Reap what you sow? Doctors dropping like flies in deaths described as “died unexpectedly” and “died suddenly” since mid-October
November 17, 2021

The American Medical Association reported that 96% of U.S. doctors were vaccinated in June. Even with a 20-point error margin, accounting for saline/placebo shots and exemptions, a vast majority of doctors have received the shots. It’s only fair since doctors peddle the injections to their unwitting, credulous fanatics who worship the white coats.

RELATED: Thomas Flanigan: Ohio doctor writes his own obituary after Moderna shots, dead 11 weeks later (May 7, 2021)

Vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences. We all know that. But you can literally search keywords like “died suddenly” and “died unexpectedly” in Yahoo, Bing, DuckDuckGo, etc. and find endless stories like the following. Booster shots commenced on September 22. That could also be a coincidence. But all of the following doctors died on October 13 or later.

We could literally include 100 doctors in this story if time permitted. All of these happened in the last four weeks. The youngest is 32. The oldest is 59.

Dr. Kevin Walsh – Roanoke, Virginia

WDBJ 7 in Roanoke reported that Dr. William Kevin Walsh passed away “suddenly” and “unexpectedly” on October 29 at the age of 51. He was an OB-GYN with a private practice. Dr. Walsh was also affiliated with LewisGale Medical Center.  He is survived by his wife and five children.

Dr. Walsh advocated for “vaccines” and equated COVID-19 to polio on Facebook just six weeks before his death.

Dr. Justin Nasser – Benowa, Queensland (Australia)

It’s not just happening in the United States. Dr. Justin Nasser “died unexpectedly of a heart attack” on November 14, according to the Gold Coast Bulletin. He was 52 years old. The Bulletin also described his death as “sudden.” Dr. Nasser was an OB-GYN at Gold Coast University Hospital and medical director of Swell Women’s Ultrasound. He is survived by his wife and three children.

Queensland, and all other Australian states, require mRNA or viral vector DNA injections for all healthcare workers. Only 4% of Gold Coast University Hospital staff failed to comply as of November 2, according to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC).

Dr. Stephanie Bosch – Waldport, Oregon

Dr. Stephanie Allison Bosch died “suddenly and unexpectedly” of a pulmonary embolism on October 13, according to Yachats News. She was just 32 years old. Dr. Bosch finished her residency just three years ago. She was a general practitioner at Samaritan Waldport Clinic since 2018. Dr. Bosch is survived by both parents and several siblings.

RELATED: Maggie Williams: Oregon public schools change mask policy after track runner collapses due to lack of oxygen (May 6, 2021)

Pulmonary embolisms are known and common adverse effects from the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. All Oregon healthcare workers were required to be “fully vaccinated” by October 18. Oregon is also the only state that we know of with an outdoor mask mandate.

Dr. Craig Shannon – Poughkeepsie, New York

Dr. Craig Michael Shannon passed away at his home on October 29. He was 42. Dr. Shannon was a neurosurgeon at Vassar Brothers Medical Center in Poughkeepsie. He was apparently well-liked by his patients, as you cannot find one negative thing about him online.

The U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the New York vaccine mandate for healthcare workers on November 4. The Court denied the Petitioner’s motion for preliminary injunction. The two original cases are remanded back to their respective lower courts to litigate the cases’ merits. All New York healthcare workers were required to be “fully vaccinated” by October 7.

RELATED: At least two doctors link mRNA injections to cancer

Two different obituaries imply that Dr. Shannon died from non-Hodgkin lymphoma. But he died in his home. If he had advanced, aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma, he would have died in a hospital or in hospice, not at home. Dr. Shannon is survived by his wife and both parents.

Dr. Elliott Gagnon – Wasilla, Alaska

Dr. Elliott Gagnon “passed away unexpectedly at his home” on October 14, according to the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman. He was 48. Dr. Gagnon was a plastic surgeon with his own private practice. He was also affiliated with Mat-Su Regional Medical Center.

A Facebook post on his private practice page says Dr. Gagnon “passed away suddenly.”

Alaska is one of several states involved in lawsuits to halt the Joe Biden so-called vaccine mandate. Alaska healthcare workers are not required to receive the injections at this time. Gagnon Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery required masks to enter the establishment. There was no vaccine mandate for entry. But the practice appeared to promote injections for kids.

Dr. Gagnon is survived by his wife, Janel, and two kids. Janel, who was also the office manager at the private practice, is in the process of closing it down. She received one of her injections in May.

Dr. Daniel McBride – West Hatfield, Massachusetts

Dr. Daniel Gene McBride died of a heart attack after a 16-mile bike ride on October 20, according to his obituary. He was a general orthopedic surgeon at Cooley Dickinson Hospital. Dr. McBride, 59, is survived by his wife and son.

His obituary says he was an “avid bicyclist” who participated in competitive events. Dr. McBride was also a runner and skier. He was healthy. We’ve covered several stories of people dying after exercising in this COVID vaccine era. Mass General Brigham, the parent company of Cooley Dickinson, requires all healthcare workers to receive the injections. The company reported 97% compliance on October 15.

Dr. Janak Patel – Marietta, Ohio

Dr. Janak R. Patel “suffered sudden death” on October 28, according to WTAP News. He was 55. Dr. Patel was doing his normal routine as an emergency room doctor at Memorial Marietta Hospital when he was “found down and unable to be resuscitated.” He is survived by his wife and three children.

All Memorial Marietta healthcare workers are required to have at least one dose of the injections by December 5, according to Becker’s Hospital Review. Protesters gathered in front of the hospital last Friday, expressing their displeasure with the mandates.

 Future of healthcare

The powers-that-be know that vaccine mandates for healthcare workers lead to mass shortages of qualified personnel due to injuries and deaths. Many healthcare workers are quitting to avoid the injections, leading to even more shortages. There’s also the influx of vaxx-injured patients. Even NPR admitted that hospitals are overrun with seriously ill people who do not have COVID-19. It’s shaping up to be a situation with millions of sick people and nobody to help them (not that doctors are helping vaxx-injured people now anyway).

Healthcare will mostly be digitized by 2030. Transhumans and “GMO humans” will be the majority in Western countries. Birthrates will grind to a halt due to mass infertility, a common trait for GMO-humans. Medicine will be impersonal and mechanical. Direct human interaction will be minimal or nonexistent.

Military personnel and equipment will inevitably start filling healthcare positions in civilian settings, likely sooner rather than later. Critical thinkers should have already been preparing for this. Avoid doctors at all costs. Keep your weight down and Vitamin D and C levels up. Exercise your heart, get adequate sleep and even meditate 2-3 times a week. Avoiding doctors is a matter of life and death in 2021. Death by doctor is disgraceful. It’s best to die with dignity when the time comes.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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Aunty Vaxhole
Aunty Vaxhole
2 years ago

How terrible for the widows! Some have young children, some in their 40s and 50s, presumably. They built lives with these men, might have been looking forward to a happy retirement. All gone in a cloud of folly! Some of the children might be set to lose both parents. How unspeakably horrible! And that young woman, Stephanie Bosch, only 32 years old. It’s going to be a hard Thanksgiving and Christmas or Hanukkah for her parents and siblings and every year going forward will bring the same sense of sorrow that will hang over them all through the holidays.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aunty Vaxhole

“Some of the children might be set to lose both parents. How unspeakably horrible!”

The kids will be fine.

No doubt their loving mothers will be having them vaxxed shortly as well – the problem solves itself, really.

It’s ‘The *ew Normal’ to save ‘duh, planet’ – ain’t it grand!?

Last edited 2 years ago by Kielanders
Punta Grande
Punta Grande
2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

I don’t feel one bit sorry for them. Their vaccine pushing was putting my own family in danger. Good riddance.

2 years ago
Reply to  Punta Grande

“I don’t feel one bit sorry for them.”

Nor do I, apologies if sarcasm doesn’t translate well in writing.

They’d just as soon as see us and our loved ones dead, I’m too old & tired to care about the outcome of theirs.

