Tuesday Tidings III: school bus “vaxxident,” Paxlovid mouth, Kardashian fake food, Mike Tyson in wheelchair, and 14 more sudden deaths

August 23, 2022

Another week, another Democrat politician proving the sheer absurdity in receiving mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. Rhode Island Governor Dan McKee is quadruple-vaxxed, yet tested positive for so-called COVID-19 on Sunday. And of course, he repeated his version of the official Cult of COVID slogan.

There are currently 28 Republican and 22 Democrat governors. Maryland and Massachusetts are the most likely to flip from red to blue in November. Kansas is almost guaranteed to flip from blue to red. Six more states are considered pure toss-ups. The GOP is likely to retain the lead for governors. But all the talk about Republicans retaking both the House and Senate in November is over.

Senator Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, conceded that Republicans may retake the House of Representatives. The Senate, however, is highly unlikely due to “candidate quality.”

He’s right. The GOP continues picking clown candidates in winnable races. The 2021 California gubernatorial recall election was a long shot, but winnable with the right candidate due to all of Gavin Newsom’s dystopian COVID-19 rules. A polarizing, sycophant radio talk show host like Larry Elder was apparently the best Republicans could conjure up. The vote wasn’t even close as a result.

The U.S. Senate seat in Georgia was perhaps the easiest win for the GOP in November versus Democrat marionette Raphael Warnock. But Georgia Governor Brian Kemp picked extremely-flawed Kelly Loeffler as their candidate in the 2020 Special Election. She ran solely on being a billionaire and having a “100% Trump voting record.” Loeffler lost to Warnock in the runoff election by two percentage points.

RELATED: July Briefs: Republicans joining Democrats in vaccine Great Reset rhetoric; American Academy of Pediatrics funded by Pfizer (July 26, 2021)


Now the GOP is embarrassing itself further with former NFL player Herschel Walker as their U.S. Senate candidate in Georgia. The man is dumb. There’s no other way to put it. Biden is more coherent than Walker.

Here is his “response” to a question on gun violence.

Then there’s TV guy Dr. Oz as the GOP Senate candidate in Pennsylvania, running solely on being Trump’s guy. Even Donald Trump knows Dr. Oz will lose in November. But when it’s all said and done, U.S. elections are nothing more than elongated sitcoms that provide entertainment for a few weeks while the powers-that-be (TPTB) place their puppets. This election cycle will be no different.

Another reason to believe Republicans will retake the House of Representatives in November is Fauci’s official retirement statement released yesterday. He knows that a Republican-controlled House will force him to testify under oath about his lies related to funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan. At least Fauci will be gone from the public eye. But he’ll never be held to account for being one of the chief facilitators of this global vaccine genocide.

RELATED: Polish doctor who mocked “anti-vaxxers” while getting Pfizer mRNA injection on camera dead two weeks later (March 11, 2021)


Just like Fauci knew exactly what these injections do to humans from the beginning, most of the willing, zealot recipients also knew – but took the poison anyway while virtue signaling. Dr. Giovanni Antonio Coan was a physician in the Emilia-Romagna region of northern Italy.

Dr. Giovanni Antonio Coan.

He received at least two injections, then joked about dying as a result.

Rough translation:

“Let’s do this, we vaccinated have favored experimentation and Big Pharma, and according to your scientific studies we will all die by next summer. By virtue of these last few months we have left, could you avoid busting my balls? When we’re gone, you will be masters of the Flat Earth. Thank you.”

Dr. Coan died from “complications related to COVID” on or around April 2 at age 59. In other words, he didn’t even make it to the summer that he predicted as his demise date.

Children are innocent victims in all this. Millions of adults have been coerced into obedience. But regardless of the path as to how the gene therapy got into your body, it’s in there. And the clock is ticking exponentially faster than it is in the non-vaccinated.

That all said, here’s all the latest in The Great Reset.

Indiana: School bus driver suffers cardiac arrest, crashes bus into house with 32 kids aboard

Mr. Stephen Posco.

It was simply a matter of time before something like this happened.Unfortunately this will not be the last time; and the kids may not be as lucky next time.

Mr. Stephen Posco was a 55-year-old farmer and truck driver in Liberty, Indiana. He was also a bus driver for the Union County College Corner Joint School District, which serve students in both eastern Indiana and western Ohio. Mr. Posco was driving a bus with 32 students aboard on Monday, August 15 around 8 a.m. He suddenly suffered from cardiac arrest. The bus crashed into a home in West College Corner, Indiana.


Two students suffered minor injuries, according to NBC News. Mr. Posco was unconscious when authorities and paramedics arrived.

RELATED: U.S. motor vehicle traffic fatalities in 2021 break record for largest annual percentage increase in recorded history (May 25, 2022)


He was taken to Reid Health in Richmond, Indiana. The Dayton Daily News reported that Mr. Posco was “breathing some on his own” and that his vital signs were improving later that day. But he was pronounced dead on August 17.

He is survived by his wife and 10-year-old daughter. Nothing has been reported at all about the homeowner.

“Paxlovid mouth”: the new phenomenon revealing truth about the Pfizer drug

Paxlovid first received emergency use authorization from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in December. The drug is branded as a “novel COVID-19 oral antiviral treatment.” It became the second drug with some level of authorization from the FDA to treat so-called COVID-19 after kidney-killing Remdesivir received full approval in October 2020. But now the FDA has ordered further testing on Paxlovid because Biden and Fauci allegedly developed more so-called COVID-19 symptoms after taking the drug.

Despite the foregoing, vaxx zealots love them some Paxlovid, almost as much as the gene therapy itself. But thousands of people are complaining about the drug leaving a nasty aftertaste in their mouths. The descriptions are far and wide, from “licking a garbage disposal” to “sun-baked trash bag liquid.” But the most common theme with all of said descriptions is that most people had some sort of metallic taste in their mouths after taking Paxlovid.

Mainstream media are calling this phenomenon “Paxlovid mouth.” This blogger is not a scientist, and did not stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. But typically if something tastes metallic, that means it is metallic, or has metallic properties. Many Novavax recipients have also reported a metallic taste in their throats after the injections. Further, Japan suspended use of the Moderna mRNA injections last September after the country’s health ministry found “metallic particles” in the gene therapy liquid.

RELATED: COVID-19 news update: “living organisms” in Moderna, J&J shots; graphene oxide and Merck’s new anti-viral pills (October 15, 2021)


Who knows what exactly causes the post-Paxlovid metallic taste. All we know for certain is that Pfizer posted its largest quarterly sales numbers in the company’s history for Q2 2022, which included $8.1 billion in Paxlovid sales. Thus millions of people continue putting both Pfizer poisons into their bodies despite all the available information about both.

Paxlovid will continue making billions as mainstream media continue its “long COVID” propaganda and touting the drug as the only possible treatment.

Kardashian people and “the pope” pushing fake meat agenda

That 2011 interview Barbara Walters did with the Kardashian sisters still brings laughter to this day. Ms. Walters told them to their faces that they are “famous for being famous,” and have no discernable talent. And what’s even funnier is that none of the sisters argued against the point.

Now 12 years and 30 plastic surgeries later between the three of them, the whole family is worth well over $3 billion. And that’s still not enough for them. So now, like doctors, the Kardashians are cashing in on The Great Reset.

Kim Kardashian signed on to be the “Chief Taste Consultant” for California-based frankenfood company Beyond Meat. Not surprisingly, Bill Gates has his tentacles all over this company. Kim Kardashian did a promo for Beyond Meat in May. But many critics pointed out that she was fake eating the fake food.

It’s bad enough that she’s allegedly eating food made by people in lab coats versus people wearing aprons and chefs hats. But it’s specifically at the six-second mark in the below video where Kardashian is chewing, but there are no bites taken from the fake food item in her hand.

Kourtney Kardashian is also entering the fake food market. She became a brand ambassador for Daring Foods, a company that makes “substitute chicken,” earlier this month.

“The pope” is also getting into the coordinated conditioning campaigns meant to normalize eating bugs and synthetic foods. Francis published a letter on July 11 calling for people to “consume less meat…to save the environment.”

We’ve reached a point in The Great Reset that the deliberately-engineered global famine to kill one billion people by the end of 2024, along with normalizing eating bugs versus real meat, are top priorities. The vaccine genocide is now on autopilot and needs very little attention from TPTB.

Former heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson spotted in a wheelchair after “unwillingly” receiving the injections

For those who don’t know, Mr. Mike Tyson is the scariest, most powerful boxer to ever live. Literally, if you blinked in the 1980s and early 1990s, you were going to miss the entire fight, as Mr. Tyson knocked everyone out within minutes and even seconds.

