#TwitterFiles conditioning conservatives to trust Elon Musk; plus Tucker Carlson vs. Hunter Biden, and the concepts of “controlled opposition” and propaganda

By Brian A. Wilkins
Editor-in-Chief: TheCOVIDBlog.com
December 15, 2022 (updated 8:30 p.m. Pacific)

As 2022 comes to a close, the powers-that-be (“TPTB”) are shifting to the next stage of The Great Reset. Vaccine genocide deaths reach new highs everyday, based on data from our aggregation tools. But it’s showing up in real life as well.

Business Insider reported on December 6 that only 47% of U.S. office space is occupied as of Q4 2022. That’s down from 95% in January 2020. Some of that is due to people working remotely and other factors. But we’ve pointed out a few times in the past several months that fast food joints, gas stations, supermarkets, etc. are hiring at $15 per hour and more across the U.S. just to attract applicants. The worker pool is greatly diminished because untold millions of people have died or been severely injured by the injections since 2021.

Those living in cities and touristy areas know that things will never be like they were prior to 2020. Several Las Vegas casinos and hotels still have not reopened and/or recommenced full services. Some will be demolished in the near future. Many restaurants and others venues have closed permanently.

Market research firm Springboard found in its Downtown Pedestrian Traffic – September 2022 Report that U.S. foot traffic in downtown areas is down an average of 34% each month in 2022 vs. 2019. New York City was down 27% in September.

Though it’s clear that people are dying and/or suffering by the millions, it’s still not enough for TPTB. Liberals are obediently receiving injections, practicing homosexual culture (no procreation), and eating up all government and media propaganda. Right wingers and conservatives, however, are a pesky nuisance for Klaus and company.

The next phase of this vaccine genocide and global psy-op is to get Western conservatives under control. But the same approaches used with liberals will not work. We’re already seeing this next phase of the psy-op in action, and unfortunately, it’s working.

Elon Musk, Ron DeSantis replacing Donald Trump as right-wing shepherds

The Great Reset is working on auto-pilot. A vast majority of self-identified Democrats (86%) had received at least one mRNA or viral vector DNA injection by September 2021. The more “education” they have (i.e. PhD’s, master’s degree’s, etc.), the more likely they are to receive endless booster shots.

Asian Americans are 94% vaxxed, but are also less susceptible to post-injection adverse events. Regardless, all of the foregoing who survive beyond January 1, 2025 are forever connected to the transhumanist, social credit matrix that none of us really know yet how it all works. But there’s a major glitch in The Great Reset that is now being addressed in quite the sinister and accelerated fashion.

A majority of self-identified Republicans (60%) have received at least one injection. Those with graduate degrees (77%) and bachelor’s degrees (66%) are vaxxed at higher rates. But TPTB want these numbers closer to liberal compliance. Many Republicans, particularly younger ones, do not trust anything mainstream (except for police and military), and feel ostracized in many aspects.

Conservatives are constantly censored and banned from mainstream platforms, i.e. PayPal, Venmo, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, etc. That leaves them with Truth Social, Gab, 4Chan, and alt-online payment platforms to communicate with one another. But none of those platforms have the technological capabilities and reach to control every aspect of lives, like GooglePay/Youtube/Android, Apple Pay/iPhone, and Meta Pay/Facebook/Instagram.


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Liberals will do anything mainstream authorities tell them to do, as long as homosexual culture is at the forefront of their agendas. In Freudian terms, TPTB are satisfying their “id’s,” meaning the primitive, “pleasure principle” (and these days tribal) aspects of humanity – hunger, sex, anything that feels good. The Republican masses need a human idol to obey. Most Americans have had their superegos (morality and reason) conditioned completely out of them in the last couple decades.

Donald Trump fed and intensified the primal instincts of right-wingers for over five years. But he’s losing his effectiveness, and TPTB know it. A USA Today/Suffolk survey released earlier this week found that 56% of Republican and conservative independent voters prefer Ron DeSantis over Trump in the 2024 Presidential Election. Of those voters, 61% said they “want Trumpism without Trump.” DeSantis fits that mold. But he’s not a billionaire oligarch and cannot manipulate society at all levels.

Liberals have Biden and Fauci as figureheads, while Bill Gates funds their LGBTV (for vaccines) agenda. Trump was the figurehead and billionaire of MAGA. DeSantis needs an eccentric billionaire backer. Enter Elon Musk and the #TwitterFiles.

RELATED: 5 more young vaxx deaths as Obama admits billions were unwitting clinical trial subjects, while Trump vaxx zealotry swayed his voters to the needle (April 26, 2022)


All the extracurricular activities notwithstanding, Trump was strong on the economy and illegal immigration during his Presidency. Those are issues dear to Republican White voters. Those issues are also important to conservative Black voters, which is why Trump and Republicans in general have made significant gains with said voting bloc in the past 10 years, particularly among Black men. The latter voted 95% for Obama in 2008, 87% Obama in 2012, 82% for Clinton in 2016, and 79% for Biden in 2020.

Trump also made billionaires a lot richer, like all Presidents since Reagan. That is an issue the masses of lambs in both parties tolerate. But the thing Republican voters really like about Trump (their “id’s”) was demonstrated at his November 9, 2016  victory speech at the Midway Hilton Hotel in New York City.

A Trump supporter yelled “Kill Obama” from the crowd. You can see the shock on then 10-year-old Barron Trump’s face when he heard that.

