.
The are some places not as bad as your last sentence – Florida, Tennessee and Texas come to mind.
There is no place on this earth that is not tainted by sin…no place. You are deceived if you think there is. “The whole world is under the sway of wickedness” 1 John 5;19
Because private schools are very expensive while everyone has to pay taxes for the school system anyway. Most of the property taxes which run in the thousands for the average home owner go to the schools.
What an absolutely tragedy. It is doubly so because it could have been avoided. I really hope that this tragic story will serve as a wakeup call for parents who think that either public or private schooling is the way to go. Home school your children or get together with others to create a home school network. Bullying has always been around, but I think that today it us even worse with anti-social media. I am so thankful I don’t have children. The jab seems to cause personality changes that are deeply disturbing. It is nothing short of evil. I pray those parents find peace and that justice is served, even though it is too late for Nate.
I recall reading somewhere a few years ago that suicide was the leading cause of death for youngsters. I’ve seen two instances of it in my own family. You usually don’t see such incidents in the obituary section of a paper and instead they take place away from most public view or knowledge, so most people don’t realize how prevalent it really is.
High school was a pretty horrible experience. The only really useful class I had there was a one-semester typing class, and the skills I learned there 50 years ago I’m using right now on this keyboard. Most of the rest of the experience was of little value later in life.
Bullies are a fact of life in schools. It’s sort of like being in prison to have to deal with them. After graduation I was so happy to leave and never come back. I couldn’t understand those who look back fondly on those years. I suspect they have very selective memories. I left from there, lived overseas for years and had a very different and much more positive experience. High school is a four-year period I’d rather forget entirely.
There is tremendous pressure to conform in high school and most kids are happy to do so. If I were back in high school and my fellow sheep wanted to pressure me about vaxxing, they would get a pipe across their lumpy heads. Fortunately in those days there was no such thing as “social media,” the BS was much more in-person and a lot of that could be avoided.
So, what’s to stop a kid today from refusing to take part in social media? Keeping their phones in airplane mode (most of the time) would also protect them from the highly dangerous non-ionising radiation those things emit.
Here is something novel: no phones period. How we survived when I played sports as a teenager that met once a week and had one (maybe 2) games on the weekend. Parents were either there or knew what time to pick me up. Hard to imagine that we would ever think that was something unusual just 30 years ago. A child doesn’t need a tablet or cell phone. Need internet access for school – it is in the kitchen or family room where it can be monitored. I can’t tell you the number of middle school children I teach in a musical instrument who will say they have no time to practice, but are allowed to stay up until the early hours of the morning on their phones.
I have to bite my tongue when friends tell me that their kids are doing well at school and really enjoy being there. They either have one really dumb kid or their child *is* the school bully!
I agree with bullying not being anything new. What is completely different today is the social media aspect. The bullying using those platforms is off the charts although I’m old fashioned enough to still wonder beyond having a computer in the kitchen where it can be monitored, why else there would be any access to the internet and social media in the home? Sadly these stories aren’t some abnormal statistic.
I grew up and went to school in Scotland in the 1940’s and 1950’s. Bullying happened but it was considered cowardly and if there were a bully he was quickly dealt with, usually by another boy. It is appalling that such behaviour was practised and tolerated by both pupils and staff at this school. That there were no morally upright pupils or staff at the school is a tragic commentary on modern day America.
I grew up in a rough country and no one committed suicide over bullying, and there was a lot of bul happening, but you just dealt with it. But now suicide has been normalized and of course the social media shame adds to it as well.
Very sad story.
One of the worst things about bullying is that it does not end after high school. And many forms of bullying…although not labelled as bullying…have been a part of daily life. Day in and day out. The comments, the denigration, the stares, the denials, the lies, the hate. It’s like living in a pressure cooker.
I’m so glad I grew up at a time where suicide was not a widespread viable option. Neither was mass shooting.
One thing I did learn, though. No one gets away with anything. These people…parents, students, teachers, whoever…will get paid back. That’s the way THE WORLD works. And if nothing happens to them, it will be their children or grandchildren. I’ve seen it happen so often.
So people…try to do what’s right. Better yet…check out Christianity if you’re not a believer. Forgiveness…because of the blood of Jesus Christ will save you not only from future judgment, but also from the aforementioned karma in everyday life.
Nate Bronstein – say his name. Another victim of the Covid Death Cult (CDC). Au Revoir friend.
Such disgusting behavior by these students that I could punish them for it. Inhuman, as they would not like to be treated themselves. The teachers and school management as ass kissers of the vaccine dynasty should be punished for their shameful behavior or fired. They support the criminals and criminalize the victims. Another young fatality created by their sick views.
I hope that somewhere deep inside the oblivious adults at the Latin School, as well as the cruel students there, there is a conscience that cannot be muted. I hope on every happy occasion…..birthday, graduation, wedding….the image of Nate Bronstein will flash in their wicked brains and make them desperately sad for what they did to this boy.
if they still have their other kids at that school, assimilated yet or not, they need their heads examined. hell, they do anyway, for having their kids inoculated in the first damn place. if only his parents had pulled him out sooner!!! shame on them for making him keep going: it was probably just so they could get their money’s worth out of it. and the school should be closed, really, since so many staff ignored and even participated in this poor boy’s torment, not to mention the absolute isolation he experienced daily while sitting in a roomful of peers. the school could have shut down the rumor down immediately, since surely they would have had Nate’s proof of vaccination, and could have reassured the other hateful parents, who could then reign in their hellions.
