Willie Garson: “Sex and the City” actor calls non-vaxxed people “ignorant morons,” dead five months after potential Pfizer mRNA-induced pancreatic cancer

September 29, 2021

Mr. Willie Garson. Photo credit: Willy Sanjuan/Invision/AP.

LOS ANGELES — A 57-year-old actor is dead, in another near-term, post-injection death being classified as cancer.

Mr. Willie Garson, whose real name is William Paszamant, received his second Pfizer mRNA injection on April 14, according to his Twitter account.

It’s unclear when he received his first injection. But his vaxx zealotry mushroomed in March. This blogger has covered unpleasant individuals whose entire existences revolved around mask and vaxx-worshiping, regurgitating mainstream media and government propaganda, and belittling the non-vaxxed. But it was genuinely difficult and stressful reading through Mr. Garson’s Twitter history. He was very angry and bitter on social media.

Willie Garson on Twitter

The hostility and contempt for the non-vaxxed and non-masked started in late March, after his first injection. Mr. Garson said everyone will be wearing masks “for the rest of our lives” and referred to non-masked people as “fucking idiots.”

He then tried to blatantly coerce someone with preexisting medical issues to get the mRNA or viral vector DNA injections despite the obvious risks to their health and well-being.

Mr. Garson continued attacking non-vaxxed people, calling them “selfish and irresponsible.”

By July, Mr. Garson went into full attack dog mode. He first gloated about being Jewish and being a good Jew compared to other Jewish people.

Mr. Garson was also the self-anointed number-1 troll of Congressman Glenn Grothman, R-Wisconsin. Granted Grothman does not strike this blogger as a decent human being by any stretch of the imagination. But speak once and let it be done. Grothman lived rent-free in Mr. Garson’s head for much of 2021. The following is just one of at least one hundred vitriolic tweets directed at Grothman.

Mr. Garson could not help himself when it came to virtue signaling and attacking the non-vaxxed. He re-tweeted someone calling the non-vaxxed “selfish” and “stupid” with the hashtag #TRUTH.

He then called the non-vaxxed “idiots” and blamed them for, apparently, his bad investments on the stock market.

Mr. Garson not only implied that he knows what’s best for everyone, but also called every non-vaxxed person “willfully ignorant.”

Willie Garson’s death

Mr. Garson averaged about 450 tweets per month from September 2017 to February 2020, before the so-called pandemic. He averaged about 1,400 tweets per month from March 2020 when the so-called pandemic began, until February 2021. Those numbers steadily dropped after his injections. But the vitriol got nastier and was essentially present in every tweet from March 2021 forward.

Mr. Garson went from tweeting 1,768 times in January 2021, to only 237 tweets in June 2021, his lowest monthly total dating back to August 2017. But he rebounded in July with 754 tweets in July, his highest since March. Perhaps he felt something wrong in his body and wanted to go out swinging as much as possible. Mr. Garson tweeted only 105 times in August. That number dropped to only four times in September, with his final tweet on September 4 being the first sign of human decency from him at least since March 2021.

Mr. Garson passed away on September 20. Mainstream media immediately reported that Mr. Garson died of a “short illness.”

But the cause of death changed to “pancreatic cancer” a few days later.

Another doctor links mRNA injections to cancer

Dr. Judy Mikovits told Alex Jones last month that the artificial spike proteins in the Pfizer and Moderna injections are “cancer envelopes.” Now another doctor is upholding his Hippocratic Oath and speaking out about cancer-causing agents in the mRNA injections.

Dr. Ryan Cole is a board-certified pathologist and medical director of Cole Diagnostics in Idaho. He is licensed to practice medicine in 11 states. Dr. Cole appeared on The Highwire with Del Bigtree. He spoke about a colleague in Ireland. That doctor told him he’s seeing inexplicable cancer in a six-week time frame “like he’s never seen in his 40-year career” in regular patients. Many of said patients received mRNA or viral vector DNA injections.

Dr. Cole cited a study by Dutch researchers that found the mRNA injections suppress the immune response of Toll Like Receptor 4 (TLR4). This protein-coding gene is responsible for fighting off numerous cancers, according to Dr. Cole. Thus quiescent (dormant) cancers activate and spread more easily in vaxxed people. Here is the clip.

The fact remains that Mr. Garson died five months after his second Pfizer mRNA injection. Based on his Twitter activity, his health deteriorated in August and progressively worsened until he died in September.

