Tracey Spicer: 54-year-old triple-vaxxed Australian television personality blames “long COVID” for her pericarditis, deteriorating health
April 27, 2022

Ms. Tracey Spicer.

JUMP TO: 6 cases of men who say they are women, who raped little girls in bathrooms, women in prisons.


BRISBANE — A 54-year-old long-time television personality is living in complete denial, while remaining loyal and dedicated to the Church of Pfizer.

Ms. Tracey Spicer began her broadcasting career in the late 1980s. She was a newsreader at Network Ten from 1992 to 2006. Ms. Spicer moved to Sky News from 2007 to 2015. She was embroiled in controversy when her ABC (Australia) #MeToo television series called Silence No More was released in 2019. ABC and Ms. Spicer revealed the identities of several women who believed they were providing accounts of sexual assault anonymously. ABC apologized, but aired the show anyway. Ms. Spicer threatened to sue some of the women who complained about their identities being revealed.

Childhood vaccination has been one of Ms. Spicer’s pet projects since at least 2011. Ironically she was also appointed “Aspect Ambassador” for Autism Spectrum Australia in 2015. Today, according to her website, she is a speech trainer, writer and  does speaking engagements. But her life has been very different since the New Year.

Deteriorating health and denial

It’s unclear when Ms. Spicer received her first injection. But the second one came on June 28, according to her Twitter posts. Her vaxx on camera caption reads, “it is important for us to stand together against anti-vaxxers.”

Ms. Spicer advocated for setting up vaccine clinics in shopping malls to lure more women to the injections in July 2021.

She received her booster shot “as soon as they would allow,” on December 22, 2021. One week later, she was sick.

She tested positive for so-called COVID-19 on January 2. “I’m still sick as a dog,” she wrote on January 6. “But I’m grateful that being vaccinated means I’m less likely to go to the hospital.”

Ms. Spicer blames her illness on the booster not “kicking in” fast enough.

She then cheered on one of her friends who was “desperate to get my booster.”

Ms. Spicer was still sick two months later. But she continued praising the holy vaxx. “You are much more likely to develop heart problems after contracting the COVID-19 virus than you are from the vaccines,” she tweeted on March 10.

A March 18 Instagram post said she suffers from “debilitating fatigue and heart problems.” She now blamed “long COVID” and repeated that her issues arose from receiving the booster too late. “Stay up-to-date with your vaccinations,” she wrote.

RELATED: Georgia Clark: 27-year-old Australian reporter hospitalized with pericarditis 10 days after Pfizer injection, encourages others to still get the injections (August 12, 2021)


Ms. Spicer spoke to Australia on April 15. She reported being bedridden for two weeks in January. Thereafter she developed bladder inflammation. Ms. Spicer revealed that she has pericarditis, which makes it hard for her to walk or even get out of bed. She also reported severe chest pains that landed her in the hospital because she thought she was having a heart attack. Ms. Spicer said she can no longer exercise or take walks with friends. Despite all the foregoing, Ms. Spicer still blames this on “long COVID.”

Yesterday, Ms. Spicer continued her “long COVID” narrative, posting an image on Instagram explaining said condition.

Going down with her ship

If nothing else, Ms. Spicer deserves credit for remaining faithful in her sacrament despite the fact it obviously maimed her. It should be noted that Ms. Spicer has pronouns listed on her social media pages. She also posts many items like the following (though from all accounts, she’s married with kids).

The LGBTV (for vaccine) cult goes down with their ship, no matter what. Said cult also continues displaying its unabashed hatred for women, and their vile, nasty post-injection vitriol towards the non-vaccinated. And these people remain faithful to the tenets to their cult to the bitter end.

A New York man who said he was a woman was sentenced to seven years in prison on Monday for raping a woman in a women’s jail. They literally allowed a dude in a women’s jail. Now the question is where will he serve the prison time. That case is not an anomaly.

