Forgotten victims: countless people suffering adverse effects after PCR nasal swab “tests” which are no longer authorized for COVID testing
April 19, 2022

The devolution of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) “test” from 2020 to the end of 2021 is the functional equivalent of World Trade Center 7 with regard to the official 9/11 narrative.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) admitted in a July 21, 2021 bulletin that PCR cannot differentiate between influenza and so-called COVID-19. That same bulletin announced that the emergency use authorization for PCR COVID-19 testing would expire on December 31, 2021. In other words, those tens of millions of positive COVID-19 tests in 2020-21 were, for lack of better term, B.S. The foregoing facts are completely censored by mainstream media. Not one MSM outlet talked about the expired PCR EUA and the reasons why (except for phony “fact-checks“).

It reminds this blogger of a survey he administered in 2006. Arizona State University students were asked how many buildings went down in New York City on September 11. Seven in 10 respondents (70%) said only two buildings went down, not three. Thus a 47-story building  (WTC 7) can be demolished in broad daylight in New York City, and, thanks to mainstream media propaganda and censorship, few people noticed.

There’s no definitive data as to how many Americans have foregone PCR testing completely, meaning never received one at all throughout the so-called pandemic. A November 2020 survey by medical instruments manufacturer Thermo Fisher found that 60% of Americans had never been tested for COVID-19 to that point. But the company discredited itself in that same study by declaring that PCR is the “gold standard” for COVID-19 testing. The survey also concluded that misinformation is the reason for testing hesitancy; and that “vaccines” are the only solution.

RELATED: Peer-reviewed manuscript concludes that CDC massively inflates COVID-19 case and death numbers with creative statistics (February 12, 2021)


The CDC, in August 2021, started promoting at-home COVID-19 tests shortly after its PCR mea culpa. Two manufacturers, Siemens and SD Biosensor (with Roche as its distributor), received emergency use authorizations from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for their at-home COVID tests on December 29, 2021, just three days before the PCR EUA expired. A COVID-19 breathe test was also granted emergency use authorization last week.

The Biden Administration helped fund the EUAs with $70 million in funds from the Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics’ (RADx) Independent Test Assessment Program. The keystone COVID caper took over right on queue. SD Biosensor was forced to recall a non-EUA at-home test in February once it was discovered in circulation by the FDA.

PCR and those experimental nasal swabs were a normal part of life for most Americans’ lives in 2020-21. Most of said people who cooperated with the invasive testing procedures are likely the same people who eagerly or otherwise lined up for the experimental mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. There’s no telling how many Americans have received at least one swab. But that’s all it takes to cause potential short and long-term damage.

Daughter of Kaylin Young

Ms. Kaylin Young shared a graphic and very sad photo on Facebook on September 21, 2021. The Casselmann, Ontario woman showed her 5-year-old daughter bleeding out of her nose and eyes. The girl was subjected to a PCR swab simply to attend school. Ms. Young said the bleeding spanned 30 minutes, then stopped, then started back up again.

The backlash was so intense that Ms. Young removed the post shortly thereafter. The only good news is that the young girl, who looks to be a twin, is smiling and happy in recent Facebook posts.

Nose bleeds after the PCR swab are semi-normal based on anecdotal accounts on Twitter.

More than that in a bit.

The Angel Eisenmann story

Ms. Angel Eisenmann is a 40-year-old healthcare worker and mother of three. The Tulsa, Oklahoma resident first let the world know that something was wrong with her on November 17, 2020. Ms. Eisenmann, who was a hospice worker with the elderly, reported having seizures, Bell’s Palsy and small tremors. Doctors initially believed she had a stroke.

“I was 100% healthy [before September 11, 2020],” Ms. Eisenmann told The COVID Blog™. “I was a public speaker, a model, taught art classes, I was an avid hiker, I was a homeowner.”

Ms. Eisenmann received the PCR swab for work that day. And ever since then, Ms. Eisenmann has suffered myriad health issues. A broken blood brain barrier as a result of the swab is perhaps the most serious that led to all the other problems. Ms. Eisenmann, who is non-vaccinated and refuses to receive the shots, posted about her ongoing struggles on April 13.

She’s been relentlessly attacked by blue-check Twitter doctors and trolls ever since the post was published. Ms. Eisenmann is now entangled in a legal battle with the first hospital that misdiagnosed her in the beginning. The second hospital found the compromised blood brain barrier.

