Cody Robinson: 36-year-old Atlanta-based television stunt man says “I really don’t want to do this” before Johnson & Johnson shot, develops three blood clots, strange nightmares days later
October 15, 2021

Mr. Cody Robinson.

NEWNAN, GEORGIA — A 36-year-old father, husband and television stunt man is worried that his wife and kids may have to survive without him after making a decision he now regrets.

Mr. Cody Robinson posted a Facebook update on September 29. He is a stuntman for television and movies. But virtually all studios and his workers union are requiring everyone in the industry to receive mRNA or viral vector DNA injections before they can work on set. He noted that he’d missed five opportunities for work in the past several months because he refused to get the injections.

Mr. Robinson has natural immunity, as he recovered from COVID-19 this past July. But the lost income was causing anxiety. He said he may have to “[bite] the bullet” and “take the risk” to ensure he can support his family. His wife is a stay-at-home mom, according to her Facebook page. Mr. Robinson stated the disclaimer, “I’m not anti-vaccine,” but conceded he’s “between a rock and a hard place.” He also revealed that his family has a history of autoimmune disorders, perhaps the brightest red flag telling someone not to receive these injections.

Mr. Robinson is not a virtue signaler. He is apolitical and never posted anything at all related to COVID-19 (at least not publicly) on Facebook until very recently.

Mr. Robinson also learned that talking critically in any way about “vaccines” leads to abandonment by friends and family.

The bottom line is that Mr. Robinson has a wife and two kids. He knows he must take care of them. But the fact remains that he’s better for his family alive and well (job or no job), versus dead and/or maimed. And that’s where the story gets sad.

Post-injection nightmares and body aches

The writing was on the wall. Mr. Robinson had a decision to make. He could preserve his health, well-being and soul, forego the injections, and essentially lose his income. Or he could get the injection, pray to God he gets a placebo, receive his “white card,” and continue working as normal. Mr. Robinson chose option number-2. He received the Johnson & Johnson viral vector DNA “one-and-done” injection on October 4. His final words before the injection: “I really don’t want to do this.”

The adverse effects were swift and harsh. He posted an update 90 minutes later saying “here comes the body aches and fever.” Six hours later, he posted another update: “I can’t stop shaking. I can’t sleep.” Another six hours later, at about 4 a.m. Eastern time on October 5, he wrote, “Hands down worse than when I got COVID. I haven’t slept all night because of chills/shakes, sweats, nausea, body pain, headache.” But there’s something new that we haven’t seen on this blog until now.

Mr. Robinson reported having “multi-layered nightmares” for days after the injection.

He mentioned the nightmares again the following morning. Mr. Robinson also reported “feeling a bit drunk.” We’ve documented several vaxx victims who exhibit acrimonious, vitriolic behavior, as if they are “under the influence” of synthetic mRNA and/or viral vector DNA. We’ve also covered at least one instance of post-injection dementia. Mr. Robinson expressed regret, and wondered why his requests for a medical exemption or to show natural immunity, were ignored.

But the worst part is yet to come. Mr. Robinson implied in another update that his doctor told him not to get to the injections until January 2022 since he just recovered from COVID-19 three months ago. Despite the doctor’s directive, said doctor refused to write a medical exemption. Mr. Robinson also has the mistaken belief that the J&J shot “takes three months to get out of your system.” Unless you get very lucky using the cupping (hijama) method, or you somehow get a placebo shot, the mRNA and viral vector DNA shots cannot be removed and become part of your genetic code.

Blood clots and accepting reality

Mr. Robinson reported getting an ultrasound on October 8 that found three blood clots. One of the clots was in his left internal jugular vein, a condition with a 44% mortality rate.

He made no bones about what happened: “I literally could have died.”

The next day, he wrote a 2,300-word update describing what he’s experienced and his perceived prognosis. The TL;DR version is this – Mr. Robinson was experiencing severe depression, in addition to the public pressure, when he made the decision to get the injection. It’s similar to how Mr. Dave Menchinton made the decision to get the injections while depressed. He’s now suffering similarly to Mr. Robinson.

