July Briefs: Republicans joining Democrats in vaccine Great Reset rhetoric; American Academy of Pediatrics funded by Pfizer

July 26, 2021

Each passing month in 2021 moves the world closer to permanent COVID dystopia and potential war. The Rockefeller Foundation recently pledged $13.5 million to “counter COVID misinformation” across the globe. In other words, more millions are being used to suppress truth. Meanwhile, nameless, faceless deaths after experimental COVID-19 “vaccines” continue piling up around the world.

The Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration admitted that a nameless 61-year-old woman developed blood clots and died as a result of the AstraZeneca shot on June 23. Tasmanian officials said a 44-year-old man died of “rare blood clots” after the AstraZeneca injection on July 17. A 48-year-old Victoria woman also died of “rare blood clots” after the AstraZeneca injection that week.

Then of course there’s all the young and relatively-young people mysteriously collapsing and dying while doing routine activities.

Three sudden, “mysterious” deaths

Ms. Kamila Lebel-Farrell was a 19-year-old sociology student at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

Ms. Kamila Lebel-Farrell.

She suddenly and mysteriously collapsed and died while exercising on June 9. It’s unclear if she was “vaccinated.” But vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences.

Dr. Eric Runte was a general practitioner and hospital director in Sonora, California.

Dr. Eric Runte.

The 59-year-old was outside working on an irrigation system at his home on July 3. His wife found him unresponsive outside later that day. It’s not crystal clear whether or not he received an experimental injection. But he definitely advocated it for others.

Then there is Mrs. Jenn Gouveia.

Mrs. Jenn Gouveia.

The 38-year-old Toronto wife, mother and LuluLemon store manager went for a routine morning jog at the city’s High Park on Sunday, July 4. She collapsed and died right in the middle of the run. It’s yet another coincidence. Interestingly or otherwise, the U.K. government is now advising people not to exercise for 48 hours after receiving the experimental shots.

Our small blog cannot keep up with all the news. But we’re going to do our best to tell this COVID dystopia story from the side of truth. That said, here are three stories that require everyone’s attention.

Republicans promoting, encouraging vaccines

DesSantis went from darling to dud.

Many U.S. conservatives still love former President Donald Trump despite his raving, glowing reviews of “vaccines” and recommending his fans get the injections. Democrats are the U.S. facilitators of COVID/vaccine dystopia. Republicans are viewed by many as the voice of reason in these surreal times. That is not the case anymore.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is somewhat of a darling to COVID critical thinkers. He’s been mentioned as a potential 2024 Presidential candidate because of his policies against masks and lockdowns in Florida. Not so fast. Though Governor DeSantis speaks truth about government trying to scare people into the injections and force injections against people’s wills, he also makes very clear that “the vaccines protect you, get vaccinated.”

Senator Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, is the most powerful Republican in Washington. He said last week, “these shots need to get into everybody’s arm as rapidly as possible.” He then threatened more lockdowns, masks and COVID dystopia, followed by Fauci lies about COVID-19, if people do not comply.

Alabama Governor Kay Ivey said last week that “it’s time to start blaming the unvaccinated” for rising COVID-19 cases. Ivey said the non-vaccinated are “choosing a horrible lifestyle of self-inflicted pain.”

Senator Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, continues being the lone senator trying to hold Fauci accountable for his crimes and disinformation campaigns. Senator Ron Johnson, R-Wisconsin, deserves a ton of credit for providing a platform for people injured by these experimental shots. Arizona Governor Doug Ducey outlawed vaccine mandates at all public colleges and universities in the state. But you cannot call yourself a critical thinker if you overlook the fact that Republicans are just as beholden to big pharma as Democrats.

American Academy of Pediatrics tries hiding Pfizer funding

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is the largest and most influential professional association for pediatricians in the world. It is also the largest pediatric publisher in the world, anchored by AAP News and the scientific journal Pediatrics. The AAP concluded that giving prepubescent children hormone-blocker drugs is “associated with favorable mental health outcomes.” Thus their position on experimental mRNA injections for children isn’t surprising. Neither are the reasons for said positions.

The American Academy of Pediatrics updated its so-called guidance on children and schools on July 18. Dr. Sonja O’Leary, Chair of the organization’s Council on School Health Executive Committee, released the following statement:

As we start the 2021-22 school year, a large portion of students are not eligible to be vaccinated and there are COVID variants that are more contagious. Because of this and because we want to have all students in school, the AAP advocates for all students, teachers and staff to wear masks while indoors in school.

