Denham Hitchcock: Australian journalist hospitalized with pericarditis 25 days after Pfizer mRNA injection, insinuates AstraZeneca is safer
September 1, 2021

Mr. Denham Hitchcock.

SYDNEY, NEW SOUTH WALES — A 45-year-old Australian news correspondent and producer for the Channel 7 Network is home from the hospital, but faces an uncertain future.

Mr. Denham Hitchcock received his first Pfizer mRNA injection on or around August 1, according to a lengthy Instagram post. The third sentence in the long post reads, “disclaimer first – I’m NOT anti vax. But I’m really not pro vax either. I’m pro choice – and pro information to make that choice.” Mr. Hitchcock said he felt “off” for the entire first week after the injection. By week 2, he reported extreme fatigue, dizziness, tachycardia (fast heartbeat), and the dreaded “pins and needles” feeling in his arms.

His condition continued deteriorating. He reported sharp chest pains, chills and severe dizziness by the end of thes third week. He finally went to the hospital on or around August 26. Mr. Hitchcock was diagnosed with pericarditis, a known and common adverse effect from the mRNA injection. Mainstream media refer to pericarditis and myocarditis as “extremely rare” and/or “rare” adverse effects from the injections. But even Mr. Hitchcock conceded that a local Sydney hospital had treated well over a dozen patients with these post-injection heart issues.

RELATED: Ellie Peacock: 18-year-old Australian nurse in training develops three blood clots after AstraZeneca shot (May 21, 2021)

Mr. Hitchcock also conceded that he could “be like this for months.” He encouraged people to talk to their doctors before getting the injections. He concluded the post saying that people with heart problems should get AstraZeneca instead because it “does not have this side effect.” But he failed to mention all the deaths, blood clots, strokes and other issues caused by the AstraZeneca lethal injections, particularly in Australia.

Mr. Hitchcock spent two days in the hospital before being discharged. Based on his Instagram account, he appears to live on a houseboat with his wife and baby daughter.

Aussie COVID dystopia continues

Every week we cover something happening in Australia. And every week things get more bizarre in the Land Down Under.

We wrote about Australian Member of Parliament (MP) Victor Dominello about nine days ago. He discovered his vaccine-induced Bell’s Palsy while giving a live television press conference after several people commented on his “droopy eye.” Since that time, he’s done all public appearance wearing an eye patch to cover up the condition. But that’s not even the crazy part. MP Dominello got the second AstraZeneca shot on August 31. He also lied and said the injection did not cause his Bell’s Palsy.

We wrote about another Australian reporter, Ms. Georgia Clark, on August 12. She, like Mr. Hitchcock, developed pericarditis after the Pfizer injection. But from her hospital bed, she encouraged everyone else to “take the side effects on the chin” and get injected themselves. Then of course there’s the story of Ms. Alyssa Kent. The 40-year-old Australian pharmaceutical executive nearly died after her first AstraZeneca injection. So she decided to get Pfizer for her second injection.

RELATED: Clive Haddon: 74-year-old Australian man dies in hospital after doctors refuse to treat him for AstraZeneca blood clots (May 25, 2021)

Australia is the most dystopian country in the world as it relates to COVID mandates, lockdowns, etc. Protests are near-daily events across the country. Parliament passed the Surveillance Legislation Amendment (Identify and Disrupt) Bill 2020 on August 25. It gives the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) the power to, among other things, “disrupt data” and take over social media accounts. An excerpt from the bill reads:

“When presented with such warrant from the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Australian companies, system administrators etc. must comply, and actively help the police to modify, add, copy, or delete the data of a person under investigation. Refusing to comply could have one end up in jail for up to ten years, according to the new bill”

It essentially legalizes police being judge, jury and executioner in a surveillance state, according to Senator Lidia Thorpe.

The Aussie critical-thinking freedom fighters are up against mass psychological programming, brainwashing, and legislative imprisonment based on all the foregoing. But if there’s any hope for freedom and liberty in Australia, they must stay the course.

