Two young European competitive cyclists die suddenly, another suffers heart attack at finish line in last two weeks
March 28, 2022

PHOTO CREDIT: Etienne Laurent.

The Tour de France is the most prestigious and treacherous multi-stage bicycle race in the world. The first one took place in 1903, and spanned 19 days and 1,509 miles (2,428 kilometers). Tour de France 2022 runs from July 1 to July 24, 2022, and spans 2,068 miles (3,328 kilometers). Needless to say, only the most well-trained and conditioned human beings can compete in something like that. Surely there is a long list of cyclists who have collapsed and/or died during the 118-year history of this race (with interruptions during World War I and II). But that is not the case.

Adolphe Hélière was the first recorded death at the Tour de France. The Frenchman died on July 14, 1910. Many accounts of the incident say he died from a jellyfish sting while swimming on a rest day after the sixth stage of the race. Francisco Cepeda was the second recorded death during the tour. The 29-year-old Spaniard crashed into a revine, and fractured his skull during the eighth stage of the tour on July 11, 1935. He died a short time later in a hospital.

Tom Simpson was the most successful British cyclist in the 1960s. He was climbing 6,000-foot Mont Ventoux in southern France during Stage 13 of the 1967 tour on July 13, 1967. Mr. Simpson, 29, had already shown signs of extreme fatigue in previous stages. But he refused to quit the race. He started zig-zagging near the peak of the mountain, before suddenly collapsing. He was pronounced dead a short time later. A July 31, 1967 Daily Mail article reported that Mr. Simpson died from heat, amphetamines and alcohol.

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Fabio Casartelli won a gold medal at the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona at the age of 22. He was well on his way to a long, successful career in professional cycling. But Mr. Casartelli crashed during the 15th stage of the Tour de France on July 18, 1995, and suffer several skull fractures. He died later that day. The International Cycling Union finally made helmets mandatory after the death of Kazakh cyclist Andrei Kivilev at the Paris-Nice race on March 11, 2003. He crashed and suffered severe head trauma.

Granted there are three major races in the cycling Grand Tour – Giro d’Italia, Tour de France, and Vuelta a España. But in 108 Tour de France’s spanning 118 years, four riders have died during the event. Three of the five total deaths listed herein probably could have been prevented with helmets. Another death was caused by a venomous sea creature. Thus only one Tour de France death in over a century was someone collapsing on the course, during training, or shortly after a course. The Tour de France averages one death every 27 races, and none since 1995. How things have changed in 2022.

John Paul – Scottish cyclist (March 9, 2022)

Mr. John Paul was a multi-sport athlete when he was a young kid. He participated in track & field, along with playing soccer and rugby. But the 28-year-old Scot settled on cycling as his primary sport, and quickly took off from there. He finished second in the 2009 British Junior Men’s Sprint Championship. Mr. Paul was a junior sprint champion in 2011, and represented Scotland at the 2010 and 2014 Commonwealth Games. Many predicted he would be a 2016 Olympian. The British Cycling Academy Programme, however, dropped him in 2013.

The official Scottish Cycling Twitter account announced on March 9, 2022 that Mr. Paul passed away.

Several other media outlets announced his death that day as well. But none of them mentioned anything about the circumstances. A Facebook post from 42 Degrees Coaching, approved Mr. Paul’s family, said that he passed away in his sleep.

Of course that sounds very familiar to this blogger and regular readers.

Cedric Baekeland – Belgian cyclist (March 14, 2022)

Mr. Cedric Baekeland was a late bloomer to cycling. He played soccer for KSV Roeselare and Club Roeselare, both in Belgium, according to He suffered serious injuries that forced him out of the game. That’s when he took up cycling. He was on the Dovy Keukens – FCC Cycling Team for several years before joining his last team, Body & Bike – BMB Boekhouding The Rock Real Estate.

VRT News reported that Mr. Baekeland was training with his team on the Spanish island of Mallorca on March 14. The details are unclear from there. Some reports say he died in his sleep at their hotel. Other reports say Mr. Baekeland, 28, complained of chest discomfort to one of his teammates before collapsing and dying. The only consistent detail is that he died of a heart attack. That, of course, sounds very familiar too.

Sonny Colbrelli – Italian cyclist (March 21, 2022)

Mr. Sonny Colbrelli had been a professional cyclist for 10 years. He first rode for Colnago-CSF Bardiani before joining Bahrain-Merida (now Team Bahrain Victorious) in 2017. Mr. Colbrelli finished first in the 2021 Benelux Tour. He’d also won eight one-day and classic races since 2016, including three wins in 2021.

