July 8, 2021
ST. ALBERT, ALBERTA — A 64-year-old man is dead, and his daughter is making sure the world knows how and why it happened.
Mr. Bruce David Ward received the first dose of experimental Moderna mRNA on or around May 22, according to his daughter, Brenna Ward. He suffered no immediate adverse effects. Mr. Ward enjoyed the Father’s Day weekend with his wife. He started doing DIY home renovations that following Monday, June 21. Suddenly, he started screaming in pain.
An ambulance took him to the University of Alberta Hospital. Mr. Ward was given pain medication as he waited hours to be seen. Doctors finally got Mr. Ward in for an ultrasound early the next morning. He passed away during the procedure, Tuesday morning, June 22. Brenna said her father had a “tear in his aortic valve.”
It appears Mr. Ward suffered from an aortic aneurysm and/or aortic dissection. The previous is typically a precursor to the latter, according to the Mayo Clinic.
We know for certain that the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA injections cause blood clots and, in many cases, death. There’s also the controversial spike protein study by University of San Diego and Salk Institute researchers.
The study concluded that “natural” SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins damage blood vessels, but the vaccine-induced “full length” spikes do not damage blood vessels. But that study assumes that the injections stays in the muscle site. We know now that’s not the case. The study was also first published in December 2020, long before millions of real-life examples presented themselves. Further, Fauci’s emails revealed that the “natural” SARS-CoV-2 virus may have been the product of gain-of-function research (laboratory-created) and are not natural at all.
Brenna isn’t allowing her father to die in vain. She drew a line in the sand on June 27 telling her friends and acquaintances to discontinue communication if they support the COVID agenda. Brenna also admitted that it took her father’s death for her to open her eyes to what is happening.
She also said the following in a post:
I am sharing his story in hope to help someone else not lose a loved one. In hopes people will think twice and in hopes more will share their stories as there are thousands out there suffering or dieing (sic) after receiving thier (sic) vaccines.
Brenna understands her father is not coming back. But she deserves praise for accepting truth and living by it, even though it took an absolute tragedy.
Another sudden death
Mr. Ward died suddenly like so many others we’ve covered. His death sounds very similar to Natalia Johnson. She was watching a movie with her sister when, suddenly, she just died. Several others have fallen asleep, only to never wake up just hours after the experimental injections.
There’s also the new study published last week in the journal Eurosurveillance. It found that for every 10 COVID-19 deaths in the age 18-39 group, there would be 21 cases of blood clots post-AstraZeneca injection in that same group. In other words, post-vaxx blood clot risks are twice as high as COVID-19 deaths in this group.
Canada’s “free” healthcare system is exposing itself as a farce. At least 353,000 surgeries and other procedures were delayed or cancelled in 2020 in Canada, resulting in several deaths and a lot of suffering. Mr. Ward is the first time we’ve heard the specific detail “aortic dissection” on this blog. And it sounds absolutely terrifying and awful. Unfortunately we’re likely to cover even more gruesome-sounding deaths in the coming weeks and months.
Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.
It was just brought to my attention today that my fathers story had been shared on your site. I want to thank you, as well as all those brave enough to tell thier own stories and/or to share others. Also I thank you for yours words of support and pride as unfortunately my father is no longer able to give them to me himself. Keep doing the good work in sharing these stories that are hidden, changed into something they are not or used for political gain. This is an awful scary and selfish world we are in today run by the 1 percenters.
More and more people are waking up and sadly more and more are dying.
Best regards,
Brenna Ward
Dear Brenna,
This also happened to my father, although they caught it fast enough to save his life. He is only 55, and a fairly healthy person (he was camping and hiking with my mom a couple weeks before his dissection happened). For over a month he was on a ventilator in the ICU, multiple surgeries to try to keep him alive, and every day we had a rollercoaster ride of being unsure if he would make it. He is home now and working to regain some strength. He lost the use of his left eye, one vocal chord is paralyzed, and my mother is constantly monitoring his blood pressure now because of the aortic artery repairs that were done. But we are glad we get more time with him. I am so sad for the loss of your father because I know how shocking and horrible the experience was, and how close I came to losing mine.
