Sunday Afternoon Digest: touching ground soil causes heart attacks, updates on injured vaxx zealots, a UPS driver dies on his delivery route, and more
July 3, 2022

There’s so much going on in this twilight zone world that it’s difficult to keep up on reporting. We know young and relatively-young (under age 50) people are dropping dead by the thousands daily because of the injections. We know that mainstream media and government must deflect and distract from this obvious, out-in-the-open global genocide. It’s heavy stuff. Thus a little sugar on the cornflakes makes it all a bit easier to swallow.

Most of you know that this blogger is a nostalgic type of guy. And one thing he looked forward to every week in the 1980s was the Sunday edition of newspapers, except for those years of delivering them “in six feet of snow.” You know you’re getting old when you start repeating things that your parents used to say.

Those thick, ad-filled Sunday papers summed up news from the previous week, and look ahead to the forthcoming weeks. That’s the goal today in this first Sunday Afternoon Digest on The COVID Blog™.

Touching ground soil causes heart attacks

Let’s get caught up first. Watching sports, skipping breakfast and smoking weed cause heart attacks, according to mainstream media. These people also say a newly-discovered atmospheric chemical is causing sudden adult death syndrome. Smoking, pregnancy and birth control pills are the reasons for all the sudden blood clots in women, according to “them.”

The powers-that-be (PTB) continue forwarding these lazy, ridiculous narratives to cover up the ongoing global post-injection genocide. And the propaganda gets more ridiculous by the week.

Terri-Ann Williams is the chief propaganda writer for Rupert Murdoch-owned newspaper The Sun. She’s the same one who wrote an article last October trying to normalize heart attacks in 20-year-old women.

Terri-Ann Williams.

Her latest propaganda piece warns people, particularly gardeners and farmers, that touching ground soil “increases the risk of killer heart disease.” Williams, citing “German experts,” said that touching “dirty soil” harms blood vessels and leads to heart disease. The article concludes that people should avoid touching soil and wear masks if they are close to soil.

Obviously this is yet another “don’t grow your own food, eat bugs” message from the PTB.

RELATED: Brandy Zadrozny: case study on NBC News vaxx zealot “Tiffany Dover reporter” and how mainstream media curate and create these on-air performers (May 10, 2022)


Williams locked her Twitter account after our first article pointing out her position as chief propaganda writer.

Vatican releases €20 vaccine coin

“The pope” is at it again. This guy has been one of Pfizer’s top spokespeople since the beginning of The Great Reset. Now he’s taking his vaxx zealotry and Pfizer loyalty to the bank, literally.

The Vatican quietly released a new commemorative silver coin in late May. It shows a doctor and nurse giving someone an injection. All of them are wearing masks.

The Vatican released the following statement about the coin:

“[It is] dedicated to a current theme that is very close to Pope Francis’ heart: treatments to counter the pandemic and (promoting) the need to be vaccinated.”

Francis called the injections “a moral obligation” for Catholics, and said it’s important to “continue efforts to immunize even the poorest people.” The Vatican also released a €50 Ukraine commemorative metal.

All profits from sales “will be intended to help Ukraine.”

Updates on Australia Fauci and Dr. Colleen Farrell

University of New South Wales epidemiology professor and World Health Organization advisor Mary-Louise McLaws is a hardcore mask zealot, lockdown advocate, and loudly promotes injections for 5-year-old kids.

She also called the non-vaccinated “self-centered.” Ms. McLaws announced on January 14 that she has a brain tumor. She tweeted one more time in February before disappearing from Twitter for over four months.

Ms. McLaws tweeted on June 12 that she was appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO). It is an award from Queen Elizabeth Windsor’s office for “recognition to Australian citizens and other persons for achievement or meritorious service.” McLaws ended her June tweet with “get a booster shot.”

But Ms. McLaws has been very quiet about the brain tumor until a Daily Telegraph article yesterday. The website has pay walls. But the article by writer David Mills starts with a lot of McLaws worshiping, like liberals do Fauci here in the states. McLaws called her post-injection brain cancer “a stupid diagnosis.” She has undergone brain surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, according to the article. Ms. McLaws has another round of chemo forthcoming.

“You just take one day at a time and enjoy your family and enjoy seeing or talking to some of your friends. That’s all you can really do,” she said.

