Leah Taylor: 22-year-old Iowa doctorate student and fitness promoter hospitalized with myocarditis after coerced Pfizer mRNA injection, future uncertain

September 8, 2021

Ms. Leah Taylor.

DAVENPORT, IOWA — A 22-year-old St. Ambrose University physical therapy student and body builder was scared and hesitant to play along with the global “vaccine” agenda. Now she is unable to workout and faces a precarious future after succumbing to the pressure.

Ms. Leah Taylor received her second Pfizer mRNA injection sometime between July 27 and August 22, based on context clues from her now-deleted Instagram account. It’s unclear whether she deactivated the account herself or if Instagram took it down because she reported severe adverse reactions to the mRNA injections. Several people have told us that their Instagram accounts were locked and/or deleted recently after sharing personal adverse effect stories.

Ms. Taylor reported weighing just 110 pounds in 2016. She bulked up to 165 pounds by June 20 this year. Ms. Taylor posted an Instagram update on August 23. She said she took “the whole summer off” from exercise because she was diagnosed with myocarditis after receiving the Pfizer mRNA injection. But based on her posts from the summer of 2021, she was working out regularly until July 27.

There were no Instagram posts for 27 days thereafter, which was unusual for her. Thus she likely received the injection during that span. Doctors told her to keep her heart rate down for six months.

Despite the doctors’ advice, Ms. Taylor posted another update on August 24. She reported doing a light weight lifting workout to get herself back in the groove while not raising her heart rate too much.

But myocarditis is no joke and is not a “rare” paper cut or mosquito bite that quickly heals as the Centers for Disease Control, big tech and mainstream media want the general public to believe.

Hospitalization and uncertain future

Ms. Taylor posted no more updates until August 31. On that day, she posted a photo of herself in a hospital bed. Ms. Taylor said she was taking a break from her fitness Instagram account due to “heart issues.” She was screened for heart failure. But doctors ultimately ruled that out. She also posted an Instagram story showing her pre-Pfizer muscular physique, followed by a photo of her arm with an IV in it from a hospital bed.

Her update on the August 31 post is a sad, yet common story among the “vaccinated.” A portion reads as follows:

I understand the fear and danger on both sides. Clearly. I mean look what the vaccine has done to my previously healthy, 22-year-old heart. I was extremely hesitant and scared to get the vaccine. My doctoral program pushed for all students to get it, and vaccination mandates for healthcare workers came out in my area. That is why I had to get the vaccine.

The post had 749 comments and 3,000-plus “likes” before it disappeared. Many of the comments were belittling and telling her she got what she deserved.

Ms. Taylor earned a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Physiology in 2020. She commenced the Doctorate of Physical Therapy (DPT) program at St. Ambrose last year. She was 18 months away from being “Dr. Leah Taylor, PT, DPT.” Ms. Taylor has a second Instagram account. But the last update there was on August 22. Thus it is unclear if she’s home or still in the hospital.

The St. Ambrose University “vaccine” coercion statement can be seen here.

Heart problems are common adverse reactions

Search myocarditis and pericarditis on this blog to read about several individual cases of post-injection heart inflammation. A New Zealand woman just died last week from myocarditis. There are 4,401 reported cases of heart inflammation after the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) as of August 27.

Mainstream media cannot get out of their own way trying to downplay these common post-injection heart problems. The New York Times admitted in late August that heart problems are “more common…after vaccination.” But they still couldn’t help themselves and used the word “rare” four times in the article.

These injections have no discernible uses other than severe harm, including death. There’s simply no rational explanation for people still eagerly lining up for these shots other than being loyal cult followers for the Church of COVID. The mRNA and viral vector DNA injections are the holy sacrament. These people and their media can no longer be reasoned with. Unfortunately at this point we just have to watch them die.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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3 years ago

Thank you for including the pictures from the deleted instagram account.
They are very important to, uh, document the physiological impact in this case.
Excellent reporting is basically impossible to come by these days, I am so appreciative of it here!

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Agree. This is an excellent blog.

3 years ago

Stay strong and resist. You lose your health, you lose everything.

