July 26, 2021
MELBOURNE, VICTORIA — A 40-year-old mother of two, wife and pharmaceutical executive is taking industry and “vaccine” loyalty to heights that even this blog has never seen.
Mrs. Alyssa Kent received the first dose of experimental AstraZeneca viral vector DNA on May 27, according to her Instagram page. The adverse effects were swift and harsh. She immediately suffered debilitating headaches that spanned 10 straight days. But she continued working as the Senior Business Unit Director of Virology in the New Zealand/Australia division of Gilead Sciences.
The California-based company is perhaps best known for developing the expensive anti-viral drug remdesivir. The Food and Drug Administration granted emergency use authorization for the drug as a treatment for COVID-19 on May 1, 2020. Pfizer signed a multi-year agreement with Gilead in August 2020 to produce remdesivir at the Pfizer plant in McPherson, Kansas.
The good doctors at the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) said that remdesivir would be useless if the war on Ivermectin would stop. President Donald Trump used remdesivir, the MATH+ protocol, and monoclonal antibodies when he allegedly contracted COVID-19 in October 2020.
Downward spiral and near death
Mrs. Kent was at a work conference on or around June 6. She had a seizure and was rushed to Cessnook Hospital. Mrs. Kent had four more seizures before being transferred to John Hunter Hospital. At least one blood clot was found in her brain. She was placed in a medically-induced coma in an attempt to save her life. Meanwhile her family was told to say their last goodbyes.
While in the medically-induced coma, doctors performed three brain surgeries and 18 total MRIs and CT scans. She also developed aspiration pneumonia, meaning vomit or something else got into her lungs. A sepsis episode caused her to be readmitted to the intensive care unit.
Awake after three weeks
Mrs. Kent finally came out of the coma in late June. She suffered severe brain damage, and had to teach herself how to walk, talk and eat again upon waking up. Doctors transferred her back to a rehab facility in Melbourne. The family concedes that Mrs. Kent will live in the rehab center for at least a year, but likely much longer.
A July 17 Instagram update featured Mrs. Kent speaking from her hospital bed. But it’s the final minute-and-a-half of the video that is extremely bizarre. Mrs. Kent said she “wholeheartedly believes” that the experimental shots are the only way forward for humanity. She “doesn’t want to scare anyone off,” but also wants everyone to make informed decisions.
It is this portion of the video that epitomizes the extent of power these global psychological operations have on the impressionable public.
My life has been completely changed because I had the vaccination. Would I do it again? No. Would I get AstraZeneca as my second shot? No. I’m not allowed to.
Since she is not allowed to get the second AstraZeneca injection, she will get Pfizer or Moderna instead for the second shot. At least one person tried to talk some sense into Mrs. Kent, to no avail.
There is a GoFundMe page collecting funds for the family. It also contains many of the details of Mrs. Kent’s ailments. The COVID Blog always links said pages for victims of these shots. But this story is far too disturbing and detrimental to support this family in any way.
Australia strikes again
It seems every time we write about Australia, things get worse. New South Wales, South Australia and Victoria are all on lockdowns as we speak. Only 12.2% of Australians have received the lethal injections, according to Our World in Data. 9 News reported two more AstraZeneca blood clot deaths in Australia on Thursday. Prime Minister Scott Morrison “apologized” to the world this week for the low vaccination rate. It’s unclear what exactly he is apologizing for. Aussies are simply not as obsequious and desperate for social media attention as Americans and a lot of Europeans.
This story places on full display the power of monopolized, persistent propaganda. Joe Biden will go down in history as the facilitator of this “vaccine” genocide in the United States. Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson will combine for over $40 billion in handouts from the federal government in 2021 alone, courtesy of U.S. taxpayers. Meanwhile Moderna, which makes the most expensive “vaccine,” is funneling its profits through a Switzerland shell company to ensure a paltry tax bill.
Word on the street is that food shortages, blackouts and cutting the internet are all inevitable by the end of 2021 or soon thereafter. We’re watching the Great Reset in real time. And it will only get crazier as the weeks and months pass. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog™ book here. Shipping starts on December 15, 2022.
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“Mrs. Kent […] suffered severe brain damage […] “wholeheartedly believes” that the experimental shots are the only way forward for humanity […] she will get Pfizer or Moderna instead for the second shot”.
