by Brian A. Wilkins
Editor-In-Chief: The COVID Blog
June 7, 2021
NOTE: Nothing in this article is medical advice or recommendations, and is not to be construed as such. This article is a personal experience and is to be used solely for informational purposes.
WEST DES MOINES, IOWA — One of the most-read articles on this site is about Pfizer admitting that non-vaccinated people can be contaminated (exposed) to experimental mRNA and its spike proteins simply by being near someone who’s recently been injected.
This new species of vaxxed, GMO human is shedding the spike proteins and infecting others with their contaminated genes. At least that is what many good, reputable, non-compromised doctors believe is happening. In fact one of the inventors of mRNA injectable technology, Luigi Warren, tweeted that shedding does in fact happen. But Twitter made him delete his tweet because he was “spreading disinformation.” Let that sink in for a second. Nobody knows how long this contagion lasts from the time of the jab.
I’ve been writing about people getting severe headaches and dying days or weeks after the experimental shots due to blood clots in their brains. All of these stories are very similar – headaches, complain to doctor, doctor sends them home, they die from stroke, ruptured aneurysm or worse. So it should be no surprise that I was quite worried when my normal physiological equilibrium was way off for over two weeks, which is also why we haven’t updated in a while.
Spike protein exposure hits home?
My potentially life-threatening experience began around May 7. I woke up that morning with a headache like nothing I’d ever experienced. When I say headache, I mean debilitating, throbbing headache. In fact I cannot remember the last time I had a headache at all prior to this. Keep in mind, I have not stepped foot in a doctor’s office since around 2007, as I simply do not trust them. Headaches happen to everyone. At least that is what I hear from friends and acquaintances. So I figured it would just go away with time.
After three days, I broke down and took a few Tylenol (I also hadn’t taken chemical/prescription drugs of any kind since probably 2008). But the headaches persisted and these twitchy feelings kept happening in the same front-right part of my head. I was sleeping for 14-15 hours per day for over a week. Something was wrong, very wrong.
Accepting reality
I keep myself in good shape. I am (was) a certified personal trainer. I’m muscular, but a tad overweight at this moment (yes, 5’9, 175 is considered five pounds “overweight” for a man). The reason I’m sharing this is because most good doctors believe that the best defense against all this craziness is keeping your body, mind and immune system in top shape. And that’s how I’ve stayed out of doctor’s offices for more than a decade.
Further, I’ve been writing about all these people who developed blood clots and died after the experimental mRNA or viral vector shots. Their symptoms were very similar to mine. But I’ve heard just as many anecdotal stories of people coming down with these symptoms after being in close proximity to vaxxed people. Now all that was on my mind is my own potential exposure to spike proteins via shedding.
I started assessing what may be causing these headaches and fatigue, and where the exposure happened. Five different airplane trips the prior two weeks came to mind. Everyone was packed in like sardines. Two major events I attended during that time had thousands of people at them. My feeling was that some vaxxed person/people transmitted their spike proteins to me and my days were numbered due to blood clots in my brain.
I got so worried on the fifth consecutive day of debilitating headaches and fatigue that I actually called an urgent care facility. Since I don’t carry medical insurance, I asked if I could pay cash. Not kidding – the person on the phone said, “sure come on in. We can get you whatever shots you need.” I said NOTHING about shots or vaccines. He just said that after I told him my symptoms. I was, as always, on my own.
Accepting death
Death was a real possibility at this point. I even told a close confidant to handle a few things if I died in the coming days. I was at least going to die fighting for what I believe in and not living in fear. But I also, as a critical thinker, did an inventory of my life and tried to pinpoint all possible causes of these headaches, fatigue and head twitching beneath my skull.
I literally work 17+ hours per day with everything I have going on with my “real” businesses, and my journalistic and ethical duties related to COVID Legal USA and The COVID Blog. Two energy drinks and two cups of coffee in a 24-hour period was the norm. That had to stop immediately.
I cut all caffeine and alcohol (mostly wine) from my life after the second day of headaches. Again, I was very fatigued along with the severe headaches. But I started trying to think positive and thought the fatigue was caffeine withdrawal as I’d grown dependent on it. Further I still went to the gym twice in the week that was the peak of debilitating headaches. I already eat fairly healthy and take several dietary supplements.
