COVID Legal USA gets three copyright and trademark infringing websites, including, removed from the web, legal processes still ongoing

by Brian A. Wilkins
Editor-In-Chief: The COVID Blog™
March 31, 2022

UPDATED April 2, 2022 – More 4chan banter, likely published by the infringer.

These racial slurs are irrelevant to The COVID Blog™. And this will be the last acknowledgement thereof. It’s cute. The infringer and his friends’ rights to free speech are just as protected as mine. But it’s only fair for Black Americans, Black Europeans, Black Africans, Black Caribbeans and the rest of the diaspora who supported the infringer website to know these facts.

The issues today are copyright and trademark laws, and contract breaches, not the laws of 4chan and anonymous threats. My life and journalism endeavors are out in the open – have been for 25+ years. And all the infringer is doing is making the legal processes easier everyday. Frankly, it’s kind of fun, something all humans need, particularly in these times.

We’ll continue updating everyone as these legal proceedings progress.


I have worked in the fields of broadcasting, journalism and content marketing for my entire adult life. One thing you learn very quickly, whether in a news room, a corporate marketing department, a Hollywood studio, etc., is that the dynamics are all the same. Writers are always the least-respected and lowest paid in the building. At least that was the case for me until I left corporate America. Everybody can write, per se, just like everyone (meaning 90% of adult society) can drive a car. But just like everyone cannot be NASCAR drivers, everyone cannot be professional writers.

There is a constant battle here at The COVID Blog™. We’re always emailing websites, domain registrars and website hosts informing them of Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) violations, trademark violations, and other intellectual property (IP) violations. It’s safe to say that The COVID Blog™ is one of the most plagiarized websites in the world.

We started watermarking all photos last May to at least semi-deter copycats. Several emails like this one from plagiarizers started coming in, trying to sound sophisticated in convincing us to make it easier for them to steal our work.

We literally submit upwards of five DMCA and other IP violation reports with web hosts everyday.

As an example, this website copied an entire article from The COVID Blog™. We wrote and told them they have 48 hours to properly attribute the article to us or face a DMCA takedown. They complied and we moved on. But some of these websites don’t comply; and many are operating illegally pursuant to ICANN regulations, E.U. law and U.S. law.

Three websites were recently taken offline for refusing to either delete our IP and others owners’ intellectual property, or add proper attribution. The main one was called The COVID World (hereafter “the infringer”). That website and its owner shined light on the truth about many so-called anti-vaccination people and websites. takedown

We first learned about this website in December. A subscriber wrote an article about it (thanks again, E) and sent us the link. The infringer site was created on August 13, 2021, seven months after The COVID Blog™ went live.

Not only does the site name sound and look confusingly similar to ours, but the website theme is exactly the same. The headlines are written the same way as ours as well.

Most importantly, The COVID Blog™ mods continually monitored the infringer site since December. As of March 4, 2022, there were at least 30 articles plagiarized from The COVID Blog™ on the infringer website. The take down procedures commenced with a Notice of Claim. And it exposed more than we thought it would.

Veracity Objectives, LLC., the parent company of COVID Legal USA and The COVID Blog™, served Host Gator, the domain registrar for the infringer, a Notice of Claim on March 3. Read the entire Host Gator complaint here.

The claims arose from ICANN acceptable use policies, the Lanham Act, and the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act of 1999. After Host Gator’s legal team analyzed our claims, they determined that the infringer was in fact violating ICANN policies and federal law. Note that the DMCA only allows for takedowns of content. If you want to recover damages for copyright and trademark infringement, it must be done in federal court. Thus you need an actual defendant to serve the summons.

Host Gator contacted the infringer website on March 4, and ordered them to disclose their identity to Veracity Objectives, LLC. so we could serve them legal papers. That’s when the ugly truth revealed itself. First we received this anonymous email from someone claiming that the infringer site is hosted in Russia and a bunch of other garbage.

The infringer claimed to be located in the Netherlands. That said, instead of contacting us, the infringer posted our complaint to a website called 4chan Pol. It is a very strange, pornographic, disturbing forum that someone told me is where the word “incel” was born.

The anonymous infringer and his friends said the word “nigger” about 30 times in the March 4 4chan threads to feel good about themselves.

The infringer and his friends even posted this lovely image of me.

I was also called a “magic negro” in the foregoing 4chan threads apparently because I’m a journalist and legal writer.

They also talked about “kikes” a lot, which we’ll get back to in a minute. Here’s how the infringer opened the 4chan threads (click the links above to read it all):

“Need help guys. is getting sued by owner Brian A. Wilkins. I’m not sure what his problem is, but he claims that I’ve stolen his ”trademark”, and copied his articles. This couldn’t be further from the truth.”

Keep in mind that violations of the Anticybersquatting statutes in the U.S. must be able to prove malicious profiteering. A November 2, 2021 4chan thread proved that element.