Mr. Robinson learned, like many other vaxx victims, that posting truth about adverse reactions brings out trolls from every cave. He also implied that only women are supposed to get blood clots from J&J shots, not men. Of course that belief is patently false. He also said something about “4 clots confirmed in [my] left arm arm.” It’s unclear whether that’s in addition to the three on his medical card or if there’s one more from the three on said card.

Read the rest of the post in PDF format here.

His final post covered herein reveals the truth about many vaxx victims. It is common knowledge that the “vaccine” manufacturers cannot be held liable in any way if you are injured or die. But Mr. Robinson did not know that until he spoke to a lawyer recently. He admitted that this whole situation is ultimately his own fault for “not holding [my] ground in the face of the financial/social pressure.” The final sentence is the saddest part. Mr. Robinson reiterated his belief that the J&J shot exits his body after three months.

We’ll update this story in due course.

The saga continues

Since Joe Biden’s federal “vaccine mandate,” virtually all vaxx victims covered here faced the job or jab decision. But again, what good is a job if you’re dead or maimed? If your exemptions fail, you must go to court, preferably at the federal level. We’re seeing many cases of temporary restraining orders being granted for workers denied religious exemptions. It’s much harder defending a medical exemption in federal court because it’s not Constitutionally-protected, like religion is.

This blogger would never tell anyone to do something he wouldn’t do himself. I lived in my campervan for over three years, traveling the USA. I lived off less than $1,000 per month, and lived WELL. Had all the amenities: solar power, generator power, refrigerator, heat, air, stove, 20 GB of internet, and portable shower.

The point is that anyone facing the job vs. jab dilemma need to reassess life for yourself and family. You need food, water and shelter to survive. Love helps too. But cable and satellite TV aren’t necessary. Don’t pay for lying, manipulative mainstream media. Buy food in bulk. Turn your thermostat down a few degrees during the winter and wear an extra layer of clothing. Dollars are quite elastic if you truly want to survive.

The message is clear – if you’re forced to quit your job or get the shots, quit your job. It’s better to live in your car, healthy and alive, than be maimed or dead and cannot work the job anyway. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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2 years ago

He should have bit the bullet instead…it would have been less harmful to his long term prognosis!

2 years ago

Vitiglio is an autoimmune disease? I was not aware of this and thought it was just cosmetic!

BAM! There is my medical exemption – I need to find a doctor to sign off on this!

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

it is easier to get religious exemption than medical exemption. For the latter, even w a doc’s letter, the jabbers would just tell you to come back later when the condition improves.
+ Vitiligo is benign. so it would not do.
2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

But why didn’t his union stand up for him! He had been paying dues all these years! The hairdressers and camera men negotiated something about vax mandates , why not stunt men? Unions cave to mandates such as this are not worth it. Chicago police and airlines, Am track and others, you have to stand by your resolve.

Darlene Letourneau
Darlene Letourneau
2 years ago

Very few unions are standing up! They are obviously being threatened or paid off in some way!