This blogger and many others will always wonder how great Mr. Tyson could have been if his mentor and father figure, Cus D’Amato, lived another 10 years. Regardless, Mr. Tyson deserves respect from all corners for his unrelenting candor, humility and honesty about everything in his life. Further, perhaps only George Foreman or Earnie Shavers could lay claim to being the hardest puncher in boxing history over Mr. Tyson.

The former champ got the internet buzzing in August 2021 when he posted a training video on Instagram. He looked just as fast and powerful at age 55 (now 56) as he did at age 25, prompting many to speculate that he was making a comeback.

All of that changed in October. Mr. Tyson said he received the injections last year, but didn’t do it willingly. “I was pretty much beaten into submission to do this because I travel internationally. And if I don’t travel, we don’t eat,” Mr. Tyson told USA Today.

Fast forward to July 13, 2022. Mr. Tyson was talking to therapist Sean McFarland on the HotBoxin’ with Mike Tyson podcast. He said during that episode:

“We’re all gonna die one day of course. Then, when I look in the mirror, I see those little spots on my face, I say, ‘Wow. That means my expiration date is coming close, really soon.’”

Now fast forward again to Tuesday, August 16. Mr. Tyson was photographed in a wheelchair and with a walking stick at Miami International Airport. The narrative is that Mr. Tyson is dealing with a “sciatica flareup.”

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This blogger (in his 40s) dealt with said condition in the past. It hurts and you certainly cannot run if sciatica flares up.

But as a non-professional fighter, the one-time issue was resolved with hardcore (painful) stretching and hasn’t come back. Thus it’s hard to believe a world-class fighter, even in his mid-50s, would need a wheelchair just for sciatica.

It would be such a shame if Mr. Tyson went out like this. But rest assured, he will be honest about what’s happening. The man simply never minces words. Stay tuned.

Mainstream media working overtime to normalize the mass die-off

The shameless, fallacious headlines are accelerating. Mainstream media understand that there’s no possible way to hide the very visible, undeniable vaccine genocide happening across the globe. The Telegraph in the U.K. acknowledged last week that the country is experiencing upwards of 1,800 excess non-COVID deaths per week since at least June.

That number is obviously low. But they have no choice but to at least acknowledge that it’s happening. “Climate change” is their go-to method of “splaining” The Great Reset genocide, which dwarfs all other genocides combined in human history. This headline is from last week.

Professor Deborah Carr, of Boston University, wrote on August 12 via Psychology Today that sudden, unexpected death can and will happen to everyone at anytime. She provided three steps for everyone to follow, including advising readers to become organ donors. This is becoming a trend that we’re seeing in numerous sudden death cases. But all of these organs are poisoned with the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections.

TPTB can obviously extend their lives by replacing their 80-year-old hearts and lungs with a 10-year-olds heart and lungs – kind of like extending the life of a car by replacing the transmission and engine. It makes absolutely no sense, however, that they’d want vaxxed people’s organs, unless the highest echelon of TPTB are truly semi-immune or completely immune to the gene therapy. Most of these organs go to unwitting, desperate individuals. Whether through the actual injections, the “swab tests,” shedding, etc., they want everyone to receive this gene therapy by any means necessary.

RELATED: Forgotten victims: countless people suffering adverse effects after PCR nasal swab “tests” which are no longer authorized for COVID testing (April 19, 2022)


The story of 12-year-old Satchel Tate has been making the rounds for a couple weeks. The Nova Scotia (Canada) boy suffered a stroke while playing in a youth baseball game on July 30. He survived. But his future is now completely uncertain, except for the fact that he’ll likely never play baseball again.

Satchel Tate will spend at least the next two months in the hospital.

It’s only been normal for little kids to have strokes since late 2021. Is young Satchel one of the “lucky ones” because he survived? That depends on your viewpoint.

The following 14 sudden and unexpected deaths could also be considered “the lucky ones.” All of these deaths, week in and week out, are exactly the same – died in their sleep, died suddenly while [fill in physical activity here], sudden cardiac arrest, and/or ruptured brain aneurysms.

Riddick Parker: 49-year-old Virginia high school principal and former NFL player dies while riding bike

Mr. Riddick Parker, Jr. was a defensive tackle in the NFL from 1995 to 2003. He won a Super Bowl ring with the New England Patriots in 2000. Mr. Parker worked as a financial advisor, and earned a master’s degree in public administration from Walden University after his NFL career. He was an education consultant before being hired assistant principal at Armstrong High School in Richmond, Virginia. He was promoted to principal of George Wythe High School in Richmond last summer.

Mr. Parker was on a routine morning bike ride on Friday, August 19 when he collapsed and died in Chesterfield, Virginia.

Luke Knox: 22-year-old Florida International University football player dies suddenly in his dorm room

Mr. Luke Knox played three seasons for the University of Mississippi before transferring to Florida International University in Miami this summer. He is the brother of Buffalo Bills tight end Dawson Knox.

Friends of Mr. Knox discovered him in “medical distress” in his dorm room on August 17. He was rushed to a nearby hospital, but pronounced dead later that evening. No foul play is suspected.

Owen Cotty: 16-year-old Pennsylvania boy dies suddenly of cardiac arrest while playing frisbee

Owen Cotty was a junior at Methacton High School in Eagleville, Pennsylvania. He was a Boy Scout Senior Patrol Leader, and aspired to become a video game programmer and designer.

Owen was playing frisbee with his dad and uncle on August 6 when he suddenly collapsed to the ground. Family members administered CPR until paramedics arrived. But they were unable to get his heart restarted. Owen was pronounced dead at the scene. A GoFundMe page is collecting funds in his memory.

Michael Fischer: 38-year-old New York firefighter collapses and dies at department charity event

Mr. Michael “Fish” Fischer joined the Island Park Fire Department in February 2013, according to Newsday. He was captain from 2019 to 2020. Mr. Fischer also worked for the Nassau County Department of Public Works.

Mr. Fischer participated in a morning training session for young recruits on Sunday, August 14. He and several other firefighters then went to Peter’s Clam Bar for the department’s annual clam-eating contest. This year’s edition was to benefit the young son of Oceanside Fire Commissioner Michael Graham. Said son is suffering from a rare form of cancer.

Mr. Fischer entered the bar, went to the bathroom, and came back out to the bar area. He immediately collapsed to the floor. Several of his firefighter and paramedic friends performed CPR for nearly a half hour. But Mr. Fischer was pronounced dead at the scene. The cause of death is cardiac arrest.

Caitlyn Gable: 20-year-old Bluefield University (West Virginia) softball player dies in her sleep

Ms. Caitlyn Victoria Gable was a junior at Bluefield University in Bluefield, West Virginia. She was also a camp counselor with the Girl Scouts of America.

Ms. Gable “passed away peacefully in her sleep” on August 9, according to a statement by the university. Ethan Gable, Caitlyn’s brother, said via Facebook that it’s “still a mystery as to why” she died.

But it’s really not a mystery at all.

Darius Campbell Danesh: 41-year-old Scottish singer and songwriter found dead in a Minnesota apartment

Mr. Darius Campbell Danesh was born in Glasgow. He first rose to fame in 2001 as a contestant on the short-lived U.K. reality competition show Pop Stars. Mr. Campbell Danesh performed the Britney Spears song “…Baby One More Time.” He was eliminated from the competition thereafter.

The following year, he competed in another short-lived competition show called Pop Idol. He finished third in the competition, and parlayed it into a successful music and television career. Mr. Campbell Danesh wrote all 12 songs on his 2002 debut album Dive In. It was certified platinum two years later. His second album, Live Twice, was released in October 2004. He again wrote all 12 songs; and the album produced two top-10 singles in the U.K. Mr. Campbell Danesh has also starred in several theatrical productions.

Reports say that he checked into the Berkman Apartments/Hotel in Rochester, Minnesota, under the name of Scottish actor Gerard Butler’s girlfriend, sometime earlier this month. The Sun reported that Mr. Butler had been there to visit Mr. Campbell Danesh around the time he checked in. The Berkman is located right across the street from the Mayo Clinic, and mostly houses people receiving treatment there.

The Mirror reported that Mr. Campbell Danesh had gone “off-grid” and had not been answering phone calls and text messages from close friends for weeks. Some speculate that Mr. Campbell Danesh was receiving cancer treatment. But there is no evidence of that.

Mr. Campbell Danesh was found dead in the apartment on August 11.