The 4chan Pol crowd convinced the infringer to quickly transfer his infringing domain from Host Gator to, which is run by a Nazi sympathizer. This infringer action essentially admitted guilt by trying to run to another domain registrar instead of addressing the legal matter. He literally posted all of his reasoning on 4chan either out of sheer arrogance or ignorance of the law and self-incrimination.

Who is “Dave Kinbar?”

Since the infringer refused to respond and incriminated himself, Host Gator disclosed his personal information to us.

This also absolved Host Gator from any liability. The infringer claimed to be someone named “Dave Kinbar” in the Netherlands. We immediately did our own investigation into this. There are only about 50 people in the world with the surname Kinbar; and 93% of them reside in the United States. Nearly all of them are related to a Rabbi Carl Kinbar. This was funny because of all the “kike” stuff in the foregoing 4chan thread.

We checked census records, newspaper records, and criminal records in the United States and the Netherlands. The only Dave Kinbar to have ever existed that we could find in the world would be around 82 years old today if he’s alive.

We reached out to private investigator Jethro Pijlman in Uithoorn (Netherlands). He is the managing director of Infinite Risks B.V. We provided him the foregoing information about the infringer above, to see if he could serve legal papers there. Mr. Pijlman found that the address provided to Host Gator was fake and/or incomplete, that there are no registrations in that Netherlands town for a “Dave Kinbar,” and that his phone is prepaid.

“It all seems very off and whatever you are looking for, this person doesn’t want to be found,” Mr. Pijlman said. “This looks like a legit scammer.”

Several others join the legal process because they’ve been plagiarized too

Two more problems arose for “Dave Kinbar.” First, it appears that he’s an American and not Dutch. Why would an alleged Dutch person register and host his site in the USA, and register the domain under false information? So either self-hating Jewish “Dave Kinbar” doesn’t exist at all, or he provided false information to register the domain,

The domain registration is invalid because the contract is invalid with the false information; and also violates ICANN policy. The illicit contract also violates the aforementioned Anticybersquatting laws, and may also be deemed criminal impersonation. But we learned that our website wasn’t the only one being infringed upon.

We audited all of the infringer website’s content published in March 2022. At least 65% of the articles were completely plagiarized from other websites, without providing proper attribution or getting permission. Mr. Thomas Lifson is the owner of The infringer copied at least two of his articles in March alone. Here is the original American Thinker article. Here is the infringer article.

“Do you have any ideas of how to stop this theft of our intellectual property?” Mr. Lifson asked in an email to The COVID Blog™. The infringer appears to have added attribution links to his infringing content sometime between March 13 and 14, after receiving our notices from his domain registrar and host. But the infringing activity is already done, and damages are due.

Then there’s Mr. Jordan Schachtel, who has a Substack page. We wrote him via Twitter and asked if he was aware that two of this articles were copied word-for-word, without attribution on the infringer site, in March. “No, they never reached out to me,” Mr. Schachtel said.

We’ve been in contact with six more IP owners concerned about the plagiarism on the infringer site

Cloudflare,, Paypal, and

Cloudflare, once they received our Notice of Claim, disclosed that the true host of the infringer site is We served Vultr, aka The Constant Company LLC. Their legal team has refused to communicate further with us after the initial service. wrote to us on March 25 the following:

“We have forwarded your complaint to the subscriber for response. If we do not hear from the subscriber in a timely manner, the server will be suspended. We look forward to helping you resolve this matter as soon as possible.” went dark temporarily on March 26. The site came back online on March 27. But it went dark again on March 28, and has been offline since that time.  Note that domain registrars and web hosts can clear themselves of liability by cooperating before the case moves forward.

We don’t know exactly what is happening since both (host) and (domain registrar) refuse to communicate with us. We assume the infringer will simply move the hosting to since he endeared himself to said company with all the “nigger” and “kike” stuff. has refused to cooperate throughout, for three weeks now.

We’ve opened a claim directly with ICANN since refuses to comply or even respond. We’ll also seek an injunction in federal court to force to comply. That, or we’ll use the ICANN Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy. Either way, is essentially saying it will act as lawyer for in a federal lawsuit by not responding to us. More power to them and their new expensive friend.

The final step is Paypal. Cloudflare cannot be held liable. But since the infringer is profiting off other people’s IP, with Paypal and Donorbox facilitating the payments, those two companies can also be held liable. That process is in the works. We’ve also been in contact with at least one law enforcement agency. But as of now, we’re not supposed to disclose any further information about it.

Sad truth of working in this space

Writing is a lot of work, hard work. Unfortunately the internet makes it very easy for people to steal that hard work. Most writers just let IP, copyright and trademark violations go because they either cannot afford lawyers or don’t know the legal system well enough to pursue the infringers themselves. Nobody will ever steal my work. And nobody will ever tarnish what is done here by confusing The COVID Blog™ with a similar-looking infringer website that copies and plagiarizes real writers.