The Multiple Sclerosis Trust in the U.K. suggests that a breakdown of the blood brain barrier (BBB) is the first stage of multiple sclerosis in most patients. BBB damage leads to autoimmune responses that results in nerve damage. The 2015 Handbook of Toxicology of Chemical Warfare Agents says the BBB “protect the brain from pathogens” and “presents a major obstacle for potential central nervous system preventative and therapeutic agents that target the CNS.”

RELATED: Dominique de Silva forced to send doctor’s invoices, proof of sickness to GoFundMe as vaxx trolls continue attacking her (July 21, 2021)


A 2003 study published in the journal Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience found that patients with lab-induced BBB disruption had increased levels of a protein called S100β. Large amounts of said protein are associated with both BBB damage and brain damage.

Ms. Eisenmann called her experience “17 months of hell.” She told The COVID Blog™ that the second hospital discovered brain and CNS damage that the first hospital missed. The Oklahoma (first) hospital tried administering another PCR test months after the symptoms started. But Ms. Eisenmann had added two and two together and realized the swabs were the only culprit for her sudden health issues.

“[Doctors] sent in a psych team and deemed me crazy for refusing the test,” she said. Ms. Eisenmann now lives with her sister in Tennessee because she cannot live alone due to seizures and neuropathy. But the worst part for her is what this has done to her family.

“I cannot even mother anymore,” she told The COVID Blog™. Ms. Eisenmann sent us photos of her children out having Easter dinner. “[Facetime] is how I get to see them now,” she said.

Note that all of the so-called “fact-checkers,” including Pfizer-owned Reuters, concluded that the PCR swabs cannot reach the blood brain barrier. These organizations also said PCR was the gold standard for COVID testing. The truth is always the opposite of what these organizations say. Further, Twitter blue-check doctors are spreading propaganda, saying the BBB is bone. The BBB is a selectively permeable membrane, like those around cells.

More PCR swab adverse effects

It’s established and obvious science that shoving an 8-inch long swab into your nose causes bleeding and other potential damages. A 2020 study published in the peer-reviewed journal Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology experimented on University of South Florida employees with 3D-printed PCR swabs. The study found that 5% of the employees suffered instant epistaxis (nose bleeds) after 3D-printed PCR swab insertion. Researchers deemed the 3D-printed swabs safer since 8% of employees suffered instant epistaxis with commercial swabs. Read the full study here.

A 2021 case study published in the Cureus Journal of Medical Science described a 32-year-old man who got in a motorcycle accident. But before doctors would treat his injuries, they performed a PCR swab test. Doctors shoved the swab in so far that the “soft” part broke off in the man’s head. They had to perform a septoplasty (i.e. slice up the inside of his nose) to remove the broken-off piece of swab. Researchers essentially concluded that medical personnel incompetence was the cause. Read the full case study here.

A 2021 case study published in the European Journal of Neurology found that a 41-year-old woman developed meningitis (swelling of the brain and spinal cord membranes) after a PCR swab test. Researchers concluded that the meningitis was caused by a post-PCR cerebral spinal fluid leak after a “rupture between barriers from the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses from the subarachnoid spaces.” Read the full study here.

Cause of action versus FDA, CDC

Hundreds of millions of people worldwide had PCR swabs shoved up their noses in 2020-21, despite the CDC and FDA knowing all along that said “tests” are useless, at least for the advertised use. Nobody except the manufacturers know for sure what’s in/on those swabs or the true purposes thereof. Interscan Corporation, a gas monitor manufacturing firm, admitted that PCR swabs and most medical instruments are sterilized with ethylene oxide – a known carcinogen to humans.

There’s really no telling how many people got sick or are getting sick today from these swabs. Even if they did get sick weeks or months after the swabs, the illness was likely blamed on so-called COVID-19. That premise is proven by a 2020 study published in the peer-reviewed journal Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery. It concluded that 50% and 78% of patients with negative PCR results suffered partial and complete loss of smell, respectively.

It’s safe for this blogger to conclude that a vast majority of Americans are completely unaware that PCR no longer is approved for emergency use as a COVID-19 test. The CDC and FDA admitted that the entire COVID-19 “pandemic” was a lie and a scam by confirming that PCR cannot differentiate between the flu and the re-branded flu. The U.S. and U.K were using 40 to 45 amplification cycles for PCR in 2020 and most of 2021. Even Fauci admitted that anything over 36 cycles produces nothing more than “dead nucleotides,” meaning false positives.

