4 more utterly ridiculous mainstream media propaganda campaigns to continue normalizing post-injection heart attacks

February 16, 2022

Thirty years ago, this blogger experimented with lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and shrooms. There were rumors back in the 80s and 90s that once you’ve taken acid 10 or more times, you are deemed clinically insane. One week in the early 1990s, at least 10 tabs were consumed. And for a while there, clinical insanity seemed real. Flashbacks and weird episodes happened for a year thereafter. No more illicit drugs were ever consumed again. But in 2022, you don’t even need hallucinogenics, as the sheer insanity that is The Great Reset is like a trip of its own.

The mRNA and viral vector DNA injections cause heart attacks, heart inflammation, blood clots, seizures, amputations, autoimmune disorders, and just about every other human ailment imaginable. There’s no debating any of the foregoing. It’s safe to say that at least 60% of Americans are double-vaxxed, plus or minus 5%. Many of those injectees received their shots a year ago, more than enough time for tiny blood clots to form in their capillary networks. This phenomenon is likely to kill all double-vaxxed people who receive real shots (and not placebos) within two years, as posited by Dr. Charles Hoffe.

RELATED: CDC Foundation is not a government entity, has many conflicts of interest (March 23, 2021)


Even Pfizer, the CDC, the FDA and World Health Organization (WHO) know they cannot hide the current and forthcoming carnage. The WHO is trying to slow down the massacre. A January 11 statement by the WHO is essentially spitting in Bill Gates’ face (who is the second-highest funder of the organization) and ruining his booster wet dreams.

“…A vaccination strategy based on repeated booster doses of the original vaccine composition is unlikely to be appropriate or sustainable.”

The CDC is attempting to normalize all the current and forthcoming blood clots, as seen in a February 10 tweet.

Pfizer followed suit on February 14, reinforcing the propaganda from the CDC via Twitter.

But ultimately, only the densest, most obsequious sheep in the world listen to the foregoing organizations. So Pfizer, the CDC, et al. must use their mainstream media for propaganda dissemination. Heart attacks are the new common cold in 2022 due to mass poisoning via mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. Normalization of cardiac events is crucial in maintaining the already-crumbling COVID-19 narrative. And these people don’t care if they insult your intelligence along the way.

Watching sports causes heart attacks

This gem is courtesy of The Mining Journal in Marquette, Michigan. Journalist Randy Crouch wrote in his January 22 article the following:

“So, after doing a lot of reading it turns out that my hypothesis was correct: watching sports can be hazardous to your health.

That’s not to say that turning on a hockey game is going to kill you, but there is a good amount of evidence that particularly intense and high stakes sporting events like the NFL playoffs, the World Series or the World Cup have a correlation with heart attacks and a host of other physical and mental health problems.”

The link to the story is here if you wish to lower your IQ further.

Skipping breakfast causes heart attacks

Perhaps this is a shameless advertisement for Pop-Tarts, Eggo Waffles and Smurfberry Crunch. OK, the latter is no longer sold. But it brought back memories, and all you can do is laugh at the sheer absurdity of vaccine propaganda.

The Daily Express, on December 12, wrote the following:

“Heart attacks are especially common among people who routinely ignore [breakfast], with a 21 percent increase to risk.”

Journalist Mason Quah then conceded that the study he cited for proof, “did not aim to provide a causal relationship between skipping breakfast and heart attack risks.” The cherry on top is this image that’s included in the article.

Read the entire propaganda piece here.

Shoveling snow causes heart attacks

The origin of this one is unclear. But the USA Today version from January 3 is the most entertaining. Journalist Jay Cannon wrote:

“As much as it can seem like a mundane outdoor job, shoveling snow has resulted in thousands of injuries and can even bring on a fatal heart attack. Shoveling snow can also be a trigger for heart attacks, experts say. [Dr. Barry Franklin] cautions against anyone over 45 partaking in the winter chore because of the ‘perfect storm’ of factors that seem to cause heart attacks.”

He added that cold weather is also a factor in raising blood pressure while shoveling snow, which can lead to heart attacks. It’s unclear what other type of weather, other than cold, that snow actually falls. Read the rest of the article here.

