Mockingbird Media: Hotez vs. Rogan, Titan submarine distract world from heinous crimes, happenings and omissions; reveal uncomfortable truths nobody wants to talk about
July 3, 2023

The general rule of thumb when dealing with Mockingbird mainstream media, which now include Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, etc. is quite simple. Whenever they are coordinated with the same AI-type, scripted messaging about anything, that means psy-op, propaganda, interference or a combination of all three.

Global mainstream media are literally controlled by eight people, despite Americans, Germans and others facing common law and/or statutory punishments for pointing out that indisputable fact (more on this in a bit).

This blogger worked in mainstream media in the 1990s and early 2000s. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 was the beginning of the end of independent, unbiased mainstream media. Internet and social media sealed the deal. Those working in newsrooms, production studios, etc. could feel the changes happening in real-time in the late 1990s.

There’s always the subtle and not so subtle (i.e. Fox News) controlled opposition that serve the purpose of maintaining the appearance of balanced, fair, and unbiased news and other programming. Mainstream media are now the real-life Ministry of Truth in George Orwell’s 1984.

Some of the most common Newspeak terms of 2023 are COVID-19/long COVID (fake viral diseases), woke (a false equivalency between all things liberal, Black American, and homosexual culture), MAGA (false equivalency of all things Trump and political conservatism), and jab/jabbed (formerly a straight forward punch in boxing prior to 2021, now means “receive[d] the injections”). It’s all getting deeper than that by the day.

Calling a man a man or a woman a woman in Michigan will be a felony punishable by up to five years in prison, if a state house bill is signed into law. The latest iteration of the homosexual alphabet acronym is 2STNBGD, which was formerly LGBTQIA2S+. It’s so silly that even the most hardcore degeneracy faithful cannot pronounce it correctly.

The foregoing terms move the Mockingbird meter, and are repeated ad nauseum. They usurp rational discussions and activate tribalism in the masses. It works, and works well. But when coordinated messages and omissions go beyond just trigger words, you know something more is happening behind the scenes of The Great Reset.

RELATED: Aliens, artificial intelligence and augmented reality – the triad of trickery reinforcing tribal political loyalty, rendering the global vaccine genocide invisible (February 18, 2023)


It’s a sad day when rape is now a political weapon instead of a heinous crime. Any woman can accuse any man of sexual assault in 2023, destroy said man’s life, and receive money and attention from toxic feminists. This blogger even had to call out the “E. Jean Carroll Law” passed in New York specifically so the namesake victim could sue Donald Trump.

They tried everything to keep Bill Cosby behind bars (and now there are nine more women trying to cash in on allegations from 1979). Mainstream media, however, are not covering the latest high-profile #MeToo case because it doesn’t fit the narrative.

Actor Jonathan Majors is one of those Hollywood tools that this blogger is forced to wear his journalism hat to report the facts (like the E. Jean Carroll Law). But from a personal perspective, people who do stuff like this for money get what they deserve.

This February 2023 cover photo from Ebony magazine is just the tip of the iceberg.

Majors, 33, is best known for his roles in the Marvel Cinematic Universe media franchise and the movie “Creed III.” He was arrested on March 25 in New York for allegedly beating his girlfriend, Grace Jabbari. Majors became the face and target of #MeToo for 2023, that is until last week.

Jabbari’s story completely unraveled last week due to surveillance videos from bars, photos, body cam footage, etc. She fled to the U.K., as New York Police seek to arrest her on assault charges. She’s the actual alleged abuser, not Majors. But the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office (Alvin Bragg) does not want to pursue the charges against Jabbari.

RELATED: Tracey Spicer: 54-year-old triple-vaxxed #MeToo Australian television personality blames “long COVID” for her pericarditis, deteriorating health (April 27, 2022)


Majors still faces trial on misdemeanor assault charges on August 3. But based on the evidence already presented, he’s likely to be acquitted. Men must film and record themselves with new love interests for at least a year these days until you’re comfortable with her not being crazy. Mockingbird media were trashing Majors and all men in unison just a few months ago. Now they are silent in unison.

The whole #MeToo thing is important to the overall depopulation agenda, as it makes men hesitant to even approach women at all, thus slowing procreation. All mainstream media have one purpose in 2023 – to coverup the depopulation agenda, especially the vaccine genocide. The silent story of drag clown Scott Coker Free is yet another reminder that the vaccine genocide isn’t just about deaths.

The 55-year-old San Francisco man is at least triple-vaxxed, based on Facebook and Instagram posts.

He suffered a heart attack on May 24, and now must get both of his hands amputated due to the damage. Mr. Free also lost the use of his feet. But it’s unclear if his feet will also be amputated.

RELATED: Jummai Nache: 47-year-old Minnesota woman gets both legs and hands amputated after severe Pfizer mRNA adverse reactions (July 26, 2021)


And speaking of drag clowns, homosexuals marched naked with children through New York City on June 23, chanting “we’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children.”

The chant was derived from a 2021 song by a San Francisco homosexual choir. Mainstream media quickly coordinated to “splain” their way out of the chant.


If the injections don’t kill you, they will maim you to the point that your life is forever altered; to the point that you are no longer a normally-functioning person. Mainstream media accelerate their distraction campaigns as the casualties increase. That also means controlled opposition becomes more important in the grand propaganda scheme.

Hotez elevated by Rogan; and has something in common with many Rogan guests

As alluded to earlier, it’s perfectly okay and even encouraged in the United States to say 72% of the NBA and 56% of the NFL consist of Black American players. Thus it should not be surprising that Colin Kaepernick started the kneeling for National Anthem thing in the NFL, and the NBA followed suit.

