November 16, 2021
SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH — A 41-year-old “proudly queer” fitness model and bodybuilder is accepting that his days spending hours in the gym are likely over, which also means his career is over.
Mr. Eric Turner told his 1.7 million Facebook followers on April 20, “I’ll be fully vaccinated in mid-May, and ready to shoot.” That implies that he’d already received one mRNA injection and was awaiting the second one.
He has an additional 284,000 Instagram followers. But it’s his less-popular Twitter account, with only 21,000 followers and no blue-check like the other two, that he uses for virtue signaling.
It started on July 15 when Mr. Turner regurgitated mainstream media propaganda about the so-called “Delta variant.” He ended the tweet with an all-caps “GET VACCINATED.”
Mr. Turner then blamed the so-called variants on non-vaccinated people and advocated for wearing masks in perpetuity as a result.
A September 7 tweet implied that Ivermectin causes low sperm counts. He also hoped that the Nobel Prize-winning drug would “weed out an entire branch of idiots from our evolution tree.” At least one Twitter user called him out for wishing death upon those who disagree with him.
Mr. Turner, on September 8, equated children not wearing masks in schools to children being gunned down by shooters in schools.
Another disturbing tweet on September 10 equated abortion with children not wearing masks in schools.
Life-changing heart attack
Mr. Turner posted yet another nude photo of himself on November 8 at 7:39 a.m. with the caption, “I’d rather wear a barrel than conservative apparel.” Eight hours later, he posted a photo of himself in a hospital bed. He thought the problem was some sort of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) because he felt pain in his jaw bone. But doctors told him he had a heart attack. Mr. Turner said doctors were “baffled” because he believes his heart is very healthy.
Four days later, on November 12, Mr. Turner posted an update. He conceded that his life is “changed forever” after doctors diagnosed him with a spontaneous coronary artery dissection. That means the thin layers making up the arterial walls of the heart separated, causing blood to seep between said layers. Blood accumulates between the layers, causing clot-like blockages.
The condition mostly affects women, with 98% of cases in one study being females. It typically occurred while giving birth or during pregnancy, which may link the condition to hormonal changes, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Extreme exercise and cocaine use are also risk factors.
RELATED: U.K. government advises people not to exercise after mRNA and viral vector DNA injections (July 26, 2021)
Doctors have no idea how to treat the condition because it’s so rare. Mr. Turner enrolled in several clinical studies to try out experimental treatment in hopes of making himself better. He likely would have died within days if the jaw pain didn’t lead him to an urgent care facility.
We’ve covered at least one similar case on this blog. Mr. Bruce David Ward died on June 22, 30 days after his first Moderna mRNA injection. He also suffered an aortic dissection. Ms. Chantel Uren developed Bell’s Palsy before what appears to be a carotid artery dissection two weeks after her first Pfizer mRNA injection in late August. Interestingly her face and lips became paralyzed (Bell’s), while Mr. Turner felt pain in his jaw and face before the blood vessel dissections.
There are no further updates across all three of Mr. Turner’s social media channels as of publishing.
The cults of LGBT and “science”
First, these issues with bodybuilders are becoming clear. This blogger was a personal trainer, is an exercise advocate, and is considered “muscular” by most people. But 168 pounds and 5’9 is considered small by most people. A diet consisting of lean meats and lots of fruits and veggies is healthy and good for you, in addition to weight and cardiovascular training. “Bodybuilding,” however, is a culture of excess and supplements.
Mr. Michael Mitchell, 65, was the former “Braveheart” actor and bodybuilder who died six days after this booster shot. Mr. Jake Kazmarek was a bodybuilder and died four days after his first Moderna injection at age 28. There’s also Mr. Cody Robinson. He isn’t a “bodybuilder” per se. But he’s a large television stuntman who developed blood clots days after his Johnson & Johnson injection. There’s definitely data showing that the culture of bodybuilding plus mRNA or viral vector DNA injections don’t mix. Large men in general also seem to be more at risk of post-injection adverse effects.