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Meanwhile, Dr. Colleen Farrell has re-appeared on Twitter. We first wrote about the Weill Cornell Medicine (New York) fellow on January 12. Dr. Farrell incessantly talked about receiving the injections while pregnant, and encouraged other pregnant women to receive the injections. She tweeted three times per day from October 2021 to December 2021, complete with pregnant belly photos.

Her baby was due in late December or early January. But Dr. Farrell completely disappeared from social media for three weeks. She re-appeared on January 23 with a photo that is allegedly her baby’s hand holding her hand. Dr. Farrell has yet to share an actual photo of her child, despite being quite open about promoting injections during pregnancy and showing her belly.

Dr. Farrell has deleted at least 50 tweets since the beginning of the year. She’s tweeted a total of about 20 times in 2022 after averaging about five tweets per day in 2021. A thread attacking men and whining about breastfeeding constitutes about 50% of her 2022 tweets.

Her tweet from last week is one that was fully expected, but disturbing nonetheless. She injected her mystery 6-month-old baby with experimental Pfizer mRNA on July 1.

Make of that what you will.

Tragedy in Argentina after 5-year-old dies 7 months after injections

Argentina approved the Chinese Sinopharm “inactivated virus” injections for kids ages 3 to 11 in October 2021. It’s an important point because it’s unclear how old young Ivan was on November 25, 2021. He and his then 4-year-old sister Isabella received their first Sinopharm injections in Santa Fe, Argentina that day.

It’s safe to assume Ivan is somewhere between 4 and 6 years old.

RELATED: Peru: young doctor dead three weeks after Sinopharm COVID-19 “vaccine” (March 29, 2021)


Ivan’s father, Mr. Nahuel Volta, reported that his son was severely ill and in the hospital the morning of June 15.

Five hours later, Mr. Volta implied that Ivan passed away.

Ms. Prisci Fianaca, Ivan’s mother, confirmed the tragic news on June 16.

Argentina is nearly 83% fully vaccinated, according to official reports.

Esteban Chavez Jr: 24-year-old California UPS driver dies in delivery truck

Mr. Esteban Chavez Jr., aka “lil Stevie,” was a 24-year-old UPS driver from Downey, California – about 13 miles southeast of downtown Los Angeles. He’d worked for the company for four years.

Mr. Chavez was routinely delivering packages on Saturday, June 25. He had just dropped off a package in Pasadena and went back to his truck. But the owner of the home where the package was delivered noticed that the UPS truck was still in front of his house 20 minutes later. Said homeowner also noticed Mr. Chavez slumped over in the driver’s seat. Paramedics were called; but Mr. Chavez was pronounced dead at the scene.

Mainstream media got the father, Mr. Esteban Chavez, Sr., to blame his son’s death on heat. Reports say it was around 90 degrees Fahrenheit in Pasadena that day.

RELATED: Attacks on food supply continue, as mainstream media blame “intense heat” for 10,000 dead cows in Kansas (June 21, 2022)


Note that UPS brown trucks do not have air conditioning. The company believes that air conditioning is not cost-effective since drivers are constantly getting in and out of the trucks. Drivers complain quietly, but rarely to upper management.

UPS drivers are paid well and receive exceptional benefits, including pensions. Long-time UPS drivers (15+ years) make well over $100,000 per year, even in states with low costs of living. Further, you can get said jobs with just a G.E.D. or high school diploma. Drivers grin and bear the heat and all other work conditions to keep their jobs.

That all said, COVID Legal USA has received internal UPS documents from several employees. The company mandates the injections for some locations, but not others. UPS also has an unofficial “decline on receipt” policy for all religious exemptions, according to our data. Point being, UPS drivers are accustomed to the conditions of their jobs. And being that this happened in California, it’s almost 100% certain that Mr. Chavez received the injections.

Mr. Chavez died the exact same way countless others have died during this global vaccine genocide. This blogger went to Arizona State University in Tempe. Only Death Valley, California and Yuma, Arizona have hotter temperatures in the United States than the Phoenix metro area. In all those years living through 120 degrees days, only dumb tourists with no water collapsed in the streets. Few died. And we’ll leave it at that.

A GoFundMe page is collecting funds in Mr. Chavez’s memory.