. . . let them inherit the world about which they’ve so dreamt.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kielanders
Dumitru Popa
Dumitru Popa
2 years ago
Reply to  Punta Grande

Any of them probably don’t read very much of this website before vaxx ,otherwise they won’t take it

1 year ago
Reply to  Punta Grande

Exactly! pushing covid19 vaccine and employment mandates, I lost my job and my husband almost lost his. It put our family through hell. Lost family and friends over the debate of these vaccines. Turned my entire life upside down. I can understand if people want to believe these V were safe and effective. What I cannot understand is why there was NEVER any OPEN debate. Science and medicine is about seeking answers, open debate and challenging the truth, challenging the results. Even after millions were willing to lose their job, their livelihood after years in their profession, no one ever bothered questioning WHY? WHY would people quit or jeopordize their long career, roof over their heads, supporting their children over a so called vaccine. WHY didn’t doctors wonder or question. And even more so, WHY didn’t they question WHY a government(s) would PUSH SOOOO HARD to get everyone vaccinated. WHEN has ANY government EVER done anything for the people. Governments in general are self-serving.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

I wonder if the mothers will see the light? What compels people to do this to themselves and their children? The virtue signaling and social media “rewards” are stronger than objective reality.

How do people give in so easily to social pressure and regard other people’s opinions so highly, many took the jab simply to appease. Why does the need to appease overcome the will to live?

We know the survival rate for this plague is about 97-98% overall.

The injection is experimental and ingredients unknown.

So why??

I’ve asked people if they normally participate in drug trials. Just this one question triggers their anger and my dismissal. Permanent dismissal in some cases.

The best comparison I know is that of the Tulip Mania that swept parts of Europe in the 1600’s. Fascinating tale of mass hysteria and delusion.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wim
2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

‘Tulip Mania’ (on steroids) is an excellent comparison.

The best I can figure is that all of these people believing the in party line identify with our present authoritarian structures.

They’re lured by the bait that, intellectually, they are one of that group, and that THEY will be recognized & promoted to positions of authority and leadership by those selling this shit by the majik of in-group preference.

In short, they believe themselves righteous, and destined for recognized greatness (EGOS!).

. . . they’re in the process of learning a hard lesson.


Never interfere with an enemy in the process of destroying themselves (though I know our Christian heritage teaches us differently).

Last edited 2 years ago by Kielanders
2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

The KGB has always called them “useful idiots” no matter which country they were taking over.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

I remember in junior high, the NFL No. 2 pencils doing a Tulip Mania type thing, when one kid collecting them paid $5.00 for a Dallas Cowboys pencil to complete his collection of all the teams. The pencils were 10 cents in the machine. For a few weeks, more such wild prices were heard, and there was a line of kids at that pencil vending machine every morning. Then one day it all collapsed.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

Revelation 9:21: ‘ Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.’

It seems negative consequences don’t always cause a change of attitude. NB you can find volumes online about “sorceries” in the quoted text being a translation of the greek pharmakon.

>I wonder if the mothers will see the light? What compels people to do this to themselves and their children?

2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

Ask them whether they fear greeks bearing gifts.

>I’ve asked people if they normally participate in drug trials. Just this one question triggers their anger and my dismissal. Permanent dismissal in some cases.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

I would think a better comparison would be the “Mass Psychosis Witch Hunts” of the 16th and 17th Century. People literally put in more time researching a new washing machine than a substance about to be injected into their body. How astonishing and sad is this modern day mass psychosis.

Yoke Peng
Yoke Peng
2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

There are still many who believe only in the MSM. They would argue that if the alternative news are true, they would be in the main media. This just shows how ridiculously naive these people are, not to be aware of the sinister cancel culture going on. Their trust in the main stream media at this time is mind boggling.
However, they should even start to question the various changing narratives that are being dished out to them. Even without alternative news, they should be questioning.
Seeing all these doctors dying, who are not stupid people, don’t you wonder why they are so gullible at the same time?

2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

Yes the kids will be fine! They will end up being taken over by CPS and forcefully injected. Yes they will be fine.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dexter

It was sarcasm, dude – the only thing I can muster to stave-off depression watching the country, flawed as it is, commit suicide by following the Pied-Pipers of medical malfeasance off a cliff.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

It is depressing. Try enlightening someone in the dark and they turn on you. Scripture says “God will send a strong delusion” and that’s what I think may be happening to the masses.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aunty Vaxhole

How terrible for the widows!

Gee; I bet it is even worse for the men who are now dead and gone forever.

Reminds me of Hillary Clinton’s tone deaf assertion that “women have always been the primary victims of war.”


And that young woman, Stephanie Bosch,

With that shaved head; she looked like a man to Me…


Aunty Vaxhole
Aunty Vaxhole
2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

Gee; I bet it is even worse for the men who are now dead and gone forever.

Yes, of course, they’ll have lost very much and probably suffered terribly before their lives were truncated. But they don’t have to live everyday with the sorrow of loss as their widows do. Why does it amuse you so much that I feel sorrow for the widows and children? Why do you tell me that her shaved head makes her look like a man to you? What difference should this bit of information make to me?

2 years ago
Reply to  Aunty Vaxhole

Why does it amuse you so much that I feel sorrow for the widows and children?

Because it is a manifestation of feminine solipsism. The woman can remarry down the line…or simply enjoy the single life and the inheritance and insurance payout; the man is dead forever. This is a dynamic incomprehensible to the solipsist; who can only picture the world as it impacts them directly. Everyone else’s agony is incomprehensible to them.

Aunty Vaxhole
Aunty Vaxhole
2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

I’m right handed. If, God forbid, I lost my right hand, I could manage with my left or with a prosthesis. I could use voice controls in many instances. None of these would replace my right hand. That the woman can remarry down the line doesn’t alleviate the sorrow. The pleasures of the single life, the inheritance, the insurance payout – these are all banal considerations.

Your solipsism is incomprehensible to me. You see a physician with her head shorn and you never take into account what an annoyance it must be to have to wear masks, take one off, put another one on, wear goggles, etc. with little hairs escaping getting caught between all these things. It looks like she had super thick hair. Perhaps she thought that this would be a great time to try something new. Perhaps she was working long hours and didn’t want to hassle with having to dry her hair. You look at her and labor under the delusion that you’ve said something valuable in commenting that she looks like a man TO YOU. Who could possibly give a barnyard mammal’s backside what someone looks like to you? And YOU launch into a discourse on solipsism?

These people got vaccinated and they died. The people who loved them have (presumably) experienced a great and irreplaceable loss And in this moment, you think that they should concern themselves with the pain of others? You dare speculate that, “Everyone else’s agony is incomprehensible to them?”

You are an angry woman. Don’t trouble yourself to respond – or knock yourself out. I can’t claim any further interest in whatever you might have to say.


2 years ago
Reply to  Aunty Vaxhole

You are an angry woman. 

Of course I am angry. I live on a planet whose life blood is The Lie.

I would say lying comes as second nature to the human race; but it is really your first nature.

Marko Sheepdog
Marko Sheepdog
2 years ago
Reply to  Aunty Vaxhole

You’re assuming they all had loving, wonderful relationships. Odds are, some will see the loss as beneficial.
Besides—didn’t they get what they asked for?
I’m thinking… doctors—smart people, educated, ‘experts’ in medical stuff. And yet…. They allow—or ask for—a concoction of unknown, experimental chemicals to be pumped into their bodies? Even after all of the available data and anecdotal info that’s available?
This simple minded country bumpkin was able to figure out the reality, from the very beginning. I didn’t die from my covi infection. And I will be 100% free from vaccine side effects, too. Gotta get the jab, to have side effects—Not me.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aunty Vaxhole

Your compassion is welcoming after all this unbelievable gloom. However, all these “professionals” are guilty of MURDER–of themselves and countless other patients/loved ones they have convinced to get this poison.

Look at that pretentious Janel and her plastic surgeon husband–she posts her vax status (for 32 likes and 5 comments) and then sent her children to school with masks, “pencils, bookmarks, and of course stickers”–IDIOT!!

That Dr. Bosch does not resemble a doctor, but some reject from Antifa–this woman was educated in the medical field?–PLEASE, I would never entrust her with anything, let alone my health (then again, most doctors are proving to be utterly useless in general). ALL OF MY JUDGEMENT is back on the table–it has been eroded and shamed out of me by the libtards over the years.

My personal cognitive basis keeps me sane with the rationale, all the corruption and those that unknowingly, pompously, callously participate(d) in the evil, materialistic matrix are undergoing a monumental purge–the likes our human history will ever witness. Perhaps, this is geared towards “heath care” from afar with machines running the show, but my instinct tells me otherwise. There is an abundance of good, creative, loving, empathic human frequencies remaining that simply will not allow this to happen–this blog, CHD, Northrup, Mercola, Adris, Tenpenny, etc., is proof that humanity and true intelligence exists, thus worth saving. We just have to move our asses and fight for freedom–start cooperative communities, build new relationships, farm, be grounded in reality, assemble to dispute and solve problems. Talk is cheap, action is required.

