Mark Ruston: British man temporarily banned from Facebook after sharing gruesome photo of post-AstraZeneca, baseball-sized blood clot in his arm
January 28, 2022

Mr. Mark Ruston.

LONDON — Mr. Mark Ruston had faith in the U.K. government and big pharma after being inundated with 24/7 propaganda in early 2021. Now he is warning as many people as possible to protect their health and learn from his mistakes.

Doctors told Mr. Ruston that he was an ideal candidate to be first in line for the AstraZeneca viral vector DNA injections. He had a kidney transplant, and was considered top priority for the shots. The U.K. was the first country to authorize the AstraZeneca injections for emergency use on December 30, 2020. Mr. Brian Pinker, 82, was the first Brit to receive an AstraZeneca shot on January 4, 2021. He, like Mr. Ruston, was prioritized because of kidney issues.

It’s unclear when exactly Mr. Ruston received his injections. But it was “before most people had been offered their first…due to me being vulnerable by having a compromised immune system,” according to his Facebook page. Thus he was likely first in line last January. Further, Mr. Ruston said “I didn’t see anyone for a year” after he received the shots.

Mr. Ruston was skeptical about the injections. After kidney transplants, recipients must take immunosuppressant (aka anti-rejection) drugs. It ensures that the immune system doesn’t attack the new kidney like a virus or some other foreign invader. Doctors, with no data or science backing their assertions, told Mr. Ruston that the viral vector DNA injections are safe and won’t interfere with his kidney regimen. Mr. Ruston said those doctors kept him alive for years, so he had no reason not to trust them. Now he is telling his post-AstraZeneca horror story that’s spanned 13 months and counting.

Immediate adverse reactions

Mr. Ruston fell ill just days after the first injection. “It wasn’t pleasant,” he said. But ultimately he got over it and dismissed the illness as part of the vaccine process. The reaction made Mr. Ruston even more wary about the second injection. But again, his kidney specialists told him it was fine. His entire existence flipped upside down after the second injection.

“My body temperature dropped to a more or less freezing temperature, and I could not get warm for three months,” Mr. Ruston wrote. He wore several layers of clothing and turned the heat up high in his home. But his body simply would not warm itself up. Mr. Ruston reported a “foul smelling” discharge leaking from his nose for over four months as well. Severe headaches and patchy vision were also reported.

Sometime around July or August, Mr. Ruston checked himself into a hospital because his condition wasn’t improving. A blood clot (deep vein thrombosis – DVT) was discovered in his left leg. He’s extremely lucky, as we’ve covered many stories of post-injection DVT turning into pulmonary embolisms, particularly after AstraZeneca shots. Blood thinners dissolved the clot before any further damage was done.

Several more blood clots

Mr. Ruston received dialysis three days per week for five years due to his failing kidney. Doctors need an easy access point to streamline the process. An arteriovenous (AV) fistula is a surgical procedure that connects an artery and a vein in the wrist or some other access point. Dialysis patients are hooked to the machine via two needles in the fistula – one that removes blood for filtering and another that puts the filtered blood back in the body.

Mr. Ruston said he woke up on Sunday, January 16 screaming in pain. “It felt like razor blades were being repeatedly dragged through my left arm,” he wrote. Unfortunately it was Sunday, and he could not see his doctor that day. Mr. Ruston called an ambulance Monday morning, January 17. By now, his wrist skin was bruising and swelling. Of course the first thing doctors did was test him for so-called COVID-19. He tested positive.

Doctors left Mr. Ruston for over 18 hours in a waiting room, despite the gruesome growth on his arm. The condition is known as arteriovenous fistula thrombosis – a blood clot in the dialysis access point.

RELATED: All AstraZeneca deaths and adverse reactions

Though it was an obvious emergency, it took until the next afternoon, January 18, for doctors to perform the surgery. Mr. Ruston discharged himself from the hospital once he was stitched up after the procedure.

Mr. Ruston soon noticed that he could no longer fully access his Facebook account. He was given a three-day suspension from the platform for “going against our standards for misinformation.”

Mr. Ruston’s personal account of his injuries is misinformation, according to Facebook.  But that was the least of his worries.

Mr. Ruston was back in the hospital just a few days after the surgery. Doctors discovered four more blood clots in his arms and chest. He spent three days in the hospital with a heparin IV to dissolve the clots.

His Facebook account was eventually restored. But now he is careful not to type the words vaccine, AstraZeneca or anything else related to his truth. Mr. Ruston admitted that he fell for the propaganda in the beginning of the so-called pandemic. Now he is dedicated to warning as many people as possible not to make the same mistake.

