July 5, 2022 (updated July 6, 2022)
We published a story about Ms. Alyssa Kent on July 26, 2021. It was the most-read article on The COVID Blog™ up to that point. The then-40-year-old Australian Gilead Science (of Remdesivir fame) executive suffered five seizures, a stroke and needed three brain surgeries after just one AstraZeneca viral vector DNA injection. When she woke up from her three-week coma, Ms. Kent posted a video update on Instagram.
She encouraged everyone to receive the injections despite her terrifying adverse reactions. The story went viral because Ms. Kent said she will not take another AstraZeneca injection. Instead she told the world that she’ll take Pfizer or Moderna mRNA for her second injection. It was one of the most surreal stories on this blog to that point. But as time passed, Ms. Cheryl Hynes, Ms. Tracey Spicer, etc. established just how powerful this cult of COVID and vaxx zealotry really are.
Ms. Kent emailed The COVID Blog™ in March. She asked us to remove the article because “your facts aren’t correct.”
She was informed that our “facts” are her own Instagram posts and her own video. Granted this blogger gets threatened with lawsuits at least five times every month. He’s usually polite, directs them to the March 2021 editorial, and moves on. But when Ms. Kent threatened to sue, there was already a lot going on that month. She didn’t receive the usual polite treatment from 2021, which was uncharacteristic. Regardless, Ms. Kent was asked to provide an update about her current health. She did not respond further.
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Speaking of Ms. Hynes (who also threatened to sue this blogger), she’s hanging in there. Her Twitter feed has photos of her drinking wine, sunbathing and hanging out with friends. But this thread from May confirms that her journey back to health is still in its infancy.
Just for context, here is the human diaphragm.
And this tweet from Saturday looks very much like Paget-Schroetter syndrome.
She had an MRI done yesterday. We’re wishing Ms. Hynes the best.
These follow-up stories are important for understanding if there is any hope at all for vaxxed people, particularly those of modest means. Judge for yourself.
Stacee Tiemeier: the nightmare continues
Ms. Stacee Tiemeier is one of the most likable people we’ve covered on this blog simply because she lives in truth. We wrote about Ms. Tiemeier on August 12, 2021. She received her second Pfizer mRNA injection on April 20, 2021. Her life has been completely different ever since.
Persistent fevers, extreme fatigue, brain fog, inflammation all over, and other random symptoms are a normal day for her. Internet trolls attacked Ms. Tiemeier relentlessly when she told the truth about her vaxx injury. They accused her of faking and even made fun of her weight. When we last visited this story, Ms. Tiemeier said she was afraid she won’t make it much longer. But “people deserve to know,” she said. Since that time, things have gotten worse.
TikTok suspended her account for telling truth on October 4. They also suspended her kids’ TikTok accounts that same day. Facebook banned her as well. She made a backup account that, as of today, is still active. Ms. Tiemeier also has Telegram now. The only treatments that have slightly helped, as far as health, are monoclonal antibodies and fasting, according to her updates on GoFundMe. In fact, GoFundMe and Telegram are the only semi-reliable places she can post updates.
Like most vaxx-injured people, Ms. Tiemeier said on February 1, “9 months into this and I have nothing figured out except that the medical community denies that I exist and life doesn’t stop because I am sick.” She spoke at a conference arranged by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Children’s Health Defense on May 4.
Ms. Tiemeier is trying her best to live a normal life and help others in her situation. But it’s just tough sledding. Ms. Tiemeier reported on May 25 that she has “a new gastrointestinal issue where I vomit up undigested food days later.” Her blood pressure reading from last Friday is also quite concerning.
Ms. Tiemeier has a battery of tests forthcoming this month. She unfortunately said this about the tests:
“I often speak about my regular daily symptoms but the C word scares me most. They were wanting to monitor me for Leukemia for instance.”
We’ll continue following Ms. Tiemeier’s journey.
Eric Turner: LGBTV bodybuilder adjusts life after heart attack
Mr. Turner is a vaxx zealot who wished harm on anyone taking Ivermectin to treat so-called COVID-19. His entire schtick, which earned him over 2 million combined Instagram and Facebook followers, is posting naked photos of himself and photos of himself kissing dudes.
He received both mRNA injections by May 2021. Our November 16, 2021 story about him highlights several more of his most egregious tweets, including one comparing kids not wearing masks in schools to abortion. Mr. Turner suffered a spontaneous coronary artery dissection, which is essentially a gruesome heart attack, on November 8.
