Tiffany Dover Is Dead: Declassified 1944 CIA manual outlines government, mainstream media manipulation tactics, as artificial intelligence and performance art blurs lines between reality and theater
April 18, 2023

The final heading of our late March article about fluoridated water in the U.S. says, “Now we know why Americans are so stupid.” Artificial fluoride was introduced into the U.S. water supply in the late 1940s. The science is now crystal clear.

Toxic artificial fluoride stunts brain development in children. The data continually show inverse correlations between fluoride exposure and IQ – as the previous goes up, the latter goes down. By the year 2000, nearly 60% of Americans lived in municipalities with fluoridated water. But fluoride alone cannot explain the obsequious, sycophantic, tribal nature innate in most Americans.

We literally live in a society where 40% believe Donald Trump is god, and another 40% believe that men are really women. At least 80% of Americans rolled up their sleeves to receive at least one mRNA or viral vector DNA injection that were branded as “vaccines” from January 2021 to January 2023.

Most pregnant women wouldn’t drink one glass of wine, smoke one cigarette or take one aspirin in nine months of pregnancy up to the 1980s. They feared even the remote possibility of potential birth defects. But in 2021 forward, pregnant women were willy-nilly allowing Walmart employees to inject them with experimental gene therapies because Fauci, mainstream media, and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) told them to do it.

Granted pregnant women took more ibuprofen and Tylenol in the 1990s because they thought it was safer than aspirin. But taking an over-the-counter pain reliever while pregnant is a lot different than injecting witches brew-type concoctions with no safety or effectiveness records into your pregnant body.

RELATED: Truth confirmed: research proves two more “conspiracy theories” related to vaccine shedding, pregnant women to be true all along (May 25, 2022)


This blogger saw three controlled demolitions of three New York City skyscrapers on September 11, 2001. But the U.S. government said 19 Muslims with boxcutters were responsible for crashing two planes into the first two buildings, and jet fuel caused them to collapsed. World Trade Center 7 collapsed hours later because a few offices were on fire, according to the government and mainstream media.

Perhaps the most dramatic building fire in history was the 32-story Windsor Tower in Madrid, Spain on February 12, 2005. The building burned for almost 24 hours from top to bottom. It did not collapse.

But a few alleged office fires that weren’t even visible on the outside of the 47-story World Trade Center 7 in New York on September 11, 2001, caused the building to collapse, according to U.S. government. As ridiculous as all that sounds, more than half of Americans still believed the official 9/11 story in 2007.

This blogger, ever since 2001, has gradually become more reclusive because of the foregoing. It became increasingly impossible to pretend like everything was okay among people who obsequiously believe government and mainstream media propaganda.

More than 90% of Americans identified as some sort of Christian/Catholic in 1990. That number dropped to 81% in 2001. It was still significant. But all these people, including those in this blogger’s former Church of God In Christ (COGIC), ignored their own religious tenets in favor of government propaganda:

  • Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32
  • Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2
  • “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.” Galatians  6:7-8

Christians, en masse, turned into grazing lambs awaiting instructions from the shepherd.

We know that vaccines have been the primary cause of increased autism rates since the mid-1990s. But fluoride and vaccines cannot explain why Americans engage in the exact same, recycled tribal sparring on social media and in real-life 24/7/365. All of this is deliberately orchestrated from the very top – and has been since the end of World War II. Now in 2023, the old instruction manual is aided further by artificial intelligence and mainstream news theater that will forever blur the lines between fantasy and reality.

It’s official: Tiffany Dover is dead or severely maimed

The COVID Blog® was the go-to platform for all the latest Damar Hamlin news in January. Of course Mr. Hamlin is the NFL Buffalo Bills safety who collapsed due to cardiac arrest during a Monday Night Football game on January 2, 2023. The entire story from that day forward resembles a movie script. We’re not recapping it all in this article. You may do so yourself here and here.

RELATED: Damar Hamlin Part V: missing Buffalo Bills owner Kim Pegula recovering from cardiac arrest, still no update on long-time Bills announcer, stroke victim John Murphy (February 8, 2023)


We rooted for the young man’s health and well-being from the start. Mr. Hamlin eventually started making suspicious-looking “appearances” in public, including some AI-looking videos. He showed up at a few awards shows and what not in public thereafter.

