The Great Reset Accelerated II: eggs and red meat are poison, E.U. approves more bugs as marketable food, and the destructive phenomenon of “transmaxxing”
January 31, 2023

For whatever reason, The Great Reset is still referred to as “conspiracy theory” by mainstream media and their surrogate organizations. Klaus Schwab published his book, entitled COVID-19: The Great Reset on July 13, 2020. It literally outlines everything the powers-that-be (“TPTB”) had planned for humanity through the year 2030.

The book was an instruction manual for anyone willing to listen. Just two months after the book was released, when most of the world was locked down, all the World Economic Forum-affiliated premiers were openly telling everyone about the “reset” of humanity. Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, at a virtual United Nations meeting in September 2020, was one of the first to use this language.

The Great Reset is easier for younger people (those age 21 and younger) to accept because they have no basis of comparison. This is the only world they know, the post 9/11 world of social media, internet, government spying, destruction of families, fake elections, mass media manipulation, etc. Whether we like it or not, The Great Reset is here and will only get more sinister as time passes.

RELATED: Logistical plans for ushering in “you’ll eat bugs and like it” becoming more clear as the major players begin identifying themselves publicly (June 29, 2022)


A little over a year ago, we published our first comprehensive article on The Great Reset. Two of the central tenets thereof are “you’ll own nothing and be happy” and, colloquially, “eat zee bugs” in Schwab’s voice.

British MP Trudy Harrison called individual vehicle ownership “outdated 20th century thinking” in December 2021. Coincidentally or otherwise, vehicle ownership declined in the U.K. in both 2020 and 2021. That had never happened in the previous 100 years.

The E.U. declared red meat carcinogenic a year ago, while promoting bugs as replacement protein. Mainstream media were (and still are) censoring all the mass protests around the world against the injections and The Great Reset in general since 2020. We quoted MP Harrison at the end of the article: “many things seem far fetched until they aren’t.”

The COVID Blog® pointed out last week that nearly half of Americans now accept the fact that the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections are killing people. Whether you call it Agenda 2030, the New World Order, or The Great Reset, the primary goal for the powers-that-be (“TPTB”) remains the same – reduce the human population by 90%, or to 500 million people by 2030. They’ve been very open and honest about this agenda since at least 2009.

We’ve projected that the human population will be reduced by around 43% between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2024 – or a drop from 7.8 billion people to around 4.5 billion in that time frame. TPTB and their government statistics agencies will never admit this is happening, however.

Australia is already lying about its population numbers. The country reported a population increase in 2022 despite increased excess deaths and significantly reduced births since 2021. These population lies will be global modus operandi through 2030.

RELATED: Friday Afternoon News: The Joe Biden transhumanism Executive Order 14081, gruesome AstraZeneca skin reaction in Vietnam, and four more sudden deaths (September 16, 2022)


The lethal injections are the primary means to the depopulation end. At least 40% of Americans will voluntarily vaxx themselves to death. They will continue receiving mRNA boosters, flu shots, monkeypox shots, etc. until they drop dead. Thus, TPTB continue promoting the lethal injections to said crowd with the same successful formula beginning in late 2020.

The Bidens used the Christmas holiday to promote the injections.

Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski used an episode of their MSNBC morning show to promote the injections last week. The entire exchange appeared scripted. Scarborough, at the very end of the skit, mumbled the words “get yourself a booster shot,” almost as if he didn’t want to say it, but was ordered to by his bosses.

Speaking of MSNBC, another one of their tools, Yasmin Vossoughian, had been missing from the airwaves for several weeks. She finally addressed the issue on January 28 when she returned to work.  Vossoughian had both pericarditis and myocarditis. She blamed both conditions on “a common cold.”

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Vaxx zealots simply need to see their idols promoting the injections to continue receiving endless booster shots.

Direct kills from the injections will account for most of the vaccine genocide through 2024. Sterilization by “vaccine” has already slashed global birth rates. Homosexual culture and the societal rewards for participation in the LGBTV religion will also contribute heavily to depopulation (more on that later). Famine due to artificial weather manipulation and deliberate destruction of food supply chains will account for the rest.

By this time in 2025, what’s left of humanity will be conditioned to eat insects. Nearly all will be connected to the transhumanist super computer, and be conditioned to believe that all the good, healthy foods humans have eaten for centuries are poisonous and bad for you. The propaganda and legal foundations are being laid as we speak.

“Eggs cause blood clots” propaganda resurfaces courtesy of same British media company that propagates fake “car accident” deaths

World food prices reached all-time highs in 2022, according to the latest data by the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The record was achieved despite food prices dropping in nine consecutive months ending in December last year.

Meat, dairy and vegetable oil prices are at their highest points since FAO began keeping records in 1990. Cereal prices (wheat, corn, etc.) broke the previous record from 2011. But the food item garnering the most attention is eggs.

A dozen eggs was $4.25 across the U.S. in December 2022, up 138% from December 2021. Organic eggs and those sold in rich neighborhoods at high-end grocers were selling for $12 to upwards of $18 per dozen last week.

U.S. government blames so-called “avian flu” for the dramatic price hikes. But Farm Action, a nonprofit based in Missouri, disagreed in an open letter to the Federal Trade Commission to weeks ago.