Tucker Carlson, Fox News and Trump fans/audiences are 65% White American; thus terms and concepts like “critical race theory,” “white replacement theory,” “Trump derangement syndrome,” etc. naturally are born and incubated in those environments.

But god forbid you point out that 80% of NBA team owners are Ashkenazi Zionists, 90% of NFL team owners are Ashkenazi Zionists, that 90% of television and social media top executives are Ashkenazi Zionist, etc. We’re also not supposed to point out that 90% of the people behind the R&D, production and distribution of the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA injections are Zionist Ashkenazis.

RELATED: Are COVID-19 injections the “ethno-bomb” Israel began developing in the late 1990s? (January 17, 2022)


By the same logic that the NBA and NFL are #BLM centered, and Fox News and Carlson fans are white MAGA havens, Zionists are the same way leveraging their agendas. All mainstream media personalities are part of the club. They have to be, or they wouldn’t have their multi-million dollar jobs. Nobody is paid millions of dollars to tell truth. They are following orders. That includes Joe Rogan.

We’ve often wondered why Rogan is allowed to exist on a mainstream platform like Spotify, and allowed to garner tens of millions of followers. Thanks to a young man who goes by “Leather Apron Club” (“LAC”) on YouTube, we have a solid theory to explain Rogan’s apparent immunity.

LAC compiled a list of all guests who have ever appeared on Rogan’s podcast through September 2022. The data showed that 20% of all Rogan guests, 22% of comedians, 20% of scientists, and 42% of Rogan’s political guests, were/are Zionists (“Jewish”). Those numbers are way disproportionate because said group comprises only 2% of the total U.S. population. The estimates are low and could be upwards of 15% higher since a lot of Zionists hide their backgrounds for whatever reasons.

A 10-minute video by LAC breaking down the data is below.

LAC did a follow-up video a month later. He crunched the data for Rogan’s 25 guests since the first video; and 40% of those guests were Zionists. All the perceived “anti-vaxxer” stuff notwithstanding, Rogan was also able to get away with saying Zionists love money in February; and he didn’t get de-platformed. Only fellow Zionists are allowed to say things like that in the U.S. and face zero career or otherwise consequences.

RELATED: Tiffany Dover Is Dead: Declassified 1944 CIA manual outlines government, mainstream media manipulation tactics, as artificial intelligence and performance art blurs lines between reality and theater (April 18, 2023)


Zionist Roseanne Barr said on a podcast last week, “nobody died in the Holocaust. That’s the truth. It should happen. Six million Jews should die right now cause they cause all the problems in the world.” There’s been no ad nauseum, coordinated burning at the stake of Barr, like what Kanye West and Kyrie Irving endured (the latter whom neither did or said anything wrong).

Zionist Joan Rivers faced no public hanging either after her 2013 joke about “pushing Jews into the ovens.” Rogan is receiving the same preferential treatment. His show has a disproportionate number of Zionist guests, and thus maintains their narratives and ideals without drawing much attention to it. Rogan’s recent spat with yet another Zionist guest is all part of this controlled opposition plan.

Dr. Peter Hotez is a paid shill, Texas-based vaxx zealot Zionist virologist. He published a book in 2018 entitled Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachel’s Autism. The book blames #ABV for his daughter’s condition.

Hotez told truth about potential COVID vaccines at a March 5, 2020 House Science, Space, and Technology Committee Hearing on Coronavirus. He spoke about the “unique potential safety problems” of mRNA injections and literally spoke about recipients developing antibody dependent enhancement (ADE).

RELATED: Massive meta-analysis finds definitive link between autism spectrum disorder and gender dysphoria; “vaccines” were the catalysts that precipitated it all (December 29, 2022)


ADE is considered “conspiracy theory” by mainstream media, and was first introduced to this blogger by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny in early 2021. Hotez said that a vaccine being developed in 18 months would be way too fast because human volunteers would likely develop ADE (which many vaxx zealots call “long COVID”) or die, and the vaccines would need to be tweaked and/or scrapped altogether. Of course the injections were put on the market just nine months later.

TPTB got a hold of Hotez after the House hearing, and straightened him out.

Hotez has appeared on Rogan’s show twice – in March 2019 and in April 2020, just a few weeks after the House Committee hearing. But the recent drama started on June 17 when Hotez tweeted a article slamming Rogan for having Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as a recent guest.

Rogan offered Hotez $100,000 to come on the show and debate RFK, Jr. about vaccines. Hotez provided a non-answer to the challenge.

It’s been a seemingly-coordinated mainstream media poop show ever since that time, complete with celebrities and Twitter owner Elon Musk promoting the alleged Rogan vs. Hotez beef.

It does not appear that Hotez will make a third appearance on the Rogan podcast to debate RFK, Jr. But the alleged beef has enthralled tens of millions of people. The spat also reinforces the widespread belief among certain factions that Rogan and Musk are good guys on the side of truth. That’s exactly how controlled opposition works.

RELATED: 2024 Presidential Election determines who controls U.S. during pivotal 2025-2028 years of The Great Reset, while DeSantis, New York pass laws to facilitate their agendas (May 30, 2023)


The facts remains that Rogan has the most-watched podcast in the world, and has a lot of people from the same demographic as guests. He also gets away with stuff beyond “anti-vaxxer rhetoric” that nobody else in mainstream media would ever get away with, unless they are part of the club.

Make of all that what you will.

Mainstream media coverage of Titan “submarine” was interference, advertising for already-finished documentary?