RELATED: Richard Rowe: 41-year-old former Florida congressional candidate tells anti-vaxxers “I don’t give a sh*t what happens to you,” dead seven weeks after second Pfizer mRNA injection (November 4, 2021)


We could keep going, but you get the picture. Despite all the foregoing examples, that tribe holds sacred their strange sex and rape culture. Now that culture also includes the injections. Ms. Spicer makes clear by her actions that she does not care about the well-being of women. But even if someone showed her 200 cases of post-injection pericarditis, she’d still dismiss it as misinformation and/or “conspiracy theory.” That’s how these people are.

It’s just pure denial and obedience to their cult. This blogger tries to look into the eyes of these types to see if there’s a soul in there. But no amount of empirical evidence, common sense and reasoning works with these types. You just have to let them make their bed and lie in it.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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2 years ago

This woman is insane.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lana

She just needs her 4th shot, that’ll fix her up!

2 years ago
Reply to  Lana

People’s recurring weakness is in believing authorities, unconditionally. Why would they do that? Savvy people invented the “get three opinions” idea. Get it? No one, knows it all.

2 years ago

She won’t listen to reason. So, I’d say “Make sure you get all your boosters, then, Tracey”

Holding On
Holding On
2 years ago

It amazes me how many women are jab zealots who are happy to lead others to their destruction, using their so-called influencer positions to do so. It still confounds me how so many are happy to abdicate all critical thinking and common sense by refusing to engage. All of them are deceived and cling to their cult and godless world view. I’m finding it increasingly difficult to maintain any compassion for the willfully stupid.

2 years ago
Reply to  Holding On

As a woman myself, I am surrounded by these shallow creatures. They only care about themselves. Social media is important to their perception of themselves. Reality is to be avoided. So the vaxx zealot club swept them up. It’s the perfect social media virtue signaling club to join and better yet – cause hurt and put down others who don’t think the same as them. They don’t like themselves. The damage to their children and families is substantial. No sympathy for them.

Stranger in the world
Stranger in the world
2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

Personally, I have tried to warn people for years. Long before this covid, I could easily know a person’s state of mind within 10 minutes of interaction. These people are selfish, prideful and ignorant. No matter how much you try to “wake” them up, it falls on deaf ears.
Trying to maintain a conversation with such people is abuse. They are only enthusiastic to talk about the mundane and useless subjects. Once you bring up anything of conspiratorial nature, you immediately see them shutting down.

This world is a complete joke and a torture chamber honestly. It’s not designed for a sane person. Can’t imagine marrying a woman like this…unfortunately, that’s the majority of the “population.”

2 years ago

Agreed. Most of them are on prescription drugs – mothers little helpers and love their liquor. Hey I drink just not 5 strong martinis a night. Every night.

2 years ago

“This world is a complete joke and a torture chamber honestly. It’s not designed for a sane person.”

This . . . all day long – to say nothing of all the religions filled with sick gods, and stories meant to sanctify it, including the Big 3 faiths in which many of us were raised.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kielanders
2 years ago

OMG…so true…could not of stated this any better!!!

2 years ago

an insane world indeed. I live in nyc and am surrounded by braindead NPCs. My gf is a nurse and she refuses to discuss anything related to the Covid hoax. She believes the official narrative 100%. I believe there is something supernatural and spiritual happening because i cannot come up with a reasonable explanation to people’s bindless to what’s really happening.

2 years ago

“This world is a complete joke and a torture chamber honestly. It’s not designed for a sane person.”

So true.

2 years ago
Reply to  Holding On

I’m also amazed at how many people are freaking unable to think about treating themselves and doing preventatives themselves.

Somehow it never occurs to them they could be their own doctors at least sometimes.

2 years ago
Reply to  George

When all you sell are hammers, every problem is fashioned as a nail.

david i carter
david i carter
2 years ago
Reply to  George

Probably most of the time George.