Makes sense to me.
For some reason, this reminds me of the brain slugs from Futurama.
Reminds me of the surfer girl who has her arm bit off by a shark and still surfs or If it is the families idea where they wheel their parent in like the 100 year old veteran that they made a big production over and he dies two weeks later.
I agree with this blogger not supporting a “go-fund-me” for someone so daft, she put her entire family thru her “valley of death,” is permanently damaged, & still brainwashed enough 2 shoot up more poison. She’s not getting the SAME one “because it’s not allowed”?
Who can get behind that? If she’s in the pharmaceutical industry, & she’s the product of their plans for “the only way forward for humanity”-that shows pharma’s cards are as backwards & deadly as they get.
Time to ship out all the treasonous, vile, murdering $ worshippers & get back to “Quaker living.”
They don’t depend on our nearly busted Social Security, electricity, nursing homes, cars, TV-& they farm &produce their own food.
I bet they’ll be among the last ones standing when the jabbed& 5g meet the singularity and brain/cloud interface, which millennials can’t wait for. All disturbing.
She’s a loyalist, true believer. Bless her little heart.
I don’t think she will be alive to take the second shot.
Hello everyone. It’s your favourite bad boy. Now before I get down to fact spitting I want to say that everything that I say (and have said) is justifed and is even more justified when I tell you this story which happened to me today. So get some popcorn and enjoy:
I was travelling to another city 40 miles from where I live because I wanted to get out of the house. Overall I had a pleasant day (despite having to avoid spike protein shedders and put up with the stupid “have you got a mask?” question when I entered certain buildings) but it was ruined by one thing…
I was almost finished for going back home on the bus when I decided to enter a local record shop. I am a big Tom Petty fan and saw a record of his and wanted to get it. As soon as I entered the shop the store ower asked me to put on a mask. I said I was exempt (which I am since if the mask causes severe distress to me when I wear it and therefore don;t have to wear it). He wasn’t liking my answer and ignornantly said “I would prefer if you wear one”. I told this buffoon again “I’m exempt” and just went on in the shop. He then stopped me in my way and said “You need to wear a mask”. At this point I was confused because before he said he would prefer me to wear a mask and is now forcing me to wear a mask. This is classic doublethink nonsense. So am I given the choice to not wear a mask or is that not an option. I was confused and said “I told you i am exempt. I have a medical exemption”. He was having none of it and told me to leave.
Now I was going to rip him a new one and tell him how he is violating both government and common law since forcing someone to wear a mask when they are exempt is putting them at harm. That makes them an enabler of causing harm, which is a criminal offence. I just really pissed off and upset. Next time someone pulls this crap on me I will be ripping them a new one. I wanted to say to him enjoy the spike proteins that will destroy your body but at least I had some deceny in me.
I know people might find my words harsh. However they are based on facts and as I have said facts don’t care about your feelings. If you don’t like it then you are as bad as those sjw snowflakes.
I was discriminated against because of my medical condition. I am this close to suing someone if this happens again. However it was only a lousy record store and will encourgae others to follow suit. The record store was cooldiscworld in derry city, Northern Ireland.
To anybody reading this (and I appreciate it) if anybody forces you to wear a mask or even asks you to wear a mask, boycott their business and let others know to boycott them. These traders need us more than we need them.
As for this clown. Do I need to say more. Mixing two different vaccines is insane. There have been no proper tests done on this (no proper tests have even been done on all covid vaccines in general). This person almost died on multiple occassions and wants to take another vaccine.
Nobody can defend this. If that was my wife or mother then I would leave them and tell them to enjoy hell.
Anybody doesn’t like my words. What are you going to do about it?
Aidan, I had similar reaction back last summer 2020 in Denver at my car dealership. I refused to wear a mask and the supervisor literally threw me out. I videotaped him while I informed him he’d violated ADA ( Americans disabilities act ) no less than 3 x in one interaction and I let him know it was 75k first occurs he and 125 k each subsequent occurrence. Then I called two top attorneys. Nobody would represent me despite the fact I had video documentation. These people are sickening but the cowards who comply amd e force the crimes are WORSE
You have my fullest sympathies. I hope your supervisor goes to hell. Hopefully the spike proteins in his vaccine will finish him off and you might get your job back. I resigned from my job as a classroom assistant because of how they were treating the students in regards to the stupid covid policies.