To the AWAKEN, NEVER CONSENT, stay strong and be united.

Kyle Worthington
Kyle Worthington
2 years ago
Reply to  Aunty Vaxhole

Since the vaccines are fake, and the fake vaxxed are superspreaders, and with gain of function, super spreaders are spreading new variants, A T-day among superspreader families will be like standing inside a reactor core, and expecting no radiation effects!

2 years ago
Reply to  Aunty Vaxhole

They are murderers. They reap what they have sown.

To quote a favorite movie character of mine: “Sometimes, God throws a rock. And believe me…he’s winding up”

2 years ago
Reply to  Aunty Vaxhole

I have asked muh vaxxed up relatives with kids to take out a LOT of insurance, so I can take their kids on the deluxe tour of Disneyland to help the kids feel better when they-re gone.

2 years ago

You know what? I feel fine about that.

Punta Grande
Punta Grande
2 years ago
Reply to  Dennis

It’s great. These evil vaccine thugs are putting innocent people at risk. It would be fantastic if all who were jabbed jus keeled over.

2 years ago
Reply to  Punta Grande

Don’t forget they have also denied the Zelenko Protocol, Budesonide, high dose C, etc., and all but a few recommend any vitamin D.

2 years ago
Reply to  Punta Grande

We all know most likely most of them will

2 years ago
Reply to  Dennis

I want to know “why” though and the fact that they are not doing autopsies and covering it up with a bullcrap story makes me mad. Any coroner or pathologist will tell you that “sudden” and “unexpected” are extremely rare in healthy individuals. There’s usually a COD even for hidden defects.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hillsong

:))) really, you wonder why? Bc is a mass depopulation agenda man! … I mean i hope everybody is seeing this as it is. Getting mad bc they don’t make autopsies means you still hope they wish us good! Which is hillarious sorry I don t want to be mean, but I had this too for some time, still not wanting to believe the obvious and I wasn’t in a good place!
Just when I accepted the fact that they wanna get to that ideal 500 million ppl number they advertise everywhere in a form or another I had peace and happiness for the fact i am alive, grateful for everything and started to take action and see what can i do about this.
Is hard to accept this, bc we tend to judge others by ourselves and as long as for us this is so unacceptable we cannot easily diger it.
Take a look at Jane Goodall, she speacks so beautiful, with so much compassion about the future of the Earth and protect the earth and so on. BUT… ”Jane Goodall @ Davos: “All these [environmental] things we talk about wouldn’t be a problem if there was the size of population that there was 500 years ago.”
The world population 500 years ago is estimated btwn 420 and 540 million — 6.7 billion fewer people than today.”
Yep this is true: all of them love the Planet, not the people, they consider the people the virus, and in their heads they save the Planet from overpopulation. Also Jacques Cousteu said in an interview in the 80’s that we must eliminate 250 000 ppl/day to save the future of the Humanity. And that is a terrible thing to say but someone has to say it.
They want to save the Planet – elites and this ppl that dedicated their lifes to save species – from too many ppl!

They have the cures are simple and they had it from the start this is why no one important died of covid :)))). And they go everywhere and do whatever they wnat and dont have mandates in White House and other places.
Dont spend your energy with this. Accept it is what it is and think what you can do about it, for you or for close ones or for others. Just staying unvaccinated and boycotiing as much as you can the companies that push this is HUGE.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

No – not “why” in a philosophical sense but in a real medical report (I’m ghoulish that way) one that explains the findings of a disection of major organs, tox reports, blood gasses, clotting factors, abnormal cells. There is where the truth will be found and that’s why they are not doing the work. The FDA is going to court to keep the vaccine data reports suppressed until 2076 – that in and of itself is very telling.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hillsong

Here’s the VAERS report of a 16 y.o. female from Wisconsin, who died on Sept 10. “Was very tired and had sore muscles on Sept 9. Found Sept 10, 5:25 A.M. dead. There were excessive amounts of blood along with large blood clots that appear to have come vaginally.”
Seems they justified this horror with a current illness list of squamous cell lung cancer, radiation therapy, antineoplastic chemo, esophagitis due to radiation. What a lovely way to be remembered.

Lesco Bran-Dern
Lesco Bran-Dern
2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

Just to add to your words, which I wholeheartedly agree with. Covid-19 is not real, never was. The synthesised spike is, however, real, as documented by Dr David Martin and extends all the way back to ~1999. Oh, the vaccinated are shedding, too, which makes them dangerous for us purebloods. Amazing times, ain’t it? They all deserve life sentences or being sent to the gallows.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

No – not “why” in a philosophical sense but in a real medical report (I’m ghoulish that way) one that explains the findings of a disection of major organs, tox reports, blood gasses, clotting factors, abnormal cells. There is where the truth will be found and that’s why they are not doing the work. The FDA is going to court to keep the vaccine data reports suppressed until 2076 – that in and of itself is very telling.

2 years ago

“It’s best to die with dignity when the time comes.” Very succinct and true. That’s always been the best way. Death, a natural part of existence, has been hidden away, and for many made to be an unnatural event. These days it’s hard to find an individual who can face both life and death with equanimity.

Last edited 2 years ago by MrMonkeyShines
2 years ago
Reply to  MrMonkeyShines

Do recall, death is the curse, a consequence of rebellion against the Creator. It is not a natural part of existence.

2 years ago
Reply to  Paul

I can assume from your response that you’re belief system stems from one of the Abrahamic religions. As a Taoist I must disagree. All that you see has an opposite: Hot/cold, high/low, male/female, birth/death. Everything has a beginning and an end. Humans, animals, civilizations, stars, etc. In the end everything returns to its source the Tao.

2 years ago
Reply to  MrMonkeyShines

Just because “all that you see has an opposite” doesn’t mean that the opposite is desirable. Sweet/bitter. I like sweet. I hate bitter. Vaxxed/unvaxxed. I’ll take being unvaxxed. Life/death. Life, please.

I agree fully with Paul above. And yes, absolutely, my belief does stem “from one of the Abrahamic religions.” Won’t deny it for a second. But beyond religion, maybe there is an innate reason why people are naturally repelled by thoughts of death. Yes, I get it. Death is a “natural” part of living, insomuch as it is universal, but I just don’t get why folks can look at it so cavalierly and detached.

One of the greatest instincts in all creatures, great and small, is the survival instinct. Why the absolute fight to live if death is merely the opposite of life? Why fight so hard NOT to “return to the Tao”? I don’t like your Tao, and to get there means we have to die. So if I don’t like where I’m going, and I don’t like the process of getting there, then no.

Death is NORMAL, but it is not natural. God “put eternity in the hearts of men,” which is evident in most every human being, whether they admit it or not, so I will fight tooth and nail for life.

Frankly, if everything in life is nothing more than yin and yang or other way of saying “dualism,” it’s easier to accept death no matter what form or by what cause it comes, and I certainly understand why we don’t see many Taoists standing against all the forms of forced death in the world.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

“Just because “all that you see has an opposite” doesn’t mean that the opposite is desirable. Sweet/bitter. I like sweet. I hate bitter.To this I would reply that without the bitter you have no reference for the sweet and vice versa.

“Death is NORMAL, but it is not natural.” The creator made man mortal. In the biblical account of creation, humans were cast from the garden so that they would not eat from “the tree of life and live forever.” Genesis 3:21 This denotes that they would eventually die regardless of their choice.

“I certainly understand why we don’t see many Taoists standing against all the forms of forced death in the world.” You may not see many Taoist, because we rarely make ourselves known as such; that doesn’t mean we don’t care, fight, or make a stand. I only mentioned my Taoist views to clarify my stance and not to denigrate another’s belief’s about the creator and this world.

Last edited 2 years ago by MrMonkeyShines
2 years ago
Reply to  MrMonkeyShines

Everyone Dies but not everyone dies with Honor…these people have allowed themselves to be part of a mass Ritual Sacrifice…out of their own ” Free Will “…

2 years ago

Who knows? Maybe if enough of them drop like flies, we’ll be left with doctors who actually care about people and will provide medical care without discrimination. That depopulation dagger cuts both ways.

To all medical pros out there: You vaccinate yourselves all you want. But if you push these things on the rest of us and threaten to withhold medical care unless we sell out like you did, I will not care if you croak.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Wheat from tares. It’s really a self limiting phenomena. It amazes me how dim and controlled they really are. A new age of real health will emerge from the ashes.

