August 12, 2021
SYDNEY, NEW SOUTH WALES — A 27-year-old Daily Telegraph reporter with no preexisting conditions is out of the hospital, but still displaying signs of psychological impairment.
Ms. Georgia Clark received her first dose of experimental Pfizer mRNA on July 2, according to her Twitter account. She posted a short video, along with a tweet saying “first step to freedom.”
Ms. Clark reported severe headaches and fatigue days after the first injection. She received the second dose on July 25. Ms. Clark not only basked in seeing a long line of people in front of her at the vaxx clinic, but again tied the experimental injections to freedom.
The rest of her tweets that day spoke of having a potential “vaccine party,” while also promoting the arrest of protesters against lockdowns and “vaccine” mandates.
She tweeted only twice from July 29 to August 10, before re-emerging yesterday. And now we know why.
A very strange 48 hours
Ms. Clark checked into the emergency room on August 4 after suffering from severe chest pains and a high fever. But doctors discharged her after brief observation. The pain and fever persisted for the next several days, leading her to check into Concord Repatriation General Hospital on August 9. Ms. Clark was diagnosed with pericarditis, or swelling of the protective sac (pericardium) around the heart. It is a known side effect from the Pfizer injections.
She posted a disturbing video from her hospital bed that displays a common psychological disposition among people who have received these injections and suffer severe adverse reactions. Ms. Clark said the pain is being managed with medication. She emphasized that her potentially-permanent heart issues as a result of Pfizer are “very rare.” Ms. Clark went further, saying “despite these side effects, I would get the vaccine again.” She said it’s a sacrifice for the greater good, and that it’s better than getting COVID-19.
Ms. Clark encouraged everyone to get the injections and “take the side effects on the chin.” She continued tweeting that day, apparently trying to convince herself that potentially-permanent heart problems are better than COVID-19 and that these side effects are “rare.” Ms. Clark was discharged yesterday, saying she would be “down and out” for a couple of days.
She was back on Twitter this morning (about 10 p.m. in Sydney), again, trying to convince herself that the pericarditis adverse effects are rare and that it’s better than COVID-19.
Incredible mind control
The term “Stockholm Syndrome” was born after the August 23, 1973 Sveriges Kreditbanken bank robbery in Stockholm, Sweden. It was a real-life drama played out on Swedish television live as it happened. Foreign news services also chronicled the events as they happened. The robbers, Jan-Erik Olsson and Clark Olofsson, held four bank employees hostage in a large vault. But he was “nice” to them, giving one hostage a jacket when she was cold and allowing all of them to call their families.
The hostages and robbers were all on a first-name basis. Hostage Kristin Enmark even volunteered to accompany the robbers in the getaway car so police wouldn’t try and harm them. All of the hostages felt that the police were a much bigger threat to their lives than the robbers. The robbers got desperate on Day 2 of the standoff and threatened to shoot the only male hostage, Sven Safstrom, in the leg to show the police they were serious. The other hostages thought it was a kind act to only threaten shooting him in the leg.
RELATED: Alyssa Kent: 40-year-old Australian woman has three brain surgeries, five seizures, stroke after first AstraZeneca shot, so will take Pfizer or Moderna for second shot (July 26, 2021)
When the standoff ended on August 28, 1973 (five days later), the hostages shook hands, hugged and kissed the robbers. The hostages even forced the police to take the robbers first so they wouldn’t gun them down once the hostages were freed. All of the hostages frequently visited the robbers in prison. Olsson was finally released from prison in 2009 and penned his autobiography, entitled “Stockholm Syndrome.”
You can make a rational argument for the hostages’ psychological condition in Sweden. The robbers didn’t hurt them and were kind to them, considering the circumstances. All Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, et al. are doing to people is killing them slowly or quickly. It’s an insult to the hostages in Stockholm that day to use the term Stockholm Syndrome with 2021 vaxx zealots. Rant over.
Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
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Brain dead moron.
She thinks getting the vax from stop her from getting covid. The so called vax has only been tested for reducing symptoms.
Honestly, if she thought she was immune then why is she wearing a mask after getting it? Dumbass!
Aidan, you’re absolutely right, and I fully agree. Georgia Clark, a 27-year-old Australian reporter, must be a brain dead moron to think getting the vax to stop her from getting CV-19 .. The so-vax has only been tested for reducing symptoms.