Two days after our story was published, Mr. Turner responded on Facebook, calling The COVID Blog™ an “anti-science, anti-gay blog.” He also implied that his heart attack was minor.
But Mr. Turner’s life has changed dramatically. He posted an Instagram update on April 22. He’s no longer able to work out like he used to. Thus he’s put on 20 pounds in six months.
He posted another naked update on June 10, showing himself trying to get back into pre-injection shape.
Mr. Turner spent the Fourth of July at Glacier National Park. We’ll update again in due course.
Where is Georgia Clark?
Ms. Georgia Clark is another one of those early, unforgettable vaxx zealots. She is the Australian reporter who works for the Daily Telegraph. We published a story about her on August 12, 2021. Ms. Clark, 27, received her first Pfizer mRNA injection on July 2, 2021. She received the second one on July 25.
By August 9, Ms. Clark was in the hospital with pericarditis. She posted a viral video from the hospital, encouraging everyone to get the injections and “take the side effects on the chin.” Ms. Clark also said she’d “get the vaccine again.” After three days in the hospital, she was back on Twitter telling everyone that the benefits of the Pfizer injections outweigh the side effects. Our initial story ended there.
A week later, Ms. Clark implied that she would receive a Pfizer booster as soon as it’s available.
There’s no “I got my booster” photo on any of her social media accounts. But it’s safe to assume she received it. That assumption is made easier because Ms. Clark reported testing positive for so-called COVID-19 on Christmas Eve, December 24. She repeated the official Cult of COVID slogan, “I’m happy I’m vaxxed or it would be worse.”
The story takes an explainable turn from there. Ms. Clark is a journalist for mainstream media. They use all social media channels to spread their propaganda. But according to web archives, Ms. Clark made her Instagram account private sometime in early March.
Her last Facebook post was published on March 16.
She posted the same story on Twitter that day. Ms. Clark has also been absent from Twitter since March 16. The Daily Telegraph still lists her as a reporter on their website. But her last published article on the site is from March 17. Thus a mainstream media journalist, with no public explanation whatsoever, has been completely AWOL for 15 weeks.
UPDATED July 6, 2022 – Georgia is on maternity leave?
If this is true, then Ms. Clark received the injections in the very first weeks of her pregnancy – and received a booster. Australia provides 18 total weeks of paid maternity leave, including 30 “flexible” days.
Thus if Ms. Clark left work on March 17 to have her triple-vaxxed baby, then she should be back by the end of this month. Now there’s yet another Dr. Colleen Farrell-type situation to follow to expand data sets on post-injection pregnancy and birth.
When bloggers become the only reliable media
It could have been reasonably argued in the spring of 2021 that The COVID Blog™ is “conspiracy theory” and all the other pejoratives used to discredit journalists. But now we have 19 months of consistent data not only proving that a global genocide is happening as we speak, but also millions are suffering in silence.
Anyone who reports a vaxx injury via social media or even to their immediate circles are trolled and harassed relentlessly, mocked by doctors, and banned by big tech. Just ask Ms. Tiemeier and others. Vaxxed people have been trained well to keep their mouths shut.
This blogger reports news, reports facts. Sure it’s in his own unique way. But neither these stories, nor their updates are meant to be disrespectful or belittling. Mainstream media have failed in their jobs to report truth. It’s the duty of journalists to inform the public, to observe and report, period. There’s no telling how many countless millions of people are suffering right now, or committing suicide right now, because the injections destroyed what they once were.
Ms. Clark and Mr. Turner aren’t necessarily sympathetic figures like Ms. Tiemeier. They are in fact victims nonetheless. They may be victims of their own fatuousness. But that’s something they’ll need to work out on their own, while we wish them the best. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog™ book here. Shipping starts on December 15, 2022.
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I love how the bodybuilder says you are “anti-gay.” As if to summon forth all his LGBT brethren to descend upon thee .. lol. Good grief, these people are addicted to drama.
They are addicted to drama. The more crap happening in their life, self inflicted or otherwise, the better. And I am tired of the alphabet people acting as if you’re anti them if you don’t agree with them. Put some clothes on and get off non stop social media. Live a real life. I wish Ms. Tiemeier the best and commend her efforts to let people know the truth.