RELATED: Follow up: COVID-19 positive cases down 62% since World Health Organization updated PCR guidance (February 28, 2021)


It takes millions of dollars and years of litigation to hold government agencies accountable. That essentially means immunity from liability despite the blatant lies and harm done to Americans. But then again, the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 legalized propaganda in the United States that was previously only legal if disseminated abroad. And since the federal government funds the lethal injections and this entire COVID-19 charade, it can be reasonably assumed that the CDC and FDA are shielded further by this layer of immunity.

Anybody who made it this far with no injections, including nasal swab injections, is the true definition of a critical thinker. Congratulations for graduating with honors from the most powerful human psychological operation in history. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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2 years ago

I actually started crying reading this, especially the picture of the little girl. It was all so unnecessary, when you have Covid, you know. No need for these awful and intrusive tests.

2 years ago

Thank you for posting this. We tried to avoid them as much as possible but had to take 3 to travel after 3 years. They are highly irritative and you can feel there is something nasty on them.

When we came back to the US we did not need a PCR test, an antigen test was sufficient, but they still use the nasal swab.

In fact one PCR test we did used a tongue swab but another antigen test used a nasal swab.

So that health care worker that suffered an injury may have had a rapid antigen test, not PCR, but they still do the nasal swab.

Creole Gumbo
Creole Gumbo
2 years ago

I am delighted to see this issue get some publicity.

The implement used is not a cotton Q tip or swab, which simply passes over the surface of tissue. The implement is either a brush or a curette. These are designed to remove cells, which must be done since viruses are intra-cellular.

The removal of cells means that this is technically a biopsy and not a swab. And because it is a biopsy it should only be done with signed informed consent. These people should be compensated for PI and the parties responsible prosecurted under criminal law because breaking skin constitutes a battery. These people are victims of A&B.

I cannot be certain but I do believe that CDC had posted an IC sheet that was suggested pre CV19.

2 years ago
Reply to  Creole Gumbo

Excellent comment! A&B indeed! Misrepresentation! Fraud!

I hope attorneys work like packs of wolves on the perpetrators, and that somehow the ‘immunity’ given is ruled un-Constitutional, as well as changes for Covid in the statutes of limitations.

I hope the corporate officers of every corporation involved have their personal assets attacked and taken via ‘piercing’ the corporate veil of protection of them, by proving they committed fraud and/or negligence. And I hope the corporations either have their charters pulled, or are bankrupted, with officers going to jail, to bootl

I hope that in every state where “quo warranto” proceedings are on the books, that public officials elected or appointed or hired or contracted, are ripped out of their offices by proving they broke even a single law.

I thank God for having been prepared and made aware enough to detect the tests and injections as evil, which is what they were.

2 years ago

As depressing as this whole article is, the part that affected me most was the motorcycle rider incident. Doctors forcing a test that does not work on a disease that is of little threat (especially if personnel are jabbed, right?) for a man in an emergency situation. It got a rise out me to remember and raise a toast of derision to Dr Lutchmedial, and my wish that those Cleveland Clinic doctors soon reap what they are sowing as well.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

The Cleveland Clinic has lost all credibility, in my opinion. It seems like ages ago they were pushing the face diapers based on junk pseudo-science experiments, and they still are to this very day!

2 years ago

Two months ago, I had a respiratory illness that was exactly the same as one I had in January 2020. Since I thought it was the same illness, COVID or not, I immediately took care of myself as best I could. Everyone in my household got it, both then and now.

It wasn’t as bad as the first time, but instead of treating my low grade fever with Tylenol like I did the first time, I went by a doctor’s advice and tried to “burn it out”.

Well, that didn’t work. Fourth day into it I couldn’t sleep, I woke up repeatedly and too my temp. It kept rising and along with it, my resting heart rate. I called the nurse hotline when I got to 102.3 and 140 while lying down.

She kept insisting that I go to the hospital. I asked if I should self test for COVID before and she said yes. So I did; it was positive.

I went to the ER, they gave me fluids and horse pill sized Tylenol. I stayed there for six hours until my heart rate and temp went down. They did a chest x-ray too. The doctor said my lungs were perfect.

Okay, all is well I thought. I was also happy to hear when I checked in that they do not do any COVID testing. I told them, repeatedly, that I took the at home test and it was positive.