“I will not let them come near me with any future boosters and jabs. I am bored of the whole fucking thing now and I will not comply with any of it.”

AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson have disappeared

From February to June 2021, about half of our stories involved the viral vector DNA injections. Those stories were also some of the most disturbing of all. Mrs. Sarah Beuckmann had perhaps the most grisly, post-AstraZeneca skin reaction on this blog. Mr. Richard Terrell had a similar, but less gory post J&J skin reaction. Mr. Benjamin Goodman (32) and Mr. John Francis Foley (21) both died within 24 hours after their J&J injections. Ms. Desiree Penrod (25) died a week after her J&J shot. But then the viral vector injury stories stopped, except for the occasional one in Australia or Canada. We’ve covered maybe two J&J stories since June.

Of course AstraZeneca never received emergency use authorization in the United States. The U.K. Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) endorsed only the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA injections for boosters. It gave a lukewarm endorsement for AstraZeneca. Studies by AstraZeneca are trying to convince Western governments to use their injections for boosters. But even the most die-hard vaxx zealots have avoided AstraZeneca injections due to all the negative press.

RELATED: Eight European countries suspend use of Oxford/AstraZeneca shot; Canada says it’s safe (March 11, 2021)


Australia is still pushing AstraZeneca. But Aussies are shunning the shots. Canada “donated” millions of AstraZeneca doses to poor countries. The Canadian government tried to make it sound altruistic. But it was because nobody wants them in Canada. J&J and AstraZeneca are mostly being pushed on the poorest countries in the world under the guise of altruism. But everyone knows what’s really happening.

The viral vector DNA injections are super-deadly. The powers-that-be know this and understood that there was no way to hide what was happening. AstraZeneca even changed the name of its injections in hopes of rehabbing its image. But these two companies are likely to concentrate on poor countries in 2022. Evil knows no bounds.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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2 years ago

So 16 hours for someone to call him back and 7 hours to get an ambulance for softball sized clot that would think someone might wonder if it could have cost him his arm.
All the people who wanted change in our health care system should really consider the level of care people get from NHS and in also in Canada. I asked a Brit friend what he thought of the medical care they received from NHS, his answer was simply “Ah, well – I’m lucky to be alive, really”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

UK healthcare remains head and shoulders above that of the United States. The UK has the most cost effective healthcare system in the OECD. And no-one in the UK or Canada was ever bankrupted by medical bills.

2 years ago
Reply to  Armedd_gyh

The NHS is one of the biggest employers in Europe, that’ s not cost effective, and the waiting list for treatments is crazy, It came into being at the end of WWII, it is literally the embodiment of the birth of Big Government, it was designed not to provide ‘free health care at the point of need for all’, as we’re told in the UK, but to provide a nation of guinea pigs and a cash cow for big pharma. Systems like the NHS show how much big pharma has monopolised healthcare, the reality is that western medicine is archaic and behind. The only treatments people have access to are those on the NHS, treatments not on the ressearch application and funding path don’t get a look in, medicine has been co-opted, it’s allopathic medicine or nothing. This is good for no one.

mickey moussaoui
mickey moussaoui
2 years ago
Reply to  Armedd_gyh
  • Rubbish. Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia is one of the most common serious bacterial infections worldwide. In the UK alone, around 12 500 cases each year are reported, with an associated mortality of about 30%, yet the evidence guiding optimum management is poor. Your facilities are filthy.
2 years ago
Reply to  Armedd_gyh

They may have been killed by terminal neglect, but at least they weren’t bankrupted.


2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

” Nevermind if they are dead. They still have money. “

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago

Honestly – if visitors to this planet were to first encounter the unfortunate Mr. Ruston and all of his medical misadventures, it would reflect poorly on the whole human race. I am uncomfortably embarrassed for him while reading.
Unhealthy people worsening their own poor conditions… it does not communicate intelligence.
So if doctors tell Mr. Ruston that he will need a third jab and oh don’t worry about the blood clots, they have nothing to do with it, do you think he would believe them? I suspect that he might.
Ah well. ‘In for a penny, in for a pound’ (as the Brits say, over in Ol’ Blighty).
But I must constantly remind myself: that these people are being lied to…

2 years ago
Reply to  The Ogs

Maybe read what the man said. He said no way is he getting any more. Why would you doubt his word? You don’t think he has reason enough?

2 years ago

They are suppressing the truth to cover up their mass genocide.

Don McCullen
Don McCullen
2 years ago
Reply to  Lyn

Genocide???? That the final destination of most Population Control programs. But this is a genocide not limited to a certain group. Just mass extermination of the human race.