It’s fair to call this blog “anti-vaxx.” It’s fair to call The COVID Blog™ “conservative.” Sadly those two elements also house some of the most, to put it mildly, unscrupulous people in the world. The mods here have been instructed since December to flag any and all comments posted from names and IP addresses that also post on the infringer website. We were never going to allow that Nazi/porn/”incel”/4chan stuff to leak over here. I’m not trying to be anyone’s friend or flunky. This blog exists for truth and truth only.

The infringer site(s) is also why links are disallowed (for the most part) in The COVID Blog™ comments. Oft-cited links and persons are typically not friends/colleagues of mine; and they won’t be promoted here. Off the top of my head, the good guys and gals, and “O.G.’s” in this space along with us are RFK Jr. and Children’s Health Defense, Angela Bininger at, Courtney over at Circle of Mamas, Brian Shilhavy at Health Impact News, Mike Adams at Natural News, and the folks at the Daily Expose in the U.K. There’s more. But all the foregoing are doing their things and deserve respect for courageously spreading truth.

Further, the anonymous infringer at is not on the same planet as The COVID Blog™. It’s cowardly to hide behind anonymity, and said infringer has never created a thing in his life. Many people have mistaken my kindness for weakness over the years. And I’ll just leave it at that.

This anonymous “Dave Kinbar,” based on the totality of evidence, either does not exist, or is a child living with his parents in the United States. If “Dave Kinbar” is in the Netherlands, our guy there is going to find him. The COVID Blog™ and several other IP owners are going to recover damages one way or the other from this infringer. This person has a lot of guts when they’re anonymous, hiding behind 4chan, and saying “nigger” all the time. I have no respect for punks like that or anyone who supports them. And we are going to find you.

This infringer kid will be fine. He can start a GoFundMe, and the Nazi/alt-right crowd will fund his future college education. That’s how this world works. Good for him. Of course he’ll have to use his real name for GoFundMe, which cowards don’t do. So maybe not.

Please note that this article is not published to elicit your sympathy. This is the United States and I’m a grown man. It doesn’t matter whether or not and cooperate. The federal courts and ICANN are our next and current moves. Now back to my craft.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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Holding On
Holding On
2 years ago

Thank you, Brian, for your incredible research and hard work to bring us the news of adverse events and insights into the pharmaceutical scams and profiteering racket. I appreciate how you connect complex information. Keep up the good work and know you are very much appreciated for your commitment to the truth.

2 years ago

What a crazy world – eh! Good for you for standing up to this nonsense. The 60’s leftist in me can’t help but wonder if the Neo-Nazi types you encountered aren’t just as likely to be hired provocateurs on government contracts – given the territory.

John G
John G
2 years ago
Reply to  GaryW

Most, if not all of them probably are from what I have seen.

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
2 years ago
Reply to  GaryW

I had the same thought myself. But then I was on that site many times and it was almost an exact copy of tcblog that I thought maybe they were being managed by the same person.

2 years ago
Reply to  GaryW

The founder of the American Nazi Party, George Lincoln Rockwell, was a Naval Intelligence Officer. Also the Navy has a large swastika-shaped building at NAS Coronado. So paying thousands of people to act like Nazis on the internet is par for the course.

And yes, a lot of these people are actually Jews role-playing as Nazis. It’s all a big joke to them. Many of them are obviously gay too; but using gay slurs as a joke.

Of course, the “Nazis” are all anti-vax, which spreads the idea that anti-vax people are all Nazis. This is called “poisoning the well”. Years ago when I tried to talk to people about the Federal Reserve they would ask me if I was a Nazi haha.

The job of Controlled Opposition is to weaken the side they pretend to be on. One way to do that is to plagiarize Brian’s site, drawing the google algorithm to put the fake site near the real site with results (google plays along with this). Then they do everything they can to make their plagiarized anti-vax site look crazy.

Last edited 2 years ago by Dreamblade
#FBA Sasha
#FBA Sasha
2 years ago

I’m sorry if I sound like a groupie. But I really love you! White supremacists are always trying to steal from us and make our creations their own. Black American men like you who are relentless and don’t care what white people think of them are so rare nowadays. A lot of Black American men are gay or Clarence Thomas types. We, as Black people, need you. But America needs you too, probably more. Please keep doing what you’re doing.

2 years ago
Reply to  #FBA Sasha

I have a lot of similarity with Brian, having gone to school in Arizona and lived there for many years and miss it now. I was somewhat conservative, but leaning left. I am now independent. And as a POC I really wanted to respond to this posting.

I don’t understand all of the negative down votes to #FBA Sasha comment . Obviously #FBA Sasha’s post was approved, because we can read it here. What are the readers objecting to? The mention of white supremacy ideology? Well, Brian just showed us how much that is a real thing by posting the awful writings of the thief that was running the covidworld blog. He was evil and used racial slurs constantly.

Are you objecting to the fact that she loves Brian…lol! Are you judging her for that? I do too, and I am married. I love my husband! He is not perfect but he is perfect for me! He is the love of my life and the ONLY one for me. I joke all the time about my extra hubbies (such as Dale Roberts from Tales of Wells Fargo TV show). I tell hubby…ok honey my other husband is on tv right now and I am gonna be watching him. We laugh and he says “ok whatever”!!!! And we have a good laugh! Would I be judged too?