I see your point here .. Honestly, if she thought she was immune, then why is she wearing a face diaper after getting it? Duh!
What’s sad, Aidan, is that there is this NFL coach pushing vaccines on people:
I wouldn’t listen to him. The NFL is a part of the government, and is participating in their agenda.
Join me like a sheeple in my misery! WTF? Over!
Georgia Clark is a stupid woman. I just can’t believe how she’s still encouraging people to get the death jab. She might have heart problems from this for the rest of her life
Which, hopefully, will be very short.
She will have heart conditions for the remainder of her life, and probably die young from Congestive Heart Failure. Lady you are brain dead idiot. Disgusting.
Georgia was stupid long before COVID came along.
She looks and sounds like the branch Covidians in my area. No side affect or death can outweigh the benefit of that vaccine. To them getting covid is a death sentence. And now 6 to 9 months in the game, they are getting covid, sick from side affects and dying. Thank goodness they got the vaccine. Sarc.😂 I wonder how she is now. Any updates?
She has no clue that she has zero risk of dying from Covid, but risked permanent heart damage for ??? SMH
Effects from covid-19 can be treated, dying from blood clots to the brain cannot.
This is what we are up against, astonishing stupidity. We’re assailed on one side by the satanist cabal, and their brain- dead, zombie minions on the other. This is a Bolshevik takeover of the US and other western nations. I believe we will be put in concentration camps. I’m not sure there’s anywhere to run, but I’m going to the Caucasus or the Balkans, the governments there are much less restrictive. Some South American places may be an option. It’s time to go while we still can.
This is why I don’t care about a single one of these idiots who willingly and of their own volition allow themselves to be poisoned. They are a danger to all of us.
This is the type of people the government want to kill off (idiots) the intellegent people like us will survive
I’m not sure there’s anywhere to run, but I’m going to the Caucasus or the Balkans, the governments there are much less restrictive.
Governments only exist by the consent of the governed.
They will be selling fur coats in Hell before I run from MY COUNTRY; as a coward might.
This nation is MINE; and no man or “politician” or “government” will force me out of it against my will.
Better to die on one’s feet than to live on one’s knees.
Before I will be a slave, I will be buried in my grave.
If this nation wishes to start a war against me; they may do so.
But let them know that I will goddamn well finish it.
As the Great Egyptian Goddess Isis is my witness.
So, you don’t have kids, then… Most of us will flee to hopefully give our kids a chance. Ask any immigrant.
If you flee, your kids are already lost.
A bunch of hot air. You wouldn’t bust a grape in a fruit fight. If you elect to “stay and fight” you have just chosen a different method of suicide.
Dddd is correct. I listen to married with kids who say but my kids. It is even greater your job then. But people often have kids for selfish reasons. Someone to take care of them when they get older is a big reason.
Single people are waiting for the married losers to get off their asses but hide behind their children. Is that you fruity?
I am under only one law; MY OWN; and no human law impresses me.
You do not know me; so do not attempt to “predict” my behavior or conduct.
For that is arrogance; that is not having proper respect for things you do not understand or know anything about.
Don’t respond to my comments anymore. Thanks
But I will add “Steve” the fact that America is filled with men like you who run to the Russian mountains (Caucases) (per your post) at the first sign of trouble; this is actually a GOOD THING!
For how easy it will be for me to ascend to my American throne; when the “resistance” (lol) flees their OWN COUNTRY when there is a crisis.
BTW; good luck with walking into Russia and them accepting an alien with open arms!
Newsflash; they are not idiots like America who “give people free stuff” when they invade their country!
”For how easy it will be for me to ascend to my American throne; when the “resistance” (lol) flees their OWN COUNTRY when there is a crisis.”
You are seriously deluded if not mentally ill. Probably a Chi com troll, however.
You’re all bark and no bite, and you know how I know that, because you would have done it already.
Exactly how are you going “fight back” when brown shirts/Chinese communist troops bombard your house with EMP blasts?? LOL you’ll be dragged away to your death with nary a whimper. You won’t even be able to get off a shot into the troops. Your blaze of glory will be a total dud, and at best a death flail. Tell the Brown shirts that governments only derive their power from the consent of the people whilst they are blowing your brains out LMAO.
I was referring to Armenia and Georgia, not Russia, moron. The first Christian nations, officially adopting christianity in 301 A.D. Home of the oldest church. The city of Yerevan lies in the valley of Mount Ararat (where Noah’s ark came to rest). 97% protestant christians.