Tyler Edwards: 27-year-old Michigan high school basketball coach dies “unexpectedly” of cardiac arrest

Mr. Tyler Edwards grew up in Flint, Michigan. He played basketball at Alma College in Michigan, and became an assistant coach at the school after he graduated. Mr. Edwards became head coach for the Comstock Park High School boys varsity team in 2021. He was going into his second season as head coach with the school this summer.

Details are scant. But Mr. Edwards died of sudden cardiac arrest on Monday, August 15. The following is his Facebook post from March 8, 2021.

Nevaeh Lamunyon: 10-year-old California girl collapses and dies from ruptured brain aneurysm during cheerleading practice

Nevaeh Lamunyon was a fifth-grader at Lucille Whitehead Intermediate School in Waterford, California. She was also a cheerleader for the Waterford Sabercats youth football team.

Nevaeh collapsed during cheerleading practice on Monday, August 15. She was rushed to a hospital and diagnosed with a ruptured brain aneurysm, according to a GoFundMe page. Mrs. Tiana Lamunyon, Nevaeh’s mother, wrote via Facebook on August 17 that her daughter was brain dead. But doctor kept Nevaeh’s heart beating so they could harvest her organs.

She was officially pronounced dead on August 18.

Kaushik LM: 36-year-old India movie critic dies suddenly of “massive heart attack”

Mr. Kaushik LM was a popular movie critic based in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He had 428,000 Twitter followers and another 10,600 followers on Instagram. Mr. Kaushik loved “vaccines,” and always gave shout-outs to Indian celebrities who received the injections.

He suffered a “massive heart attack” on Monday, August 15, and died later that night.

Alessia Maria Raiciu: Romanian basketball star dies in her sleep on 18th birthday

Ms. Alessia Maria Raiciu was “one of the most talented athletes of the 2004 generation,” according to the Romanian Basketball Federation. She played for Agronomia Bucharest in the National Women’s Basketball League. Ms. Raiciu had also won several medals for her accomplishments at the junior national level.

She was found dead in her home on Sunday, August 14, which was also her 18th birthday. The cause of death is cardiac arrest and subsequent pulmonary edema, or fluid buildup in the lungs after her heart stopped.

Djmayley Vernet: 16-year-old Connecticut football player dies unexpectedly after numerous seizures

Djmayley Vernet was a 16-year-old junior at Stamford (Connecticut) High School. He was born in Haiti, and emigrated to the United States at age 3. Djmayley was a defensive tackle for the school’s football team.

He worked his shift at Burlington Coat Factory on August 3 before going home to sleep. Djmayley’s brother, Schmael Vernet, entered his bedroom late that night when he heard strange noises. Djmayley was having a seizure. He was rushed to a nearby hospital and placed in a medically-induced coma. Two days later, Djmayley woke up and seemed to be fine, according to the Stamford Advocate. But he had yet another seizure and died the next day.

“He was 16, he was healthy, we could not understand,” a GoFundMe page says. “His heart stopped with no explanation and no warning. He didn’t have nearly enough time to experience life.”

Alex Kavalow: 37-year-old Pennsylvania man dies “suddenly and unexpectedly”

Mr. Alex Kavalow was a husband and father of two in Browndale, Pennsylvania. He was a U.S. Army Reserve veteran and worked full-time at Best Buy.

Details are scant. But Mr. Kavalow “died unexpectedly at home” on Friday, August 12, according to an online obituary. A GoFundMe page is collecting funds in his memory.

Penny Hammrich: 58-year-old Drexel University professor dies suddenly

Dr. Penny Hammrich is the Dean for the School of Education and a professor at Drexel University in Philadelphia. Details are scant. But Dr. Hammrich died on August 11. The university announced her “sudden passing” four days later. The following is Dr. Hammrich’s Facebook post from July 10, 2021.

Ben Penrose: 21-year-old Australia man dies suddenly of “suspected heart attack”

Mr. Ben Penrose lived in Engadine, a suburb of Sydney. He worked at Fitness First, where his mother was the support manager. Details are scant. But the St George and Sutherland Shire Leader reported that Mr. Penrose died on August 16 of a suspected heart attack. A GoFundMe page is collecting funds in his memory.

500 million and 90%

Those two numbers/statistics are mentioned often on The COVID Blog™. That’s because they represent the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) goal of only 500 million people on Earth by 2030, which would be a 90% population reduction from 2020.

WEF advisor Yuval Noah Harari openly and enthusiastically stated on August 9, “we just don’t need the vast majority of the population.” The former Georgia Guidestones were inscribed with, “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.” These goals are talked about at every annual WEF meeting in Davos since at least 2018.

Jane Goodall is best known for her 60-year study on chimpanzees at Gombe Stream National Park in Tanzania. She’s also known for plagiarizing other people’s work. The 88-year-old Brit spoke at Davos 2020. She said humans must eat less meat and stop using land to raise cattle. Goodall also repeated the other common propaganda to normalize eating bugs while blaming “climate change” for everything. She also said, “all these things we talk about wouldn’t be a problem if the world of today had the population there was 500 years ago.”

And what was the world population 500 years ago? About 500 million, according to most estimates.

These people are going to kill off a significant portion of humanity by 2030. Whether or not they reached the 90% reduction goal from 2020 to 2030 is debatable. But the global population will be reduced by billions. This blogger will be in his mid-50s in 2030, God willing. And like many readers of The COVID Blog™, nearly everyone he knows will be long gone. This is reality for all non-vaccinated survivors whose families and friends went along with the propaganda.

The COVID Blog™ is unlikely to exist online by then due to censorship and full totalitarian dystopia. Thus, make sure to pre-order a copy of the book and help the crowdfunding effort to ensure we’re published by December 15, 2022. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog™ book here. Shipping starts on December 15, 2022.


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Samantha Gluck
Samantha Gluck
1 year ago

This is just so heartbreaking. I know many of these people who died were full-on adults, but it’s still sad. I can’t even BELIEVE so many people fell for this. I think it’s because we’ve all been conditioned from a very young age that vaccines are necessary and that they’re life-saving, etc. We had all 7 of our kids vaccinated as babies and toddlers, but stopped shortly afterwards. If I had it to do over again, I would not allow a single shot into any of my kids

1 year ago
Reply to  Samantha Gluck

A lot of these victims are from my area, Pennsylvania, west of Philly. High net worth and highly educated but Sheeple all the way. I feel bad for the children as they are innocent and their parents failed them. A large percentage went willingly, virtue signaling all the way! Talking down to the unvaxxed. Karens and kevins. The others to various degrees submitted. The reasons – wanting to travel, see their family or grandchildren, keep a job. Etc. But karma is coming now. Every day at work another client or colleague or they know someone etc. It’s been a year and the clot shots are doing their job. I’m the only unvaxxed in my building and it’s been a tough year. My steadfast refusal to submit is now being justified a smart decision. It is what it is. 😐

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

Very smart decision!! My youngest son who struggled early on whether to take the clot shot is so glad he didn’t. He sees how the CDC and government have lied to us from day one and now the unjabbed have the same “privileges” as the jabbed! So no worries about killing grandma anymore!🙄🙃🤯 what a joke!

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

I admire you, Annie.

You are a real lady and any man would be lucky to have a wife like you. As they say back in Ireland, “You’re a rare breed”.

It must be really tough to be the only unvaxxed/smart person in your building. Pretty soon you will be the ONLY person in your building the way things are going.

To paraphrase the great Sean Hanlon (writer of the Hidden Hand of History) if I was living in your building you would be welcome anytime in my door (lockdown or no lockdown).

I hope things look brighter in the days ahead for you.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

That’s insane! I know one person (personally) who died of CV19, but he was actually murdered with a vent & Remdisivir. I know several people who came down with rare, very aggressive cancers after getting the shots. Funny thing is not one of them believes it’s the shot that caused it. I stay home, so am not exposed to people at an office on a daily basis. You must be a ROCK to deal with all of that at work!

1 year ago
Reply to  Samantha

I have been called a b-tch. If that’s what they label an unvaxxed pureblood then I accept the compliment. Lol 😅

1 year ago
Reply to  Samantha

Whatever it was hit me hard and I’m in excellent shape…Lost 22 lbs in 6 days in ICU as they then pumped me full of Remdesivir and Levofloxacin…I started planning my funeral and getting my things ready to die.

I somehow rebounded and left like some concentration camp victim.

My mother in the meantime caught it from me and THEHOSPITAL KILLED HER with Remdesivir/Levofloxacin and the ventilator.