Trump supporters used the “believe what we tell you, not what you hear with your own ears” propaganda tactic, claiming the guy said “repeal Obama.” But it’s doubtful young Barron would have flinched if those were the actual words. Regardless, Trump just kept talking. Far-right Republican voters knew that it was now okay to openly incite violence, particularly against the half-Kenyan (Black) president and Black Americans in general.

RELATED: 2022 Midterm Elections: rampant homosexuality is the universal eschatological sign of end times; and why Black Americans must non-vote Democrats out of power (October 11, 2022)


The hard truth is that some right-wingers and even moderate Democrats hate Black Americans, for whatever reason. A January 2018 paper published on the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) is entitled “The Effect of President Trump’s Election on Hate Crimes.” The paper, which has since been cited 31 times, including in several peer-reviewed studies, concluded the following:

Our analysis finds that President Trump’s election coincided with a statistically significant surge in hate crimes, even when controlling for alternative explanations. And counties that voted for President Trump by the widest margins experienced the largest increases in reported hate crimes.”

In other words, the data are valid, even when controlling for the “what about Chicago” cliché.

DeSantis made a clever, politically-expedient, and perhaps pandering quip at a June 15 press conference. A reporter asked for his comment about Elon Musk saying he’d vote for DeSantis if he ran for President. “I welcome African American support,” he said.

DeSantis also flew 50 illegal immigrants from Florida to the wealthy liberal Massachusetts island of Martha’s Vineyard on September 14. It’s fair to call both the foregoing incidents political stunts. But DeSantis is executing smart politics, energizing the base, and demonstrating that he, as the aforementioned Suffolk poll said, is Trumpism without Trump, at least in that one regard.

Musk doesn’t need to prove this aspect, as he’s from apartheid South Africa. The Republican masses already loved Musk, for whatever reason. But he’s strengthening and expanding his influence on conservatives every day.

Musk agreed when a Twitter user said “hands up, don’t shoot” was a “hoax.”

Liberals and moderate Democrats actually created an interference narrative in 2015 regarding “hands up” via the Washington Post and one of their black homosexual tools.

Again the only time in U.S. history police have been in the wrong when killing an American, according to Trump’s most ardent supporters, is January 6 rioter Ashli Babbitt. For the record, Terrance Crutcher, Eric Garner (the one who started the “hands up, don’t shoot” campaigns, not Mike Brown and Ferguson), Sean Monterrosa (Latino, on knees with hands up), and Charles Kinsey (lying on the ground with his hands up, survived) are just a few examples of Americans shot and/or killed by police with their hands up. Christian Glass, a White guy making a heart sign with his hands while locked in his car, was shot and killed by police this past summer.

Note that U.S. government (police) killing Americans was my primary blog beat from 2006 to 2016, before covering U.S. government “medical science” killing Americans on this blog. White Americans, e.g. Tyler Heilman, Ryan Rader, Katherine Paulson, etc., were/are frequently shot and killed with their hands up, in fact even more by the raw numbers than Black Americans. Unfortunately most White Americans do not care.

Read the comments in the foregoing three links. These articles united small White towns across the USA because mainstream media wouldn’t cover the stories. I was on my own covering them for the entire country. We even covered the story of neo-Nazi Mark Luttrell being killed by cops. Again, read the comments.

The Kelly Thomas incident, a White man beaten to death on camera by Fullerton, California police, is the one that shook my heart and soul to the point I had to gradually stop covering that beat. Don’t click, read and watch Mr. Thomas’ story if you have a sensitive soul. The Ernest Duenez (Latino) murder on tape by cops was also soul-chilling. It’s not a race thing. It’s an American thing. But tribal politics and id pandering are necessary for The Great Reset to work. Digression.


#TwitterFiles nothingburger, and the precursor to social credit system for Republican masses


The first #TwitterFiles thread was released on December 2. The biggest “revelation” therein was that the White House had direct access to Twitter staff, to order deletion of specific tweets and accounts on demand. Both political parties had access to these portals.

The second biggest revelation was that former Twitter head of legal, policy and trust Vijaya Gadde played a key role in suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story prior to the 2020 Election. This is all old news, thanks to Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry. They filed their lawsuit on May 5, accusing the Biden Administration of colluding with social media to suppress and censor information.

We published an article about the Facebook and Twitter “misinformation takedown portals” for federal and state governments on November 4, almost a month before the #TwitterFiles. The #TwitterFiles2 biggest revelation is that Twitter suppresses, censors and deletes tweets at the behest of state and federal government officials.

This is also old news. Again, there are thousands of pages of documents available to the public via discovery in the Missouri et al. vs. Biden case. Here is a small sample of emails from said documents.

Here’s a whole lot more from 2020 when Trump was still in the White House.

The point is that Twitter is publishing these #TwitterFiles under the guise of breaking news and rebellion by Musk. It’s all public record already via the Missouri et al. vs. Biden case. But much like Trump did with the federal government, Musk is making conservatives believe that he is anti-establishment, anti-“deep state.” Again, it’s very clever politically.

Twitter has not release anything about its COVID-19 “misinformation policy,” but continues teasing it.

Musk tackled two birds with one stone with this December 11 tweet.

Musk later clarified his tweet, saying Fauci should be prosecuted for his role in gain-of-function research.

The best Fauci bombshells in the past week or so were, again, from the Missouri vs. Biden case. Fauci gave his videotaped deposition on November 23 in Bethesda, Maryland. The 446-page transcript was published on the Missouri Attorney General website on December 5. The biggest revelation is that Fauci’s daughter worked for Twitter as a software engineer in 2020 and 2021.