I’m openly gay and we’re not all like that; some of us realize we are being used like pawns on a chessboard in the name of cultural Marxism. Chop the population up into these separatist forms of identity and keep everyone at war with each other, they’ll pay no mind to the men behind the curtain.
There is nothing gay about your life. From Romans 1-26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due”.
The natural use is man with woman, and woman with man. When that is rejected because of burning lust, the end result is sodomy. Bear in mind Jude 1:7 ‘as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them in a similar manner to these, having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire’. The end result of your choice is wrath.
And some make of themselves eunuchs for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven
I literally don’t care what someone is, as long as they’re not a screeching lunatic. Maybe there are some normal gays out there, I actually hope there are. But the behavior of the majority of gays makes me not care or even want to talk to someone that’s gay. I guess that makes me anti LGBT. Oh well. I don’t wish anyone any harm but I also just want to be left alone and now that some are going after children, I pretty much just hate them all because that’s literally the worst thing there is. So, if you’re normal, I’m sorry your fellow gays are giving you a bad name.
That is how they shut people down. You are always “anti – ” something to get you to shut up. I figured out a good one for those that say “DON’T JUDGE!” “Wait, aren’t you are judging me?!” I actually love seeing the deer in headlights look now. You can see how braindead these people truly are.
Good morning Brian.
Thanks for posting again.
We stay vigilant.
Stay blessed and thankyou for your hardworking.
I wonder if the clot shots actually restrict flow to these zealots’ brains, or if they effect hormones or if it is just an innate psychological response when u see them argue, deflect, defend or deny what is going on around them? I know very intelligent people who are complete idiots when it comes to defending the vaccines. We test every job candidate with a personality / soft skills test and over 85% of the candidates are ready to snap. I am not sure if it is the vaxes or being controlled by the shutdowns, politicians, etc but there is something psychologically going on. The great resignation, increase in mass shootings, etc. Are all symptoms of a larger problem.
This is very interesting. I’ve noticed this too. Many colleagues who are normally very calm now explode over the smallest thing. There’s also an increase in profanity that accompanies this personality change. These are people I’ve worked with pre-covid and know well. This behaviour is very out of character but is now another example of ‘the new normal’. Many of us have commented on personality changes but I think it is getting worse. Thank you, Brian, for these updates.
Be careful on the mass shootings. It is true that the bioweapon causes the brain to disintegrate if the dosage was sufficiently large or formulated for that purpose – many clinical examples document this.
However, many mass shootings are CIA/DHS/FBI/Mossad operations.
Carried out by MK ULTRA victims
Thanks for all the time and energy you put in to this blog Brian.
It is the most informative out there.
Georgia Clark defied common sense and so did her doctor, who had absolutely NO CLUE what would happen with the booster but because he was a vax zealot, made illogical ideological conclusions that could be harmful for his patient’s health.
To describe people like Ms. Clark as “cultists” is highly accurate. No matter the data (studies/statistics) and no matter the damage done to their health, they will defend the poison injections, useless masks, and the fake pandemic LITERALLY TO THE DEATH.
On a short enough time line…the life expectancy rate of a Vaxx Zealot is less than that of a 7/11 clerk working in downtown Chicago or Los Angeles but they will never make the connection…they are detached from critical thinking and reality…so naturally, reality deals with them…are you reading this Eric Turner & Cheryl Hynes Harnett? Your participation on this blog would be most welcome…
One of the very few sites I always read. Very enlightening. Keep it up sir!
So Mr Turner is still well stocked.
Instead of a 6-pack, he has a 4-pack AND a mini keg.
“It’s the duty of journalists to inform the public, to observe and report, period. “
Hear! Hear!
And you are doing just that…
I’ve recommended your blog to others… told them that you deserve a Pulitzer (back when that might have meant something )….
these reports remind of the 1970s when the cia news outlets reported every week on the imminent demise of francisco franco from cia assassination attempts. i believe that it went on for 2 years during which time it became gag on saturday night live. won’t these people die already? for god’s sake die.
I’m sorry, but when you write like that you are down in the sewer with them.
i am sorry, but when you make excuses for murderers and irresponsible people like that you are down in the sewer with them.
Thanks for the follow-ups. They are very important so that we can provide our friends and acquaintances and ourselves with real stories, and real time frames. We can finally get some sort of picture of what’s going on. To me, it looks like it takes, on average, for a person to go from jab to slab, about 1.5 years if they had problems at the outset. I wonder what the real numbers are.