You want to stay and futilely “defend” a piece of “your” soil in a Godless nation, go right ahead. I’ll live freely in a Christian nation.
BTW you sound exactly like the vaxxers pushing their poison on other people.
I was referring to Armenia and Georgia in the caucuses, the first Christian nations. Home to one of the oldest standing churches. 97% prostestant christian. The city Yerevan lies in the valley of Mount Ararat (where Noah’s ark came to rest). I’d rather live freely in a christian nation than futilely “fight” for some soil in America, Satan’s den of LQBTQXYZ tatted-up land whales and commies.
Do you know how I know you’re all bark and no bite?? Because you would have done something by now. Try telling the Brown shirts/ Chinese communist troops that governments derive their power from the consent of the people LOL. They’ll kill you on the street, or bombard your home with EMP blasts (safer and cheaper), and drag you away with nary a whimper. You won’t even get a round off.
“And yes; at fifty-four I am unmarried and never had children”
That’s hard to fathom, a genuine mystery.
“I am the perfect person to be the New Queen of America after this present government collapses.”
“I even wrote a book about Myself two years afore; though I will not link out of courtesy to the webmaster.”
Utter delusions from a mad person. Keeping churning out your endless complaints and invectives. You’re bringing tremendous value to the discussion……
You are a coward. Thinking you can flee… You’ll run and be shot in the back like a coward. And you think you’ll be let in to another country? With an even smaller army than the Chi coms? And where will you cower and run to when the Chi coms you fear so much invade there?
“Utter delusions from a mad person.”
Yes… you are utterly delusional and mad, on top of being an absoulte coward.
So brave you are…. that’s just what Washington did on the Delaware…. he turned around and ran away..
You are beyond pathetic.
“Do you know how I know you’re all bark and no bite?? Because you would have done something by now.”
And you would have attempted to run away by now.
People like you are exactly how Nations fall. You’re full of fear and want to try to shame everyone else into your fears.
“(where Noah’s ark came to rest). “
Oh FFS sake… shut your cowardly fat pie hole. Noah’s ark… That’s your BS reasoning here?
“They’ll kill you on the street, or bombard your home with EMP blasts (safer and cheaper), and drag you away with nary a whimper. You won’t even get a round off.”
But somehow you think you’d be safe from that scenario in a country with a much smaller military than China?
You’re so full of absolute garbage and fear. Just leave already Steve. Run away like the coward you are… then when they come to your little Christian Nation you’ll have where else to run?
Exactly, dddd. As Anarchist Larken Rose says, government doesn’t really exist. We give it legitimacy. Stop paying taxes, ignore their jabs, and stop doing other things they don’t want you to do, and ignore them. If enough people do that, they will be obsolete.
Headed for south of the border. The new Mexican president is very savy to the ways of the NWO. The fact that he publicly called the Kamel “Presidente Kabala” was no mere slip of the tongue. He is on (((their))) hit list for sure. I pray he survives.
Headed south of the border myself. The Mexican president is very savvy about the NWO and their plans, and he lets the world know, that he knows…in a subtle manner. The fact he called the Kamel “Presidente Kabala” was no mere slip of the tongue…he was signaling… which he constantly does in his daily briefings. Some recent signals: he said he will not let drug companies to profit off of Mexican children with the vaccine; he said he will not allow money-lenders to degrade Mexican culture (referring to a TV commercial); he said he will not allow American media to control events in Mexico (this was referring to some documents that were leaked to him, outlining a massive plan by he NYT, Washington Post, and many other huge media outlets; to take him down using social media.
Most people in Mexico know that AMLO won his first two elections. The only reason he was able to actually come into office when he won the third time, was that Soros had become sloppy and overconfident, and so there was not enough election rigging. Like Lukashenko, AMLO will not surrender without a fight…but (((they))) have already killed four African presidents who have not gone along with the scamdemic.
I’m not running anywhere or hiding.AMERICA IS MY COUNTRY. I will do what MEN HAVE DONE in the past. I will FIGHT my oppressors and KILL THEM OR DIE TRYING. Man up or ROLL OVER AND LICK YOUR NUTS.
Fatigue, pain, feeling like shit, heart inflammation, ICU visit…etc ?. It means it’s working.
Working at wiping people out.