The other major revelation was potential proof of government malice with regards to the injections and the “plandemic.” One statement not only seems to show that Fauci and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg were buddies long before COVID, but also reminded everyone of an interview Fauci did with CBS News on February 16, 2020.

Fauci was already talking about vaccines in February 2020, before so-called COVID-19 even really hit the U.S. But the most revealing statement was when Fauci said any vaccine developed in less than one year would be “cutting dangerous corners.”

Trump announced Operation Ward Speed on May 15, 2020. Millions of Americans received their first shots beginning on December 14, 2020. The injections were developed and released to the public in seven months, five fewer months than Fauci’s “dangerous” guidelines. Thus he admitted the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections are not safe.

To take it a step further, former Pfizer head of vaccine R&D, Kathrin Jansen, said in a November 11 Nature.com article, “We flew the airplane while we were still building it” when asked about the speed at which the injections were created and released.

At this point, all of them may as well admit wrongdoing. But don’t hold your breath. None of them will be held accountable.

All of the foregoing are blueprint drawings for the Republicans/Trump voters’ social credit system. Liberals already live on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, etc. Musk is luring in all the right-wingers with “Trumpism,” to provide them a trustworthy, “mainstream” social media platform. He’s already announced his forthcoming Twitter payment system. Note that Musk is one of the original founders of PayPal.

The “new Twitter” provides conservatives and alt-right folks a mainstream place to say almost anything, congregate virtually, and also interact with liberals. Musk still needs to tread lightly to make this work. He promised “general amnesty” for all suspended accounts that did not break the law in late November. The European Union stepped in, and prevented him from doing so.

The E.U. Digital Services Act (“DSA”) went into effect on October 19. The Act forces big tech companies to tightly monitor “harmful content” and “disinformation,” which means truth about the injections. The maximum penalty for big tech firms in violation of DSA is 6% of their total gross revenues from the previous year.

E.U. Commissioner of Internal Marketing Thierry Breton tweeted a cryptic threat at Musk on November 30, the day “general amnesty” was supposed to start. It looks like Musk and the E.U. were on a video conference in said tweet.

General amnesty did not happen, and won’t happen. But a very interesting development occurred last week. Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Robert Malone were reinstated to Twitter. The Stew Peters “Died Suddenly” Twitter account was created in October, and is also still active. Make of all that what you will.

TPTB just “castled” less than 10 moves into the game (The Great Reset), to use a chess metaphor. They have liberals completely entranced. Now they are moving into position to get right-wingers vaxxed at higher rates, and onto mainstream social media where they can be monitored and manipulated.

Political tribal wars, propaganda and gaslighting will reach peak level in 2023 to distract from mass death like humanity has never seen or experienced. All of their talking heads and tools have their assignments. Now we get to watch it all unfold.

Tucker Carlson, Hunter Biden, and the club you’re not invited to

Fox News consistently has eight or nine of the top 10 most-watched cable “news” shows, for no other reason that all other channels are far-left liberal echo chambers competing for the same viewers. Eight Fox News shows topped the September 2022 cable news rankings. MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell (#9) and Alex Wagner/Rachel Maddow (#11) are the highest-rated shows for that network. The highest-rated CNN show, Anderson Cooper, was #26.

The top-rated Fox News show, The Five, had the network’s second-rated show host, Tucker Carlson, on as a guest on December 6. Mr. Carlson was promoting his new streaming series on Fox Nation, Tucker Carlson Originals. The first episode is called “Biden, Inc.” It’s mostly about the now-infamous Hunter Biden laptop.

Greg Gutfeld made an effort to ask about Mr. Carlson’s long, documented personal friendship with Hunter Biden. But the issue was mostly glossed over without followup. Both Tucker and Hunter know that the latter will never face any sort of criminal or otherwise liability, regardless of what’s on the laptop. The two friends, however, have their assigned roles from TPTB and are acting them out on the literal world stage.

The mainstream narrative was that Donald Trump lawyer, Lin Wood, was the first to leak the November 13, 2014 emails between Tucker Carlson and Hunter Biden on December 2, 2021. But said emails, which came from the infamous Hunter Biden laptop, were originally leaked by a Telegram account called “G” (said account is now hidden). It was then re-posted by The Professor’s Record, aka former New Mexico State University professor and lawyer, David Clements, that same day.

Note that Buckley Carlson, Tucker’s son, ended up going to the University of Virginia, not Georgetown. Buckley is now 24 years old, and the communications director for U.S. Representative Jim Banks, R-Indiana.

The Washington Post (“WAPO”) received a full copy of the laptop’s hard drive from Steve Bannon confidant, Jack Maxey, who originally received it from Rudy Giuliani. The May 19, 2022 WAPO story said the emails were authenticated by forensics experts and corroborating witnesses.

Mr. Carlson declined to comment on the emails, ironically calling them “Russian disinformation.” The WAPO article chronicles a very close, chummy relationship between the families of Hunter Biden and Tucker Carlson.

We’ve all seen this movie. The Clintons attended Donald and Melania Trump’s 2005 wedding. Trump has donated at least $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation through 2016 (including $100,000 in 2009 alone), then called the Clinton Foundation a “criminal enterprise” during the 2016 Presidential Debates. The Kushners (Ivanka Trump) have given at least $250,000 to the Clintons since 2009. Bill and Donald frequently played golf together (and likely still do) before they became “enemies” in 2016. Back to Tucker.

CNN has been firing staffers ever since new CEO Chris Licht took over in May. But the aforementioned Anderson Cooper and his barely top-30 show that nobody watches is immune from performance evaluations. Not only was Cooper specifically trained by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in college, but he’s also an heir to the Vanderbilts, which was once the richest family in the United States. Mr. Carlson has a similar background.