The one positive I had going for me is that I suffered no other apparent symptoms that I’ve reported in other people. None of them would have been able to do two-hour cardio and weight workouts in their last days. So maybe there was hope. Maybe the spike proteins were having a difficult time taking over my body, or my body was mitigating a blood clot in my head somehow. But now I needed to discover a way to fight these potential foreign invaders in my body and make my blood as healthy as possible.
Back to health
Four days after eliminating caffeine from my life, the headaches persisted, but were far less severe. The twitching inside my head persisted, like a feeling that blood was squeezing its way through a partially-blocked artery or vein. That’s the only way I can describe it.
In addition to my other regular dietary supplements (zinc, vitamin D, vitamin C) I added feverfew, turmeric, and started eating raw cayenne peppers every morning and night. Garlic and onions are already staples in my diet. But I tripled the intake of those. Anything that is good for my blood, I was pumping into my body. I already drink at least a gallon of water everyday.
Ubiquinol, the active form of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) was added the following week. I took 400 mg per day for a week, before dropping to 200 mg the following week and thereafter. My gym regimen was down to two days in that bad week, but got back to three days the following week and then four the next week. The headaches were all but gone by May 18 or so. But the twitching and feeling of my head being full of liquid persisted. That’s when I turned to the good Dr. Judy Mikovits. She spoke about the antidote for HEALTHY people who unfortunately are contaminated with spike proteins from GMO humans. It’s called suramin.
The research began from there.
Suramin and pine needle tea
The best clue that immediately told me that pine needle tea works to stop the effects of involuntary contamination with spike proteins is the first Google search result. Search “pine needle tea suramin” without quotes and it says in all caps, “pine needles DO NOT CONTAIN SURAMIN.”
Now I was very curious since big tech is suppressing this medicine. Humans have been drinking pine needle tea for centuries. Sailors drank it to fight off scurvy in the 18th and 19th centuries. Suramin has also been used as a treatment for potentially deadly African trypanosomiasis, or sleeping sickness. It is even known to greatly improve the lives of children with autism. Suramin is a synthetic drug that was created by Bayer. But the idea here is to get phytochemicals that act the same way as suramin in the human body.
Some cultures eat the pine needles raw because it is believed that suramin is derived from pine needles. Shikimic acid is the other medicinal phytochemical in pine needles that you want in your body during these surreal spike protein/vaccine times.
But then I thought, “turpentine comes from pine needles.” Won’t that kill me? That deepened the rabbit-hole and led me to the Harvard-educated good Dr. Jennifer Daniels, who once said “The life expectancy of those who do not see the doctor is seven years longer.” She also wrote the book “The Lethal Dose: Murder by Medicine is No Accident.”
I would have never known that people use turpentine in certain situations for health benefits. Granted, I’m not going to go out and start taking tablespoons of turpentine. My only goals were reassurance that pine needles were non-toxic and that you can in fact get suramin and shikimic acid from them. Well, some pine needles are non-toxic. We’ll get to that in a bit.
Pine needles, suramin and the science
There is PLENTY of existing science proving that pine needle tea is good for you in many ways. A 2006 study published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer found that pine needle powder greatly reduced tumor growth in mice and rats. The pine needle powder was derived from a Korean pine species called Pinus densiflora Siebold et Zuccarini.
A 2011 study published in the Journal of Food Science demonstrated powerful antioxidant properties in a pine needle extract from the tree species Cedrus deodara. It found that the extract had strong anti-browning and anti-microbal properties in fruits and vegetables. In other words, it prevented the foods from rotting.
RELATED: Eastern White Pine Tree Needles a Natural Source of Suramin (via the Bioregulatory Medicine Institute/Dr. James Odell)
A 2021 study published in the journal Antioxidants (Basel) answered a question of my own curious mind: why do pine needles never wilt and die like all other leaves on trees? The study found that the flavonoids in pine needles have potential anti-aging properties. The study suggests that extracts from the pine species P. taiwanensi can be used as an anti-inflammatory ingredient in foods and drugs.
Pine needle tea is one of the best ways to realize the potential benefits of suramin and shikimic acid. A 2011 study published in the journal Nutrition Research and Practice concluded that a hot water extract from the pine species Pinus densiflora had far superior antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties than extracts from chemical processes.
Which pine needles to use
Of course you can use all the foregoing species of pine needles mentioned in the studies. I ordered the book “Toxic Plants of North America” (it’s expensive even used) and learned that at least 20 types of pine-looking trees grow toxic needles.