Yep, those symptoms sound WAAAY better than a few days of a cough and sniffles…or even of no symptoms at all, which is what most people experience when they have covid.
Hmmm, sniffles and cough versus heart attack, stroke, blood clots, maiming for life, or death? I’ll take covid for $1000, Alex.
That’s if the virus even exists. It’s never been isolated.
It is people like her…SERIAL LIARS….for their lies are not to one person; but to EVERYONE who hears her voice or reads her columns…that I genuinely hate.
She is a walking example of everything that has destroyed the West over the last 50 years; and if and when she makes her exit from this world; the universe shall become a scintilla cleaner.
“This is wickedness!” is the exclamation in Zechariah 5.
Put a photo of Georgy right next to that scripture.
“First step to freedom” and this from Australia…the most locked-down country on earth. What alternate reality is she living in? As much as I hate evil, I actually have a tiny bit more respect for those doing this evil for the sake of their ideology, than idiots like this woman who are pushing the death shots to others because she is stupid, spineless and worried about her career.
She is a member of that ideology. The majority of Australian journalists are socialists. She writes for the left-wing Daily Telegraph which confirms she’s a socialist.
Good. She can be the first to get a booster this season. I am sure she has no worries being such a rare side effect.
The more telling aspect of this girl’s situation is that she’s a journalist! Certainly not an investigative journalist, otherwise she’d have discovered the long available effective alternatives to the “vaccines” which she should have found a way to access and report on. Of course that takes a certain amount of courage, independence and free thought, which we see is typically absent here…!!
I take it that this media hack attended university? Universities (at least in the USA, Aus and Western Europe) no longer equip students with CRITICAL THINKING skills. In a true debate, ALL points of view, no matter how ‘offensive’ (‘offensive’? Maybe too close to the truth for comfort, eh?) those views may be. The merits and cons of all views are considered and debated. Western Universities now kowtow to a pre-approved narrative and agenda, and those few free-thinking students who dare express differing or opposing views, possibly deemed politically incorrect or ‘controversial’, face disciplinary action or conduct review, with the possibility of being kicked out of the university.
Hence, we have supposedly ‘educated’ graduates in political sciences and journalism, such as this woman, who are educated enough to follow orders and procedures, but who LACK CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS. It defies logic that, as someone who has been harmed (and in no trivial way) by the vaccine, this woman (and many other sheeps just like her) emphasize that they’d DO IT AGAIN in an instant. Do they have a death wish, or something? They even virtue signal: “I am not anti-vaxx”.
It goes without saying that ALL Western universities kowtow the ‘approved’ narrative of covid, as pushed by our governments, who are totally subservient to (((the international clique))) and ((Privately-Owned Central Banks))) such as the (((Rothschild Dynasty))), who wield the ultimate power (they have the money, and under their system, money is power). All of the Big Pharma corporations (Pfizer, J&J, AstraZeneca, Moderna, etc) pushing this deady ‘vaccine’ have these money-worshiping (((shekel-grabbers))) among their senior ranks and as CEOs.
It is becoming increasingly difficult for me to feel sympathy for these idiots, especially considering that some of them are calling for FORCED vaccinations and penalties (imprisonment, fines, loss of livelihood, denial of medical services) for those who resist.
The agenda-pushing mainstream media propaganda machine sure love their sensationalist buzzwords, don’t they! I mean, “WRECKING BALL”. How hilarious.
Sigh, where do you start? So much to say, not enough space lol
The brainwashing is strong with this one. She is 7yrs younger than me and lacking basic common sense, critical thinking skills and logic, no wonder my generation is doomed. You have a internet capable device in your pocket, you are without excuse to be so foolish and uninformed.
First step to freedom? Take that covid-19? haha… Was she born a dumbass or does she just behave like one every day of her life? She really is too far gone if she thinks doing this will makes things ok as she said “the faster we all get the jab, the faster we get our old life back” ehh, sorry to break it to you, what do you think “new normal” means, it’s not going to be the same as before, it’s by definition different or changed, sigh. Everything she says just screams brainwashed, you can clearly see how she is deep into the globalist, collective, we the world as one, mindset. She buys into the lies and buzzwords like Solidarity, which is propaganda paving the way for the one world order, aka NWO under the anti-christ.
She had chest pains for a whole week? Are you kidding me? God only knows what that injection has done to her heart and other organs. There is or should i say, was a video of a man shining a UV light on his arm and the injection spot glowed, as did his vain in his arm which would make you wonder what on earth they put in you.