The foregoing forced many people to accept that Mr. Hamlin was alive despite all the extremely strange narratives and happenings in January related to the entire incident. This blogger started calling Mr. Hamlin “Tiffany Dover the Sequel.” Now the latest Tiffany Dover “appearance” proves that she is no longer functioning as she was prior to December 17, 2020.

RELATED: Brandy Zadrozny: case study on NBC News vaxx zealot “Tiffany Dover reporter” and how mainstream media curate and create these on-air performers (May 10, 2022)


The same NBC News vaxx zealot presstitute who made that intelligence-insulting podcast about Tiffany Dover in the spring of 2022 published a new face-to-face interview with “Tiffany Dover” on April 10. We will not insult anyone’s intelligence by linking it. Instead, we’ll cut right to the facts.

The upper-left photo above is the original Tiffany Dover on December 17, 2020 when she received the Pfizer mRNA injection on live television, and collapsed to the floor a few minutes later. The top-right photo (Tiffany #2) is from December 21, 2020, when everyone started questioning where Tiffany Dover was and if she was still alive. We’re 85% certain that person is Mrs. Amber Lynn Honea Dietz.

The bottom-left photo (Tiffany #3) is the TikTok Tiffany Dover from January 2023, after she’d been AWOL for two years. The bottom-right photo (Tiffany #4) is the Tiffany Dover who just spoke with the NBC News presstitute last week. Here is the bottom-right “Tiffany Dover” again.

As we reported on January 29, the foregoing TikTok Tiffany #3 was posting from the account @nattie_lee. We archived it on April 3 and re-archived it last week. Now that @nattie_lee TikTok account from January no longer exists.

Tiffany #4 is posting again from the @tiffanypontesdover account, which had been dormant with no posts as of July 13, 2022. But somehow it appears TikTok moved all of the new @nattie_lee posts from January to the reactivated @tiffanypontesdover TikTok account, where “Tiffany” is now semi-regularly posting.

RELATED: Tiffany Dover Instagram hacker demands $2,000 to reveal private messages, as we chronicle 10 more sudden deaths of young people (June 21, 2022)


It also appears that the Wayback Machine deleted the July 13, 2022 @tiffanypontesdover archive that we screen-captured in the foregoing January 29 article.

It was bad enough that the first two Tiffany Dovers were obviously different people. They didn’t even bother getting someone with Tiffany’s bright blue eyes for Tiffany #2. TPTB at least could have used the January 2023 TikTok Tiffany #3 for this NBC News propaganda interview instead of a TOTALLY different person. But at this point, they don’t even bother with effort in these campaigns.

Helen Keller and Ray Charles could tell you that those Tiffany photos above are four different people. We will not be mentioning Tiffany Dover ever again on The COVID Blog® (short of someone digging up her corpse). TPTB are just trolling everyone now, while mainstream media tools and this current Tiffany actor make a little cash. This entire saga is a dragged out “we gotcha, you dumb conspiracy theorists” campaign.

It’s a lot easier for them to pull this one off since only a small segment of the population even know who Tiffany Dover was. This blogger is no longer 100% certain that the “Damar Hamlin” running around these days is Damar Hamlin after seeing how brazen these propaganda campaigns can be. But we won’t be mentioning his name anymore either, barring some major breakthrough in the story.

The Tiffany Dover saga served several purposes for The Great Reset. It’s utilized a combination of old reliable methodologies plus new technology that guarantees a lot more of these “Tiffany Dover Is Dead” campaigns in the near future as interference for the vaccine genocide.

Simple Sabotage Field Manual – the original CIA playbook for mass manipulation

The Office of Strategic Services (OSS) was a U.S. intelligence agency under the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It was formed on June 13, 1942 during World War II. It’s primary function was “collecting foreign intelligence and carrying out counterpropaganda and covert action operations.” According to Encyclopedia Britannica, the agency also:

“…used agents inside Nazi-occupied Europe, including Berlin, carried out counterpropaganda and disinformation activities, produced analytical reports for policy makers, and staged special operations (e.g., sabotage and demolition) behind enemy lines to support guerrillas and resistance fighters.”