Dictator Scott Morrison

This clown continues his quest to surpass Joe Biden, Boris Johnson and Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte as the top COVID manipulator and dictator in the world. Morrison also continues his Fauci-like goalpost moving.

It was 70% vaccination that Australia had to reach before restrictions are lifted. That changed to 80% this month. Australia is only 28% fully-vaccinated as of August 31. In other words, these inhumane lockdowns and mandates are perpetual, since at least one-third of Aussies said they will not get the lethal injections. Morrison conceded that the lockdowns are “unsustainable.” But he maintains that it only ends with 80% vaccination.

Stay strong, Australia. We’ll keep the world apprised of everything happening there. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago

Good job bro, you now may not be around to see your daughter grow up 👏. Only time will tell.

Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
2 years ago

Random observation…It was Victor Dominello’s left eye during the conference that was blinking independently so why is he not covering his right eye?

Norris Hude
Norris Hude
2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa Espinoza

Apparently the left side of his face is frozen from what I can gather, he can’t blink.

2 years ago

“You want the trust…keep your damn promise”
___The article’s victim


They have committed unbelievable atrocities against their own people in full view of everyone; and this moron STILL “trusts them” and “expects them to keep their promise”.

You would have thought by now he might have noticed that they are NOT trustworthy nor honest.

A fool and his life are soon parted.

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

It’s all about the Benjamin’s. If he told the truth he would be in the unemployment line. My sister told me if her work mandates the jab she will get it no matter what. I told her if the jab harms you or kills you your job isn’t going to help you. She is in a very bad place because she had cancer but survived because of natural meds after she did one round of chemo (6 weeks) they ruined her plumbing so now she has tubes in her kidneys. She is attached to the medical industry and without her job she feels hopeless. Hopefully since she works from home mostly she won’t be required to take it, but you never know.

Amin Abdullah
2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

Best wishes to your sister and to the many like her who are being held hostages by the dangling carrots and conveniences of a corrupt and satanic system.

2 years ago

Let me get this straight: He’d rather have an AZ-induced blood clot. Not much of a journalist.

2 years ago

Jason the bartender would be proud. If he were alive that is. lolol

2 years ago

Wow…this guy is so confident that he can give medical advice from a hospital bed??? I suppose reading a script from the Fake Stream Media as his full time career, has given him the confidence…Wow…Never Trust of Listen to Politicians, Media Talking Heads, Big Pharma or the rest of them…Where is Albert Bourla the Pfizer Ax Murdererer who is banking billions on his made to order Death Serum? At the Synagogue of Satan Temple reading the Talmud and practicing the Kaballah Arts…Wow…this guy should have realized that a Conspiracy Theory has now become a Conspiracy Fact…

2 years ago

Well that’s one way to get your shirtless photo opp out there.

Danny D
Danny D
2 years ago

These are the kinds of pompous fools that need to be having adverse reactions. Take some wind out of their sails. That would be a good thing.

Last edited 2 years ago by Danny D
2 years ago

A very healthy athletic cheerleader in West Virginia, Charleston, named Neveah, suddenly suffered from somehting for a couple weeks and died last week or the week prior. It was hard to find what happened, but if you do digging (I think GoFundMe, it says she came down with myocarditis. Hmmm? I wonder if she received the jab? I’d bet money on it if I was a gambling girl. The fact that the local media refused to say what happened to this healthy girl was evidence that it was most likely the poison, I pray the girls family comes out and tells the public and wake up parents before more children are murdered.

2 years ago


This must be a first: a scumbag politician suffering the direct effects of the vaxx!

He must be low ranking moron, outside the loop (Great Reset/Agenda 2030).
All the high ranking ones got a saline solution.

2 years ago

“However, the Daily Telegraph reports that Hitchcock was advised by Channel Seven to edit his update “to make the video more balanced and in line with public responsibility”

Spineless weasel.

The journalists need to hang more-so than the politicians do.

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