Mr. Colbrelli, 31, crossed the finish line after riding the first stage of the Volta a Catalunya in Spain on Monday, March 21. He suddenly collapsed. It was reported that he suffered from cardiac arrest. Medical staff got his heart going again with a defibrillator. Mr. Cobrelli said he doesn’t remember anything after crossing the finish line. All he remembers is waking up in the hospital. Doctors said tests are inconclusive, as to the cause of the cardiac arrest. But now his future in cycling is completely uncertain. He seemed to concede that his career might be over.

“It’s already a miracle that I’m alive, now it would take another to get me back on the saddle,” he told La Gazzetta dello Sport.

But this is all normal

One of the most common, regurgitated rebuttals for vaxx zealots presented with these mass sports coincidences is a 2020 study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. It concluded that 617 soccer players died between 2014 and 2018. Thus, in five years, and assuming this study is genuine and not COVID-19 propaganda, an average of 123 soccer players died per year in that time period.

Nobody ever denied that soccer players and other athletes die performing their crafts. It would take a good amount of time and funding to find the exact number of soccer players who have died and/or had heart attacks between March 2021-22. But our coverage alone documented more than 80 soccer deaths/heart attacks just from June 2021 to October 2021. That number extrapolated for the full year period would be 172 deaths, or 40% higher than the average per year from the aforementioned study. The Daily Expose reported that soccer deaths in 2021 were 278% higher than the 12-year average. Anybody paying attention knows that something is very wrong.

It’s not worth the time and effort trying to make people see the truth. Long before so-called COVID-19, since the turn of the millennium, Americans have been forced to live and accept lies, and go against all logic, reason and common sense just to be accepted by mainstream society. And the powers-that-be just keep doubling and tripling down on the subterfuges. Ultimately a vast majority of Americans are part of one of the two major tribes. Their truth is told to them. It’s not based on empirical evidence. And that’s just the way it is.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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2 years ago

Suddenly, unexpected, have a new health issue or an old health issue that has just come back, unexplained – all the words I see as this health crisis starts hitting. It’s the vaxx. Whether you want to admit it or not. Every day someone new. I’m feeling overwhelmed by this. I can only trust in the Lord. 🙏 God bless you all ❤️

2 years ago

I know of a lot of people with side effects from the vaxx, but of course no one is making the connection. I don’t talk to people about it, sadly, because it’s no use.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kimberly

I don’t talk to them either; they are blind to the dangers of the jabs. If it comes up, I’ll say they are not good for you. And there is no “I think” in front of that opinion. What can they do anyway other than not take any boosters and try some of those detox strategies.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kimberly

Yeah I know someone who hated the pfizer but got the newer one, after not being sick for many years he got sick for 2 weeks but got the second one anyway. Had many conversations before but I have given up now. What was the point? He ended up following the evil propaganda no matter how many times I pointed out their lies. He also hated Gates but still fell for his tricks! Beyond my ability to comprehend.

The more I study the reformation the more I realise the Jesuits are behind this and they are masters of deception. We have allowed the repeating of the mistakes made centuries ago.

Last edited 2 years ago by covid1984pl
2 years ago
Reply to  covid1984pl

But who created the Jesuits? You might what to look into that. Ignatius of Loyola was a Spanish Marrano. One ethnic group created the Jesuits, and used that group to infiltrate the Church…in order to destroy it. You may not like to hear this…but facts are facts. Read some history…it’s much more interesting than the filthy cesspit of the idiot box, or any other pop-culture.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

There is an excellent book, Pawns in the Game, by William Guy Carr written in 1956. Fascinating and disturbing read.

It’s the history of the International Bankers and Illuminati all the way back to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. They have had a hand in every war and evil thing in this world. It is a web of evil they foment and is hard to fully comprehend. Today they are using the same tactics they have used throughout history and the world. (A must read.)

P S…..I treasure this website and reading the comments here and knowing there are still sane people in this world.