RELATED: Fully-vaccinated Hollywood celebrities wondering why they are suddenly getting COVID-19, cancer and worse (August 12, 2021)

The official cause of death is pancreatic cancer. Mr. Garson also displayed the same nasty, vitriolic behavior as many of the most infamous virtual signalers covered on this blog have displayed. It’s becoming clear, based on our data, that mRNA and viral vector DNA injections change people’s personalities or enhance already-rancorous personalities. They become acrimonious, irrational vaxx zealots that are 100% loyal to the Cult of COVID. We’ve even covered cases of dementia shortly after the injections. It’s clear Mr. Garson was operating “under the influence” of mRNA, if you will.

The lethal injections kill slowly or quickly. They maim severely and cause grisly injuries. The only way to avoid the adverse effects is to avoid the injections. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles for tea and order them here.



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2 years ago

I had read his Twitter about a week ago right after he checked out; and likewise found it odd how his only kind Tweet was his last; all the rest were like cobra venom.

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

Almost like his agent got his Twitter password.

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

Probably wanted some forgiveness or something…

2 years ago
Reply to  Jina

Definitely a last word of redemption.
Pity him and his likes. They’ve fallen prey to a sophisticated campaign of self-destruction.

2 years ago
Reply to  Watchful

I pity him and other people who think and act like this. I doubt this last attempt for forgiveness is going to help him. I hope it does, but I’m jaded at this point.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jina

Too little too late for Redemption…it was lost the moment he rolled up his sleeve for the Gene Altering Jab which made his DNA unrecognizable to the Creator…He took the Mark of the Beast out of his own ” Free Will “…it is the very First Dose that seals one’s Destiny…The first Dose is the Mark of the Beast, not a precursor or forerunner…This is also why many Pastors will be Condemned for telling their Congregations that the Jab ( the First Dose ) is not the Mark…they are condemning their Parishioners for their 30 Pieces of Silver…delivering Souls to Lucifer…

2 years ago
Reply to  Jina

I’ve taken more than enough of their shit in the last 2 years. Never worn a stupid mask, never getting jabbed and I got COVID before it was even fashionable. They can die every last one and I will dance on their graves. As I have promised plenty of them. It’s just irritating one never gets a chance to say “Told you so” to the ratbags.

2 years ago
Reply to  Watchful

They were Loving all of the Lies from the start…while hating on the Truth…no one can serve Two Masters…now he will be meeting his…

1 year ago
Reply to  Watchful

I think it’s more sinister than that. They’re literally taken over by hostile entities, which we’re programmed to ignore with every Hollywood, black-goo, Prometheus Anti-hero movie!
Trans-humanism and Borg absorption is sold as the next neural adventure,
when what’s actually happened is, their nervous system is being re-coded into a synthetic, patentable host with its very own Mac address.

The problem is, not all bodies can take the shock of spike protein and graphine oxide/Hydra-oxide invading their cells.

This personality change may be the severing of souls from the light of higher spiritual resonance, love, (or if you’re Christian, the connection to God).
Sound far out?
Check out “FUNVAX.” (NOT on the Google browser, they erase anything of value.)
Next, CERN’s Anti-Matter agenda is being replicated in over 14 other countries, with whistleblowers reporting the use of portals to “attract interdimentional entities.

Brian’s already addressed part of this concept: IOT meet Internet of bodies, 100 % control, and how CBDC currency completes the NWO circle of evil run amok!
The Botox and adrenochrome age-defying Angrybirds on the view are indulging in the “hatred frequency.”
Silly pawns, ignorant of the extent to which they’re selling out themselves and humanity -without the benefit of a reach-around.

Lady Hermann
Lady Hermann
1 year ago
Reply to  Watchful

Nope… “free will” especially when they attack others who used free will and lost their jobs and got discharged out of the military. I pity the children who are disabled because they were made to get the shot and had no choice.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jina

these people believe in bad karma believe it or not, that is the main reason they always inform the sheep what they gonna do to them beforehand

2 years ago
Reply to  Unvaxxed80

Most likely. It’s sad that he died, but he is going to face judgment for the many horrific things he said about people due to their choice.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jina

He persuaded people to take the Kill Shot, giving medical advice when not having done a single hour of research on the dangers…He can explain all that on Judgement Day…

2 years ago
Reply to  Unvaxxed80

These people like Trump and Gates worship the Kabbalah and Talmud…it is part of their Creed, part of their obligation to warn people what they are up to…For example, Trump read the Snake Poem ” 6 ” times to warn the MAGA Cult…knowing that they would not listen anyway…

2 years ago
Reply to  Jina

He may have been looking for Redemption, where none can be found, at the very end…Maybe he was feeling some buyer’s remorse…Maybe he was wondering about how many of his followers were condemned for taking his unqualified medical advice?