Whether you get your news and entertainment from CNN, Facebook, YouTube, Fox News, or whatever, you could not avoid the movie-like, coordinated updates on the Oceangate Titan submersible implosion in the last couple weeks. Oceangate Expeditions hosted what was supposed to be an eight-day tour of the Titanic wreckage in its Titan underwater boat.

The boat was not a submarine. It was a submersible vessel that must be carried by a larger boat to its dive spot, dropped into the water, then recovered by the same bigger boat. In other words it’s not completely autonomous. Titan was 22-feet (6.7 meters) long and weighed about 11 tons (10,000 kg).

It could carry a maximum of five people, including the navigator. Titan had completed at least 24 previous expeditions prior to the fateful final one. Oceangate claimed that the Titan could go as deep as 13,000 feet (4,000 meters). That seems odd because the most durable Navy submarines can only go down to about 650 feet (200 meters) before risking implosion due to intense water pressure. The best Navy divers can go down to 2000 feet, while unmanned Navy vessels can go 20,000 feet deep. The Titanic wreckage is about 12,500 feet underwater.

Three billionaires and one of their kids paid $250,000 each to board the vessel, along with Oceangate CEO Stockton Rush.

From L-R, Hamish Harding, Shahzada Dawood, his son Suleman Dawood, Paul-Henri Nargeolet, and Stockton Rush.

Critical thinkers questioned the intelligence of the passengers because they paid a quarter-million dollars apiece to get on an underwater vessel that 1) passed zero safety inspections by government or independent assessors, and 2) was navigated by a video game controller.

Oceangate was warned in 2018 by the Maine Technology Society about potential “catastrophic outcomes” if they continued refusing independent inspections. Oceangate lied and said Boeing and the University of Washington helped design the Titan vessel. Both entities denied involvement in the project.

Long story short, the boat departed St. John’s, Newfoundland (Canada) aboard a larger vessel called MV Polar Prince on June 16. It arrived at the dive site about 36 hours later. The boat was then plunged into the ocean, kind of like a scuba diver. Passenger Harding posted an update via Facebook just before the boat went underwater.

Titan officially disembarked from Polar Prince at 9:30 a.m. Newfoundland time on June 18. Polar Prince lost contact with Titan at 11:15 a.m. When the boat failed to surface at its schedule 4:30 p.m. time, it was over.

RELATED: Joseph Philippe Laroche And Juliette Lafargue: The Real Rose And Jack In Titanic (January 19, 2015)


Mainstream media drew the story out for over a week, with the narrative being a countdown starting at “96 hours of oxygen left.” U.S. Navy sonar equipment heard the implosion right when it happened. But mainstream media milked this story dry, knowing all the passengers were already dead. And when you dig a little deeper, the story gets even crazier.

In layman’s terms, Titan’s 24 previous expeditions had the same effect on it as someone bending a wire or other soft metal back and forth 23 times until it breaks on the 24th bend. Titan imploded on itself due to the ocean’s pressure and its weakened body. The people onboard didn’t know what happened. They were gone instantly. There wasn’t much left as far as human remains in what little debris has been found. Now to the passengers.

Harding, 58, was a British billionaire based in the United Arab Emirates. His full name is George Hamish Livingston Harding. He was raised in Hong Kong. Harding was Rothschild rich, meaning nobody really knows much about him, including his actual net worth or how he got so rich. We couldn’t find anything about his parents, not even their names. We know that Harding holds three Guinness records for ocean travel. He also owned a company called Action Aviation. That’s about all we know.

Paul-Henry Nargeolet, 77, ominously stated in a 2019 Irish Examiner article:

“If you are 11m or 11km down, if something bad happens, the result is the same. When you’re in very deep water, you’re dead before you realize that something is happening, so it’s just not a problem.”

Nargeolet was born in France, but lived in Connecticut and Dutchess County, New York. He was the program director for RMS Titanic, Inc. since 1987. The company’s mission is to “preserve the memory of the Titanic.” Nargeolet was said to have a net worth of around $1.5 billion. He was in the French Navy for 20 years. It’s unclear how he made his money.

Shahzada Dawood, 48, and his son Suleman, 19, were from Pakistan, but lived in London. The family owns three of the largest companies in Pakistan: Dawood Hercules Corporation and its subsidiaries Engro Corporation and EmpiricAI. The companies deal in everything from petroleum to food and information technology; and had total assets over $4 billion in 2020. Just like Nargeolet and Harding, Dawood is absent from Forbes’ list of 2,640 billionaires published in April. CEO Rush, who also died on Titan, was worth about $30 million.

We’ve heard and read everything from these guys faking their deaths (which they could easily afford to do), to being offed by TPTB a la Epstein for plotting something big in secrecy and/or knowing too much about others in the club. We’re not speculating further there.

What we will say is that Independent Television News (ITN) in the U.K. produced a documentary entitled “Titanic Sub: Lost At Sea” that aired on Channel 5 on June 22, the same day the passengers were officially declared dead. The documentary was first announced on June 21. Granted Channel 5 is known for tacky, tabloid-like programming. But it’s interesting how they got this out so fast; like they already knew the outcome, a la the BBC reporting that World Trade Center 7 had collapsed before it actually collapsed.

It’s also strange that Brian Szasz, Harding’s stepson, was posting photos on Facebook at a Blink 182 concert in San Diego on the same day, and after the whole world knew, that his stepdad and the others were missing. The posts have since been deleted. Szasz was also flirting with an OnlyFans porn woman on Twitter while the search was still ongoing.