This blog is truly not trying to pick on those who practice homosexual culture. But the data is becoming indisputable. The worst virtue signalers on this blog are homosexuals or played homosexuals on television.
RELATED: Willie Garson: “Sex and the City” actor calls non-vaxxed people “ignorant morons,” dead five months after potential Pfizer mRNA-induced cancer (September 29, 2021)
There are now 12 stories in the Virtue Signaling category. Three of them (25%) are homosexual males (note that 11 of the 12 virtue signalers are males). Mr. Willie Garson is the Hollywood homosexual. So if you include him, one-third of virtue signalers are LGBT. The injections and LGBT are a match made in hell.
A New Hampshire teenager filed a lawsuit against his school district on November 4 after being suspended for saying there are only two genders. The school literally has a policy that says all students must accept LGBT propaganda, e.g. “men are women,” “50 genders,” etc. In other words you must live lies and subterfuges to attend public schools in New Hampshire.
Same thing with the injections. There’s indisputable, concrete evidence that these shots maim and kill. LGBT are not only receiving these injections at a 92% clip, but are defending and advocating for the shots like it’s another letter in their acronym (e.g. LGBTV for “vaccines”).
This whole world is lies, deceit and mammon. The more you partake in those things, the better chance you have at success. That is Western humanity 2021. It’s disturbing to even think about Western humanity 2022 and beyond, as GMO humanity becomes the norm.
Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.
That’s hilarious: “. LGBT are not only receiving these injections at a 92% clip, but are defending and advocating for the shots like it’s another letter in their acronym (e.g. LGBTV for “vaccines”).”
Let them defend it. Means they will keep on taking it.
And it is hilarious.
“(e.g. LGBTV for “vaccines”. This is brilliant. Hope it catches on.
Sounds like it could be a program on some cable tv network.
a (gay) bodybuilder I know still believes in the vaccines…scoffed at me for questioning… .I dont think anything will sway him but his own or his loved ones being damaged; I wish him all the boosters that the government demands.
Bodies can’t take this poison. Harsh but true.
Another vile person filled with hate is gone from this earth. God works in magical ways.
It never said he DIED bro, calm down!🤣
I suspect he will never body build again, that will kill this arrogant narcissist…
That is good, so he can come to terms with the fact his false virtue lead him to this state. Maybe he’ll also learn that being a homosexual is vile too, and turn from that path as well. I would rather them live and learn, that die in their iniquities.
I would rather the latter of the two options.
He will be soon. It doesn’t make no difference. He is on the path of death. The path of death is death.
He will get the boosters and finish the job😝
Wait for it. Apparently Turner is still waking up in the morning.
But I suspect aortic dissection is just the tip of the iceberg in these inoculated.
The jab will get ya a dozen different ways…
Over 80% of LGBT or maybe more have drunk the Kool-Aide…now fewer of them will be Virtue Signalling and dragging others into the Pit with them…Your Body, Your Choice…If you want to take that Booster…please let us know how it all works out for you…Trust in the Science…
So here is the interesting thing about situations like Mr. Turner’s. First, I would not wish injury upon anyone, including this individual. Eric Turner’s life is now permanently altered. But what’s the probability he’ll consider it’s vaccine related? Honestly, that’s the first thing I would think if (God forbid), I was in his situation. But I would be surprised if it crosses his mind as a possibility. What’s more, it’s likely he won’t think about any of his false Tweets either. People like Mr. Turner can truly spread a lot of misinformation, then the boomerang ricochets back to them and they don’t even realize it. Rinse and repeat…the cycle goes on. One could argue this is karma, but the true meaning is really between God & Mr. Turner.
Just for once, I’d like somebody in this situation to really consider what happened to them, do an investigation, then publicly comment on what they found or if their viewpoint has changed. The misinformation Mr. Turner tweeted about Ivermectin alone is alarming. Self examination is key during this time, but my guess is the vaccine won’t even be considered as the culprit in this case.