Enjoy your Sunday

There’s also an update on British singer Adele. We last wrote about her on January 21 when she cancelled her Las Vegas shows (residency) at the last minute. Her fully vaccinated crew suffered a mass, so-called COVID-19 outbreak. Adele told BBC Radio this morning that the backlash she received from fans who paid upwards of $30,000 for tickets was “horrible.” She said cancelling the show was “mortifying really and upsetting to me.”

Adele said she was “a shell of herself” for several months due to disappointment and anxiety. But there’s still no update on when (or if) the Las Vegas shows will actually happen. Adele snapped at the BBC presenter when pressed about an update.

“I’m not gonna update you if I ain’t got nothing to update,” she said.

RELATED: Bieber Fever: 28-year-old pop star cancels North America tour dates after being diagnosed with a known and documented Pfizer mRNA adverse reaction (June 11, 2022)


Adele performed in front of a live audience for the first time in five years on Friday at the British Summer Time Hyde Park festival. Not only did fans wait seven hours in hot temperatures for Adele to appear, but she reportedly stopped the show four times because audience members “needed medical attention.” Wonder why?

Somehow we missed pop singer Britney Spears and her pregnancy announcement via Instagram on April 11.

Four weeks later, on May 14, she announced a miscarriage.

Granted Ms. Spears is 40 years old; and according to one source 34% of pregnancies in women ages 40 to 44 end in miscarriages. But Ms. Spears received at least one injection in April 2021.

The propaganda is getting more intelligence-insulting everyday. It has to, because there’s no way to hide thousands of daily “sudden and unexpected” deaths anymore. It’s even harder to hide all these celebrity maimings from the shots. Vaxxed people need propagandized reassurances as many of them know their inevitable fates, even if they don’t admit it. That’s why we have our work cut out for us in battling the mainstream media machine.

We’re really hoping to continue with daily publishing until The COVID Blog™ book is released on December 15, 2022. We learned that the printing press accepts Bitcoin. Please donate cryptocurrency (and any other way) if you’re able. Also the user experience reading The COVID Blog™ should be a tad better. We condensed that top menu to remove part of the scrolling black banner that filled part of the screen.

Now enjoy your Sunday in Great Reset hell. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog™ book here. Shipping starts on December 15, 2022.


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Con-vid 1984
Con-vid 1984
2 years ago

Oh do I love reading updates on previously covered indoctrinated of the inoculated. I see the NPCs still can’t see what is truly going on in the newfound religion they subscribe to.

2 years ago
Reply to  Con-vid 1984

They are called vaxx zealots for a reason. Lol

2 years ago

Nothing in this world makes me feel more happy and peaceful, than gardening with my hands in the dirt. It has been an established fact for many years, that people who work/play in the soil, have a much healthier microbiome.
They are getting desperate.

Thanks for the info about the Vatican coin. I’m usually up-to-date on the machinations of Antipope Bergoglio, but I missed that one. In November of 2019, at the time that Bergoglio famously brought pagan idols into the Vatican (which were swiped and dumped into the Tiber by true believers) a huge statue of Moloch was erected in the Coleseum in Rome. The plan was for the statue to stay there until March 2020. Clearly the globalists were signaling that they had a tremendous offering for Moloch on the way. By the way…Fidelito is not the only public persona with a secret “real father”. Do an image search on: Rabbi Sergio Bergman of Argentina ( born 1962) and then search an image of Bergoglio as a young man. They could be twins.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Whoaaaaa! That is AMAZING! Someone’s got some splainin to do! Bergoglio putting his morcilla where it don’t belong 😱

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

At least part of the reason may be grounding to earth. Trillions upon trillions of electrons enter the grounded body, thereby entering our semiconductor system to be shuttled around to where they do most good. Antioxidants and charge carriers (eg, blood cell velocity increases an average of three times when grounded) which are vital to good health. So make sure your gardening gloves are not insulators.

2 years ago

First of all, thank you, Brian, for the Sunday update, and especially the update on Dr. Colleen Farrell.
Before typing this comment, I had to look at those poor little children again, who had no say in getting these injections. I’m just so thankful that I have been spared from experiencing that!
I’m going to try to be very careful of what I write about Dr. Farrell, because we can only speculate. I just don’t understand how a person can inject a 6 month old baby with that stuff unless one has already donated the baby to so-called science. And, at this stage of the game, Dr. Farrell, must have come across some vaccine-injured folks! In my little housewife world, I’ve come across two! I cannot fathom what’s wrong with her. But, I have no doubt we’ll find out the sad truth very soon!