‘Fit and healthy’ 22-year-old women are at-risk of heart attacks

The U.S. Sun called spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) a “little-known condition.” We’ve covered at least two post-injection SCAD cases on this blog. We know the injections cause SCAD. But now mainstream media are trying to normalize it for young women.

Journalist Terri-Ann Williams, in her October 26 column, wrote the following:

“In general, it’s an uncommon condition, but doctors are urging women to push for a diagnosis and care when it comes to the symptoms. The condition is most common in women aged 30 to 60 – but experts have now warned that it is reaching fit and healthy women as young as 22.”

In other words, this condition rarely affected anyone until the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections came onto the market. Now it is yet another convenient excuse for post-injection cardiac issues. Read the full article here.

Believe what you’re told, not what you see and hear yourself

Don’t forget about one of the funniest new causes of heart attacks: “cannabis use disorder.” Earlier this month, a British TV doctor said higher energy bills cause heart attacks and strokes. But remember, if you have a heart attack, it’s all in your head and caused by anxiety, according to the CDC.

We don’t need anymore proof regarding the clear positive correlation between mRNA and viral vector DNA injections, and cardiac issues. But yet another study, published on the JAMA Network on January 25, concluded that “the risk of myocarditis after receiving mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines was increased across multiple age and sex strata and was highest after the second vaccination dose in adolescent males and young men.”

Sadly, this blogger has become desensitized to all the soccer players dropping dead across the globe because it happens almost every day. But by the end of 2022, kids and people under age 30 dropping dead will be normalized across the globe. And the masses will simply listen to the latest propaganda to justify it and continue supporting big pharma initiatives.

Let’s face it – no vaxx-recipient wants to admit that their life is likely going to be cut short in the near future. They must go down with the ship, live by their decisions. All they can do now is pray for a short, painless death. It might sound harsh. But it’s simply the truth.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.



COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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2 years ago

But in 2022, you don’t even need hallucinogenics, as the sheer insanity that is The Great Reset is like a trip of its own.

So sad, yet very true. I LOL’d.

2 years ago

Indeed, here too in SW Ohio we see PSA billboards “sponsored” by local emergency services about the heart dangers to snow shoveling. Coordinated much?

2 years ago
Reply to  FNFAL

Lately I have vaxxed coworkers come to me to tell me about a health issue that suddenly popped up either for them or their family etc. They ask me what I think. It’s curious because I am a well known unvaccinated person and will never get the clot shots. So I believe they are figuring it out and rightly surmise I would know. I always reply “what do you think?”. Sheeple and the mislead need to start thinking for themselves. I have given this site and others to let them make up their mind. I can only pray for them and try to be kind. It’s all I got.

Dhiego Verona
Dhiego Verona
2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

The same I say, we can only pray for them now!

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

Good response. I warned my loved ones. If they even bring up the subject, I will be so tempted to say “what does the TV tell you to do?”. But I’ll try to refrain and probably give the same response, even though I know if the tables were turned, they would rub my nose in it. These days, I rarely answer the phone unless I have an oncoming call at a prearranged time and I tell everyone to contact me by email. Additionally, I post all the horror stories on social media. if they care about my opinion, they can look it up themselves. I don’t hide my opinions. Five years ago before all this BS went down, I advised my sister to better start thinking for herself. And that is all I have to offer. I’m done. Not planning to attend or pay for any funerals either.

2 years ago

It reduces a human to a bedridden or mini-ambulatory life. Now we shall soon see the same propaganda about cancer and HIV that are also added features of this brew. They are normalizing death, a psych-op to get the sheeple to kill or maim themselves all in the glory of “for the greater good”. As we watch these brainwashed folks happily go to their deaths you encounter mixed emotions. Especially if it is family and friends. We are suppose to have mercy for the slow and feeble minded, I keep reminding myself.

Darlene Harrison
Darlene Harrison
2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

A world without sheeple would be a better world. But what would the wolves who are behind this whole Covid fiasco eat then? They’ll switch diet to feed on thinking humans. They’ll have to work a good deal harder then to get a meal. The prospective future makes my head spin.