Then there’s the Cardi B thing (note this blogger had never heard this woman’s voice until now, like he never heard Ben Shapiro’s voice before writing this article. His voice sounded fake and so does hers. But readers confirmed that was Shapiro’s real voice. If this Cardi B voice is fake, and this blogger was duped by AI, then apologies). She criticized Szasz on June 22 for his strange behavior while his stepdad was missing at sea.

Szasz, who is a 36-year-old man but sounds like a 14-year-old spoiled brat, responded to Cardi B on Twitter.

Szasz has since deleted his entire Twitter account. For the record, this guy is a complete nutcase. He’s an admitted alcoholic, and just got out of prison in February after two years for stalking women and reportedly threatening a mass shooting online.

The Daily Mail reported that Szasz committed a string of armed robberies in 2007, but was never prosecuted because he’s rich. That all said, this person was not acting like someone who was about to lose his stepdad, the man who apparently raised him and bought his way out of trouble until 2021.

There’s also Stockton Rush’s widow. Wendy Rush is the great-great granddaughter of Isidor and Ida Straus, two of the wealthiest people aboard the Titanic when it sank. They are apparently depicted as the older couple lying in bed while the Titanic was filling with water in the 1997 James Cameron-produced movie.

Oceangate is either completely tone deaf, money hungry or just plain dumb. The company is already advertising its next expedition in 2024. It’s unclear if Oceangate has another submersible in the waiting.

It’s also interesting (and crazy coincidental) that a fishing boat carrying upwards of 750 Pakistanis, Egyptians and Syrians capsized about 50 miles (80 km) from Greece on June 14. The boat had a maximum capacity of 400 people. At least 82 people are confirmed dead as of today, with hundreds more still missing. Around 104 people survived and were taken to Greece.

It’s the same type of disaster as the Titan submersible, and happened around the exact same time. But this is likely the first time most readers are even hearing about this. One incident had a purpose for TPTB. The other did not. The capsized boat would have blurred the interference, which leads us to the incidents that TPTB are trying to gloss over.

Ukraine gets more free money, most heinous mass shooting of 2023, and Bill Gates malaria in the U.S.

First, here is the video of Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh from June 20, splaining how Ukraine just received an extra $6.2 billion of U.S. taxpayer money out of thin air.

So to translate, Singh said a “misvaluation” and “valuation errors” (basically “oops, my bad” boo-boos) from 2021 and 2022 resulted in a $6.2 billion surplus in funds that will be spent on “future security packages” for Ukraine. Illegal immigrants and Ukraine remain the top priorities of U.S. government, in lieu of helping struggling American citizens. But most Americans were too busy with Rogan/Hotez/Titan news to give Ukraine a second thought.

Gun violence is like apple pie and Uncle Sam in the United States. Mainstream media pick and choose the mass shootings they highlight based on tribal divide and conquer potential (e.g. Chicago shootings, shootings by immigrants, shootings involving homosexual victims, etc.). There were 41 mass shootings from June 15 to July 1, more than two per day, according to the Gun Violence Archive. But the most heinous one of 2023 thus far was barely covered by mainstream media.

Chad Doerman, of Monroe Township, Ohio, lined up his 7, 4 and 3-year-old sons on June 15, and executed all of them in front of their mother and stepsister.

Chad Doerman at his June 16 bond hearing. Bond was set at $20 million.

Doerman, 32, admitted to first shooting 4-year-old Hunter inside their home. Clayton, 7, tried running for his life out the door. Doerman shot him in the back while he was running. He dragged Clayton back to the front yard, and shot him two more times in the head. Doerman then ripped 3-year-old Chase out of his mother’s arms, and shot him. The mother was shot in the hand trying to protect her last living son.

Clayton, Hunter and Chase.

Doerman admitted to prosecutors that he had planned the triple-murder for months. Here is the video from Doerman’s bond hearing, where prosecutors detail the crimes.

Everyone knows exactly what you’re talking about when you say Uvalde (victims were kids), Sandy Hook (victims were kids), Pulse Nightclub (victims were homosexuals), Columbine (victims were kids), etc. because mainstream media will never let us forget.

But the Google news feed (as of July 1) has only two stories about Doerman from June 29, and several more from at least seven days ago. In other words, the story is already being buried. Mass shootings happen everyday in the U.S. But this one practically being ignored, with three victims under age 8, who were the shooter’s sons, makes zero sense.

Doerman pleaded not guilty to 21 counts, including nine counts of aggravated murder, despite already confessing to the crimes. His bond was revoked at the arraignment hearing. A pretrial hearing is scheduled for July 5. Ohio is one of 24 U.S. states with the death penalty, which prosecutors said they will pursue for Doerman. A GoFundMe page is collecting funds for the mother and daughter.

And as horrible as those two crimes are ($6.2 billion larceny from U.S. taxpayers and a father murdering his three sons), neither of those is likely the reason for all the interference in the past few weeks.

RELATED: Missouri HB 1169 would force meat, food producers to label products that utilize mRNA vaccines in animals, while lobbyists and billionaires fight to stop the bill from becoming law (April 18, 2023)


Bill Gates and his ex-wife planned, funded and executed the so-called pandemic, subsequent vaccine genocide, the Polio vaccine genocide in Africa, and the global food crisis for TPTB. These creatures are Satan-incarnate. They get sexual pleasure from mass murder since they got none from each other.

Bill got some of his sexual pleasure from Epstein Island; and now a recent report revealed that Epstein was about to expose Gates’ extracurriculars right before he was murdered committed suicide in prison (or was secretly transported back to Israel, or whatever). Epstein was also reportedly Gates’ money manager for years. Again, billionaires will off each other if one gets out of line and violates the secret code.