Michael P
Michael P
2 years ago
Reply to  Ladyhawke

All cultists sacrifice their own children for the cult. It’s the ultimate show of loyalty

2 years ago

The follow-ups are excellent, I appreciate them as well, especially the one on McLaws and her difficulties with a minor brain tumor.

2 years ago

I offer my sympathies to Ms. Spears for the loss of her unborn baby. The loss of any child saddens me at this time because it is all so avoidable. I am shocked though that a forty year old woman would not know she was pregnant and have to be informed by her partner. In this case it may have been the best outcome.

Atom man
Atom man
2 years ago

I hate to tell that lady in Australia this but it is the truth if she has a malignant brain tumor (that is likely, they are diffuse and infiltrating like the fingers on your hand and cannot be completely resected (cut out) unlike the more encapsulated benign tumors): I have bad news and worse news. The bad news is the recurrence rate is about 100% but the worse news is that radiation therapy can cause an upgrade in the tumor from I or II to III or IV. The median (50%) survival rate for people with lower grade tumors can be as high as 11 years but with grades III or IV would only be up to 2 years. If there is any association between these experimental vaccines and malignant brain tumors that is reason enough to immediately suspend the vaccination program.

george hall
george hall
2 years ago
Reply to  Atom man

“She has undergone brain surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.”
estrogen stimulation of the cancer, stimulation of more cancer, and ‘you’ve got cancer, we’ve got to remove your immune system with poison’.

I bet less than 1% of doctors have read World Without Cancer: The Story Of Vitamin B-17″.

2 years ago
Reply to  Atom man

Why you hate to tell her? She is EVIL, she push for CHILDREN to be vaccinated and boosted, we ahould be happy to get rid of these demons, it is in our pray: ”deliver us from evil”.
Done, Haleluiah

2 years ago

please let us know when McLaws dies which i hope is sooner rather than later. in the meantime, it all makes me want to start a garden.

2 years ago

I love gardening with my bare hands and knees in the soil. I must immediately abandon that dangerous hobby and schedule a cardiac check-up, plus a 4th booster of course. Thanks Trusted Expert Teri 😭😭😭

Tom Bombastadillo
Tom Bombastadillo
2 years ago
Reply to  Kimmy

I found out two days ago that my brother has gotten four boosters–and that he also has ‘COVID’.

An ex-Catholic
An ex-Catholic
2 years ago

The Vatican coin: So Catholics can worship genocide and mammon at the same time.
Brought to you by Pfizer and the satanic holy father himself.
Good grief!

2 years ago

“Touching ground soil is bad for our health”. Throw this moron in the looney bin! If that’s true then kids are also screwed. My childhood was one of anti science then. Where’s my expected (and unexpected SADS related) heart problem that all 28 year olds get from years and years of playing in the dirt as a child. Better throw in exercise and climate change too while you’re at it. No heart problems for me. Dumb woman!

I delved into the cancer that is Northern Ireland reddit just to see how the sheep were reacting to the so called rise in “covid” cases. And they seem to coming down with the rona. Not once in these subreddits do they mention about getting a booster to quell their fears. They were boasting about getting their previous shots but not wanting to get their new shot. Strange. They seem to be anti vax now to me as it’s over 6 months when the masses last got their third shot. But they are waiting for the green light to wait their turn to get it (as the over 75s are only allowed to get the 4th shot)

What’s suprising is that they haven’t blamed antivaxxers for the rise like they used to do, but they aren’t because their overloads aren’t saying so.

Also what’s funny is that these same hypocrites, who called us purebloods antivax for “not following the science”, are constantly getting sick and are most likely okay heading out into public to join the masses in lots of non social distancing events (and probably throwing in the occasional mask under the nose or no mask at all). Tons and tons of big events like concerts and festivals have been happening for the past few months and not a single word from the pro killer vax camp on this. Our “health agency” have been telling Joe Thicko after the first clot shot that they still had to exercise caution when out in public. So they are just as anti vaxx and science as the other type of anti vaxx and science.

They are happy just to get outside and join in because it’s okay to do so, but eventually it will not be okay to do so because they and the masses were having too much fun. So we go to lockdown because both the antivax and pro killer vaxxers were bad little boys and girls. But the MSM and the pro killer vaxxers will blame the anti vaxx and not blame themselves for allowing compliancy to set in (which our “health agency” warned us about).