Grow medicinal herbs and get a good old book on their use.

2 years ago

Z28.20 Do not forget this number.

Many of you know what ICD billable codes are. Every diagnosis has to have a code for insurance purposes. The above code is a new code for those NOT taking the covid vax. Never in the history of the country has there been a billable code for REFUSING a treatment.

I guarantee you this code will be used to ration health care and withhold treatment unless we give in.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Stock up on any critical meds you may need now.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Yes, I saw the video of the gal checking out the insurance code. Z28.20 reads: “immunization not carried out because of patient decision for unspecified reason” There are other codes too like Z28.21 not carried out because of patient refusal or, another is caregiver refusal. Also for allergy or countraindications. They want to keep us in a box, that’s for sure, or put us in one, with a big label stuck to our heads.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kriss
2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Learn how to treat yourself at home.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

They want to put us (un-jabbed) in a box, a box called a FEMA camp, I think what you need to ask yourself, before they jackboot your door open at two in the morning to haul you off to a concentration camp, what’s your plan, how are we going to hide and thrive?

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

So ppl must take their health in their own hands! Lots of water, earthing, meditation, pray, vitamins, decent food, active lifestyle, or some type of activity: walking at least! And be happy for the days we live, we must not forgive we are blessed we live, blessed we are poor blood and strong enough to rezist to this propaganda and will be the ones that will help rebuild the society. It will come to this and very soon a a very few years.
I do hope they will cease the push for forced vaccination and this is up to all those that rezist it!
We don t need vaccinated doctors that make lots of mistakes now especially that their brain is a little altered. We have to do everything to prevent ourselves from going to hospitals!

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

Been taking my health in my own hands for past years now already. Doctors are mostly ignorant and arrogant (full of pride) (though a few good ones, but expensive! Take advantage of those with chronic illness/environment toxicity/parasite/fungus infestations). What really helps is the process of dowsing with a pendulum (like muscle testing) I learned – very empowering to be my own doctor daily as supplements needed, amounts and healing methods (and length of time) change daily. I ask/state i my intent for the Holy Ghost’s (from GOD my creator) guidance and truthful answers that lives inside my subconscious intuitive higher self. I also pray for GOD to continue to provide this guidance and for me to have eyes to see and ears to hear other ways the Holy Ghost speaks/shows me truth.

2 years ago

GOOD! I am glad all these losers are dying, stupid is as stupid does!

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago

That deagel 2025 forecast is looking more and more plausible every day.

The covidiocy is at an all time high aswell.

The powers that be today make the Nazi’s look like amateurs by comparison, while the Nazi’s did things by mostly brute force, the powers that be today have countless millions willingly going to the slaughter house, patting eachother on the back along the way

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

Just one small caveat: Even Nazi Germany had to have the compliance of its population, so the brute force was applied primarily against other nations who didn’t roll over, although they did prosecute the “non-compliant” violently. No nation can do what Germany did if the population had rebelled.

That’s why Germany spent years propagandizing the people, getting them to change their sentiments, little by little, until they hated what hitler hated, and loved what he loved. All through the late 20s and early 30s, the Nazi Party controlled the press, controlled mass media, scapegoated minorities, demonized the opposition, and developed the cult of the Fuhrer, almost analogous to the Fauci worship we see from the covid cultists today.

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

Our dire situation resembles that of the Soviets and other victims of Marxist totalitarianism.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago
Reply to  Peter

No, it resembles a dysfunctional capitalist system on its last legs. It was mainly you (US citizens) who allowed your elites to become so wealthy, they are able to pull a stunt like this.

2 years ago

Wow! This is unbelievable. It’s striking when all these deaths are put together in one article and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

2 years ago

What is it going to take to wake people up to the fact that “our own government” would absolutely do this. As has been on display for two years.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bill

When otherwise normal people who are able to function, but lose their minds and race for these “vaccines”, the only thing I come up with is there is a spiritual problem. Most liberals have abandoned God, and now God is given them over to a reprobate mind. No turning back. So what better instrument to do it than with a death jab that alters the mind and turns people into zombies offered by the evil minions doing the devil’s work. Historically, peoples who have forgotten God get their lands invaded and kiss their status quo life goodbye, because He allows even worse people to take over. Washington DC is full of pedophiles, and most of them hang out in Congress and the Senate. And they all work together against the citizenry. Either the USA repents, or it will perish.

Last edited 2 years ago by liz
John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago
Reply to  liz

The USA and the world is doomed, Prophecy must come to pass. It’s clear in Scripture that things will get worse and worse and then the end will come.

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

Lev 26:28 then I will go against you furiously, and I also will chastise you yet seven times more for your sins.
Lev 26:29 You will eat the flesh of your own sons, you will eat the flesh of your own daughters.
Lev 26:30 I will destroy your high places, cut down your pillars for sun-worship, and throw your carcasses on the carcasses of your idols; and I will detest you.

2 years ago
Reply to  liz

I was reading my Bible the other day and got to the verse about men’s hearts failing from fear of what was coming on the world and it mentioned a rebellion before the rise of the antichrist as well. I find it all fitting and interesting. Seems there will be some kind of rebellion and this will be when the world turns to its next idol who will be worse than all the others in the end, but very charismatic and awe inspiring in his rise. And I can see how men’s hearts would start failing when they accept they are doomed by the shots, the fear would make it happen much faster. Once forced to accept reality, there would be a rebellion, we see it now in protests I guess. But we will hate all world leaders as a people as a result. We will want all of them gone. Perfect time for the antichrist to take global power.

Last edited 2 years ago by Candace
Chris Quoyeser
Chris Quoyeser
2 years ago
Reply to  Candace

I think you nailed it.

2 years ago
Reply to  liz

A good comparison is the “Mass Psychosis Witch Hunts” of the 16th and 17th Centuries. People are literally putting more research into buying a new washing machine than a substance about to be injected into their body. Astonishing and sad

2 years ago
Reply to  Bill

When the kids start dying? More and more people ARE taking a stand though. The movement is picking up.

Frank Digorgio
Frank Digorgio
2 years ago

The Science and Medical World has become a Satanic Cult. These scientists and doctors hid in the shadows and thought it was safe for them to come out into the open. This Fake Pandemic helped expose them and now they will be judged and held accountable for what they did to society.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank Digorgio

The Science and Medical World has become a Satanic Cult.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

“The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.”
____Joseph Conrad

Humans always need to shift responsibility for all the abominations they are directly guilty of; but the J.C. quote shows that such an attempt to avoid culpability is nonsense.

Clottery Ticket
Clottery Ticket
2 years ago

Imagine how bad it would have been if they weren’t vaccinated.

2 years ago

I always wonder if these souls had just a second for a last thought because the images of those going down suddenly are strange–they tip over straight, like cut trees, and slam the ground hard. Horrible. Did they have a split-second to think, “I shouldn’t have taken it!” Too young, too trusting.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Karen Croaked Heisler and Richard Rowe thought about while cursing the Un Vaxxed before rolling over…

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

To paraphrase a famous author, “How, how could this happen to me?” was their last thought.

Behold, he comes as a thief in the night!

Heels-up Harris
Heels-up Harris
2 years ago

The priests of scientism drinking their own kool-aid. See folks, there is indeed a silver lining.

2 years ago

My doctor recently asked me why I was hesitant to taking the vaccine. I said, “oh, I don’t know, maybe all the deaths from the vax”. She said, “I haven’t heard of any deaths related to the vax”. This was the day after Tucker Carlson mentioned all the injuries and deaths attributed to the vax, and the VAERS death rate was at about 14,000. Soon after that visit my son visited his pediatrician (he’s 14) and she strongly encouraged me to get him vaxxed. She listed all the many reasons he should get jabbed and said that, besides those reasons, there were many more SELFLESS reasons to get it. How on earth could these doctors not know that the vaxxed can catch Covid as well as spread it????? What selfless reasons could they possibly be talking about????? I’ve always believed that Hanson’s Razor applies to most circumstances, but lately I have found myself blaming evil rather than stupidity; I just have a hard time thinking these highly educated people are that ignorant.

Ankur Sethi
Ankur Sethi
2 years ago
Reply to  Joekerr

Doctors are mostly pharmaceutical sales people.

