August 3, 2022
Before we dive into this, it’s important to understand nitrogen and its role on Earth. The air human beings breathe is 78% nitrogen, 22% oxygen and 1% other stuff. Humans have been breathing nitrogen throughout their existence on Earth. Most nitrogen in Earth atmosphere is N2 molecules, which are mostly inert (chemically non-reactive). Nitrogen oxides, such as ammonia (NH3) and nitric oxide (NO) are the “bad” nitrogens that climate change people say will kill us all. But not having food will kill us all much quicker.
Nitrogen oxides are facts of life on Earth. Nitrous oxide (N2O), aka “laughing gas” and “whippets,” is the third-most abundant nitrogen oxide in the air, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Natural sources of N2O, including the oceans and ground soil under natural vegetation, account for 62% of all N2O. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and nitric oxide (NO) are the two most prevalent nitrogen oxides. Most NO2 comes from tobacco smoke, stoves and heaters. The primary sources of NO are fossil fuel combustion and adding fertilizers to soil.
It’s true that the largest human contribution of nitrogen oxides is agriculture. But a 2017 study by the University of Virginia and The Organic Center found that organic farming (i.e. using manure and compost for fertilizer and no chemical pesticides) reduces new reactive nitrogen emissions by 64% versus “conventional” farming.
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Yet less than 1% of U.S. farmland and only 4% of Dutch farmland is certified organic. Meanwhile giant corporations – Monsanto/BASF, DuPont/Dow, and Syngenta/ChemChina – make all those poisonous pesticides and own all seeds planted for foods via patents. These three companies control the entire global farming industry.
If nitrogen oxide emissions were genuinely a global concern, the powers-that-be (TPTB) could simply shut down the foregoing companies and invest in organic farming. But we all know genuine concern for humanity is not, never has been, and never will be a priority for these people.
Dutch farmers fighting against extinction
The World Economic Forum is promoting yet another “bug chef.” Joseph Yoon is the founder of Brooklyn Bugs in New York. He travels the country, cooks bugs, caterpillars, etc., and eats them in front of people. Yoon has been in business since 2017. But Klaus and company recently endorsed him as part of The Great Reset agenda of “you’ll eat bugs and like it.”
RELATED: Logistical plans for ushering in “you’ll eat bugs and like it” becoming more clear as the major players begin identifying themselves publicly (June 29, 2022)
In order for the bug agenda to work, people must be desperately hungry and still have a will to live. TPTB not only must condition people into believing bugs are food, but also engineer global famine that will force people to comply for sheer survival.
Bill Gates is one of the chief engineers. He currently owns 242,000 acres of farmland in the United States.
He purchased another 2,100 acres in North Dakota in June. The goal is to buy the land and leave it fallow as part of this planned global famine that we predicted would kill one billion people between now and the end of 2024. People will choose between eating bugs or starving to death. The Netherlands, a small country with only 18 million people, is vital to this genocidal agenda.
Christianne van der Wal is the “Dutch Minister for Nitrogen and Nature Policy” (yes, that’s a real position in government). She and Prime Minister (and World Economic Forum member) Mark Rutte conjured a fake crisis that calls for “cutting nitrogen emissions” by up to 70% by 2030. Granted the European Union reportedly had some sort of nitrogen emission mitigation plans in place since the 1970s. But nothing has really been done to address it since that time.
The current Dutch plan includes killing off 30% of the country’s livestock, which would put 30,000 farmers out of business and dramatically reduce meat supplies in Europe and beyond. The remaining farmers would be forced to cut nitrogen emissions by upwards of 95%, which would put them out of business too.
The Netherlands is the second-largest agricultural exporter in the world after the United States. It is the largest meat exporter in the European Union. Dutch farmers have been protesting almost non-stop since June. But mainstream media are barely covering it. Farmers have blocked highways with their tractors and by spreading cow manure and bales of hay across the roadways. Incredible photos like the following have been circulating online all summer.
RELATED: Netherlands: 22 nursing home residents dead within two weeks of first mRNA shots (February 23, 2021)
The protests are reminiscent of the truckers convoy in Canada earlier this year.
But TPTB are not going to allow protesters to interfere with their goals. Like the Aussies prior to 2020, the Dutch are not accustomed to violent police thugs attacking them, as is modus operandi in the United States. It started during COVID lockdown protests in late 2021 and early 2022…
…and is getting worse during the farmers protests.