Next time someone I know tells me get got covid, without trying to lose my temper or laugh my ass off, I just bluntly tell them to social distance and to get vaccinated and wait to see their reaction. I need a good laugh these days by messing with the sheep. Their ignorance has caused what will be the worst recession in decades by allowing lockdowns to happen. They complain about the price of things and I just want to shake them and say “IT’S YOUR FAULT! Now get boosted!”

Our health minster, Robin Swann, told the public that they should use their own judgement with these rise in cases. Ha! The Joe Thickos can’t even make any sort of judgement without being consulted by “the experts”. That’s what two years of psychopolitics and fear mongering can do to stupid folk.

The vaxxed Joe Thickos are getting sicker by the minute, and still can’t put two and two together. Of course they blame these “new variants” and not “vaccines” which were meant to stop them from getting sick. But of course these “vaccines” don’t last long so they need new ones. But these same idiots aren’t demanding better vaccines (because wanting safe vaccines is antivax, I guess?) or a new booster right away because that is not what the government and MSM are saying (yet).

I don’t wear a mask. No rona.
I don’t get the clot shot. No rona.
I don’t let the tv run my life. No rona.

Us purebloods are becoming more valuable by the second. Reap what you sow sheep. Reap what you bloody well sow (just don’t do the sowing in soil as silly little woman say you might get sick).

Lisa aug.
Lisa aug.
2 years ago

oh my Lord, when i read about the pope’s vatican vax coin, and then Terri-Ann William’s statement that heart attacks in otherwise healthy people are caused by too much contact with dirt… i wondered if the Pope as well as Terri Ann Williams have a bit too much spike protein going on in their heads (with all due respect to those suffering vax induced prion disease)

Michael P
Michael P
2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa aug.

They are loyal members of the death cult

2 years ago

Well at least now McLaws Brain is being used for something

Eric the Red
Eric the Red
2 years ago

Personally, I think all these unexpected diseases we’re seeing, are caused by eating too much broccoli. I’m sure the so-called medical experts will eventually use that as another excuse, so I want to proudly state here that I thought of it first. I’m anxiously awaiting my Nobel Prize in Medicine.

You can lead a sheeple to information, but you can’t make her think.

2 years ago

Sunday digest. Great idea! Thank you for the updates on previous stories and the laugh at the comment, “You know you’re getting old when you start repeating things that your parents used to say.” I can definitely relate.
As for digging in the dirt being hazardous to your health, I love gardening (I call it my “dirt therapy”) and I think I inherited that partially from my grandma. She is a British war bride who has gardened all her life and she is still running circles around the rest of us at 95 years old!
The media is just pathetic, really.

2 years ago
Reply to  Emjay

I love to hear about your grandmother teaching and sharing with you about gardening. Something you may cherish forever with someone you love. Lucky and blessed lady!! I miss my granny so much. Hug and kiss your grandmother today…for me.

2 years ago
Reply to  anon

Yes, I cherish my grandma so much, and miss her so much, too. You see, she lives in the U.S. and I live in Canada and, under our draconian PM, we unvaxxed pariahs can’t cross the border so I haven’t seen her in person since 2019. We do facetime, but it’s not the same. I’ve been plotting how to get there to see her and damn the consequences. It would be a long, expensive drive, but worth it.

2 years ago

I might be ‘self-centered’, Ms McLaws, but I’m not going to die of a jab-induced heart attack within two years.

2 years ago
Reply to  Matthew

Yeah I can live with being selfish. The operative word being “live”!

Violetta Magnolia
Violetta Magnolia
2 years ago
Reply to  Matthew

We are not self-centered-it is just another false accusation of what these vax zealots are guilty of. They are the self-centered ones-forcing their will on others due to their own false beliefs in vaccine safety/effectiveness and fears for their own health.