Since Big Pharma provides the lion’s share of ad revenue to the MSM, do not look for vax truth there. It was a criminal act to approve the jabs, and to give these outfits legal immunity. They should be classified as murderers.
They should be held responsible!!! Starting with that liar fauchi !!! Should be arrested and charged with murder !!!!
The retards who voluntarily put big pharma BS in their bloodstream and that of their children and pets, what should they be charged with ?.
Do anyone have any personal experience of someone they know whom suffered the adverse effects of the jabs, but actual recoverd from the vax?
These updates on some of these vaccine injured people got me thinking. It seems the ones who are somehow still hanging on are either still stuck in some chronic illness they can’t shake off. Or their condition multiples and worsens.
Granted it’s only been two years of this leathal injections rollout. Not enough time has past to classify these findings as long term.
These drugs are part of a grand experiment one purpose of which is to determine lethal dosage. Different formulas and dosages were administered, including some placebos.
The larger purpose is to find out how much graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide can be administered without causing death and severe disability. Once the dosage has been titrated, it will be used in future applications for more functional purposes.
The uber purpose of the bioweapon is to create the internet of things. The graphene and other constituent elements of nano-networking and computing are to create transhuman computers – “people” who are merged with technology. In other words, the elite are creating slaves – you will own nothing and be happy.
I should also note that another large goal is depopulation. The survivors are to become slaves.
So the long answer to the question is that some people have not reached their terminal points because their dosages are milder and were intended to survive longer than normal so as not to scare people away from the suicide/slave serum.
My wife had heart issues bad enough to warrant taking herself to the hospital, and she’s not a complainer. But they seem to have resolved themselves. Fingers crossed she is OK. Bar physically restraining her I did all I could to stop her from taking them. She folded under the (Australian) Government pressure.
Had lunch with my brother today. He told me a work colleague’s brother got boosted 8 weeks ago. Three weeks after the boost, he wasn’t feeling well and went to the Dr. They diagnosed him with ALS. He was dead 3 weeks later! The doctor is telling the family it was accelerated ALS. Definitely not the shot. They are making this stuff up as they go along. It is amazing how stupid they think people are.
Of course he needs to make something up otherwise people might feel the doctor is a murderer and take matters in their own hands.
Several people have talked about friends, family or colleagues who have been diagnosed with a “rare” form of cancer. So “rare” is a new doublespeak for adverse affects from the clot shots.
I worked for a neurologist and have seen rapid onset ALS. That fast? No way that is just a natural occurence.
Most ALS patients live for about 18 months after diagnosis. My mother got it, and I started going to a support group for ALS, and that is what we were taught. That is an average, of course. My mother only lived for about eight months after diagnosis. I soon learned about the diagnosis for my reflexologist, a woman about sixty years old. She survived for four years with ALS. She was a very intelligent woman and spent lots of time investigating ALS. She told me that the best answer that she could find was that ALS was an autoimmune disease caused by mercury. She had a mouth full of mercury amalgam fillings, as did my mother.
These deceivers and deceived doctors are also using Word Play. While, yes, they have the symptoms matching/of made up (all diseases and created mostly by Pharma) ALS…the part they leave out by omission due to the arrogance/ignorance, giving in to blackmail/bribery not to tell truth, and those who know and are deceiving patients purposely – is that the ALS issue did not happen until the covid shot…and not necessarily what brought the death so quickly. They are not looking at all the variables. Neither does the Big Pharma pseudo science studies.
I think the war in Ukraine is to distract from not only questioning Covid origins, questioning the economic downturn due to restrictions (now simply blamed on Russia), as well as these vax injuries.
It’s a total mind control game. I’m appaled at how quickly people jump the bandwagon. It’s sad how easy it is to manipulate people’s opinions whereas there are tons of FACTS, lots revealed by people themselves, to at least make you question…there’s something going on ?
Thankful for that I’ve found this site that I’ve been reading for a few months👍
Awesome! Lol! This is The blog I have to come back to at least every other day! How funny that they try to fight against free speech, journalism, and the truth getting out. And then they only end up exposing their own hypocrisy! Love it!
The sodomite who made the ‘anti gay’ accusation needs to know this. God Almighty is ‘anti gay’. His word calls sodomy/homosexuality an abomination. It is gross, perverse wickedness. This sodomite is depraved in his thinking (see Romans 1), which explains why he thinks sorceries are good, even though the bible defines it was poison (rev. 9:21).