Only thing that makes me happy is all the doctors and nurses were vaxxed so they will get theirs.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

I have only a handful of contacts on LinkedIn. And even there I came across a client’s post last week saying their 54yo father-of-three CEO died unexpectedly while out for a bike ride. This is a pharma company where all the top execs came from Big Pharma. So the likelihood of their CXO refusing the jab is nil.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dayne

Good…There are many Mini-Covid-Hitlers that are dying or getting very sick as we speak.

1 year ago
Reply to  Samantha Gluck

Same. I wish none of my kids had ever had a single vaccine and if I had my time over they would have nothing at all. They didn’t have the teenage ones they are pushing e.g. Gardisil, but one of my kids went against my advise/wishes and went ahead with that one, the same one also got two Pf1z3r shots despite everything I told them, pictures I showed them and everything. They seem OK so far but it’s very worrying. My other child says they aren’t going to get any vaccines for their kids when they have them. I am 100% behind that.

1 year ago
Reply to  Samantha Gluck

I came to a US college on an exchange program in the early 90s. One month into the fall semester, we international students were rounded up, put on a bus and driven to a primary school to get an MMR vaccine. I was 22. All I knew was, it was either this or having my study pass canceled.

Similarly, during covid some of friends in Asia got double-jabbed just to appease their grasping, overprotective families – who would have otherwise harped on them every hour on the hour, until now. Truly the tyranny of the Asian family.

I don’t condone the lack of discernment and judgment among today’s smartphone-wielding adults. Just saying that circumstances in life can sometimes be really disempowering for the best of us.

Tom Bombastadillo
Tom Bombastadillo
1 year ago
Reply to  Dayne

The way for a grown child to beat family tyranny is to realize that the family needs the child more than the child needs the family. Upon that realization, an eventual win is all but guaranteed.

1 year ago
Reply to  Samantha Gluck

7 kids. God Bless you. That ‘s serious competition to amish and orthodox jewish families. More please, kind of like giving the middle finger to bill gates and his fellow devils.

Wanda Wrinkle
Wanda Wrinkle
1 year ago
Reply to  Samantha Gluck

Deeply saddened by the loss of wonderful people!! Problem is, the unvaxed are still at risk. i.e., the blood supply is not screened for vaxd/unvaxd. So, the unvaxed, if they needed blood could indeed be injected with contaminated blood loaded with graphene oxide (neurotoxin and worse), parasites, snake venom, etc, etc.

1 year ago

Unlike the medical mafia, even hitmen and gangsters have a code, as exemplified by Leon in The Professional, and Tony Montana in Scarface uttering their infamous lines, “No women, no kids” and “No wife, no kids” before sending the violators of said code straight to hell.

IOW, on a moral plane, pharmacists, doctors, nurses and all the other criminals taking part in this genocide are lower than gangsters and hitmen because they’ll murder anyone for a buck, including innocent toddlers, teenagers, pregnant women, and old folks. These devils just don’t give a f*ck. They are truly evil people and far more dangerous to the general public than garden variety street crooks.

Unfortunately, the zombie class will never wake up to this fact, so instead of being avoided, demonized and brought to justice, these ruthless mass murderers masquerading as glorified drug pushers and bean counters will continue to be celebrated no matter how many millions of innocent people they kill during this genocide.

1 year ago
Reply to  Boris

You are thinking about the gangsters of old. They now just kill everyone now, just like the self appointed guardians of the universe.

Yung Skatelorde
Yung Skatelorde
1 year ago
Reply to  Boris

The term “zombie class” finally got me to join the conversation here. My employer brought back its mask mandate and the masks zealots I work with are now peer pressuring others to join the masked zombie horde. Seeing these masked zombies everyday at work is turning me into a misanthrope, or would I be a zombiephobe?

1 year ago

From the very beginning of this plandemic, the sight of people in masks made me hyperventilate. Trying to wear one myself triggered panic attacks. Never before had I experienced anything like it. It was like my body was telling me, “something wicked this way comes.” Of course, I didn’t know the depth or the scope but I had a deep visceral sense that it was very, very evil.

1 year ago
Reply to  JustSayNo

I had a deep sense they were gross, dirty, moist rags too close against where I BREATHE to stay ALIVE and that it didn’t belong there but for a small amount of time, like 5 mins. I’m still grossed out by people wearing them especially in non-clinical settings where you know they don’t change them but on breaks, if that.

Come aboard The Mask Train! Fungi, parasites, viruses, molds and bacteria–ya’ll ride for free!

1 year ago
Reply to  JustSayNo

I so agree with you. From the beginning I couldn’t stand seeing masked people nor wearing it myself-just couldn’t and can’t stand it. It felt quite evil to me from the beginning and I could not and still do not understand how others don’t react that way,

1 year ago
Reply to  JustSayNo

This is exactly how I felt.

1 year ago

I wish I’d saved a copy of the OSHA web page cautioning not to wear masks for virus protection. They don’t work and cause a dangerous buildup of CO2. Was taken down shortly after the ‘pandemic’ began.

1 year ago

Cruising into old age here with my alcohol & tobacco habit intact – after reading these stories, I’m feeling pretty damn good about my life choices.

Tom Bombastadillo
Tom Bombastadillo
1 year ago
Reply to  Kiel

At 65, me too on both counts. As well, I live what I call the ‘Charlie Daniels Lifestyle’ whereby I get stoned and spend all morning online and then get drunk on brandy and play chess against a machine every afternoon, during “Happy Four Hours”.

I do manage to work for a coupla-three hours in between.

OHH, the stress of it all!! 🙂

By now after smoking cigs for about 45 years, about 18 per day = 18 x 365 x 45 = 295,650 cigarettes! And I ain’t dead yet. And I enjoyed every single one of them. Lightin’ another one up right now, in fact.

But Commander Cody died last year and I’m willing to bet he was fully vaxxed. The cigs didn’t get him but the vaxx probably did.

So why have I not died yet? My ‘health secrets’ are not secrets:

Keep moving.
Get strenuous exercise somehow.
Make it a practice to avoid stress.
A small amount of stress is beneficial.
A large amount of stress is harmful.
Avoid doctors unless injured.
Eat lots of meat, potatos, rice and vegetables. Use spices.
You ARE going to die, so learn to ENJOY THE NOW.

There is a postage stamp that was issued by the nation of Colombia in 1956 which shows a portrait of a man named Javier Pereira who was purported to be 167 years old at the time the stamp was issued and who died in 1958 at 169. Inscriptions on the stamp quote his philosophy: “No se preocupe. Tome mucho cafe. Fume un buen cigarro.”

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
1 year ago

How many sheep are still getting boosted? I hear we’re now at 4 death jabs. When’s the 5th???

On a side note, nobody in my immediate street block or circle of friends have died from these suicide jabs (yet), but I have noticed a peculiar change to their personalities in a number of them. Many have become somewhat zombified, meaning they don’t socialize much anymore, just stay in their homes all day long. Others don’t make sense when chatting with them, like they struggle to think of what to say during a conversation. Something seems off.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

What I’m seeing is full on anger and aggression in friends and neighbors who we’re pretty much calm nice folks before the vax.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kat

Don’t forget your/our animals! I think this is how they can turn them against us also…aggression, brain damage. Tracking too. Beware ALL V’s, even your dentist. No more scorpion stings or snake bites.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

That’s crazy! I haven’t seen these personality changes, per se, but do see that something is just “off” about the jabbed people (most extended family) I see fairly often.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

As DNA is being slowly altered, and it makes its way through the blood-brain barrier interweaving it’s self-assembling replicating tentacles and nano-particles around the synapses, weaving its own “new normal” pattern…well, just look up V2K. Destroys a part of the brain that controls morals & other things, that God intended for communication with Him. GONE! SO SAD. This made me cry again. And they wouldn’t listen to us…and got it anyway.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

Maybe they are getting sick? I overheard 2 women remarking how they have been quadruple-jabbed and have been sick twice with “covid” (questionable considering the lame testing). Maybe they don’t want anyone to know they are sniffling and sneezing all the time!

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

“Many have become somewhat zombified, meaning they don’t socialize much anymore, just stay in their homes all day long.”

Perhaps some of that is the conditioning during the lock downs and “stay home” propaganda. Some too might be paranoid of ‘covid’ still with the shots and boosters.

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
1 year ago
Reply to  jojo

That’s possible, but many were still very outgoing, chatty, even travelling domestically in 2020. It’s after they began getting the suicide jabs in 2021 is when their personalities began changing into zombies. Especially after they got the 2nd and 3rd jab. I would have thought 2020 would have been the year to hide inside the home, not 2022.