2 years ago
Reply to  Holding On

The men are jab zealots too. I worked with a male nurse who I thought was okay but he criticized me when I tried to warn a resident about the dangers of the vaxx. I have since stopped communicating with this nurse, he turned on me.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

The men are much worse because instead of being real mean they whine about “safety” and consider it more important than freedom. That is womanly thinking.

2 years ago
Reply to  Miguel

Where and what is safety? That’s an illusion too. Better to keep your freedom and be prepared for danger.

1 year ago
Reply to  Miguel

Male nurse is an indicator there… the majority are gay.

2 years ago
Reply to  Holding On

“It still confounds me how so many are happy to abdicate all critical thinking and common sense by refusing to engage. All of them are deceived and cling to their cult and godless world view.”

It’s due to the fact that they married abusive husbands [The Government] in trade for their votes (52% of the population don’t ‘cha know) – and in exchange for lots of freebies, childcare assistance, preference in school admissions, preference in hiring & promotion, and the guaranteed rape [Administrative Violence] of their ‘other husbands at home’ in family court.

Who knew such an abusive transactional relationship would turn South? But, the ladies like the Bad Boys, and a heavily armed government run by psychopaths promising them the world is definitely the baddest boy on the block.

Yep, the gals certainly have come a long way.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kielanders
2 years ago
Reply to  Holding On

Same. I was very sympathetic to their brainwashed status for so long, but now I’m sick of it. No number of articles, data STARING THEM IN THE FACE or logical reasoning seems to get through for the majority of the sheeple. “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink”.

It’s no wonder the elites think the majority of the masses are idiots. They truly do seem to be 🙁

2 years ago

Latest NPR story talks about people who got the polio vax are now giving it to others via their bodily emissions. Their answer to this? Another vax to combat the secondary transmission. These people have lost their minds. Why do we continue to let them drive?

Tracey, sweetheart, what part of the fact that the mRNA pokes are used to change the body’s instruction set to make the disease (forever?) did you not get?

#FBA Sasha
#FBA Sasha
2 years ago

How the hell have I never heard about even one of those cases of transgender men raping women and girls in jail and bathrooms? That’s so scary and disgusting. A man facing life in prison can basically put on a wig and say he’s a woman, and spend his time in women’s prison. This world has always been messed up. But how did we get here?? Wow!

2 years ago
Reply to  #FBA Sasha

Many years ago Target allowed me in the women’s restroom and changing rooms. Shortly after this in our gem state, Idaho, a man was caught peeping in on a young girl in the changing room. When target made this decision we stopped shopping there but a friend of mine won’t stop shopping there and target’s parking lot is always full with people who refuse to stand up for women and girls by keeping creepy men out of their private spaces. But as long as they get their “stuff” they couldn’t care less out it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

Huh… why should anyone “stand up” for women and girls? Trans ppl is the natural outcome of feminist ideology that women have been imposing on men for decades. As the blogger says: sometimes you have to let ppl lie in the bed they made 4 themselves. No pity from me for any woman whod consider herself a mans equal

2 years ago
Reply to  Dan

What a ridiculous comment. You do realize it’s males pretending to be women who are imposing in women’s spaces, right? It’s perverted males who pose the problem here. “Feminism” isn’t the reason for this. Radical feminism in particular, does not recognize or agree with the gender identity theory. Biological sex is what makes a woman a woman. Not clothing and makeup.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dan

Women are equal to men as human beings.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

Yes, we are all Human Beings…but Feminist women look at Men as nothing but Modern Day Clowns…they are in a catch-22 situation…they still need Taxpayers and Sperm donors…

2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

parking lot is always full with people who refuse to stand up for women and girls

We’re all equal now, they can stand-up for themselves – get with the times or be labeled a misogynist.

Next up for the ladies is Selective Service, and the timing with Russia & China couldn’t be better.