She said, “the jab is a ticket to freedom”, lol health passports, green passes or whatever each country calls them, having to show your papers to the covid police (Nazi’s) is freedom? Being told by your government what you can and cant do is freedom? Setting things up in such a way that people who don’t go along with this insanity are not allowed in public places or on public transport is freedom? Being denied being able to do normal every day things is freedom? Such people like this are all the proof needed that humanity is being purposely dumbed down globally.
I’ll finish with this..
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.”
― Albert Einstein
Wow– This also illustrates that young people do not really have the maturity or proven critical thinking skills to evaluate the very serious risks posed by these radical new genetic therapy shots. That’s amazing that she complains of the possible long-term risks of Covid? But, very young, healthy adults have almost no such risk!!.. And yet she NOW definitely HAS long-term risks to an essential organ for the rest of her life!!…At 27, she’s now a heart patient– Yikes!!.. And that’s just for starters!!.. Many doctors say that NO Women of child-bearing age should bother with this shot. And if your heart malfunctions at 27, Good luck at 47, 57, etc.– if you should be so lucky!.. They seem to have a high incidence of complications and reactions in Australia. I read that most of the Covid patients in the hospital were there due to the vaccines (primarily, AstraZeneca!).
But, all these stories show that EVERY type of shot can be a killer!…
Its one thing to get the shot. Its another to proactively attempt to make trouble for those who choose not to. Your rights end where my rights begin. No ones rights supercede anothers.
Maybe she can come back for a 3rd injection of poison like the Mr Universe dude did. How’d that work out…..
Seems these brainwashed sheep live to post every single development of their lives on social media, including hashtags…desperately trying to gain agreement and approval. It’s really sick what social media has done to many people. They fail to see reality around them and instead seem to live in something like the Matrix. They are maimed, on their way to an early grave, but so noble doing it for the “greater good.” And they claim we are the brainwashed ones.
I wonder how she’s going to do when she comes into contact with a cold virus. Will it trigger ADE? Will the light bulb go off then? She doesn’t understand tyranny. It cannot be stopped by appeasing it. Silly ninny.
In her last tweet, she mentioned discussing how the risk of heart inflammation was “far outweighing the risks of COVID”. Freudian slip??
She can have mine since it did her so well. Brainwashed AND evil woman.
This is so pathetically sad–not that she suffered side effects, but that she is this brain washed. She is actually encouraging people to “get on that ride” to freedom, while wearing a mask–the irony is too much.
How far does this have to go before representatives like Paul Rand, Taylor Greene, General Flynn, Trump, etc.. step up and declare COVID a hoax and the shots are lethal. Goodness knows no matter how hard I try to warn people, they brush me off as crazy. Dr. Martin handed Rand Paul the evidence that Fauci and the Pharmaceutical companies manufactured all this nonsense for a better part of 20 years–and yet he has done nothing but extend his little show with Fauci, to perhaps gain more funding for his campaign? I don’t understand that stance, there will not be anyone left to vote if these shots kill off a considerable amount of the population. Furthermore, the electronic voting systems ensures the outcomes to the Cabal’s favor.
So I’m left wondering, what is the point to all this? Where is the good in the universe for the past 1,000 years that has allowed this evil perpetuate?
I get trying to get involved on a local level, but what happens when your entire community has already succumbed? There are parents actually stating they can’t wait for their children (5 year olds) to be jabbed. They are completely unaware of the side effects. I know people who are aware (of side effects), that still had their kids jabbed and sent them off to college to wear masks all day in class and outside. How do you fight this programming, where is GOD and how can we, the awaken, get together to form new communities? Suggestions welcomed.
Trump??? Trump authorised Operation Warp Speed, and instructed his FDA to allow them to skip animal testing. He also allowed Big Pharma to bring many other drugs to market, without adequate testing. If you think Trump is gonna’ save you, you are as deluded as a sheep.
He was trying to get the HCQ out, which does work and is not harmful, but the news media poo pooohed him and then everyone decided because he was pushing HCQ that it must be the devil. Now one of the meds that can save those in the hospital is looked down on for stupid political issues. HCQ has been on the market and has already been tested and I have personal experience with it working against covid. So before you cut it down, go get sick with covid and I will show you that it only takes three little pills and you will no longer have it. I think Trump was only thinking of the interest of the people. He was pushing something that works! He wasn’t just pushing anything. But people would rather take something in their arm that they have no data about, can only be given information about what it SHOULD do but not what it actually does, and has never been tested on humans before.