Further, the AAP recommends that children ages 12 to 18 get vaccinated despite acknowledging the risk of myocarditis. The only “vaccine” authorized for emergency use in children is Pfizer. “Follow the money” always has and always will be the guide to truth.

The AAP CATCH Program is described as the organization’s “boots on the ground” to spread medical propaganda. A web archive from July 21, 2021 indicates that this entire program is funded by Pfizer. Several Twitter users caught wind of this and shared screenshots and the archived links to that AAP page. Two days later, on July 23, the AAP removed all mentions of Pfizer from that page.

AAP supporters page on July 21.
AAP supporters page on July 23.

The AAP is CDC junior

Pfizer gave the AAP at least $50,000 in the first two quarters of 2020 alone, according to the company’s own documents. But that’s only what the company openly-admits to giving the AAP. Further, the AAP is almost entirely funded by pharmaceutical companies.

The organization lists among its top 10 donors Johnson & Johnson, Merck and (French pharmaceutical giant) Sanofi (archived link here). The Centers for Disease Control is similarly cozy with big pharma. There are simply zero objective, trustworthy, mainstream medical organizations in the United States.

NFL coaches choosing pink slips over experimental mRNA injections

Late July is always an exciting time for football fans. NFL training camps opened this past weekend. The NFL has not yet mandated experimental mRNA injections for players. Instead it’s using fear of forfeiting games and losing revenues/salaries. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell issued the following statement on July 22:

If a game can’t be rescheduled and is canceled due to a COVID outbreak among non-vaccinated players on one of the competing teams, the team with the outbreak will forfeit and will be deemed to have played 16 games for purposes of draft, waiver priority, etc.

Several NFL players, including Arizona Cardinals superstar wide receiver Deandre Hopkins and Buffalo Bills wide receiver Cole Beasley made loud and clear that they will not be injected. Hopkins even pondered quitting his job that will pay him $44 million through 2024 if experimental mRNA is part of the deal. The fallout for coaches, however, has been very harsh.

The Minnesota Vikings fired offensive line coach Rick Dennison this past weekend for refusing the experimental injections. New England Patriots co-offensive line coach Cole Popovich received his pink slip as well for refusing the injections. Coaches and other “Tier 1” personnel must get vaccinated as a condition of employment. Again, no such mandate exists for players. But non-vaxxed players face rigorous protocols to suit up each Sunday.

Don’t get discouraged. Don’t give in to pressure and coercion. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


Contact COVID Legal USA today if you are fighting against mandatory vaccines for employment. We also assist people with pro se representation related to other COVID mandates and restrictions. Follow us on Telegram.


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3 years ago

That’s 6 vaccine deaths within one article and yet the sheep are none the wiser.

Hats off to the footballers and coaches who choose life over death. At least they had brains (unlike the 6 buffoons who told their death jabs in this article)

2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

From my alumni e-goup, a woman passed away suddenly. She appeared to be fine the day before. 😢

i met her in school. she was very fit who loved outdoors. & still in good shape after all the years. i suspect it was due to the jabs, but don’t dare to ask.

3 years ago

We are currently ruled by satanists. It sounds crazy, but look at the gross abuse of the media and what they push….

Hate Division Skin Color Religion Pronouns

We must wake up to Operation Mockingbird

John Brennan
John Brennan
2 years ago
Reply to  Dale

I said a few weeks ago, we are living out the movie The Hunger Games.

2 years ago
Reply to  John Brennan

It’s script was probably written to foreshadow globalist plans and get people used to the idea, especially children. Just like the idiotic TV program “Big Brother” has, among other evil purposes, a chief purpose of helping facilitate what would have been shocking otherwise, the creation of a total surveillance state. It gets people used to the idea of being watched and listened to by cameras all the time.

Tex Mex
Tex Mex
3 years ago

Yes I loved warp speed a reference to free ma son TV series. Trump was taking the “you know what” out of the United States of A people. He endorsed mass extinction. So proud of him…

Last edited 3 years ago by Tex Mex
2 years ago
Reply to  Tex Mex

I don’t think an Operation “Corpse” Speed was what Trump had in mind but I wonder about B Gates now that I have learned a lot about his background. I am angry with all the Republicans who can’t get themselves off the Road of Denial and admit the jabs are a terrible mistake. Instead, they endorse the jabs. Now that it’s gone on this far, months since the first December 2020 jabs were distributed (and people started to die), can you imagine Trump or DeSantis or any of the others suddenly changing course and calling for a moratorium on the shots? It’d be admitting they were wrong all along and the question would be why didn’t they do something sooner about it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

They all know about everything that is happening. They are simply lying to you like they have most of their careers. Yes, Trump is as much responsible.