Dick Carlson, Tucker’s father, married Patricia Swanson, heiress to the Swanson frozen food company (now Campbell’s/Conagra), in 1979 when Tucker was 10. Dick Carlson was appointed by President Ronald Reagan to run Voice of America, the U.S. government-owned international propaganda media network, in 1986.

President George H.W. Bush nominated Dick as Ambassador to Seychelles in 1991. He’s had several high-ranking government and media jobs since that time. Dick is currently the director of lobbying firm Policy Impact.

Tucker applied to work with the CIA after graduating from Trinity College (Connecticut) in 1991. But his application was denied, according to The New Yorker. His father told him to consider journalism because “they’ll take anybody.”

Tucker worked for several publications in the 1990s before landing jobs at CNN and MSNBC in the 2000s. He was hired at Fox News in 2009. But one of his favorite hobbies, from 2006 to 2011, was appearing on the Bubba The Love Sponge Radio Show.

It was hosted by Todd Clem, and aired on a variety of platforms, but mostly on Sirius Satellite Radio during this time. Thus the show was uncensored. Mr. Carlson appeared at least twice per week between March 14, 2008 when MSNBC fired him, and June 15, 2009 when he joined Fox.

Liberal media published a bunch of clips of Mr. Carlson on the show that revealed nothing all that surprising, due to his fairly-obviously purpose in the grand scheme. But if nothing else, he’s honest. Mr. Carlson admitted in 2008 that he’s an “elitist” and “has never needed to work.” He also admitted, a la Stephen A. Smith, that he does anything Fox News/News Corp Chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch tells him to do. Note that the first clip is from 2008. The second clip starts around 26-second mark, and is from 2010.

Some argue Mr. Carlson was joking. But those radio shows in the 1990s and 2000s – Howard Stern, Man Cow, Bubba, etc. – were the places celebrities went to tell uncensored truth.

Murdoch sent a clear message to all News Corp staff after that December 2001 Pulitzer-level story by Fox News’ Carl Cameron re: the Israeli spies arrested in the U.S. shortly after 9/11. They all must parrot the mainstream “19 Muslims with boxcutters” narrative and question nothing, or you’re fired. All Fox News on-air talent have obeyed ever since.

Mr. Carlson was confronted by Libertarian activist Adam Kokesh on January 3, 2012 in Valley Junction (West Des Moines), Iowa at a Michelle Bachmann Presidential campaign event. He was asked why he abruptly exited a Ron Paul campaign rally in Minneapolis on September 2, 2008. Mr. Carlson said he left because former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura, who emceed the event, was publicly questioning the official 9/11 narrative.

Here is video from the rally in question.

The following is the Kokesh vs. Carlson confrontation about the rally four years later. Mr. Carlson also responds “fuck you” when Kokesh asks him about Alex Jones’ views on 9/11 (around the 6:20 mark).

Tucker Carlson is what he is. Perfect segue.

Jesse Ventura: the strangest 180-degree turn during The Great Reset

PHOTO CREDIT: Facebook.com.

There were rumblings about former Governor Ventura being long-time Texas Congressman Ron Paul’s 2008 Presidential running mate, had Paul secured the nomination. Talk about the ultimate hype man. Back to Freud. If the voting masses still had superegos, Dr. Paul would have and should have been the 2008 and/or 2012 GOP Presidential candidate.

He was the consummate anti-bankster, anti-illegal immigration, pro-liberty (even with homosexual “unions”), anti-war, fiscal conservative candidate who’s a doctor, Christian and been married now for 65 years. Sounds like the perfect Republican. But ultimately Dr. Paul was too honest for 21st century tribal politics, particularly about war and crime.

Thus Republican voters chose the late John McCain and Mitt Romney in 2008 and 2012, respectively. Both men are now widely known as a “RINOs.” I somewhat satirically and seriously, predicted in 2011 that Trump would become President due to radical tribalism. Digression II.

Mr. Ventura has always been rough around the edges. But his approval rating was as high as 73% as Minnesota governor. He always gave state budget surplus money back to Minnesota taxpayers, in what Minnesotans called “Jesse checks.”

But mainstream media hated Mr. Ventura, as he often called them “jackals” and other pet names. He decided not to run for a second term due to constant media attacks, and left office in January 2003. Many pundits believed Mr. Ventura would have won a second term handily despite lower approval ratings from when he first took office.

He always tried educating mainstream media puppets about 9/11, even if they wouldn’t listen.

Note the BBC video he’s talking about in the foregoing clip can be found in this article.

Mr. Ventura’s TruTV television series Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura ran for three seasons, 2009 to 2012. “Secret Societies” is the name of Episode 5 in season one. It only aired once, on December 30, 2009, and is now widely known as the “banned episode.”

Dr. Rima Laibow, whom I met and spoke to in mid-2021, appeared in the episode. She told Mr. Ventura 13 years ago that mandatory “vaccines,” under the guise of voluntary injections, will be deployed on humanity in the near future to de-populate the world.

Alex Jones also appeared in said episode, and warned Mr. Ventura in much the same way.

Back then, the Bilderberg Group was in charge of executing “The New World Order,” which is today the responsibility of the World Economic Forum and now called “The Great Reset.”

Mr. Ventura spread this vaccine genocide knowledge for the next decade via all of his platforms.

Despite all the foregoing, and the former governor’s decades of proven anti-establishment positions and critical thinking, he tweeted this on May 3, 2021.