OSS was dissolved on September 20, 1945. The Bureau of Intelligence and Research, part of the U.S. Department of State, temporarily took over some OSS operations. The National Security Act was signed into law on July 26, 1947. It created the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which took over all OSS functions.

Despite existing for just three years, OSS was awarded a Congressional Gold Medal on December 14, 2016. That’s because OSS wrote the playback for all things propaganda and manipulation in its short existence.

The CIA declassified the OSS Simple Sabotage Field Manual on April 2, 2008. The manual, first published on January 17, 1944, served as a guide for intelligence agencies “to  characterize simple sabotage, to outline its possible effects, and to present suggestions for inciting and executing it.” It literally spells out how the CIA pays people or otherwise promises some sort of benefits, to cause perpetual chaos and tribal division. But they also must make these people feel like they are part of something bigger (e.g. MAGA, BLM, LGBT, etc.).

This is literally Stew Peters, Candace Owens, “BLM,” Dylan Mulvaney, those “expelled Tennessee Black lawmakers,” Tucker Carlson, etc. More on some of these people and others in a bit. Note that it was revealed via the Dominion Voting Systems vs. Fox News lawsuit that Carlson hates Donald Trump “passionately.” Carlson also said via text “there really isn’t an upside to Trump.” But he is still the top MAGA media darling.

The disturbing, yet fascinating Simple Sabotage manual focuses a lot on war propaganda. But this manual was the blueprint for Operation Mockingbird, the CIA program that started in the late 1940s. The federal government paid mainstream media, university professors and student groups, clergy, etc. to create chaos and disseminate propaganda.

The U.S. Senate Church Committee in 1975 not only fully exposed Operation Mockingbird, but all other CIA abuses of power and former “conspiracy theories,” including COINTELPRO (CIA infiltration of Nation of Islam, Black Panthers, etc. in 1960s), MKUltra and Project Monarch, etc.

The Simple Sabotage Manual shows the exact instructions from the CIA to social media “influencers” who drive and disseminate all the tribal politics and perpetual, regurgitated back-and-forth between the two tribes.

Read the full CIA Simple Sabotage manual here.

Now add artificial intelligence, lack of intelligence, and CIA-created tools, and you get The Great Reset 2023

What’s happened to humanity, particularly Americans, since 2021 is hard to wrap the head around. Conservatives were once the reasonable crowd, while liberals always have been the emotional crowd. Give the latter credit for being consistent. But what has happened to American conservatives since 2008 is quite the feat.

Stew Peters is quite popular with the MAGA crowd. He, like the aforementioned NBC News tool, is a CIA creation and agent of chaos, except for conservatives, not liberals. He’s allowed to profit as long as he does his job for TPTB. The biggest giveaway is Peters promoting for profit, via and Telegram, an electronic shield protector that “zaps spike proteins” and protects the non-vaccinated from vaxxed people and their spike protein shedding.

Spike protein shedding from vaxxed people is a very real and very concerning problem. Spike protein zappers are clown world grifts. Despite the foregoing, many conservatives defend and admire this guy. Peters likely received some sort of sweetheart deal from both Minnesota and federal authorities to stay out of jail as long as he did their bidding while making a little profit.

He received a probation plea in 2021 after a drunken rage when he berated and threw several items at his wife. Peters was charged with impersonating a police officer in 2006. He regularly dressed up like a cop and had a cop-looking K9 with him during his days as a performative “bounty hunter.” Those charges were dropped.

Photo via Annandale (MN) Police Department.

Peters was the frontman in a deadly shootout in Texas in May 2017. It involved two other bounty hunters who Peters partnered with to apprehend a Minnesota fugitive. The two “freelance bounty hunters” hired by Peters, Fidel Garcia Jr. and Gabriel Bernal, along with the fugitive, ended up dead.

Cell phone video from inside the Greenville, Texas auto dealership captured most of the shootout.

Despite the two Peters mercenaries illegally identifying themselves as federal agents before the shootout, and the subsequent three deaths, he was never charged with a crime.

Peters’ Twin Cities Apprehension Team (TCAT) bounty hunter business went silent for several months after the domestic violence arrest. He abandoned TCAT sometime thereafter. It appears “The Stew Peters Show” debuted sometime in December 2020, with instant high-profile guests.