The typical Christmas tree (Araucaria heterophylla) is not a pine tree. It looks like a pine, but the needles are toxic. Yew pines (Podocarpus macrophyllus), ponderosas (Pinus ponderosa), and balsam fir trees (Abies balsamea) are also toxic. Eastern white pines, red pines, and noble firs are what you want.
Tamiflu, a prescription flu drug, is made from shikimic acid. But several reports say that the Swiss pharmaceutical company that makes the drug, Roche, gets its shikimic acid from the Chinese star anise plant.
Interestingly, Roche is also currently entangled in a $1.5 billion false claims lawsuit that you can read about at your leisure. Shikimic acid is also found in white pine and red pine needles. Mike Adams over at Natural News dug up a bunch of studies finding that shikimic acid prevents blood clots.
When I ventured out to find pine trees for their needles, I kept in mind that the desirable trees have five needles per bundle or clump (fascicle). That is the easiest way to identify white pines (aka Pinus strobus). Plus if you’re a Christian, God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” Genesis 1:29.
I personally won’t use anything that looks like the following. The first is a balsamic fir tree. The second one is a white cedar tree.
I filled three large freezer bags with white pine needles from a huge pine forest, which are everywhere in the Midwest. Store them in the freezer. Remember these trees survive harsh winters and hot summers, and always look the same no matter what (there’s no such thing as “fall” or autumn with these trees).
Slice the needles at least three times so you have smaller pieces. There’s also anecdotal evidence that suggests cutting the needles releases all the goodness you want in your body. I stuff the chopped needles in both tea bags and tea balls.
Don’t put it in boiling water. Take the water off the stove right BEFORE it starts boiling and pour it over your needles. Let it steep for 10 minutes.
The tea itself should be relatively clear. I squeeze a tad of honey in mine for a little more flavor. I also found stirring it really fast causes the leftover needles to sink to the bottom of the cup. Regardless, I just drink and swallow whatever remaining needles are in the tea. After three days of drinking three cups of pine needle tea per day, all remnants of the headaches and twitches in my head were gone.
Did pine needle tea cure me?
Today, I take 200 mg of ubiquinol CoQ10 and maintenance dosages of Vitamin D, Vitamin C, turmeric, cayenne pepper, zinc and feverfew daily. Onions and garlic remain staples in my diet, as I love both of them and they taste good to me.
I’ve grown to like the flavor of pine needle tea with honey. So I drink two cups per day – one in the morning and one before bed. I’ll drink 4-5 cups if I’m going to be in crowded spaces like airplanes, concerts, sporting event, etc. I also just received pine needle oil capsules in the mail. These may be my go-to prophylaxis in a pinch when I’m around vaxxed, GMO humans. But I’m 95% back to normal now. Sometimes I feel a little stress pressure in my head. But I think now I’m just paranoid and any little abnormality creeps me out.
As someone who prides himself on critical thinking, I cannot say for certain that pine needle tea cured me. Perhaps it’s a mind over matter thing. Maybe it was a combination of all the other interventions. I may have just had severe migraines for a week due to stress and being overworked. But I will say that it wasn’t until pine needle tea was added to my daily nutritional regimen that all remnants of the headaches and twitches disappeared. Did I really have blood clots in my brain? Was it just stress-related migraines from working too much and rarely sleeping in my mid-40s? I don’t know.
The COVID Blog is my duty. I now have a responsibility to the public to continue covering these stories. This experience was scary for sure. I honestly don’t know what was wrong with me and/or what happened. All I can do is read, learn and hope the problem is resolved for good and the new prophylaxis treatments prevent it from ever happening again. But rest assured I’ll keep going as long as my body permits. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
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Thank you SO MUCH for your personal story!!!!!!!!!! God Bless you!! So happy you are better!!!!!!
I’m a sucker for any and all natural medicine. And I love to research because so many blogs are misleading and uneducated. Like when Covid first came to US, everyone was recommending elderberry. Even though there was evidence for elderberry contributing to cytokine storm…. Anyways,
I love this article and would really enjoy if you posted more about prevention.
I’ve been wanting to forage pine needles to make tea for a long time now (maybe one day lol). It’s a natural (and free) vitamin c supplement : )
There are several reputable vitamin mfg that sell proteolytic enzymes. Basically digestive enzymes taken on an empty stomach, they get in your blood and digest up proteins/fats. This is what I have been doing while I am surrounded by the vax people.