Brian Luznak
Brian Luznak
2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

My mom had an IgG deficiency and her medical providers were all pushing her to get the gene therapy. She fell prey to their negligence and got the Moderna shot. Less than 2 full days later severe stomach pain, 2 days more admitted to the ICU, less than 3 weeks more and she died. They said it was acute pancreatitis. She was never diagnosed with pancreatitis before she got the gene therapy and they never confirmed her diagnosis. No one in my family would join me in fighting this as she was also a smoker and already in bad shape before the jab so they all just chalked it off as coincidental and expected. And it’s never been reported to VAERS as far as I know. My brother has the same immune deficiency and ran out and got the shot. Overheard him talking about a new medical issue he’s developed but he’s never said more than that about it. He’s a total MSM consumer. He thinks no one has a the right to turn down this jab if they’ve ever had a vaccine in their adult life. I too have an immune deficiency and they’ll have to put me in front of the firing squad before they jab me but I’ve always been this way. An independent thinker. My two other brothers share my sentiment. My son has a rare chromosome disorder and the organization surrounding his disorder are all giddy about this jab and telling everyone who has his disorder to get vaccinated, with zero studies performed supporting their suggestion. His medical providers have all fallen in line with the status quo and the hospital he visits has mandated it for all employees. Zero chance they’ll ever give him a medical exemption and yet he has a history of pancytopenia from an relatively unknown bone marrow dysfunction and a closely related immune system abnormality. Exactly the kind of thing that should warrant an exemption as the current “vaccines” have known side effects of inflammation in the circulatory system. Only saving grace right now is that he’s 3. Guessing we’re going to have to home school him though because the entire world’s gone mad.

Last edited 2 years ago by Brian Luznak
2 years ago

My heart goes out to this individual he was not a Zealot or Virtue Signaler…He just found himself between a rock and a Hard Place…The many others who drank the Kool-Aide had to Reap what they had Sown…He just didn’t have enough information…it is so important for people to keep educating themselves and be wary and on guard…Tragic story…hope his plea’s and story may reach many others in the same boat…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

I beg to differ. It seems he was furnished with plenty of information and was actually dreadful of the shot. Still, the lure of income was too strong to resist and he rolled the die. For some it’s the promise of unrestricted traveling, for others access to education and jobs–and that’s exactly how the Devil beguiles them to sigh the contract.

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

Hmmmm. Sorry to to be skeptical, but I am wondering if you would be so understanding if this man was not such a beefcake. I mean geez, his name is Cody too!
This whole post shows he knew natural immunity was all he needed from a scientific standpoint, and he refused and refused. Yet he then listened to a doctor that also told him the same, but then to get ONE jab! WHHHAAATTT? I had a CPA once that told me I could only take half of the standard mileage deduction because my vehicle was quite old! I told him he was remarkably wrong and goodbye. When someone is INCOMPETENT, IGNORE THEM AND ANY “CREDENTIALS”!!
There is no evidence he weighed if there was any way he could have still survived, he weighed if he was going to keep his lifestyle and sexy job. His words were literally “the amount of money I’ve missed”, not my family is starving or we are going to lose our home. Get a FT job and a PT job at $15/hour, or get that wife working!
And hey, surprise, surprise, his wife is blonde and hot, she certainly could apply almost anywhere and be hired for looks alone. (Don’t downvote me as sexist, I would say the same thing about him, it is the reality for people that attractive). But you know, maybe that kind of thing is beneath her, and maybe he feels like it is beneath him to ask her to work.
Nope, he decided to roll the dice, or more appropriately, played the Russian roulette.
Whats that saying? Play stupid games…

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

I can’t say that you are wrong in your analysis…I felt pity for him…he at least had the integrity to come clean and say it was the shot that did the damage…I wonder if his wife urged him not to take it? At the end of the day, someone has to factor in all the variables…but playing Russian Roulette with your health, without doing the proper research, and choosing money, is not a wise decision…Maybe that is the message he should convey?

Darlene Letourneau
Darlene Letourneau
2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

We can all make judgments about a person’s decisions, but until we walk a mile in someone else’s shoes…! I’m sure he wishes he had made the decision to not take the jab, but if wishes were horses. We live with the decisions we make. I’m glad he is willing to put himself out there and testify about it and perhaps save someone else from making the same decision. Many others are patting themselves on the back because they have made the same decision and had little or no reaction (yet). But who knows how far down the road their time of regret will come. Especially when they start pushing all the booster shots, because this one doesn’t work.

2 years ago

so sad. I am very sure he would not have done this if he did not have a family to feed

2 years ago

Not sure how he could not know by now that these manufacturers are protected from all liability – essentially common knowledge.

Sadly, although he does not realize it at this point, seems his career might be over. I just don’t see how he could perform actual STUNTS again, come on! Hopefully he does eventually heal from this but does not look good!