2 years ago

It’s becoming increasingly obvious that people like this woman know what have happened to them, and they also know that they cannot do anything about it. That’s why that’s there nothing more to discuss once a person makes the decision to get the jab. And once disease takes hold, they turn into something like crabs at the bottom of a bucket: trying to pull everyone down to where they are.
And they do have souls. They are amongst the wandering lost, though. Reminds me of Judas Iscariot. Where does one go? What does one do? How does one live after taking part in your own betrayal?

Eric the Red
Eric the Red
2 years ago

How can anyone expect these people to think rationally, when their secular religion insists they must worship the Holy Narrative?

2 years ago

Not only did she not honor the anonymity of the rape victims, she also tried suing them for complaining. What a horrible person. All the problems she is getting from the vaccine is karma for her egregious sins.

“35 years of journalism”, more like 35 years of zero credibility and selling out your fellow man.

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago

But – this is a description of all the different ways the inoculations will injure you! And they have now christened it “Longcovid” LoL…
This is a level of deception and perversion of the truth that I never anticipated.
Does not explain why un-inoculated people are perfectly fine, with no longcovid or whatever-covid at all!
But these unfortunate jabbed people, of course they need to lie to themselves, otherwise they would lose their minds.

2 years ago
Reply to  The Ogs

Exactly. They don’t even care that they don’t sound rational.

Frank S.
Frank S.
2 years ago

She left out one obvious affliction, she’s also suffering from “head-up-‘er-arse” syndrome

2 years ago

“Don’t answer the foolish arguments of fools, or you will become as foolish as they are. Be sure to answer the foolish arguments of fools, or they will become wise in their own estimation.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭26:4-5‬ ‭NLT‬‬
Ya can’t argue with stupid.

2 years ago

Wow……………she is sure embracing that narrative, holding onto it for dear life. Her thought process is “well as long as I’m not in the hospital I’m good”. She can’t walk or exercise and its all the booster shots fault……..she needed to get it a week earlier for it to work? Great logic.

2 years ago

Thank you, Mr. Wilkins, for another incredible piece of in depth reporting! As another reader commented, I am also finding it hard to have compassion for the victims. Their commitment to the cult is so deep and blind it leaves me speechless. A 27-year-old colleague at work passed “suddenly” and “unexpectedly” yesterday. Complete silence about the cause of death. I doubt his vaccine status will ever be shared or even considered. I suspect he was vaccinated as he worked in the office and the process of going into the office has been made very difficult for the unvaxxed. I don’t know for sure, but I’d be shocked if he wasn’t vaxxed. I don’t know anyone I work with who isn’t vaxxed. They don’t ask me my status as I work from home. But they just assume everyone is. It’s been a real eye opener. Terribly tragic to see a young healthy life end so abruptly. No questions are being asked. What is life is going to be like 6 months from now when more unexplained, unexamined, unquestioned deaths start piling up? I lived through the gay men’s health crisis and have so many horrific memories of those years. People went absolutely insane living with the horror and shame of AIDs. Acting as if life was normal while being completely terrified was incredibly exhausting. I’ve been trying to prepare myself mentally for what’s ahead with prayer, bible study, diet, and exercise. It is all helping. This site and the reader comments are a HUGE help. Thank you for your dedication and talent Brian, the critical reporting provided by this site is helping us all connect and remain sane.

2 years ago

I had covid the same time she did – unvaxxed and caught it from my vaxxed daughter. It was pretty unpleasant for a couple of weeks, but so far so good. It took a couple of weeks to get over. She is in total denial – depressing to see.

Just exasperated
Just exasperated
2 years ago

People who take the vax see what they want to see. Anything else is admitting they might be wrong. It’s just so frustrating to watch. If she ever reads this blog, she probably will think it’s a hit piece and not a warning.

