#BoycottCraigslist: popular classified ads site teams with StudyKIK to facilitate big pharma recruiting of 6 to 11-year-old kids for “vaccine” experiments

January 1, 2023 (updated 3:05 p.m. Pacific)

BBC and MSNBC contributor Katty Kay was quite dismayed during a December 29 broadcast on the latter network. She interviewed Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, a former White House Adviser for health policy and COVID-19. He is also the brother of Rahm Emanuel. Kay said she was “shocked and appalled” when her 22-year-old and 16-year-old children refused to get mRNA booster shots over the holidays, despite Kay booking the appointments for them.

In other words, the children are far more intelligent than the mother. College-aged kids will continue dropping dead at high rates due to voluntary compliance with university booster mandates. But most kids under the age of 18 are at the mercy of obtuse, vaxx zealot parents with zero critical thinking skills.

The situation is even worse when you combine economic desperation and inertia with vaxx zealotry. Every Western human being needs money, whether its U.S. dollars, euros, pounds, etc. Money is the means to food, water and shelter ends for nearly all people. U.S. media often play a fallacious moral superiority role when reporting on  “third world” countries and parents selling their kids into sex slavery. Meanwhile American parents prostitute their kids to Pfizer, Moderna, etc. for social media clout.

State attorneys general had Craigslist in their crosshairs a decade ago for allegedly facilitating child sex trafficking. Now the company is profiteering from classified ads seeking child guinea pigs for big pharma experiments. And sadly, a lot of parents are selling their children for $2,000 apiece as a result.

Evil is the root of all money

Few people in 2023 are rolling up their sleeves for a first mRNA or viral vector DNA injection. Vaxx zealots will continue receiving booster shots until they drop dead. But now the powers-that-be (“TPTB”) are sinking to new levels of wicked to further their depopulation agenda.

Check your local Craigslist gigs section. Nearly every city, large and small, red and blue, has some iteration of this ad listed in the labor subsection. Here’s a small sample, from Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, Utah, and Lincoln, Nebraska.

When you click the “sign up” button, it takes you to a website called Studykik.com.

The Santa Monica, California-based company operates in 32 countries, and reportedly has 6 million human guinea pigs on its rosters.

The Craigslist ads started in mid-December. StudyKIK deliberately lists them in the labor gigs sections because the people who search those ads need money now.

RELATED: Debate Over: all vaccines, including the new JYNNEOS monkeypox concoction, harm human physiological functions (July 25, 2022)


The $2,000 bounty per child is more than enough to convince desperate parents, especially since many have already been doing it for free for two years. One in four American households has zero dollars in savings, according to a 2021 BankRate survey. Nearly 60% of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck. We just wrote a story last week about the undeniable positive correlation between vaccines and autism.

Craigslist specifically prohibits “exploitation or endangerment of minors” on its platform. It also prohibits prescription drugs and related items. Yet somehow StudyKIK is allowed to recruit children to take experimental drugs.

Craigslist did not immediately respond to our email seeking comment.

Flood StudyKIK with fake contact data

The United States has a long and ugly history of child torture, rape, trafficking and abuse. The U.S. literally declared that Black people were three-fifth of a human being prior to the passage of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments in the 1860s. Alligator hunters used Black babies as alligator bait in Florida and other states as late as the 1950s.

The following newspaper clip is from the Washington Times, June 13, 1908. The image that follows is from the Jim Crow Museum (yes, there is a real place called the Jim Crow Museum).

No charges were ever filed against “people” who used babies for alligator bait. The practice was completely legal.

Both Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were convicted of child sex trafficking. Epstein is allegedly dead. Maxwell is allegedly in a Florida prison. God only knows how many children these two pimped out to the richest, most powerful people in the world.

Many high profile names associated with Epstein, including Bill Gates, Donald Trump and Bill Clinton, have leaked out. But Epstein’s official “black book” is still being closely guarded by TPTB. None of these people have been prosecuted because billionaire and millionaire alleged pedophiles are more important to U.S. authorities than innocent children.

Believe it or not, CNN’s Anderson Cooper did a story on January 6, 2011, about 5,200 Pentagon employees allegedly involved in a child pornography ring.

RELATED: Examples must be made of parents who allow their kids to be poisoned with mRNA injections (April 4, 2022)


The story was quickly buried and never spoken of again. The following year, Cooper “came out as gay,” resigned as a journalist, and became the mainstream media shill he is today. Amazon defended selling a book entitled “The Pedophile’s Guide to Love and Pleasure: a Child-lover’s Code of Conduct,” until public pressure forced them to remove it in 2010.

The point is that children only have their parents to protect them in The Great Reset society. Maddie De Garay, Santino Godoy Blanco, Gwen Casten, Milo Edberg, etc. None of these kids had a chance in life because their parents failed them. U.S. society at-large has never cared about kids, and never will. Millions of American parents killed or maimed their kids for free since 2021, simply because Fauci told them too. Add $2,000 to the coercion mix, and those child-sized casket manufacturers are about to see another spike in business.