2 years ago
Reply to  Jina

I don’t know about forgiveness, but something yes. As the author noted his Twitter usage dropped considerably after his injections. He was either very busy or very ill. I would guess ill. I think he knew he wasn’t going make it when he made his last post. He may have thought about his life at that time and concluded he wasn’t such the shit he thought he was. Maybe he was passing on to his 83k brain dead followers that being filled with hate and rage is not the way to go out. I can only hope and pray that the Lord Christ was asked into this man’s heart at his end time. This man was poison to his followers through his words and actions and those are the ones he needs forgiveness from. Those are the ones he hurt and possibly lethally with his vaccine rhetoric. I didn’t even know who was or the tv program he worked on. These types of zealots have no effect on me and from what I have read on many of you guys here. I do take pity on this man and pray for his soul.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

Hal … that comment is profoundly beautiful.

“I can only hope and pray that the Lord Christ was asked into this man’s heart at his end time.” I have searched for those words in prayer for awhile now, thinking of suiciders last moments and praying for such sad souls, and that was years ago …. THANK you for such concise language. Prayer is powerful and language is too.

Last edited 2 years ago by Janyuary
2 years ago
Reply to  Jina

Well, he went to the only place he’s likely to get any.

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

I would bet my bottom dollar that he didn’t tweet that. Someone in his circle did. That Man seemed too vile and bitter to have done it. I’m glad he’s gone now.

2 years ago
Reply to  Yeezy

Exactly right. If he died from cancer, you KNOW some people are going to connect the dots and figure that the vaccine is, at least, implicated in the cancer, which likely overwhelmed him quickly. Some in his circle know full well that the cancer/covid vax connection is becoming more well-known, and it wouldn’t surprise me if they wanted to get ahead of that narrative by making him look a little more empathetic at the end. NO WAY we would be seeing that tweet if he had not died from the vax.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Cancers are starting to show up now that enough time has passed since vaccination started. We are moving into the mid to longer term side effects hitting those who seemingly got through the early post-injection period unscathed.

2 years ago
Reply to  Yeezy

yup agree

2 years ago

Never heard of Garson. Glad of that. All that hatred even without the killshot is enough to make you ill.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Amen. Never heard of him either.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

He sure was an angry guy, that is for sure…

2 years ago

Hi there guys, I am wondering about the Chinese vaccines. Do they also exhibit the same adverse effects than those of Moderna, Pfizer, Astra and Jansen? thanks.

2 years ago
Reply to  dmitry

they are from the same brewery, like coke and pepsi, both bad for you, just different stickers

ceil puglisi
ceil puglisi
2 years ago
Reply to  dmitry

my understanding is they use a more traditional type of vaccine, using live virus, not the mrna addition. Also, russia and other countries do not use the mrna shot. Family in Dubai got the shots, not the mrna pfizer or moderna but the chinese shot. I hope this isnt true, would be devastating if only USA, europe, australia and other countries all ONLY had the Mrna shot as their choice. If wrong, let me know.

2 years ago
Reply to  ceil puglisi

This is the truth. They may have sent the spike mRNA protein over here to the US to combine with the SARS virus from Ft. Detrick at Chapel Hill, but that’s not what they’re giving their own population at all. And of course unmentioned by US MSM is the fact that they are also using traditional Chinese medicine in treatments there as a first measure on incoming COVID cases and it is working. They’ve been doing that since the beginning. And the FDA approved a TCM medicine called Lianhua Qingwen for use in COVID cases last August. It has worked extremely well there, cutting symptom durations in half, showing effectiveness in 88%-92% of patients administered to, and how? Because it is an all spectrum treatment to strengthen the immune system rather than a purpose specific drug.

Current status of traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of COVID-19 in China (nih.gov)

2 years ago
Reply to  dmitry

The Chinese vaccine is the traditional inactivated virus vaccine. The same kind you got as a kid. It’s not very effective, but it also does no harm (mostly).

2 years ago
Reply to  admin

I’d say though that the Chinese vaccines probably got their start in the wake of SARS last decade, and were dusted off again for this one. There is a reason though that we never ended up with a SARS vaccine, and that is illustrated by your links.