I’m positive. I’m positive. I took a date picture too, it shows I’m positive. Two solid lines! Positive.

Well, what do you think happened?

Nearing the end of my stay in the ER, they came at me with a nasal swab. I freaked out and kept saying I already knew I was positive and everyone knew I was positive. Don’t stick that thing up my nose!

They did it anyway.

I haven’t any side effects from it so far, but I also am one of those people that never gets nose bleeds. I also threw a fit and made it difficult for them to collect it.

I learned two things that day.

  1. If I am sick with a fever, take Tylenol. Don’t try and “burn it out”.
  2. Don’t go to the ER unless I’m dying.

They made sure to get their $10k or whatever it is they get from a positive test. Ugh.

Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
2 years ago
Reply to  NobodyKnows

I too had the nose swab but only once. My family wanted me to get it to prove I wasn’t positive to go to Christmas. I haven’t felt any effects but I remember feeling a pinching in my nose when they did it. Never again.

2 years ago

I completely agree. I felt so violated. It wasn’t enough that I did a home test, which two doctors I saw that day said was more sensitive than the PCRs.

I kept saying, “Stop! STOP!!” I made it difficult for them. How many times did I need to say that I already knew I was positive? Why wasn’t it enough that I had a dated photo showing my results? Why was I told that they didn’t do ANY testing? Money, and a verified statistic, I reckon.

The nurse who did it was silent and stone faced the whole time.

Fortunately, because I struggled and threw a fit, they probably were not able to put it as far as they had wanted. It was still pretty far in there, but I also have the “benefit” of a deviated septum, so that may have helped too.

2 years ago
Reply to  NobodyKnows

That is actually a battery- implied consent is withdrawn when one asks for the procedure to stop.
It would be useful to contact the police and complain, and also to inform the medical and nursing regulators that you have been assaulted.

2 years ago
Reply to  rjtmd

Definitely go after them legally!! It’s assault and battery. Stop means STOP!!

2 years ago
Reply to  NobodyKnows

I am determined that if I can’t treat any infection with high dose C, and garlic, and other things, then I’ll just die. F’k the hospitals. They are stupid, corrupt, greedy-as-hell, Satanic in administration, and a bunch of damned sorcerers.

2 years ago
Reply to  George

One of the silver linings of the all the COVID crap is it revealed who the liars are and who you can trust. I was surprised at who was flushed out if hiding. “Christian” doctors, who we have worshipped with for years, proved they were more concerned with keeping their jobs and covering their back sides than with speaking truth or allaying fears. I lost so much respect for most of them. I don’t think I’ll never be able to trust them again.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  George

Agreed, and my wife is pretty much on board with this. That said, we have identified a few real doctors, and we do have a duty to do the best we can with our bodies, so we’ll utilize them if needed. So, we’ll pray, trust our eyes/ears/brains vs Fauci/Gates/CDC, eat and live well (Don’t forget the Vitamin D, George! Look up the Vit. D “Hammer”. I know you said “and other things”, but Vitamins C & D are the first things I mention to others, so just making sure…), be skeptical of any medical assistance from real MD’s, and leave the rest to God.

2 years ago
Reply to  George

Yeah same. I’m now convinced the majority of Western medicine is a bunch of quackery.

1 year ago
Reply to  Citizen

Guess who owns most Universities, med schools, HOSPITALS, and various doctors/nurses/administrators? Rome. antichrist beast system. You can hardly tell who the wolves are–Bible says they will smile at you, and even flatter you, but inside, they hate and want to destroy you. They hide it under their tongues. Trust none. ONLY THE GREAT PHYSICIAN, JESUS CHRIST

2 years ago
Reply to  NobodyKnows

Whew, you are lucky to be alive (LOL)! Good takeaways too… but consider avoiding Tylenol since it depletes the body’s Glutathione, its master antioxidant. In my experience, fever and flu symptoms can be treated with powdered vitamin C at high doses, knocking out most of the flu trouble overnight. Advocates for this therapy have included Dr. Linus Pauling, Dr. Suzanne Humphries, Dr. Thomas Levy, and many more.

2 years ago
Reply to  NobodyKnows

They did it when you told them not to? That is battery. File a complaint and a lawsuit.

2 years ago
Reply to  NobodyKnows

To those who mentioned this is assault and/or battery, I would say normally yes, but also, I live in California… so there’s that.