Cops rarely fire guns in the Netherlands. But they opened fire on a 16-year-old kid who was peacefully sitting in a tractor in early July.
The goal is to scare the farmers and their supporters into compliance and obedience.
The Bill Gates factor
Christianne van der Wal is married to Piet van der Wal, the son of Okke van der Wal, who passed away in 2019. Okke was one of the richest 500 people in the Netherlands, with most of said wealth coming from Boni supermarkets. The company has 44 stores across the Netherlands and a distribution center in Nijkerk. Bouke van der Wal, Piet’s brother, is technically listed as the owner of Boni now. But it’s the family business.
Picnic is a Dutch online supermarket with 70 delivery hubs and 10 distribution centers in the Netherlands, Germany and France. The company was founded in 2015 by five rich families, including the van der Wal’s. Picnic solely fulfills online orders and delivery.
Customers cannot walk into a store and buy anything. The controversy started in September 2021 when the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation essentially purchased the entire company for €600 million, which was about $707 million at the time. Further, Picnic buys all of its groceries from Boni supermarkets.
These egregious conflicts of interest apparently matter not. “Nitrogen minister” Christianne created a policy to destroy the agricultural sector in the Netherlands, which exported over €104 billion in goods last year. Once said sector is gone, millions of Europeans will be forced to buy all of their groceries from Picnic/Boni, which substantially benefits the van der Wal family. And with Bill Gates in charge, that means a lot of insect-based and lab-created foods on the menu.
The Dutch know and understand what’s happening. Two Picnic distribution centers have been burned to the ground since December.
Stages of accepting genocide
It’s been a couple days since we’ve published new content because of work on The COVID Blog™ book. Part of the process is going back and reading all of the posts again, and feeling the general mood at the respective times.
In June 2021, most stories on the blog were about individuals dying of various #ABV excuses. TPTB were also still using the term “breakthrough cases,” meaning so-called COVID-19 cases despite being injected. Fourteen months later, we rarely write stories about just one victim because it no longer does justice in articulating the genocide. And the breakthrough narrative has long been eliminated since nearly all so-called COVID-19 cases now are vaxxed people.
A June 21, 2021 story about 12 nursing home patients dying in Belgium was the first and only time this blogger mentioned that Deagel website that’s become somewhat of a cliché. “It is going to be very interesting comparing the world population from 2020 to 2021 to 2022,” the story says. The Deagel archive is then linked. It of course “predicted” in 2013 that the United States would lose 70% of its population by 2025.
The website is never mentioned again on The COVID Blog™ because nobody knows who owns Deagel. There’s literally no information available about who or what the site is. It also removed those predictions from the site sometime in late 2020 or early 2021. It’s only available in archives now. Further, Deagel was mentioned in an email published by Wikileaks in 2012 from a Texas company called Stratfor. It does “global intelligence” for the aforementioned Dow, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and other government military contractors.
Deductive reasoning leads to the conclusion that is controlled revelations by TPTB.
RELATED: Friday update: RIP Dr. Zelenko, Dr. Carrie Madej update, FLCCC hope for vaxx-injured, Georgia Guidestones, and 12 more “sudden and unexpected” deaths (July 8, 2022)
That all said, you don’t need anonymous websites to know genocide is happening, particularly when you’ve been covering it from the very beginning. This blogger knew a lot of people were going to die from the vaccine genocide. But it wasn’t until January 2022 when the magnitude of this genocide became crystal clear. Attacks on the global food supply are near-daily occurrences, as is “you’ll eat bugs and like it” propaganda.
The Netherlands is one of the world’s largest producers of food. This time next year, that will no longer be the case. And whether via post-injection deaths or famine, billions will die by then as well. Now is the time to switch totally to eating nothing but whole foods (grains, vegetables, meat, etc.) for mitigation purposes. All processed foods are now suspect. We have no idea what they are putting in that stuff. And it’s absolutely nauseating not knowing if you may have just swallowed ground up crickets, maggots or grasshoppers.
Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog™ book here. Shipping starts on December 15, 2022.
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I have been posting about them trying to force the idea of us “eating bugs and liking it” & get very little traction on it, the same as when I tried to warn folks about the clot shot. They just think it’s another “conspiracy theory”, meanwhile they are using their favorite method of calling on their puppets aka “celebrities” to push their agenda to the masses. Robert Downey, Nicole Kidman, and Angelina Jolie are just 3 that come to mind that have been tasked with pushing the bugs to address “climate change” to “help reduce carbon emissions” & “be more “sustainable”. I can puke at the thought.