It said that avian flu reduced egg-laying chicken flocks by 6% maximum, which is not near enough to justify the dramatic price hikes. Farm Action said high egg prices are a “collusive scheme among industry leaders” for profit. Many egg farmers have taken to social media, and blame the commercial feed for their hens suddenly stopping or laying significantly fewer eggs lately.

TPTB, meanwhile, are taking this opportunity to renew old myths about eggs.

This blogger is old enough to remember when eggs were considered very unhealthy. The American Heart Association announced in 1968 that eggs were high in “bad cholesterol” (low-density lipoproteins) and cause cardiovascular disease (strokes, heart attacks, etc.). From that point through the 2000s, the federal government recommended that people consume no more than three eggs per week.

Real scientists started punching holes in the “eggs are bad” propaganda in the 1990s. By 2015, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and equivalent international agencies dropped egg and cholesterol recommendations for diets altogether, essentially admitting decades of error. But the egg honeymoon did not last long.

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CBS News published a story on April 25, 2017 entitled “Nutrient in meat and eggs may play role in blood clotting, heart attack risk.” The story referenced a study published that same day by the Cleveland Clinic. It states:

“Choline – a nutrient typically found in egg yolks, red meat and processed meats, but dispensed via supplements in the study – is directly linked to increased production of a gut bacteria byproduct that increases the risk of blood-clotting events like heart attack and stroke. However, the research also showed that adding a low dose of aspirin may reduce that risk.”

The study garnered little attention until last week, when the Daily Express in the U.K. resurrected it. The timing is of course curious, with all the egg price gouging news. But even Pfizer-owned Reuters was forced to admit that the Daily Express story was propaganda. It all makes sense when you zoom out and look at the full picture.

RELATED: DCIS “breast cancer,” depression drugs are the two biggest medical scams (after so-called COVID-19) in human history, but now exacerbated by the injections (October 27, 2022)


The Daily Express is owned by Reach PLC. The company also owns the Manchester Evening News, The Daily Record, and Wales Online. These newspapers pushed the “Megha Thakur died in a car accident” lie in November. Joe Rogan also amplified the egg/blood clot propaganda. He posted a link via Instagram (and since deleted it) to a shady website that referenced the Daily Express article. Rogan believed that the research was new and presented it as such. This comes just three weeks after Rogan amplified a fake tweet from a doctor.

It’s unclear why mainstream media and governments vilified egg consumption for so long. Perhaps we should be eating a lot more eggs because of these attacks, in the spirit of “always do the opposite of what government says to do”. TPTB have disparaged Ivermectin since 2020, mostly because it was effective in treating influenza (“COVID-19”). But Ivermectin is also highly effective in treating and preventing various cancers. Mass dissemination of this fact would destroy their multi-billion dollar cancer industry.

TPTB need a sick population to profit off of them. Eggs, particularly chicken eggs, may be some sort of superfood that TPTB do not want humans eating because it keeps them healthy. Food for thought (pun intended).

Eat all the lean steak, pork, ground beef that your heart desires

Note that pork looks like white meat. But because hogs are livestock and the meat contains higher levels of myoglobin than poultry and fish, it is classified as red meat (despite all those 1990s commercials calling it “the other white meat”).

Red meat has been denigrated for decades by mainstream media and government. A 2012 study published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine concluded that “red meat consumption is associated with an increased risk of [cardiovascular disease] and cancer mortality.” The New York Times amplified the study. The World Health Organization declared red meat is “probably carcinogenic to humans” in 2015. But the truth is coming out in 2023.

Researchers at the University of Washington Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) developed what is called the burden of proof risk function (BPRF). It is a ratings system, from one to five stars, to evaluate health risks, particularly as it relates to the consumption of certain foods. One star means no positive correlation between the behavior and posited outcome; five stars means an 85% or greater chance of a positive correlation.

IHME researchers evaluated 70 years of conflicting research about red meat, and found:

“…weak evidence of association between unprocessed red meat consumption and colorectal cancer, breast cancer, type 2 diabetes and ischemic heart disease. Moreover, we found no evidence of an association between unprocessed red meat and ischemic stroke or hemorrhagic stroke.”

All of the data crunched by researchers garnered no higher than two-star ratings on the BPRF. But that’s not the most interesting part. This study was part of an initiative called the Global Burden of Disease report, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Gates is course a major funder of fake food company Beyond Meat. He is also a big promoter of “synthetic beef” and “eat zee bugs and like it.”

Why Bill Gates would allow this IHME study to be published is unclear. But Children’s Health Defense reported that Gates sold off a lot of his vaccine stocks for a 900% ROI, then started publicly bashing the injections.

Unless it’s purely an ego thing, and Gates wants to be the #1 richest person in the world again for the first time since 2017, none of this makes sense. But it’s The Great Reset. It’s not supposed to make sense.

European Union approves more bugs for commercial sale as food

Mainstream media follow a consistent format for their bug eating propaganda. Forbes published an article on January 14 entitled “Eat Bugs! It’s What’s For Dinner.” This is a play on the 1990s ad campaign, “Beef, it’s what for dinner.”