Darlene Letourneau
Darlene Letourneau
2 years ago
Reply to  OnePeace

Many don’t because they don’t bother to look. They just trust blindly!

T. D.
T. D.
2 years ago

With traditional vaccines, people shed virus via their blood and stool for up to four months. Not saying that’s the case with the Covid gene therapies, but maybe the doctor implied something similar and that’s where he’s getting confused.

2 years ago
Reply to  T. D.

Since you’re mentioning shedding: In traditional vaccines, the recipients expose others to a weakened virus that the exposee’s immune system can usually handle. With nMRA and Viral Vector, the spike protein is ten-fold more dangerous and can literarily poison our bodies.

2 years ago

Multi-layered nightmares. Bizarre. And we gonna see more lots more symptoms we haven’t heard about yet, because those abominable spike proteins the body is manufacturing will likely affect nearly every organ in every organ system. We know they cross the blood/brain barrier, so we are definitely going to see mental and emotional problems, balance and coordination issues as the cerebellum is affected, different forms of dementia, sensory impairments, and on and on and on…

John Sebastian
John Sebastian
2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

I had a patient we admitted for a number of problems that all began after the vaccine. She started loosing weight, getting very weak, brain confusion, ataxia. But one of the most interesting things is she said her dreams were “Layered”. Her husband concurred. She could not explain it very well but tried. It was the first time in my 40 year career of hearing about layered dreams. Wow!!

It makes you wonder. I wish there was a simple test for COVID_19 “vaccine reaction”.

2 years ago
Reply to  John Sebastian

We don’t need a test. EVERYONE will experience “vaccine reaction”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

I heard of a neighbor who took the and had horrible nightmares afterward. This is the first time I have seen an article where other people have had the same experience.

2 years ago

This is really sad. He didn’t say it but he could have also been getting alot of pressure from his stay at home wife. He was carrying the whole burden on his shoulders. Its hard when your the bread winner and expected to bring in a certain amount every month. I think its easier to walk away from your job (because of the forced vax) if your spouse is on board and you both know this is the best decision for the family.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rox

My husband works for a company that contracts with the feral government. When they started talking about the jab i to,d him I would rather live in a cardboard box under a bridge with him than in a nice house without him. I pleased with him not to get any jab because his Dr wanted him to get the shingles jab.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

Unfortunately supportive women like yourself are not as common as they may once have been. We’re living in a cuck culture where women are viscous tyrants and men are neutered and tuned out. Moving into a van could be a family adventure and bonding experience, and it’s the obvious choice when your health and life are at stake, but there are not enough healthy families left to endure an ordeal like that.

2 years ago
Reply to  WaffleStaffel

That’s a situation we discussed recently. A wife who easily took the shot because “everyone at work had done it” versus her husband, who said he never would—for 6 months anyway. Now that he is pressured, he has taken it because of work. Certainly she would not support losing income she has depended on all their married lives at this point even though she works part-time. As one of the Preferred Jabbed, she is gratefully welcomed on school campuses where staff is in short supply. That she would let him risk his health is appalling.

Christopher Schulz
Christopher Schulz
2 years ago
Reply to  WaffleStaffel

Look up “The Man Song” on youtube. chuckle

2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

I took the shingles jab yrs ago and had an adverse reaction. Every shot presented to us must be viewed critically and thoughtfully. 🚫 cv💉4 me.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rox

You’re probably right. Driving 16 hours while being sick back home only to self isolate probably did not help his health nor his grieving wife+ he got his wife sick too.

Also shame on his doc by advising him NOT to get jab but would not give him medical exemption. i say fire him.

Max Power
Max Power
2 years ago

His experience with multi-layered nightmares of an Inception-like nature, brings to mind something from the movie Ex Machina.

The maker of the robot Ava, hacked all the world’s cell phones to teach the robot to learn.

It is likely technically possible if not being done right now: 24/7, every device capable of listening on the planet, under the control of a listening/watching AI program.