This is my cue to stop procrastinating & get a few chics to start raising chickens of my own bc I am NOT chomping down on bugs while TPTB feast on real meat. Nor am I going plant based, bc I personally don’t do well without animal protein. I’ve tried. It’s not for me. Besides, I rather enjoy meat and dairy products so there’s that.
Kill Gates has his hand in all things nefarious doesn’t he? He is responsible for a lot of what is wrong with the world we are living in today. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think he was the AC – but I believe he is at least the devil’s right hand man. He’s a Soulless eugenics loving murdering psychopath that deserves to hang for his crimes against humanity!
A hanging isn’t good enough for Gates.
Can see your point but I wouldn’t harm them. I’d have them working farms and pulling weeds for the rest of their lives.
“This is my cue to stop procrastinating & get a few chics to start raising chickens of my own bc I am NOT chomping down on bugs while TPTB feast on real meat.”
Well in many states in the U.S., the deer population is larger than it ever was in history (this is due to their main predator, the cougar/panther/mountain lion being in much reduced numbers, and that deer thrive in the suburbs), so if you are a deer hunter, you should never starve in those states.
I would be extremely careful about eating venison because of prion diseases, chronic wasting disease in deer, elk, moose etc. Funny how folks are dying of prion diseases from the Jonestown jab, and also from eating wild meat. What a strange coincidence! At first the excuse was that deer spread it to wild populations, when they feed alongside cattle. However that excuse from the PTB is worthless because trout are being shown to have a prion disease called: whirling disease. When I researched this I found evidence that there was a NWO program to introduce prion disease into wild meat. It’s part of the plan to starve the “useless eaters” . Only people who can produce their own food will survive. By the way, my father died seven months ago from rapid-onset CJD, a prion disease he got from the death jab.
“This is my cue to stop procrastinating & get a few chics to start raising chickens of my own bc I am NOT chomping down on bugs while TPTB feast on real meat”
Their hypocrisy makes me sick. These people live in mansions which consume vast amounts of electricity, fly around in private jets which consume vast amounts of fuel, and eat all the expensive meat they could ever desire. It’s patently obvious they don’t believe their own bullsh*t about “climate change” or if they do they feel that the “carbon footprint” rules for serfs don’t apply to them.
Thanks for this article, Brian. I’d love to know why Hell Gates is allowed to purchase that amount of farmland. The Dutch are fighting back as much as possible. I’ve always cooked whole food. The whole bugs in food and cockroach milk thing🤢🤮 they are promoting is ghastly. I wonder what it will take for people to wake up or whether the brainwashed masses will swallow the ‘bugs are good’ narrative…just like they did the ‘safe and effective’….narrative.
It’s not just Bill Gates buying up farmland, the CCP and other “foreign entities” are too!
Agreed. This is happening across the world. But I’m interested in why that evil man is allowed to purchase that amount of farmland, particularly in traditional, supposedly conservative states. Especially since farming forms the backbone of the economy in those places. It is a deliberate attempt to kill the economy and force people to accept more tyranny. Surely the governors of those places would be aware of those sales? I read somewhere that farmers were being bribed with huge amounts of money to sell off their land, not just in the US but elsewhere too.
I’m sure that many countries will find their farms are owned by foreign entities. To me, this is evidence of the long game that TPTB have been playing while everyone was distracted with the scamdemic.
Christianne van der Wal is a very “sturdy” woman. I’ll wager she did not get that way from eating insects.
People keep wondering why individuals are so compliant with getting injected. I watched a columbo episode the other day that was about hypnotic suggestion and how images can be spliced into television to illicit human response. It’s not just images, it’s frequencies (i.e songs (remember the song they played whenever they aired the “safe and effective” vaccine commerical); and certain number sequences (gematria). There’s so much knowledge that was in the libraries of Alexandria and it’s why certain areas of the Vatican are off limits.
They sure have mastered the art of deceit, but one fundamental aspect of illusion is that there must be subjects willing to be deceived, or at least open to suggestion, otherwise it can never work because there is no objective reality to support the illusion. They present their lies (version of reality) in a way that appeals the most to suggestion, in order to cause in the subjects the desire and the utter need for the version be true. Once you get to this point, you have mindless zombies that will deny objective reality if it contradicts the version. Of course, it is very sophisticated and it employs a large number of techniques as it develops to this cult-like formation. And so we reach this sad and despicable situation we’re currently in, where the vaccines MUST save lives, even if they kill people. The vaccines are the only solution even if there is no problem. The vaccine ‘truth’ must prevail, even if the world shall perish.