Forbes repeated the four classical conditioning talking points contained in all mainstream bug eating propaganda. It’s the exact same method Russian psychologist Ivan Pavlov used to make dogs salivate just from the sound of a metronome. The four established propaganda talking points for bug eating are:

  • protein-rich
  • delicacies in many parts of the world
  • Eating bugs stops climate change
  • Eating bugs improves global food security

The goal is to make people salivate over the following, versus natural nausea and potential vomiting.

This blogger did not believe in December 2020 that 80% of Americans would have received at least one mRNA or viral vector DNA injection as of publishing this article. But it happened. It seems even more unfathomable for 80% of Americans to accept bugs as food. We’ll check back in mid-2024.

Meanwhile the European Union (E.U.) has been pushing the four bug-eating propaganda talking points since at least May 2020. The E.U. authorized mealworms, house crickets and locusts for “marketing…as novel food” in 2021 and early 2022. Last week the E.U. authorized beetle larvae as novel food. There are eight more pending applications for bug novel foods that are awaiting E.U. approval.

Europeans will be the first Westerners eating bugs regularly. They will eat bugs or starve, unless they are master fishermen, trappers, hunters and/or growers with tillable land or enough indoor space for aquaponics. Europe is always the testing ground for the rest of the West as it relates to The Great Reset and its agendas.

The Netherlands (2000) and Belgium (2003) were the first countries in the world to fully legalize homosexual marriage. The LGBTV religion is integral to the overall depopulation agenda. It halts procreation, destroys nuclear families, and encourages degeneracy.

RELATED: 2022 Midterm Elections: rampant homosexuality is the universal eschatological sign of end times; and why Black Americans must non-vote Democrats out of power (October 11, 2022)


We’ve written about eschatology (end times prophecies) and how all the signs are present thereof since the turn of the millennium. Nearly 54% of humanity identifies as Christian/Catholic or Muslim. Said religions have definitive eschatological tenets pointing to rampant homosexual culture as being a sign of the end times.

Hinduism (15% of humanity) does not have definitive eschatological tenets correlated with homosexual culture. But only 37% of India’s population believes LGBTV culture is acceptable. Atheistic China (18% of the world’s population) is also very anti-LGBTV. Thus nearly 90% of humanity believes that rampant homosexuality is a sign of societal decline and/or the religious end times.

It’s both socially and financially rewarding to practice homosexual culture and toxic feminism in the U.S., Europe and Canada. And those three areas of the world, along with Israel, despite representing only 11% of humanity, control nearly all global narratives.

These social and political conditions have created one of the most disturbing phenomena yet of The Great Reset.

“Transmaxxing”: when desperate young men give up on life, take female hormones, wear dresses and makeup for acceptance

This blogger is quite nostalgic about the 1980 and early 1990s. The childhood, teenage and young 20s years of blissful ignorance, no internet, no smartphones, wholesome family television shows, etc. are priceless and irreplaceable.

The crowning achievement for every Generation X boy was nearly universal across the board – “getting laid.” Make the girls laugh, listen to them, and lift weights so your shoulders, chest and biceps looked good in a T-shirt, and you were in like Flynn. The nerdy guys with no muscle mass could woo girls with intellect.

Movies like Porky’s, American Pie, Revenge of the Nerds, House Party, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, etc. embodied these phenomena of fun, flirting, friendships, and the other f-word in the 1980 and 1990s. Movies like Grease and Dazed and Confused showed similar upbringings for kids in the 1950s through the 1970s.

Fast forward to the childhoods and early adulthoods of young Millennials, Generation Z, and Generation Alpha – meaning everyone born after 1996 or so. It is an incredibly depressing and manipulative time to be a young person, particularly a young man or teen boy trying to make his way in this world.

Circumstances leading to “transmaxxing”

One in five Generation Z Americans identify as LGBTV, according to a February 2022 Gallup poll. Boys are taught that exhibiting any natural human male behaviors and traits is “toxic masculinity.” Half of the girls either think they are boys and/or are trying to convince other girls to be sexually involved with them. High school social circles are dictated by Snapchat, Instagram and TikTok. Thus young men and boys who want to fit in must mimic what they see on social media and television.

Financial services firm Morgan Stanley estimates that 45% of women age 25-44 will be single/unmarried in 2030. Most modern girls and women are more interested in money and careers than family and love. Note that nearly 70% of Americans over age 14 (parental consent required under age 18) were married in 1960. Millions of young women today are willing to sell their souls and dignity for a few dollars online.

Nearly all women who were childless prior to 2021 will be childless in 2030 due to sterilization and sperm destruction via the injections.

This blogger first learned the word “incel” (a portmanteau for “involuntarily celibate”) when a group of 4chan people attempted stealing all the trademarks and copyrights of The COVID Blog®. 4chan and Reddit are the primary websites for young, lonely men and boys who have given up on women and life in general due to the circumstances. They want women, but can only get close to women by paying prostitutes. This demographic has no friends other than anonymous 4chan and Reddit users. Said websites, as a result, incubate many mass shooters.

Life is simply easier for women and LGBTV adherents in the 21st century. Society is built for those two demographics to succeed. The solution for incels is simple – practice homosexual culture and change themselves into “women.” They have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

What is “transmaxxing?”