And it just keeps going, and going, and going.

Again, it just shows the power of this global psy-op. So much to unpack.

Dr. Robert Malone vs. mainstream media vs. Stew Peters

Dr. Robert Malone is now the polarizing “good doctor” in the U.S. Some are criticizing him as controlled opposition, particularly since he himself is at least double Moderna-vaxxed (like Steve Kirsch) and again, reinstated to vaxx zealot platform Twitter.

Be that as it may, Dr. Malone is still a pioneering figure in injectable mRNA technology. Here is his 1989 original paper on the technology; and here is the patent. That paper and patent were both very instrumental to me in the Fall 2020 when first learning about these “COVID vaccines.”

Dr. Malone’s patent expired on December 31, 2013, after the typical 17-year exclusivity period. Coincidentally or otherwise, that’s the same year Moderna and AstraZeneca entered into a $240 million, five-year partnership to “discover, develop, and commercialize mRNA for treatments in therapeutic areas.”

Regardless, mainstream media continually regurgiate their narrow talking point that Dr. Malone “did not invent the technology.” The premise is irrelevant. Further, mainstream media lie, gaslight and manipulate for a living.

A Washington Post article from May 27, 2021 posited that booster shots wouldn’t be necessary for 3 to 10 years, despite Pfizer, Moderna, et al. marketing booster shots for that fall.

Less than four months later, booster shots were authorized and mandated by many colleges and medical establishments. The following a New York Times headline on February 12, 2022.

As of publishing, about 10 months after that propaganda article, many Americans and Westerners in general have received fifth mRNA injections. These are white lies to mainstream media – good lies, harmless lies, etc.

The right-wing crowd, meanwhile, are also now attacking Dr. Malone because talk show host Stew Peters told them too. This despite Dr. Malone frequently appearing on every pro-Trump television and radio platform. It’s all very strange.

So what about this Brian Wilkins character?

You may have notice a lot of personal anecdotes in this article, which is not the norm here. I’m told by loved ones that I underestimate my role in this global vaccine genocide and COVID psy-op. I’ve also been told that “people don’t know enough about you,” especially as The COVID Blog® is closing in on two years old and you’re pointing out malicious elements of media. Transparency  is important to me. So here goes.

Dr. Malone, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Lee Merritt, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Charles Hoffe, Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, Dr. Carrie Madej, etc. are the teachers, the scientists. Journalists are the students tasked with studying and testing the veracity of their work, applying it to observed societal patterns, then passing the information along in an easy-to-read, well-sourced fashion. That’s what I try and do.

I once worked for a tech startup that made 3D-printed, autonomous vehicles. I read dry, long textbooks, and attended online engineering college courses for several weeks, almost 24/7, before gaining a sufficient-enough understanding on the subject matter to communicate with the company’s engineers on a cognizant level.

That’s how journalism works. It’s the same thing since 2020, and learning the true science of mRNA and viral vector DNA injections via the foregoing doctors. I was already quite familiar with mainstream media and propaganda.

RELATED: Brian Wilkins on the Health Ranger Report with Mike Adams (November 2021)


Keep this in mind – on this website, it’s always “this blogger,” not “I.” It’s always “by TheCOVIDBlog.com,” not “by Brian A. Wilkins,” except for the 4-5 editorial/byline articles since January 2021, including this one. It’s never been about “me,” or clout, and never will be. And this is the only time it will be addressed on this platform. The COVID Blog® reports what is observed. But because I have no political affiliation, there were both liberal and conservative podcasts this past week accusing me of being controlled opposition. Both were/are actually quite amusing.

Truth serum – TPTB do not choose disobedient, dissident, allegedly militant, allegedly anti-police, allegedly anti-LGBTV, allegedly anti-semitic, DGAF, non-partisan, heterosexual Black American men as “controlled opposition.”

Further, The COVID Blog® has had only 4-5 months with over one million unique visitors since January 2021. The rest are somewhere between 300,000 to 800,000. Our reach isn’t big enough to be worthwhile controlled opposition. Granted I worked in mainstream media sporadically from 1997 to 2008, and wanted that as a career at one point. But as Dave Chappelle, Terrance Howard and myself have pointed out, the only Black American men able to succeed in “show business” are self-hating, homosexual and/or effeminate. No thank you.

We’re banned from PayPal, Venmo, MailChimp, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc.  That means we tell too much truth. We write exposé pieces on vile groomer liberal media puppets one day, and are telling truth about Trump and his sergeants the next – because that’s journalism, not tribal partisanship.

The entire world is a huge movie theater. Almost nothing is what it seems. Very few true critical thinking, non-tribal humans remain on Earth, particularly in the Western world. The one positive this vaccine genocide can possibly accomplish is removing race from the equation of all thing America. Once all vaxxed people are crippled and/or dead, it’s just the “pure bloods,” the non-vaxxed, the critical thinkers left versus the “elites.”

For those who had never been called a “minority” and/or treated like one until 2021, welcome to the show. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog™ book here.


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1 year ago

Conservatives (including many Christians) want to trust someone so badly they will lock onto whoever bats an eyelash at us. Jesus Himself admonished His followers at one point because the pagans around them were wiser than they were about worldly things. It gets really seductive when you take your eyes off Christ. There is NO ONE (in this world) who is going to save us.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ron

If they were real Christians, they would put no faith in men (especially the clowns of the past century starting with Roosevelt), but in God. Unless this hits home hard, this country is down the toilet…….and flush.

1 year ago

Was quite surprised to see those Jesse Ventura tweets. Thanks for bringing that to our attention.