Epstein and Gates were peas in a pod, similar to Trump and Epstein, Bill Clinton and Epstein, etc. Epstein loved killing kids with rape. Gates loves killing everyone via vaccines and poisonous frankenfoods. And now Gates’ latest genocidal endeavor is taking hold, albeit quietly for now.

Gates has funded the Melbourne, Australia-based World Mosquito Program to the tune of $123 million over the past 10 years. The program is responsible for a mosquito factory in Medellín, Colombia that reportedly breeds 30 million GMO mosquitos every week.

The stated goal of the GMO mosquitos is to breed with native mosquitos that spread dengue, zika and other diseases; and render the native mosquitos sterile by infecting them with a bacteria called Wolbachia.

A British biotech company called Oxitec also produces GMO mosquito. The company is also funded by Bill Gates, to the tune of $18 million in 2022 alone. That’s in addition to at least $1.6 million Gates gave Oxitec in 2020.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, along with Florida state regulators (under Governor Ron DeSantis’ control), approved the release of millions of Oxitec GMO mosquito into Florida in the summer of 2020. California was also approved for the program. But the liberal state legislators there forced Oxitec to withdraw the program in May, before the GMO mosquitos were released.

Coincidentally or otherwise, four mosquito-transmitted malaria cases were reported in Sarasota County, Florida last week. One case was reported in Texas. Reports say all of the victims “are recovering.” These are the first mosquito-transmitted cases of malaria in the United States since 2003.

Mainstream media “fact checkers” quickly came to Gates’ defense, saying he has nothing to do with this. Even Elon Musk’s Twitter Notes defended Gates.

That all means Gates is fully and 100% responsible for all of this.

Malaria is not some phony COVID-19 disease. It kills one child somewhere in the world every two minutes, according to the World Health Organization. Normal malaria cannot be spread from person-to-person. But this Florida and Texas malaria is GMO malaria created by Bill Gates.

Normal mosquitos can only fly upwards of 3-7 miles from where they hatch, with one species being capable of flying up to 100 miles. But again, these Florida mosquitos are GMO mosquitos. We have no idea what these things are capable of. To nobody’s surprise, there is only one malaria vaccine in the world approved for use, called RTS,S/AS01, or Mosquirix. We don’t even need to tell you who funded its research and development.

We’ll be following this story very closely.

And that’s still not all

The Sackler family consisted of brothers Arthur, Mortimer and Raymond. They are Zionists who are always specifically identified as such in Israel media.

They grew up in 1930s Brooklyn, New York. The Sacklers acquired Purdue Pharma in 1952. The company is best known for manufacturing the pain killer Oxycontin and getting millions of Americans addicted to it. Purdue Pharma was owned and operated by the three brothers’ kids and grandkids, until recently. The Sacklers made untold billions selling Oxycontin for decades, and are responsible for the “opioid crisis” in the U.S. Purdue Pharma encouraged doctors to prescribe Oxycontin in exchange for gifts and favors.

Purdue Pharma has been criminally convicted twice (2007 and 2020) for fraud and kickback conspiracies. None of the Sacklers were ever held personally liable. But they were back in the news in late May. The Sacklers agreed to buy their way out of trouble in a September 2021 bankruptcy proceeding. The family agreed to pay $4.3 billion in exchange for immunity from hundreds of lawsuits.

House Democrats had introduced a law called the “Stop shielding Assets from Corporate Known Liability by Eliminating non-debtor Releases Act” or the “SACKLER Act” in March 2021. The bill garnered 63 cosponsors, all Democrats, despite Republicans always being the loudest ones apparently wanting to fight the opioid crisis. The SACKLER Act was referred to a House Judiciary Subcommittee eight months later, and has been stuck there ever since.

RELATED: Elizabeth Holmes: founder of fraudulent pharma firm Theranos sentenced to 11 years in prison (November 23, 2022)


A New York federal district judge struck down the Purdue/Sackler settlement in December 2021, ruling that corporations and their owners cannot be granted immunity from lawsuits via bankruptcy proceedings. The settlement number was increased to $6 billion in March 2022 after mediation with several state attorneys general. But the deal still had to be approved by a bankruptcy judge and affirmed by an appeals court. Fast forward 14 months.

The Second Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, very quietly, reversed the district judge’s decision on May 30. A three-judge panel ruled that Purdue Pharma would become Knoa Pharma, owned by an entity called the National Opioid Abatement Trust, which is controlled by Purdue creditors. The Second Circuit also ruled that the Sacklers can be shielded from liability from all current and future civil litigation related to Purdue. The $6 billion settlement was affirmed.

The ruling did not shield the Sacklers from criminal liability. But don’t expect any prosecutors to have the guts to charge them. The case is likely to go to the U.S. Supreme Court or to an en banc Second Circuit hearing (all of the judges) because the Fifth, Ninth and Tenth Circuits have banned similar liability releases via bankruptcy court.

Zionist media made certain to remind us all that their people can buy their way out of anything.

Like Joe Rogan, this blogger has also wondered how Dr. Drew Pinsky’s show continues to exist on YouTube when he’s constantly questioning vaccine safety. Like the Rogan situation, Pinsky is a Zionist himself and thus immune from any career or otherwise backlash.

If we’re being 100% honest, even Alex Jones was left alone for the most part until he divorced his ex-wife Kelly in 2015. It could be sheer coincidence. But the Pizzagate notice of claim, Chobani yogurt lawsuit, Charlottesville lawsuit, and all the Sandy Hook lawsuits came after the divorce.