2 years ago

Yes , the irony of tyrants is they need someone to tyrannize

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

Yes. I need to keep reminding myself that these unfortunate people have been lied to.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  The Ogs

Yes, but sometimes it’s really hard! Especially when they are stubbornly close-minded after their brainwashing.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

These people, including my family, did not display any feeblemindedness in other areas of their life, to their credit. And they did not display much concern about other things as well. They bought into the fear mongering even though I tried to reason with them before the rollout, even asking them to prove there’s a pandemic…..are the cemeteries backed up trying to get bodies buried, are the hospitals really crowded (they were not), did they even know anyone personally who died from this common cold, etc. They chose to believe talking-head millionaires on TV. I actually screamed on the phone to them that “there is no pandemic”. My emotions are spent.

2 years ago

One thing we know for sure. Corrupt hospitals and medical professionals are murdering people with the BS CDC protocol. If they don’t follow the CDC Nazi death regimen they don’t get the $100k blood money from the totally corrupt US Federal Government for murdering their patients. Now in Fla. the Republican run state House put on Desantis’ desk a bill to absolve hospitals of liability. Basically carte blanche immunity for murder. We know why, $$$$$ from big corporate medical companies and pharma.

Greetings from Spain
2 years ago

Hoy he escuchado a un médico español que disiente de la versión oficial, él trabaja en un hospital y ha tenido problemas con el colegio de médicos porque no está vacunado y crítica duramente los protocolos y la manipulación mediática para ponerse estas inyecciones.
Él ha dicho que se están viendo muchos efectos adversos y de muchos tipos debido a las mal llamadas vacunas y que con el tiempo se espera ver muchos más efectos adversos y que además se están enfrentando a nuevas enfermedades que no saben cómo tratar por culpa de este experimento genico.
También ha dicho que ha habido un aumento de muertes exponencialmente mayor que antes de las inyecciones.
Todo esto él lo explica en una plataforma independiente porque el oficialismo no le deja hablar ante la televisión y propaganda oficial .
Cuánta hipocresía por parte de los medios de comunicación!!! Ocultan todo lo que está pasando tergiversando cualquier información en contra de la versión oficial.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago

Skipping breakfast and heart attacks… what a farce! From the referenced “article” – “Other studies… skipping breakfast is… associated with… other poor health choices… People who skip… don’t make up the lost meal… leading to worse nutrition… can also lead to eating at night or in between meals, which can disrupt your metabolism to make diabetes and heart disease more likely… (skippers are associated with) full time employment, be smokers and drink larger amounts of alcohol”

What crap reporting! Haha, yes, let’s blame alcoholism, being employed (not time for exercise!), smoking, night snacking, etc., all on skipping breakfast (and thus increased risk of heart attacks). I know, I’m taking some liberties, here, just like that article’s author. But then again, I’m not a professional journalist pushing some sort of narrative. Like Brian says, they do give a couple disclaimers, including “The consequence of this is that it isn’t necessarily that skipping breakfast causes heart disease but that people at risk of heart disease are more likely to skip breakfast.” What?! Sure buddy. I’ll leave this riddle of a statement to those smarter than myself. It sounds like gobbledygook to me.

How many Americans need to make up for a missed meal, anyways? I’m talking about people that intentionally skip a meal, not the destitute or abused. Sorry, besides them poisoning people with the death jab, they are also continuing this false narrative that we have to constantly eat to maintain our blood sugar levels. Ugh, sorry, it’s a sore point for me, obviously! So many smart doctors espouse timed interval eating, and furthermore claim to successfully reverse diabetes. Just like the covid narrative, they will shape the heart attack narrative and normalize it, just like Brian wrote.

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago

Dr. Merco|a says that humans should not eat for a 16-hour period each day. Says it’s a key to good health.
News to a lot of folks, heheh…

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  The Ogs

Poor Dr. Mercola got a bad rap (pre-covid hysteria) – he does produce a lot of good info. I started intermittent fasting years ago after listening to a MD talk about preventing Alzheimer’s. So many benefits.

2 years ago

Agreed. Intermittent fasting is one of the best things you can do for your health 16/8 is a great way to start and try and work up from there.