Best get out of the false left-right paradigm and realise they are two sides of the same coin. Presidents are selected, not elected, as Joseph Stalin said….
“Those who cast the votes decide nothing, those who count the votes decide everything”
The leaders of the world are puppets, being told what to do and using occult information to run their governments. Research the Hegelian dialectic & watch Walter Veith’s Total Onslaught series on YouTube aswell as his other series up until the present day. As for God, well Christ is returning soon, but first comes the anti-christ and the mark of the beast, what’s going on now is preparation for it. God allows strong delusion to take hold of those who prefer the darkness rather than the light and he is also allowing for the culmination of evil aswell as the consequences of peoples choices, desires and sins, so it is clear to see and so he can bring it to an end once and for all, it’s all prophecy unfolding before our eyes. Everyone has to make their choice as to whom they serve.
The point to all this is surprising. Evil is triumphing because the so-called good people of the world have been seduced by a false morality, a Christian heresy. Since most people don’t recognize it, it has no agreed-upon name. However, it can be characterized by its most prominent aspects of niceness, nonconfrontation, and egalitarianism.
Here’s the bottom line: These three aspects are lies. They’ve done one and only one thing: prevented “good” people from confronting evil and fighting it. That has been absolutely disastrous to Western Civilization, because like it or not, Western Civ is predicated on Christian precepts that most of us don’t even realize are there.
This heresy has built-in passivity, futility, and inevitability. As it prevents people from confronting evil, it simultaneously turns them toward an eschatological end-game where Christ comes down to save us all. But that’s all false. God helps those who help themselves. Christ’s ministry constantly confronted evil, and drove it out. Waiting for the Second Coming is a trap, a false expectation, that is part and parcel of the heresy infecting our society. All it does is ensure that we are overcome by evil that has deceived the sheeple into thinking it is good. (This is a large topic… time to stop for now.)
If you knew Christ, you would know that Christ already came to save us who are lost. He will not be coming again to save anybody! He will be coming again to give everyone who did not believe in him the biggest judgement day they will ever have. It will not be good. God has a righteous anger and I do not want to be a part of any of the punishment he decides to dish out on the earth.
Please look at the links to the sources I have provided:
Jew media lies and renames seasonal flu as Covid to scare non-Jews into getting jab.
-Death jab causes spike protein to be produced by body.
-Spike protein is toxic causing blood clots, heart failure, Bell’s palsy, death, etc.
-Spike protein affects everyone else the most, Ashkenazi the least.
There is no pandemic. They scared dumb humans into getting the death-shot. The death shot specifically targets non-Jews.
It’s a Jewish bioweapon designed to reduce world population, particularly Europeans.
Death-shot vaxx causes spike proteins:
Ashkenazi Khazar “Jews” are not susceptible to the spike proteins:
Israeli Jews have been working on ethnically-specific bioweapons since at least 1998:
I had no idea Israel or anyone had that capability to target genetic differences like that. And then to see that it is from 1998 is very troubling. Since that article from 23 years ago DNA and genetic sequencing have come a very long way. So if they were that close to creating their bioweapon way back then imagine what they are doing now.
Look up Dr David E Martin and his Fauci Dossier. He has been tracking biological weapon development for the last 25 years. Coronavirus has been the virus of choice.
are not susceptible to the spike proteins:
Are you crazy?? Everyone, human and animal are susceptible. Ashkenazi Khazar have ACE2 receptors no? Oh I get it, they are special Jewish ACE2 receptors – moron.
I heard there were differences in the number of ace 2 receptors that people of different races have.
Said to be the basis of genetic research that led to MERS. Bad idea though because there are some differences, but not enough to be that specific.
She looks more like 37, not 27 in this article’s pic. If she’s 27, she’s been rode real hard……
I thought she looked older too, perhaps tons of make-up, bad diet and laying out under the sun too long has aged her a lot sooner.
I keep thinking she is a he.
Now, she needs to get her first of the series booster shots.
One for every variant that comes along.
It’s for the greater good.
This woman is an imbecile. Perhaps had she known that the survival rate for the so-called “covid infected” is 99.99+% she would have not taken the clot shot. This dummy is a reporter, for God’s sake. Does she not know about something called research? Sorry honey, you get no sympathy from me.