Hopefully we can return to normal when the sheep are wiped out. And people wonder we we have so much contempt for the sheep who continually are ruining are lives.
I live in Central New York, and I’ve found that when I call the place in advance and let them know that I can’t cover my face, they are willing to make an exception for me. I used that strategy with my car dealership last year, and when I arrived, the guy escorted me to a huge boardroom where he allowed me to sit by myself while my car was being worked on. I also had an incident at a Bed Bath & Beyond where the store associate waited on me at my car window since I had called in advance, letting them know that I couldn’t cover my face. She thanked me over and over again, telling me how appreciative she and her manager were that I called ahead rather than catch them off guard.
Ironically, during this entire mask insanity phase, the only establishment that gave me a hard time was an ENT’s office. I was to be a first-time patient there. I did my usual calling ahead, but the doctor refused to make an exception for me, insisting that I wear a mask, even though the problem I was going to her to have treated was causing mild dizziness. (Talk about pure insanity.) So what did I do? Took care of the problem naturally, said some prayers, and miraculously within a few days the problem totally cleared up on its own. The visit would’ve been around $300 (I don’t have health insurance) so I was thanking God for days on end for that unexpected gift.
We need to hear more stories like yours. Doctors are put on such a ridiculous pedestal in this country that borders on idolatry…..actually it is idolatry….the same idolatry the bums and whores (Sam Giancanna’s description) of Hollywood receive from their brainless fans. I know of plenty of doctors who cheat on their spouses and are alcoholics and drug addicts. The old Soviet Union got it right when they established a pay scale where sanitation workers made oodles more money than their doctors. Plus, when you can get some of these doctors to loosen their lips after a few shots of Jack Daniels, you get a front row seat to some bizarre hospital horror stories.
Yeah, I saw UCI-“THE GREAT TEACHING HOSPITAL” front web page feature a ‘renouned pediatrician’ pushing ‘safety of vaxxing age 12 and older’ -(Murderer!)
That’s when it hit me: NO HOSPITAL is safe. There’s no more doubt:
We’re living in a time where either the blinders fall off, or people walk into gulags for the brainwashed. No more blurry PC fence sitting. Unfortunately, some of those are people we love. Family. It’s a traumatic, hard to accept experience: people everywhere are strugging. Realizing they can’t save everyone, no matter how hard they try:
“We wrestle not against flesh & blood, but against principalities, powers, spiritual wickedness in high places, the …darkness of this world..” Eph 6:12? Prayer is needed, -our info, common sense, FACTS -The usual weapons are not working:
What we just witnessed, a jabbed woman gets 3 brain surgeries, and zombie goes for ‘shot # 2?!” In what horror flick? All of this was planned in “Event 201”- but they won’t watch that.
It’s a complete mockery of the masses, & what the 1% think of “useless eaters.”
“Hollyweird” smoothing over the biggest fu**up since 9/11 -pretending it was an “incredible military success” -when it should never have HAPPENED to begin with is pure insanity.
My friend’s silence at that, the man who screamed about a shirt Trump’s wife wore, exposes a complete disconnect with reality:
American school Kids are still trapped in Afghanistan, & people are being chopped up… All hidden, as the mayor of D.C. leads a chanting mob of fools demanding statehood. WHAT??
Anything to distract from what really matters is what evil will enlarge & project.
So now, besides physical preparation, it’s urgent to “..acknowledge (God) in ALL my ways, so He will direct my paths..” That’s no easy task.
“Put on the full armor of God to quench the fiery darts of the wicked..”
I think many can agree the worldwide pointed attack on freedoms is unprecidented.
Death merchants are lauded and paid in millions. Fielty to the State, its great jobs, wages, benefits & pensions has now proven to be a death trap, as jabs are demanded, or “lose it all.”
We’re seeing evil crawl out of the woodwork, blatant voter fraud, ridiculous covid “case #s”, & told not to believe our eyes,
“It’s OUR job to tell you who president elect is.” The anchor claimed.
It’s no longer ok to be “PC”- Evil wants total dominion & allegiance, regardless of casualties, our children, our blood and souls.
The line has been drawn in the sand.