Some day, Brian will make some lucky woman a happy wife. There is nothing wrong with admiring him for the man he is.

There is nothing wrong with what Sasha posted. There is a history of theft intellectually, as well as tangible; from people of color. I know theft goes on within all walks of life, but she (FBA Sasha) was just focusing on what had happened with the attempted theft of intellectual property from this/his blog. She was just focusing on what happened to Brian in particular as his thief was a hateful, racial slurring bigot. People like that are considered White Supremacist.

Just as you researched this vaxx issue, … maybe take some time to search these things out in Black history. These ppl/groups may not be supremacist in thought, but there is a legacy in history for whatever reason.

The story of:

How Many Times Has Led Zeppelin Been Sued For Ripping Off Other Songs?
By Anthony Spencer
Published Jan 12, 2021

Despite the incredible success that they have found, they have not been immune to taking ideas from others.

For “Whole Lotta Love,” the band was sued by Willie Dixon who originally wrote the now-plagiarized lyric. This was settled out of court, and Dixon was eventually given credits on the song.

Blues legend, Howlin’ Wolf, would also levy a lawsuit against the band after they ripped off a bridge that he wrote and used years ago. The band incorporated that bridge into their tune “The Lemon Song,” and once the dust settled from that particular suit, Wolf was given credit for his writing.

“Many credit Big Mama Thornton and “Hound Dog” for infusing black cultural influence into the evolution of Rock & Roll music. This is the point of contention raised earlier where people accuse Elvis of stealing or culturally appropriating a piece of music from the African-American dominated blues genre.” It has been admitted in documentaries on Elvis that he went into black neighborhoods and went to what they called juke joints (back in the day), and watched black performers and listened to their music and took their music styles and dance. He gave them no credit and presented as if it was his own.

For decades, there has been an ongoing controversial discussion about the origins of the famous Kentucky Fried Chicken original recipe. The controversy is whether or not the recipe that made KFC founder Colonel Harland David Sanders a wealthy billionaire was stolen from a Black woman named Miss Childress. Unfortunately, this debate exposes past and current problems when it comes to cultural misappropriation, intellectual property, and inequality.

In fact, there are quite a few accusations of white entrepreneurs and chefs taking recipes from African Americans without giving them the due credit. For example, it’s been proven that the inventor of the Jack Daniel’s recipe was a former slave.

The story of Bruce’s Beach also comes to mind:

California beach seized from Black family in 1924 set to be returned to descendants. The land could be worth millions today.

Henrietta Lacks – Her genes were and have been used to this day in medical research with no financial compensation to her or her descendants.

Dr. Charles Drew –  invented a way to preserve donated blood in the late 1930s, Died needed the same thing he had invented (because he was black).

Dr. Patricia Bath –  who invented a more efficient way to remove cataracts, in 2017.

Lonnie G. Johnson – created the design for what would one day be called the Super Soaker.

Garrett Morgan: The inventor of an early gas mask

Thomas Jennings. Jennings invented a process called ‘dry scouring,’ a forerunner of modern dry cleaning. He patented the process in 1821, making him likely the first black person in America to receive a patent.

I would ask you to please do a search on Black History Patents. There are many, many more. And you will see how many contributions to America (and the world) have been made by FBA and they have not been credited. This is why most ppl think Blacks have not contributed anything at all to society. I don’t think she (Sasha) was trying to be racist or negative. I think she was just noting history. Isn’t it just history?

I know this site does not allow links usually, but if you copy and paste the text in search engine, you could most likely bring up many articles to read for yourself.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I don’t like making long posts usually. But I would like to finish here by saying; in the words of Ben Carson. Lets make the focus more on the accomplishments of African Americans….” (Paraphrase)

2 years ago
Reply to  Rachel

Good points. We have to all be people first with good hearts and souls and respect each other. The golden rule is just that.

2 years ago

Good on you Brian. I’m in awe at the great work you and your team do there. Just waiting for mandates to go before I get back to work. Enjoying all contents here. You guys keep me hopeful for the future.

2 years ago

I am not going to lie. I was a frequent visitor of the website named thecovidwold, and made comments on that website too, so I was surprised the website went completely down, but this article did a good job explaining the reasons why. I should have known there was something fishy about the website when the so called owner was sending out email messages to folks asking for support in the early days of the website. Donating is optional for a website, but the scammer was sending out email notifications, and even posting blog posts about it seemed so desperate. The scammer was trying to get as much donation money as possible to continue the scam, and keep profiting from it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

Same here. I thought that site looked similar to this one and even thought that maybe they were run by the same people. Wow…this sucks because many readers were conned. Not sure if I commented on that site only because both sites look the same . Amazing investigative work on behalf of your team. Glad you brought these creeps down.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

Same with me. I found both sites last summer and thought they were very similar and run by the same people. Thank you Brian for the explanation and stand strong with your fight against this crime. In a time when selective, two-tiered justice exists to silence the truth this must seem like an uphill battle. This must be an expensive endeavor for you and your crew to protect your intellectual property. Attorneys and investigators, gees I can only imagine. I’m on a fixed income now but I do plan to support your effort, as small as it may be. Keep up the good fight Brian.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

I knew something was off when the scammer started posting that the “vaccines” have saved more people than they have killed. And every comment I posted would never get approved cause I would point out the utter propaganda. Glad the low-life insecure thief got taken down.