1 year ago

Probably the most depressing ‘The Covid Blog’ article I’ve read so far (not taking away from Brian’s amazing work).

However, the good news is I’m not vaccinated, as well as all of you lovely people who visit this blog regularly.

God has a plan for those who stick the course/not fall to Satan’s devices.

John McClane
John McClane
1 year ago

Simply put, they push the climate change garbage as the reason for pretty much everything now, because simply put, it’s a Trojan horse for world unity/globalism under the rule of the anti-christ (the Papacy).

The powers that be are creating a world so chaotic that humanity is finally ready to sacrifice its freedoms to gain its security. If that line sounds familiar, its because it’s in the Zola scene (which also explicitly mentions the NWO) in Cap. America The Winter soldier movie from 2014. A movie about Hydra (a secret organisation named after a beast with many heads in Greek Mythology, eerily like the symbolic beast with 7 heads & 10 horns from the book of Revelation) wiping out huge amounts of humanity. Seems on track that 10yrs later (2024), the real life genocide would take place after the predictive programming in the movie.

Scripture is clear that when they (the world leaders), declare peace and safety/security, sudden destruction will come upon them. Hmm, what does that first require? A world void of peace and safety, by making you think you are not safe anywhere (mass shootings, terror attacks), climate change, covid, monkeypox, famines etc will get you sooner or later, so TPTB herd humanity (like sheep) in the predetermined direction they wanted them to go in all long, the strategy of Problem-reaction-solution. For anyone not familiar with that, certain people (with the help of satan behind them) 1. create problems, 2. observe the reaction, control the narratives (mainstream media) as to what most see, hear and therefore believe and finally step 3. Were the very same people introduce the predetermined solution they wanted all along, to the original problems they created and the blind masses follow along without question or hesitation because they are so dumbed down and too busy watching TV, on FB or viewing stupid tik tok videos or movie trailer reaction videos while evil takes over. We are at Generation Z for a reason, Z for zombies, last letter of the English alphabet because the last events of this world are playing out, as stated in Biblical prophecies. Thankfully Christ is returning soon.

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

Yes, VEEEERY THANKFULLY Jesus is returning, right after their “short time”, or “little season”… reign of terror. Jesus said do not fear their fear. And do not be afraid of them. GREATER IS HE WHO IS IN US, THAN HE WHO IS IN THE WORLD. We are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ, or Savior. And, we are just passing through, not of this world, so if we go home by dying, so be it. Only God knows when, where, and how. NEVER FORSAKE HIM, and He will never forsake you. We’re all in this together, and God will see us through. STAND FIRM IN FAITH, and trust only in THE GREAT PHYSICIAN.

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

My Muslim friends told me 20 years ago that the Antichrist/Dajjal would annihilate 6 people out of 7. Well, whaddayaknow…

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

You’re right about everything EXCEPT it’s not “the Papacy” that’s in charge. It’s the people who wear the same little hats that Catholic priests do, except they’re not Catholic priests. And yes they are mentioned in Revelation. Think about it: you can criticize Catholics all you want, with no fear of job loss, or being locked up (in Europe), etc. But what will happen if you criticize this other group I’m referring to, especially in countries that don’t have the 1st Amendment?

1 year ago

Makes me wonder if I would even want to be around in 2030 and beyond knowing that life will be totally controlled by psychopaths.

1 year ago
Reply to  JustTheFacts

I won’t go down without a fight. Psychopaths or not. If you are around, you live life. For me I know it’s what God expects of me. Stay strong and live joyfully. 🙂🥰

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

Exactly right. If they want to take me down then they are going to have to do it the hard way. I’m not being brainwashed into assisting my own demise.

1 year ago
Reply to  JustTheFacts

Snap out of it soldier, you’ve come this far, we’re in a spiritual war and you’ve survived so far, learn about spiritual warfare and be a thorn in their side, make them work hard for their satanic utopia.

1 year ago
Reply to  JustTheFacts

At least traffic won’t be so bad, provided that we will be allowed to own vehicles.

Tom Bombastadillo
Tom Bombastadillo
1 year ago
Reply to  Ed_J

I feel sorry for all of the small animals that get run over. And a world paved over in asphalt is not nice. Not that any of that ever stopped me from driving.

Linda N
1 year ago
Reply to  Ed_J

We won’t. All this talk about electric vehicles is just that. They will probably allow us nothing more than bicycles locally.

1 year ago
Reply to  JustTheFacts

When I think about it…I wouldn’t mind going into slavery if I got to live to see the exodus. I’ll let God decide. I’m happy either way. Dying off in the destruction or being there for the exodus…same destination for me.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
1 year ago

What breaks my heart is the immense suffering these vaccines are causing to my dear friends. I ran into another friend I hadn’t seen since the lockdown, he looked like death warmed up. He always had asthma but since having THREE Covid vaccines, he is unable to catch his breath. He told me he has been having all sorts of scans and tests done. But point blank refused to admit the vaccines did this to him. He also told me he had the worse ear infection ever in January. His face went numb from it too. Another friend who had been suffering from debilitating fatigue was given the shocking news today he has dangerously raised haemoglobin levels, In other words less oxygen is getting into his system. He will probably have a heart attack or stroke.
I was at the Health Club yesterday. I was sharing the sauna box with a very elderly fellow Pakistani. I can’t remember how we got onto the subject of Covid-19 vaccines. He could not believe how stupid the Brits were. He had read that Telegraph article mentioned by Brian in this article. ‘It’s obvious the vaccines are bumping people off. Are the English really that stupid that they cannot see the connection?’ he commented. ‘It’s all about depopulation and sterilising the world’ he further added.
As I talked to him more he told me he had worked all his life in dangerous factories. He told me the English had treated him like dirt in the various factories he had worked in. ‘I put up with it because I always thought the English were intellectual and more cultured than us Pakistanis’ he said. He told me this vaccine genocide and fake pandemic finally revealed to him how stupid the Brits were. At least I can go to my grave knowing the English are stupid!’ he exclaimed.
What a wise and noble old man he was! A semi illiterate former factory worker had more common sense and critical thinking than a whole nation!

1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

“‘I put up with it because I always thought the English were intellectual and more cultured than us Pakistanis’ he said”

No comment. It would be censored.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
1 year ago

I did not mean to offend anyone. There is a a lot of anger in the Pakistani and Black communities in the UK. We had to endure years or decades of racist or ignorant behaviour from the white Brits. Most Brits think we are backward or worse a shit stain on England to put it crudely. The British can NEVER turn around now and call us ‘backwards’. It is now blatantly obvious the Brits do not have critical thinking. How can they not see the elephant in the room? Personally any last bit of respect of I had for the English has gone out of the window. Some of us are openly laughing at the English. The black humour (no pun intended) hasn’t been lost on us.

1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

Your reply reflects the deeply entrenched desire for approval and validation from those, you and others, hold in a very high esteem. Like emotional beggars hoping to be acknowledged by a particular category of people.

After 911, the western media used the provoke the muslim masses by speaking ill of the prophet of Islam. The muslims used to cry and roll on the floor because they are so hungry for love and respect from that category of people that they subconsciously hold in a very high esteem. If muslims had a bit of wisdom and freedom in their mind, they wouldn’t care at all.

If, for instance, the media said “in an african village, the chief drawed a picture of Mohammed, then the whole village started to dance and laugh”. Would my fellow stupid muslim care ?. NO, because they are not hungry for the approval of those african villagers.

If muslims had a little bit of wisdom, they would heed the bible when it says : the mouth speaks only what the heart is full of. But no,, muslims insist on making a monkey show of themselves for the cameras whenever a provocation is launched.

My point is, slavery of the mind and heart, is the real and only kind of slavery.