People just enjoy conformity. Long ago , I worked in south Florida and rode public transportation. One day a Marilyn Manson fan got on dressed like him from around 1994 and people were aghast. The tights and whatnot.
Well people have been brought up to comply and look to authority. Kids are rewarded in schools for being obedient, following the rules and doing all the tasks asked. They’ve also been directed to follow/look to the news every day and believe and even feel as they are told.
I have never watched much TV and when I did, never looked or listened to the Commercials. Learned that they were manipulating Minds with this back in the 60’s. I think People that have not been Brainwashed by Commercials or even watching garbage on tv are much better off. TV should be OFF Limits for Children unless supervised by an Educated Adult. This goes for Computers too. Read Books and History to the Kid’s. Also, have a lot of Games and Playing Cards.
That’s why it’s called “tell-a-vision” I refuse to own/watch those things!
I’m in the opinion that one primary reason behind the drive to reduce food supplies in the West is the foreknowledge that hundreds of millions of people are about to die. Otherwise, governments wouldn’t risk it. Food scarcity will destabilize the regimes and perhaps topple them.
A second reason is to eliminate export to poor countries, whose populations have not been poisoned by the so-called vaccines, and thus must be eliminated through famine.
Good point. Poor countries that escaped the shots will be the first affected by famine.
What I’m interested in knowing is what TPTB intend to do when no one is around to maintain their vast infrastructure of control. AI and robotics can only take one so far. The technological civilization we know today required a large, affluent and even educated population for its development. And it takes a certain population level to maintain it, if only to keep it all from sliding into decay. Think about all the cables, towers and satellites their control system depends on — plus the power grid. (Orbiting satellites especially cannot easily be replaced when they malfunction.) To add to that, the PTB’s enforcers have largely taken the vaxx, and there are not enough robot dogs to replace them. These automatons would eventually break down, require new batteries, or become hostage to rare earth metal and chip shortages.
For the PTB to liquidate so many people is actually biting the hand that feeds them. How do they intend to control the millions of survivors? I’ve thought about Russia and China filling in the breech and taking over that role, but as far as I’ve read, the Russians have been vaxxing their populations, too. TPTB are truly cunning, but they also seem short-sighted, crazy and suicidal.
I makes you wonder if the TOTB think this won’t be crawling up her tail pipe too.
Thanks again for this most informative site. The World has gone crazy but it’s all been planned. I’m praying that we can all get through this though there’s much suffering on the way. Sometimes I look at my young kids and just weep for their future. I’m gonna fight the bastards on TPTB come hell or high water. I got nothing to lose.
Vic, I hear you. How about being called ‘INSANE’ for SEEING the TRUTH! It is truly EYE OPENING. Also, make sure we read the ingredients in the food the schools are feeding our children. There should be a little flag notice that says: Contains Bioengineered Food Ingredients.
What the HELL are they feeding our KIDS????? Parents WAKE UP!
nitric oxide (NO) is essential for human life.
It’s why beets and watermelon are healthy for us, they help keep the blood thin so it can flow to the extremities easier and makes the hearts job easier.
As we get older it become more difficult to produce NO so many people supplement with it.
Exercise, especially High Intensity Training (HIT) is also very good for producing NO in the body.
If the globalists say NO is bad then that is another attack on human health.
Great article Brian.
What we are going through with the worldwide covid farce is like living in an episode of the Twilight Zone.
They say that Nitrogen causes climate change but the same climate change group won’t look into chemtrails or HAARP.
Our world leaders are telling us to go along with bug burgers and no cozy fires while reading because little Swedish girls will go mad but at the same time they are spraying us with chemicals and messing about with our weather using advanced technology.
And those Dutch are reaping what they are sowing. I know they are being hit because Brian has pointed out they are one of the worlds leading exports in food and messing about with their food supply is perfect for the no so great reset. However the Dutch have been living a very liberal life, which I believe is cause for their suffering. Oh and not to mention they are okay with aborting babies. Just sayin’.
For the past several years when I’m out and about I always pick up conversations, from mainly young men, about their trip to dun dun dunnnnnnnn…..
AMSTERDAM! Go figure!
And they are all recanting the same travel stories about visiting the infamous red light district. Again, go figure!
But I suppose the Dutch farmers taking a stand is a good sign.