When was the last time they told you what herb can cure disease? Food and herbs are very effective forms of medicine if they are used before a disease is acute. But there is no money in keeping people healthy with foods and herbs.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago
Reply to  Ankur Sethi

When Rockefeller started with his petroleum-based ‘medications’ (foundation of modern Big Pharma), a massive purge against doctors etc. who recommended natural methods, began. Some were even imprisoned. Then, when cancer rates started skyrocketing, partly as a side effect of the petroleum medications, he set up the American Cancer Society. This could seen as the beginning of the end path we now are on.

2 years ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

Again we see how the evil ones create the problem and then provide “solution”- solution to harm even more that is.

Dee Lite
Dee Lite
2 years ago
Reply to  Ankur Sethi

I had an extremely severe TBI. A friend of my family is a very wealthy donor to one of the best hospitals in the USA. Yes I got to see him and his physical therapist wife. On day 1 he gave me a list of what I could/could not eat and why. Then he watched how I moved and made me correct things or compensate better. Saw 7 other Neuro doctors and only 1 other who is now at Princeton suggested anything about food or vitamins/herbs. I learned myself and it works. Checked it with them and both have me a big smile and nod. We all know how justice works in this country- it’s much like the tax system. Most people do not understand that medical, education, and all the other big systems are just like the justice we see.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joekerr

Pediatricians have always been funded by Big Pharma- that’s why they push all those horrific greatly increasing amount of vaccines on young vulnerable babies (so-called “Wellness visits” that result in SIDS for some) and children. If you read who funds them I believe Pfizer is on the list. Now of course, all doctors are getting extra $ to give jabs with this Great Abomination “covid 19” weapon called a “vaccine” (all are weapons disguised as medicine).

2 years ago
Reply to  Joekerr

“….(he’s 14) and she strongly encouraged me to get him vaxxed…”

They are just like dope pushers…, come on man, just take your first hit!

2 years ago
Reply to  Joekerr

Maybe I can shed some light on your dilemma. I have a close friend who is a medical doctor. I’ve been in close communication with my doctor friend for 2 years. Doctors have an arrogant attitude about vaccines. They make statements like, “All I know is what I’ve learned in school”. You can tell when someone is making condescending and arrogant remarks. My doctor friend was the first to get Vaxxed along with his whole staff. That was ten months ago. Since they deal with people, they wanted to protect themselves as well as their patients. I’ve been researching the so called Vaccine for one year and I’ve forwarded all my extensive research to my doctor friend. I’ve learned that he doesn’t bother even reading most of my research because, (A) he’s already Vaxxed and doesn’t want to read bad news, and (B) he thinks the research is someone with an ulterior motive or agenda that goes against the truth. It’s very frustrating to say the least. I’ve called him the “Perfect Sheeple”. Until I educated him, he didn’t even know that the mRNA so called Vaccine was actually gene therapy that caused your cells to generate synthetic spike protein, something never given to humans before. He thought this mRNA was a typical Vaccine using part of the dead bacteria from the disease, AND THIS GUY IS A DOCTOR 😆. With all the protests around the world of people against the Vaxx Mandate, my doctor friend is finally starting to wake up. My doctor friend is also starting to experience blood pressure issues, shortness of breath, and E.D. So some of these arrogant general practitioner doctors who think they are so smart, are actually the least likely to know what’s really going on with Vaccines. Their arrogance will be their demise, very unfortunate.

2 years ago
Reply to  LongRider830

Doctors are midwits at best. Always the dumbest kids in class.

2 years ago
Reply to  LongRider830

What you shared helps me with the (what the Exec editor Brian appropriately calls “Subterfuge”) of current worldwide events.
Caring about my intelligent friends is not enough.
Sharing truthful information gets me screamed at, blocked, unfriended..
It is a lonely situation.

IDK why it helps to know I’m not the only one working (98% of the time) uselessly to pull loved ones from a burning ship.

The pics from THIS BLOG may have saved my dentist-she was about to fold- God works in mysterious ways.

I have an autoimmune disease, so have seen every “gut healer” & neurologist to no real avail – & to be sick + NEED help, but know FOR SURE doctors are more likely to kill me (if vaxxd) than help at this point…😢
My friend can’t understand why I won’t get a colonoscopy under sedation. Would you, knowing what you know about doctors?

Once the fear takes hold (the true enemy) they line up to beg for their own demise.

With experience comes wisdom- & despair.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joekerr

Satan has them, they are blind.

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago

These injections are supposedly designed to attract the fearful, the gullible and the witless… Natural Selection (almost).
Ahh but yes, I can see now that in the big picture they have no use for doctors!
Will hasten the collapse of the hospital industry and in the long run help to destroy society.

2 years ago

Here’s the thing all the anti-vaxxers & deniers won’t admit:

These doctors would be way more dead if they hadn’t taken the jab – now they’re only kind of dead.

The jab totally lessened their deadness by 95%.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kielanders
Larry Jamison
Larry Jamison
2 years ago

I just wanted to share that I am 79 year old man who has not had ANY vaccines since leaving the U.S. Army in 1963. No flu shots, no tetanus shots or even shingles. If I get even a common cold, the longest that lasts is 7 days. Now I did have a insidious case of Bronchitis in December 2019. I beat that with Throat Coat tea and Cloraseptic Throat Spray. Did not get to the lungs. I relate to that School Teacher in Florida that had to get voice therapy work-outs after she had the covid.

2 years ago

I’m not sure that this comment fits into this post but I will write this regardless. Anecdotally, I am seeing people who were vaccinated 4-6 months ago who are now experiencing strange health problems. These are previously healthy people and they are reluctant to consider that the vaccine had anything to do with their current situation. I concede that this may be true in some cases ~ that there is no correlation between the vaccine and a strange health issue. However, when you are looking at healthy people in midlife who had no pre-existing conditions, I would think it would be logical and rational to consider the COVID-19 vaccine you took may have something to do with a sudden health condition. I think we’re going to see more and more of these “delayed” reactions…those who are “not right” 6 months or a year from now as a result of the genetic spike protein in their body. And yet, it will never be tied to the vaccine.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

Yes the juice is doing its work indeed as designed. I am surrounded by many who got juiced recently and am saddened that I may not see them soon. I was ignored with my information like – 99.6! The survival rate. And untested brew. They look at me sometimes like I am an idiot and a moron because they think “he will lose his job here soon”. (Sometimes I think they really hope I do)

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

So true.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

This is how it supposed to work! To give ppl problems in time not right away to so many! Bc if everybody would of have problems in a few weeks everybody would of say no and they would vaccinate only 5% of ppl! And when lots would of start dying in 2-3 years time they had already prepared the ”new virus” they announed. So simple to put some projections, lies in MSM to cover it up.
I also saw in many ppl very small changes: faster heart rate, shortness in breath, anemia – to close ppl. And the thing is: everybody develops something they previous had sensitivity with so they don’t connect with the jab, is like SIDA, that lowers the immune system and then you get something where you have a vulnerability.
And yes bc many had shingles after vax it points that lowers the immune system.
Then, when they catch covid again, bc immunity is low many don’t have symptoms at all, they don t get tested, covid is making what knows best: ie cloths and then ppl die in their sleep or fell on the field and so on. Bc they donθ test the vaccinated ones!

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

Hi Maria, I saw your longer comment about what is happening in Romania. Thank you for writing in English. I think what you’re saying is entirely plausible. Time will tell.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

Thank you Christine! Yes, time will tell, I know we will get rid of the forced vaccination but it matters when and how much damage they are able to do till we get to stop them. As I trully believe there are ways to help those vaccinated as well! But as long as we don’t get rid of them and all this agenda we cannot do it for lots of ppl, just for those that woke up and understood what they did and are ready/willing to search for ways to purge the toxines. And somehow these ppl are rare.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

Very interesting as I’ve had some of those symptoms with the chronic infectious toxicity illness I’ve been on a (still on) a long healing journey with past almost 7 years. Had anemia or almost so most of my life and odd symptoms through years- also IBS…I believe all related to vaccines given to me as baby and child and subsequently worse/more harmful infectious ones in military Service for a long time(they have already been putting weaponized AI/GMO parasite eggs in vaccine vials and mycotoxins/fungus). Now I also believe related to other increasing environmental toxins that are from silent “soft kill” weapons we are being assaulted with all around us in the air, food and water. Radiation frequency electromagnetic poisoning from death wifi 4/5G towers for example, can cause/worsen anemia issues, shortness of breath, insomnia and cause heart rhythm issues

2 years ago
Reply to  Violetta

It goes further back than 5G. They’ve been poisoning the food and water supply as well with chemicals and preservatives, leeching out the nutrients, adding in fluoride etc. small minute changes to our food and water with long term results. The regular vaccines had horrible additives no one ever explained and no independent study on links to things like autism has been allowed to stand. We have planes spraying our skies. Used to be a conspiracy theory like flat earthers but now admitted. Yet nobody is talking about it and asking what’s being sprayed and why and how this affects the air we breathe or the crops and animals. It’s no wonder we are all sicker and sicker as the years go by. And don’t get me started on how the internet has been weaponized against us. Mental health has been destroyed and our minds turned to mush. I stay off the internet except for during certain short times each day. It’s taken the way of zombified television watchers and cranked it up to insane levels of mass psychosis.