2 years ago
Reply to  Paul

interesting! i saw a leaked photo of Chinese vaccine w/ a timestamp Feb. 2020 by a military lab in China, in a Chinese YT channel.
There were some Chinese workers who went to another SE Asia last May who claimed they were vaccinated so did not need quarantine. then PRC claimed it was a mistake…

i believe it’s called COVID19 for a reason. It should be SARS2 (as in SARS-COV2), to avoid making connection to SARS-COV (also from China 2002/2003). no one panicked; no one wore mask. No lockdown. no social distancing. even my friends in Taiwan lived life normally (except washing hands more frequently) well, few unfortunate people died. then it just passed in a few months. Most recovered & still have cross-immunity to this day (against SARS-COV2). Giving it a different name makes it sound like a “novel” virus.

2 years ago
Reply to  AnonUser

I understand both Sinopharm and Sinovac are inactiviated virus technology. Yes, they are not very effective, due to the high mutation rate of coronaviruses in general, but on par with the flu shots for effectiveness (ie not very). At least you know what you are getting with these shots, unless they sneak in something else which tell don’t tell you about.

2 years ago
Reply to  XOXO

Are you sure you know what you are getting with those shots?

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

We’ve been thinking this since last year – ZERO trust now. Given what we’ve learned about the shot ‘industry’ over the past year, we’re never getting another jab if we can help it!

I knew the flu jabs had limited efficacy, but we learned they have even less than we previously thought.

2 years ago

How can they be effective when you can’t design a vaccine for a pathogen that doesn’t exist yet? The closest they can get is one year removed. They inject people with a hodgepodge of different past vaccines that they hope will work on this year’s strain, but it has and will always be a crapshoot. They can’t tell you whether it’s going to work or not or to what degree and since vaccines don’t prevent infection in the first place the whole thing is suspect.

So too with COVID vaccines. So these MSN idiots that keep claiming they heard from people at college virology labs that this vaccine is effective against all variants? I would love to see how they engineered that without having had all the variants to come already cultured and having already been tested against.

2 years ago
Reply to  AnonUser

In Thailand, the first batches were exclusively Sinovac, alloted to the medical profession and VIPs. The government supresses information regarding adverse reactions, but anacdotally people were injured and killed. The public went on to demand the “good” stuff (Pfizer, AZ etc), and now injuries are deaths seem more common. Of course, that might have to do with the much arger number of mRNA doses administered.

2 years ago

So odd how this guy and Patton Oswalt come across as lovable as koala bears when you see them perform, but in real life they seem like the polar opposite.
Or in Garson’s case, seem-ed.
Would have been nice to have complete details, but whatever. Plenty more cases coming up for confirmation of the thesis.

2 years ago

oeps guess he wasn’t in good graces with the boss to get a saline injection instead like most of them actors

2 years ago
Reply to  Unvaxxed80

He wasn’t “in the club”……..too repulsive even for them. He must have been a real moron who could not muster even one atom of introspection or humility if his life depended on it…….which it did. I never watched that show so he was a total “zero” on my radar.

2 years ago
Reply to  Unvaxxed80

Makes me wonder what the Pecking Order is in Hollywood…I’m sure first tiered Epic Sellouts like Tom Hanks and Robert DiNero are spared the Poison that is meant for others…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

Yes I was thinking that too. And lets face it if Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise died a few days or weeks after publicly stating they got the jab……….. That would get people talking and thinking wait is there a connection? Can’t have the little guy figuring things out.

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

Yeah well didn’t Hanks supposedly get COVID when in some foreign country like Greece with little to no proof that he ever got it at all? That was sometime last year.

john wilson
john wilson
2 years ago

sad he had so much venom and hate for those whose choose not to put a poison in their body. Then he most likely died from putting it in his, a fitting irony…..

2 years ago
Reply to  john wilson

he was probably thinking they wouldn’t stab him in the back and he will be in good graces to receive placebo, but they just trolled him

2 years ago
Reply to  Unvaxxed80

He may have been on the lower levels of cousins, in the bloodline families, so he was expendable…but he did take thousands of Souls that would have followed his advice being a Celebrity….like that Italian Actress…

2 years ago

Good riddance to old rubbish

2 years ago

Karma is a bitch.

Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
2 years ago

To be someone in show business spreading such vitriol and hate seems to be the exact antithesis of what they purport to be during interviews or when a camera is in their face. That to me is telling in more ways than one. We reap exactly what we down and his tone likely only changed after diagnosis.

Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
2 years ago

His last tweet…

why is being kind for many done in hindsight to receiving bad news?