Let the haters hate me as much as they can. (just not too much please)

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
1 year ago

Your reply is irrelevant because I am not MUSLIM! It is a bit like me labelling all white Brits as binge drinking council estate chavs. I don’t think you have worked out that the ‘war on terror’ was all part of the Western shit show to bring about the New World Order. Isis was funded by the British. Don’t you find it strange ISIS was right next to Israel causing mayhem left right and centre, yet ISIS left Israel alone? It was a controlled group and the puppet masters were the same people who are killing the world’s population with these vaccines. I have been pointing out to the Brits the War on Terror is just another distraction. Besides I couldn’t give two hoots about the War on Terror or what Muslims are getting up to. We are all in serious trouble. 90% of the world’s population will be exterminated soon. There will be no Muslims or a ‘Muslim problem’ for you to worry about soon. The threat of Islam and Muslim terrorists is so yesterday for the globalists.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
1 year ago

Please tell whose ‘deeply entrenched desire for approval and validation’ do I crave? I don’t know why your reply to my comment went into the realm of Islam and Muslims? Not once did I mention religion in my comment. Perhaps you thought we are crazed Muslims who see the Brits as ‘infidels’? And no we are not ‘white arse lickers’ either! I do not want the ‘approval and validation’ of the white Brits. I think it was disgusting of you to take this into the realm of Islam and Muslims. It is a bit like me replying to your above comment by having a good rant about the British binge drinking culture.
You seem to forget Islam is a CULT. The British cannot, nor can you now criticize Islam or Muslims because most of the Western World is now following a cult too. This is the CULT of Covid-19. People put aside their common sense and any rationing thinking and devoted themselves to this Covid-19 cult. The globalists know the sure way to divide and conquer people is to take advantage of the mass’s group think mentality. Now you have your answer why Muslims are so passionate about their cult.

Fabricio Pracidelli
Fabricio Pracidelli
1 year ago

They know that deaths and damages will occur in a gaussian distribution curve, they are literally ‘normalizing’ the effects. In two years from now, young healthy people dying ‘unexpectedly’ from cardiac issues will be considered normal. And it will be, indeed, normal. It will be normal from the statistical point of view, and it will be normal from the public perception point of view. We can see it right now, very clearly, that a great number of zombies have accepted sudden deaths to be just a ‘part of life’. A regular, usual occurance. It just happens, nobody knows why and don’t mention those vaccines of course, oh no, gotta be something else. It is, of course, beyond moronic and pathetic, I bet those oligarchs and occultists are laughing their asses off all the way to the bank. They have proved their old theories that the general population can be programmed to behave or believe in anything, despite how dumb and absurd it might sound.

1 year ago

Not just laughing, spitting on the graves of the Dead victims. They (demons) feed off this, especially the Children. They must be stopped.

1 year ago

I would say don’t believe the msm narrative. They want you to believe everyone thinks this is normal. True. Dedicated covidiots do believe this but a large percentage of people
don’t. More are waking up. If you tried to put this on twitter or facebook you would be shut down.

1 year ago

They’ll just say “it’s genetic”, like they already do for so many auto-immune diseases before Covid and which I now suspect are probably mostly also caused by vaccines.

So it will become normal, “we don’t know why, must be genetic”. And people will believe it.

João Miguel
João Miguel
1 year ago

My Mother is tripple Vaxxed (with booster) and the Last week She was feeling sick with headache and her heart UP, and UP. She took medication for heart pressure and She had fever. The Covid test was negative. Do You see an pattern here?! People are dying and being sick, unexpectedly. This is an silent bioweapon of mass distruction.

1 year ago
Reply to  João Miguel

I’m so sorry to hear about your mother. Praying for you.

1 year ago
Reply to  João Miguel

I am so sorry about your mom. You need to make sure you tell her all the things you need her to hear before it’s too late. No judgement – just love her and tell her you do. It will be much easier for you when the inevitable happens. Again, I am so sorry.

1 year ago
Reply to  João Miguel

My dad has been sick for over a year after rushing out and getting his first two shots. He stopped after that because man did he have a bad reaction. But it’s been very bizarre medical issues no one can name or discover the origin of, he finally got a bit stable but his mind has never been the same. Started saying things multiple times and forgetting he just said them. Lots of brain fog. Then the other day he turned white as a sheet. Blood pressure dropped extremely low. He stabilized again and no one knows why or how it happened. I’m really worried for him. It’s horrible to watch.

1 year ago
Reply to  Candace

Candace, my 80 year old father is dealing with this. He lives in one state over from me, so I don’t know if his blood pressure’s dropped yet (white as a sheet), but the rambling. The brain fog. “Sudden but rare form of aggressive cancer” has made an entrance into his life. I feel for you and your father.

1 year ago

For the love of God, so many young kids are dying and people are actually believing this is “climate change!” The sheep are even stupider than I originally thought. My son took two shots, I pray every day that I don’t get a phone call telling me he’s injured or dead. So many of these jabbed people look way older than their age, even the young kids. If they’re willing to take an experimental shot, I’m assuming they haven’t been to discerning about putting poisoned food, water and pharmaceuticals in their body.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dee

I completely sympathize with you. Our daughter took two shots (that we know of, don’t know if there have been more) and I live with daily anxiety and nightmares wondering if I will get a call sometime that she died in her sleep or just keeled over. May God have mercy on your son and my daughter.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gwen

Thank you and I’m right there with you. I wake up in the middle of the night with anxiety and worry. I pray about it often and hope that maybe he got a placebo.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dee

It’s the reverse for me. My parents got the shots. I’m watching the slow horrible health decline of my dad. My mom seems fine though. Still, I wanted to be old with them. I’m so worried.

1 year ago

An extended family member lost a older sibling very recently. (Arlington Tx) The funeral is almost two weeks away. When asked why such a delay, the response was that it the soonest the funeral home could do it.
Very sad what is taking place under everyone’s noses, and still the majority can’t see it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lana

I looked at the obituaries last week. The “unexpected” deaths and “died suddenly”… people between 19 and 50 was alarming. There was a 19 year old that died from “mental illness.” I’ve never heard of this cause of death before this year. I’ve heard of suicide due to mental illness but never just dying from mental illness.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dee

And it’s only going to get worse. So sad for the children and young people.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lana

A week ago, and a few other times, I started searching funeral homes for a few missing friends, and the volumes of people I had to page through was astronomical. At each place! That is one way to see, because they’re even trying to stop obituaries from being published. I was shocked. I’m grateful for all this hard work making things known by The Covid Blog and many others. THANK YOU, BLESS YOU, and pray for their safety and continuation please.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Lana

Yes, she “passed away peacefully in her sleep” might be words to describe the demise of an 88 year old grandmother but not a 20 year old softball player! Folks, we have entered into George Orwell’s “1984” where “ignorance is strength, love is hate, and war is peace”. The “thought police” will not be far behind – but maybe something is going to happen to throw a huge monkey wrench into their plans. That uncertainty from the Universe keeps them awake at night. We are limited but we need to do what we can if only making monetary contributions. As Joyce Meyers once said “if you don’t do what you CAN do, how do you expect God to do what ONLY He can do?”

1 year ago

I have started using the word Democide, meaning the Death by Government.

1 year ago

I have started using the term “Bio-Mechanoid Clot Shot”, based on what was lab-discovered about the nature of the clots, which are not blood clots.

Brayoda on Bit-chute
Brayoda on Bit-chute
1 year ago

I use words like, Con-vid (never isolated), 5g poisoning, plan-demic, gene altering poison (not gene therapy because therapy implies that it’s benefitting the genes), sheeple, the walking dead zombies, suicide mission, trans-fection (shedding) etc.

1 year ago

Just ordered the book ! They can delete the internet but they can’t delete my books without going through me first

1 year ago

I did too. My Christmas present to myself.

1 year ago

I can’t believe Mike Tyson got it. He woke me up fully when he had RFK Jr on his podcast two years ago talking about it

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Apparently he “needs” to travel internationally for the “money”. Its too bad someone didn’t just tell him to go sell all his assets and live off that money. Instead of being forced to take it so he could travel to make more money.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rox

Yup. He sold out. Put his trust in “travel” and not in God. God’s having people make determinations, at least to an extent.

1 year ago
Reply to  Teri

Totally agree Teri!! It probably never even occurred to him to just sell everything he owned. The “Stuff” is how they measure their wealth/worthiness. I’m going to store my riches in heaven!!

1 year ago
Reply to  Rox

I’m not rich rich or anything but I have a home and cars and savings and 401ks. Even being lower middle class, my husband and I had already started to make plans to sell off our assets and live in a van if we had to when his work demanded he get the shots. I’ll admit it was kind of fun, like starting an adventure. I was kind of excited to do it but…Somehow his religious exemption went through. Maybe because what little social media we have was posted ten years ago when we went on a bunch of missions, who knows. But the very wealthy have many more assets to sell off and use to stay afloat for a long time so…the love of money really is pure evil.

Last edited 1 year ago by Candace
Holding On
Holding On
1 year ago

When I looked at some of the photos the victims had posted when they received the poison, it seemed to me that the banner celebrating their decision to be poisoned looked like a sickle. Doesn’t the Grim Reaper carry a sickle?
The photo of 12 year old Satchel after his stroke…..I have no words. Poor boy, what quality of life will he have now? Sp many, including his parents, have a lot to answer for.