All these people who support the poison of sorcery do so because their minds are filled with darkness, they bow to the God of big pharma. They rely on this demonic poison to keep them alive because they fear death, yet the very thing they fear will come regardless of what they think they do to prevent it. God is using sorcery/big pharma to take wicked sinners out of this world, and He is righteous and just to do so.
I agree with everything you say with the exception of God using sorcery/big pharma to take sinners out. I understand what you mean in regards to God enacting punishment but I wouldn’t say he is using these tools but rather allowing Satan to use these tools.
Don’t forget that pharma is translated from the greek pharmakeia meaning sorcery. And also in rev 18:23 it says that satan’s merchants are the great men of the earth and by his sorcery all nations were deceived. It is satan’s sorcery at play in today’s world, not God’s.
Everything else, like I said, I completely agree with you. God bless you.
Jesus died to pay the death penalty for all sin, yours, mine and gays. You would be inferring that God is also “taking out” the little children who are being murdered by pharmakia. God is not doing this. Satanic psychopaths are.
Children under the age of accountability are not held responsible by God for jabs being forced on them by adults. They will go immediately to Jesus/heaven unlike those who were old enough and of sane mind to choose the wrong path. They will be held accountable and most likely, not eligible to enter into heaven, if the shot as mark of the beast premise holds up. Any why would it not? It permanently alters your DNA, which is the way God recognizes you, since he gave it to you.
Yes, Yahweh uses EVIL for his own purposes and prophecy. He allows these things to happen for a greater reason.
Hey Eric Turner, looks like your post injection status has not made you any more humble…instead it’s got you in more denial and doubling down on the Stockholm Syndrome you have with the Sorcerers at Big Pharma…don’t worry smaller biceps and a few layers of blubber never hurt anyone…it’s what you have between the ears is what really counts…good luck on that next Booster…tick tock tick tock…
Good Lord, Ms Hynes’ twitter handle should be Munchausen Express
You know these people are SICK when after going through so many life threatening conditions and illnesses, they say “still get vaccinated!” I always wondered how people would be under so much delusion that they would blindly follow along anyone no matter what they said or did as the Bible says will happen. Well, we see it has begun. These people you just have to leave to themselves.
Now that bodybuilder – that’s just GROSS
It’s so pathetic… these “vaxx” zealots are looking so hard to find acceptance for their stupid and deadly choices, they are doubling down on their rhetoric that supports these deadly decisions. Any normal human being would say “okay, I really screwed up… how can I fix this?” No, these demented fools keep pushing people to get more and more shots. I guess they figure if they’re going down for their stupid decisions, then they’re taking as many with them as possible just to save face. What could possibly be any other reason for this behavior?
It’s both fascinating and horrifying to see how the pro killer vaxxers are in such denial about the clot shots implications on their health.
I agree with you that is so pathetic. So pathetic that to them it’s more important to not be anti-vax than to admit to be wrong [Emphasis added!].
Because if they admit they’re wrong then that means they are somehow associated with us anti-vax. And that’s somehow a bad thing, to be associated with us. Hey I’d rather be healthy and alive than either dead or missing a limb. I was indifferent to vaccines before 2020. I wasn’t for or against, but I never would take one because I didn’t see the need as a young healthy man. I believe my indifference stance before 2020 would have been tolerated from the pro killer vax brigade (or maybe not).
Now if I had the same indifferent stance today I would be targeted as anti-vax scum because I choose to rely on my immune system and not artificial immunity. The obvious intent on these “vaccines” being designed as killer weapons has completely opened by eyes (and many) to the truth of vaccines in general. I am anti-vax 100%.
“I guess they figure if they’re going down for their stupid decisions, then they’re taking as many with them as possible just to save face. What could possibly be any other reason for this behavior?”
Interesting notion. I never thought about them wanting to take an many with them. However since you got me thinking on those lines I think they are unknowingly wanting to take as many people with them. Maybe demonic forces are at playing to get the useful idiots to encourage others to take it? The devil maybe is twisting people’s thoughts into thinking if they encourage others to take it then it’s saving granny, but really he is just taking more fools with him? Or maybe they are just plain stupid and wish to play big pharma russian roulette? Or it’s just virtue signalling (as disease more deadly than da rona).
Either way, no vax for me.
It’s just so nice, that the truly wisdomless and stupid, identify themselves.