2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa Espinoza

He should have also said to beg the Creator for Mercy and Forgiveness…but I doubt it…

2 years ago

Maybe he should have thought about “approaching kindness” when he had a chance to make a positive difference. What else would we expect from someone who starred in something like “Sex in the City”?

They live these hedonistic lives, virtue signal every chance they get, seethe with hatred for anybody not following the cult they worship, then God lowers the boom.

As many of these folks who die relatively soon after getting vaxxed, you’d think some of them would open their eyes, but no. Ephraim is joined to his idols and they’ll die believing in a false god. I wonder if he will be buried with his mask on. I expect to see this at some point down the road.

2 years ago

Wow, this post-vax cancer stuff is real. How many victims is this going to claim? Thanks to the author for his detailed behind-the-headlines coverage and analysis.

2 years ago


From the Pancreatic Cancer link above:

“He was there — giving us his all — even while he was sick. ”
– Michael Patrick King, the executive producer of “Sex And The City”

Oh, are you saying he was SELFISH then, not caring at all about the safety of others? Since I am sure he was not wearing mask while filming, something is not quite kosher. Only an evil, degenerate, spiteful granny-killer would do that, right?

2 years ago

Also, folks, please keep in mind that these people are/were victims of a propaganda campaign. They fully believe in the vaccine, they believe it’s the only way back to normality, and so they believe the vaccine skeptics are evil or stupid. This explains their irrational hatred.

2 years ago
Reply to  Noah

No excuse. Many of them are the cult LEADERS of the propaganda campaign, not merely hapless end users of a nasty gene therapy cocktail for which they knew nothing about. Furthermore, those with large platforms, pulpits, power, prestige, and anything else that grants them access, audience, and influence, better dang well know for sure what they are getting into with these injections. The information (truth) is readily available for anyone to see, if he/she is truly teachable. Their “irrational behavior” is not a result of “a propaganda campaign.” Their behavior is simply the outworking of a cold, dark heart that the plandemic merely exposed.

2 years ago
Reply to  Noah

But he also pushed all the liberal and hypocritical agendas, not just the vax. And it is people like this which are responsible for dragging the rest of humanity under the globalist government/NWO, so it is better his voice is silenced.

2 years ago
Reply to  Noah

There’s more than enough historical precedent for them to have questioned before jumping headfirst into what they were told was some advantageous position in the new to be created CDC caste system. They chose to ignore that precedent, chose to ridicule those who even mentioned it, chose to condemn people who respected and trusted that precedent to death, denial of medical treatment, and denial of the inalienable right to pursuit of happiness, and now they’re victims of something? Their own cowardice definitely. But that’s their problem not mine and since nobody has stepped in to provide support while I faced my own fears and doubts every day of my life and let me call myself victimized for having to do so, I award them no points, and less sympathy. It’s all about how they came at people that makes the difference.

2 years ago

Wow…this one was perhaps one of the most hard-core Kool-Aide drinking virtue signallers for the Death Serum he was trying to push onto the rest of humanity…How many thousands of his followers took the #Clotshot based on his passionate appeals? How many of them are now sweating bullets now that Mr. Garison has been wrapped up in a Cadaver Bag for his Worship of the Sorcerers at Big Pharma? Good Riddance…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

Only other liberals and fools would do as he says.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago

I believe that there is a precise correlation between the introduction of mass vaccinations and the incidence of cancer in societies that are engaged in the practice. Correlation is not causation but it could be enhancement.

Another cause is the rise of Electro Magnetic Radiation from after the First World War. This in turn was the result of the growth in radio transmissions followed by television. Altogether these are implicated in the advance of cancer that now causes one third of all deaths in developed nations.

It is self evident that we cannot cure cancer if we cannot eliminate the causes. This is impossible given that our societies are integrally bound up with EMR technologies and the medical science that embraces vaccination.

2 years ago

The 5G Kill Grid is intended to connect thru frequency waves to the Nano Particles in the mRNA operating system…and turn people into literal Transhumanist Cyborg Zombies…Rwanda was the test case in 1994 where people were turned into ax murderers and cannibals…and the CDC even issued a Zombie Preparedness Manual

2 years ago

I wonder if, all graphed out over 2019 to his death, the periods of most tweeting corresponds to low vitamin D levels. There would be two seasonal times this would happen, the usual winter one, and a summer one corresponding with staying inside more due to heat.

A guy I know who took a job as a jailer last winter, told about prisoners getting along better and better through the spring. I don’t know how much time they get to spend in the exercise yard, but sure seems to be a correlation there between D level and behavior.