2 years ago

Thank you for all your effort.

2 years ago

Interesting. I had discovered Covid World several weeks ago and I wondered what happened to them. Now I know. It was one of several Covid sites I visited daily. Covid Blog and Covid World were my first two sites every morning, just looking for an update. No wonder I liked Covid World… they were stealing your stuff!

Welcome to the internet! People say nasty things that they’d never say to your face. My mother used to repeat an old saying ‘sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you’. You have important work to do, so move on. These are just words designed to distract you.

In these troubling times, my brothers are those who are resisting the narrative. I don’t care what race, nationality, religion, or sexual orientation someone is… if you’re on my side, you’re my friend. My own biological brothers have swallowed the lies and turned their backs on me. So be it.

It’s shameful to steal the work of others without credit. I wish Covid World had done the right thing. The Covid Blog is a great and important site… which is why they chose to steal from it. Apparently, they don’t share my philosophy about ‘Who is my brother’. That’s their loss, not ours.

Brian, keep up the great reporting! And don’t let morons divide us! Stay united, people! We’re all in this together!

2 years ago

I understand how you feel, Brian. I think most folks who have websites deal with this. I once found two of my photos on a site, and they did such a sloppy job, they grabbed a chunk of my text and didn’t even bother to remove the text from the photo. I didn’t even bother to report it…it seemed so futile. Know that many of your readers continue to pray for you.

Linda N
2 years ago

Stealing your incredible work (and others’ work as well), and using such despicable racist language and graphics, is horrific and disgusting to the Nth degree! The Covid Blog has no equal in what it does with your stellar reporting and ability to put so many pieces together. It is my go to site just about every morning. (I do admit I have to leave reading it alone for a day or two sometimes but that is only because the world we are presently living in and stories you report on are so heart breaking!) Like someone else said, I guess I sound like a groupie too, but your work is that good. It what keeps all of us subscribers coming back! Robert F. Kennedy’s Children’s Health Defense is my other go to site almost every day.

Go get um, Brian!

2 years ago

Suckered again. I’m sure there are other sites that are compromised that I’m still visiting also. Many good (stolen) articles and comments at the infringers in spite of their underlying motives.

Not the end of the world when having the proper perspective: “Listen to all—follow none.”

Thanks for the clarification.

2 years ago

I hope you can recover one day from being called nigger❤️
Ps you are the only news source I consume.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dan

The fact that he posted that old 4chan black guy meme had me rollin’. It’ll probably increase traffic to this site from 4chin haha.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dreamblade

Right! that’s just feeding the trolls, oh well… Hahaha

2 years ago

Hi Brian! Thanks for the information about Covidworld, and the info about the racism you’ve experienced. My daughter and I have always suspected that despite a common goal in revealing the wickedness that is going on, the majority in power will never forget that we have darker skin.
And please, do not back off with articles that may seem to offend the majority. Believe me, it is very annoying reading ‘their’ articles with that annoying right wing tinge added to it. Even in these times, they WILL NOT take this opportunity to embrace ALL believers in the fight for our basic rights. Just sickening! I’m black and conservative, and I’m very surprised at people from different backgrounds who haven’t succumbed to the voices in power.
Because of this, for me , there is something much deeper , more sinister going on, and the stories from black communities, and the goings on in African countries, like Egypt and Israel (ahem), may point to a bigger truth.
So please follow your inner promptings….I forget what article it was that you posted, but now, I can’t find it…continue posting EVERYTHING that may help in understanding what’s going on.
Stay safe, Brian.

#FBA Sasha
#FBA Sasha
2 years ago
Reply to  Ladyhawke

Exactly Ladyhawke. It’s really sad that Republicans could monopolize black voters in the U.S. since a lot of us are socially conservative and anti-vaxx. But they just can’t help themselves with that “right wing tinge” you speak of. I used to watch Stew Peters until a show that he was talking to Canadian truckers last month, who of course I support. Peters went on this rant how George Floyd deserved to die and the cop was innocent. Not even sure what that had to do with the conversation. It was absolutely disgusting. But that’s just how these types are. And we’re just supposed to pretend it’s ok. God forbid a strong black man speak his mind, especially when trying to save the lives of everyone regardless of race. This article tells you exactly how they feel about that.