“This blogger wanted children when he was one himself. But as early as the late 1990s, he realized
that it would be unfair and a bit cruel to bring children into this world.”
I guess great minds think alike. Had I had children I would have to take the jab, and I first began to move away from the idea of having children in the early 2000s to not have them after being ostracised and alienated in High School and finally decided not to after not having enough to eat in University.
Long term solution for a minor short term problem.
Chicago is full of bullies, I grew up there. Wish I could have spoke to the young man. He needed someone to help him through this. His family as well needed to know so maybe a homeschool program could instead be set up. Imagine paying $41,000 a year to be bullied and abused.
This is so tragic and upsetting- My heart and prayers are going out to his sisters and parents.. And I pray that those against him in his school who behaved like imbeciles actually form a conscience and become convicted against themselves and make up for it during their lives
.. This is pathetic and the sort of thing that gets me in trouble when I see it happening, because I don’t always have a filter, and end up saying something nasty in defense of the victim. It seems okay to bully someone who doesn’t follow the government narrative (even though he DID get vaccinated) these days.
It reminds me of what I recently heard on the news that children, etc, are encouraged to harrass any Russians they know around them within the United States, due to the war in the Ukraine, and they won’t be held in account. I hope people start waking up to this lame brain hypocrisy.
This is why we need to be assertive in our refusal to be vaccinated. In my country (Romania) all covid restrictions were lifted, while only 50% of the population was vacinated. We have less covid deaths than in Western Europe where around 90% of the population is vaccinated. I wear a jacket with the slogan (in Romanian language) written on it: „Are you vaccinated? Keep the distance! I am allergic to stupid people!”. Nobody is bullying me because I am not vacinated.
We have to keep in mind that covid is a political, psyhological and sociological problem, not a medical one. If we want to solve the problem we need to take political, psyhological and sociological actions. Being assertive about our unvaccinated status and even mocking the vaccinated persons is a sociological actions required to solve the problem.
I love the jacket idea. I’m especially “allergic” to so-called conservatives who agree face diapers don’t work; are against mandates, etc., yet still are okay with getting a jab especially if you are “high risk.” Talk about stupid!
I’m not sure why your comment is downvoted. I can only conjecture that people only skimmed and didn’t fully comprehend your comment. The high risk argument is being proved wrong regularly as new data is published. But, this may make people feel bad with buyer’s remorse, or if they persuaded loved ones at “high risk” to get it. If I were at high risk, I wouldn’t want to muck with my immune system, that’s for sure.
Not trying to sound disrespectful, but if people ever tried to be mean to me I would just ignore them. I could care less. If someone pushed me too far I would fight back. People don’t pick on those who don’t show weakness But this story also demonstrates how cruel humanity has become. I don’t like most people anymore. Everyone is a user nowadays, a nation of psychopaths/narcissists. I believe we are in the end times, when humanity is no longer even human anymore.
Not everyone has been taught the same strength of character as you have. I didn’t. I see a couple of my female students who do and I admire them. On the flip side, I have a couple of boys who get “anxiety” and I tell them “life is anxiety. You learn to deal with it.”
I have a license tag on the front of my car that I think you would like too: “Dogs, I like. People? Not so much.” I can’t tell you the number of comments I get on that tag each week.
Agree with most of your comments. However, teen years can be awkward, and who knows how the child was brought up. He was probably still in the midst of building his confidence. At least he has an excuse, as a teen. So many adults ONLY care about what others think!
social media has made people even more narcissistic. Everyone seeking attention, including adults. The problem here isn’t the bullying but what he was being bullied for. Prior to social media era going against the gov one was considered a rebel and the cool kid, now being a sheep and complaint is the cool thing to do. The end times indeed. Modern Day Technology is the worst thing that happen to humanity, there is a reason the first apple computer was priced at $ 666.66 or that a internet address starts with WWW (666).
Something about this story seems very odd. My son was a senior in high school when this came about. I would say at least half the kids were not vaccinated. Did not test, and there were no issues.lf anything there was more stigma to being vaccinated and this is in New York State. Maybe the vaccines are starting to attack the brain.
Rwanda style
Teenagers are already cruel enough to each other as it is. Now with the world turned upside we have bullying teens that are backed by the childish teachers and administrators. Parents as well. What a horrible crime that is being conducted on these children. My prayers to this poor family.
Yes disagreeing which is what amendment is a crime? Standing on the very constitution is now punishable by death and the government who are there to uphold it hate it and do nothing.
What a horrifically sad story. I was bullied in school extensively when I was the new kid in 5th and 6th grade. I was happy with the work my daughter’s schools seemed to be doing to address the problem maybe 5 or 10 years ago. And then the Covidcon came along, giving kids free reign to show the ugliest side of their nature with full adult approval. I’ve been terrified of something like this happening to my now 15 year old (my younger girl is homeschooled by me) she really wanted the in school experience. As I’ve said before, the differential quarantine period for her during 2021 (10 days AND negative test after class contact if unjabbed, just negative test if vaxxed) automatically identified her as unjabbed, which I felt was a total violation of her private health information and very dangerous for the school to do in the current hysteria. She managed in part because the jabbed kids kept on testing positive. Plus lots of boys have crushes on her. These school cultures can get real nasty If administrators aren’t addressing it my child would be out of that school by the next morning.