Of course, he won’t look in the Mirror…these people are too proud to admit that they were fooled…by the Masters they Kneel Down To…Like the song goes…” Another one bites the dust…and another one gone and another one is gone…another one bites the dust…”…his Idol Freddy Mercury, if he didn’t fake her death like all the others would concur…Ironic that a common ingredient in these Jabs is Thermasol which is a derivative of Mercury, one of the most toxic elements to human health known…in this case more lethal than Steroids…Hey Eric, next time read the label and search Vaccine Ingredients Section 13…let us know what you find…
When he googles his name and finds this site, then for sure he will consider it.
He mentioned and ridiculed this Blog recently from his Fakebook page…
kyle miller (age 29, professional biker) has spoken out about his post-vax experience. he and several others went to DC to speak out recently. of course, none of the US medical officials could be bothered to show up (fauci, walensky, et cetera).
I saw one of Kyle’s videos on Twitter. Very sad situation. He seems like a really nice guy just trying to bring awareness to the dangers of these vaccines.
Wow…take a look at this character’s Fakebook page…Abomination…viewer discretion is strongly advised…Hey, Eric if you reading this, you should have practiced more Humility and Critical Thinking…you should have used what was between your ears, not your Biceps or what is below the Belt…Have fun worshiping the Corona Hoax, and at least have a morsel of Integrity and honor…please warn as many others with your huge following not to make the same Stupid Mistake that you made, Ok? Try and do something right…
“First, these issues with bodybuilders are becoming clear…There’s definitely data showing that the culture of bodybuilding plus mRNA or viral vector DNA injections don’t mix. Large men in general also seem to be more at risk of post-injection adverse effects.” Brian ~ thank you for pointing this out. I absolutely agree with this. I think larger men who are in good physical condition and work out strenuously are at a higher risk for side effects ~ cardiac and otherwise. I am seeing this anecdotally in my own life.
Well, looks like he weeded himself out of the evolutionary tree.
He talks about evolution weeding people out and he is gay. Does that make any sense? It is well known that bodybuilding like this alone can be very bad for a person’s heart. Building excess muscle is very stressful on the heart. Also their diets are not healthy. A diet consisting of healthy fats is better than low fat. Fat is the most easily digested food that you can eat and causes the least stress to the digestive system and is not stored as fat in the body. Fat is also what fuels the brain and a low fat diet can lead to mental decline such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.
Well, we all know that Gay People don’t reproduce…so that automatically takes care of the Evolutionary aspect…I just don’t completely understand…if they don’t reproduce, then why are there so many of them?
Romans Chapter 1 verses 16 to 32. It’s happening 24/7/365.
He went out on a limb and had to leave it at that.
Dude, you STILL haven’t connected the dots yet, have you? And you think WE are the dumb branches on the “evolution tree”? Jaw pain (left side) is a classic symptom in men of a heart attack, but since you are so intelligent…
“I’d rather wear a barrel than conservative apparel.”
Since you like retarded sloganeering so much, how about a dumb little ditty of my own?
“You think you look buff?
Vax make you look rough.
You think you so smart?
Vax tear brain apart.
You thought you had good heart?
Vax blow vessels apart.
You say you LGBT?
Vax scramble you like E-G-G.
See?! We lower branch humanoid creatures can make dumb rhymes too.
Unfortunately, your best days are now behind you. Enjoy watching your body turn into a flabby shell of your former self, and in a few short years, if you live long enough, you will look no better than I do. It happens when we make our bodies an idol. In the meantime, I can introduce you to someone who has something to offer you that you might want to listen to.
What’s is going to take for people to realize they’ve been played?
Well, I’m sorry you’re almost died, He-Man – I’m also sorry you wished death & disability upon myself & family.
Guess I win this round, with me being unvaxxed & steroid free, unlike you – condolences to your boyfriend(s), and better luck next life.