Transmaxxing is young men taking female hormones and dressing like women (“transitioning”) for financial and social gain. It has nothing to do with so-called gender identity and/or gender dysphoria. “Transmaxxers” wish to take advantage of the clear, undeniable benefits of being female and/or homosexual (“trans”) in the 21st century versus being a “boring heterosexual male.” It is purely an act of survival due to toxic feminism (LGBTV) ruling U.S. mainstream society in the 21st century.

Transmaxxers recognize that society is setup for women to succeed and for heterosexual men to fail, unless the latter are in the 90th percentile of attractiveness for men (facial symmetry, jawlines, tall, muscles, etc.). Thus it behooves all young men who want to improve their social and economic prospects to look as much like women as possible, and practice sexual degeneracy to feel wanted.

The “Transmaxxing Manifesto,” perhaps the most disturbing document this blogger has read since the 1969 Planned Parenthood Jaffe Memo, is now on Version 6. Two paragraphs from the 73-page document sum up the entire thing:

“Being unwilling to transition even though it would be beneficial for you is a mental illness since it significantly affect[s] your life in a negative manner. It’s not clear why so many people are so unwilling to transition even though they would clearly benefit from it. One explanation for this is people having their gender as an important part of their identity and then changing your sex becomes almost unthinkable.

Gay males are already degenerate in the sense that they are not really into reproductive sex. This degeneracy factor explains why they are more likely to transition. If you do not currently feel like living as a female, you might have to work on fixing that. Identifying as male or being emotionally attached to a male body is bad for you if being male results in you living a bad life.”

The manifesto continued

The manifesto goes on to say, “Sex is a basic human need and if you cannot have a good sex life because you are male you need to consider medical transition as a solution.” Transmaxxers also enjoy their newfound clout and friend circles on mainstream social media platforms for “coming out as trans.” Playing the trans role allows this population to have sexual relations with both men and women, while also improving their occupational and economic prospects.

Numerous transmaxxing “success stories,” complete with links to their Reddit and Twitter profiles, are included in the manifesto. “Trannymaxxing to get lesbians is my idea and I hope it spreads,” one story says. “A huge amount of the reason I was an incel was because I was a closeted trans girl,” another says. The manifesto also points to ways of obtaining female hormones without a prescription from doctors.

Read the full manifesto here.


It’s unclear how many transmaxxers exist. But there are Reddit pages, Wiki pages, Discord pages, etc. dedicated to this phenomenon, complete with step-by-step transmaxxing instructions, including pornographic conditioning.

Transmaxxing aids in the TPTB’s depopulation agenda via social degeneracy, elimination of procreation and potential families. As long as those factors exist, TPTB will not only allow transmaxxing, but aid in normalizing it.

Back to human basics for survival

The holiday season typically spans from mid-November to early January. This blogger is a Christmas nerd. The nostalgic feels, old memories and creating new memories, especially the priceless looks on kids’ faces when they open presents, never gets old. The Christmas tree and/or decorations typically stay up until the end of January, just to hang on for as long as possible.

A memory that came up this past Christmas was all the siblings and cousins playing with the dogs when we were kids. The biggest laughs came when we would crawl around on all fours to be like the dogs, only for the male dogs to start sniffing our butts. It was very funny. But no matter how much dogs are domesticated, they are still animals, just like humans.

Dogs sniff butts not only to know if they’ve met the other dog before, but also to know if the other dog is male or female. Most male and female species look exactly alike, other than the males being slightly bigger. Lions and lionesses are one of the few exceptions. All other animals know by smell. Humans used to be similar to lions, in that you knew who was male and female just by looking. But since the turn of the millennium, that is no longer the case. Natural instinct is now the only way to truly distinguish between male and female humans.

This blogger purchased by mail order a cologne called Realm back in 1993. It was said to contain human pheromones that make women go crazy over you. Note that pheromones are substances secreted by animals to attract mates, dictate social behaviors, etc. There is scientific evidence showing that humans do in fact secrete pheromones. But adult humans lack functional vomeronasal organs to process pheromones.

RELATED: Massive meta-analysis finds definitive link between autism spectrum disorder and gender dysphoria; “vaccines” were the catalysts that precipitated it all (December 29, 2022)


Whether the cologne really worked or not is debatable. But human olfactory senses are underrated. It doesn’t matter how much surgery men receive, how many hormones they take, how much perfume they wear, etc. You can literally smell “male” through all the clown makeup.

The ones who have been physically castrated by choice and been on female artificial hormones since childhood still have prostate glands. The adrenal glands produce some testosterone in both sexes. The prostate converts that testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, which a healthy human male olfactory system can detect, even in eunuchs in dresses.

Meditation is the best way to gradually reset your olfactory system to its natural state, which can detect these 21st century manipulative agendas. There are scientific reasons why women’s locker rooms smell completely different than men’s locker rooms.

RELATED: 4 more utterly ridiculous mainstream media propaganda campaigns to continue normalizing post-injection heart attacks (February 16, 2022)


Here is 2023 in a nutshell:

  • experiment gene therapy shots are good, safe and effective
  • sexual degeneracy is good and ideal
  • mainstream media (singular) is the truth
  • high protein, delicious steaks, pork chops, and scrambled eggs will kill you
  • bugs are high-quality protein delicacies that should be eaten in abundance
  • family and God are obsolete and not cool.