1 year ago
Reply to  NoGo

It would have been so neat to see Ventura mangle Piers with some real wrestling moves.

1 year ago

Funny how those who decry the leftist for being suckers to Fauci and the like, can’t seem to see the irony of their own behaviour and beliefs, substituting Fauci/Biden for Trump/Military white hats. Like Jesus said, look at the log in your own eye before seeing the speck in others’. Unfortunately, the divide and conquer strategy of TPTB is working a treat ! Instead of welcoming the atheists and leftist who detest tyranny into their fold to form a formidable bloc, the right is deriding the communists and socialists instead of recognizing and acknowledging shared interests with those who do not think like you do.

1 year ago

Indeed, it is not about race. I have been hassled to death by cops while I’m driving, on my bicycle and on foot… to the point where here I have a visceral hatred of them. I’m female, white, middle aged, and dress extremely conservatively. If it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone. A while back I read of a man bicycling to work in California, stopped for not having a bike light. He ended up being killed by the cop that stopped him. I thought: that could have been me…having been stopped for a light (not bright enough) and once for turning my light on at dusk when I passed a cop car (cop followed me and said he thought I turned my light on because I had a warrant and I had seen him… actually, I HAD seen him and was afraid for my life, so I switched on my bike light).

Of course Musk and the others above are all controlled and part of the plan. Their job is to keep pushing the idea that somehow “we, the awaken populace” can fight the elites and “win”. Fat chance. We are in End Times and salvation comes through Christ Jesus alone. Everything for the elites is going as planned. They are pushing for some kind of world-wide “civil war” which they know they will survive. When they emerge afterwards…that is when the real pain begins. Spoiler: Jesus wins in the end. The biggest choice of your life is which side you will be on.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

Hi Kris,
“You wrote: “Indeed, it is not about race…”

Well. sadly, IT IS about RACE. I wish it were NOT TRUE;
and that what you posted about it “not being about RACE” were true reality…

RACE matters. It matters in this country (USA and WORLDWIDE} as history has shown us,

Not only does RACE matter, but also SEX and CLASS as well.

At least ONE, if not all of these THREE issues; apply in some way, in the story you posted above for us.

#FBA Sasha
#FBA Sasha
1 year ago
Reply to  Rachel

I think Brian said it best about police killing both Black and white people: “Unfortunately most white Americans do not care.” That’s the difference. Black people get loud and angry when it happens, while white people just brush it off or yell “race card” or “good job officer” when it happens in their communities or Black communities.

Brian is truly one of those very rare Black men, rare people in general, who happens to care about others, without being a sell out. That’s why I love and support this blog. That Kelly Thomas audio/video from his other website is so very disturbing. I cried watching and listening to that. And the cops were acquitted of murder. Even when someone covers those stories a lot, I can see how that one would “shake your soul.”

1 year ago
Reply to  Rachel

I think you’re dead wrong. Since this current world takeover started in AD 70, woman and all races have joined in and played just as much a part in the elites as anyone else. I don’t buy the victim mentality. In Europe, women seem to outnumber men amongst the elite.

I have never given any cop any reason to treat me like dirt…but they have repeatedly. I have no criminal record, my last traffic ticket was in 1986, and I present as bland conservative in dress and style. I do not drink alcohol. Yet, I have been called a prostitute and a drug addict by cops. I have been stopped for the most ridiculous reasons. The last time was driving to work at 1am. I always drive 5-10 miles below the speed limit at night, precisely because I do not want to deal with cop harassment. Cop pulled me over for “driving too slow”. When I asked why this was a problem, he said I was a danger to other drivers. It was a four lane road, with no other cars in sight. I was driving a clean Saturn, no damage to the car, with good tags. He was fishing….pure and simple. Cops treat everyone like s***.

1 year ago

Blah blah blah! I don’t care who is talking -Trump, DeSantis, musk et al. I am not getting vaccinated!!! So psyops all day long. For me only Jesus can save me. I hope to spend the time left to me remaining true to myself, my faith and values, my family and true friends. Elites vs unvaccinated- I intend to be there for that match. God bless you and stay strong. ❤?

1 year ago

Why do those on the right always fall for the savior program? tRUMP, ASSange, Rand Paul, DeSantis and now cabal generational satanist Muskrat. Same script over and over now Muskrat is dropping files like Wikileaks ..rinse and repeat.

1 year ago

DeSantis is trying to stop the covid jabs. He’s instructed Dr. Ladapo and others to do autopsies on those who died suddenly as well as other studies. Some of the things he does maybe for show, ie the plane to Martha’s Vineyard, but the covid jabs studies are real.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
1 year ago
Reply to  Kdc

Too little, much too late. And Floridians can still get the mRNA abominations to this day.

A rope leash
A rope leash
1 year ago

Elon Musk runs several impressive cutting-edge technology companies, and he had a lot of government assistance getting there. He now has a popular social media company to play with.

While it’s tempting to over-admire an historic industrialist, it’s important to worry about who owns him.

My sense is that he is allowed to own and tweak Twitter as a truth controller. The left have gone too far and the right will be gaining popularity. Musk will spin the shift semi-politely, while making sure the Ukraine war does not lose support as the USA slowly slithers it’s way into another long- term MIC bonanza. The covid situation will take down Fauci but not pharma. Fauci will get the blame for the virus and the lockdowns. The bad reactions to the vaccine will be blamed on new variants and injections will still be the best anyone can do, according to the script.

Just a prediction.