“Mr. Eric Turner told his 1.7 million Facebook followers”
Talk about a lobotomized nation…
Watching America is like watching the cows come in for their daily milking; though the cows are obviously of far higher intelligence…
Let’s connect the dots. There are ex-homosexuals like Milo Yiannopoulos who have repented and turned away from the sin of taking pride in their sin of homosexuality. He and many others have recognized that what makes the LGBT movement a truly fascist movement is the lack of toleration of even the least bit of dissent.( Also has any one ever noticed that the LGBT say a person can be born a homosexual, this same fascist movement insists a person can change their sex?..That war on logic has its weapons aimed at most of us on this blog.)
That arrogance and pride blinded Eric Turner from the truth that he took a clot shot. His nauseating virtue signaling is a poor substitute for unchanging truth.
Pray that he comes to know Lord Jesus before its too late.
Lack of dissent and tolerance is also seen in the Vegan world. One such “girl” (young woman) started eating meat and her complexion and energy increased but she was mercilessly criticized and I would say bullied by a Twitter mob – no surprise there – but it made no difference in her decision.
People like this idiot have put us here and ruined our lives over a hoax. The 2+2 here is soooooooo simple, but they just turn on lying media and mainline it like some shot. Every time I witness stupidity on this level, I thank my dad who always said;
“Stupidity is its own reward”
And now….finally….there IS a ‘reward’.
Sorry. Long past caring. They ruined our world, and now the kids are dying because of this epic stupidity and gullibility.
Get that 3rd shot smart guy.
Bet his cardiologist will recommend that he gets it too. Don’t want to die of the ‘Rona and all that.
Nature can be nasty. He will die eventually, but after a long and painful downward spiral.
The vaxxed have 2 to 3 years to live if the Covid Jab does not kill them in a year or less. They tested the Covid jabs on rodents, and they died in 2 months, which is equivalent to 2 years in human life. There are scientists, and doctors that have mentioned this.
All by design, they will be transformed also into literal Transhumanist Cyborgs thru this mRNA Metalic Nanoparticle operating system…then when the 5G kill switch is flipped, turned into literal Zombie Ax murderers and Canibbals… it’s already been tested…Rwanda 1994…yes I agree it will be a most horrible death…but what comes in the afterlife will be even worse than that…because they took the 666 Luciferase in exchange for nothing in return…some don’t even get 30 Pieces of Silver or a Bag of Crispy Creme…such a raw deal for those that can not use even two brain cells to put 2 and 2 together…for a Death Serum that is far more hideous, diabolical, and soul snatching…it would be better to be tortured to death with maximum pain for a week and then take a bullet to the head…than to take Lucifers Mark of the Beast out of ones own ” Free Will “…What are these people thinking when Devil Worshipers like Kill Gates are working overtime to get humanity jabbed? Complete utter Insanity in this Real-Time Zombie Apocolypse…
He’s gay and he’s worried about “sperm count”? What a fukin idiot…Glad he’s a non breeder…We need less idiots like him on earth….
maybe he can tell us if low sperm count changes the taste of sperm
LOL. Does he see the irony in his low sperm count and the evolutionary tree comment???
It goes over his head that there would be no tree at all with males like him filling the earth.
What a tool (pun intended).
“Doctors have no idea how to treat the condition because it’s so rare. Mr. Turner enrolled in several clinical studies to try out experimental treatment in hopes of making himself better.” – how hilarious it would be if they prescribed ivermectin for his condition. LOL!
What’s funny and sad is that he’s already enrolled in an experiment and doesn’t even realize it.
I just can’t understand that these people don’t get the part of the vaccine not stopping the spread or sickness. So how is it they believe someone unvaccinated is any more danger to anyone than vaccinated? How can intelligent people even consider that masks can be of any benefit? Possibly the most useless thing in the world. They of course have multiple purpose for those mandating them. Masks are good at making people sick so when you have a fake pandemic they can help create the symptoms that mimic the so called virus. The craziest thing I see is obese, old, and children wearing them. It absolutely sickens me to see children whose brains and bodies have not fully developed wearing something that limits their oxygen intake.