Many millions of people succumbed and received the injections to save their jobs, to travel, to fit in with the hive, etc. They are now suffering the consequences. Millions more are practicing desperate, voluntary homosexual culture to reap the built-in societal benefits.

Just like you are better off being an illegal immigrant in the U.S. versus a homeless American, you are better off being a homosexual male wearing a dress, versus a gentleman with a well-groomed goatee in a five-piece suit. The Biden Administration literally offers “gender-affirming care” and “gender-affirming housing resources” for homeless people. Thus, you have more government assistance options as a homeless person if you are practicing homosexual culture.

Teen girls are now indoctrinated early to become male-like figures and divest of femininity. They get bullied by toxic feminist culture as teens and adults if they display too much femininity. Some of these people go to extremes to prove their toxic feminism.

The Great Reset is a time for everyone to reset their fundamental humanity. This blogger made a snare trap for the first time in many years last week, and set it outside overnight. The next morning, a rabbit was hanging there. The legs and the loins on an average-sized rabbit (plus some rice) feed two people easily. It makes you feel human again to hunt and eat your own food. Fishing happens every weekend, even in the winter months.

Non-vaccinated, non-degenerate, critical thinking men and women are the last bastions of true humanity. It’s a very small, sparse group. All of you have the responsibility to yourselves, your children, and if applicable, your God, to embrace your respective masculinity or femininity, along with your humanity. In 10 years, young people will be asking you “what was the world like before,” á la that scene from the 2010 post-apocalypse film “The Book of Eli.”

This website and most of the internet will be long gone by then. Most copies of the forthcoming The COVID Blog® book will be burned and gone. A global Ministry of Propaganda will create and disseminate “truth,” such as 2 + 2 =5. Embrace your status as one of the last recorders of humanity, before Human 2.0 takes full hold of the world.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog® book here.


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1 year ago

I am roughly the same age as Brian, and it is still my coveted crowning achievement 😀

Has not happened for a while though…having very poor luck in finding an unjabbed partner.

1 year ago

Thanks Brian for all your posts and research, to me, and I am sure that to all your readers, it has been very helpful. In this end-times is very important to consecrated to our Lady The Virgin Mary, Following the method of Saint Louis Maria Grignion de Montfort. She is the refuge for these times and her consecrated children will triumph by her side. It helps to have spiritual guidance, The Heralds of the Ghospel are very supportive. Thanks for all your hard work.

1 year ago
Reply to  Miguel

We have to fight back!!!

Nietzsche Says
Nietzsche Says
1 year ago

Strongmen of old, Louis Cyr, Eugene Saxon, Arthur Sandow etc.., subsisted on eggs, milk and meat as a staple of their diets. Are they wrong? Of course, this was before PEDs.

1 year ago

I learned to forage, how to consume yuca and cactus, identify and eat flowers. Somehow I like the idea of just walking off from society and wandering the wilderness…but alas, I probably should get in better shape. And I’m getting old too. Still, rather than be anxious over the doom that seems to hang over the world…I’m actually having fun learning new survival skills and some of the old ways. My next adventure is learning to make my own natural medicine. I’m currently writing out the Bible by hand in spiral notebooks. You know, just in case, lol. Plus I just love the Bible anyway, I can turn anything into an adventure I suppose.

Nietzsche Says
Nietzsche Says
1 year ago
Reply to  Candace

That bible isn’t going to give you the advice needed to survive. NEVER listen to the “tribe”

A rope leash
A rope leash
1 year ago

I’m not particularly religious, but I do have an innate morality. As Abe Lincoln once said, if it feels wrong, it probably is wrong.

I do feel that we are living in an apocalypse in that the Internet has revealed great truths to the average person that they could have never understood without it. It is also clear that humanity is in for a massive die-off.

I am a great believer in individual freedom for adults. Homosexuality repulses me, but if that’s your thing, have at it. Just stay away from the children, and don’t try turning them, because they have to discover their own sexuality.

This is where the transexual agenda goes way to far. Children should not be able to decide what’s best for themselves sexually. That is in the realm of adulthood. People pushing the transexual agenda on children are clearly guilty of child abuse and should be prosecuted.

I have a couple of questions for transgender surgeons that I cannot seem to get a straight answer for. Gender is biological and that has always been the fact…so, first…when a person is cut up and turned into the opposite sex, will they be able to reproduce in a natural way? That is, will they be able to produce the sperm or the egg that they think they should be producing? I’m certain the answer to that is no, meaning surgery can in no way change gender.

The other question I have is whether or not the surgically transgendered will ever be able to achieve orgasm. From what I’ve read about people with surgical regret, the answer is no. The doctors doing this are the worst kind of Frankensteinian quacks, and should be prosecuted.

I know that I sometimes go too far with my inquisitive nature and speculative creativity. I’ve had two comments censored and erased on two different sites just today. But, that’s what I mean about the importance of freedom, and being who you are. As the wise iconoclast Frank Zappa once said, progress is impossible without deviation from the norm.

The practice of surgery went many years before accepting that the claims of certain practitioners were true. Sterilization of hands and tools stops infection.

Who knew? Somebody that was ignored.

Good luck to this blog. Good luck to the world.