Trump has gotten too old and Desantis is looking good. It would be nice if he could get indictments through the Florida courts, but holding our breath waiting will be excruciating. If he’s serious about prosecuting the guilty, it will be interesting to see if Musk supports him or runs from it.

As always, I look forward to reading this blog, and whoever the author is, he’s one sharp cookie.

1 year ago

There is no MAN that will save anyone. GOD ALMIGHTY and his son Jesus Christ is our only hope. DeSantis is in Florida with one of th emost corrupt establishments–Disney World and their underground DUMBS performing goodness knows what experiments on children and Musk is putting goodness knows how many satellites in space to encase the globe with tech that is ultimately designed to control humanity.

As for Trump, he set this genocide in motion. Those shots were under his watch; to this day he still promotes them. Not to mention the 21 trillion that went missing under his charge, the 1.9 billion given to Gates’s Gavi foundation and the advancement of mRNA tech to be placed in vaccines. This creature is not for the people, he is part of the plan to destroy humanity.

Above all believe in GOD and JESUS CHIRST, yourself and those loved ones who did not comply.

May GOD be with us all, protect us, cloak us from any and all ill-will and harm, in the name of JESUS CHRIST. Amen

2 Corinthians 11:13-15For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.

1 year ago

I LOVE how Dr. Rima Laibow flies incognito to a “secret” airfield to deliver important information. She has left the USA to live on a secret compound away from all……… WELL then Jesse lets us all know she is flying back to her home in the Mountains of Panama. Thanks Jesse…………LOL

1 year ago

People who turn to Jesus witness the end times.
People who reject Jesus experience the end times.

May God calm and strengthen His children.

The Hinoeuma
1 year ago

I love this blog. Please don’t ever stop telling truths.

1 year ago

I’d imagine the “Great Resignation” is also partially to blame for the uptick in vacant office spaces. The lockdowns & economic stagnation caused by the plandemic compelled many people to re-evaluate their life decisions.

1 year ago

The ending made me pause and think. Being a known pureblood in the workplace… you kind of get that “head down, gaze averted” type of behavior. Guess I now have some idea of what It feels like to be a minority. I’m proud now and consciously carry myself in that way. Appreciate the new perspective.

The Ogs
The Ogs
1 year ago

The part that goes unsaid is that we have officially LOST the battle! This is because the experimental genetic chemotherapy injections were recently added to the official Children’s Vaccination Schedule.
Until and unless they are removed from this schedule, there’s really nothing else to talk about. And we have lost!
This schedule has been the ‘holy grail’ for Big Pharma all along. Their apparent success in being placed upon it testifies to Big Pharma’s capture of the regulatory agencies. It’s all very unfortunate.
Vaccines are officially considered guilty until proven innocent. They need to PROVE they are safe (through testing) before they can be used. Hey that’s just how it works.
But flash forward to today – where an untested experimental injection has now been mandated on the official children’s schedule!? What on earth is going on? Why is everyone so quiet about this?
Folks we’re LOST and have been defeated until this is reversed or repealed !!

Con-vid 1984
Con-vid 1984
1 year ago
Reply to  The Ogs

You only truly lost if you just accept it with your exposed behind up in the air.

Many people have awakened to the evils of the establishment from are education to our medical. None of these establishments we used to place upon a pedestal will ever get their reputation back.

Stop participating in their prescribe options when you know their is an alternative.

Stop sending your kids to school and to doctors. Ta da! No poisonous injections to worry about when you don’t participate in their rigged games.

1 year ago

I am glad I found you.

In England (pop 50 million) the yellow card scheme to report adverse vaxx effects now stands at half a million. That of course is the tip of the vaxx injury iceberg.

With over three thousand English arrested this year for ‘Tweets’ that TPTB did not like it is not safe, we not having a 1st amendment, to join Twitter.

Con-vid 1984
Con-vid 1984
1 year ago

Why is it when I read most of these comments that seems people are starting to understand the tribalism, controlled opposition, and all the orchestrated psychological warfare that’s been going on in the world since we humans invented elitism; still place their religion, christianity like some exception to the rule?

You’re savior isn’t coming to save you!

1 year ago
Reply to  Con-vid 1984

You don’t define salvation.

1 year ago
Reply to  Con-vid 1984

Maybe because a few of us have a decades-long headstart on the rest of you? Everything I foresaw 32 years ago has come to pass. I’ve taken crap from just about everyone during that time period…even as I was proven right, time and time again. Why on earth would I start doubting myself at this LATE ( at least to ME) stage of the game? I identify as a conspiracy theorist…my pronouns are: told/you/so.

1 year ago
Reply to  Con-vid 1984

For the record, I don’t do “religion,” but I get your point. One can understand the “orchestrated psychological warfare” in this world without buying into your complete worldview.

What I don’t know is, what’s your real problem? Talk about irony. You live in your own tribalistic world, which you show off by complaining about Christians being caught up in our own tribalism. News flash: We ALL belong to one tribe or another. This should be obvious. Your tribe just happens to be where Christians are not.

We have big enough problems without purists like you making it harder. We are all in this foxhole, warring against the covid propaganda machine, and you complain about Christians looking for a “savior”? So what if we do? What is that to you?

I do not know of one single Christian who wouldn’t fight arm in arm with you or anyone else against the forces we have to contend with. You atheists (or whatever you are) ought to be grateful that my “tribe” isn’t as hung up on your beliefs as you are about ours.

We do not have to stand on the same spot of ground in order to be in the same fold.