John McClane
John McClane
3 years ago

I know this is off topic a bit, but I need to say this. She is Complaining about insensitive comments, ugh, this is why I despise social media and this idiotic society created by this kind of idiotic generation. So, what? Is everyone suppose to praise you for going along with evil? The kind of evil Totalitarianism that affects all of us and already caused numerous people their health or lives? Are we all supposed to be sycophants and praise you and everyone else no matter what you say, do, or the consequences it has? No matter wheter you are in the wrong, nobody is suppose to be negative or disagree? Or call you out on your wrong doing? I guess so, to these social media sheep.

This is a prime example why i detest this ridiculous notion of calling anything you don’t like “hate” or referring to people as a “hater”,it is stupidity on steroids, the most ridiculous thing anyone has ever come up with. Not only is it an overuse and abuse of words like “hate”, but it’s used to shut down conversations, marginalize, bully/intimidate people to make them back down and go along with the herd or collective mentality and if you sit and think about its had nothing but detrimental consequences worldwide. Same as this hate speech, hate crimes garbage, of which there is no such thing, it’s just a tool to control what you can and cant say, (first your speech, then your actions, conscience & rights) eventually leading to real life consequences, like being fired from jobs, jail etc and people sit back and wonder why we have all the online censorship now and with things like this covidiocy, look at the incomprehensible effects its having? Cant people connect the dots and see how it’s all tied together? Sigh. It make me so angry.

It has numerous bad ripple effects, for example within Christian circles, if you are not allowed disagree or be negative in any way at all, even when someone is blatantly wrong, lying, teaching something false, dangerous or doing all sorts, then what’s left? Praising them no matter what? Gee, you think that fulfills prophecy that says people in the last days will be lovers of their own selves? You think maybe it gives breathing ground to all manners of evil things, while simultaneously creating a me me me, narcissistic self absorbed, self entitled culture and generation of idiots? ..and on top of all that leads to moral relativism and postmodernism were “truth” is whatever you want it to be. Think perhaps that creates chaos in society, moral decay racing towards complete societal collapse? It also ties in to every evil agenda being pushed and the filth shoved at the youth in “trending” sections of social media, because if they can decide what you can and cant say, what is or isn’t acceptable, they have complete control and can shut down the right stuff and push only the wrong stuff they want the youth to see, hear, believe and then that has it’s own affects in the real world.

I always tell people, it’s no coincidence social media and smartphones came about within a few years of eachother and overall its changed the world for the worst, perfect example is the picture of this woman in her underwear, so she can say and claim all she likes she is not brainwashed, but she is already doing the things other immoral young girls are doing which makes them disgusting in my eyes. What man in his right mind would want a woman with no self respect and who goes along with the crowd and puts up inappropriate photos of herself for the entire world to see. But of course, she like all the rest will put up such photos and do all sorts of other immoral and perverted things and then sit there acting innocent, dumbfounded/oblivious as to why they are getting the wrong kind of attention ,comments or sexual requests, but its always the men who are to blame, right?. Nothing is the fault of these women, Ugh, get me out of this world, I hate it.

3 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

Social media is a scourge. I only now use Gab. All other accounts were deleted awhile ago.

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

Your posts are always extremely immature whiny and full of preachy tyrannical rhetoric. It is one of the reasons why so many do not get the message about the danger of these vaccines. There is plenty of HATE on social media and just because you and others insist on belittling people rather than being helpful, that does not stop it from being hate. She stated she did not have a choice. Many people do not have access to the info others have. People should be grateful she is sharing her story and use it to see how they can others, and make the criminals pay for their policies. But you are preaching about not being able to use it as opportunity to insult and belittle someone to illustrate your perceived superiority. Feel free to take yourself out of social media.