1 year ago
Reply to  Don McCullen

democide – The murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide and mass murder.

2 years ago

It sounds like once they get the info they need, like a positive test, they simply left him to die in the hopes of being able to list another Cov-ID hospitalisation as a death to add to the data and news cycles. They give the jabs in stages so they don’t overlap with each other, there seems to be batches that cause deaths to spike and then some that don’t, they are randomising the process so its difficult to pinpoint.

2 years ago
Reply to  Raw

I thought that too. I mean look at his arm. That deserves immediate attention. When doctors, nurses and teachers are called heroes during this scamdemic, I say no. They have purposely avoided covid. It’s like a firefighter saying I can’t see you because you have a 🔥 fire at your house. I avoid the medical arena unless necessary. Even then I am wary and very guarded.

2 years ago
Reply to  Raw

They can make up any info regarding “test results” that they need, (almost) nobody would be any the wiser. They were probably hoping that he’d die quickly rather than becoming too much of a squeaky wheel.

2 years ago
Reply to  Raw

This really makes me worry about the types of psychopaths working in medical “care.” Are these people even human anymore?

Truth Seeker
Truth Seeker
2 years ago
Reply to  Raw

Don’t forget the hospitals get a HUGE bonus ($50,000 or something) for every death that they declare is from Covid.

R.C. Hicken
R.C. Hicken
2 years ago
Reply to  Truth Seeker

It was $3,100 for treating a covid+ patient and $30,000 for each covid related death they handled but that was at the beginning of the whole covid scam, not sure if it has changed since. At least those are the numbers they were providing here locally.

2 years ago

Whoa 😳😮! I nearly threw up looking at those pictures. It looks like sci-fi, like an alien invading his body. That lump. 🤯 And his arm after the “good” doctors operated looks like Frankenstein. Poor man. He trusted them to keep him healthy and they screwed him over. Glad he is telling his story and getting these pictures out. I will never get the shot but these pictures guaranteed it for sure.

2 years ago

True story – wife was having lunch with a friend who has a senior mother in FL. After her shots, she came down with some kind of neuropathy in the foot/leg due to circulation issues – never a problem before. Her doctor pointed the finger at said jabs – call it covid feet. Later the woman asked around for a specialist to help with this. She walked into his office, and surprise, there were a room-full of people with similar things. They told her even though with was jab related they could not bill the insurance agent as such, and the $7800 would have to come out of her own pocket. The treatment consisted on a few consults and a ($450) foot machine.

Last edited 2 years ago by FNFAL
2 years ago
Reply to  FNFAL

But imagine how bad her symptoms would have been if she had NOT been jabbed! /s

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Haha. That is what all the vaxxers say when they get covid or experience a side affect of the shot. Their ability to lie to themselves is quite remarkable.

2 years ago

His photos violated assbook’s “standards on misinformation.” Did you get that? Truth, actual photographic evidence is “misinformation” according to pravdabook’s protocols. Up is down, because they said so.

2 years ago

In the last few months I have slowly lost any human emotions or traits for the ghouls that commit these atrocities against civilization. The exceptions are hate and revenge. Even in poor Mr. Ruston’s case I have trouble finding sympathy for this fella and others who fell for this charade. I know people that are at high risk that went against their doctors orders and refused this toxin. The same information available to them was also available to Mr. Ruston. I’m not as learned in the Bible as I should be for an old man, but I know how I think and feel now is not in Gods teaching. This has become a struggle for me because it is sinful for me to conduct myself in this way. I realize Mr. Ruston and many others who have experienced injuries and death from this poison were lied to, and stabbed in the back by those they have grown to trust. At the same time many others were not fooled. There is some fault in each individuals that went along with this bs regardless of the lies and propaganda that they bought into. I applaud Mr. Reston for his making his case to others the possibilities that can happen from this injection. I wish the man well and hope and pray that he recovers from the physical assault that the corporate medical complex committed against him.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

I find many people are simply naive. They are busy with kids and work, and pay little attention to what is really going on. I try to educate some at work, they simply get mad, deny it, and walk away. I’m sure some are wishing they didn’t take the jab, but they will go down with the ship before they admit it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

In Thessalonians God said that He would send a great deception….to separate the “wicked from the righteous”. He said it, I did not, yet people will find offense with this passage. They will look for every excuse that this “pandemic” is not THE great deception so no need to be counted among the “wicked”.
I, too, struggle between empathy and complete disgust with my fellow human for falling for this overt and egregious scam. Do they not recognize a wicked Soul when they see one? Bill Gates smiling as he is talking about those who lost their income due to “c-ovid”? Fauci speaking in 2017 about a coming “pandemic” for the next administration? Don’t even get me started on the support of Israel and the Zionists in control of this Beast System. Jesus said to “know thy enemy” and I don’t think it was a suggestion; It was a command.