Christel Picciano
Christel Picciano
2 years ago

Who is she to give out medical advice. I have no sympathy for her. These people are brainwashed. I’ve given my list of vaxxed people in my life post 6-12 months vaxxes before and now I’m adding a mini stroke: 45 yo fatal heart attack, heart attack, perforated intestine, skin cancer, mini stroke 5.5 months after booster, 3 day nose bleed, blood in urine, persistent skin rash, malaise and flus. My brother just got his 2nd booster, I’ll report back.

2 years ago

“But, but, they told us if we have the vaccination it will prevent covid. So if I’ve been jabbed 3 times, I shouldn’t have any covid, long or short.”
If you notice, most of the symptoms of “long covid” aren’t on the list of original symptoms for covid, but they are listed as reactions to the genetic manipulation serum they call a “vaccine.”

2 years ago

She reported being bedridden for two weeks in January.

This is a complete jab failure for god’s sake. A complete breakthrough of any antibody protection.

2 years ago

This nasty woman deserves everything that’s coming to her.
She won’t “respond to anti-vaxxers” because she cannot deal in facts and science.

2 years ago

So we have, officially:

  • a jab that causes heart problems and which doesn’t protect you from getting covid, so sooner or later we will all get it (some like me without symptoms, I dont actually know if I had it but for sure I’ve met with the virus as I taveled and didn’t protect, wear a mask for a week only in the places it was mandatory and requested, but get it off even in planes.
  • a disease that is causing heart problems

So why on Earth should you voluntarly accumulate two factors that cause heart problems, out of which one you can avoid (jab) and one you cannot (the disease)?

Accumulating two factors that cause this problems is the real danger and you take one (jab) just because… you have to remove yourself fro the gene pool?

Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
2 years ago

“Stupid is as stupid does”.
Forrest Gump

2 years ago

I got nature’s vaccine today, it’s called sunshine, and when the sun comes up tomorrow, I’ll be boosted.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joekerr

I agree sunshine is one of the best possible things we have for our health. Where do you think nature came from? Did nature create itself? What I’m getting at is the fact that mother nature didn’t give us sunshine. 🙂 Someone else did.

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
2 years ago

The media have done such a good job of convincing people of covid, and long covid that everything becomes that. What many were calling long covid is simply age related. Many people follow a low fat diet that is very unhealthy. Then of course you add the vaccine to this and all the media driven fear becomes reality. This woman’s story just highlights how much fake information is out there and people just eat it up. The appeal to these people is that they want to believe there is a ready cure for everything. They want a short or a pill to make them feel better. The TV primes them for continual psy ops.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jack Sparrow

Are you saying that all the AH who say confidently that they “have gotten covid”, are just indicating that they have overdosed on state propaganda and regurgitating it all around them, kind of “covid envy” ?. What’s wrong with you ?. Why you hate too much ?.

Kim Karma
Kim Karma
2 years ago

If SSRIs cut off serotonin then these shots remove common sense. I have a friend who is vaxed and boosted… Swollen face, can’t breathe…allergies. Persistent headaches the last 6 months…wisdom teeth. It’s insane!

2 years ago

Long covid or long needle?

Neil Sutherland
Neil Sutherland
2 years ago

unknown to her, the reason for the booster shots is after shot 3, they have full-blown AIDS. So it’s true that the booster is intended to do what our immune system should, and THEY do say it takes two weeks. Other than that, I laughed every time Denial Women rationalized her condition.

Mexican or Mexicant
Mexican or Mexicant
2 years ago

Funny how this freaks vaxxxd zealots search for every insane justification for their f00kd up health. The end is near no doubt about it. Good riddance…

2 years ago

I love reading your articles. From the Philippines

2 years ago

Thank you TheCovidBlog for noting she is a ‘TV Personality’, because actual Journalism left Australia in 1992. That was when our only journalist, Jana Wendt, left Channel 9 after disagreements with management concerning the changes from “journalism that is true to itself, into journalism dictated overridingly by the market”. And ever since, all we have had are ‘TV Personalities’ – talking heads sprouting whatever propaganda their handlers tell them too.