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago
Reply to  Observer

You have the audacity to say that and talk about immaturity when you, being brainwashed go on about hate hate hate, that’s all you people can ever say, your silly little buzzwords and ridiculous notions, while patting yourself on the back to the appraisal of fools, congratulating yourself as if you said something intelligent or accomplished something significant. You haven’t got an ounce of common sense to regurgitate such brainwashed, ridiculous rhetoric. Just call whatever you don’t like “hate” what’s that suppose to do, get the rest of us to shut up and back down? Do you have anything remotely intelligent or worthwhile to say? No? Did you get “triggered”? then go cry in your safe space and keep your ignorant commentary to yourself and take your own advice, we will all be better off not having to put up with you or your stupidity. By the way, i guess you can’t even see your own inconsistency in your comment, isn’t your negativity considered to be “hate” too? Hypocritical much? Sit down and keep quiet, best for people to think you are clueless, that to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Don’t like the Preaching stuff huh? Aww, that’s too bad and you also helped me prove points made in my original comment, thanks for that 😉 haha, i spoke the truth not my fault if you dont like it. Many people like this woman do have access to such information, but instead she spends her time taking selfies rather than researching thoroughly, gives into peer pressure rather than standing on her own two feet for what’s right, so she did have a choice, as we all do, you’re sitting there in your ignorance complaining about people who post mean comments as if it’s then end of the world, while her and those like her have brought mass evil and tyranny upon the entire world because of their compliance and numerous consequences like DEATH, you have little to moan about and haven’t got a clue.

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

Holy cow, John McClane, BRAVO!!! Excellently well said! I would give that post 100 upvotes if I could. When Mommy tells her third-grade daughter “No, you cannot have that candy,” the little girl blubbers “Mommy, you HATE me!” Attributing the motive of hate is for little girls. AMEN John McClane for calling out these screaming little brats who attribute to “hate” anything that disputes their narrative. They are losers and whiners and liabilities.

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

Hey John:

“Judge not, that ye be not judged”. Jesus Christ, the Saviour


1 Corinthians 13:

“If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.  If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.  If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.  For we know in part and we prophesy in part,  but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears.  When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.  For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”

Ever reckon that maybe the real test here – on both “sides” – is to love regardless? Get the plank out your own eye first. Leah is suffering; she was/is brave to document it and she’s very young. She’s also very ill – you think maybe that’s why she can’t cope with negative comments from strangers right now?

You never made a mistake? The victims of this vaccine are NOT the ones to blame. There’s a lot of hypnosis going around; a lot of pressure. Her posts might persuade a few other people not to take it. Blaming the innocent for the crimes of the guilty is a tactic of the devil. You think I’m not raging, at times, at those who’ve taken it? Of course I am!!! But to post hatred and anger (and misogyny) is, imo, EXACTLY what the divide-and-rule wants.

Janyuary, I notice you too blame the female, despite the fact that this is all probably/certainly the result of the patriarchy, coming from the (male) mystery schools. The devil hates women and Christianity, which really should give you both a hint as to where your invective stands – nearer God or nearer the devil.

Finally: you think you’re helping? At least one testimony shown here stated the victim didn’t want to publicly report her vax injuries for fear of hate from “anti-vaxxers”. Most/all of the insults we throw at others describe only ourselves and certainly when it comes to persuading people to share their vax injuries, you two aren’t exactly helping, are you?

2 years ago
Reply to  Observer

Uh, she perceived she did not have a choice.
“I was extremely hesitant and scared to get the vaccine. My doctoral program pushed for all students to get it, and vaccination mandates for healthcare workers came out in my area. That is why I had to get the vaccine.”

“Pushed” does not equal “forced”.
“Mandates for healthcare workers came out in my area.” So, was she already such a worker? Were the mandates already in force? Could she have completed her program without being a healthcare worker at this time, then go somewhere else to work? She is not specific, only giving her interpretation.

I have been at my company over 20 years, and I doubt I could replace half my salary if I was terminated. Someone might think oh well, I guess with Bribem’s announcement last week, I have to get the jab. NO, there is still a choice. I will have some detailed questions to pose to my company, but I will not quit, nor will I be jabbed. Pretty wild to think a work-at-home person who has not been in the office in over 3 years would need a jab for work-related scenarios.

Clair Voyant
Clair Voyant
2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

@Indomitable You said exactly what I was thinking. There were 2 choices…..get the jab(s) or not. There are always consequences to the choices we make. She was not forced, she made a choice.

3 years ago

The university policies do not look all that oppressive. Yes, they say be careful if you feel sick, or if you have been around someone that has been diagnosed with covid, but they do not even specifically call for mandatory testing. Maybe she was looking at stronger rules somewhere else? I am wondering if she just decided it would be easier to join the “club”. Well, now she is a stark reminder that it really isn’t easier to take that route.