No disrespect to Kelly, who strikes this blogger as a decent human being. But…

Again, you’re not supposed to talk about these things unless you’re okay with being labeled antisemitic and/or being cancelled/killed for pointing out obvious observations and facts. But it is what it is, and must be reported by any and all journalists with integrity.

Who knows if the next plandemic will involve malaria and its Gates vaccines. But it’s incredibly coincidental that a powerful U.S. court just shielded big pharma billionaires from personal civil liability, similar to how Congress shields vaccine manufacturers from liability.

This happened as malaria just appeared in the U.S. for the first time in 20 years. We can expect more Titan submarine-like coordinated media stories, and more phony controlled opposition to the lethal injections, as the groundwork for the second genocide (2025 to 2029) appears to be in the works.

The only truth right now is within yourself. There is nobody out there making millions of dollars telling you the truth because they want too. They are well-paid, well-disguised henchmen for TPTB. It’s all a game, and nobody can be trusted. And as the vaccine genocide deaths continue piling up, the subterfuges will accelerate and get more elaborate.

The COVID Blog® will continue trying to be the voice of reason through all the interference for as long as possible. But few people on Earth appreciate truth. Thus support dwindles and attacks increase. As long as this blogger is breathing, these reports will keep coming.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog® book here.


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1 year ago

Yowser. This article read like a Fast and Furious car chase scene. Carnage everywhere…..

1 year ago

Well, we certainly hope you keep breathing Brian. The ranks of journalists with any integrity are getting smaller every month.

Oliver Cromwell
Oliver Cromwell
1 year ago

You are on to something . They may not be Ashkenazi but probably zionist . Felix Drzenzsky the founder of the Checka ,murdered one of his sisters when he was fourteen. His father was a zionist nobleman from Poland. His mother a devout romanist. Type in Jesuit Drama encyclopedia Britanica. Hebrew was a completely dead language until the early 19th century when academia fictitiously resurrected it. the Havara agreement Hitler made when Germany was failing economically. The dragon swept a third of the Stars from heaven and the angel ABBADON WAS GIVEN THE KEYS TO THE BOTTOMLESS PIT. Light and sound. Simply roll the IHS symbol over and you will see a sword being inserted in a rectum. Georgetown University produces about 90 percent of the earths politicians. Hitler was not German , he was Austrian. Austrians to this day denounce being German.

1 year ago

I learned about 7 years ago that Alex Jones was part of the occult organization of control. So, I just automatically figured Joe Rogan and even Robert F. Kennedy, Jr serve the same master.

There’s information out there of Kennedy promoting shots and safe shots. Personally, I don’t think a safe shot exits, but I’m sure it’s possible to make them safer.

As a result, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if/when any of the talking heads I mentioned start flipping the script on unsuspecting folks. Just my $.02 and a heads up!

1 year ago

Rogan is a Jewish surname.

Mick Domingo
Mick Domingo
1 year ago
Reply to  Kevin


1 year ago
Reply to  Kevin

Yes. He even said in one of his podcasts that he was Jewish. You need to be really naive to believe that Joe Rogan is alternative media. I have never heard of any alternative media journalist making 150 millions dollars. Joe Rogan is just following a script. The objective is control the narrative that leads nowhere.

Boss Hoggman
Boss Hoggman
1 year ago
Reply to  Godom

His ancestry is Italian Irish. He had one Irish grandparent which is where the name Rogan comes from. It from the Gaelic O’Ruadhagain (red head). he was raised Roman Catholic.

1 year ago
Reply to  Boss Hoggman

As I understand it, Rogan is married to a jewess, which makes his kids . . . Tribe.

To quote an actual funny Irish American: ‘It’s a big club, folks, and you ain’t in it.’.

1 year ago

Thanks Brian! RE: Jones…naming his show “InfoWARS” was a clue, since Zionists live for WAR. The other clue that I noticed recently was the skull in the foreground of his set as the camera pans in. Others noticed it too, so much so that he had some ‘splainin to do.

Check it out.

Silky Anteater
Silky Anteater
1 year ago
Reply to  Cyd

Shouldn’t Mr. Jones and Infowars be bankrupt from their $1 billion Bandy Book lawsuit? The fact they are still on the air tells you which side they are on.

Jill G.
Jill G.
1 year ago

They also are planning on releasing these mosquitoes in Hawaii….

1 year ago

Limit your time spent on your phone, in front of your TV and on social media. Actually go out and live life not watch someone else’s. You will be happier.

1 year ago

It’s amazing how fast people will close ranks against you when you name the jew. Just like we are conditioned to never question vaccines, if you name the jew you are a leper.

1 year ago

Nice that you call out the Ashkenazi rulers, because they are not used to it. They make their move sneaky. Steralization and Cancer is the consequence. To bad for them we caught them. We better stop them or we will all be poisoned.

1 year ago

Reading your take on the submersible reporting was enlightening. How can the masses focus on American liberty and vaccination deaths when there’s a good story about children trapped in a cave or billionaires blowing out of a submarine near the Titanic ???

I think Dr. Fauci would be excellent submarine captain given his stature and wisdom.

1 year ago

There was a lot going on in the world during this OceanGate (already has Gate) fiasco. Distraction?It is suggested that there is too much interest in Titanic exploration because the truth maybe discovered. The Titanic (actually the Olympic) was intentionally sunk to kill those that opposed the implementation of the Federal Reserve. Some of those that were for it actually canceled at the last minute. Just like Lucky Larry Silverstein didn’t go to work that ONE day on 9/11. And he was paid handsomely.
And there was a book called The Wreck of the Titan that was written in 1898 before the Titanic sunk. They often take ideas from books.