1 year ago
Reply to  Holding On

I hadn’t noticed that before, but it does. Here’s another interesting coincidence: Google the meaning of the last name of the Dr. who says he is “the Science” and check out Revelation 14:14-19.

1 year ago
Reply to  Holding On

faucis name means sickle in Italian .. he comes from a line of sickle makers!

1 year ago
Reply to  Holding On

Wow, you’re right about the sickle shape. When I looked at those pictures, I had an uneasy feeling but couldn’t put a finger on it. The WEF emblem also has a sickle shape through it. Hmmm. And Revelation 14:19 links the use of a sickle to the final reaping of wickedness into the winepress of the wrath of God.

1 year ago

but pronounced dead later that evening. No foul play is suspected.

Well; that’s a loose term…

1 year ago

Mr. Kaushik LM was a popular movie critic based in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He had 428,000 Twitter followers 

There is usually an inverse relationship between the number of followers a person has on Twitter and the depth of their wisdom & insight.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hmm

I have no twitter, no facebook. Never did. No TV, no bank account neither. Draw your conclusion.

1 year ago

Yep, I saw that video of Jane Goodall…but this time I was not surprised. I was surprised a while back when Jane spoke on a webinar praising Antipope (and likely candidate for the False Prophet) Jorge Bergoglio. She was also at some globalist clambake at the Vatican (don’t remember if it was online or in person). I have to admit it disappointed me greatly. As a child, she was someone I looked up to. My grandparents had boxes of old National Geographics in their attic. When I stayed with them, and was sent upstairs to take an afternoon nap, I was actually in the attic reading National Geographics and dreaming of all the places I would go when I grew up. I still get a certain thrill when I arrive at a place I first saw in my grandparents attic. But now I know the truth…Nation Geographic was a globalist publication from day one …and Jane Goodall is one of them. We must realize in this globalist controlled world, that nobody is supported, funded and feted…the way Goodall was supported…unless they sign onto the program.

Same thing happened with a school bus in my area. Luckily, only one student was on the bus, and was uninjured. The driver was hospitalized for his “medical emergency”, and of course, we never were told if he died. A dead body was discovered on the roadside at the coast, and there was an investigation into how he died. I told my friend: “If we are not told he was struck by a car, then he dropped from the vax, and there will be no follow-up.” There was no follow-up.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

J. Goodall is a total disgrace.

1 year ago

When is Jane Goodall going to die ???

1 year ago
Reply to  KravWarrior

And how is it obese 99-year-old Henry Kissinger (the one who coined the term “useless eaters”) in still in the land of the living?

My first doubts about Goodall came in the early 1990s, about why she did not use her huge platform to speak against using chimps in medical research. Whenever she was asked, she always refused to denounce this horror. Obviously she was told: “You stay away from critiquing Big Pharma and Big Medicine, if you wish to keep your fame and fortune.” It seems like all famous people are sell-outs.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

Even Wikipedia admits her links to Theosophy. Meaning, she was an occultist first and a chimp observer second. The chimps were probably a part of some scary agenda. Just like Jacques Cousteau, riding his submarine looking for heaven knows what. He must have been extremely useful to the elites, or they wouldn’t work his name into all sorts of pop culture (incl. ‘Friends’) for no apparent reason at all.

1 year ago
Reply to  KravWarrior

The sooner, the better.

Gabi aus Germany
Gabi aus Germany
1 year ago

Fie for that “lady” Jane Goodall, who blows the same horn and wants to teach humanity. She’s either stupid or an unscrupulous advocate or even a member of the WEF and their atrocities. The woman seems to have a split personality in enthusiastically studying animals (chimpanzees) and wanting to harm and reduce humans. Sick like the whole WEF – criminals – rabble

1 year ago

Had to look up “fie.” Definition: “used to express disgust or disapproval”
I love it!! I think I will start using this.
Thank you for teaching me something today 🙂

Gabi aus Germany
Gabi aus Germany
1 year ago

Sorry, I meant ugh. I hope that wasn’t meant to be ironic. In Germany there are not as many uses for 1 word as in English. I still hope that we understand each other as human beings. Unfortunately, I still have to learn some English. sorry

1 year ago

I thought “Fie” was an awesome choice, so great mistake on your part. I guess we both learned something! 🙂

I am still going to start using it to describe people and things!

And yes; the English language is very difficult to learn. I say that and it’s my first language! I did not realize how weird and difficult it was until I had to teach it to my children (we home school.)

I think you are doing a wonderful job with your English. Many blessings to you, Gabi!

1 year ago

Deutsch ist auch schwer. Es gibt manche Wörter, die ins Englische nur holprig übersetzt werden können. Wo im Deutschen nur ein Wort reicht, eine Idee auszudrücken, benötigt man im Englischen oft eine Phrase oder sogar ein paar Sätze, das gleiche zu sagen. (z.B. : Dauerbackwaren = baked goods with an extended shelf life). Es gibt tausende solcher Beispiele. Der Satzbau ist auch relativ kompliziert. Nicht wenige Deutschlernende verfügen über einen ziemlich großen Wortschatz aber können eine Zeitung nicht lesen, denn sie verstehen die deutsche Wortstellung nicht. Für manche ist sehr verwirrend, wenn ein Satz mit einem direkten Objekt beginnt. Außer poetischem Ausdruck erfährt man das nie im Neuenglischen. Meine Studenten haben Objekte als Satzanfänge mit dem Subjekt ständig verwechselt. Und dann redet man von “Kasus”… Ich habe über 40 Jahre Deutsch studiert, und nur in den letzten Jahren komme ich damit ziemlich klar. Your English is very good, BTW.

1 year ago

One good thing about Brian’s blog is he is relatively objective. At least as objective as he can be. Let’s face it none of us are as we all have preconceived ideas from childhood upbringing, culture (what country we were born in), our religious and educational indoctrination. This blog makes a special point of not saying that all deaths are 100% from the gear but merely makes observations and allows the reader to make conclusions. I have read of deaths from the flu jab and was very surprised by this (I was actually floored how man jab deaths have occurred over the decades) but compared to this gear (is not anything like previous poisons as all jabs are technically if you read the ingredients) they pale in comparison.

1 year ago

What I noticed from these stories (excellent article as always Brian) is how many deaths occur about a year or more from the jab. That is alarming for those of us who have family members that we thought had possibly escaped harm.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gwen

Yes considering how many famous people have fallen off their perch recently I do not think anyone is sacred to these people.

1 year ago

These evil beings have codes as well. They must tell you what they will do to you before They do it. Plainly afterwards (In your face to show their might over you) and hidden before , they do it (The art of misleading) If you don’t reckognize it thats your problem for being stupid ( because that is how They look at you, as human cattle). They kept to their code. They must also show utter and total contemt for you and your intelligence. The more the better. Misleading you in ingenious ways leads to scoring points amongst these devils that also goes for proving to you that you are stupid.the more heinous their actions the more points they score as well and being completely ruthless even beyond what you can imagine is the way to the top. Light to them feels like darkness and darkness is their light. Everything though has to be done out of your won free will. That is a rule as well. Using force leads to lesser points. It’s about you supporting evil out of your won free will. That is their greatest achievement. It does not matter if you where mislead. They want to be the master over your free will. To then abuse you physically and spiritually without mercy for their own evil ends. They strive to become Masters in evil doing and wickedness. Take a look around you. The AIM is to take over this world and remain on it with 500 million beings without their free will and disconected from the source. Know your enemy.

In the netherlands all top medical advisors from the government are vetenarians. Doctors in relations to animals. Who are advising in matters of human health on the highest level .Let that sink in. Deeply. The majority overhere does not even know or do not care or doesnt are it as every strange . Think about that. Do it one more time. They look at it as a coincedense. The evil ones are scouting major points in the netherlands and to them it is a victory. They proof that humans are stupid and slaughter them. A great bloodsacrifice to their lord. . It is what it is.

Fascinating and testing times. Not only organs are harvested. It is the time of harvest for souls as wel. Stay strong, absolute truth sets free. Always. That is a law as well. No one or nothing but you must be the master over your own free will. Then you cannot be harmed seen from a spiritual pov. Remain one with the force of love. Fascinating and testing times on so many levels but keep your eyes on the prize. Take care.