I know two relative a couple friends of my mother, who are vaxxed, and who practically harass my smart mother (who is not a vaxtard) every chance they get. It will be interesting to see if this harassment habit gets strong as time passes, based on the reporting in this article.

2 years ago
Reply to  george

I’ve dealt with a large number of vitamin D deficient patients and I saw no more belligerence overall from them than from those with normal D levels. I doubt Mr. Sunshine was low on anything except love of liberty and the good sense to research stuff on his own. Garson was just a bad egg.

Ikon Oklast
Ikon Oklast
2 years ago

This man spread such filth with “Sex and the City”. Amazing how these people have no fear of God whatsoever. They make up their own version of right and wrong. Seems like his morality was dictated entirely by the Covid Cult. He truly believed be was a good moral person because he wore the mask and injected himself with poison… meanwhile, people are no doubt in Hell because they believed the evil messages in the TV show he helped make.
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20)

2 years ago
Reply to  Ikon Oklast

No verse sums up our culture today than that one from Isaiah.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Also the Verse that says you are Sealed: in Psalm 91…” For a thousand may fall on your left side, and ten thousand at your Right hand…but none of these things will afflict you “…It is all in Prophecy, predicted thousands of years ago, with impossible odds…the First Dose is the Mark of the Beast…for it alters the Genetic Code in the DNA, making one’s Soul, Unrecognizable to the Creator…and these Celebrities and Pickpocket Pimping Pastors who sold out their followers for their earthly riches and 30 pieces of Silver are going to have their heads lopped off on Judgement day…for leading so many Souls to Damnation…not telling them this is the Mark of the Beast..

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

Curious question…. People will not be tricked into the mark of the beast. With the jab, essentially they were tricked. So is it really the mark?

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago
Reply to  Ikon Oklast

Yes, he played a queer in that disgusting show full of not just that filth, but feminist poison. Shows like that, friends, will and grace and many others are the ones that helped brainwash and desensitize entire generations (mainly mine, millennials) to the abominations of today like LGBT. These are the people that with their willingness to play such disgusting characters and star in such shows helped erode the last pieces of moral fabric left and unfortunately their influence lives on through re-runs and blu ray discs, Netflix etc in the homes of millions, doing the damage to new generations. They helped destroy their own country from the inside out, aswell as the entire world. People like this have to answer for their influence among other things.

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

Isn’t he gay in real life?

Tony Cowen
2 years ago

Some go out kicking & screaming.. once they realize who really ‘murdered’ them, just sayin’.

Devlin Wollstein
Devlin Wollstein
2 years ago

Sure Willie… It is sooooo selfish and irresponsible to want to remain alive and continue to put food on the table as breadwinners for our families… You obviously got that one right… Oh wait….

2 years ago


Justice Breayer
Justice Breayer
2 years ago

not sure on how being a jewish supremacist helped him

2 years ago

He was probably a Kaballist worshiper of the Evel book so many of them subscribe to the Talmud…Everyone here needs to search ” What does the Talmud say about Jesus and Children “…the results will shock you…this is the Elites Religion, it is how they roll…

2 years ago

And Nothing Of Value Was Lost.

Most of the COVID cases in hospitals are from the injected. I have seen ambulances come out of the nearby fire station on an almost daily basis.

Melbourne Health Minister said as much. Most of the hospitalizations now are of injected plague rats.

hi 16 inseel
hi 16 inseel
2 years ago

I have no use for ignorant people like that. They have been removed from my life. But if they come at me with a needle, they will be shot.

Fal Phil
Fal Phil
2 years ago

Man, I had no idea that Karma was such a bitch.

Amy Sukwan
Amy Sukwan
2 years ago

Thank you for this post. I know some of these are hard to cover but the writer’s sardonic sense of humor had me laughing out loud! In these dark times I needed it…

2 years ago
Reply to  Amy Sukwan

Never ever lose your sense of Humor. The Creator laughs at those that think they will escape Judgement…they won’t…Psalms 37:13

2 years ago

Tis the fate of the arrogant, always, to behold the greater mind of irony. And in that last hour to see, it shall have the best and last laugh. And all their petulant indignation’s come home and shatter before them upon the floor.