Arthur Andrew Medical and AST enzymes specialize in products like this.
How do these enzymes help re exposure to shedding?! Thanks.
These formulas(Serracor NK, Neprinol AFD, and many other brands) clean the blood of protein and fats. They also help with clotting.
Is serrazimes a good product for this?
interesting! Puradyme, founded by Lou Corona ( i know, the name! But he is a genuine good guy, imv) has proteolytic enzymes. And Lou makes a delicious coconut almond yogurt with them. I first heard of the brand via Dan The Life Regenerator
This is one of the most important stories ever. Period.
People need to know about this.
It’s all over now. It’s offical: it’s us vs them. Vaxx vs non vaxxed.
I don’t want to suffer any illnesses over this spike protein. Stupid vaxxers have condemmed us to die. Twats. These vaxxed people need to either become social pariahs (like lepers) or just die.
Yeah, we’re Screwed! Revelation ch 6 is perhaps playing out before our very eyes – They keep targeting July 4th for their 70% – From what happened to India in a similar scenario & timeline… I’d say that many people will be severely ill, dying or dead by then – Believe upon Jesus death, burial and resurrection as is told in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 and be Happy when He Returns!
Some predict that it will happen by the next Flu Season because they will be super sensitive to their next exposure to any COVID VIRUS.
Wish the the best.
I have a dear friend that that happened to and another person told my friend to get away as she backed up screaming don’t come closer, I don’t want to die. Both people walked over to her without a mask and got in her space of social distancing. Some people get really crazy about this. I stopped going, went once to the senior gathering until vaxed people came into my space because they were vaxed. I said that I was staying away from people because they are vaxed. They looked at me oddly.
this is brilliant evil. dividing us!, all living in fear of our fellow humans no matter which way we believe about all of it. its sad and horrible and tears at my soul.
It’s Terrible for you to wish Death, or want a person to Die, Maybe they Made the Wrong Choice? for What THEY thought The Right Reason.. Others By Fear, of No Income,Of Those Struggling to SURVIVE, The madness and Their Job Demands of Being GMO’d I have Not Complied, Or Had “ANY” Testing. I Chose NOT TOO, I have Had Both My Daughters , 42,a Nurse with a BSN, Did it To be Safe and Her Dialysis’s patients. My 45 Yo Took As The Hospital she works at REQUIRED IT.. I asked her ISN’T Your Life Worth More, Than 12.50 ph?To Take The Poisons? , I’m Mortified, after begging them not too.. I fear They have Signed on to The List For The Grim Reaper.. Their Choice, Their Husbands too.. I CAN NOT STOP WHAT HAS STARTED, I CAN’ Only Be Here For The End..
I agree with you! All the vaxxed are victims willing or not. I feel VERY
SAD for them. I have made it a personal witness of mine to share the
truth I was given about natural prevention to those I meet when out
an about. I give them slips of paper with the info to clerks, folks
in line, or the lady getting in the car next to mine. Some are thankful,
some are disdainful, and others believe that they are protecting their
children and grand children by being jabbed three and four times. ???
WHAT A NIGHTMARE! They may be making sure that their loved
ones will be living without them!
Good morning Debbie. I totally agree with you. I live in South Africa. My brother And wife and 2 daughters and their husbands all too the double vaxx and 2 took boosters too. Mervin got cancer within 6 months, Plavleisel cancer, huge chunk had been cut out behind his ear on his scalp and on his leg. Now the cancer is growing on his back and his side. Plavleisel cancer grows like a tree’ roots, you can cut it out, it keeps multiplying and grow further. His daughter Charmaine cancer started in her lymph nodes, under her arm. Julie’ hands and feet turn purple blues and are extremely painful. I begged all of my family and friends not to take the shots. They did it because the companies the work for, insisted on it. I know of several people who sudden just fell over and died. Obviously from heart attacks. And others got strokes and are partially paralysed. All were between 19 and 55 years old. We can’t change the past, we can only be there and supporting them through these terrible times lying ahead of them.
I am so sorry to hear about the health issues going on with your brother and his family. I pray for them to get thru this dark time. We’ve lost many people in the community I’m from. Cancer rates are also thru the roof here recently. My brother admits now that his health issues started after he got his second shot in February 2022. They are thinking his cancer is back or even worse, leukemia. All I can do it support him and help in any way I can. I’m glad at least now he’s aware of what a terrible decision that was. All he can do now is be hopeful. There is hope.