1 year ago
Reply to  Esmerelda

Yes! I was thinking the same thing while reading this. White Star Line (Titanic, Olympic) was owned by JP Morgan (JP Morgan Chase Bank) one of the advocators and founders of the federal reserve bank that’s gotten all of us in these planned “financial crisis” post its inception December 22, 1913. The Straus’ were vehemently against the formation of a central bank in the U.S. and had gathered with other members of prominent wealthy families aboard the Titanic to ensure they could take the time to meet and discuss stopping the bank’s formation (Benjamin Guggenheim and John Jacob Astor IV). JP Morgan was supposed to be on board the ship but skipped the voyage at the last minute along with his friend he tipped off (Milton Hershey) a la Larry Silverstein. He claimed he was too sick to travel but caught photographed with his mistress. AshkeNAZI Zionist are too much smh. Definitely check out “The Titanic Exposed” 2021 documentary. I find it hard to believe in this video age that there is no video of the Titan 5 man crew setting off to voyage waving like the those that boarded the Challenger in 1986, just a last minute post from Harding. Hmmm… Another great article by The Covid Blog. Thank you, B! GOD bless and Stay breathing.

1 year ago

This article is a nuclear bomb of real talk. Your prose is excellent and essential reading for the multitude of problems to face in the contemporary age. Please don’t be shy to request donations if they are needed urgently Brian.

Sean O'Connor
Sean O'Connor
1 year ago

What happened to that guy from San Francisco with the black hands is the ultimate reminder of what I will never have intimate contact with anyone who got the jab. No blood or organ donations either. Whatever they got is dangerous

1 year ago
Reply to  Sean O'Connor

I hear that, Sean! Being jabbed with any vax…convid, flu, tetanus, etc… a no to me because I have no clue what is going on in your body so I make sure it has been many years since their last jab & I am sneaky about how I question them so they cannot lie. .

1 year ago

Man, the only thing I can say about the death jabs is… you brought this on yourself. The biggest red flag was the fact you had to sign away your rights to sue if something went wrong! You got exactly what you asked for… If you were harmed by the “vaccine”, then I have absolutely NO sympathy for you. The warning signs were there, you just CHOSE to ignore them for your virtue signaling. Had you just used your head, none of this would be happening now. In short… piss off… you made your choice, now live OR DIE with it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Expat

Exactly. These people did bring it on themselves. They chose to have the jab.

While all the people I knew who were going to take the jab we’re thinking, “Safe and Effective. Back to Normal. Light at the end of the Tunnel. Holidays to Spain”, I was constantly thinking, “I can’t sue the manufacturers if I suffer from a vaccine adverse reaction. Better not take it. And if I did want to go to Spain then I will wait for the inevitable lifting of restrictions”. But then again, what was the point of taking a vaccine for a virus with a -1% mortality rate, and didn’t stop you getting or transmitting the virus (and had the chance of taking away a limb or killing you in your sleep, etc…)?

“In short… piss off. you made your choice, now live OR DIE with it.”

I can’t stop laughing at this brilliant comment.

1 year ago
Reply to  Expat

I knew before they even brought the vaccine that is something I have to avoid at all cost.

I am a very intuitive person and also have different dreams and other things.

Problem was: I went all rage because we were forced. And it was so stupid and unfair.

i lost work lots of things. I am ok with my choice of course but still very much enraged because I lost years/fortune amd financial stability. It wasn’t that bad: I still traveled here and there not as bad as for others but I used my resources and still have debt. I will solve it but it is not fair!

when I mentioned to so many people: if it is safe and efective Why many get covid with it? Why you have to sign rights Away? They labelled me we know how. We were not allowed to ask very legitimate questions.

Logic was non existant.

With some exceptions (children, young, eldery in home care, parent that didn’t had option to feed their children but were not zealots plus aome other particular cases in some countriesI very much despice all the rest. They are either stupid or stupid. Lack critical thinking. And also bragging how smart they were.

I am not Happy for what is happening with them but aso I lnow that this is beneficial for Humanity for the NexT plandemic. The ones that arw now “awaken” I hope they will keep on be for the NexT threat. But as I see many will fall for the NexT scam so each less of them is better for us as they will not be able to make the critical mass needed to pull once again the same on us.

Also I know for sure that all those that were so much afraid to ignore vax was made with fetus arw not real believers. Not real Christians pr whatever because they didn’t trust G-od. They maybe are habotnics or whatever but they arw not connected as all of us that are received the message to stay Away. They dint trust the G-od plan but trusted Governments that arw not to be trusted thinking at how much harm they made in the last decades at least amd it is all public knowledge. They still didn’t trust G-od. So not trully believers

1 year ago

Let the proles have their wee distractions and entertainment. They have served their purpose: to get jabbed.

And don’t forget about the inevitable housing and banking crash coming. In the UK they are still rolling our mortgage moratoriums to those who can’t afford their mortgages, due to the rising interest rates.

1 year ago

In February of 2021 I received a leaflet in the post encouraging me to become jabbed from Health England, which I read carefully. On the cover were two middle-aged (i.e. over sixty) people smiling at each other. I read the booklet carefully. Towards the end it said ‘we do not yet know whether the jab will be effective or whether there will be any side-effects’. I have never received an update from Health England (which has now changed its name) explaining whether they now know whether the jab is or is not effective or as to whether it does or does not have side-effects. That did not however stop my local G.P.’s surgery phoning me firstly trying to sweet talk me into being jabbed but then when that failed attempting to frighten me and finally when that did not work insulting and abusing me.