2 years ago

The concept of having to have 3 meals a day was probably flawed to begin with. Many people do their best work before having their first meal, and there is a longer tradition of fasting for health benefits than the existence of the AMA, CDD, and all the other acronym entities out there bent on making a profit on the diseases they create with their bad advice and their petroleum-based pharmaceuticals the cover up but never cure. C-U-R-E is a dirty word to them.

2 years ago

Our local radio keeps playing ads, sponsored by Pfizer, warning people to go immediately to the hospital if they have signs of a heart attack. 😞

Ned Baker
Ned Baker
2 years ago

Great article, The COVID Blog, spotlighting the sneaky attempt by Pharma/CDC at normalizing heart attacks in segments of the population historically untouched by cardiac issues.

Linda N
2 years ago
Reply to  Ned Baker

The sneaky attempt by Pharma/CDC at normalizing heart attacks in segments of the population historically untouched by cardiac issues indeed. How can any sane person believe it is normal for a perfectly healthy 34 year old man to drop dead in front of his children (another recent article on this blog) and in autopsy it is found that he died of “lymphohistiocytic myocarditis.” with “so much scar tissue, that it literally couldn’t pump another beat.”?! Sadly a massive amount of these raving idiots are physicians.

I have 2 close relatives that are physicians. One retired now, one younger and still in practice. The retired one got the jab but then started waking up, due to both watching what was going on and due to myself and another relative bombarding them continuously with alternative information: (Dr. McCullough and other videos, stories, studies, this blog and many more.) The older one decided recently that there will be no more jabs for them. No Boosters, nothing. Too risky and does not prevent transmission anyway.  At least my other relative and myself got through to them.

The other younger relative physician is still thoroughly brainwashed and has been jabbed continuously with the original shot(s) as well as every recommended booster, plus getting their children jabbed and boosted as well. I have no way of knowing which jabs from which company or batch any of them got. I fear for all of them and constantly mentally prepare myself for the bad outcomes.

Let me tell you how hard it is to get through to physicians! They are so thoroughly brain washed to the drug, radiation, surgery and vaccine paradigm of present medical treatment that practically no amount of evidence and logic to the contrary sways them. Vaccines are safe and effective, drugs are God’s gift to mankind, and all alternative treatments are total quackery and garbage. Also, obviously, if they go against the drug and vaccine mainstream narrative they will not only lose their careers and licenses to practice, but be bankrupted financially, and be possibly put in jail. (Witness Dr. Meryl Nass and others who are trying to speak up.) I think the older relative, now that they are retired, doesn’t have to get the jab to keep a job, and also they were more free to finally research the side effects of these shots online. But I think only after they were bombarded with information by my other relative and myself. We were relentless!

2 years ago
Reply to  Linda N

Linda, I appreciate your intentions and effort. However, I have no compassion for your practicing doctor. I am in IT, and most times have as much or more knowledge than the people I am dealing with. However, if they tell me something is not working correctly, it is my job to examine and research to make an informed decision on what they have outlined. If I did not do this, I would not have a job for very long. And in my field, it is never a case of life or death.
I am sure somewhere in the course of a medical degree, the concept of acquired immunity was taught. How can it not occur to a doctor that this topic is not allowed to be discussed in regards to the current scenario, that everyone must be jabbed? Sorry to say, but I think your relative is incompetent. On top of that, he is advocating other people follow him in his incompetence, possibly to their maiming or death. It is a sad state of affairs all around.

Linda N
2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Thank you for your reply. If you noticed, however, I did not anywhere in my comment discuss compassion. I was solely discussing how hard it is to get through to physicians. Nor did I talk about the topic of acquired immunity not being allowed to be discussed. This extreme level of censorship is recent with the onset of Covid, but it has always been there in the medical profession. And it is there due to the intense level of brainwashing that occurs in medical school. You are dealing with a Nazi zombie state. If Medical School did not teach it, it cannot be true. Period. Medical school does not teach critical thinking. It teaches unquestioned compliance. And the in the last several decades the method of medical teaching change dramatically to even a more formula-based curriculum. If you see symptom A, go to B, and if you see B, go to C etc. NO critical thinking allowed! And I suspect Big Pharma had it’s hand in this as usual. Most of the funding for medical schools comes from Big Pharma through the universities.