Praying for you and forever grateful for you sharing truth—praying for your full recovery
Glad your on the mend & I appreciate all the work your doing. Where did you purchase the pine needle oil capsules?
Agree with and greatly appreciate all of your info – Ivermectin definitely works! Keep using and up the frequency… (3X / Day) ended up doing it for me – Was a long battle and I know what you mean about feeling like dying was quickly becoming a very real and likely outcome, but thanks be you you and others – Ivermectin Paste 1.87% is on Amazon and any local Feed Store – I followed the weight model suggested for dosage – If your skin has been affected rub some on there too and wowee/zowee… that cleared up too! – Got some Red Pine Oil just in case, and perhaps for family who have had the jabs… thanks too your info and am using it prophylactically as a precaution – I suspect that Walmart and other Big Box grocery stores may be best avoided – Perhaps 5G kill zones? Always feel worse for a few days it seems after a visit to Walmart, but maybe that’s just me – Thanks Much and am Glad that you also were saved from info provided by you and other brave folks!
How are you using the red pine oil, topically or internally?
I noticed the price at the feed store went up 50-100% depending how far back you look (3-6mo). From what I understand, it’s still really cheap compared to pills for how most people would get them, and you don’t have to pay for a gatekeeper/MD. There’s talk of possible contamination and whatnot, but I’ve also not read about a single problem online. I haven’t done the research, but one also has to look at where the pills are manufactured.
What trees in the American desert southwest can one use?
etsy Has a lot of wonderful sellers of pine needles etc
Wonderful? $20 for FOUR OUNCES of pine needles is a rip off.
Haha my thoughts exactly!
$20/4oz might be more reasonable than you think. I’ll share what I did to acquire white pine needles in North Idaho. I drove 90 minutes to get to 6000 feet. Trees lower down were sporting yellow needles due to no rainfall this summer. Then I had to hike and scout for white pine trees. Not a slam dunk in a full on forest. Found some and only took a little bit from each tree as to not compromise the tree’s health. I had to find younger trees or I couldn’t reach the needles. (even with my ladder) Then I drove 90 minutes home. Next I started stripping the needles from the branches they were attached to…a sticky sappy affair. Next I loaded 4 trays with the needles and put in the freeze drier for the next 24 hours followed by powdering them in one of my blenders. There was still enough moisture in the powder to cause it to eventually spoil so back in the freeze drier. Next I tried powdering the fresh needles. That was tedious indeed as they didn’t want to drop into the blades. I have made tea from chopped needles and hot water, tea from the freeze dried powder in an ancient small espresso machine, and tea from the fresh powder in the espresso and then compared them and muscle tested each one against the other for potency and effectiveness. I’m doing this so I have the product for my family and grandkids and closest friends. I can’t imagine selling my harvest for $20/4 oz. My husband is currently experiencing a significant headache so he’s drinking the teas I’ve been making for the last 36 hours. The headache is beginning to diminish. 4 people in his office have tested positive for covid and he’s been home for a week. White pines grow many places in our country. Your option outside of paying for someone else’s time might be to drive 3-6 hours to a nearby forest and harvest them yourself. You might actually enjoy the outing. If you’re fortunate it might even be closer. Hope this helps you get a clearer picture of how someone arrived at the price of $20/4 oz.
Exactly, Jennifer. I identified a white pine using the instructions from this article about 30 minutes from my house (we’re in Kentucky). I took a small branch from the tree. It took me over an hour to pick ONE ounce of needles off the branch and I stopped after that. Not to mention all the tree sap and bugs on my kitchen floor, and my manicure was utterly destroyed. I’ll gladly pay the $25 for 5 ounces here.
How are you using the powder? In what amounts/frequency? I have been putting a 1/2 tsp into a teabag and letting it sit until cool. I also have put it on my granola-it’s delicious! Just wondering as I am back at work with the GMO people.
I just seen he said ONLY The Ones With 5 Needles. I’m sorry I couldn’t be more Help. Use to research as Google has been compromised.. Good Luck, God Bless
This is such an important article, and I’m so happy to hear that you’re feeling better! Thank you for sharing your experience with us.