Which, with a self-constructing nanotech antenna grown over a pineal gland, could produce a theater of horrors nightmare.

2 years ago

Another one that made a big mistake. How in the world, after scrolling down page after page of disaster stories here, and other sites, would you decide to take the chance. He knew it was a bad idea, so he must have been looking at something.

I’m simply stunned at the stupidity of folks getting these shots, especially in the later months of summer and early fall, when evidence of the dangers has been widely available.

2 years ago

“Dollars are quite elastic if you truly want to survive”. That is one of the most beautifully-written sentences I’ve heard in a really long time. Almost poetic. We apreciate your efforts, Brian!!!!

2 years ago

Looks like s strong man, could have worked construction or gone into ANY other manual labor position (assuming he was not qualified for a more professional role). Point is he had a choice, he just did not want to give up his job or lifestyle.

For all those that say, ‘I’m doing this for my family, to see my grandchildren, for the community, for my job, etc..” I call BS, they are doing it out of fear, ego, convenience and for MONEY.

What these people must understand is GOD WILL PROVIDE, if you stand your ground and not succumb to this evil agenda. Live life a bit more simplistically, relocate, become inconvenienced, and realize every materialistic thing you hold dear, is utter crap. Cody was enamored with the illusion of his very distinctive job/title/perks, however, as Brian said perfectly, what is the point of saving your job if you are “maimed or dead and cannot work the job anyway.”

NEVER CONSENT, say NO, stay strong, fight for your human rights, humanity, and live your life. For God sake show backbone and faith in your will. The universe will not let this unwavering conviction be forgotten–DO NOT LIVE IN FEAR!

2 years ago

Yes, we need to get rid of this kind of attachments as we are now at war. A war against us all (well of 7 billion of us) and at war you don’t value ”status” but survival. This is what many did not understood. They still think/hope is something temporary and life will get back to normal.
Temporary yes, vaccines mandates will cease, this pandemic will be finished next year till then we are at war.
Later on still at war but not so violent till the next epidemic/pandemic will start with a deadlier virus. As soon as they have the cure for it to have it for them. We have a few options: Nipah Malbrough, Ebola – test are being made, also vaccines (yed they do test vaccines for all of them even if not announced but they do maybe as we speak in some covid vials in areas like Kerala – where they recently had Nipah after 10 years ago outbreak in Malaysia, or elsewhere.
But now we are at this war and keeping the same way of life/standard/position is futile as in a few years none of this will matter, we better learn to adjust fast.And resist and keep the children safe healthy and strong to preparre them for the world they will live in

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

This war has nothing to do with illness, it’s being purely waged with our minds. There are no viruses, no contagions exist. Contagion has never existed, it’s always been a lie used to control people with fear. Open your mind to be free from the prison of contagion. There are tons of books and research that used the real scientific process to show germ theory is complete false. This war is so much worse than you’ve imagined.

2 years ago
Reply to  Iliketrees

Truth! The crux of it all. I’ve tried to explain it many times but with most, it is very hard to penetrate these entrenched beliefs.

Christopher Schulz
Christopher Schulz
2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

Naproxen is an option. It blocks RNA viruses by binding to the Nucleoprotein (NP).

2 years ago

The system has engineered a level of cognitive degradation into most folks that is alarming. It reminds me of the scripture at Revelation 12:9 that states that the “great dragon” and accuser is deceiving the entire inhabited world. Even those of us who have a lot more comprehensive knowledge are still being deceived to a certain degree. Lack of spiritual awareness, will stunt the process of gathering wisdom about things like this scam.
Limiting oneself by using materialistic thinking, stunts the learning process and ensures that a resilient answer will never be found. What we can ascertain by empirical observation is that powerful energies are influencing people who are vulnerable to them. These energies drive them to self delusion that leads to self harm, some of which results in death.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jamie