2 years ago
Reply to  #FBA Sasha

Thanks for the reply. My biggest lesson learned from the past two years is that I’ve overestimated the intelligence of people, their morality, and their belief systems. And it’s really strange that even in these times, nobody prominent in the conservative circles will take the initiative to step forward, and try inclusion. It would be so easy! Conservative church leadership has also imploded before my eyes! Where are they! With social media, I should hear you!
It’s been difficult for me to jump on this COVID vaccine bandwagon, because it seems as if the majority finally realizes that they are being affected by the system they’ve enabled over the past two centuries. They have no interest in taking responsibility…choosing to label the guilty as liberals. And it seems that they have no interest in saving anyone except themselves.
I continue to read, though. Thanks again, TheCovidblog. Truth does matter to me. Very sad that their truth you implied…when a black man has any part in delivering it.

Doc Holiday
Doc Holiday
2 years ago
Reply to  #FBA Sasha

These are “anonymous shitposters” on a website. 4chan is a frequently visited site by Clowns In Action who attempt to divide and control the thinking of the herd. I am saddened to think anyone walks around believing that someone different than them, especially through something like melanin, could possibly be harboring negative thoughts. The vast majority of people do not think this way and truly just want to live harmoniously with others.

2 years ago
Reply to  #FBA Sasha

I am a right-wing conservative, and I never fall for psy-ops because I have discernment from the Holy Spirit. I did not fall for Gulf War 1, 31 years ago, and I did not fall for 9/11 some 20 years ago…when ALMOST the entire country fell for those…both on the right AND the left…idiots all. Most Christians are cultural Christians, so they never receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. To make a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit in your heart, one must pick up one’s cross and follow Christ. One must do as Jesus asked all His followers to do: COME OUT OF THE WORLD. That mean NO ingesting of pop-culture in any form.

Stew Peters, Alex Jones and David Icke (leftest) are controlled opposition. Jones’ family has been CIA for years. Both his wives are of a certain ethnic group, which means his children are as well.

The reason for all the theft and copying online is simply that most folks are followers. They have never had an original thought in their lives…so how on earth could they create original content? Their personalities are a hodge-podge of stuff they picked up from others. They have no personal style. There ARE rare individuals who have an authentic personal style. They walk a completely different path than the masses…searching for truth. I did not have to read this blog for long, before I realized that Brian was is of these rare individuals…that is why I continue to read and comment.

Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
2 years ago

(Formerly David does not back down). I have decided to go with a stronger name but I’m still the same person. Brian I just want to say I appreciate the work and information you bring us. This is such a wonderful blog. I know I and everyone that reads this blog could care less what race or what political side you are. For the infringer to throw race into it just shows how cowardly he is and you are winning. Keep it up! And keep spreading the truth I promise we will be right here with you all the way! Stay vigilant!

Martin Mummert
Martin Mummert
2 years ago

Jesus is my vaccine, too! I’m white as a sheet, and absolutely love Brian. Sadly, I don’t think he’s a born-again Christian. He serves the God of the King James Bible without even knowing it, though, by exposing the Covid SCAM in a brilliant manner. All the time, I refer folks to his website, the Covid Blog.

2 years ago
Reply to  Martin Mummert

Me too I am white, like an aspirin tablet. Actually I was white. I had severe anemia not long ago and the ER physician made that funny remark. Now I am brown but I am still white in the swimsuit area. Not to mention I turned blue below the ankles when I had gangrene. I also turn black pronto if I stay exposed to the sun for very long. Long story short, I am multicolor.

Seriously. Eventhough I am not black and Brian is black people, I dont hate Brian too much and I support him. See how good of a person I am and how I am not racist ?. Can I have a medal ?. Not only that, but when I was in high school a long time ago, I had a black homie. I remember, It made me look cool.

Brian needs saving though. He needs to accept jeezos as his lord n’savior. He already works for the king james bible, revised edition of 1966 (or maybe 1973, cambridge edition, shipping and handling not included). He just don’t know it because the holy ghost is gliding him.

2 years ago
Reply to  Martin Mummert

I think we need to redefine what it means to be a “Christian”, especially in light how many of them have taken the vaxx. I’m talking about the same group of people who relentlessly hammered into the minds of churchgoers Revelations, end times and the mark of the beast on Sunday for decades. Decades. And yet, when faced with the imminence of the apocalypse, they haphazardly throw out their entire religion.

Tom Bombadillo
Tom Bombadillo
2 years ago
Reply to  Septimus

With the vax, that’ll happen!

The Tao of Christianity is the Spanish Inquisition. “Spreading the love.”

2 years ago

Thank you so much for this article on thecovidworld blog.
I was wondering why the site wouldn’t come up. lol!

I too was fooled thinking that it was run by the same group.
Years ago, I owned and ran 4 websites.
Each one had a different but similar name and look.

I know first hand the trouble with running websites and that
is why I don’t do it anymore. People were constantly stealing content,
adding illicit pictures, posting negative things, attempting to hack in etc.

Good on you Brian for fighting back!