“2 women were grinding in a field, 1 was taken & the other left”.. I now better understand what that means.
GOD help us.
Margo, thank you for sharing your insight and testimony! Pure gold. It encourages me & I’m sure countless others who are ostracized by blind sheeple.
A dentist I saw recently had everybody wearing masks, but no va*x bs, & he said a few months back, he had a NDE in the Covid ICU-that 7 of 12 other pts died & were rolled out.
(Probably weren’t using HCQ & Ivermectin, which blows me away-how would a Christian dentist NOT know that-or to get early treatment?
(Idk if he was vaxxed, either-this whole insane clown narrative is built to break our spirits, grab our loved ones, & make us feel like we’re outnumbered.
To them, I say, 1 person with God is a MAJORITY!)
What this Dr. did share, was Jesus asking him by heart,
“What have you done with your life?” He said he knew immediately-where he fell short; – & this guy often witnesses at his office, he’s the real deal- has a heart of gold. So to hear him say that caught me off guard.
He said his request for “more time” was answered, & he’s now speaking at churches on weekends to encourage others to be ambassadors for Jesus, because time is short!
As the insanity doubles down, wickedness & lawlessness increase, & evil APPEARS to win, we have to remember who holds us to accomplish our purpose in this dimension.
We’ll be mocked for seeking His guidance & protection, but so was Noah!
We may be disabled, weak, -but so were Jesus’s disciples; God knows- He gave us our gifts & talents, all we have to do is share His message, like you just did. 🙂
The fact that not a single lawyer would represent you and your claim against your supervisor (ex) comes as no surprise to me. The legal profession is as corrupted as are the judges. This isn’t unique to the USA. This is the world overall. Public policy in the form of government mandates are protected by the color of law which really means anything the government of the day wants it gets.
I have watched in real time as Americas Constitution and Bill of Rights have been systematically ignored and effectively ripped to pieces in front of the American people.
Next they will be coming for your guns.
They already have destroyed freedom of speech by removing dissenting opinions and contrarian facts on the MSM. The Nazis were the first modern incarnation of a regime capable of implementing this sort of psychological operation using “The Big Lie” to alter and control public perceptions to the point that even when the people knew what they were a part of was wrong they just kept on being part of it.
This was also confirmed for me when I came across the Milgram Study.
We are the same type of creatures as those who experienced living in the same country as the Nazis.
TPTB have always known they can control us even when we know it’s against our own best interests through fear of the sanctions (even if it just means disapproval from someone we consider is in a position of authority) that will be imposed upon us if we refuse.
We have no freedoms or inalienable rights. We have privileges that can be snatched away from us when ever our owners feel the want or need to do so.
We even act accordingly and make up excuses as to why we do.
We are prone to talk tough on line but when confronted with the raw power of the security forces on the streets we just end up being victims of their heavy handed tactics and rubber bullets.
Soon it will be live rounds aimed at our heads.
I have to wonder if we’ll have the courage to put our lives on the line when the shooting starts. We seem content to march off to the wars caused by the elites and die in them but when it comes to demanding our own rights to live free as civilians we seem to loose that resolve to be willing to pay the ultimate price.
I guess it’s because we believe we will loose. After all, they have all the guns and lawful protection from corrupted judges to kill us all whereas we don’t.
It’s amazing HIPPA just disappeared two yrs ago,smdh
Well keep preaching the truth as it is. Since you live in Northern Ireland, check out Thomas Sheridan on Youtube, he lives in County Sligo in Ireland. I can’t post links here. He’s also on Odysee in case they take down his videos. Great stuff about the ridiculous world we live in now.
Why wait until it happens again? I’d sue this Covid loyalist right now. Also, name and shame his business.
I suffer uncontrollable giggling fits when an idiot demands I don a completely useless non sufficient mask and in between fits as I struggle to not piss myself, I tell them the truth about micron sizes, viruses, loads, dispersal rates etc, as I gradually put distance between myself and the fool due to having to limo away cross legged. Heck, I’ve lived half a century and carried 4 children, birthed them and the old plumbing just really wants to let go and piss on a fool or two sometimes but I would get jailed for that.
I wore my wife’s sheer black panties with little pink bow as my face covering the entire time and was asked to leave a few stores. Some women whispered they liked the idea, but most frowned.