1 year ago
Reply to  A rope leash

There is a very long list of quotes attributed to Abe Lincoln that he never actually said. People make up what seems to be wise thoughts and attach his name to them so they’ll be believed more than just if one said, “I made this up by myself.” There are also countless writings attributed to various celebrities who never wrote such things, but people forward them relentlessly in emails.

Getting by in this world requires one to be able to separate BS from reality. Those reading this blog have chosen reality over official BS.

Student of Mary
Student of Mary
1 year ago
Reply to  A rope leash

Best not to encourage homosexual behavior, though.

A rope leash
A rope leash
1 year ago

I agree, especially when it comes to children.

1 year ago
Reply to  A rope leash

Speaking of Frank Zappa, have you read “the strange but mostly true story of laurel canyon and the birth of the hippie generation”?

I read it a few years back and it was one of those bits of info that had a world view changing effect on me. A little teaser is Jim Morrison.. of the Doors.. is the son of U.S. Navy Admiral George Stephen Morrison whom was commanding the US warships that allegedly come under attack while patrolling Vietnam’s Tonkin Gulf.. a made up event that led to the Vietnam War

A rope leash
A rope leash
1 year ago
Reply to  JonnyFin

Yes I have read that story about Laurel Canyon. A lot of those Sixties rockers were the offspring of government employees, even Frank. The upshot is that the entire hippie movement was a psy-op designed to discredit the anti-war movement by infesting it with drugs and immorality.

I believe Frank warned about it with clues hidden in albums like “We’re Only in It for the Money”. Frank wasn’t as wild as some would like to think…he was married and had children. He did not do drugs beyond cigarettes and the occasional beer.

He made his crazy rock records as a way to make money to finance his jazz and orchestral works, which were great but did not have the sales that the rock records had.

Most people don’t understand what we lost in Frank. He constantly put a mirror up to American society and made it look at itself. The powers that be don’t like that!

Universal recently bought out his catalog and they will probably bury most of it. They took down the Zappa forum, which was a free-speech pandemonium.

There will never be another like Frank Zappa. Had he lived, he would have been the first to be canceled.

Al G
Al G
1 year ago

Thank you, Brian, for all the effort you put into getting this info out to us. I don’t know if I’m alone in this, but I’ve been struggling with anger and agitation a lot lately, and feeling like I’m desperate for some authentic human connection and conversation. It seems to be becoming increasingly rare to find someone with sparkly eyes and the desire/ability to engage in real talk – when I find it I start ranting and swearing and getting carried away, as it feels like such a release to feel seen and heard.

My brain is tired from the cognitive dissonance and worrying about loved ones who succumbed to jab pressure. I want to explode – probably as I am being severely neglectful of my prayer and meditation practice. It’s like constantly fighting against an inner resistance as well as trying to deal with what’s happening externally.

The last section of this post, where you give props to those who are unjabbed and thinking outside the matrix gave my heart some ease. I had just been thinking I was a waste of space so God bless you for trying to keep our spirits up in such dark days.

1 year ago
Reply to  Al G

“ probably as I am being severely neglectful of my prayer and meditation practice.”

This hit home for me.. I spend half my time terrified and half my time excited that I get to be here for it. The more I pray/meditate the more on the excited side I am.

Still don’t know what ‘it’ is.. but ironically it’s looking like ‘it’ actually is Information Technology

Al G
Al G
1 year ago
Reply to  JonnyFin

Thanks for your response- I’m glad if my words helped you in any way:) Yes, I get the alternate modes but I can’t get excited about IT as I get awful migraines from anything IT if I engage for any length of time. Looking forward to the quantum age – if I can survive this one!

1 year ago
Reply to  Al G

Your first paragraph indicates strongly that you have self-awareness and that you are insightful. While it is a blessing, things and people being as they are right now, it will at the same time increase your sense of loneliness and perceived alienation.

Take comfort in knowing that you are not alone.

1 year ago

This is insane, evil, and it has to be stopped!

1 year ago

Genesis 6:6 And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

The Hinoeuma
1 year ago

All The Right Moves, The Breakfast Club, Pretty In Pink, Sixteen Candles, Risky Business, Dirty Dancing, War Games, The Karate Kid, Back to the Future, Weird Science, St. Elmo’s Fire, Just One of the Guys, Teen Wolf, Stand By Me, Can’t Buy Me Love, Some Kind of Wonderful, The Sure Thing, Little Darlings, Foxes, About Last Night, Revenge of the Nerds… I miss those days.

1 year ago

Thank you for your time and effort writing this painful stuff. I look forward to your blog. Our lives have changed so much and I don’t see us heading in any good direction. It takes a toll mentally and very few to talk to about it. Not even my husband who is 72 and can’t handle the stress of it all, so he tunes it out including arguing contrails not chemtrails. I fear and feel such sadness for my grown kids and grandchildren.
I was born 1961 and think fondly of days before all this crap. Trust is totally gone.

Al G
Al G
1 year ago
Reply to  Nesi

Hi Nesi,

I feel your pain. We are getting heavily sprayed on a daily basis which affects my breathing and mental health. To add insult to injury, I feel like I’m in an alternate reality to most other people who see nothing amiss with these satanic creations! I was burning white vinegar in the garden through the summer which helped break them down, but it’s frustrating as they would increase the spraying the following day.
I agree that things are heading in a worse direction, and that these things take a toll on mental health. We are in a war of attrition and are being worn down with the unrelenting deceit and tyranny. If we can hang on to our sanity and our compassion in these evil times, I think we’re doing very well:)

1 year ago
Reply to  Nesi

Maybe it is not trust that is gone but it is TPTB that don’t bother anymore to maintain the illusions you were so fond of.