How can someone who is into fitness believe less oxygen is beneficial.
Worked for a big discount store, as a cart pusher. Front end manager said wearing a mask even outdoors was mandatory. I asked, “The highest oxygen demand job in the store, and masks are required?” I wore one alright, around my neck below my face.
I always hate seeing the poor employees being literally physically abused by being forced to wear these things. I have a friend who said masks were no big deal and she only has to wear it when she goes into stores. I said what about the poor people working there who have to wear it all day long and stocking shelves and all kinds of physical labor? Of course she is one of those liberals who carries on about racism but no sympathy at all for all the poor people stuck wearing masks all day long.
As far as I’m concerned, no punishment good enough in this life or the next for that entire community, especially the females who are an insult to me as a man, so let this “proudly queer” perv pay a price.
I recently deactivated my Facebook. It feels pretty good. Anyway by far my #1 pro-vaccine virtue signaler on FB happened to be gay. He was absolutely nasty and brutal towards the unvaxxed. To give you an example he blamed an early 2020 Covid death of a friend on “some unvaccinated a**hole”. The vaccine wasn’t even available at the time! It’s interesting that gays who are outcasts in a sense (even if they are very high up on the woke hierarchy) would identify so strongly with the powers that be on this issue, with a vengeance. It doesn’t make sense to me.
“It doesn’t make sense to me.” It makes sense if you consider that the TPTB are the one’s enforcing acceptance of these unnatural ideas and lifestyles. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you and all that.
Weimer republic 2.0. Degeneracy and hyperinflation.
Poetic justice for evil people….maybe not getting the shot and having a life saving drug like ivermectin would have been the ticket…
As my grandmother said before she took the jab, never never wish harm on other people because it will always come back at you worse in the end. Looks like this guy is seeing his wish backfire.
This. This is the kind of scum that must be wiped out.
Your typical Joe Normie getting all his info from talking heads on the mainstream media. Unable to come up with an original thought or do some basic research.
I like most sane people who see the truth behind this non existent pandemic face discrimination, hostility and ignorance and it’s important to see vile retards like this prick get his just desserts. These articles really help. Thank you so much you have no idea how much these keep people like me going. They give us strength.
And because of this madness I have returned to God. I am reading the bible and it gives me truth, strength and wisdom. Keep praying for your soul and for those who want to be saved.
Plus since he is (or was) a bodybuilder that means he is an athlete. And with many athletes dying or dropping down like flies the stupid mantra that it’s just a concidence or it happens all the time is debunked. So looks like they can’t pull the christain eriksen card out and call these incidents rare.
As Jesus said – forgive them because they have no idea what they are doing.
You are mistaken by using the words of Christ here, it does not apply to people such as this or anyone today, based on the context of that passage. People like this guy know exactly what they are doing, if not and they are all innocent or can plead ignorance, then they are not accountable, so if there is no accountability, how can there be a judgement day?
Pride goeth before a downfall !
Much more easy to Fool someone, than convince him he has been Fooled…Yes Indeed, Pride…one of the 7 deadly sins…
I’m looking forward to a final update to this article in the near future.
Here’s the truth about the LGBT group, they are the most deceived and deceiving of people. They are perverted by their hearts’ desires into believing a lie, that their desires are good. This makes them completely without discernment, and therefore easily deceived by others, in this case, taking the vaccine for a disease that isn’t likely to result in permanent injury. Many of them will die because of this, and to be honest, I have little sympathy for them because of their willingness to virtue signal their false virtue.
Yes, They just pawns in the game to destroy the orderly christian society in this country. A stable happy family. Same as the feminist movement and BLM. Blame someone else, not the people actually doing itn aka ZOG.
to be fair, the same movements are destroying jews in Israel too
Maybe he spoke to Arnie. Screw you……..! Why not kill yourself for me! You selfish ape! Anyone who does not commit suicide for my granny is a self focused moron just like me because I want you to take the poison because I did. Granny died long time ago but you are a murderer of grannies world wide that you cannot travel to anyway.