I believe in Jesus Christ, God with us in the flesh. I believe in a Savior, but mine is not from this world. You don’t believe that? I don’t care. So instead of getting hot and bothered about some of us expecting God to rescue us after we die, why not accept what you cannot change, and fight with us against an actual problem?

1 year ago
Reply to  Con-vid 1984

This comment is irrelevant. This is the COVID blog, not the anti-christian blog. Your vitriol mirrors some of the rabid vaxxers.
Thank you, Brian, for all your hard work on this massive project. You are so appreciated.

Vera Mercado
Vera Mercado
1 year ago

Seeing the change from Ventura is amazing. Is it a 180 if you become a completely different mouthpiece?

1 year ago

Meanwhile, in the UK, three days ago, an English Member of Parliament, Andrew Bridgen, stood in the (practically empty) House and gave a 20-minute delivery about what the so-called vaccines are doing to people, and the corruption that lies behind this.

He is one of the few members with any courage or human decency, out of the 600-odd so-called representatives.

It is a stirring speech, and you can watch it by searching his name on Bitchute.

Raymond J
Raymond J
1 year ago

Regarding Robert Malone, one thing I found peculiar about him is from what he said when he was interviewed by Mike Adams recently: he said that the mRNA technology he invented was unsuccessful, since the mRNA produced proteins are recognized as foreign by the immune system. Even for a good purpose such as curing genetic defects, the immune system would begin attacking the cells which produced the mRNA-derived protein which was introduced to counteract the genetic disease.

Now this immediately begs the question: why then did Malone take the shots? Mike did not ask him this.

Regarding Mr. Ventura, he is after all an atheist, and so his boat has no anchor.

#FBA Sasha
#FBA Sasha
1 year ago

Elon Musk is such an arrogant, pompous POS. Guess that’s why Republicans love him. He’s just like Trump. And about Jesse Ventura, that just doesn’t make sense at all. I was pretty young, but remember that Pierce Morgan interview. I was hoping Jesse punched him. This has to be mind control. I just don’t see how Jesse went from who he was to vax zealot that fast!

Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
1 year ago
Reply to  #FBA Sasha

I believe they got to Ventura. Threatened him. There’s just no other way I see

1 year ago

I have two thoughts on this article. First, about a year or two ago, some study said PhD’s were the most hesitant to receive the vaccines. Did this change, or was it simply never true?

My second thought is regarding Republicans and conservatives. If they will ever purge the true racists from their party, they would attract more people and win more elections. Philosophically, Republicans and conservatives are correct on a lot of issues, but there is a large portion of the base that spoils the whole bunch.

For example, take a trip to any FOX News comments section. Typically it’s pure, uncut racism that seems to come out regarding any topic presented, but especially when reporting on crime committed by a black person. Just the other day, I saw a comment that said “If we got rid of them all, the West would experience prosperity like the world has never seen.” Wow man. You’ll also frequently see comments like “must have been a diversity hire” in regard to any black person with a job, specifically, a high-ranking one, implying that there’s no way a black person could secure a high-ranking, high paying job on their own. These are just a few examples.

How do you think this makes the black people who are mostly on your side feel? Do you think it engenders love and support, or hostility? And what about people like the owner of this site? Surely you have a high opinion of him because of the work he’s done here, his accuracy, and spot-on consistency, but if you saw him in a news room you’d assume he was a diversity hire?

I bring this up to say that while I know a good portion of you are in fact, good people, your brand is tarnished by the ignorant, hateful, racists that are harbored within your party. You are supposed to be the party of God, yet, you are not showing that. Make it a point to do better in 2023 and beyond, so we can defeat the actual problem- psychotic liberals.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.

1 year ago
Reply to  ElleWyn

So very well said! Thank you.

Most Black ppl are conservative in values, especially the religious ones.

What you post here is so true, and why they don’t vote Republican

They know that the Democrat party is not completely trustworthy friends either. This country has betrayed on so many levels indigenous original Americans (Indians-although they have paid reparations to their decendants and also the Japanese)

But, foundational black Americans, whom they still have yet to make right the wrongs of the government during slavery, have not righted the wrongs against them and their generations after them.

But they (Dems) have a better track record than the other party …sadly…because most black ppl hold alot of their ((Rep) same values.

Amy Sukwan
Amy Sukwan
1 year ago

God Bless you Brian for all that you do on here. I covered a bit about police brutality cases back in the day as well: what people fail to realize is that it happens to Americans of any race. What they like to do is bury the most horrific and blatant accounts of raw force and instead steer the opposition towards always black people but more shades of grey incidents (eg George Floyd, Michael Brown) so that the right can rally around a defend the police narrative. they didn’t deserve to die regardless, but when there are so many cases of innocent people clearly shot by the trigger happy or brutally beaten in a mob scene, why would they do that? It’s divide and conquer same as it ever was. All the unjabbed got to be a hated minority. I don’t concern myself with controlled opposition in the health freedom movement: I always judge by the deeds…

1 year ago

You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to know you don’t take an untested drug for a virus that is 99.98% recoverable.

1 year ago

People can change their minds about events as evidence emerges but you don’t change your core beliefs. You either believe in human rights and body autonomy or you don’t. You either support the Constitution or you don’t. You either stand up against tyranny or cower for self interest. Anyone who completely flips their core beliefs is controlled opposition or a person of such poor character they would throw their own people under the bus to save themselves. So Far the only person who hasn’t been a traitorous dishonest disappointment is Dr. Yeadon and a few others who have thrown themselves out there with nothing to gain. If they have something to gain or they are NOT being targeted you should be suspicious. Anyone who is for real is targeted.

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