Bounty hunters often overstep their limited authority, and are constantly arrested and charged as a result. With all of Peters’ legal trouble, it makes perfect sense that he is likely a CIA selective sabotage tool to avoid prosecution. But conservatives aren’t the only ones being played by TPTB.

RELATED: Two states file lawsuit seeking to halt illegal “Disinformation Governance Board,” and White House blatant collusion with social media companies to censor free speech (May 10, 2022)


The biggest political story of April 2023 happened (and is happening) in Tennessee. The Republican-led Tennessee House of Representatives voted to expel Democrat Representatives Justin Jones and Justin Pearson from the chamber on April 7. The House majority reasoned that the two lawmakers created disorder and dishonor in the House chamber by leading “gun control” protests in the building.

The protests were in response to the March 27, 2023 mass shooting at the Covenant School in Nashville that left six people dead, including the “transgender” shooter.

This blogger still doesn’t know, and doesn’t care, if the shooter was male or female.

A third Democrat Tennessee lawmaker, Gloria Johnson, was right there with Jones and Pearson during the offending protests in the House chambers. But she survived the April 7 expulsion vote.

(L-R) Gloria Johnson, Justin Jones and Justin Pearson.

Thus the white person was spared expulsion from the state House, while the two “black guys” were expelled for committing the same infraction. The blatant double-standard was applied by TPTB to push a racism narrative and commence the latest propaganda campaign leading up to next year.

The 2024 Presidential Election will determine which party controls the U.S. Executive Branch for the pivotal 2025-2028 years of The Great Reset. TPTB would much rather have vaxx zealot, homosexual, toxic feminist Democrats in charge versus conservatives.

Donald Trump is certainly a vaxx zealot. The other GOP front-runner, Ron DeSantis, is a well-disguised vaxx zealot. He made his message clear in May 2021: “the vaccines protect you, get vaccinated.” Not only did DeSantis receive the Johnson & Johnson viral vector DNA injection, but he also criticized the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for pausing use of the shots due to numerous recipients developing blood clots in April 2021.

All Presidential candidates know that they must be vaxx zealots, inconspicuously or otherwise, to have a realistic chance of winning. Democrats want Trump as the GOP nominee in 2024 because all polls indicate that even post-indictment, he has no chance in a general election. But that outcome assumes that Democrats get high voter turnout with their base, particularly Black American voters.

The Tennessee propaganda campaign has one purpose: energize the Black Democrat crowd that typically votes blue no matter who anyway. “Vote for us, or these white racists will win the White House” is essentially the message. They are harming our Black brothers, according to Democrats. But it doesn’t take much digging to understand that these two “black guys” are government tools.

The Justin Pearson character is the most cringeworthy, cosplaying Democrat puppet since Jussie Smollett. He literally went from Carlton Banks from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Aire in 2016 to a cross between Lamont Sanford from Sanford and Son, and a wannabe Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in 2023.

And let’s be honest, while trying to be respectful. Pearson, 28, and Jussie likely have a lot in common.

The other one, Justin Jones, is another Kamala Harris/Barack Obama Democrat “black”creation. Harris is half East Indian and half Jamaican, hates Black Americans, and is only Black when it’s convenient for her “sista girl” act.

Former Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard will always hold a spot in this blogger’s heart (despite her recent strangeness) for destroying Harris’ Presidential hopes in less than two minutes at the Democrat debate in Detroit in July 2019.

Obama is half Kenyan, half White American, and is proud to be designated as “the first gay President.” Now Democrats have a new black face creation – Justin Jones. He’s half Filipino and half “black.” But mainstream media and Democrats have done a thorough job hiding his parents and alleged “black” side. Further Jones, 27, is an attention-seeking diva, also like Jussie.

Justin Bautista-Jones. Photo credit: Scoop Nashville.

These two were leading gun control protests, which is the most politically tone deaf position for Democrats as it relates to one of their most important voting blocs. So-called “gun control” is rooted in America’s racist traditions of keep enslaved Black people unarmed and obedient. Gun control also prevented Black Americans from defending themselves from lynching.