Recently I learned that there are only three evergreens that are toxic to humans: the Norfolk island pine, the ponderosa pine, and the yew. You had mentioned the last two, but I’m surprised that the balsam fir is also toxic? The white cedar, balsam fir, white spruce, and white pine are featured in a video I watched, where the person is making the teas and comparing the flavors. The reason I ask is because, wouldn’t it be just my luck, the only evergreen on my property is a balsam fir.
I share this site with everyone I meet. You are doing such a wonderful service for humanity.
The balsam resin has topical uses for cuts/scrapes, and dental problems. It prized as incense too.
Margo, I believe I watched the same video. I am still doing research, but I am sticking to white pine for now. Next up to evaluate for me would be spruces and making sure I avoid yews. Always err on the side of caution. Also, you could start with small concentrations and evaluate, for more safety.
Blue Spruce tastes wonderful, you can use red/white pine, cedar and white or blue spruce. Doesn’t have to be “White Pine”….. Just make sure the one you chose isn’t one of the toxic varieties. There are plenty of articles online one what to make the tea from and exact directions. A 1/4 cup of needles makes a half gallon of prepared tea. I make 1.5 gallons at a time, hope this helps. Don’t forget not to use “City” water, it contains fluoride, which calcifies your pineal gland; which will take away the additional awareness of what’s going on or being able to sense when things aren’t right (Spidey Sense).
Thank you for the info. It seems like most suggest making the tea at much higher strengths – 1-3 tbsp per cup, vs your 4 tbsp per 8 cups of tea.
A blue spruce grows in my father’s yard. The tea is delicious. I wonder about your measurements… 1/4 cup of needles tightly packed? Loosely packed? A weight value would be helpful so that equal strength could be achieved from whole, chopped, or pulverized needles.
Glad you got through that and feel better. As a lifelong sufferer of migraines and tension headaches, I know that when it’s a bad headache, you do wonder if you should demand an MRI. I find the more stress, the worse the headache and its duration. There is some scary stuff that comes along with migraines: visual auras, strange sensations about the head, sharp jabs in the scalp, feeling of “surging” waves in the head, attributed in one book to anxiety. Even a feeling of off-balancedness or dizziness. Good to get checked out. I’m wondering if the vaxxed did spread something to you in the airplanes. Pretty close quarters.
Unfortunately with MRI they want you to have contrast injected into your veins, the dye they use for MRI is Gadolinium, a heavy metal.
I had no idea about the dye being a heavy metal!!! I may be getting an MRI soon, most likely with contrast. I may bypass the contrast. The dr. will just have to settle for the Plain- Jane scan. Thank you for the information!!😁
My sister has been diagnosed w/MS for over a decade. She recently came to the conclusion it was the mri w/that shot that made her foot limp. She can’t walk far or even drive.
Thank you for this article and all the work you are doing. I’m glad you are back to typical. I don’t think the energy drinks are good for you….
This is the most important article I’ve read for a long time. Thank you very much. I’m in Thailand and me and my family are trying to stay healthy and trying to keep away from the vaccinated zombies. We do have to go out occasionally, so I just ordered some very expensive Korean Pine Needle Oil that I will keep for emergency use. Now my mission is to find an edible local pine tree, if I can, and make a tea from the needles.
Another treatment I am trying to get my hands on is Ivermectin. I can find it online as a treatment for animals but I’m not sure if it is safe for humans so I need to get more info or find a good source.
If anyone here has some good info for me I would be grateful.
I got it on Amazon – Yes, yes, yes!!! Use the paste for animals – What I used. (Please see my comment above)
You used the paste? How so?
It’s essentially the same medicine as that used for humans, just packaged differently and is cheaper too.
Brian, thank you for creating this blog, and for sharing your own important story. My yard likely has a great candidate to make pine needle tea. As my husband is now back working amongst vaccinated colleagues, this remedy will surely become a staple in our home.
Shawn, check out to order human grade Ivermectin without a prescription. I also ordered fluvoxamine to have on hand just in case, as per the I-Mask protocol developed by the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance. Good luck!
Thank you for the info
I’m in Thailand (Phuket) too Lazada sells ivermectin as a tapeworm treatment. Pine needles are hard to find I’ve never seen a naturally growing pine tree here too close to the equator maybe. I try to avoid places where the vaxxed might be…best with it…
Malaysian here. I bought white pine needle tea from lazada, both dried and freshly picked. The dried one packed nicely from China and the fresh one was from Indonesia. I bought the fresh one just to see the leaves so that I would know whether it can be found near my place. Still studying though.