1 year ago
Reply to  Opus

I have seen many pharmacies in my area shut their doors. It is very strange. Many of those pharmacies were located in food markets. Sometimes the entire market closed their doors. They are making a transition to fill prescription online or they know well about the side effects from the “vaccines” and quietly shut their doors so people do not have anyone to blame or complain about.

1 year ago
Reply to  Godom

Those dirty dirt bags know that they are complicit in harming and killing people with the shots and are hunkering in the bunker to avoid the angry public. Cowards. I saw a video awhile back on Twitter (before they started heavily censoring stuff) that showed an angry patient smashing a window in a doctor’s fancy car because he and his family were injured by the shots. It’s only going to get worse…

Uncomfortable Truth
Uncomfortable Truth
1 year ago

Not a lot wants to hear this truth, Zionists are the actual German Nazis, or were descendants of them. After World War 2 the NAZIs have labeled themselves as Jews (AshkeNAZI) to shield themselves for scrutiny and to project that they are the perpetually persecuted God’s Chosen People. These Demons are nothing like the original Canaanite Jews that grew up in the region of Palestinia and Babylon, who resembles the modern day Arabs. Remember, the British Government protected surviving Nazis in WW2 and found them and their families a stolen land in Jordan, aka “Partitioning” in what is now called Israel and Palestine from the brown folks that used to live there. Hence the ongoing conflict between Palestinians and the AshkeNAZI Zionists continues. The other top Nazi scientist and intellectuals and military top brass were shipped to the USA to be integrated (or infiltrated) into the US government and academia. Look up Operation Paperclip. NASA was created by the AshkeNAZIs and the other alphabet agencies were created by the minds in power of the US government by the you guess it, the AshkeNAZIs. Eg; FDA, CDC, NSA etc. The Federal Reserve, which prints money out of thin air were are also run and controlled by the AshkeNAZIs, as well as the IMF, and the all powerful BIS (Bank of International Settlements).

The founders and operators of the SPLC are also  AshkeNAZI or are married to one. If one is really interested in digging way deep down the rabbit hole, and who has been running and is in power of the USA government for decades, the roads of hell always points down to the AshkeNAZI Zionist Jews, aka actual NAZIs.

1 year ago

‘The Jews killed their own prophets, they killed Lord Jesus(their own Messiah) and they are the enemy of all mankind’

Hitler didn’t say that that, the Jew St Paul did (1 Thess 2:15). The ADL/sanhedrin would call him an anti-semite. They’d call Christ Himself one, their pride and arrogance knows no bounds.

We’re getting closer to end tmes, the similarities to Sodom and Gommorah are there. The Sacklers and their like will suffer for all eternity for their sins.

1 year ago
Reply to  adrian

One morning this last week I was cleaning the shower. It had been mostly cloudy outside. The light suddenly increased. Then it got very bright. My thought was, “damn it’s an airburst nuclear flash! And it’s gonna get extremely hot fast, and I can’t get out of the light fast enough….”

Then I realized what happened. The sun ‘came out from the clouds’ with full sunshine. At the same time, a small breeze blew the posterboard I use for a curtain in the bathroom window, out, the board slipping downward to fully expose the outdoor light. I’d opened the window to ventilate, preparing to use the bleach.

This is part of my thinking, though. It’s partly due to all the demonically controlled sociopaths in the governments and the M.I.C., who are pissing around with war between Russia, NATO, China, and America. They don’t love their children, re: the song by Sting circa 1985.

I also know from the Bible that a third of people will someday, and I think it’ll be any day now up to maybe 7 years at most, be killed by fire. Thermonuclear war can do that in 15 to 30 minutes. It demands a sobriety for serious spiritual evaluation of one’s life and priorities.

1 year ago

Great read, Brian, and I’m sure you’re up on the takes with the Challenger explosion back in ’86.

Don’t be surprised if, in a few years, you find out everyone on OceanGate had twin siblings.

1 year ago

Hi Bryan,

Love your blog been following from the beginning.

I am a cyclist, though aging at 66 I am not seeing fit cyclists dying. None in my local area of Wisconsin.

Me being unvaxxed am a pariah in the local cycling community. I know only 3 unvaxxed cyclists.

Yet all around me people are sick and dying. But not local cyclists.

My theory? Cyclists that are fit pump so much blood in their systems that the “whatever” in the vaxx doesn’t kill them.

What does this mean? Have no clue just wanted to report it.

What do I know?

Thanks for listening.


Two young European competitive cyclists die suddenly, another suffers heart attack at finish line in last two weeks (March 28, 2022)

Never forget Fauci
Never forget Fauci
1 year ago

My 2 cents on what’s going on the past 6 months is a psyops to make conservatives trust the government again, you have the budlight and target psyops making it “seem” as if conservatives are winning and “showing the man”, the government needs thr trust from conservatives because they need more suckers to join the army to join the meat grinder trenches of the front lines in Ukraine, God Bless Brian

9 months ago

Feel as if I’ve found a like mind. Wow. Good, honest stuff! Wish I had advice regarding the “split” …better word, “the rift” that still separates my two grown sons, both medical professionals in the SF Bay Area, both “fully vaxxed and in line for the next…from me, their unvaxxed “old man” … shame on me and my intuitions as this rolled out. I was “cancelled” by the oldest (attempted erasing) on my birthday for telling my youngest that the best birthday gift would be a promise to not get any more “vaccines”… I haven’t heard from either for two years. I raised them, loved them unconditionally and still do, damn it! I just told them what I felt, once. Once is all it took to stop communicating, altogether… I live 200 miles from them, in the redwoods. It’s like some kind of neutron-mind-control bomb went off and it’s effects didn’t reach me. I grieve. Pops

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