Tom Bombastadillo
Tom Bombastadillo
2 years ago

Amazing hubris on this utterly stupid woman.

2 years ago

Pride can be dangerous, as we see here.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mac

Proverbs 16:18 “Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall.”

2 years ago

I can only imagine “suiciding” myself with these jabs. A truly horrific way to go.

Rob Meldrum
Rob Meldrum
2 years ago

She is an idiot. There are no studies that show that having the vaxx reduces the likelihood of hospitalization or death. In fact, the most recent statistics show that the vaxxed are increasingly more likely to become ill, get hospitalized, and die with COVID symptoms, and are far more likely than the unvaxxed to die of other causes (like cancers, heart attacks, strokes, myocarditis, etc.). I believe we are watching a slow-motion global train wreck that is going to take years to finish.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  Rob Meldrum

However the mass media support and propagate the Lie she believes so she is just one of many who receive their information from that source and base their decisions on it. There is a reason it is called the MASS media. It is where most people get their information. Therefore we should not be surprised that the majority believe the Lie and act accordingly. Only the non-conformist among us have seen through the deception and refuse to go along with it. We are in the minority and always have been, by definition. That is the reality.

abinico warez
abinico warez
2 years ago

 You mean you just have to let them make their bed and DIE in it.

Alberto Perez
Alberto Perez
2 years ago

Sadly, there is nothing that can be done to change the minds of people like this. They will go to their grave denying the harms of the vaccine (heaven forbid).

Novus Ordo Seclorum
Novus Ordo Seclorum
2 years ago
Reply to  Alberto Perez

You cannot wake up a zombie no matter what!

2 years ago

Chinese put in their school textbooks that homosexuality is a mental illness.

Russians have a dim view of homosexuality and put up ads questioning the idea of letting gay couples adopt kids. They also kill pedophiles on the spot if they are caught red-handed.

Both hold the cards of effecting power in the military and economic sphere where hypersonic warheads are now as widespread among their Armed Forces.

While the US concerned with multiple genders are putting out one broken down money pit system after another (F-35 Joint ‘Submarine’ Fighter) and the UK army admits it might be only be able to maintain a single battlefield tactical unit in 2025.

2 years ago

We are witnessing a form of darwinism. These people are part of a suicide cult and impossible to reason with.

interstellar overdrive
interstellar overdrive
2 years ago

just wait until they’re connected to the *internet of things* and the voice of god tech kicks in with the brainwashed; they’ll be narcing us out to the new *ministry of truth* in no time.

2 years ago

I just thought it was an American phenomenon but it is a worldwide stupidity issue. Bless your heart ma’am.

2 years ago

” Ms ” Spicer…Ugh Ugh…should get together with ” Her ” paternal twin sister in Canada Cheryl Harnett Hynes…they have a lot of things in common including a severe case of Stockholm Syndrome…they look, talk, think, and Worship Big Pharma all the same…they can discuss their severe Vital Organ Damages and still insist that they need one more Booster…These people are not only a danger to themselves and the rest of society…but are Psychotic and lack any discernment, common sense, or critical thinking skills…Yep…you made your bed…now lay in it…and please spare us the propaganda, Tracy…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

You’re right!! Those women even look alike!!

2 years ago

Let them get all the injections they want. At this point I really don’t give a damn. This vaccine is a CULT, I’ve been saying it for months.

2 years ago

It really was more of a religion for her, and for most of these covid vax zealouts. She was dedicated to it, no thinking necessary.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago

As I have constantly said, from the beginning, Covid is a religion. The converts are impossible to convince that it doesn’t exist. They worship the Jab as their saviour when the opposite is true. Their behaviour is the definition of insanity. So, whether we wish it or not, the cull continues and it seems that those being culled are indeed the least fit to survive, lining up to be eliminated.