Hi Amy, you can use star anise. It has a higher percentage of suramin than pine needles.
How many star anise do you use per cup of water? Ty
The way to efficiently extract from star anise is to grind them in a spice grinder, and using a 15 bar (Pressure) espresso machine make a water extract from them. Source, Mike Adams, the Health ranger.
I couldn’t find his video, but here is a similar one. (Must be a 15 bar espresso machine)
So you grind the star anise in a grinder and brew it like espresso?
My product just says one star in the bottom of a cup- no grinding.
Hey, Thank You 4 letting us know!
I didn’t know this.
I picked up a prophalaxis prescription through Americas Front Line Doctors, they prescribed and filled through a FL pharmacy and shipped to me in MA
How much was the Front Line Doctor consultation? Did it take very long to get one?
I think it is $90 dollars or in that ballpark.
$90 is the initial sign-up and consultation by phone. The process goes as follows: Fill out medical questionnaire. Pay $90. Doctor calls you personally. Then, pharmacy calls you personally. You will then pay for the Rx separately. The Rx was in the $200 range for 6 months. After 5-1/2 months, or thereabouts, to receive a refill, revisit the website. This time you pay only $25 concierge fee (not another $90 again as you are already in their system) The pharmacy calls you again, pay etc. 🙂
I’ve been taking the horse wormer ivermectin since 9 mths ago. House I was living everyone got covid. I started taking alot,probably way to much. Never got covid. Did get side effects from over taking it,chest pains twitching arm. I lowered dose & they gone away. I know the ivermectin saved me from the covid. I hope it saves me from the vaxinated. It’s really cheap at farm& fleet. Bought tons of it afraid they’ll take it off market when people figure out it works. Cause that’s what “They” do. Peace fellow humans I pray for us all
Hi Chris, thanks for sharing this information. We have been taking ivermectin for several months (yes = horse paste from local farm store). We take it once a month on a Saltine (dosage by each of our individual body weights). My mother takes it twice a month. I took the gel from a tube 30 years ago; my doctor prescribed it so I wouldn’t have to buy two different oral & external prescriptions for scabies.
I was tempted to buy a whole bunch of it myself, but then I realized that a little bit goes a long way and our two tubes would last a very long time.
It IS so easy for all of us to over-think in order to try and protect ourselves. Don’t worry…ivermectin has a very low toxicity level (as you did – ease up and it’s flushed out with no harm). Coming from a farm family, I don’t think that our government will put restrictions on ivermectin paste in the near future. It’s a med that’s absolutely necessary for all animals – both farm & personal pets.
I have read many times that ivermectin will also protect us from the vaxxed shedding (same spike protein in the virus; same spike protein shedding from people).
My great uncle never went to doctors and took every med that he gave to his farm animals. The vet simply told him what dosage to use for himself. We are all animals, aren’t we? He lived to age 95 and would have lived longer, if not for a tragic accident….he may have been one of those people that live to 110 or beyond! Whatever, he was on the right track and I am grateful for all that he taught me whether he knows it or not.
BTW, my husband has had those pesky eye mites for YEARS that plague some people with red-rimmed eyes & styes. The doctors tell people to wash their eyes with baby shampoo. Well, gone now for several months. This pandemic has taught all of us a lot, hasn’t it? Live & Learn
How do you take the paste??
There are markers on the side of the pusher on the tube/syringe that are in 50 lb increments. Since I weigh 200, I set the stop at 4 of these markers and push. Out comes approximately a teaspoon sized amount of gel or paste. I put it on my finger, smear it onto the back of my tongue and drink a gulp or two of water. I do this on day 1 and then day 3 only when I am about to be out in public or around a crowd of people. There is hardly a taste. The name of the 2 tubes that I purchased on Amazon is Duramectin 1.87% Apple Flavored. Good luck!
You can go to Americas Front Line doctors and they will show you how to get Ivermectin.
I bought ivermectin through the go to the website and look for treatments for Covid 19 I filled out the info a frontline doc called me the next day for a phone interview .. gave him required info and they had a pharmacist call me within 24 hrs I ordered the ivermectin and they sent it within 2 days .. it is $90 for the phone consult which you pay ahead of time when you fill out info on their site.. it was $72 for 12 pills .. I got it for treatment if I start to have symptoms of Covid I did not get the vaccine and will not you can also use the ivermectin prophylactically ..