3 years ago

These vaccines were designed to kill. That’s all I have to say.

Mark David
Mark David
2 years ago
Reply to  Craig

Stupid people learn this too late.

2 years ago
Reply to  Craig

Possibly, but I personally believe the goal is adversely affect fertility. A precipitous collapse is against the globalists’ interest. A gradual wind down would be more like it.

3 years ago

She wants to get a Ph.D…which stands for Phonier and Dumber…all that formal education…while the brain gets smart, but the head gets dumb…it takes a lot of brains to get on board with a Kill Gates endorsed injection…

John McClane
John McClane
3 years ago
Reply to  Car

PHD, Permanent head damage :D.

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

Ph.D – Piled high and Deep

3 years ago

Thought she was a “tough guy” Now she can be on heart med for the rest of her life.

DK Fynn
3 years ago

Geez…I gazed at that picture where she was flexing (the “from this” picture), and sad thoughts filled my mind: fit, strong, healthy, and…changed.

I’m also into health and fitness, so we share that in common. (Not to make this about me, but recently, my province declared that you have to have the vaccine passport to go to the gym, and my rugby league basically said the same thing. I haven’t taken the jabs, and refuse to do so.)

Anyway, I’m really thankful that I’m in a position where I can refuse the jab without any severe life-altering repercussions. I understand that there are many who feel that they don’t have that choice…although, I think that they still do have some sort of choice.

But back to Leah. Universities know that most of their students are of child-bearing age. Anyone with any intuition knows that you shouldn’t give an experimental treatment to a woman of child-bearing age.

I wonder–I really wonder–if this was a point of discussion when the universities who mandated these inoculations decided to do so.

I wonder if anyone from the health department said, “These are experimental treatments, and we have students who are of child-bearing age. This might not be a good idea.”

Anyway, at least she made an attempt to make her voice heard. Maybe she’ll help others become more aware of what can happen, although I’ve said that if it can do this to anyone…it’s probably not good for anyone.

I really hope that science (good science, not the fake tyrannical science) can find a way to lessen these peoples’ suffering.

Amy Sukwan
3 years ago

I agree with this young woman’s statement in many ways. I sometimes think the ardently anti vax comments of the “this person got what they deserved taking the shot” or “how could you be so stupid” type are really just encouraging fighting amongst ourselves, and alienating vax injured during the time when they can be brought over to the cause. My experience prior to Covid was that most folks were pro vax before, then something really bad happened to them or a loved one (usually their baby) right after one, then they were abandoned and denied by the medical system and were forced to find their own answers. The effort should be focused on the evil of pushing this stuff on everyone, not belittling those who felt coerced or naively trusted the system. I do think there are some very bad people at the top of this pyramid pushing this though

3 years ago
Reply to  Amy Sukwan

Amen. Some of these people realize they made a mistake, and are remorseful. I can’t understand those who tell them “they got what they deserve.” Is it unfortunate that they made a choice to get the vax? Yes. But kicking someone while they are down, is a low thing to do. At least she’s sharing her story, it might help someone on the fence about taking the vax.

John McClane
John McClane
3 years ago
Reply to  Amy Sukwan

But look at it another way, we wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place if it wasn’t for people like this woman and their unwillingness to listen, think for themselves or do research. The entire world is facing tyranny because of them and the consequences are ongoing because of it. Here in Ireland they are vaccinating 12-15yr olds, if my 12yr old niece gets it and God forbid something happens to her, it’s because of people like this woman, without her and all those like her, my niece wouldn’t be facing this insanity to begin with, so comments she doesn’t like are the least of her problems. What good is gaining these people on our side when the damage is done and people are dead and gone forever?? If my niece was to end up with some serious health issue or dead, would this woman be there to pick up the pieces? Would any of the liberals who push and encourage people to get it and want the unvaccinated criminalized or denied a hospital bed be there to help? No, would they care? No. Will any of them be around to help when the Orwellian /dystopian society they want is in full swing worldwide and people are being rounded up for disobedience to the state? when they are the very ones who created that society? My mother, brother and probably my sister too have gotten the jab, what if they are all gone and my dad being elderly, he may not be around much longer, i dont know, what if in the near future im the only one in my family left because of this, what then? These are the kinds of things that need to be taken into account.