Doc Holiday
Doc Holiday
2 years ago

Whenever anything makes NO SENSE, like people ignoring clear evidence of something, remember that it is a Spiritual Battle. That is the ONLY way any of this makes any sense at all. Spiritual blindness is REAL and in this case of the vax zealots, it will most likely be fatal.

john wilson
john wilson
2 years ago

Well she is stupid. It is the Vaccine side effects getting her as they get millions…

2 years ago

Are all vaccines evil and harmful or is it just the COVID jab ?
Ive very recently become a father to a lovely baby girl and the doctors are already recommending a vaccine for her at the very early age of 6 weeks. These will be for measles , whopping cough and tetanus.
Is it reasonable for me to tell them to stick em where the sun dont shine ? Or am I wrong about these other ‘vaccines’? Right now ,I’m leaning towards the former.
Take care from NZ.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ltj

I have 2 nieces with 3 children, 4 and under. They are reviewing all vaccines before they consent to give them to their children. The number given to young children has grown a lot since I was a child. They don’t trust the medical community especially big pharma and one is a nurse herself. Educate and pick the vaccines that you feel your daughter should have. Do not trust the doctors unconditionally.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ltj

They’re all garbage, nothing more than a medieval twist on poisoning the village well by the usual suspects.

I’ve had two members of my family severely vaxx injured over the last 70 years. It took decades, and countless physicians, for the research to eventually come out, and to have the root cause of their conditions diagnosed.

One was left permanently disabled with a horrible seizure condition, and one was born with severe cerebral palsy after his nurse/mother took the 1964 German Measles vaxx while pregnant.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

Absolutely 100% correct. It is essentially sorcery.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ltj

From what I’ve gathered, there are some parents that do NOT allow all the 72(?) doses or so administered in the U.S. to their kids because of serious concerns about side effects and questions of necessity. I’ve been interested in the subject since I saw a poster on a school wall with a LONG list of required shots. It was ridiculous how much it had grown. Also, we have a new grandbaby on the way in our family and I’d like to be able to speak on the subject because now I know how the vaccine-craze is just that—the more shots the better because the more bucks for Pharma.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ltj

Watch “Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe” and its follow-up film. These ordinary vaccines are full of toxins that cause much damage to the immune system and the brain, as the aluminum in them crosses the blood-brain barrier. Your daughter could end up with brain damage (autism), asthma, or be killed. Don’t join the ranks of parents who injected their children with poison and now have to live with the consequences!

2 years ago
Reply to  Ltj

Vaccines have been causing tremendous harm long before this most recent insanity. I smile ruefully when people who think they’re awake say indignantly “this covid shot is NOT a vaccine.” Yes it is, they were always designed to do harm. This is the most effective vaccine yet.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ltj

Don’t do it! It’s not even necessary to go in for the traditional “well baby” visits. Even if you do, there’s no reason it has to be done at 6 weeks or 3 months or 1st year etc. Do your reading. Read How to Raise a Healthy Child In Spite of Your Doctor, a book written in the early 90’s I believe. Don’t do it until you are SURE you know it’s the best choice. Also see vacinfo dot org.

Last edited 2 years ago by Tom
Craig J
Craig J
2 years ago
Reply to  Ltj

Watch the move VAXXED. It has been sorely maligned by Pharma and others, but you will be surprised how credible and convincing it is. My wife and I were shocked when we saw it. Please watch it before you let anyone vax your precious child.