Ever notice how much more obtuse some of the younger physicians are? It is not stupidity. It is brainwashing. And most of medical school is memorization anyway. Diagnose say, MS, give this drug. Doesn’t work, give next drug, etc. etc. etc. Give more of drug A, or add more of drug A and change drug B to drug C. Most physicians never ask WHY is this person sick. Why did they get MS. And they are taught nothing about nutrition at all.

I agree with you 100% on the issue of my younger practicing relative physician not only taking the death jab themselves, they are forcing their children to take it possibly to their maiming and death. It is horrific, and I am scared to death for the children especially. But they won’t even have the discussion. They are right and that is that.

Until maiming or death does happen “TO THEM” or their children, most physicians ARE totally convinced that all the relevant research was done (because that is what they are told), that these jabs are safe and effective, and the side effects are rare. Brainwashing again. Plus it is sadly inherent to human nature that once you have a career in something, challenging any of the concepts it taught might mean that maybe all or most of what you were taught was wrong, and you might be hurting people, and that is unthinkable.

I am not excusing it, or them. I just know how it goes. Witness the physicians profiled on this blog, who denigrated anyone who said anything against the jabs, and then died suddenly themselves! They were not suicidal. They were brainwashed!

2 years ago
Reply to  Linda N

At least yours listened! I had a friend lit scream at me to “send confirmation Pfizer has been approved, or never call me again!”
This combination of ignorance and arrogance will prove fatal.
I notice it’s greater among the wealthy and “highly educated.”
Reminds me that,
“The wisdom of man is foolishness to God.”

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
2 years ago

I am a Pakistani living in the UK. I want to inform you of what these so-called vaccines are doing to the British people. It is now evident to anyone with half a brain that these so-called vaccines are a lethal injection. In the last few months I have seen many people simply collapse in the street or supermarket. Most have seizures. I have with great distress watched many of my dear British friends become ill after taking the vaccine. They either have reoccurring infections or serious health problems like cancer. A few of my friends I know from the gym have simply disappeared. They told me they they had serious health problems. All were vaccinated. Are they dead? What alarms me is that most of my vaccinated friends are too stupid to figure out that it is the vaccines that have done this to them! Most were double-jabbed and most had their booster too!
I always thought the British were an intelligent nation. This so-called Covid-19 pandemic has revealed the terrible fault-lines in the general British population. I have always warned the British public that they have one of the most corrupt, controlled and dangerous mainstream media and news in the world. They would laugh at me. The whole objective of the mainstream media and news was to take critical thinking away from the British people. They have succeeded! I watched in horror as millions of Brits lined up for the killer jabs. I knew something wasn’t right as soon as the British government began to talk about mass Covid-19 vaccination of the British people. The British cannot see their critical thinking has been taken away from them. There is only one thing the British Royal family and the ruling elite of these nation want, and that is depopulation. The British Prime Minister is Boris Johnson. He is from the English aristocracy. His father Stan Boris wrote two famous books; The Population Problem and The Virus. Stan Boris openly stated he wants the UK population to drop to 25 million by 2025. The British cannot see the horrific and terrible crimes their government has inflicted on them. 90% of the British population is now vaccinated. I think Stan and Boris Johnson have their depopulation agenda well and truly in the bag. What has happened in the UK should be a warning to the world. A nation without critical thinking is a doomed nation.

2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

The west in general lacks critical thinking in almost every aspect. They have been told for the longest that they are the best but most of it was superficial. Most people here don’t how to survive without government. There are aspects of this attitude in 3rd world countries among the “educated” but the chickens are coming to roost now. I hate to see it but I have been saying this for a long time but I was laughed at and people called me backwards

2 years ago
Reply to  Anne

I tried warning folks about 10 years ago and they dismissed me. Now, some of them are finally seeing what I was saying, but they still have cognitive dissonance regarding it and just can’t believe it even though they see it. I guess they need to get their “believer” fixed. lol

At any rate, they get what they get for being so incredibly stubborn and unable to change. They earned it, so let whatever’s going to happen happen.