The fallacy of sunk costs, or a variation of it. When you’ve already invested too much capital into a venture to back down, no matter how ill-conceived or doomed to failure it may be.
I find it interesting that even after getting serious side effects these people STILL continue to encourage others to make the same mistake.🤔
It cant be stupidity exclusively. Something else is happening here. Denial is only convenient to a certain point…
Why is there no talk of natural immunity (always a % of any population), who would not need shots not to mention all these ‘cases’ are natural exposure so will build antibodies like any exposure so should not need shots, their has been always will be varients of most pathogens.
I agree. The fact that they are ignoring natural immunity proves that they are being 100% dishonest.
For me, the benefits of zero risk outweigh ruining myself with this mad science. Besides, I already faced the big rona when my spouse brought it home from work. I chewed it up and spit it out with my protocol of: Naproxen 220mgs 2x day, VitD3+Zinc, Melatonin.
Ten Questions for Zealous Vaxxers:
1) What’s the evolutionary strategy for a virus, and why?
2) How does a PCR test work, and what does it detect?
3) What’s the epidemiological difference between covid and influenza?
4) What’s the size of mask opening, exhaled H2O droplet, and covid virus?
5) What are two kinds of vaccines, and which kind are covid vaccines?
6) What is ADE, and how does it relate to covid?
7) What are side effects already admitted by vaccine producers?
8) What are incidence of covid vaccine side effects relative to last 30 yrs?
9) Who is now getting sick in Israel, Iceland, Maldives, Gibraltar, GB?
10) What’s the difference between collective morality & individual morality?
REally – blame the sheep, and not the abattoir management?
The so-called Doctors, Health Authorities (national and international), Epidemiologists etc. etc. who have been lining up on tv to call the, er, vaccine, SAFE and EFFECTIVE for months on end. THEY are true enemy – it is supposedly their job to keep us safe. They have been failing at that for decades, during which time Capitalist Medical Science has rolled out ever increasing horrors – statins, PPI’s, flu shots, bad dietary advice etc. But nothing compared to this.
I don’t loose my personal freedom because of your fear !
Just another Darwin Award winner
Censorship is evil.
He who is darkest hides behind the unspoken.
I don’t feel sorry for these people anymore; if you cannot see that there is something absolutely malevolent about these vxs, the media and establishment pushing all of this you are braindead to me. This woman is brainwashed.
she’s in mainstream media so continuing to receive a relatively substantial paycheck means unquestioningly toeing the party line come what may
Ms. Clark,
If you had done your research, you would have found that it would have been way easier to take the treatment HCQ for COVID than it is going to be for you to have pericarditis. Your doctor lied to you. If you had not taken the vaccine and had gotten sick with Covid, all he would have had to do was give you three little pills of the HCQ and within 36 hrs. you would have been back to normal. I have seen it! It works! You are the murderer for trying to make other people take a death vaccine. Your “rare” case of pericarditis is not so “rare”. It is happening more and more. At what point are the doctors going to say that it is happening so often that it is not a rare case anymore? At what point do we stop “taking it on the chin” and put a stop to the convulsions and blood clots? TAKING IT ON THE CHIN! So it is okay to maim ourselves for common good? Hmmmmmm… do NOT sound very smart. You should have been born during the holocaust so that you could take somebody’s place on the train since you are so willing to do something for the common good. I’m sure the holocaust people would have appreciated you getting on that train with everybody else like you are trying to get people to get on the train here. Straight to their slow deaths, if not their deaths. You are a reporter and should check your facts before taking somebody’s word for it. You are not a very good reporter or maybe the shot affected you more than you thought!
It’s mind control based on knowledge and very primitive psychological automatisms.
Here, this woman simply doesn’t want to :
1) be wrong
2) be responsible for her own health issues
after all that she said and wrote on social medias.
The ego cost is high, and the weak will pretend they wanted their Guillain-Barré, heart issues etc, since the beginning.
It’s easier to mind control insincere people.
crikey, wonder what will happen to her when she gets cvd ?????
Said “Side Effects are Rare”? She Misspoke, RARELY REPORTED!
People don’t want to think for themselves anymore. They want the decisions made for them. People weren’t this stupid years ago. They think that getting the jab is the best thing since sliced bread. Is it worth dying over? I don’t think so.