2 years ago

Earthing is one of the best things you can do for your health. Maybe this is why they try to demonise it, as it can help people get rid of a part of the poison.
Smoking: ha ha ha. I am smoking between 1,5-2 packs /day, no problem here. I know I know I should stop, I will hopefully soon.
Yet, the problem is not with smoking, but with the vaccines. The too many vaccines.
People with problems are those that made flu vaccine each year and others.
I only did 2 vaccines as a child, then, starting 6,5 yo I refused them all – made scandals and crisis each time they wanted to vaccinate me, anyway there were not many back then but still.
I am the healthiest people I know healthier than many much younger and also people think I have 20 years less – no wrinkles etc.
Also I had them all, kinda 4 ”childhood diseases”. My mom always said: it is because you didn’t took your vaccines. OK I think making that diseases helped my body getting stronger. i traveled a lot and in remote areas of the Globe, never had a pill, or vaccine and I didn’t had one day being sick. Not one, no day in the hospital all my life, all analysis are perfect. I take lots of vitamins thousgh and supplements.
SO nope, it is not the smoking, not the drinking, not anything. Yes, smoking you can add sensitivity, also can be tired if you dont exercise as your cells get less oxygen, BUT the body manages it. The problem is when you make a mix of bad choiches, vaccines the worse offender.
Yet I do wanna stop smoking, hopefully I will soon

2 years ago

FYI The head of UPS was at Event 201.

2 years ago

I find it pathetic the Vatican has stooped to an all time low of issuing junk coins promoting a scam. It’s sad when the chosen pope is removed and replaced with a politically motivated and greedy heretic. The Vatican is the third richest organization in the world. One would think, by their teachings, world hunger would be a faint memory by now. Think about that the next time you plan to donate.

2 years ago

Now enjoy your Sunday in Great Reset hell.”

Hahaha. That’s awesome! I’m totally addicted to the COVID Blog. Thanks, Brian. Your blog is the best around! ♥️

2 years ago

What about all the kids that eat dirt? I wonder what the future holds for them. One of mine used to love eating dirt as well as play dough.
On the back of the Vatican coin there should be a person lying prone on the ground just to make sure to get the message across.
Just out of the blue now we have ads on tv concerning shingles. Nowhere do they say of course that it goes hand in hand with the poison shot. Can’t advertise that.

Clown World
Clown World
2 years ago

The way parents write about their dead children in this post social media age is very disturbing. It’s almost as if they get off the more traumatic the experience is. Death is a guaranteed reaction magnet, probably will be their most upvoted post of all time.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago

McLaws called her post-injection brain cancer “a stupid diagnosis.”
The diagnosis seems spot on; “a stupid patient” is much more accurate. What on earth do these people learn from years and years of medical training? Not much, it would seem.

Average Joe
Average Joe
2 years ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

I’m losin’ patience and empathy for imbeciles like McLaws. BTW is having a brain not a prerequisite for being diagnosed with brain cancer? Screw her and her diabolical brethren.

2 years ago

“UPS driver dies”

Fook. My amazon delivery is going to be delayed. HELLLOOOO…..can you try diying after you deliver my order ?. It is Prime for fook sake !!. Thx.

Last edited 2 years ago by donthatemetoomuch
2 years ago

That Vatican medical torture coin gives me the creeps. Shame on them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

I heard they made Inquistion coins too. Prices are higher if they have the tortured blood on them 😉
Some elements in the Vatican have made this institution a torture chamber for the brave and honest. I wonder what would Jesus say about this.

2 years ago

Ms. McLaws reminds me of my former co-worker Joel, a man in his late 40s from Minnesota who told us on a team call in late May, 2021 “Just get the shot so we can all end this pandemic. Just get the shot!”. A few months later, Joel started missing the team calls. The manager told me “Joel is having liver troubles”. In Feb. 2022 Joel told us on the team call “for those of you who do not know, Ive been diagnosed with a rare blood cancer and have been undergoing chemotherapy”. I texted him some support and he wrote back “This is terminal and there is no cure for it”. I did not like Joel very much because he is dishonest, but I still supported him. Another co-worker who I liked much more, Peter had a heart attack after his jabs. He is now recovering.