2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

All great points Omri. However, speaking as a yank looking from the outside in, I have to give credit where it’s due. I’ve seen vids of many Brits not just out protesting but even confronting vax clinics head on telling the workers they’re complicit in murder, showing them the Yellow Cards etc. As many as have fallen for the propaganda and mind control, there are many others who’re awake and trying to help wake up more people. The same goes for the US.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
2 years ago
Reply to  Van

Thank you Van for your feedback. Yes. you are quite right some Brits are awake to the true agenda. I too have been on many protests regarding these vaccines. However, only a tiny few of the Brits are awake. I went to a protest in January. I remember the Brits openly laughing at me. It did upset me. Unfortunately, this Covid-19 tragedy was just waiting to happen in England. This Covid-19 plan is the conclusion of almost 70 years of mainstream media brainwashing. The British trusted their mainstream media and government too much. It is irrelevant now if the Brits do fight back. As I said above 90% of Brits are vaccinated. The Brits have gone pass the point of no return.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

And now they are in just a dither because Queen Elizabeth tested positive and has “cold like symptoms.” How convenient now that the mandates are supposedly gone (I say supposedly because they will be back.)

2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

Not that it’s funny, but we’ll see who has the last laugh.

I tried far too long and wasted valuable time and energy on the stubborn, foolish muppets. I no longer do that and as far as I’m concerned they get what they get.

I/we only have so much energy/emotionally currency to spend, so we must spend it wisely. Those of us who are resourceful weathered this mess and can live to tell the story and see the horrific outcome of what happens when you don’t think.

That’s a lesson I will not forget!

John Brennan
John Brennan
2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

Thank you Omri for your observations and commentary. Many of my ancestors came to America from Ireland, victims of The Great Hunger, a British attempt to lower the burgeoning population of Irish Catholics. Proven by the Brits own documentation. Pakistan, once part of the British colony of India, was also a victim of British colonialism. Interesting that the descendants of persons displaced by the Empire, themselves unvaxxed, can observe the unfolding of a strange Karma now happening in England.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
2 years ago
Reply to  John Brennan

Thank you for your well said comment. It is worth pointing out here that Van above stated some Brits are fighting back in England. What she doesn’t know is that the white Brits who are storming the vaccine centres, clinics and hubs are all descendants of the Irish immigrants who came here in the late 1950s and beyond. England has the largest white underclass in Europe. This so-called underclass are descendants of the Irish immigrants. The mass protests I attend are arranged by white citizens from the Black Country of England. The Black Country has some of the most deprived areas in England. Most living here are of Irish origin. These Irish descendants can see what is happening because they have been the victim English oppression that still keeps them in a state of social deprivation. The highest vaccine uptake is in the affluent English middle class areas. The vaccination rate among the English middle class is 100%. The lowest Covid-19 vaccination rate is among the Pakistanis, deprived white council estates (descendants of Irish immigrants), Chinese and the East Europeans. Why? Because we have historically been wronged by the English. We know what oppression and fascism looks like. I have nothing against the ordinary English person. It is the English Royal Family and the ruling English aristocracy I have a gripe with. The problem with the common English man is he is proud of his history, culture, media and so-called British scientific advancements. The English view other cultures and political ideologies as very backwards and against ‘high culture’. The English for some reason think their great land is the beacon of democracy and high culture. In reality the English are living in a fairy land of make beliefs. The mainstream media and news has dangerously removed the English from the true reality. The average middle class English man will never convert to the believe that his mainstream media is lying to him. The problem here is the English cannot distinguish between actual news and propaganda. They blindly accept anything their mainstream media tells them. Their lack of critical thinking has been fatal.

Keith Bayliss
Keith Bayliss
2 years ago
Reply to  John Brennan

The irony of those descended from those who colonised the modern-day United States lecturing the British on colonialism. And in the English language, on a computer and on the worldwide web (all British inventions) too.

Peter Dobkins
Peter Dobkins
2 years ago
Reply to  John Brennan

Your post neatly sums up the reason the Irish and Americans are no longer taken seriously, and indeed the latter are loathed across much of the world.