Another idiot, well at least the world will be a better place when we thin out these morons.
We also need to “thin out” the so-called elite who orchestrated this.
🙄i read in an on-line forum: a woman who mixed shots (AZ1 then Pfizer) got bad reactions for both; they’re just different (obviously not nearly as bad as Mrs. Kent). 😶
Reminds me of the comedian and his Russian Roulette tournament joke….
Gawd damn, this is hard to believe. This woman’s truth/reality being stranger than fiction. And she apparently has two girls. She can’t care or is incapable in her stupidity of caring much for them. There appears to be no bounds to stupidity and the suffering it will cause.There is obviously no thinking processes at work at all in this person’s mind..
Australia is full of idiots like this. Reducing 10 million of the lefty loonies as per will hopefully restore the old Australia which tells creeps like scummo to rack off!
Too bad you Australians gave all of your battle rifles to the Government after the Port Arthur incident.
Too bad you dumb clucks think you’re going to be able to use guns against a regime which licensed them to you in the first place. How do you propose to use the weapons against the very entity whose permission you have to own them?You aren’t the first case you know? The same thing always happens. They take those firearms off you. Refuse to hand them in and they have your location, they’ll pick you off one by one and you’ll die earliest of all, defending your arsenal. In Australia we have a very large and active black market in guns. There are huge numbers of guns out i the community. All through to automatic weapons and at least one case of SAM missiles, one of which was used in the 90s in this state against a cop chopper down south.
We also see fairly regularly small scale weapons manufacturers being busted and since it is invariably just peripheral to other crimes being detected, the take home is there are plenty more.
Now you imagine you’re a tyrant in government. You have to face a community with duly licensed and registered firearms, most of whom will docilely hand the over if you demand it, the rest you have on a list with everything about them to hand. OR,ad this will be the case anyway, you have to face a community which ostensibly hasn’t got any guns, since you don’t allow it. Of course there are guns out there, especially in a place which has long had strict firearms laws…but you as a wannabe tyrant do not have a clue who has them or where they are.
Trying to disarm the public in that situation is going to be lethal and once armed resistance begins, you’ll be mopping up the mess everywhere with no way of predicting the ext one. It will be a war of attrition from day one. As far as licensed firearms go, those not handed in will be assumed to be in hostile hands, so they’ll hit you like a MAC truck.
Yanks are very poor tacticians, this is obvious. You need to stop polishing your LEGAL registered firearms and start thinking how you actually will oppose them and live another day to keep resisting. You’ll end up nothing but a bunch of mini OK Corrals all over the country with the same result every time. The tyrants won’t even lose many men doing it that way. Don’t you worry about Aussies boyo, we love freedom as much as anybody and we’re no slouches when it comes to a fight.
Good news in your post, Aussie brother. I am very glad to read it as an American wondering what I can do from where I sit. I pray quite often now for my brothers and sisters who respect self-ownership, in Australia, France, England, Africa, China, Brazil, all over the world.
Americans are a mixed bunch who have ZERO PRESENCE in mainstream news media. I know what the rest of the nation and what the world perceive as “Californians,” and I know certainly that only about seven percent of that stereotype is accurate. The other 93% is very, very different than what mass media has conditioned people to think, THEREFORE I extrapolate that it is probably true across the board. I go by the Aussies I have known and loved. Pray that we all have the guidance and vision to act wisely and in a timely way. Dread God, brother! Stand strong.
Stralians are stubborn mongrels. That low v stat warms my cockles.
it seems to be left wing nutjobs and scared old people getting jabbed. The lockdowns were attempts at extortion- freedom (for as long as you live) if you sign a waiver and let us poison you.
Sometimes you have to ask yourself, “can you blame the de-populators?”
They see exactly what we see…a planet drowning in retards.
They can still control them in 2021; but eventually there will be too many to control.
If unchecked; any possibility of a decent quality of life on earth will be IMPOSSIBLE; even for the TPTB and their children down the road apiece.
So the question becomes; what is the Greater Sin? Sending what really is a plague on the earth; that is the yoke of human idiocy to an early check-out; or allow this plague to multiply over the coming decades to where the earth becomes uninhabitable from the claws and clutches of the idiot masses?