I did say stop. I said I already had the home test, had a dated photo showing it being positive, but was still forced. I didn’t make it easy for them to collect their sample; squirming, deviated septum, et al.

I could have left, but without being properly discharged, I could possibly look forward to some “nice” ER bills. That and my temperature and heart rate were still too high.

I just went to a clinic this past week and asked them about it. My PCP told me it’s the law right now. Enacted late 2020, all acute care hospitals require COVID-19 testing in the state of California. I checked the DSH for California and there it is:

New or readmitting patients are tested for COVID-19 either prior to or upon admission to our hospitals. Current patients are tested for COVID-19 when clinically indicated or when there has been a potential exposure to COVID-19.

Home tests are insufficient, just as they would be for things like going on a cruise ship or traveling internationally.


2 years ago

This article gave me the chills! Never had a test done and I’m shot and booster free!
How anyone can trust the government is beyond me.

1 year ago
Reply to  Cherry

Did you know that this is one of the oldest EGYPTIAN forms of torture for their slaves? And to control them. I was shocked when I read that. Just reborn as a med procedure. They knew about the BBB and cribiform plate. Trust in Jesus only! ANY doctor that pushes vexes is compromised.

2 years ago

I teach (remotely, these days) at a university. They never mandated vaccinations, but over 85% of faculty and staff have let themselves be jabbed. I’m proud to say I’m in the minority and will remain so, regardless of the consequences. All of my close friends have let themselves be not-vaxxed. Fortunately, none have keeled over (yet).

However, I can’t say I’ve aced the exam, as said institution mandated nasal swabs back in May 2020. I generally avoided wearing masks and knew from the outset I’d never let anyone stick a needle in me, but I wasn’t as vigilant with the bogus swab test. Fortunately, I suffered no ill effects (that I know of), but I swore after that one time I’d never let anyone stick anything up my nose again.

2 years ago
Reply to  drdon1972

Those swabs contain hydrogel comprised of nanobots and graphene oxide. Goes right across the cribriform plate into the brain. They are nasal vaccines, like they use on cattle.

2 years ago
Reply to  lucy

The swabs, while dangerous, don’t seem to be nearly so perilous as their actual vaccine counterparts. They don’t tell the body to make spike proteins like the jabs do, at least not so far as we know. The nanobots and graphene oxide are another story, of course.

The swabs were introduced to learn the level of willingness of the population to comply with vaccine mandates. That’s not to say no harm will come to those who get swabbed (and again, I only let it happen once, two years ago), but the damage engineered by the jabs far exceeds that brought on by the swabs, as the jabs have killed countless tens of thousands.

2 years ago
Reply to  drdon1972

I did the PCR swab once, just for a laugh really, as I was taking someone to get one who had to get it in order to have their cancer checkup in hospital (!), so I thought it woulld be interesting to get one and see the result even though I already knew the entire thing was bogus. I regret it now.

1 year ago
Reply to  Citizen

I was quarantined for 2 weeks in China..I got the nasal swabs every day for 9 days straight

1 year ago
Reply to  lucy

And guess what? Nanobots replicate, so even the amount that can be put on a swab is not benign. Self-assembling. Latch onto nasal tissue and release their “payload” over time. I just read a home test kit in Safeway, while waiting in line. $13 for one test! All I needed to see was MADE IN CHINA…no thanks. It doesn’t matter where it was made. It was made by man–and Jesus said, trust no man. I see why

2 years ago

The mother of that poor child with the nosebleeds says she is not one to complain. She’ll get over that (I hope) as she ages. I did. I would sue somebody, for sure.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

The blood coming out of the child’s eye…… horrendous. The medical personnel obviously injured this child and thankfully it wasn’t worse. BEWARE PEOPLE!

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Amen. The medical “professional” who did that needs to be slapped down hard. Again the qualifying of I am not anti-vaccine. I am sick of social media signalling. Protect your children and don’t apologize for it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Me too. I think a lot of people consider me a witch with the b. I don’t care.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

The mother assumes that the damage to her daughter is temporary. However, there hasn’t been any studies done on the long term effects of brain-deep nasal swabs.

2 years ago
Reply to  Septimus

Pain and suffering! Caused by them. It’s satisfying to hassle the perpetrators of official child abuse even if you don’t “win” per se anything but an apology. Perhaps they will be more careful in future with other children.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago

Just imagine the DNA that has been collected for the past two years. This is all just evil and demonic.