I lost my job in May 2022, because I refused to take the jab, but I have my health while they are losing theirs.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ed_J

I lost my job last year and not even the Catholic school will hire me as they are all jabbed. A masters degree and a second one in the works and no prospects. Can’t even get a stupid call centre job and the people who do the interviews love to provoke the unjabbed. Literally, they enjoy it. They like to sarcastically ask you if you know about the state’s so-called jab requirements, which isn’t really true, they just enjoy this power over us. The women are the worst, man, they really love picking on me for not being jabbed. I have decided to move out of the west coast; the people here are not sane. I’m only here because of family but they’re all triple-jabbed and their health is declining. You have no idea how angry this makes me. I am almost through using up all of my savings. I leave it up to God now to lead me where to go and what to do. I know people like myself who left our jobs or had to leave because of the mandates. We are being persecuted and most of the liberals know that we are Christian or Catholic, although I do not follow that bogus pope. At work, one nurse made fun saying that the jab wasn’t the mark of the beast. She literally brought that up herself and thought it was funny.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gwen
2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

Here in Slovenia, there is such a shortage of nurses, that they didn’t dare to implement mandatory vaccination. Maybe migration? Here we don’t have such a high standard as USA, but a lot of people have more common sense.

2 years ago
Reply to  Primož

Dear Primož, i was so surprised to see your comment here, I thought I’m the only Slovenian reading this wonderful blog! Cheers to all of us strong minded and unvaxxed heroes!! 🙂

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

Stay strong sister. You have made the right choice, no matter how difficult it is. What good is a job when you’re dead in a few years from the jab?

I too live on the West coast (California) and I’m in a similar situation. I’m only here to care for my aging parents. Thank God I am able to work remote for a small company where they do not ask about / mandate the jab.

Violetta Magnolia
Violetta Magnolia
2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

Which means it IS the Mark of the Beast (MOB).

2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

Gwen, your experience mirrors mine in many ways. After living in Los Angeles for the past 20 years, I still love the beach and ocean, mountains for hiking and cool restaurants and things to do. However this socialist State has declined significantly and there is no going back to sanity now the the Far Left has taken power. I will be forced to leave LA in the next year for a more Free state.

I took 2 months off work, but am now starting to look for jobs again. I am in high end software and tech sales and have a very good resume. However the majority of tech sales jobs which I see listed require the “vaccine”. I saw the listing for my old job, and they are requiring the Jab too. I worked for a subsidery of Danaher Corporation which is a very Left Wing corporate conglomerate. They are active in the manufacturing of the “vaccines” and therefore require most employees to take it. Several from my old op co have died in the past year and as I mentioned, 2 on my small team are now dying.

BTW, my ex girlfriend is a teacher in a very expensive private school here on LAs West Side. I have not talked to her in awhile, but I am sure that they are pressuring her on taking the jab. One of the things that we agreed on were the danger of “vaccines” for adults and especially children. I hope that she has not succumbed to the pressure and took it. It will destroy her health and fertility. She used to work in the Catholic school system here in LA, and her experience with it mirrors yours. Good luck in finding a good job in a free state.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

COME TO FLORIDA. The governor Desantis passed a law that no employer except medical could force you to take the jab. The land of the free with no mask.
Do not go too far south as the insanity is also in Miami even though they are not legally to use the jab.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ed_J

You are one smart and brave guy ! Hope you will find a better job very soon !

2 years ago
Reply to  Ed_J

I lost my job in Feb this year. Company had mandated the jab. The stress and pain they’ve caused me is so frustrating. I’ve finally got a job but it’s further away with fuel prices. As you said you have your health and that’s the main thing. Justice is coming.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vic

damn.glad you are working now. I work remotely as a programmer. I just ignored HRs email twice about asking my vax status. Never heard about it again. if I believed in germ theory (i dont) why would I need a vax for my job when Im alone in my room 6 days out of the week? Lol.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ed_J

wow. My team members have all been sick at various times. They have had to miss our daily SCRUM meetings. Its a meeting for software developers to give their updates. Im the only one who has never been sick. I wonder if my manager who has been sick off and on ever thought I wonder why Steve is never sick? he came to the plant for the work trip back in March and didnt wear a mask inside with tens of thousands of workers.

2 years ago

April 2022 a Comcast/Xfinity driver fainted while driving in front of my Denver home; he clipped an oncoming vehicle then careened onto my property striking the electrical pole (which exploded) live wires burning everything in it’s path. Much property damage BUT no one can tell me this wasn’t due to the required employee vaxxing mandate at this company. I could not get info whether driver lived or not…

2 years ago

Well if garden soil causes SADs then I should have been dead about fifty years ago. Have a garden every summer since childhood and a big one this year. It was necessary growing up if we wanted to eat. I have never heard such idiocy .

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