Last edited 2 years ago by Candace
2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

I know someone who died after the 2nd jab. Now another person is experiencing severe stomach issues that seem neurological.

Gunny HiWay
Gunny HiWay
2 years ago

The Gardasil vax gave my daughter cervical cancer and killed her with it in less than 3 years from the shot.
I hope all these evil “doctors” take an early exit from earthly life.
I have lost all respect and confidence in our medical “professionals”.

#GardaasilKilledjessica ~ 12/16/1993-12/24/2013

Last edited 2 years ago by Gunny HiWay
Sabrina Warren
Sabrina Warren
2 years ago
Reply to  Gunny HiWay

So sorry for your loss. My daughter had abnormal cells removed from her cervix after gardasil.

2 years ago

I think once we realize we are currently at W A R it all makes sense. Rationing, cutting the supply chain, invasion at our borders, turn people against each other (within families), large percentage of our countries population maimed, disabled, dead, cutting heat/utilities to citizens. Anyone with knowledge know what to expect next?

2 years ago
Reply to  Rox

We are at war, the problem is the vast majority can’t correctly identify the enemy. But, no worries, they’ll figure it out eventually . . . most probably after it’s too late.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rox

When it comes to possible corruption and such things, the sky is the limit. How about, China and/or Russia launch attacks on our country from within our country? Biden or Harris let the guard down deliberately, right after shipping container and other smuggled perfectly accurate cruise missiles and mini-drone swarms take out many strategic assets. A cloud of drones lying in the sage and buffalograss near a silo can make a missile un-launchable, or destroy a bomber as soon as its hangar door opens. A hypersonic nuclear missile can destroy a ballistic missile sub with the equivalent of a giant depth charge, and it can be guided by satellite. Early 90s, a news program interviewed the former head of the CIA and GRU (Soviet military intelligence). When the Soviet told how many spies the USSR actually had in the U.S. military and government, the CIA former head said there was no way in the late 1980s that the U.S. could have won a war against Russia, and this was after the Gulf War showed how superior the U.S. military was against Soviet equipment. That was BEFORE 8 years of Clinton, 8 years of a hapless Bush Jr., and 8 years of the most treasonous Obama. How many more spies now?

Arnie "I'll be back" Schwarzenegger
Arnie "I'll be back" Schwarzenegger
2 years ago
Reply to  Rox

they want to foment unrest so they can implement martial law and suspend elections. also expect far greater censorship. it’s best not to give them what they want (violent unrest). capture police and military action on camera and share widely, consider not using a smartphone or limiting its use, boycott large corporations including bigtech, bigpharma & mainstream media, protect your online privacy, use cash, pay off your debts, open an account with a community bank, close your accounts with big banks, don’t use contact tracing apps, exercise, learn about nutrition & eat well, pray, get right with God, form local networks with like-minded people, grow your own food, store foodstuffs and fuel, prepare for a cyber attack, homeschool your children. the powers that be hate these things so keep doing them.

2 years ago

That’s the best advice here, though “they” don’t need to suspend elections, that’s been done since Carter.
Not sure how 1 can “film police & military & share widely” without a smart phone.

Just hope2 save a few more from the jab b4 I go.
From the research I’ve done, I if churches access CARES Act funds “for covid-19 funds,” they are prohibited from cautioning their members about Vax.

Other research is needed confirm this. When I read the Harvest Crusades pastor “got Vaxd & isn’t advising his “flock” against it,” ALL the alarm bells went off.

Now Franklin Graham has pericarditis?! You don’t say!
Mormons are mandated to have it by leadership, but hey, they follow an “angel from the land of Moron called Moroni” dreamed up by a Freemason failure, so that’s not a shock.
I guess the last 2yrs have been 1 shock after another. When a religious group as big as the 7th Day Adventists claim (Rome/the Pope) is the anti-Christ, but won’t answer straitforward questions about these shots, you know deep water is ahead.

I finally understand Jesus’s saying,
“Wide is the gate that leads to destruction, and many there be that go thereby.
But narrow is the straight gate, and few there be that find it.”

God (please) help us!

2 years ago
Reply to  Rox

I can tell you what the Bible says. We can expect a coming war between Russia and Iran vs Israel that will involve a major earthquake and plague in the Iran/Russian camp that will somehow result in Israel taking seven months to bury bones and weapons in a specific place that will turn out to be a no go zone for years. Men’s hearts will start failing from fear (probably when they find out and accept what the shots have done, but we will see)
there will be some kind of rebellion (probably when people wake up altogether and demand all leaders step down or hang) and then a very charismatic man will rise up and everyone will be in awe of him. He will then take over the global rule. Soon after some kind of mark on the hand or forehead (passports have already been proven to be ineffective due to forgeries) will be required in order to buy or sell. Some terrible weather and solar events are forecasted. Sea will die off, grass and trees burn up, giant hail, meteors will fall, and 1/3 of the water will be poisoned. When you see all this happen open your Bible and read. There’s a very distinct outline of events leading up to the last seven years of the world as we know it and forecasting the return of the last true good and loving King of the World who will touchdown and burn up the evil and then rule with perfect justice, and rule with an iron fist. It’s interesting reading, the Bible. I read it every year.

2 years ago
Reply to  Candace

“….Soon after some kind of mark on the hand or forehead…”
Go buy a pencil “black light” from the $5 Dollar store and shine the light on someones hand that have taken the jab and see,…..the “mark” is already there.

2 years ago
Reply to  Candace

How can you read the Bible EVERY year …and still think everything you just stated will happen LITERALLY?

What about the verse: “Things that were made are formed by things which do not appear?” (That was before microscopes).

1/2 of the things you stated can be attributed to current events: food contains 1/7 nutritional value due to un-biblical farming habits, birds fall out of the sky dead, whales wash up on shore (monthly dead animal events website).
Some are poisoned, but not all…
Literal demons are unleashed at CERN, horrifying the researchers, and a/I is set to outsmart man, but the people running the project are too set on profit to STOP already!
You have Tiffany Dover die on national TV (& internet) & doctors line up for the very same cocktail SHE got!

Men are already dying, what do you think pericarditis is???

Benjamin Gray
Benjamin Gray
2 years ago

I don’t feel sorry for these people. Imagine how many children became autistic from vaccines that they could have prevented had they not been selfish, ignorant, bigoted and brainwashed? Now they see what vaccines are capable of.

2 years ago

It is Bewildering and Mind-Blowing how medical Doctors can not research what is in the Clotshot…what are they doing in their spare time? Are they bowing down and worshiping at the Alter of the Fake Crown Corona Hoax? Maybe they were enjoying the bounties paid to them by Big Pharma to push the Death Serum that ultimately took them out…People better stop listening to these Quacks as if their lives depended on it…because it literally does…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

“…It is Bewildering and Mind-Blowing how medical Doctors can not research what is in the Clotshot…”
They are too busy making money.

2 years ago

The military is comprised of one half of a percent of the population and shrinking by the day – and the majority are “legacies” following in the footsteps of our ancestors. We’ve slowed down and stopped that now, so no wonder congress has been fighting over the draft these last few years – their going to need it.

Boutique type hospitals may be the future. We have several here that are cash and carry only and are doing great. A kid’s broken arm is $500 total while with insurance the cost is over$5,000. (Pre covid)

404 Not Found
404 Not Found
2 years ago

Now, more than ever, we need to be able to depend on God for natural and miraculous cures.

val baxter
val baxter
2 years ago
Reply to  404 Not Found

so true!

2 years ago

Most managers of disease, outside of some surgeons, are simply not necessary.

Kimmy J
Kimmy J
2 years ago

I’m an md and most all around me are either rabid leftists or clueless bots… They all deeply trust the corrupt abusive system that exploits both workers and patients to profit the sociopath pharma & hospital execs.