Elle tayler
Elle tayler
1 year ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

That’s part of the plan the sick evil bastards have in place for all the sheep

2 years ago

I never had this done, no matter what they tried to threaten me with. They said I could not see my MOM at Assistant living and I needed to have a test using rapid PCR test, I told them there is no way I will be forced into this BOGUS PCR test to see if I am sick. I am not sick and I never had this done in the past, so there is no reason. Since my MOM was in hospice at Assistant living I gave the a copy of exception. Since then I was exempt from testing or being forced into taking the vaccine. I told them the PCR is dangerous because it enters the blood-brain area and it has toxics in there. And it does not prove anything. They got mad on what I said and I do not care, but they forced my MOM to do the test weekly and her nose was always sore, this really ticked me off.

2 years ago

Who knew getting your head impaled would feel like you were violated? Some people have no will or dignity and r fine getting treated like animals

Nancy Bryson
Nancy Bryson
2 years ago
Reply to  Dan

Even animals shouldn’t be treated like animals.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nancy Bryson

The animals are being treated better than humans. No masks.

2 years ago

Anybody who made it this far with no injections, including nasal swab injections, is the true definition of a critical thinker. Congratulations for graduating with honors from the most powerful human psychological operation in history.

Can I get a diploma? I would frame it and hang it on my wall in place of the diploma I got from the commie state university I had to leave employment from because they wanted to swab and/or jab me.

Mrs. Mila Noskow
Mrs. Mila Noskow
2 years ago
Reply to  Wollio

Reading the incredible article and horrendous supporting letters that follow prompted me to comment as well. In August, 2021 I had , thankfully and gratefully, a successful joint-replacement surgery at a top notch NYC orthopedic hospital. Upon arrival at the hospital, and immediately before going into the surgery, a staff nurse approached me with the ‘swab’ in her hand, telling me this was an absolute requirement – receiving the PCR test. I told her I prefer NOT to get it, as I had no covid symptoms, and it was literally seconds before entering the operating room. She responded threateningly that if I do not submit to the ‘swab’, I can leave the hospital ‘at this moment’. Needless to say, I was intimidated and she most brutally and in a vengeful way, performed the test. I have long recovered from the hip surgery, however am left with after-effects of that PCR test, consisting of a chronicly stuffed left side of the nose. I can’t breath or smell from the left side and suspect that the unusual neurological abnormalities I am constantly feeling in my head are the direct and unequivocable result of that test. After reading the above article from your wonderful website, I am certain that I too, was victimized and damaged by this demonic evil procedure. And probably, nothing can be done, at this point. G-d’s speed to you, Mr. Wilkins. I am going to contribute to your website, of which I am a constant reader for the last year or so, and may you be blessed with good health and success in the wonderful work you do!

2 years ago
Reply to  Wollio

Wow, you are tough! We were threatened with jab or job but my employer accepted exemptions in the end after months of uncertainty. I was ready to leave and start my fight with a complaint to EEOC before lawsuits. Lord knows if I would have gotten anywhere joining a class action lawsuit. Can’t trust the state here; certain politicians are constantly presenting more authoritarian bills that threaten our medical freedoms.

Amanda Peterson
Amanda Peterson
2 years ago
Reply to  Wollio

Yeah! 0 test, 0 covid vaccine! I’m naturally suspicious and critical of government, although I didn’t graduate, intentionally Ughhhh anyway.. but I’m not stupid and know that all the information is out there at my disposal fingertips, all you need to do is research, with objectivity. I also highly recommend that anyone challenge their own beliefs and the beliefs they were taught. I’m not good at math but I sure can pick out what’s being hidden in plain sight. Everything we need to know is in our face all we have to do is open our eyes… Hopefully as this progresses more people will seek the truth before it’s totally too late.

Elle tayler
Elle tayler
1 year ago
Reply to  Wollio

Me too..I want to get a big diploma n hang it right above my fireplace! And a bumper sticker version for my suv as well lol

Clown World
Clown World
2 years ago

The woke liberals were all shouting “my body, my choice” before this. Now it’s “everyone must all get skull raped, screw your freedoms”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Clown World

Yeah, I thought that was weird too that they switched their views when it came to the vaxx.

But I have to say the useless republicans were not any better. They did nothing to try and block the mandates. Even Desantis (Gov. of Florida) signed into law protections for the hospitals that are implementing the death protocols…sad!