The 1857 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Dred Scott vs. Sanford affirmed that Black people are property and chattel, not citizens or even humans. Chief Justice Roger Taney reasoned that Black people are not Constitutional citizens because if they were, it would “give to persons of the negro race [the right] to keep and carry arms wherever they went.”

Both Jones and Pearson were reinstated to their positions less than a week after the expulsion. It was all political theater. But mission accomplished. Like Trump being indicted riled up his conservative White voting base, the Tennessee theater riled up the 70% of Black Americans who irrationally vote for Democrats against their own best interests no matter what. Both campaigns come straight out of the Selective Sabotage playbook. Everything is tribal political theater in the U.S. And now technology aids in selective sabotage.

Deepfakes and AI

A deepfake video of Hillary Clinton endorsing DeSantis for president went viral on April 11. Trump supporters created it to harm DeSantis with the “Hillary supports him, so he is bad” strategy. The video isn’t convincing at all, particularly the “Hail Hydra” at the end. But it fooled a lot of people on social media.

A new grifting YouTube channel was launched in February called the “Joe Rogan AI Experience.” It initially fooled a lot of people as well, and triggered a response from Rogan.

Many people believed that the Rogan video of him supporting the Bud Light transmaxxer was a deepfake. But that one is actually real.

RELATED: The Great Reset Accelerated II: eggs and red meat are poison, E.U. approves more bugs as marketable food, and the destructive phenomenon of “transmaxxing” (January 31, 2023)


Peters was fooled by a very bad, unconvincing Morgan Freeman deepfake that he shared on Twitter on March 31.

Everything that is happening in 2023 is in direct response to the vaccine genocide. TPTB must continue covering it up and belittling those reporting on it. We haven’t heard much about the alien invasion propaganda campaign since February. But they will keep it handy in their back pocket if the masses ever start waking up and revolting.

It’s mind-blowing when you truly understand how much this world has changed since 2020. The Shawn Skelton story, the sixth article published on The COVID Blog® on January 14, 2021, tested journalistic rigor. That story was very hard to believe. But as a journalist, all you can do is report what the subject says. Now we’ve classified a whole spectrum of vaccine adverse reactions as “Shawn Skelton Syndrome.”

“The pope” is a vaxx zealot. The Mormon church leader is a vaxx zealot. Nearly all Christian pastors in the U.S. are vaxx zealots. Tenzin Gyatso, aka “the Dalai Lama,” is a vaxx zealot AND a pedophile.

These were formerly the people fighting against evil. Now they are big pharma marketing tools.

You literally must use your primal human olfactory instincts in 2023 to determine if the human standing in front of you is a man or a woman

Edward R. Murrow, old school Mike Wallace, Walter Cronkite, and even pre-9/11 Fox News were our fourth branch of government to tell truth and hold government accountable. Journalism (the press) is the only occupation protected by the U.S. Constitution. Now in 2023, “the press” is Sean Hannity, Taylor Lorenz, Al Sharpton, Laura Ingraham, etc. News is now entertainment.

It was normal doing a double-take when you saw someone walking around wearing a face mask prior to 2020. Now it’s normal seeing half the humans in your immediate view wearing masks. If you want high-dose vitamin D in Canada, you now need a prescription. And 17-year-olds dropping dead spontaneously and/or suffering strokes is glossed over as normal.

The Great Reset is like a page-turner book that you cannot put down, except it’s happening in real life. Many critical thinkers have lost their jobs, their friends, their families, and their livelihoods simply for accepting the fact that 2+2=4. Success in life is now positively correlated with willful ignorance and obedience.

We’re only about one-fifth of the way through the book. That’s why we end every article the same way – stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog® book here.


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Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
1 year ago

That woman being interviewed is NOT Tiffany Dover. It probably took this long to find a somewhat lookalike Tiffany. Surprised they didn’t try to use a fake Tiffany AI clone. They should have just kept this story quiet. Anyone with a shred of critical thinking skills won’t buy it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

Yeah, I think they more they try, the more ridiculous it all seems. They should have at least had her kid and family around her to provide more credence. Damar did not have his family around him in his video, but he did go public – in physical form in front of people.