It’s a kinda Stockholm syndrome but with a smug condescending sneer… not realizing we’re already being spat out to be replaced by tech and cheaper mercenaries who’ll gladly push eternal kill shots for a fake title and a fraction of their pay.

2 years ago

I think in anti-vaxer Eastern Europe they sent only saline placebos. I do not know a single person that has been injured or killed by the vax. The only explanation is that they knew Eastern Europe is anti-vax so they sent saline to show us “See, nothing is happening, nobody died!!! Its safe so come get it!” and now probably from booster 3rd dose and 4th dose, now probably it will be the real thing….. but first they wanted to get us accustomed with their vax. Im really serious about this. I know dozens of people vaxed with all 4 of them. I know people vaxed with Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca. NOT ONE SINGLE side effect. NOTHING, not just from the people I know but their friends and friend’s friends that making a list of hundreds of people we know who are vaxed and nothing happened to them and then I look at what is happening in USA the only explanation is they knew East Europe was anti-vax so they gave us saline to show us is safe and then in the future they will give us the real thing but first they wanted to get us accustomed and earn our trust.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dexter

Yes, entirely plausible.
I also saw an article that indicated that lots of vaccine that went to 12 or fewer states in the US had virtually zero deaths and very low adverse events associated with them. Almost all the deaths and much higher adverse events occurred in the 5% of the lots that went out to 13 or more states.
To me that says the “potency” of the jabs was known, and the live lots were distributed widely to spread out the effects.

Sabrina Warren
Sabrina Warren
2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

I saw a link to this on telegram. It’s a US patent from march 2021 for vaxx with different potency depending on the “score” a person has re their being a “spreader” the score is tabulated via your cell phone which monitors all your movement and proximity to other people and sent to a database which then sends a message to (your doc i presume) about how potent a dose you need to get. The pertinent points are at 0400 and 0409. This is the patent number 0082583 A1. Its easy to find on google.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dexter

I am in Romania. Here there were lots of deaths in ppl after vaccination. We also have some sites that monitor these cases. Also strange deaths: people were found dead in public toilets, in a bus, one policeman in his office etc.
Many in their sleep. Including young ppl 29 yo fit slim girl (later her family confirmed she was double vaccinated they agreed to donate her organs three days after she entered cerebral death and it was reported, people went and searched and found she was vaccinated family confirmed etc), also other 20 yogirl in her sleep and many more. Even the wife of a famous handbal player died at 32, she posted she got AZ a few weeks previous. And many!

But the majority yes they are OK, only that now many have bad covid forms. And they say: so good I made the vaccine bc otherwise would of been worse! Also many die with covid, or heart attaks.

Yet majority are OK! But they didn’t get saline, as many had simptoms post vaccination, most of them bad for a few days but nothing after! Yet, some have a higher heart rate, many higher colesterol or anemia etc. But they don t connect as they say (MSM) that long covid is so bad and bc these thing appear in time and slowly ppl don’t match the dots. Many get tired faster, I saw in many ppl shortness of breath things like this but overall nothing bad.

So my guess is not, they didn’t sent saline. But I trully believe some shots give different results and majority are made to make problems in time, not right away! Actually maybe all of them were meant to give problems in 2-3 years the earliest plus to provoke lots of fertility problems (again not for everybody but a percentage we also see in some states lots of babies have heart problems – vaccinated mothers) so is in layers.
My guess is majority of the shots were supposed to make problems in 2-3 years time, for lots even in 5-10 depending how resistent is someone to this, but with Delta and God lknows what else many start to have problems sooner.
If they made a vaccine to kill or give miocarditis, GBS etc to EVERYBODY, who would of taken the shot in 2 months???Or in 6, one year? They knew they can’t vaccinate everybody in one year. The problem is we see more problems that they intended in this stage of the vaccination.

So that 5% of really bad vials were maybe a mistake! Bc without them ppl would of taken the vaccines without hesitation and they could of say: ooo now in 2024-2025 we have a new virus (Bill gates and other announced that) to cover for the mass vax injury deaths. As long as 90% population would of been vaccinated by then, no more control group, or not an efficient one! But their plans went bad when ppl started to develop problems too fast!

So yes even in EE they sent the real thing! One lawyer lost his mother, father, grandfather and an auntall of them double vaccinated in a matter of 2 weeks bc of COVID. And the case went public but only in sites like this one, not in MSM of course. The problem is: if they take the 3rd dose they are better protected than if they have more than 6 months after the innoculation, but only from catching covid, they damage their health even more.
But there is a catch: this vaccine only inhibates the simptoms, this is why many ppl die – the ones that take covid a few months after the innoculation and didn t developed bad things right away. They get covid, but they don t know or ignore bc simptoms are very shallow and the cloths form in the body and they die at home, cardiac arrest etc. This is what this vaccine does: inhibits the simptoms especially for the ppl that are imunocompromised. The rest they have it if their body still fights!
So yes, they gave us too the real thing, but the original one, the one that was supposed to produce damage in time. And here is working fine, as they wanted!

No point to vaccinate so much resources (there are problems with the needles and other raw materials) to give saline! Is the real thing, the one that kills in time.

As for the doctors we had a few that committed suicide,All of them young! I believe they couldn t rezist to see what they do in the gospitals the protocols. We have a very high rate of deaths in hospitals and now many ppl are afraid to go there we even had 4 fires in covid sections and people were burned – bc of the oxygen and not a good system for cleaning up the air

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

Many get tired faster, I saw in many ppl shortness of breath things like this but overall nothing bad.
According to Dr. Charles Hoffe, the shortness of breath is due to blood clotting in the pulmonary capillaries. It leads to pulmonary hypertension (PAH) which in turn causes death by heart failure within 3 years.

2 years ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

Offf! The problem is I saw this in many ppl I know and ppl that never smoked!!! I mean they get tired fast before they didn’t and breath like my late grandmother but she has lots of health issues and she was old! When she climbed a few floors she was breathing hard for a few minutes and to see this in young ppl, I was: WTF!!! They reminded me of how my late dear grandmother used to be in her last years.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

All great points and observations. Except Covid 19 is just another made up disease by the Beast medical system and the SARS Virus 2 never isolated/purified correctly. Actually no so-called “virus” has…all are covers for true pathogens like harmful (not good bacteria that we need) bacteria and parasites – both of which labs have been weaponizing for years I know in U.S.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dexter

For big pharma, making vaccine batches with different contents for selected countries is easy. So what you say makes perfect sense – and yes, it has most likely been going on for quite a while already.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dexter

If that is the case, why Tiffany Dover? Why film some who could pass out & die?
I think the MSG, horrible additives in food that are of lit NO NUTRITIONAL value in the USA & all the sugar and child Vax+ sh** chlorine water = a terrible hralth condition overall.

That there is NO WAY OUT for nurses + doctors is the most disturbing fact I’ve seen -besides mega-pastors giving it the nod.
I mean, something is HORRIBLY wrong here.

Horror movies just became bedtime stories.

Gary Hinchman
Gary Hinchman
2 years ago

………let’s see, 75 athletes in Europe have dropped on the field, 45 dead and 30 with severe cardiac symptoms, some 150 civilian airplanes have crashed in the continental US during the past 30 days, with the planes falling out of the sky mid-flight, out of control…….which means the pilots are incapacitated or dead on impact– the list is almost endless now. The only common denominator, all had the death vaxx…….and most died after their second dose…….but hey, it’s just a coincidence……..Gary Hinchman

Kimmy J
Kimmy J
2 years ago
Reply to  Gary Hinchman

what planes?

Lynn Kenedy
Lynn Kenedy
2 years ago
Reply to  Kimmy J

How about the plane crash that killed the UPS driver in Santee, California? Or the pilot who crashed and died a few days after flying in space with William Shatner? Or the crash that killed the CEO of Entaire and 3 others? Or that weird crash near Houston with people on their way to ALCS? That plane looked like it was being flown by drunkards.

Sabrina Warren
Sabrina Warren
2 years ago
Reply to  Gary Hinchman

Have you got links to the plane crashes?

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago

Exercise your heart, get adequate sleep and even meditate 2-3 times a week. 
And GROUND yourself to the Earth – 24/7 if possible. Quite apart from the amazing antioxidant benefits, just grounding for 40 mins will increase red blood cell velocity by nearly a factor of three. It will also reduce red blood cell clumping by the same amount, that is 270%! Amazing how this is overlooked, even by ‘alternative’ physicians.