2 years ago

I guess I am just oblivious, because I thought the site was attributing, I did not realize that they may not have been. I liked the site because it posted every day – but I guess that is much easier to do if you are stealing content instead of generating it personally.

David Newton
David Newton
2 years ago

I knew something wasn’t right with the infringer. Now I know for certain. Screw that scumbag! More power to you my friend; you do humanity a great service with

Ted Virus
Ted Virus
2 years ago

Thanks, I discovered both sites in the same timeframe and thought both websites were related to one another. Thanks for clearing that up.

2 years ago

Yes! Get that racist thief! Sickening you have to deal with this.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jane

I support everybody’s right to be as racist as they want to be, as long as they do not cause physical/bodily harm to anyone. I also support anybody’s right to hate anyone they want to hate.

It is only a manifestation of their troubled spiritual state and maybe a necessary stepping stone in their journey. Isn’t the darkest hour just before dawn ?. If they remain stuck in that state, it is their loss after all.

I prefer true hate to fake love. Don’t hate me too much.

Last edited 2 years ago by donthatemetoomuch
2 years ago

GOD BLESS YOU ALL… Admin Brian and all who contribute to thecovidblog… “No weapon formed against you all shall prosper”

404 Not Found
404 Not Found
2 years ago

That solves the mystery of what happened to, which was one of my go-to sites along with the Covid blog. It also explains why some of my later comments weren’t posted, which made no sense to me at the time. While I noticed the similarity in site design, I thought the site was legitimate, possibly run by the same people. And I posted a few comments there, as well. It was out of sheer ignorance, I assure you. I had no idea what kind of people ran the site. And I’m as firmly against all the garbage you want to keep off of here as you are, Brian. Thank you for all the work you do in bringing us all the news you do, and keep standing strong.

2 years ago

I’m sorry this happened to you. I appreciate the obvious careful attention you pay to this burgeoning health crisis. Best.

Doc Holiday
Doc Holiday
2 years ago

I am so glad you are fighting this BS. Your writing is outstanding. Your storytelling and research are some of the best I have ever read in short form articles. It’s both sad and pathetic some loser in their mom’s basement is stealing from your hard work. Keep doing what you’re doing. It’s very important and very much valued.

2 years ago

So an anonymous guy using a Jewish name is degrading Jews in anonymous forums, and making money from it? I don’t think Brian, based on other articles, is a supporter of Israel. Fine. You do you. Many Americans don’t support Jews. But “the infringer” Dave Kinbar is committing so many crimes with his former website, especially if he’s really from the EU. This person is not Jewish and needs to be punished for pretending to be Jewish to sign contracts and disseminate his antisemitic venom.

Tom Bombadillo
Tom Bombadillo
2 years ago
Reply to  Lawrence

One wonders if he works for a government agency as a psyop/disinfo agent and is protected from legal liability or reveal of personal details. That might explain why vultr and epik are not communicating. Yes, it’s gotten that bad, folks.

2 years ago

Thank you for your work – so glad to have “discovered” your website.
May the Creator protect bless you and your family – greetings from Europe 🙁
I do not know your belief – but I hope you and yours will be among those waiting for the true Prince of Peace Jesus who will one day end all the ongoing lies and evil and madness:
1 Thessalonians 4:17
After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.

2 years ago

Hi Brian and all the readers…

Brian, you are providing an amazing service for humanity. And the fact that you’ve had to spend your valuable time and energy battling infringers is unfair and outrageous. I empathize with your situation, having had a website in the past with content that was copied by a very well-known person in my field. It’s a shame that while you are trying to save humanity by providing truth, distractors, disrupters, and infringers dare to skulk into your space and cause problems.

We readers applaud you for all that you are and all that you do. Thank you for sharing this information with us, and thank you for continuing to shine your light into the darkness. We stand by you and we stand with you. Always.

Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
2 years ago

Just curious…was the top photo your attempt at mimicking the imposed face they posted? If so that’s hilarious

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa Espinoza

I wonder if it was! At first, I thought, it’s nice to see Brian’s smiling face at the start of the article. Then reading most of it, I’m like “whoa!”. Thankfully I found this site a good while back, told others, and never even knew about the other. Sad Brian has to go through all this, but of course he takes it in stride as he says, “Frankly, it’s fun”! God bless Brian and his efforts in exposing the truth.

2 years ago

It’s mind-blowing how beings can be so selfish & hateful…walk around, and many would never suspect it. This land we live in is filled with double-faced beings. I’ve often said, hating someone for their skin pigmentation is one of the lowest and most insecure things one can do. It’s like hating a dog because it’s not a cat or hating a lion because it’s not a tiger. Racism is severely insecure and egotistical beings projecting their own self-hate and insecurities to others to bring them down their low vibrational level. I encourage more beautiful melanated people to read the book “we’re not the same” and learn more about melanin and how special it is. Like perhaps, did you know a melanated woman’s breast milk is a lot more nutritious than any other woman’s breast milk? Did you know that melanated men have naturally higher testosterone levels than other men? ..that’s why things like running, jumping, speed, power, agility, dancing, and spirituality come naturally easier for melanated hue-mans. Not a coincidence that professional track & field football. In America, baseball, basketball, etc., wanted to keep melanated people away from all these teams years back. Hate without reason is subconsciously rooted in envy and jealousy. When ANY insecure person views you as a “threat” to their existence, they will hate you. One could be the absolute best loving hue-man, and they’d still hate you…because it’s not about YOU, it’s about THEM.