Jamie, I believe this has all happened before many times and is continuing today. The dragon is interesting and you can see the symbolism in many places. The City of London coat of arms for instance. The dragon is cold, materialistic and totalitarian. It is more than a spiritual entity. It is the organized force of the bloodline families and whoever they can suck into their negative energetic field of crime against and hatred of mankind. You are right this force of the energetic (and physical) does influence many to self harm and it also influences them to harm others. So many are in the dark and push the vax onto their friends and family, not even knowing how much harm they are doing both physically and spiritually to those around them. I dread when they become rabid dogs whipped up by their masters to betray us all. I can understand Jesus asking forgiveness for his persecutors, for they know not what they do. They cannot conceive they are even wrong because they are too unaware and never seek truth.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jamie

Not only does this “great dragon” deceive, he “weakens the nations”……….and he has many minions doing the dirty work. Fauci is one of them.

terry jones
terry jones
2 years ago


2 years ago

Why arnt people just selling everything they have and down sizing if possible! I’m sure people will have something positive after lifetime of working?! Sell house pay off mortgage and buy a shit box in the country!!! Grow food and create own reality. Get together with friends who feel same?
Or sell possessions and get an rv and escape somewhere.

2 years ago

Another jab regret. They are still lining up for it no matter how fiercely their intuition tells them not to. I am waiting on one friend to see if she survived the 2nd shot; and just heard that a friend teaching in a community college has taken his first jab—-a learned person I thought would never cave in. Very disappointing. Today, I’ve had it with feeling sorry for people; whatever happens to them happens. There is enough information out there to warn them off the shots, and I’ve talked to them, but their job or jab situation overrides. There is always that resentment that if employees had resisted from the beginning this wouldn’t be an issue, but Holy Mack, they didn’t even try to disobey when it started with those stupid face diapers!

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Two people at work, that I’ve spoken with about these jabs, swore they would never get them. Low and behold, both succumbed. One because she knew they would be mandated and the other wouldn’t tell me why, just that she had to do it. Funny thing is we’ve not had the shots mandated. After that I had nothing to say, just shook my head in bewilderment. I think media, both social and mainstream, has a lot to do with it.

2 years ago
Reply to  MrMonkeyShines

Maybe they did it for the TRAVEL reason which I’ve heard a lot lately. Lot of weak minds out there.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

More than likely that’s the case. I thought that I had found a couple of allies in this whole thing. It’ll be interesting to see what most will be willing do and/or endure when push really does come to shove.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Yes I love that excuse……BUT I want to travel. From the same people that never really traveled before this all feel the sudden need to travel. Get in your car and drive around…..feel better you just traveled.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rox

Take a nice long walk. Travel and build up your health too!

2 years ago

We the People WILL use the NUREMBURG CODE to wrap right around the FILTHY NECKS of every POS that has complied to PUSH this dangerous and DEADLY FAKE Clot Shot. These basstirds need to be EXECUTED – one way or another – ALL OF THEM. They are no less than the Nazis of 75 years ago. Good Nazis are DEAD NAZIS.

Last edited 2 years ago by JusticeComingToNazis
2 years ago

To be more specific, they are the offspring, if not physical then surely spiritual, of the Nazis of 75 years ago. The Berlin airlift was nothing more than the USA getting those Nazis out of Europe for various and sundry other locations, including the USA.

2 years ago

As Aleksandr Solshenitsyn, Soviet Dissident, said: “You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred, they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated: Bolshevism committed the greatest slaughter of all time. The fact that most the world is ignorant and uncaring of this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators”.

We have all been lied to and kept ignorant of the truth.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gary

They are the same people who run the big Pharma companies. They still hate us as much as they ever did.

2 years ago

When a decision causes as much distress as this person said it caused him, don’t do it. I don’t know what is worse….the morons, like the ones in my own family, who just go ahead and rush to get the jab because the TV told them to, or these people who do not listen that inner voice inside them. In his case, that voice was shouting at him, not one that is barely audible. “…..if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.” Proverbs, 1;10 King James Version

2 years ago
Reply to  liz

Always trust the inner voice….it will never steer you wrong.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rox

The inner voice is wrong plenty of times. How many people think the inner voice is telling them that they need to get the jab to protect others?