3 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

John McClane, you make valid points. I too have immediate family that have taken the jab. I stand to be the only one left too… if things go south. It’s a sticky situation, while I don’t like to kick others while their down… i can’t fault you for pointing out how much of the mess we are in is a result of liberal-mindedness and them ignoring us (calling us conspiracy theorists and every other name in the book). I’m torn because as angry as i am at liberals, many of my family are liberal-minded and (at the end of the day), I still love them.

Amy Sukwan
3 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

You make interesting and valid points. It’s true we wouldn’t be headed towards a dystopian hellhole if the vast majority of people had ignored the programming, the fear mongering, the health dictates and the vax push from the outset. Unfortunately they’ve been setting this evil scheme up for generations leaving many in the grips of matrix like psychological programming. How many movies have you seen over the years about a deadly virus outbreak, in which every single person exposed gets infected and usually dies, with no answer to stop the outbreak but a “vaccine” an “antigen” or some other super sciencey thing? Half the time they’re wearing full on biohazard suits to prevent “infection.” That’s subconscious predictive programming. My experience in life trying to warn other mothers of the dangers of infant and childhood vaccines years ago taught me this: almost everything I said fell on deaf ears UNTIL they had a problem with themselves or their child that was undeniable. Some couldn’t accept it even then as the pain of knowing what they’d done or acknowledging that they’d been tricked was too great. With boosters just around the corner a lot of vaxxed folks are going to be counted as unvaccinated soon enough. Many times people just don’t care until they’ve suffered themselves greatly. Some would rather be dead than wrong. But it’s not my place to judge or put myself in their shoes. I don’t think telling them that they’ll be dead in three years is going win them over either. And really the whole vaxxed versus unvaxxed thing is a divide and conquer ploy from the start: almost no rational thinking person falls on the farthest reaches of either extreme. If you don’t believe me, think long and hard about what you’d do if a racoon foaming at the mouth came out from behind some garbage cans and sunk its teeth into your calf…

2 years ago
Reply to  Amy Sukwan

Actually, I have already thought of that exact scenario (having a family of raccoons living in my yard). The only vax I would take would be after the bite of a likely rabid animal. I won’t even get tetanus anymore, I’ll take my chances with that one.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Rabies vaccine is a misnomer. It’s an antidote, like snake anti venom. It’s given after exposure, never as a prophylactic. It’s NOT a vaccine.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amy Sukwan

These guys are the reason why the world is in the state it is in. On top of their religion of government, the institute of slavery, violence and mind control.

Tyranny exists because the masses support it, including the House Slaves of the police and military.

Amin Abdullah
2 years ago
Reply to  SpecOps

Amen. The other programming – that very few recognize – is to waste one’s emotions on every AH who becomes a victim of his/her poor life decisions. Like wearing a mask because it is now my job to make sure the obese person who scoffs at eating well and nurturing his/her immune system, stays alive.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amy Sukwan

Exactly. Religious and other preachy people actually prevent others from getting the facts about the vaccine – their hateful political rhetoric will naturally have a counterproductive effect. It is like they are enjoying the suffering of others. They do not care about people they care about their politics and social views.

Nicholas Wind
Nicholas Wind
3 years ago

From Toronto. I don’t belittle anyone being continually threatened and picked on and mocked for NOT getting the poison JAB.
My Son is going through this as is my neice.Both are millennials and both are fighting.
I’ve been fighting the medical system for 25 years so none of this surprises me.
Nobody attacks me more than once but we are filled with SHEEPLE who are 100% BRAINWASHED.
This will be a crazy winter 😳
Lots of LEMMINGS walking to the CATTLE CARS willingly.

3 years ago
Reply to  Nicholas Wind

They will take it out of their own Free Will…then they will be Bagged and Tagged, with Fake Covid on their Death Certificates…and the Media will blame Vaccine Refusers, while new Fake Varients are announced…Rinse wash repeat…Checkmate Humanity…Yahshua Messiah is the only pathway out of this wicked world…no one can Serve Two Masters…the Lemmings made their choice…they will pay for their miscalculations in more ways than one…

John McClane
John McClane
3 years ago
Reply to  Nicholas Wind

They aren’t walking, they are running to the slaughter house.