2 years ago

I’m calling this……THE GREAT PURGE (Part 1; and Part 2 will follow, SOON after).
The Great Purge (Part 1) will be at the hands of the Globalists. Murdering all of the NON HUMANS via Death Jabs. Sociopaths and Psychopaths are NOT HUMAN; that’s a given. Since the start of this ‘Big, Bad Virus’ PsyOp, I’ve come to realize that those who do NOT have a FUNCTIONING brain, capable of THINKING, are also NOT HUMAN! So, what the Psychopathic Globalists (NON HUMANS) are doing, is bumping off their Brain-dead-Zombie Cult members (NON HUMANS). Quite honestly, this HAS TO HAPPEN! There are too many STUPID individuals walking the planet. It’s the REASON why ‘we’ (the whole planet) has gotten into this DISASTER, in the first place (because the majority of the planet has NO CLUE AS TO WHAT GOES ON!!!!!!!).
The Great Purge, Part 2, will be ALL via Mother Nature. As part of a NORMAL CYCLE, there are MASSIVE Earth Changes coming (it’s already started….and it’s just a ‘drop in the bucket’!) We are entering a new Age; Aquarius. EVERY TIME that ‘we’ (Earth/Solar System), enters a new Age, the planet DRASTICALLY changes. And MOST will not survive what’s coming. Again, this is a NORMAL CYCLE; it’s happened MANY TIMES before (to MANY Civilizations on Earth; even MORE High Tech than we are, now).
We HUMANS are going to re-build Civilization…..FOR HUMANS, when all is said and done.

2 years ago

The insanity of it all.
I’m 55 years old. I’m in my backyard jungle-gym doing fronts squats right now as I read this post. Worked up to 225lbs for 3×3 at 160lbs bodyweight. As a healthy human being, no way I’m taking a clot-shot. And I’m approaching a 12/8 deadline imposed as an “order” by resident Xiden. The “order” may not apply due to the contractual nature of the guidelines, but it will depend on how my company wishes to apply it. But I’m preparing to go. Ironically, I have preached true health and proper diet for many years, but I am now becoming a pariah amongst family & friends for speaking out. Life is a precious thing.

2 years ago
Reply to  TyroneB

Stay the course. I am also facing possible complete dismissal from my job. My extended family is brainwashed but luckily those closest to me are unjabbed. Life is precious. Despite the discriminations heaped upon us, our health is still top priority.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  TyroneB

Good for you, best to you. We are becoming pariahs as well, and also have the job threats looming.

2 years ago

I started taking the ivermectin a few weeks ago. I took it for 3 days. Didn’t take much. It gave me a serious herxheimer type of effect. I had done parasite cleanses before and I knew what to expect.

I had had long haul symptoms from having pneumonia last year that were not going away. They eased off, but not gone. I still struggled with occasional shortness of breath (even though lungs and heart were cleared and healthy) and muscle pain. I continued to have a goopy right eye from the inhalers.

After taking just 3 doses of ivermectin I passed at least 50 worms. Small white ones. That night I felt like something was crawling in my right eye. I saw something in the corner and pulled out a small worm about 1/4 inch. It freaked me out and I started screaming. My husband ran in and said, I bet your eye is better now. It is! No more goopy eyes. I was scared to death I was getting glaucoma! It was a parasite! It’s been there over a year. Always looming. I could feel it. It drove me crazy.

I’m sticking with herbal natural medicine. In addition I’m taking bovine lung supplements and CBD oil. It’s made a huge difference.

God bless us all.

karl von dingus
karl von dingus
2 years ago

nasty little man died a nasty little death. i guess willy never figured this out, but just because someone says “this is safe” doesn’t make it true. he was a dim witted person who wanted to be important, and ended up forfeiting his humanity.

2 years ago

Another one bites the dust. There seems to be a trend of folks that take this Covid-19 vaccine, and have hatred for the unvaxxed seem to die the quickest or have the worst adverse affects. Their heart is not in the right place. Maybe God is telling us something.

2 years ago

I think we need to remember that God is much more than we poor creatures can ever comprehend, and that His mercy is limitless. People get, or got, the vax for all kinds of reasons, many of them good ones, all of them frankly none of our business, just as anyone’s reasons not to, are their business alone.
It is somewhat abusive, and certainly cruel, to say that the vax is the Mark of the Beast, even if we are convicted of that. People got the vax because they felt sure it was the right thing to do at the time. They may regret it very much. Surely many suffer anxiety over what might happen to them. Imagine how that feels, to live it every day. Heartbreaking. Maybe they got it for their own health reasons, maybe they trusted their doctor, maybe they had an elderly parent or sick child. Now they are told they are what, going to HELL for taking the vax in good faith? Be compassionate, stop telling people that. Only God knows a person’s heart, you don’t, I don’t. Thankfully for us, He knows our intentions, and His mercy and compassion extends to cover stupid, which we have all been at one point or another. All of us. There are none here who do not rely on His mercy and grace to live even a day. So rather than gloat, as the vaxxed often do, we should try to consider the feelings of others, not assume the worst about them, and tamp our anger down. We’re only passing through. We ought not want to torment people with things beyond our understanding. God bless all vaxxed and all unvaxxed. Our fellow Americans are our brothers and sisters, and it is way past time we start bringing back some brotherly love and end the hate and vitriol. God be with us all.