Clown World
Clown World
2 years ago
Reply to  Rachel

There are many Republican politicians in bed with the NWO. That I agree. My point was the loudest virtue-signaling for “bodily freedom” was mostly coming from the liberal base, yet now they are quiet like a babe when it comes to mandated nasal rapes and injections.

Doc Holiday
Doc Holiday
2 years ago

I’ve been saying for two years now, any virus as “contagious” as the Chyna flu supposedly is, should easily be detected by saliva or snot. Not a scrub brush inserted into your BBB. Common fucking sense. I did one at home test where I collected some snot and sure enough I was positive. Had all the signs but wanted to confirm. I would NEVER allow someone to stick something up my kids nose or my own. I self medicated my entire fam with ivermectin paste and we all got over it. Was definitely a man made illness bc it had symptoms and effects that definitely were not “natural”. Will never get the vax. Period. How anyone sees that as a good idea is beyond my level of comprehension.

2 years ago

Although I haven’t been vaxxed, eight days ago I came down with Bell’s Palsy. I guess I got it through one of the old fashioned ways.

I went to a Patient First outlet where they figured it wasn’t a stoke (besides the partial face paralysis I had no other symptoms) and they directed me to go to the local hospital ER to get a CT scan and an MRI to be sure. While there the nurses asked me some questions, such as the medications I’m on record as taking, was my insurance coverage is still the same, did I still live at the same house, etc. They asked if I was vaxxed and I said no. This seemed to come as quite a surprise and the nurse asked again to be sure I had given the correct answer. Very shortly I was given a nose swab to see if I had the flu (which supposedly might have led to the Bell’s Palsy) and way up into my head it went. I sure don’t want to do that again.

Now that I look back on it, I realize they weren’t testing me for the flu, but instead they were giving me the PCR test so they could make some bucks off simply administering it, and more if it turned up positive. I should have said no but at the time I wasn’t suspicious of their motives, as my mind was focused on Bell’s Palsy.

It’s a shame that you can’t trust the medical industry but that’s just the way it is. Fortunately I didn’t get a nose bleed and I don’t know (yet) of any damage their pole might have caused, but that was the last time that’s ever going to happen.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Piglet

So many innocent people that I think get slammed here. They had to provide for their family, keep their jobs, have much needed surgery (as the case of someone almost being wheeled into surgery and had to have it done or no surgery) and other reasons. I think we all need to remember there are many innocent people involved in all this evil.

I for one have absolutely no trust in the medical community anymore and I will need surgery on my spine at some point. After having pap smears every year as instructed was told last time that “oh, now they are saying every 5 years.” I was like “what the crap?!” It is also easy to say “If I get something that will cause my death, then I’m good with that” until that diagnosis is staring you in the face. I am a Christian and know where I will be for eternity. But sadly so many are lost and under strong delusions right now and there is nothing you can do for them.

2 years ago

Brian, thank you for this article. I worked in U.S. healthcare for 20 years and have seen a lot. I literally had to scroll past that picture of the little girl bleeding from her eye and nose. I had no idea some of these reactions to the nasal swab were that bad, but it makes total sense.

john wilson
john wilson
2 years ago

never got one, seemed stupid then seems stupid now….

Em Lund
Em Lund
2 years ago

2 months after taking a PCR test in Europe to be able to return to the US last July, I had a large tumor on the inside of my left eye, directly next to the area where I felt the swab go up my nose. My eye exam the previous year was completely clear. I had other symptoms too, but that was the worst of them.

William Hicks
William Hicks
2 years ago

Great article…. Thank you….

2 years ago

Never played along with this damnable charade, never complied.

2 years ago

In California, Gov. Newsom ordered state workers to submit to weekly testing if not vaxxed. It’s a mouth supposedly, but then if it’s positive, you have to take a PCR test I’m pretty sure they’re still doing that

2 years ago

So glad to see finally the swabs mentioned. On return to Australia from the USA I had to quarantine in a hotel for 2 weeks (am not vaxxed) and received on day 3 a visit from a couple of white dressed nurses for the *covid* test.

One of them stuck a swab in my nose. I went literally through the roof because she pushed that thing far too high in my nose. I was terribly upset about this and the nurse said *sorry, oops, a bit far it went* and that was it. My nose started bleeding and was very painful for the rest of my stay. (ps test was covid negative, so all was good in that respect).