Tina Norby
Tina Norby
2 years ago
Reply to  covid1984pl

I have a EX friend who works for Pfizer, she does cancer research. She came to my Christmas party and told my daughter 29yr.old that she needs to get the vaccine, she has POTS from a a tractor trailer hitting her and which is one of the side effects of the vaccine and if she got it she could go into heart failure. So I told her that her CEO was evil and the vaccine is killing people. She wanted proof so I started to show her and she stormed out of my house and we have not spoken in 4 months. She got the vaccine which I question if Pfizer was giving them the real vaccine. Being a nurse for 25yrs. I pray these drug companies fall and there CEO’s are held accountable.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tina Norby

I’m so sorry that you had to go through this.
I believe the vaccines that Pfizer’s employees received were “live” or the real thing. This is why….
Recently, I watched a video with pfizer whistleblower… Melissa Strickler. She was originally on Project Veritas and later did longer interviews
The one I watched was on Bitchute and titled this: PFIZER WHISTLEBLOWER MELISSA MCATEE ON SAT. NIGHT LIVESTREAM
Melissa worked at a vax production facility in Kansas and, in the interview, describes friends, who also worked there, who took the vax there at work and were vax injured by it.

2 years ago
Reply to  covid1984pl

This pope is an imbecile
I changed my Faith sort of speak, i stopped going to Roman Catholic Churches, instead i am going Sundays at another kind of Catholicism which is more traditional with masses being in Latin but is beautiful and no masks and the priest said “Stay away from these injections!” A real Believer in Christ, Holy Spirit and the Father, also we pray for Holy Mary. He is the one who will save us all against the evil pharma and the globalists with their plan to depopulate and climate change paranoia.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kimberly

The major end purpose of vaccines appears to be value toward the future ‘Mark of the Beast’. To me, this would explain the spiritual blindness regarding them. I think medical truth is a subset of spiritual truth and most people can see neither. Governments have always protected them against all common sense. Lies have been used to prop them up. Medical doctors are thoroughly brainwashed; vaccines are not safe and not effective and its being proven over and over again more and more with time. Sure, the medical/pharmaceutical industry is a bunch of evil corporations and stands to make more money, the more people it sickens. BUT- considering the prophesied Mark of the Beast in the Bible, and what’s gone on the last two years, the major end purpose of vaccines is to facilitate ushering in that Mark.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  George

Several years ago after reading the Left Behind series, I wondered what would make mankind so deceived and manipulated to just willingly line up to take the Mark when that time came during the Tribulation. The Bible tells that man will be blinded to the truth. Now we know. It is truly astounding to watch people (medical professionals included) who are just blind to the SCIENCE they scream so much about. Now we know.

Greg H.
Greg H.
1 year ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

I too wondered how people would so easily except ‘the mark.’ Since the plandemic now I know how people are so easily dupped.

Greg H.
Greg H.
1 year ago
Reply to  George

Oh how right you are! I couldn’t agree more. It’s all about mark of the beast conditioning for the worldwide masses.

Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
2 years ago
Reply to  Kimberly

I told a friend not to take it and now she has constant headaches, pressure behind her eyes, rash and joint aches. In the midst of the constant headaches she took her 13 yo son to get vaccinated and he complains of stomach pains and headaches constantly. The denial is astounding.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa Espinoza

What is wrong with these people, just WTF.

Tina Norby
Tina Norby
2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa Espinoza

A constant headache and pressure behind the eyes could be a small and slow brain bleed. I was a nurse for 25 years and they were very rare but since the vaccines came out they are very common now. Hopefully she see a doctor about it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa Espinoza

The ignorance and lack of judgement is astounding.

J Far
J Far
2 years ago

Well, people are going to keep dying, and I suppose at some point they won’t be able to deny the obvious anymore.

Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
2 years ago
Reply to  J Far

They’ll deny. I work in state govt and we track COVID like illness, hospitalizations, etc.. But strangely we’re not tracking the known side effects of the vaccine. The known side effects of “c19”. We do just enough to support the narrative.

2 years ago

I wonder if they shoveled snow after having an energy drink?

2 years ago

Ty for sharing!

By the time the sheeple are finally adding 2 and 2 together, it’s going to be geges.

“My family members got injected and they’re fine.”

Well, let’s give the low toxicity poisons some time to work their way around all the organs..

2 years ago

“Americans have been forced to live and accept lies, and go against all logic, reason and common sense just to be accepted by mainstream society.”

Indeed, there seems to be an unspoken agreement between the ruled ones and those who rule them :

“you keep lying to us and we’ll continuously pretend that we believe you. We’ll go along with whatever you decide in order to appease you and hopefully spare us. Just please don’t take our big screen TV away, O masters.”

It would be foolish to want to disrupt such relationship.

2 years ago

All the while people are caring only for Ukraine and happy to let African Migrants act as “Ukrainian Refugees”.

We warned you Joe Normie about these “vaccines”.

The meek shall inherit the earth.

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