And their royal family close the doors after being out and about smiling at them, and they laugh their heads off at the sheep who still they are just wonderful.
Ugh! I’m ready to hurl. Just the idea of eating bugs etc. I will say if all these vaxxers pass away, how much food do we need? Not to sound callous. I truly feel sorry for the children and some of the vaxxed. But the hard-core zealots, karens and kevins, I am done with them. I guess I am not very sympathetic today. The covidiots are in mask again and now worried about monkeypox and whatnot. Is that really living?
I’m not sympathetic either. I have ZERO tolerance for this blind compliance. Grown ass men and women(mostly men) around me running scared of the latest scariant. I’m OVER the stupidity!! They are why this nonsense keeps going on! I have zero tolerance for maskers, vaxxers and testers!! It’s freakin enough already!!
“Now is the time to switch totally to eating nothing but whole foods (grains, vegetables, meat, etc.) ” As a nutritionist, I have been doing that for decades! Plus, I would not be able to eat bugs even if I wanted to, (which I don’t) because they would be so high in histamine. Having said all that, what makes anyone think any whole grains, or vegetables will be available either, never mind any eggs or chickens or meat of any kind? TPTB are busy destroying farmers. And Brian is right on about organic farming. Manure from animals as well as compost is necessary for fertile land The rub is that there are and have been plenty us that have been screaming for decades about depleted soil from chemical fertilizers and pesticides and trying to get the USDA to promote organic and biodynamic farming for decades to no avail.
Stellar reporting as always, Brian! Thanks and much love and appreciation for all you do.
There are ways of improving soil fertility without compost piles and manure. Any yard waste that has not been sprayed with chemicals can be returned to the soil as mulch. If you have a fire pit or wood stove, put the wood ashes in your garden too. These days you have to be very careful with manure because manure from animals that were fed with hay that was treated with Grazon will poison your soil so plants will not grow. I have been using grass clippings and fall leaves in my garden area for years, and the soil grows healthy vegetables without manure or fertilizer. I also take all my fruit and vegetable peels and egg shells, and bury them in holes that I dig about one foot deep around my garden. I do this year-round unless the ground is frozen. I dig the holes wherever there is an empty spot when the vegetables are growing. You can start doing this immediately to begin improving your soil, and it will get better and better as time goes on.
Buy seeds now. Most seeds will last for many years if you store them in a paper envelope in the refrigerator. Some seeds I planted this year were from 2008 and they grew fine. Try to buy open pollinated or heirloom seeds so you can save seeds from year to year.
Consider having a few chickens for protein. If you can’t have them in your yard, consider raising quail or rabbits. They require less room, and are quiet. Learn how to butcher them.
If you don’t have a yard, think about where you can guerrilla garden. Find a quiet corner in a park, loosen the dirt, and plant sweet potatoes slips that you started using an organic sweet potato from the store. Plant some blackberries at the edge of the woods. If you live in an HOA, grow quinoa next to your door and tell the association that it is an ornamental grass.
These are just a few ideas, but the time to prepare is now. Yes, store some extra food, but think ahead to when that runs out and there is nothing to buy. There is a lot of information on youtube on how to grow food and raise animals. Take some time now while you still can to learn. Also, buy some printed books with information in case the internet is no more in the future. Only those who have their wits about them will survive long-term.
Absolutely agree about the compost and manure. I had small plot of land a few years ago that was dreadful, heavy packed clay that would barely grow weeds. Enter my intrepid flock of chickens! Their manure and the straw bedding from their coop amended the soil into a beautiful, flourishing garden within 3 years, and their bug-eating skills eliminated the need for pesticides. And they turned those bugs and weeds and leftover produce into delicious fresh eggs, to boot!
Organic farming takes patience and knowhow, but I don’t believe the narrative that we would all starve if we didn’t have manufactured fertilizers and chemicals. The only ones that would starve would be the CEOs of those companies.
I initially dismissed Deagel having heard about its “predictions” many years PRIOR to covid. Preposterous I thought at the time. Then “Operation Warpspeed” was announced, and Deagel became considerably more believable. Quick check and they had even updated their forecast commentary! The meat of the “forecast” was in the now memory-holed commentary. I still had my doubts, but was nudged a tad more to the believable side once the shots started hitting arms…then the sudden and unexpected started and hasn’t stopped…….