All the true parents and critical thinkers out there should FLOOD THE STUDYKIK SIGN-UP DATABASE with fake troll contact information. Perhaps StudyKIK will end up shutting down their campaign because of too much trolling. It’s good old-fashioned sabotage by concerned citizens at war. Those actions will indirectly save children, and will also save some of those injudicious parents from themselves.

This blogger understands that vaxx zealots hate the non-vaccinated and wish death upon us all. But the children are innocent and have nothing to do with this. Take a minute to save a child.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog™ book here.


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Vera Mercado
Vera Mercado
1 year ago

Somebody stop this ride. I’m ready to get off.

1 year ago
Reply to  Vera Mercado

🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭 me 2!!

Holding On
Holding On
1 year ago

My mind is blown by those evil ads and actions of people using black babies as bait for reptiles. I will never understand how people can abuse and torture each other. The depth of depravity and evil is beyond comprehension.

What will it take for people to wake up and protect the children? For people to stop supporting and using big tech?

1 year ago
Reply to  Holding On

evil is, evil does. People physically and emotionally abuse others they perceive as a threat to their existence. Hence why certain people with great athletic genetics were discriminated against for years in professional sports. Insecurities. Insecure people often project their own self-hate onto others. Loving people see goodness in ALL people.

1 year ago

I don’t know how anyone can have zero conscience to do that to any baby (feed to alligators). My gosh, God has so much judgement to do as well as punishment. I don’t even kill non poisonous spiders, in fact, I rescued a stink bug from my kitchen not long ago and a snake from a glue trap in my garage last summer. I will just never understand how some people can be so evil. 😞

1 year ago
Reply to  Den

To be fair, they are called stink bugs for a reason. You did both the bug and yourself a favor by not smashing him! 😀

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Haha right? He just looked so helpless and defenseless I didn’t have the heart but I did put him outside in the cold which was probably not good either 🥶😄😐😑. Figured he may find a bundle of his buddies lol.

1 year ago
Reply to  Den

Stink bugs are harmful to plants so you should have killed it. I will rescue most bugs and spiders and put them outside if it is warm enough, but the bugs which are harmful to plants I won’t save. If you have a vegetable or flower garden you won’t want them ruined by certain kinds of insects.

1 year ago

The Craiglist list ad is technically correct: you will receive quality medical care…as long as you understand quality is a noun, meaning just using that word alone means nothing without an adjective, as synonyms for QUALITY are rate, caliber, grade, standard, class, or status.
The quality is likely NOT going to be excellent. :-/
The deception simply is not going to abate, is it?

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Yeah I picked up on that third bullet. Pretty hilarious if you ask me. Remember Maddie De Garay

1 year ago

The ads say “over the course of two years” – parents are going to sell out their children’s health for 83 bucks a month? That is just plain sick to me!

1 year ago
Reply to  BooHoo

Many do it for virtue signaling points

1 year ago
Reply to  BooHoo

The ad also said “up to” $2000 over two years.

1 year ago

That Craiglist add is disturbingly similar with this one from Sri Lanka when it was Ceylon and a British ”possesion”: “Babies Wanted for Crocodile Bait. Will be Returned Alive.” 
Thanks for the link to that article,

Pushing vax on children is the biggest crime in human hystory: it affected the highest number. Yes, it is the cleanest gencide (they didnt cut hands, torture, cut throat, bombed etc), but also the most pervert of them all as it was ”out of love and care” for the victim and what is so disturbing is that politicians, dictators etc that dont agree in anything, with this they all spoke the same: same sentences, same words. There were some exceptions and there were some that abstained. Also some that openly spoke against (FIVE Black Presidents in Africa and one in Haiti) died out of natural causes or coups in a few months span. They are all marthyrs. Yet, Reuters say: ”Fact Check-No evidence five leaders were killed for opposing COVID-19 vaccines” so it must be true if reuters say there is no evidence.They dont even lie!!! There is no evidence, of course!!! Nothing to scream ”evidence” – not that would matter, they lie in front of all evidences related to so many things.

Harold Crapper
1 year ago

Run the ads for $2,000 but when the parents show up arrest them for child abuse. Discussed New Years eve with a friend earlier today, he was a a dinner where all but one was unvaxxed, every person knew of at least 3 people who died shortly after receiving the Vax.

1 year ago

Started digging a little: This company is located in Santa Monica. On google maps, there is no StudyKik at that address, but there is a sign for Inventiv Health, which is now Syneos Health.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  anybody

All this makes one wonder about the adrenochrome rumors. It is an established scientific fact that blood transfusions from the young rejuvenate (to some degree) the old. I saw a reference to the “peer reviewed” study about a year or less ago, so there may be something to those rumors. Even Dr. Phil did a program about an international group of pedophiles who were very prominent people.
I don’t know what will happen but I am not too sanguine. You know the Romans ruled by terror and were considered by the Greeks to be barbaric for their love of the gladiatorial games, and despite all ruled the Mediterranean world for nearly 600 years. I think the shelf life of this present culture will be much shorter however.