2 years ago


0 My son, if sinful men entice you,
    do not give in to them.
11 If they say, “Come along with us;
    let’s lie in wait for innocent blood,
    let’s ambush some harmless soul;
12 let’s swallow them alive, like the grave,
    and whole, like those who go down to the pit;
13 we will get all sorts of valuable things
    and fill our houses with plunder;
14 cast lots with us;
    we will all share the loot”—
15 my son, do not go along with them,
    do not set foot on their paths;
16 for their feet rush into evil,
    they are swift to shed blood.

Gregory Racer
Gregory Racer
2 years ago

It’s so sad to see such a big, strong man being made to submit to this insanity. What good did all those years of physical training do for you when you threw it all away in the moment of madness it took to take the clot shot? So sad.

2 years ago

This poor young man has really been put through the wringer. Plenty of red flags which he acknowledged but chose to ignore at the same time. I realize the pressure he was under to try and keep his job. Millions of people are under the same pressure and have chosen to be fired, my family members included. Now how is Mr. Robinson going to support his family. He was let down by his own industry, his doctor and his friends it seems.
Mr. Robinson mentioned working in a bubble during lock down. That bubble extended beyond just his work time it appears. There has been plenty of warnings by reputable doctors and scientists and others about this poison injection which didn’t get through that bubble. He didn’t even know that the pharmaceutical companies were granted immunity from litigation. That bubble also includes people like Jwaundace Candace, who seems to be a Covidian cheerleader as well as a very stupid person. Putting too much faith in mankind is not a good thing, as it has been played out here.
I sincerely wish Mr. Robinson well and pray for his recovery. I think a new doctor and different friends are in short order also. Good luck to you sir.

2 years ago

The testing program is completely fraudulent and driving cases not infection. Peer review has deemed testing useless for detection of Sars CoV2 and the PCR are set at cycle thresholds which produce false positive by default. The TESTING drives cases not infections, a positive test result is meaningless.

Christopher Schulz
Christopher Schulz
2 years ago

Sounds dreadful!

2 years ago

Poor guy. Didn’t even need the jab, as he already had Covid, so antibodies! But getting the jab obviously exacerbated things. I hope he truly does heal, but this is something that is life-altering, and life-lasting, so he will ALWAYS have that niggling voice in his head “did I do the right thing?” And sadly, he may never be fully “right” again, and then what does that mean for him and his profession as a stunt man???

Darlene Letourneau
Darlene Letourneau
2 years ago

Yes absolutely! It is always possible to make a living even if you must make due with less. Getting a new life is not possible if you’re dead. Maybe you can play Russian roulette and you will get a placebo, or won’t have an immediate side effect, but many are getting cancer or autoimmune reactions months later. And many won’t connect it with the jab. Then there’s always the very real danger of antibody dependent enhancement which they are saying has already started.

2 years ago

My sense of outrage at the mandates knows no bounds. These are DEATH SHOTS. NO ONE has a right to force you to choose between death by poison and death by starvation. NO ONE.

2 years ago

So, you took the vaccine so you could go back to work, and now you will never work in your field again because of, wait for it….the vaccine. And this is the story, over and over, and over and….

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago

The un-injected will simply need to ‘lay low’ for a few months while this thing plays out over the winter.
In the spring, all the TV and movie productions will be fighting each other over the few remaining healthy stuntmen! Or anyone healthy.
Unfortunately Mr. Robinson did not perceive this and… has apparently disqualified himself.
It is said that any change to our DNA is detrimental to our connection with the holy spirit and our creator. Interesting that Robinson has encountered demonic nightmares.

2 years ago

his life is over – I got fired working remote from a different state for a hospital org because I worked on federal contracts medicaid / medicare
I know way too much to get the blood clot jab

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