Sometimes you have to look at the big picture…
Yes, I know. I am torn between disgust and loathing for the billionaire class behind this, and a feeling of equanimity given the obvious positive nature of reducing the population of mindless drones and idiots.
WW IV. (The cold war can be called WW III.) Depopulation at great expense, but no real infrastructure damage. I don’t like or approve, never thought that I would live to see this. But hey, it would make a great book, for anyone left to read it.
I think a lot of us think about the mortality of wiping out dumb sheeps. But then we realise if it involves dumb sheep then so be it. No matter how much I try to convince joe normie about what is happening they will not take it in.
One time I was with my friend at a local market and we were probably the only ones without masks. We were both in a pissy mood because of what we see around us and decided to argue with sheeple. Most of the time they didn’t want to bother debating and usually said “I just need my coffee”. Pathetic sheep can’t even get by without their caffeine.
If this scheme means idiots like that are no longer breathing then so be it.
If, as seems likely, female reproduction will be wrecked by this, the end result could be a total wipeout.
That’s what Elon hinted at recently. He knows what’s up. You need someone alive to sell your genius cars to.
Don’t forget these things shed and we still don’t know what that means for the unvaccinated who are being affected. The most common issue you hear about is women having awful periods after spending time with recently jabbed.
If these were intentionally designed to be self-spreading vaccines, we are all in trouble, not just the sheep.
Exactly. I wish people would quit playing or thinking they are God.
Fuck no, ddddemented, if you want to talk about idiots, you need to also take out the pieces of shit encouraging abortion so they can eat and experiment on the fetus, mix their brains genetically with mice for experimentation, and use human women in business suits to nurse baboon babies, ok?
Think about that.
These same freaks are letting “entities” through particle accelerator experiments at CERN,
PLANNING to allow a pc/Ai to “become smarter than HUMANS”- & they don’t include themselves in “HUMAN,” definition, cause they’re already juiced up w/half genetic alterations giving them the mental & physical upper hand…
You got a fuckin class of dark lords eating off what they’ve “allowed” to survive-hell no.
You obviously have not seen the bigger picture, & what these billionaire demi-gods have planned.
I’m wondering if there’s something in people’s self conscious that wants the attention and sympathy from possible adverse effects. Like a hero badge. Only they can’t contemplate permanent disabilities/death. It boggles my mind that the swine flu vaccine killed so few comparatively, yet the outrage and banning of was swift! Now we have martyrs lining up by the thousands for come what may?! There is no legal path for compensation either. You become a burden to the people you lectured! It makes no sense. I pray for divine intervention.
The whole story of that swine flu debacle should have had seen corporate criminals in jail. They could not get the farmers to inoculate their pigs with it because it killed their livestock, so they passed it off on humans to protect their bottom line. That’s the way I heard it, anyway. What’s interesting is that some of the recipients of that vaccine came down with Guillain-Barre, as have some of the Covidiots 45 years later. So maybe there was still some of that leftover crap that went into this current witches brew. Maybe even a little eye of newt and wing of bat for some extra flavoring, too.
I feel terrible for what this woman and her family have been through, but if she intends to keep damaging herself then I don’t think people should give her money. It’s like financing a liver transplant for an alcoholic who publically declares he will never stop drinking.
What we are dealing with here is a CULT, and the mentality of brainwashed cult members. If you want to help this woman, send her information and pray that she would be released from the spirit of deception.
The liver example you used was exactly what happened to George Best. He already had a liver transplant and needed a second transplant. Best was known for being a drinker and the public was outraged about it. I think the second liver transplant was from a young man and father of the son was donated his liver was pissed off.
There is no way to help this woman. She is already gone.
Wow! That is some next level stupid. When she dies, as she almost certainly will within the next year or two, cause of death needs to be recorded as suicide.
That is exactly what I’m thinking. How can someone be that idiotic to take something that already tried to kill her many times.
This is how pathetic they have brainwashed these people! COGNITIVE DISSONENCE, despite when it hits them so hard that common sense should slap them awake, they keep lapping up the lies, fear and propaganda.
Sometimes this is how stupid gets fixed.
I have no problem with people offing themselves. Just don’t expect anyone else to follow your lead.
We get that, it’s the mandates that have to go.