Then two days before they allow you to get out from the forced lockdown , the nurses came back for yet another swipe. I knew I had to (otherwise wouldn’t be able to leave) to prove I was still covid negative. I told them they had caused me severe pain and and *oh yes, please sign this paper, nurse*. (I had drawn up a legal looking paper saying that I was going to sue them for 10 million dollars if they again were causing me pain). Not surprisingly they didnt want to sign.

But I got something out of it: the nurses had a bit of a chat with each other and then said they would be very careful. Indeed they were, the swab went nowhere, really.
PS negative again. Ofcourse it was. I knew I didnt have covid when I left the USA but was locked up for two weeks in that hotel and got the bill for that privilege as well: 2200 $. )

Now already for 8 months here in Australia, I have not been a day sick, but as for my nose…very sensitive, painful often, as if something is broken inside and never healed. Also often my nose (left side, where they pushed that damn swab in very hard and far) starts bleeding during my yoga classes. I also often have a intense headache, at the left side, just for a few minutes and then it is gone again. The headaches started after that particular nose swab, same side.

Going to a dr to find out what is going on? No way. Am staying far away from any medical professional in this country, they have been and still are severe drug and jab pushers.
I stay strong, NON vaxxed (naturelmente) , and yes, indeed, vit D3, C, magnesium, garlic, quercetin, K2, zinc and everything else.

Love to you all.

Linda Goodman
Linda Goodman
2 years ago

It seems as though the mask is off the medical mafia and with the media’s complicity they’re openly using humans as guinea pigs and worse, advancing an admitted depopulation agenda.

How many know that IG Farben, now Bayer, was adjacent to Auschwitz and used the prisoners for unspeakable medical experimentation? Thank you to TheCovidBlog for being the most honest and vital source of information on this horrific crime against humanity playing out in front of our eyes..

2 years ago

We don’t do hospitals but after our baby was born at home in August 2020 we had to take him to the hospital less than 24 hours after he was born due to his cord blood revealing super high bilirubin count (due to him being Coombs+). Upon getting to the hospital the jerk of a nurse insisted that ALL admitted patients be tested per hospital policy. I’m beyond disgusted. My baby needed to just get under the bililights (immediately) and they wouldn’t offer that w/o testing. We had no choice. So far that evil swab has not revealed any negative effect BUT I just don’t know. We had another little baby in January 2022 and bc of the likelihood of him needing the bililights as well, I purchased my own set of lights on ebay that we used successfully at home! That’s the route we’re gonna have to go. Think of all that may be needed and pray for provision bc the hospitals are death traps.

Pure Bloods
Pure Bloods
2 years ago

I’m 34 now so I was 32 when this circus started and not only did I refuse to ever mask up I also have never been tested, vaccinated, & Ivdvnever gotten a flu shot or sent my DNA for any Geneology testing. I hate that we can’t trust doctors and big pharma but I’ll never get another vaccine nor will I vaccinate my child ever again. With the only exception being rabies if the circumstances called for it. I avoid hospitals & doctors and that’s just sad considering how far modern day medicine came before these mad scientists took over.

2 years ago

Never got swabbed or tested in any way but for sure wasn’t gonna get a stick shoved up my nose once I saw it done. Just watching an example was like hearing nails on a chalkboard.

1 year ago

I recommend for those who have had adverse effects from the PCR or the “vaccines” research food Grade hydrogen peroxide 35% stopped the dead meat smell and taste I suffered from after being tested. Also read up on zeolite. This stuff is amazing

1 year ago

I am not vaccinated, did not have any tests, did not wear masks. I have always been healthy until all my colleagues got their 2nd shot. I have had spots and blood boils in weird places and they always start after having spent a day in the office. Coincidence? Don’t think so. Even when you managed to avoid the shots, tests and masks I strongly believe we are still being infected by the vaccinated.

8 months ago

I’m happy to say I’ve never had a PCR test or the vax. I knew from the start the whole thing was a scam. COVIDISM became a cult. I’m a very healthy 68yrs young and when I got a cold in 2022, I had people pushing me to get a COVID test. I refused saying it wouldn’t make any difference to the way I treated it, ie vitamins D & C, white willow and rest when I felt I needed it. I haven’t seen a Big Pharma Dr since 2009 as I’ve only had the odd cold since then and always use natural remedies. I don’t trust any pharmaceutical drugs as the side effects are usually worse than the condition they’re supposed to treat.

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