Like all arguments they make no sense!
Boy, he just has no accurate knowledge about masks, or how shots and variants work. He has some time to study now and get it right.
Isn’t this guy Turner like a sheep who’s helping to round up his fellow sheep for slaughter…?
Worst type of sheep for sure.
I guess, out of an abundance of caution, you should stick with only ‘Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection’ positive boyfriends.
By the way, your calves need a little work to maintain balance, you should probably hit the gym if/when you are ever released from the hospital.
So you are not smart enough to understand this is NOT A VACCINE that you took..
I bet you stick yourself with steroid shots all the time, but you generally know what’s in them..
Do you even know what they injected in you as “a vaccine”?….
My impression is steroids and this “vaccine” are a very bad mix.
If all of them learn about Graphene Oxide, Peptides which are trace amounts of Scorpion & Snake Venum, Hydra Vulgaris, Nano Particles, Monkey Kidney Cells ( they may not have a problem with that one since they believe they have been Evolved from Monkeys, Apes & Arangatans ) Mercury, Aluminum, Aborted Fetal Tissue…etc etc…they would be having nightmares till the bitter end…Ignorance is the only Solice they have remaining after the 666 Luciferase DNA altering, Soul Snatching Death Serum…Commonly referred to as the Con Vid 19-84 Vaccine…” Oh Yeah, we can do this “…
I mean, I wish him a speedy recovery, but God will not be mocked.
Decisions have consequences.
The LGBTQ community is wiping themselves out with these Covid shots.
The LGBT-V committing Hari Kari out of their own ” Free Will “…Once again Folks…A Conspiracy Theory has become a Conspiracy Fact…
Sad. It does make me wonder how many virtue signalers you are tracking. Most of the ones I knew have been real quiet in the last few months. My hat is off to you for counting these unofficial tallies to their one size fits all experiment. I sometimes think the real way out of the pandemic is real breakdowns on the (officially nonexistent) vaccine dead and injured and real cures for the (also officially non-existent) vaccine injured…
Not sad. Disgusting sodomite who wishes death upon normal healthy people got what it deserved.
Denial of Reality Alert…Eric Turner has called out this Blog on his Fakebook Page…
I went to his IG page. He referred to this site talking about him. He justified it by saying he had a “normal heart attack”. Yeah, one cause by all the things he willingly puts into his body. And heart attacks are not normal for people his age.
The majority of people will never consider the evidence that these vaccines are causing a lot of damage. Sad but true. I’ve given up trying to persuade people. They simply don’t want to know. A 41 year old male in good shape having a heart attack is not normal.
What is really not normal is that this story is being repeated many times over and in even younger people. I read that Google searches for instant death are way up recently. I wonder why that could be?
One possibility is his injection damage diminished his body store of zinc and copper along with it, resulting in acute copper deficiency, resulting in separation of coronary artery parts as collagen formation collapsed, lacking copper. In the pregnant woman, the huge drawdown in vitamin, mineral, and trace element stores during pregnancy, and even during parturition and healing, may do the same.
didnt knew that, I will buy me some copper as I take zinc and zinc can reduce copper.
you may have saved my life bro
Seems to build the body but forgot to train and nourish the mind.
Couldn’t have happened to a nicer Douche Bag.
All these people belonging to the LGBT religion, a branch of the synagogue of Satan have been brainwashed to be proud, pride comes before the fall because it blinds their minds and we are seeing it time and time again. Please join me in praying against the Synagogue of Satan’s giants Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca that are being used against us, ask God to destroy them and all those who worship them and that are pushing the little ones as sacrifices to them. We’re in a battle for our survival, they have declared war on us, cheering on for the mandating of their religion on us, and celebrating our destruction when we are locked out of society or lose our livelihoods, so we must call for their destruction, there is no saving them.
judging by chest muscles looks like ftm