Kirsten H.
Kirsten H.
1 year ago

Tiffany Dover’s death was recorded in the Tennessee record of birth and death statistics a couple of months after her death. It was also listed in around the same time. It’s all been whitewashed and locked down now. These records, along with her public announcement that she was okay, the actor nurse the hospital tried to pass off as her and her FB silence confirmed her death without a shadow of a doubt. I’m sure her family received a handsome payment to stay silent or else. I feel really bad for the children and husband she left behind.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kirsten H.

No need to feel bad for her hubby or her family. i only feel bad for her children. At one point, NBC showed #4 doing dishes in a nice, empty home in high heels & suit. it was the hansome $ her hubby got? But where is the rest of her family? Plus she does not even sound liker her, or look like her; she appears taller & bigger to me.

1 year ago

The beat goes on for Big Pharma & the medical mafia. … And everyone, except for a few curmudgeons like me, keeps running to medical doctors, no matter the corruption, no matter the facts at hand.

1 year ago
Reply to  CSJ

Sadly, some people don’t have a choice; if they have chronic conditions; they have to regularly see a practicing physician.

Luckily, there are some decent doctors out there. I think of Tenpenny or Zelenko (RIP), McCullough, Pierre Kory and the FLCCC doctors.

Good doctors, especially integrated medicine doctors may be hard to find but they are out there. Keep Faith…

1 year ago
Reply to  Rachel

Nonsense. People always have a choice. For yrs as a young person, I had a childhood-vaccine-induced chronic illness that included periodic blindness and periodic paralysis that I successfully cured with lifestyle changes, diet changes, supplements, and alt medicine, including chiropractors. Going on 30 yrs now, I avoid M.D.s like the plague, period.

1 year ago
Reply to  CSJ

Tom cowan is an honest bloke

1 year ago

Yes, Cowan is so honest that he surrendered his M.D. license not long ago because he came to realize that (allopathic) Rockefeller Medicine, which we all have been suffering under for at least 100 yrs, is a poisonous racket.

1 year ago

Tulsi Gabbard would make such a great president. So smart and articulate, she destroys that waffling idiot Harris.

1 year ago
Reply to  SamM

I would NEVER vote for Gun Grabber Gabbard.

1 year ago

“Tenzin Gyatso, aka “the Dalai Lama,” is a vaxx zealot AND a pedophile.”

Thank you for writing the Truth when writing the Truth can get one cancelled or worse.

Harold Crapper
1 year ago

Those who took the Vax are no different than a sheep. The sheep looks to the shepherd for food and protection only to eventually be killed and eaten by the shepherd just as the Vax taker looks to the government for guidance and protection, only to be used and discarded by the government.

1 year ago
Reply to  Harold Crapper

Yes but the sheep deserves love and compassion. She wasn’t endowed with the high intellect than humans have been endowed with, plus, the sheep has no sins whatsoever.

Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
1 year ago

No Tiffany and Damar are both dead. Don’t believe what they say. I mean its happening all over the world but can’t be true because its the USA? Get real they are dead. Called it from day 1. Im not just standing idly by either. Ive got several truth telling shirts about the poison and I wear them all the time. Work (amazon), church, grocery shopping wherever. I do get looks like they want to say something and I’m daring them to. Im always ready to educate. But I also get approving looks and people liking my shirts. I would then engage them in the truth. Let me tell you there is hope. Some are waking up. Alot of people regretting the poison and genuinely scared. I just say I will pray.

1 year ago

It hasn’t gone unnoticed that ‘Tiffany’ was ‘resurrected’ on Easter Sunday either

Enjoy your duplicity Brandy et al, because God will not be mocked for long!

1 year ago

I do not doubt it. Consider: in the 1950s there was a movie made in England entitled I was Monty’s [Field Marshall Montgomery] double about a double used to mislead the Germans. The movie utilised that same person who by chance was an actor to recreate his wartime exploits of being passed off as the Field Marshall. Consider further Churchill’s famous ‘fight them on the beaches’ speech given in the British parliament in 1940 – but in 1940 there was no sound (or visual) recordings being made in the Houses of Parliament and if there had been why is there no background noise, applause etc. The speech was (as is now well known) recreated using a sound alike – it is not Churchill,

1 year ago

I pray everyday that we will not be divided. It is working a treat with the division of the right between De Santis and Trump. The Trump supporters sound totally delusional now, comparing him to Jesus who was “arrested” the same time he was. I wonder what the Democrat wedge would be. RFK Jnr ? He is gaining a LOT of support from traditional Democrat voters. How are they planning for him to take a fall ? I pray RFK Jr wins the nomination and presidency but I fear he will be prevented from doing this.