2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

Omri Hussain, thank you for your comment. I’m going to share your insights with some of my family members, one of whom has had two shots. So far, because of my sister’s and my continuous slamming him with the truth—from posts on this blog to obituary notices to whistleblower testimonies, etc.,—he has (we think) not gotten the booster. Being a NYC teacher in his early 40s surrounded by academia types, it’s no wonder that he fell prey to the false narrative. Still, I don’t excuse him. Because he should’ve known better. Because he was raised to have critical thinking skills. Which, as you point out, the British people as a whole no longer have.

I hate to say it, but most of the people I’m surrounded by here in New York State also lack critical thinking skills. Most have been injected. And as Anne points out in her comment: “the west in general lacks critical thinking in almost every aspect.”

2 years ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

Very insightful comment. Thanks so much for sharing.

Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

This article even so serious made me smile. It in many ways is with humor while addressing a serious issue. As I have not watched television for over 10 years, (and no I was not with Joe the bunker!) I am likely missing out on a lot of idiocy.

2 years ago

People in our CA valley could stand to skip breakfast and lunch as well. 75% of them are overweight or obese. But they wear face diapers while grocery shopping. Dialysis clinics have popped up everywhere these last few years.

Frank Collette
Frank Collette
2 years ago

I only ever took thirds or quarters and always waited at least 3 days in between, but one holiday in Bali me and a friend had blue meanies every night for a week. However I only space cadetted for a few seasons with years in between those seasons. I wouldn’t say on the doorstep of insanity but definitely out there in space.

But I reckon there is some truth to the these warnings about heart attacks.

When I got spike proteins from my neighbour soup she gave me, I had chest pains for a week or so, and I never had chest pains ever, and now they have since gone altogether. Everyday I ride a bicycle along a regular route, and can easily gauge my heart health by my speed and comfort/discomfort, as I ride fairly fast for my age, and know when something is wrong by this method.

So during that chest pain couple of weeks period, I struggled to ride fast and felt disorientated and stressed. I also had to stop reading The COVID Blog as the sadness, fear and emotion of the stories worsened any chest pains I was having. I’m ok now!

So emotions can trigger a heart attack, and strokes often have a very stressful moment component.

They should be telling people to take cbd oil or relax to some music and avoid media. A lot of movies can worsen heart health too, esp horror and thriller, can be killer.

I’m a big fan of rooibos tea, really good for stress.

Dhiego Verona
Dhiego Verona
2 years ago

Here in the media it has already appeared that having sex causes a heart attack, that drinking juice leads to a heart attack… among other ridiculous things.

We who already know what the mainstream media is like, even laugh at these fake news, now the unsuspecting, if they don’t realize how corrupt the media is, they won’t wake up anymore. Zero credibility from mainstream media.

404 Not Found
404 Not Found
2 years ago

Doctors have warned of the danger of heart attack from shoveling snow for decades, since long before any globalist planner ever dreamed of Covid. Unlike the other three examples given, there is nothing ridiculous about it. However, I can see how it’s being trotted out to try to normalize vax-induced heart attacks.

2 years ago

All I know is I prayed and asked God if I should get the shot. I got a quick loud no. So no vax for me. Still I know my God is amazing and can neutralize poison so I’m constantly begging him to do so for my family who took the shot before I could even say a word to them. Just ran out and got it. What else can I do? It’s heartbreaking since my dad got one of the most poisonous shots on the bad batch list. He’s been suffering for a year.

2 years ago
Reply to  Candace

If you had to ask God if you should take the shot or not, it means you are not really “there” yet. Hey, the longest journey always begins with one step.

Frank Collette
Frank Collette
2 years ago

Its a form of divining to ask god. Fervent prayer done right often works too, if it aligns with the master plan.

2 years ago

I noticed in the ad about kids that it said “when” your child has a heart attack, not “if”.

2 years ago
Reply to  JustTheFacts

Terrifying, right? I have three adult children. Not one of them has ever even entertained the idea of getting the jab. I’ve done a lot of things wrong as a parent, but I’m so thankful that are all blessed with critical thinking skills.

2 years ago

“But ultimately, only the densest, most obsequious sheep in the world listen to the foregoing organizations. ” Just described all the idiots in my family.

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