1 year ago

“This blogger first learned the word “incel” (a portmanteau for “involuntarily celibate”) when a group of 4chan people attempted stealing all the trademarks and copyrights of The COVID Blog®.”

I laughed out loud when I read that.

1 year ago

Live life. I firmly believe there are more of us out there. They want you to feel defeated and helpless. Look who’s selling this BS? Critical thinkers don’t follow trends. The future is ours. Stay strong and God bless you all. ❤️

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

“I firmly believe there are more of us out there. They want you to feel defeated and helpless”

I believe that also. I realize it when I wear my “no vax” hoodie and people approach me with “I like your hoodie”…etc. One construction worker asked to take a picture of my hoodie, so much he liked it.

People just need to be pulled out of their lethargy and submissiveness by showing them that you are not afraid to rock the boat and they will be inspired to follow. Who is there to be afraid of in the first place ?. Some deluded human or a bully one who bleeds like every human bleeds ?.

Whenever the subject is brought up, dump the whole facts on them, do not be concerned about their feelings. Truth is brutal, it takes no prisoner. And only Truth shall make you free.

The cynical is the tyrant’s best ally.

1 year ago

“Being unwilling to transition even though it would be beneficial for you is a mental illness…”

Holy crocodillo I’m out … please, depopulate me. Brian, at last you broke me. 😵

1 year ago
Reply to  Kimmy

“please, depopulate me.” 🤣 Kimmy, you made my day!

1 year ago

Direct hit on the 80’s ,90’s young man lifestyle. Our sons unfortunately will never know a world such as that one. Now I’m off to download some Cyprus Hill songs!

1 year ago

It makes no sense for everyone to be expected to change their sex, unless it is to sterilize you.

1 year ago
Reply to  Greeboz6

It’s a social contagion, the transmaxxing thing looks like a tiny subculture within the wider contagion that is the trans agenda but I’ve actually been watching alot of ‘detransitioners’ on YouTube, they’re everywhere and counting. The ‘assignment’ surgeries they have are cosmetic but marketed as though they will offer the functioning genetalia of the opposite sex and they NEVER do. One surgery guarantees four more corrective surgeries to restore the ability to wee. The regret for those who get castrated is swift and brutal.

Sudden and Unexpected
Sudden and Unexpected
1 year ago
Reply to  Betticus

If a person is willing to do this to themselves, or is the genetic offspring of a parent who allows it, then they are defective and we don’t need them reproducing.

1 year ago

An article in The Hill online, dated January 30, 2023, is titled Getting vaccinated at pharmacies works: It could soon disappear and the first paragraph states:
In December, the United States marked the two-year anniversary of the first COVID-19 vaccination. These vaccines have been incredibly successful: 3.2 million deaths averted, 18.5 million hospitalizations prevented and $1.15 trillion saved, according to one report. We are forever indebted to the scientists who developed them.

“Forever indebted”?! This is what we encounter when we express our lack of faith in these poisons. No wonder so many are dying. They’re brains have been filled with this mush.

1 year ago
Reply to  Piglet

The scientists in question seem to shun the limelight. Such modesty.

1 year ago

Love your articles full of valuable info and updates.
Sad but good news in a way you will understand is that Thai princess seems to b in a bad shape due to criminal gene therapy, seems that the royals there are consulting with a great pro-freedom doctor/scientist, one can hope they open their minds and eyes and stay away from corrupt WHO, f WEF and criminal gain of function pharmas
Above Castro Turd’eau is always disgusting to watch, i have no stomach for him… tyrant
Wish u all the best always!

1 year ago

Well, there goes the freaking neighborhood 😐 ya know folks, we , err uh, many of us may be prepping but what they’ve got planned you can’t prep for. Don’t stop prepping, but it just might be time to circle the wagons, grab some steel and defend our farms, our intentional communities, or find one, get there and survive until God returns. It just gets worse from here.

Mick Domingo
Mick Domingo
1 year ago

I live in Manchester and the Manchester Evening News has gone from one of the best regional news papers around to an absolute abysmal joke. Its full of whatever the current propaganda warrants, non stories about women putting on weight, celebrities scratching their crotch, footballs buying tins of beans, and someone falling over in the local park. If there was ever a news outlet that mirrored the sign of the Times its the Manchester Evening News.