1 year ago

This morning (04 19 23), a guy from the small family business I help at, sent us the following email :

“My girlfriend just passed from cardiac arrest. I will need a few days. I’m sorry about the late notice.”

He is in his 30s. Could it be that his GF was in her 80’s, hence the cardiac arrest ?.

#FBA Sasha
#FBA Sasha
1 year ago

You keep it all the way real all the time. Thank you. Those two Tennessee clowns are embarrassing. And Stew Peters…I knew he was a grifting crook, but damn. Didn’t know all that!!

L Garwood
L Garwood
1 year ago

Excellent work on the Tiffany Dover story.
Please don’t retire the Damar Hamlin story. He is about to start playing football. It will be interesting to see if the current incarnation is as skilled.

Linda Grace Byers
1 year ago

Brian… when you say you have become more reclusive… I think many of us can relate. I simply cannot stomach the ostrich in the sand stand that so many seem inclined toward, completely oblivious to the lies they tell THEMSELVES in order to maintain a bleak status quo. I hardly socialize, and don’t really even like going to the gym anymore, because it would appear, that everything is just “normal” again, that nothing big has or is happening, and what I know, is things are getting worse daily, despite the nonchalant pretending.

Sadly, it is only a matter of time before someone related to me becomes a casualty: one day I will have the horrible duty of planning funerals for family members ????

1 year ago

You can be sure that there’s a lot of disintegration and damage going on behind the scenes and beyond the nonchalant public facades you’re seeing.

You have to keep your chin up, remember that you’re far from alone in this whole saga and carry on regardless. Life goes on. You can still find slivers of joy and enjoyment in daily activities, in spite of any fear or dread you feel regarding jabbed family members’ health and mortality, or anything else. You still have a right to take care of yourself and to maintain your own happiness.

Almost all my relatives (cousins, aunts, uncles) and neighbours have taken multiple jabs and, while it’s frustrating and sometimes-depressing, I don’t let it get me down or hold me back in living my own life. Us unjabbed folks have worked hard to navigate this fucking farcical mess. I sort of view all of us as the “guardians” of the organic human race and its future, and I think we’ve more-than-“earned” our right to enjoy our lives as much as possible on this planet.

1 year ago
Reply to  Zeke

Well said.

Linda Grace Byers
1 year ago

Thanks Brian, for the background info you provide regarding the media players that are popular, don’t seemed to be censored, and have free reign to say whatever they like as though freedom of speech has not been tampered with… I always wondered how they could “get away” with saying things that others get put in virtual “jail” for… I have noticed that speaking against the propaganda machine is seemingly more acceptable now without getting banned or kicked from certain venues, i.e LinkedIn, facebook, instagram… TPTB like the fighting and the frothing, it gives them confidence that their plan is working.

What advice do you give, if any, about our own brand of propaganda to counter theirs? I do a fair bit of mocking what I know to be ridiculous, but I certainly don’t want to play into their hands unwittingly!

I really appreciate this forum for the honesty I find here… and as I said above, for the background info you provide.

All the best to you Brian, and everyone that seeks truth, loves justice, and walks humbly with their God.

LGB (Linda Grace Byers)

1 year ago

RFK jr has been anti-vaxx for years, anti-govt and corp corruption. He is says he’s for ‘safe vaccines’ to appease the mainstream, but he knows that there are NO safe vaccines.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nette

RFK or any other politician? I’m for separating medicine (and science, for that matter) from State. When medicine wields the authority of government, people cease to own themselves. Belief in self-ownership required separation of church from State (the Founders thought so, apparently); now for 21st century liberty, we must also hold science (eco-tyranny) and medicine apart from State. ANY politician who thinks medicine and science should wield authority through government, is one I will AVOID.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x