Buzz Saw
Buzz Saw
2 years ago

I felt the wind knocked out of me when it became clear DeSantis is now a vax puppet. I wonder if he was threatened, blackmailed or paid off???? He was a voice of reason, but not sure anymore. So many cowards in positions of power in the US these says…..

2 years ago
Reply to  Buzz Saw

We only have each other to rely on. No person on stage will save us, not Trump or Flynn. We all need to get right with God.

2 years ago
Reply to  Empress

This is so big we have no idea. Only God can save us. Ask Him. Beg Him.

2 years ago
Reply to  Buzz Saw

He was always just playing to his base. Look at his historical position on important issues, such as the US’s slavish subservience to Israel. The ‘anti-vax passport’ bill also coincidentally paved the way for forced vaccination.

2 years ago
Reply to  Buzz Saw

He’s always been a psyop right alongside the q psyop. I’ve been telling people for months that florida is a trap and he’s going to flip his words bc he is controlled opposition. 5 leaders of countries have been myrdered for standing up to the nwo, they aren’t going to let governors be happy little freedom leaders.

2 years ago
Reply to  Buzz Saw

The hero of the year award from the jews should let you know where he stands.

John Brennan
John Brennan
2 years ago

Thank you for all of your hard work, this is first rate journalism. The shot is now one of the main touchstones for determining if a politician (or really anybody) is the genuine article. But don’t rely on any of them. No one is going to ride in on a white horse and save us. We have to do this for ourselves. Better to have ten million armies of one person each, than one army led by the likes of Donald Trump. He will absolutely sell his followers down the river to the highest (khazarian) bidder. A good read is the final letter, about 8 pages long, written by a man named Tom Ball who burned himself on the county courthouse steps in New Hampshire about ten years ago. Find it and read it. It’s still out there. He tells why he killed himself and what we need to do to get back what he, and all of us, lost. I can’t quote it here. My comment wouldn’t get approved.

Thomas Turk
Thomas Turk
2 years ago

Of further interest, in case you missed this..
1. The spike protein in the ‘injection’ sticks to and embeds in the capillary endothelium, walls. Part of the spike protrudes ínto the vessel slowing blood flow, and indicating injury, both of which lead to IRREVERSIBLE and incurable blood clots. These clots are too small to show up on a scan. Their signs are headache, nausea, breathlessness and dizziness. The 62% who will get this from the ‘injection’, will have blood pressure rise from lung blockages. SADLY.. from this, the heart will fail in 3 years! Search.. ”YouTube. Dr. Charles Hoffe. COVID-19. Get the latest information from the DDC about COVID-19”. 2. Interview with the embarrassed, (we messed up), inventor of the MRNA vax/injection and his financier. Mentioned is Ivermectin in Argentina showed 100% prevention.. Search. ”TrialSiteNews. How to Save the World in Three Easy Steps”. 3. What about supplemental Vit.D3 preventing and curing? Search.. ”Vitamin D and COVID 19: The Evidence for Prevention and Treatment of Coronavirus (SARS CoV 2) – YouTube. By Prof Roger Seheult.MD”. Sadly, most worldwide Health Depts. are poorly informed and controlled by big Pharma. so they dare not tell.. or mislead. And Indian WHO rep charged wit MURDER for hiding Ivermecrin cure and prevention.

None Yun
None Yun
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Turk

I purchased Ziverdo Kits for everyone in my immediate family that didn’t drink the Kool-Aid. It has Zinc, Ivermectin, and Doxycyclene! They will have immediate access to those medicines IF they do come down with something, and they don’t have to rely on a doctor that would rather kill them with a Ventilator! I’d rather be safe than sorry!

2 years ago
Reply to  None Yun

Did you get your kits yet? I see they are from India, some have shaky ratings whether they are legit or not. They are quite a bit cheaper than going the Americas Frontline Drs route

2 years ago

The two party political system is an illusion, always has been. They are different sides to the same coin–all a show for public manipulation. This is yet another divisive tactic, (along with race wars and gay rights) the deep state has used for decades. Cathy O’Brien highlights this point in her book, Trance Formation of America, when Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr. and later Obama, worked together with the common goal of the One World Order. The two parties were designed to give the illusion of choice and change to the public–but in reality they all worked in tandem behind the scenes serving the same masters.
TELL-A-VISION (they tell us what vision to view) was invented as a mind control device, the addition of the cell phones has accelerated the programming (programming the mind). Throw out the cell phones, get a land line, shut off all TV programming and get back to reading books and researching what YOU WANT. As always, DO NOT CONSENT to this death jab!!