I cook my own food 90% of the time including bread, but pretty simple recipes. I’m used to that from childhood. Being an Orthodox Christian, we have fasting days which are mostly for vegan food, some days with fish, which adds up to about 6 months out of the year. So basically I try go light on food, don’t overeat, and focus on spiritual thoughs and on Christ. Best to save money on those days and give to the hungry.
I’d rather go vegan than eat bugs. Take time to eat your food, chew it at least 30 times, and you’ll be surprised how little one needs to be full. Pray before each meal and after (I’m giving advice here but it’s something I’m still learning myself).
Even if they succeed with their hunger scheme, you can be prepared this way. Less food helps to strengthen the spirit and with prayer casts out inner demons. With my not-very-long experience I can assure there’s no spiritual progress against personal evils without fasting. 🙏 So, in a way, the satanic elites can make stronger Christians 🤔
The thing with fasting is that we were prepared to change diet: lots of fruits, vegetables and millet in the summer, plus animal produce but not excessive, while in the winter time we were mainly keto. Plus probiotics (lots of conserved natural cabbage and things). Plus lots of meat, animal fat. Now we eat fruits yearround and is not good for the ones that were not borned in places where fruits are year round!
People also forget the B12 issue. Vegans must supplement with B12. Zinc and B6 can also be in short supply on a vegan diet as well as possibly taurine. Getting enough protein on a vegan diet is definitely doable but it does take knowhow. Knowhow that many who switch to a vegan diet do not have. Also, as it all continues to go down, does anyone think supplements will be continue to be available? I mean depopulation is part of the agenda after all.
Don’t forget the selenium. It supports the immune system and heart. There is a famous case from years ago of a young vegan marathon runner who died from cardiac arrest. You lack B vitamins and selenium on those diets. One vegan who started to eat meat had her energy level improve and her complexion got better too. You don’t have to eat 4 legged animals but you will need to eat “fish and fowl”.
About 20 years ago I started eating one meal a day in the evening. I did it just to save time preparing food and cleaning up. Then about 10 years ago I searched online: people who only eat one meal a day, and I found there was a whole lifestyle of people who did this for health. It’s extremely beneficial for good health… and it sure comes on handy in emergencies when one cannot access food. I have also used fasting in addition to prayer.
My views on eating are similar to yours. Less is more. I enjoy simple easy to prepare meals. I only eat when hungry, even if that means going 24+ hours without food. I listen to my body.
One of my favorite meals is lentls and rice with different seasonings / sauces. I eat about 90% plants because I believe the human digestive system is similar to that of Chimpanzees and Gorillas who are (mostly) plant eaters. I also don’t like factory farming and the horrific sufferring that animals go through in that system..
However, I also don’t like the word “vegan” as it implies leftist views on topics outside of diet. “Vegan” also requires a strict adherence to what is basically a religion that never allows eating of any animal products whatsoever. That’s too extreme. If I want animal products here and there I eat them.
Lastly, the Standard American Diet of fried chicken, burgers, pizza, and all kinds of oily breads / pastries is a death sentence after so many years. I think most of us can agree on this.
Nitogen is makes up our atmosphere and makes soil enriched. It has always been this way. Now they are trying to demonize it to fit their agenda. Which is more Scientific TM.
The entire world could fit in Texas with one acre of land around it. We are not destroying the world because we drive to work. Not that Texas would want the whole world, surely.
Just be sure that Earth grows. And there is no stopping it. It is guided by unseen hands that far outweigh HARRP. If you are listing, HAARP, do not try to control weather, that is the most hubris and futile.
All the Covidiots and everyone on board with this agenda, I see similar patterns. They hate, hate vitality.
Why do the vaccines harm people in such an immense variety of ways? Wouldn’t a given poison have a limited array of consequences? Do they put different stuff in different vials?
A good cop is a dead cop. All this mf are defending nwo plans. They will all go down. Just wait until we have the numbers in the streets on our side.
This is sickening. They made the Dutch economy what is is in the 60s with their radical, advanced land reclamation and farming technology which made farming an inter-generational career of which these people are passionate about. They love what they do. One man formed a group that helps each farmer as they get raided by flooding that farm with hundreds of other farmers to ward of the invader unlawfully trying to close them down with bogus laws basic on a dictatorship rather then what his party’s name represents. This prime-minster is called teflon because scandals just slip off him! He has the support of the so called old elites to demolish the food supply so everyone can eat ze bugs from his daddy Satan Klaus!
This Rutte guy is repulsive. How do these disgusting creatures sleep at night knowing that millions will starve to death because of them?