2 years ago

Thank you for this expose and how you detailed how to protect your online intellectual property. “They” love to use that trope against “us.” After 500 years…haters are still all in regarding that state-of-thinking. Your writing is stellar and always well thought and researched. I will be sending a donation via snail mail. GOD bless!

Brian Glotzbach
Brian Glotzbach
2 years ago

Like some others here I visited that website frequently because it seemed like it was being operated by the same person(s) as this one.

I wondered what happened to it.

Now I know.

Stealing people’s stuff isn’t cool.

Thanks for the update and explanation!

Phil C Uriarte
Phil C Uriarte
2 years ago

Yeah right, uh huh, sure, The COVID Blog is only being attacked because THE TRUTH HURTS AND THEY CAN’T STAND IT, THAT’S WHY. Yet, at the same time, I am watching news clips on other social media outlets AND Little by Little, THE TRUTH about and what this ‘Fake’ vaccine has done ALL throughout the entire world is getting out there. Little snippets at a time, BUT, the truth is getting out there and into the ‘Public’ where the public is learning little by little the REAL TRUTH of what has happened to literally hundreds of thousands of people worldwide that were DUPED INTO TAKING THE ‘JAB’, and how the multitudes of people that took the ‘Jab’ are either DEAD or for the rest of their lives HAVE TO BE ON ‘DISABILITY’ TILL THE DAY THEY ‘Pass Away’ and can no longer do what they had dreams of doing for the rest of their lives; and what are they, you name it, the list can reach the moon and back probably a thousand times, because the list just goes on and on of what was robbed of so many people whose lives that have now been rendered ‘useless’.

And I know and you know who is responsible FOR ALL OF THIS – THE CCP – and I know of several lawsuits in the hundreds of trillions of dollars that are pending and are getting ready to be launched with a relentless attack upon them for ALL OF THE HEARBREAKING DEVASTATION THAT IT HAS WREAKED UPON THE ENTIRE GLOBE.

I want so much Brian, for the day that COVID Blog can unleash the Entire Truth to the public and watch eyes get big as saucers and jaws drop to the floor upon learning the ‘Real Truth’ and the rage that will be sparked when the reality of what has been happening for the past two years is awakened in – The Sleeping Giant – because by then it will be too late and there will be no place for the culprits to hide.

2 years ago
Reply to  Phil C Uriarte

I like your optimism but reality tells me the masses won’t figure out they’ve been poisoned until ABC News tells them they’ve been poisoned, and we all know that day will never come.

2 years ago

Wow! Yes, I did notice the articles here and on covidworld seemed the same and assumed it was your ‘sister site’ or something. Now that I learned it is plagiarism I am very pissed. You are an excellent, talented author and they have NO right to copy your work and pretend they are the original writers. Credit has to be given when due.

2 years ago

You are a brave and righteous man Brian, fighting the good fight. May God protect you and keep you.

2 years ago

Thank you, Brian, for the good — the GREAT — work you do. You have also got a nice comments section consistently, and that must be a lot of work. God bless you and yours.

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago

Wilkins is a good guy and we all appreciate his writing.
These pinheads making racial slurs are ‘running on empty’ – I mean, that’s all they’ve got!
It’s like an ad hominem attack… If you are making too much sense, friend, you’re funny looking (or you talk funny, or you dress funny) y’know? It’s like that.
So just like somebody who is funny looking but doesn’t care LoL, you keep being you Wilkins. And keep up the fine work.

2 years ago

I am inspired by your fight against the plagiarists – and of course by your blog everyday. I’m an avid reader and enjoy learning how you handle the difficult aspects of this work. Thanks again for all you do.

Nancy Reed
Nancy Reed
2 years ago

You are such a smart, well-rounded man, Mr. Brian Wilkins. I cannot even imagine a typical day in your life, particularly after reading about COVID Legal USA and your other businesses endeavors. You’re a journalist, a lawyer and a business man all in one, and it shows in your brilliant writing. You endure so much, yet you’re still here telling us all the truth in such an elegant fashion. Thank you, kind sir.


Vaxx-free Nancy

Jennifer Severson
Jennifer Severson
2 years ago

Hi Brian, I support you and love your website! I’m so glad you’re fighting back! I wonder if the gov’t or cia is involved. They’ve gone to a lot of trouble to make it hard to find out who is behind this. I’m not sure a dummy in his mom’s basement could do all that. Just wondering. Take care and thank you!

1 year ago

If you weren’t doing anything important and truthful then they wouldn’t care. That’s how you know you’re making an impact!

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