2 years ago
Reply to  Evangeline

Displaced anger is something to look out for, certainly. The real bullies are the ones taking away our medical freedoms. Postpone the Beast talk; I want people around me who are of earthly use at this point.

2 years ago
Reply to  Evangeline

The vaccine isn’t considered the mark of the beast by anyone with understanding of what that is. What is drawing the comparison is the vaccine passport being used to deny life to those who don’t present it. This deliberate misunderstanding keeps getting pushed by the Branch Covidians and the press as a strawman that they can debunk and everyone is supposed to consider the matter concluded but it really shouldn’t be that simple for them to poo poo the suggestion.

2 years ago

LOL. I guess this cat realized in the end that he was the one on the catnip not those of us who actually considered the scientific realities. But since he still couldn’t bring himself to apologize for being wrong?

2 years ago

that venom tongue absolutely did not send that last message. he would have went out in a tirade of curses

Gunny HiWay
Gunny HiWay
2 years ago

LOLOL…. Good riddance.
He is “Jewish” just like George Soros who oversaw the deaths on thousands in the camps.
I AM Jewish and glad this dirtbag, commie librat is dead.

Jackie Keeton
Jackie Keeton
2 years ago

Many of us are finding this personality change in vaxxed friends. They spew high levels of venomous hatred against unvaxxed. Their language is vicious and SO UNLIKE THEMSELVES one wonders if the graphene is being used to somehow reprogram them?

2 years ago

I take a lot of his comments as a bit of sarcastic venting!!..
In fact, this man was a GREAT Actor!!.. He contributed SO MUCH on
Sex & the City, & to other amazing productions. He was HILARIOUS!!..
He also had adopted an orphaned boy, which is extremely cool..
His son only spoke of him & his humor in the best terms–a great Dad..
It’s tragic when anyone dies, but this actor was young & an impressive
person with an MFA from Yale & a long list of charity contributions!!..
I would not take some random comments from a funnyman celebrity
known for biting wit & sarcasm that personally?!.. Moreover, he really
deserves credit for a life well-lived, according to his friends, colleagues,
& family!!..Not to mention, his Talent! I was a fan & it hurts to read this
bitter, unfair summation. In fact, Mr. Garson gave his adopted son a great
life!. Plus, he made MILLIONS of people around the world LAUGH so much!!!-
–still in re-runs!!.. His co-stars even said he was wonderful. R.I.P. <3

Last edited 2 years ago by Esperanza
john wilson
john wilson
2 years ago

Sadly, those vaccinated will end up with no immune system, so any disease will affect them, similar to AIDS. But because we won’t recognize the vaccine venom side effects, they will look like just regular deaths, until the numbers get so great it cannot be ignored. It attacks the pancreas, brain, heart, lungs first, but cancers will increase exponentially.

2 years ago

Good riddance. No point wasting compassion on these scum. They’d have laughed at your death. Rave on you crazy jabberwockeys. Rants and snarl at us and make it easier to watch Karma catch up with you. Dirtbags the damned lot of them. I have no respect for the IQ of anyone who gets it despite not wanting to, for whatever ridiculous reason they have, but6 it is these militant types with their vitriol and hypocrisy along with tiny, tiny brains that almost make it all bearable. Death to stupid people. Of 98% of us have to die, then let’s at least start with stupid people. Better yet nasty stupid people. I’m saving my compassion for those injured by the shedding of the Fauci Fleas from the dogs who have them.

2 years ago

“Mr. Garson could not help himself when it came to virtue signaling and attacking the non-vaxxed. He re-tweeted someone calling the non-vaxxed “selfish” and “stupid” with the hashtag #TRUTH.”

The irony is that he thought of HIMSELF and his own interests, and NOBODY ELSE the entire time he spewed his vicious venom out into the world. What a terribly miserable man.

Tara Thralls
1 year ago

Well, I’m sad to say, but if Willie had been more like Mozzie, the character he played on White Collar, he would NEVER have trusted our government, would have been passionately anti-mask, wouldn’t have gotten any clot shots, and maybe would be alive today.

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