Thomas Perez
Thomas Perez
2 years ago
Reply to  Ltj

My son is a year and half old. The only vaccines we’ve permitted him to have is the MMR and another one who’s name i don’t recall right now. They also wanted to give him a hep b but we’ve rejected it each time. The best excuse they came up with was in case he’s in a car accident and needs a transfusion; I stifled a laugh. I work in a lab and am well aware of how stringently blood donations are screened. Is it possible a unit could pass into the supply undetected? Perhaps, but the likelihood is extremely low. In this particular scenario, I’d trust a screened donation over a vaccine. Look up CMS payments to see if your doctor’s office has received payments from pharma.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ltj

The past two years have made me rethink everything. Recently I watched a “true crime” show from 5 years ago where they triumphantly used a PCR test (!) on a blood sample, then took DNA samples from dozens of college students. That’s what it’s all about, somehow, our DNA information. The rest is all smoke & mirrors.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ltj

You do not have to take any vaccine, ever. In the USA many doctors will refuse to see you if you refuse standard childhood vaccines/boosters. School systems will not allow you to enroll your child (I was told I can get a religious exemption from the county health office). The pressure to vax is enormous, but there are loopholes. Some parents choose a “delayed schedule” which basically means no vaxes until child is older. My recommendation? NO VAX at all, ever. But please do your own research and decide for yrself.

2 years ago

She could very well be one of my bank clients. Many of them are sick after getting the jabs, and most are in their 4th dose and cannot wait to get the 5th in September. I live and work in Manhattan and i only know one more person who is not jabbed. If this is not the end times i do not know what is.

2 years ago
Reply to  ck10

You are correct, it is the end times. I hope you are ready for what comes next. Are you a Christian? I ask because the Bible does talk about the things that are coming soon… though it doesn’t say how these things come about.
-See Psalm 2, the first few verses… tells us there are meetings. (might be referring to Bilderberg… Davos, maybe World Economic Forum, not sure)
-See also Matthew 24, where Jesus describes what the end times will be like.
-See also Revelation 13, where we are warned about that infamous mark, and NEVER to take it! (there are pastors who believe that happens after the rapture/removal of Christ’s followers from the earth… Pastor J.D.Farag does end times prophecy updates, not making prophecies, but instead pointing to passages and showing how things are lining up to happen)
All the best… and you are NOT alone in this
sending you a virtual hug….

2 years ago

These people kill their own a it disposes of the evidence. She is evidence. She helps them promote their propaganda and her reward is death

2 years ago

She should do a “get your vaccine” commercial, while lying in bed —

2 years ago

Hello All,

I have been reading this blog and comments for a couple years now. This is my first comment.

First, let me assure you there are plenty more like minded females out there like myself. I read how many guys think most middle aged suburban type women are not aware of what is really going on and blindly vote. I’m not one of them. I tried for awhile to try and talk about the unknowns and possible side effects of the j a b, to fiends and family, but to no avail. I felt it was my duty to warn of possible harm, to not do so goes against my moral grain. But, I’m done now, I said my peace. Only a couple did listen and did their own research, so for that I feel all was not lost.

Unfortunately, only my niece has not gotten it, the rest of my family has. My sister and her husband got it as soon as they could and have had 2nd & b00sted as well. She talked our father and aunt into getting it as well.

My sister also got her flu & shingles as well in the same time frame, even though she’d never don e so before. She does fit some of the stereo typical requirements from the cult. She is constantly on fake bot, revealing way too much personal info and craves positive affirmation to her posts. She gets all her news from listening to N P R. If she doesn’t hear it there, then it isn’t true because snopes said so. I could go on.

We’ve had to agree to disagree and not talk about any of it to maintain our relationship. I’m scared for her, so far she’s not had any bad side effects, but she has been sick a lot.

What Holding On stated I totally agree with.

2 years ago
Reply to  JustJenny

Stand by what you believe in, Jenny. We need more people like you. The majority has absolved itself of the last shreds of common sense and rational thinking.

I would have thought that any utterance of “gene therapy” would send people running for the hills. Government messing with our DNA (openly, this time)? Does that mean my future offspring will have three heads? But no. Folks who love to scrutinize what’s in their chocolate bar and face cream had no qualms whatsoever about this one.

Genetic modification. I.e., the moneyed classes playing God. I think we can agree that this is not going to end well for humanity.

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