None Yun
None Yun
2 years ago

It’s Tel-LIE-Vision

2 years ago
Reply to  None Yun

True–I like your version.

2 years ago

New York Times and many mainstream media tell us, “Here’s what you need to know to start your day” – How pretentious. How demeaning. As if we’re idiots who can’t sift through and find our own news, what we deem important.

None Yun
None Yun
2 years ago

First it was 2 weeks to Slow the Spread
Then it was 4 weeks to Flatten the Curve
Then it was 4 months of wearing masks
Now it’s get these experimental poisons or you won’t be able to live your life!!!
Stop giving an inch!!
I’m not wearing a mask!
I’m not getting the poison!
I’m not getting the Covid Passport aka Mark of the Beast!!

2 years ago

My state representative here in Missouri sent a mailer out awhile back, and it showed something like half of the state budget money actually comes from the federal government. That’s probably the case with most or all states.

What this means, is that it is more likely a governor would eat a pile of one day old sunbaked bull manure with a spoon, than disobey a ‘vaccine pushing request’ from the Executive Branch of the federal government or from Congress.

John Brennan
John Brennan
2 years ago
Reply to  george

It’s been the back door way around dual sovereignty federalism for a long time. This is just one more reason why the Federal Reserve must go. The Constitution never gave the power to emit bills of credit to Congress. Congress cannot delegate to a private cabal of banks that which it does not possess. Schlecter Poultry Co. v U.S. But then, they’ve been violating the Constitution since the ink was still wet, so I guess it’s a moot point.

Justinians Flea
Justinians Flea
2 years ago

In those of us who possess natural immunity – virtually all of us came into contact with the Covid virus through inhalation of a microscopic, invisible particle, or possibly through invisible droplets that came into contact with our eyes or mouth.

The millions who were convinced to take an experimental vax had a different vector – they were all injected hypodermically – in a process that was promised to entirely dissipate the Spike Protein that it generated intra-muscularly, but which in fact has been demonstrated in multiple studies to enter the bloodstream, and to travel throughout the organs of the injected individuals.

What we are actually dealing with is a deliberate instance of popular media and Govt authority actively concealing and conflating Viral Payload deaths (respiratory) with Spike Protein deaths (clotting / organ failure) – the reason for this deception is obvious – which is that ALL of the experimental ‘vaccines’ function by generating the Spike Protein in the uninfected. This bloodstream contamination was completely denied as even being possible at the outset of the experimental injection campaign. We now know that this claim is completely false.

The naturally infected/immune differ substantially, in that we came into contact with the actual viral payload ‘in the wild’, which appears to offer an actual resistance to re-infection, and long term B/T cell memory, that does not likely occur with the artificial, experimental injection, which is designed ONLY to initiate the manufacture of the Spike Protein, without any immune system exposure to an actual (defeated) viral payload. In the artificially injected, once the S.P. can breach cells, they have no other protection from the Virus.

Any mutation to the spike would leave the artificially injected with no protection at all from a viral payload, but with a circulatory system and organs pre-contaminated with a large volume of clotting Spike Protein, that now actually impairs the potential for immune response, and can lead to long term health issues. The more ‘hits’ of Spike Protein – 1) natural infection, 2/3) artificial vax injections, 4+) booster shots, the greater exponential opportunity for S.P. complications.

In actuality, those dying sudden deaths from clotting or organ failure after vaccination are not dying from “Covid” (Viral payload) – The experimental vax test patients were never exposed to the viral payload – they are dying exclusively from the Spike Protein-induced complications, minus any viral payload.

It has been known to the CDC / NIH for a long time now that all of the artificially ‘vaxxed’ can still contract and spread Covid infections, and their response to this knowledge was to issue a decree that the vaxxed no longer need to be tested for Covid, These actors are so deceitful and criminally liable, they the last ditch option at their disposal has been to attempt full blown censorship. They have duped a lot of scared and deluded people into hating those who did not succumb to these falsehoods, in order to protect themselves.

This is not going to stop until some state health authorities bring indictments against these actors, in my view. They will toss out the 1st amendment, force S.P. injections onto the immune, and create hate and fear against those who are much better protected than the vaxxed, in order to avoid responsibility. We need a state convention of health experts to recommend potential indictments for large-scale, deliberate medical malpractice.

2 years ago

The NFL is participating in the scam because they sold out to the government on 9/11 (and made the Patriots the national team, and Brady the national “hero”).

2 years ago

It will be better for all Republican politicians to admit they were wrong endorsing the jab. It’s better to be late than never. I will forgive anyone who says “Let’s stop this and have a closer look”. But it seems full speed ahead be damned the icebergs.

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