It happened 9 days after my dad’s second shot. Most of my family doesn’t connect the dots to the shots, two of my sisters got their shots after it happened (!!), but my mom made the connection and reported it via VAERS. Several of my older family members got the shots and are fine, but I think there will be long term damage that will not be reported as shot-related for many folks.
I pray that you are comforted and given peace. Thank you so much for sharing your father’s story so that more people can avoid these deadly shots.
Melissa Tregilgas
Brenna, so very sorry for your loss. Melissa, so sorry to hear about your father’s troubles. A coworker, very healthy and active, around 65 is undergoing emergency surgery today for an aortic valve problem with adjacent aortic aneurysm. They recently discovered the problem on a routine physical exam when the MD noticed a new murmur. He did in fact take the experiment. So many are willfully not connecting the dots.
We don’t even know what to say anymore except condolences and don’t take the C19 shots. Yet people still do, even as late as this victim, near Father’s Day. And such a healthy man, too.
Shame on the hospital and all power to the daughter to fight the good fight.
Listening to many online Doctors describe how this poison jab works, sounds like so many are going to die, just a matter of time. Just heard another elderly neighbor got hooked up to a heart monitor, out of breath all the time. Got her jabs a few months back.
These shots should be stopped and the lies on fake news that keeps pumping fear and phony covid death stats should be banned and censored like the truth about adverse side effects and deaths from the jabs have been censored from Facebook, utube etc. Also the blatant lies on TV about all the studies done for safety of the shots and how it benefits you and is 90% effective for protection from or from spreading the deadly covid virus that is 99% survivable. Also all the incentives like lotteries if you take the shot, or free beer or free tickets to games or for kids free ice cream and general “freedom” to travel, go here go there. Its all fake and discusting manipulation. And should be stopped.
This is a hard one, because anyone can pop an aneurysm anywhere, anytime and symptoms can be vague right up until it happens, so the only way I can see to know with certainty that this isn’t an actual coincidence is to have access to pre-vaccine radiology, and post (maybe autopsy to try to locate where the tear in the aorta may have occurred). There are a lot of variables which make this one harder to pin on the injection without an objective examination, which we know we will never see results of, even if there is an autopsy.
The toxic chemicals in these suicide jabs attack and destroy your Mitochondria in the blood cells. Learn ways to protect your Mitochondria as well as how to block the spike proteins floating around in your body. Doing so may save your life or loved ones, friends etc.
Ivermectin? Suramin tea? Keep immune system healthy?
Aortic dissection is just the latest in other insane effects that have been featured here. Effects like someone who was injected having half his colon removed, and on this blog someone with 6 feet of small intestine removed.
This series of death injections from various manufacturers is really making a name for itself for making the manner of deaths almost as bad as the Ebola virus.
In the five eye countries politicians have been instructed to lie or follow orders as they are told. They do not see themselves as lying but as promoting the coming of the NWO. We cannot see these people as normal human beings. They are in the majority of high level officials. These people have shown their true colours and they are not red or blue – they are black.
I am so angry when I read about the coercion and scamming to get people to take this poison with the intent to leave them high and dry in a time of vaccine injury or death. If the Fuhrer isn’t fired, he will continue until he gets these damn shots licensed and then it will definitely be on. I can’t believe I live in America!!
Canadian Doctor: 62% of Patients Vaccinated for COVID Have Permanent Heart Damage. In this latest interview, Dr. Hoffe states that the blood clots that are being reported in the corporate media as being “rare” are anything but rare, based on his own testing of his own patients who had recently received one of the shots.
Using this test with his own patients, Dr. Hoffe claims that he has found evidence of small blood clots in 62% of his patients who have been injected with an mRNA shot.
He states that these people are now permanently disabled, and they will no longer “be able to do what they used to do.”
His warning is very dire: “These shots are causing huge damage and the worst is yet to come.”
from health impact news