Lynn Simmons
Lynn Simmons
2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

Just more proof that most animals have more sense than most humans around nowadays — animals balk at the entrances of slaughterhouses and have to be electrically prodded or beaten to enter. They smell the blood and fear, and frantically try to back away from the chute. They don’t even want to get on the trucks that take them there.

Whereas humans offer themselves willingly and voluntarily…

3 years ago

comments were belittling and telling her she got what she deserved.” These are mostly government trolls. Sent out to divide the people against each other.

2 years ago
Reply to  Derek

You know, I would have pooh-poohed that comment a few years ago, but I am older and much more experienced now. I have seen online too many times now, comment boards deluged in a highly organized fashion with comments that at first glance seem genuine, but soon reveal signs that indicate a pretender who is ignorant of who/what we really are. It explains why, when among like-minded folk in real life, they are a certain type of soul; online, are people who write comments that express like-minded EMOTIONS to mine on the issues, but their souls are like folks I avoid — they blame, blame, blame, blame, their comments express ugly blame and emotions that are ABSENT in like-minded folks in my real world. They seem like people pretending to be kindred spirits, but they don’t know that TRUE kindred spirts leave blaming to losers. Losers blame, winners leave the blaming to the losers.

2 years ago

So sad, yes she has myocarditis which has resulted in Heart Failure which she will never fully recover. I know for I have heart failure but not due to the damaging vaccine. Mine is from blocked heart artery. I hope she can resume an active life, but I doubt it is totally possible.

2 years ago
Reply to  FLCracker

Apparently 66% of those who get this will be dead in less than 5 years. Very high mortality rate.

2 years ago

The people who are “going along” and getting these injections due to pressure from jobs, friends, family are the reason why the “authorities” are getting away with it and continuing to succeed. Anyone in school can take a pause and stop until the madness sinks in (or the deaths are so profound) for those making rules. Say no say no say no. I cannot stress it enough.

2 years ago

The ONLY job of medicine is to heal existing BAD health. Those who trust medicine to manage their future GOOD health make a big mistake. Doctors and nurses who presume to take on the role of ensuring our future good health are FRAUDS who refuse to embrace their REAL and ONLY job, which is to repair BAD health.

Good health, your future good health, is NONE of the medical industry’s business, nor is it the government’s business to manage your future good health. ANY ONE who declares, ‘Your good health is my job,” must be cast away as a fraud. Genuine healers, real doctors, born nurses, will say: “My only job as a doctor/nurse is to repair BAD health. Your good health is YOUR job.”

People who look to medicine for their good health, are guaranteed to fail. Those who look to medicine to repair bad health, may succeed.

Perry Taka
2 years ago

What happened to Ms. Taylor? She apparently contracted myocarditis after the second Pfizer kill shot. I had a similar experience, but all the symptoms pointed to pericarditis. I am told this is the result of blood clotting by the spiked proteins of the mRNA gene therapy, and that the proper procedure to detect this is the d-dimer test.

Healthy Skeptic
Healthy Skeptic
2 years ago

“My doctoral program pushed for all students to get it, and vaccination mandates for healthcare workers came out in my area. That is why I had to get the vaccine.”

Leah Taylor worships her own vain image. That false god led her to people pleasing. That false god led her to a serious heart problem that used to be typical of an 80 year man. Yet, in her own words, this vain young woman fails to repent and turn away from her sins of people pleasing, idol worship and trusting in man instead of trusting in Lord Jesus..the one true God. I pray that the Lord heals her physically and spiritually. May all the glory be to the Lord!

2 years ago

I know two people who died of heart attack after receiving the vaccine, 31 y.o. and 60 y.o. Neither were reported to VAERS. These reactions are taking place at a much higher rate than any data shows.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lalalauren

I agree with you. We really don’t know how many people are dying or experiencing adverse effects as a result of these vaccines.

1 year ago

Is there an update on her condition?

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