I’m an Aussie too and how’s this for a theory. If it’s the great reset then why are we worried. ? We’ll be the anti vax survivors. Maybe the new world order knew this and wanted to save those that could think logically and had compassion and investigate things. Perhaps we are part of a new nirvana ? Why should we try to stop these morons that blindly follow our leaders stupid advice? I for one am getting tired of being called crazy or a lunatic etc etc. THIS LADY is absolute proof of the insanity! Unfortunately I can’t stop trying to help people because I could never live with myself in the new world being complicit in genocide !
Such is the zeitgeist !
Siiiigh. 🙁
Nathan H
Oh Nathan, when has evil ever done anything for the good of anyone? Don’t be naive, once they are done with the gullible, do you think the rest of us will live in the “new nirvana?” They are coming for ALL of humanity. We have to find like minded people and stand up to these evil creatures and fight for our freedom and rights. The plan for the survivors is slavery….PERIOD!!
Exactly. Plus the vaccines shed. And there is no way they didn’t know that before distributing them.
Of course I’m not that naive. Got my camper trailer packed up with baked beans and rum and ready to run for the hills 💪🤘😎❤️
Thank you. Cults always sell Nirvana, but the end is unequivocally Jim Jones “forcing” people to kill their own children.
Even as they realized that transfer to “heaven” was far from painless and peaceful as promised, saw their loved ones bleeding, vomiting, and screaming as they panicked.
The same event is in motion today. THOUSANDS are erased off social media, accounts & websites deleted, death threats shelled out as necessary.
When the few vax damaged ones finally dare speak out, they are ruthlessly trolled & mocked. It makes me sick, I step back to stay relatively sane.
These people used to be energetic and beautiful pre-jab.
The mongrel horde attack and verbally stab ANYTHING, esp truth, that threatens their carefully tended insanity.
I just remember they don’t understand their own body is host to an ADE time bomb, spike proteins slicing away at their mocking arteries,
reproductive organs crushed, rapidly growing tumors they are actually told “not to worry about,” as their steps lead down to death.
If they didn’t axe Dr. Mercola, & chase Dr. Madej out of the country, they’d tell them to act fast and save themselves from the “immortal cells” in these shots. Too late now.
Yesterday they had helicopters flying around in Sydney threatening people outside with arrest on a massive load speaker. People could not comprehend the nightmare they have now entered. It was ok UK media only it seems.
I saw that too mate. Were you actually there. That would be very easy to doctor to make it appear that way.
people are begging us to “remember who we are” in the USA -because they see us sliding, and they “need us!”
6-7 months back, a pic of a pretty blonde girl w/paper, “I will not comply!” Was verbally & socially slaughtered on FB/Twatter. Called a “silly dolt” & much worse.
Amazingly, I see nurses and drs who are fully indoctrinated threaten to “not treat her” if others come in “my ER with Covid-she brought that on hersekf. Im not risking MY life for this dumb bitch!” Wow.
Nazi 2.0 anyone? So are you not treating the obese for heart attacks & colon cancer cause they “put themselves in harm’s way by overeating?”
What about drivers? They kill people daily! People with cell phones in their cars? You going to deny treatment to the lady who helped cripple me?
How about smokers, are you not admitting them either, they kill people “second hand.”
I could go on. How far do they want to take their self-righteous tyranny?
The level of malevolence the MEDIA’s lies & hatred foments is staggering. (S)he who controls the media controls the people.
War of the worlds anyone?
Imagine how the families of the people who killed themselves over that felt.
Compared to that, this is a mass extinction event.
Joe Biden will go down in history as the facilitator of this “vaccine” genocide in the United States.
Maybe – but it was Trump who authorised Operation Warp Speed. It was Trump’s FDA that allowed the animal trials to be curtailed – 6+ years down to a couple of months, and then STOP, for a technology never before used in humans.
Would Biden have done the same? Maybe, but he did not.
After all the brain issues caused by that shot I would definitely NOT get any more shots from any company. U can’t even sue to hold them responsible because it’s an experimental therapy.
also i heard some have been denied by health insurance, workers comp.
This is the type of people that the government are trying to kill off. Idiots
Wow now I am believing the movie ideocracy was a documentary
She had to have 3 brain surgeries because the doctors were desperate to find a brain in the first place, but to no avail.