1 year ago
Reply to  anybody

Syneos acquired Synteract Dec 10, 2020 and StudyKik Sept 14, 2021
This whole CL ad thing to swoop through and inject some of these outlier children is just another facet of the larger preplanned agenda they’re churning forward with.

The children previously injected (for free) are already in “trials” so won’t “qualify”.

The amount they offer will keep going up to whittle away at the people refusing until they get it to a number where they think force will work to squash the rest. Then you’ll see who they really are.

These People Will Not Stop. THEY MUST BE STOPPED.

1 year ago

Easy fix, everyone reading this go to craigslist and flag the post/ad…it will be deleted..

1 year ago
Reply to  corbn

Just saw another one for $6,500 for a company called Cypress targeting 18 to 65 year old people.

1 year ago

Anyone who has been researching conspiracies for any length of time knows that Jeffery Epstein is now living the good life in the country where all these evil-doers flee to…because they can’t be extradited. No doubt Maxwell is there too.

In the 1980s I used to frequent antique shops, and I saw the alligator bait post cards more than once.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

Yes, our greatest ally (/s) has a no-deportation-to-US rule.

1 year ago

Crazy how TPTB do all these ugly things for money… which is literally PAPER (or a number in an account)!!! For something THEY invented ! Covid is the same, they invented it not only for money but to reduce the world’s population… Sickening !

1 year ago
Reply to  Ben

Money=control, if you let it.

Clown World
Clown World
1 year ago
Reply to  Ben

It is not so much for money but the ability to control people through it. Why do they plan all these false flags and their post anti-arms campaigns? They know at the end of the day, as much as they try to bankrupt people through their fiat currency system, the 2nd Amendment may the last thing protecting the people.

1 year ago

Stace Baal? BAAL? Seriously? The god the Canaanites worshipped and sacrificed children to?

1 year ago

Our Leadership: Stace Baal, CTO.

“Baal is one of the first and principal of the seven princes of hell. Baal was the god of agriculture and fertility in Canaan, becoming a fallen angel and a demon” (Wikireligions).

undue influence
undue influence
1 year ago

The war on the working class continues unabated. $2,000 is a lot of money to most families and persuasive in their decision to enroll their kids in these so-called studies. For the rich, $2,000 is nothing, so they do not. Wealthy doctors on these Institutional Review Boards won’t enroll their kids in these bogus studies. Big Pharma also pays the IRBs and doctors directly for their part in this diabolical scheme, a clear conflict of interest. It’s all rigged and makes me sick too.

1 year ago

Those three from StudyKIK – the so-called leaders – their smiles look positively evil – as if to say “we don’t care about you or your kids we just want to make a buck”. And the family who were “nervous” to go to Disney with their masks – they are beyond help. I feel so sorry for their children. The parents are complete morons.

Clown World
Clown World
1 year ago
Reply to  Gwen

Brian Kay looks like an impish demon, Matt Miller a blood-sucking vampire and Stace Baal a fat, gluttonous ogre.

Gabi aus Germany
Gabi aus Germany
1 year ago

Happy New Year to all Americans.
May peace, justice and victory befall us all.

1 year ago

Now we know why creepy Uncle Joe went to St. Croix for New Year’s Eve. On Dec. 27th 2022, Denis George (Attorney General of the US Virgin Islands) filed a lawsuit against JPMorgan Chase for sustaining Jeffrey Epstein in his child trafficking activities on his private island in the US Virgin Islands. She was relieved of her job yesterday, January 1st. The St. Croix destination caught my attention, because I can’t ever remember any president going there. These people have no fear of being exposed, because they will never let it happen. If someone like George (who obviously is clean) works their way high enough in the system to start making waves, they learn to keep their heads down …or else it is shot off.

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
1 year ago

2022: died suddenly, died unexpectedly

2023: died after a short illness, died after a brief illness

Linda N
1 year ago

God owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.

1 year ago
Reply to  Linda N

. . . and gentiles in general for that matter.

1 year ago


Say they were founded in 2014 but their LLC wasn’t formed in CA until 8/27/2015.
STUDYKIK CORPORATION became a Delaware LLC on 6/13/2017 (same registered agent) and STUDYKIK GROUP on 6/20/2017.

The California STUDYKIK LLC was “Terminated” on 8/9/22 by: Joseph Panholzer , Special Manager (in a lead up to this campaign?) and they now seem to be operating solely under the Delaware LLC which offers some anonymity for officers.

STUDYKIK’s original place of business per CA SOS was;
Caerus Marketing Group, LLC
(Officers of this entity include; Bab Shetty, Jennifer Fillman, Lisa Silverman, Mathew Miller (owns “UPLEFT” – financial services), Sara Epstein)

Fillman, Silverman, and Epstein are also officers of Synteract. Inc..
Silverman and Epstein are both officers of multiple Syneos corps. too.
(One Jonathan Olefson is also an officer of both Synteract and the Syneos Corps.)

STUDYKIK and SYNTERACT were acquired “brands” of SYNEOS HEALTH INC. (SYNH) as of Sept 14, 2021 and Dec 10, 2020 respectively.

Shinning a light on them for the little ones.

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