1 year ago

The truth is.We as humans are the reason for all of this. Demons disguises as people are planning these things but They need humans to join in and to comply and carry out the plan or to be indifferent or look the other way.How many times dis the majority accepted things which should have absolutely not have been accepted but did anyway to be able to carry on with our lives. Countless times. The deadly plan Works step by step. Luttel tint steps. That is what really brought this planet at this point. We did it. What will happen cannot be changed anymore. It’s too late now. But it will stop. Remember these people do things and talk in an opposite manner. You must turn around what They say. In 2030 it will end what They are doing on this planet. They know that and their AIM now is to create maximum chaos, suffering ,destruction and death. All that to achieve the greatest amount of spiritual casualties. This is a spiritual issue not one from the flesh. The AIM of a demon is always to bring you further into darkness or to keep you there. Their time is almost up. That is why They speed up things and are in a great hurry now. Know your enemy. They always turn things around. By presenting it as They do ( that in 2030 it will all be over for you) They AIM to create mass demorilazation in those still standing and subdue Amy thought of hope. It will be over yes in 2030 but for them. Not for you. But that They will not share with you for obvious reasons. In between now and 2030 terrible things will happen. We cannot stop that process now. Things are already in place and have been set in motion which cannot be turned around. Learn to live of the land, connect with like minded humans, understand how nature works, learn how to survive and be creative, be brave and fear no one or nothing and remain in unity with the original cause of everything. God. There are spiritual laws which work for or against is ( including the demons and their helpers). How it plays out is related to free will. Many will die. We cannot change that as well and accept it. In the it was a matter of free will without the guidance of intelligence. It is then what it is after the decision.
Remain 1 with the original cause of everything (God) and use common sense together with intelligence. 2030 is the year it will end for them on this planet. Not for you and me. Take care.

1 year ago
Reply to  Longrider

Their NWO includes to have everyone speak one voice; which is being speared-headed by the EU.

The EU building in Strasbourg is designed in the same way as the famous tower of babel painting by Bruegel (both incomplete constructions). They are trying to take us back to the pre-flood age of demonic/fallen angel rule. History is repeating itself.

God had to cull the planet during the time of Noah to wipe out the wickedness (as described in detail in the books of enoch and jasher). Now the new cull is already happening with these clot shots.

God said he wouldn’t flood the world again.

Are the remaining unvaccinated going to be spared on some other kind of ark? Will we have to repopulate the planet just as Noah’s descendants did?

1 year ago
Reply to  Longrider

agree with your points… just wondering how you got the year 2030?… I believe we are already in that time period known as the “Great Tribulation”, and it’s going to get worse from here.. and that the 7 years time-line mentioned in the Book of Revelations, may not be a literal 7 years as we know it. It may be much longer symbolic amount of time-according to God’s time frame.

We all need to start seeking out God in our lives, and repenting of anything needing repenting in us… And asking Him for the grace to get through the rest of our miserable existance on this planet … helping as many people as we can where He permits us the opportunity- Because it’s never about “us”; It’s about others.

Eventually, after death, or after He does return one day (whichever comes first) Jesus will wipe all of our tears away. Until then, we are in a type of spiritual “boot camp” and we need to Look Up, stay strong and say no to that selfish part of our human nature.

God bless…

1 year ago
Reply to  Longrider

>The truth is.We as humans are the reason for all of this. Demons disguises as people are planning these things but They need humans to join in and to comply and carry out the plan or to be indifferent or look the other way.How many times dis the majority accepted things which should have absolutely not have been accepted but did anyway to be able to carry on with our lives. Countless times.

I disagree with you. The majority never accepted anything. It was all pushed through without the approval of the people. Guess what, nobody is asking the majority for anything. And if anyone openly disagrees with any of their politics, for example if disagrees with transgenders, he can get disappeared or crash his car one day. People have been scared into compliance. But this is only because of the big stick. If there had not been a big stick, the people would never “accept” it. No one accepted anything. They just do as they please, and if anyone disagrees, gets punished.

1 year ago

I’m no longer worried or depressed about the future because it’s not going to pan out the way the Zionist Cabal wants it to.

Do you honestly think God is going to allow Satan to have complete control over the earth with his NWO?

No way.

Remember why God flooded the world? Because it was so corrupted that he had no choice but to bring in a cull.

History is repeating itself.

However if we want to live in the new world after the globalists are defeated, and be spared by God, then we have to start living the way God wants and intended for us. No more Goyslob (processed food). No more sin. Follow all of his laws. Yes that includes not eating pork.

For your Christians that say that Jebus said it was okay to eat pork then you are deluded and rejecting God’s law:

For I the Lord do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed. (Malachi 3:6)

God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it? (Numbers 23:19)

Most of the world was sold into the lie about the fake pandemic and the killer jabs. They are asleep. It’s too late to save them. Instead of being washed away their fate will be decided by the jabs (or if that doesn’t fail then their own stupidity).

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge(Hosea 4:6)

It was hard enough for myself and other critical thinkers to take in the bitter, cold, hard truth about how the world really operates. There is no way in hell your average Goy will be able to accept the same said bitter, cold, hard truth.

This is our moment to get our act together and stop living an evil life. Back to nature. Back to human interaction.

I’ll see you all once the Goy and the Satanists are gone.

1 year ago

Great article and research as usual. I have to say, every time I scroll past that pic of Klaus Schwab it gives me the creeps!

Honey Bee
Honey Bee
1 year ago

My old boyfriend and I have recently started texting each other. I was so in love with him. I found out that he got the jab. I’m afraid to meet him in person. I didn’t get the jab. Last summer after hugging a friend that was jabbed, a couple of weeks later I got a terrible blood disorder. I’m wondering if it was from vaccine shedding. I had to spend 6 weeks in the hospital. I’m kinda afraid to be around the vaxxed. Life has been so strange since Covid ruined the world. I never thought the world would be like this.

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