I do concur that we must pray for these poor Souls who are now doomed. God Help them, please.

2 years ago

Jesus Christ .. that was really hard to read. I felt sick twice and had to take a break. Poor guy .. can’t imagine having to go through that.

2 years ago

What a disgrace, these Doctors are disgusting.

2 years ago
Reply to  farmerz

I think those look up to those doctors -and the system as whole – as guides and father-figures, are more disgusting. Just like the order followers are really the ones turning our short earthly experience into a nightmarish one, not the handful of deluded tyrants who give orders.

To be mind controlled, one has to be consenting at least to a certain extent, or hold the mind controller in very high esteem and believe in his/her power.

Long story short, those AH are not victims, they are complicit. Knowingly or unknowingly is irrelevant. Yeah sure, some of them might be our friends or family members and we don’t want anything bad to happen to them : still, it doesn’t make them any less complicit.

The human intellect is awesome and unique but it comes with the price of responsabilty. The Quran states that those who mislead AND those who allow themselves to be misled, shall have the same punishment on Judgememt day.

Those who are not utterly spiritually deficient, put their trust in God and surrender to what has been decreed from outside time, instead of standing in awe before cunning men and their corrupt institutions.

Last edited 2 years ago by donthatemetoomuch
2 years ago

Taking AZ, or any of the other jabs is akin to playing Russian roulette with one’s health, and I sincerely hope this man will fully recover.

My wife, her relatives, and friends, have all had the two AZ jabs.

Thus far there are two who have had adverse reactions, but are unable to associate those to the jabs, and, (due to 24/7 LIES?, I doubt they ever will!

2 years ago

At this point, with so much data about the hazardous side effects of the gene modifying agents (lay euphemism: “vaccines”) — in light of the unrelenting censorship, covering-up, and disinformation from gov’t and mainstream mendacious media sources — it’s difficult to see the ” COVID-19″ drug pogroms as anything but a campaign of mass-poisoning of the Western populace (NB: Africa are less than 1% “vaccinated”; North-East Asia predominantly use non-mRNA / Adenoviral vector drugs–as well as aspirate all their injections, to ensure correct administration).

2 years ago

This has to be the only case of a vaxxer choosing to take the shots that I have real sympathy for, it makes sense that he would put his trust in the consultants that he sees as saving his life, And, now that he has experienced the dangers of the injection, there’s no dissonance, denial and waiting for the ‘support of his healthcare team’ before he warns others (Erin Thomson)…
I’m waiting to see how long all those NHS staff can sit on the knowledge of all these vaxxed people coming in with blood clots…

2 years ago
Reply to  Betticus

The very same thing is happening to my daughter-in-law’s father. Double lung transplant recipient so they juiced him up with experimental gene therapy. He has 2 months to live they tell him.
The medical cartel has blood on their hands, torso, face, legs and hair. Not an inch of their bodies is not stained with the blood of their hapless victims.

2 years ago

If any prole is still using Lamebook (after they removed this post) then they are idiots.

I wonder how the vaccine zealots will try to downplay this one:

“Yeah but the risks of blot clots is low” or “The benefits outweigh the risk”

Still no vaxx and clot shot for me and many others who have brains.

Last edited 2 years ago by Aidan
mickey moussaoui
mickey moussaoui
2 years ago

What Cow Doctor did that operation. The surgical sutures look like they were done by a one armed, one eyed, half blind old lady from the 13th century. Egad, British medical procedures are primitive.

2 years ago

He also said they kept him isolated with no human contact for 18 hours after they used one of those useless covid tests on him and he tested ‘positive’. Northwick Park hospital; wherever in the UK that is it’s definitely not a place for human beings.

Everyone supporting the covid jabs conveniently ignores the fact that if you get injured not only do the vax companies have zero liability (you’re completely on your own financially), if you go to the hospital seeking treatment for your vax injuries there’s little to nothing they’ll be able to do for you. You could end up paying hundreds of thousands in medical bills and still not be helped. Now we have these idiot hospitals in the US like Brigham and Women’s in Boston who’re refusing medical care to people who don’t get a jab that’s killing and maiming all over the world. Evil.

2 years ago

I was thinking the very same thing!! I never saw such horrific suturing!

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