1 year ago
Reply to  Longrider

This is how serial killers think. They blame their victims for being “stupid” enough to trust them. Psychopaths think that if you are naive, trusting or nice that you are getting what you deserve. They hate goodness. Domination is what they are all about. They are true predators. Don’t let the white coat fool you. Many doctors are psychopaths. Including that elf that works for the CDC.

1 year ago

I would watch the video about the Kardashians, but I am committed to a life wherein I purposely strive to know nothing at all about them. I don’t know how many of them there are, who is married to whom, or even how they are famous in the first place. Some facts are worth knowing. Some are not. My vax-free neurons don’t need no Kardashi (Is this the planet they’re from?) lifeforms clogging them up.

I shall remain a pureblood in terms of the covid vax, and a puremind in terms of not knowing diddly squat about what a Kardashian is.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ron

I’m right there with you, Ron!

1 year ago

It would be interesting to know which ones did or did not have boosters. If only the shots on those cards, that would be really bad as sudden death could be even over a year out.

Carol T
1 year ago

I’m not the first surely to be struck by the pax in Paxlovid….Latin for peace…like a new twist on when they say PEACE and SAFETY, sudden destruction comes…and they will not escape [the poison]. (Biblical 1 Thess. 5:3 – While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

1 year ago
Reply to  Carol T

Good observation.

1 year ago

Has anyone noticed that the “We can do this” they have on their vax photos, looks like a 6?

1 year ago
Reply to  Teri

It took me a while to see it, but yes, when you incorporate the “I got my c-19 vax” and the circle that says, “We can do this”; yes, I see it! Good catch, Teri!! 🙂

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
1 year ago

And notice you hear of no death in any elite family or any European royal family. Barely a flicker of anyone truly getting sick. So tired of people shrinking back in horror for “so and so test positive for COVID!” The tests are flawed and most don’t even develop a symptom beyond normal cold. Sick of hearing the gasps that happen when someone announces someone tested positive.

1 year ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

Corona is a crown, the halo of the sun. Coronation anyone? Lots of old religions that sacrifice humans use that crown.

1 year ago
Reply to  HugeBerger

Corona is also the shape of the red blood cell as it is being modified by the machinery (graphene oxide/iron) within the vaxx….slowly being co-opted. And virus means “poison” from the old Latin. But the Bible says those who prevail will be given crowns…….

Clown World
Clown World
1 year ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

Yea, it is getting quite asinine at this point. I’ve had people speculate on the flawed diagnosis as characteristics of a particular variant. Ie, “I tested positive, but I’m not sick. I’ve heard that the Omicron variant can do that.” Let’s just ignore the fact that the creator of the PCR Kary Mullis has said it can’t be used to diagnose disease. But yea, trust the science!

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
1 year ago
Reply to  Clown World

Correct. And I get tired of repeating this over and over and over. Even many people who know the vax is dangerous still believe in “Covid” and this “pandemic”. It’s all a lie, there is no pandemic, never was. And most likely “Covid” is just a flu, if it even exists at all. People just can’t grasp a lie that big. They think it’s impossible which is exactly why TPTB get away with it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

I believe the reason no royal is showing symptoms is one of two reasons:

1) They do not put the poison in their own bodies that they hand out (which seems like it makes sense, until you think about the fact that at their rituals, they are eating and drinking from someone. Maybe they ensure those people are clean of poison as well? Side note: this is what Jesus meant when He said, “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking….” (Matthew 24:37-38) When you correlate this with Genesis 6:5, you see that it’s not just “partying” eating and drinking. In verse 5, it says, “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was on evil continually.” This “eating and drinking” meant, “eating flesh and drinking blood.” Something our society is trying to make the norm these days.

(Let’s remember only Noah and his family were able to get onto the ark. 2 reasons:
1) Noah followed God, 2) Noah’s genetic line was PURE. When verse 9 states, “Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations,” that does not mean he was perfect (There is none righteous…) but it meant; there was no change in his DNA from the fallen ones – see verses 1-4. Now it’s really starting to look like the Days of Noah, eh?)

Possible reason #2) I lean more towards this;

It’s because the royals are Ashkenazis. Brian wrote about this 1-17-22 and updated it 2-6-22. (Link below) I followed his article with some research of my own (already having researched the royals years ago,) and I think he is spot on (as always!) (Keep in mind; the royals are from GERMAN descent. NOT British. They changed their name to Windsor to sound English. “Although they are now known as the Royal House of Windsor, the current Royal Family were actually members of the German House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.” Article titled, “Royal Family Name Before Windsor...” found on Politic Mag online.)

I have a personal story here: My oldest sister (54 yoa) got the first vax right when it was available in North Carolina and then the booster. She had all of four of her children get it (ages now; 18-25.) Her husband was hesitant, so I do not think he ever did. I was on a conference call with her and my unvaxxed sister last Monday. On a separate phone call, I commented to my unvaxxed sister that I was surprised to hear her “normal,” laughing and staying engaged in the fast-paced conversation and not zombified like all the other vaxxed. She carried on just like old times. (I haven’t spoken with her on the phone for years.) As I chewed on this for the rest of the day, I remembered Brian’s article and then thought of my dad’s family. His grandfather escaped to America from Germany during the war because they were “German Jews.” I’m not saying this is why she, nor her kids, are not showing any symptoms, but it is an interesting theory. (Back in 2017-18, when Ancestry dot com was bombarding YouTube with ads every 3 seconds, I told my husband, “They are looking for a particular bloodline.” Back then, I was in my Nephilim study and thought it might be that.)

Link to Brian’s article: Are COVID-19 injections the “ethno-bomb” Israel began developing in the late 1990s? – The COVID Blog™

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
1 year ago

Vaccine struck someone I know personally again. 41 YO acquaintance of mine, physically fit, perfectly healthy. Just got married a couple months ago. In the hospital for a stroke. He works for a one of the big tech companies that mandates the vax.

1 year ago

I am sorry to hear this. So young too. I have a friend who works at pfizer and her daughter too. They have told me they are proud of pfizer and all its work on the vaxx. They love they are getting pensions too. I just smile and think to myself that pfizer won’t have to payout the pensions since they will be dead from the vaxx long before they can collect. They’re all vaxxed and boostered. It’s surreal.

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

It’s like an episode of The Twilight Zone, or that movie “They Live” where only a few us with with special sunglasses can see what’s going on. I’m basically numb to all of it now, and ready for whatever God has in store for the future, even if it means a fight to the bitter end against these scum.

1 year ago

Chevy Beh, 37yo Malaysian health tech tycoon and Harvard alum who used to play polo with UK’s Prince William “passed away peacefully” Aug 23. He had collapsed after a polo match on Aug 21. Ironically, he was the 2020 winner of the Pfizer Asia competition for innovative healthcare companies.

1 year ago

P.S. on Chevy Beh: “During the Covid-19 pandemic, his company played an instrumental role in the rollout of the vaccines by managing and running the vaccine centre at World Trade Centre Kuala Lumpur. This centre administered nearly 1.3 million doses.”

1 year ago

It’s taking me 4 times as long to get through these articles as it did when I first began following Brian’s work. If this trend continues I’ll have to take a day off to keep up with all the “mysterious” deaths, and Brian won’t be sleeping at all any more.

Not woke
Not woke
1 year ago

So sorry to read of more young children maimed or killed by vaccines. Like so many others, they never had a chance to live happy, productive lives. It’s a steep price to pay for a vaccine that doesn’t work, for a disease that doesn’t affect children.

The devil has agents all over this stricken country.

Whose life will be claimed tomorrow? Very thankful for this blog and the upcoming book.

1 year ago

That “we can do this” patch makes me want to scream.

1 year ago

In NZ half of the country is sick and nobody seems to make the connection. One of the “reasons” for forcing the v was “it will help to not overwhelm our health system”. Guess what? It’s falling apart just right now. Not enough doctors, not enough nurses, not enough staff, way too many people sick. I have friends “sick all the time” but again, they can’t join the dots. Must be really really hard for “intelligent” people admit they were conned.

Harold Crapper
1 year ago

Unvaxxed, please make sure you do not contaminate yourself with the blood of the vaxxed by transfusion or by having a child with them. My immediate family is unvaxxed and my daughter is avoiding relationships with the vaxxed. The unclean vaxxed have volunteered to be part of an experiment, and will probably have their bloodlines end due to vax damage, DNA damage and general health conditions from the vax.

1 year ago

They are pressing hard for WW III. Estimates of dead range from 3 to 5.5 billion, the ultimate population control. How do the survivors live on a planet made uninhabitable after the nuclear annihilation? Poorly, and painfully…

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