2 years ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

I that “grounding” was nuts until I was given a couple straps my mom ordered from I’ve been off propranolol since about a month of almost nightly use. Foot edema reduced as well. Oh, & I don’t get any compensation for posting this.
PS: What is it with posters demanding links to pertinent info- like lazy kids? The person was kind enough to tip you off, it’s your job to educate yourself. Jeez.

Many thanks to this blogger for exposing the bloody criminals behind the clot shots + their pushers! I didn’t know Tiffany Dover’s (death & ridiculous cover up) inspired you to produce a solid platform of evidence for truth-seekers to turn to.

Main stream media is a vacuous pit, & your example of using what Google headlines as “FALSE” probably means it’s true (suramin/pine needles) is ingenious: a tell-tale sign their Titanic is sinking.

M E White
M E White
2 years ago

A few more murders to the credit of Fauci, his cohorts in China and dear old empty headed pseudo president Biddy. May they all roast!

2 years ago

Google searches for died suddenly has surged worldwide.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

Some @**hole was quick to point out “died suddenly” has been “trendy” for decades. Any thoughts on that?

The rising tide of lives utterly demolished by the clot shots is so troubling, I don’t see how anyone even suggesting they be mandatory isn’t immediately indicted. Why crucify Trump, when Mr. Potato-head is the ghoul mandating this poison?

This blog editor’s claim that people who have gotten the shots become venomous, evil creatures: they do change.
But not all to such an extreme. Only 1 friend screamed at me, told me to send “positive Vax info’-& not to contact him again until I did, while the others display habits similar to cult victims:

They freak out at the slightest mention anything is wrong with the shots, are clueless that ANY 1 has been damaged (which shows the power of MSN) & have zero sympathy for anyone not willing to line up.
If they are faced with a shot victim, they attack the wheelchair bound victim.
This evil bullsh** is the most heinous I’ve witnessed since people jumping out of NY towers on 9/11 -which Bush knew about beforehand.
Effing serpents!

2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

I’ve noted this as well. I don’t understand it. Yet.

Ed Hoover
Ed Hoover
2 years ago

So we have unvaccinated doctors in V tail Bonanzas, vaccinated doctors in twin Cessna’s, dropping like flies, and now vaccinated doctors just standing there, dropping like flies. It’s a conspiracy I tell ya!

Helga Weber
Helga Weber
2 years ago

The same happens in Germany, so many young doctors died after vaccination.
And many, many death notices say, suddenly and unexpected.

Last edited 2 years ago by Helga Weber
2 years ago
Reply to  Helga Weber

Oh yes, they all die “suddenly” and “unexpectedly” – and of course, it´s always “coincidence”.

2 years ago

Their egos killed them! They knew others were dying of the jab but they considered themselves to be superior specimens and believed the odds were in their favor. Guess they were wrong.

conscientious objector
conscientious objector
2 years ago

I think there may be lot of other things happening that could be contributing to these sudden deaths. In the case of these particular doctors and the fact that they died right after the jab, it’s more than likely the so-called ‘vaccine’, but what about all of the other sudden deaths we probably never hear about, or the exploding numbers of people contracting cancer and other diseases? The way I see it is that, like so many other things, some people jump to conclusions without thinking through all of the possible angles, like the crap they are spraying over our heads, or all of the crap they put in our food and water, Wifi, 5G, microwave energy, etc. etc. etc. It’s death by a thousand cuts, not knowing which cut will do you in, but rest assured, you will succumb eventually, to something you’ve been exposed to.

That said, doctors kill far more people in the world than any other single factor, and it’s the fault of the people, who as the author puts it, “are fanatics who worship the white coats.” I stay as far away from doctors as I can get, and I don’t listen to a word from the criminals in the media.

BTW, if covid went away tomorrow, not much would change, we would still be in a world of trouble, with a government and courts that are out-of-control, warring against us, and want us dead.

2 years ago

“…if covid went away tomorrow…”

First they lure you for the “test”
Then they lure you to take the “vax”
The vax takes you to Hospital
Then they give you the kill shot with remdesivere.

Simple way of reducing population.

2 years ago

No “died suddenly” from healthcare workers in 2020, just articles from the media about nurses dying that were all proven to be lies…now they’re dying suddenly, I wonder what changed.

2 years ago

Doctors are as dumb-ass as the general public, I’ve learned — ever since the mask mandates started. They do no research. They believe the TV, the government, and the pharmaceutical sales agent. No wonder technology is taking over their jobs; they’re so stupid these days, a machine can do what they do. How dumb do you have to be to willingly let yourself be injected with a no-liability experimental drug that has no proven record of doing anything for the recipient?

2 years ago

Doctors who didn’t do their homework. High price to pay for that.

seth rich
seth rich
2 years ago

So many coincidences, so many vaccines.

Jeff Paulk
Jeff Paulk
2 years ago

Keep dropping, you evil murderous demons. That is your reward for pushing the death jab on people who trust you, especially children.

2 years ago

Incredible stuff. Everyone, please share this website with others asap.

2 years ago

If these so called doctors would have done their research they would have known how deadly these shots are. They are not vaccines, they do not prevent one from getting Covid, they contain toxins and parasites deadly to humans. There is more than enough information from scientists who did their research and are warning people not to inject themselves with these poisons. In fact the person who created the mRNA shot has warned people not to get the shot. So these so called medical professionals should have dug deeper before injecting themselves. I do not feel sorry for anyone except the children who have no choice, who blindly follow the advice of Big Pharma, and get the jab.

2 years ago

With 77% of adults fully vaxed, why are daily deaths going up?

Susan M Patterson
Susan M Patterson
2 years ago

I do feel sorry for the people who have, and will later die from this genocide. They have been fooled and blinded by doctors, the news, and the government to believe they needed to get vaxxed in order to survive. I feel especially distraught over the many children who will lose their parents and perhaps their own lives because of this de-population agenda. They are human beings and we should feel awful at all the senseless deaths. Jesus told us to love one another, and that included our enemies. One of my daughters took the vax in order to keep her job and one granddaughter who didn’t believe our many talks about it. Should we also feel for the people who lost loved ones? Yes!

Huey Pamela
Huey Pamela
2 years ago

It seems that women are injured more and men are just dying. I have not seen reports of men with the nervous system problems women are having. I am sure women are probably reporting more than men

2 years ago

There’s not enough military docs to backfill anything, most of “docs” on a US military base are LNPs, almost anything that is more complicated than sports medicine is referred off base to specialty clinics.

2 years ago

John will become a recluse, never to touch family or friends again. He will become clinically depressed and die alone as the system calls for the morgue. His lifeless body will then be turned into Soylent green and devoured by the masses while the elite eat steak and lobster and never even know John ever existed at all. The end…..of humanity as we know it.

I was commenting on the video the Future of Healthcare, just to be clear. Not about the drs dying.

Honey Bee
Honey Bee
2 years ago

Thank you for all the work and research you do. It is very much appreciated.

2 years ago

This just shows that Doctors buried their mistakes, including themselves. It’s called COVID Vaccines that had NO studies or outcome or even if it worked. Side effects were NOT listed or told, because of NO studies.

People were given medical advise to people that were not doctors in the first place not knowing their medical history or their health. This is what happens when the Government tell us and not telling the whole story. Freedom of choice was taken away and replaced with blackmail. Take it or else.

Last edited 2 years ago by RKM
2 years ago

These were tragic and unnecessary deaths. Part of the tragedy is seeing how many doctors lacked the sense to see what was going on. I at least knew to wait to see what this new injection would do. Some members of the medical community realized something was wrong by mid-January 2021. I caught on in May after Dr Bridle spoke up, after hearing Dr. Cole discuss the power of vitamin d, after discovering Dr McCullough, after hearing Dr Urso say to wait on getting it because there were issues with thrombosis, and after hearing Dr Stephen Hotze warn about ADE. Then seeing victims….people dying within a day ofctwo of getting jabbed while media turned a blind eye and said nothing. That clinched it for me. Truth always finds a way to come out. But how is it that I understood, just a working union member, and these brilliant doctors FAILED to figure it out and lost their lives because of it? Go figure. Maybe doctors aren’t so smart as they think. But even the 32 year old doctor 3 years out of her residency made a significant contribution to medical knowledge. She and these others helped us see that the shots are poison and harmful. Thanks doctors. I’m sorry for the manner in which you communicated that info. But the message was loud and clear for those with the wits to hear it. I feel sorry for the doctors who are still clueless as well as the patients they encourage to get jabbed. It is no longer possible to trust doctors, hospitals, and regulatory agencies.

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