I work in a salon and get it because of the people I work close to I wanted to have it on hand in case I start to have symptoms and I take the ivermectin right away for 12 pills you take four pills the first day skip a day another four pills skip another day and another four pills it helps to stop the Covid in your body.. I also take daily before I go to work n-Acetyl-l-cysteine..1 daily recommended by a frontline prevents the spike protein from vaxxed people is 600 mg I ordered it from life extensions it is getting harder to get according to a frontline doc that I spoke to from florida.. be blessed and do your research..
I’ve been buying vitamins, herbs & natural foods from iHerb online store, for about 8 years. Bought a bottle of NAC just 2 wks ago. They have several good brands available; their shipping is free after $20. I don’t work for them, just a customer. Hope this helps you & others.
NAC is said to work detoxing the poison from vaxx
I believe is beneficial to take it
I got my NAC from Walmart I used to get this from Amazon but they stopped selling it. I read something about this supplement and graphine oxide that’s in those jabs maybe that’s why the FDA wants to change its status to a drug….
I used to get dr. in my area.It cost me 60$ for telephone visit and he sent the arc to my local Walgreens pharmacy. I have UnitedHomeHealthCare coverage and the script cost $3.74 ! Use your own pharmacy! Also check out GoodRx coupons if you don’t have insurance their prices maybe cheaper but in my case it was not.
a veterinarian who commented on amazon, said that it is the same medicine for animals as for humans. i bought ivermectin at the farm supply store, in paste form, the cheapest. i have been taking it for 2 or 3 months, with no side effect. i am retired at the moment –RN. is a great site with info on what to do at each stage of Covid. there are different protocols for Covid treatment, so dont worry if you read different things. ivermectin is preventative and cure for Covid. Jesus is the great Healer, and we have to ask Him what to do, first. remember the bible story about the woman who had spent all of her $ on doctors and was still sick? good example. do your own research, i do not want this to be considered medical advice that i am liable for!God bless you.
Hello and Jesus bless you my friend. I am sharing my experience with the spiked proteins. Like you I dont visit drs, dont trust them, and prefer natural remedies. I forgot that people were getting jabbed here in Arizona as early as Feb, so I didnt know yet about the danger to the unvaxxed. My neighbor said she got it and came into my apt and within 48 hrs my whole chest broke out in a terrible rash. Like poison oak. It took 2 wks to heal. Also, since then, I noticed severe fatigue and nausea whenever I go for groceries or interact out in the world. I try to limit that. I took ivermectin before as a healing modality bc I got a severe sickness in Nov 2018. It was definitely a bioweapon, like nothing I ever had. It reminded me of some lines in the first Alien movie…..”it has a funny way of replicating cells”, or something like that. No sooner would my hard working immune system begin t kick it, the whole set of symptoms would reset! This happened several times. Take ivermectin, it works. I am taking 12 mg daily for 20 days in a row, then I will stop for a while. I pray alot about remedies and try to hear the Holy Spirit. One thing I noticed was ever since I got that illness (SARS??) in 2018, my nasal cavity sometimes fills with blood clots. Ivermectin stops that asap. I tried the pine tea but I dont know if it did anything, but I also have a rare blood type so I dont know. I have been successful my whole life using natural remedies. In 2018 I couldnt kick that illness and finally went to the dr. Luckily I saw a very cool dr, and first thing he said was, “you havent been to a dr for 14 yrs based on your history”……I laughed and said thats how I like it. It was 2019 at that pt and he also had gotten the illness and admitted he had no clue what it was. I get the ivermectin online, indiamart. I share your posts regularly all over the place. Probably will be getting kicked off some platforms soon but many people have your blog info. We are called to spiritual war. I am ready. Hope you get well soon brother. In Christ.
Thank you. I am contacting Indiamart to buy Ivermectin. God bless you.
Hi, that’s awesome. Be careful to make sure payments are invoiced correctly and they send a tracking number. God bless you.
I had to take my Dad to ER on Memorial Day for vertigo, head pressure, blurry vision and a headache. He had his 1st Moderna Mar 11. I will never get the vax, tried to talk him out of it, but he wouldn’t listen.
I was in close proximity to him and many others while I stayed with him in the ER for 6 hours. He’s 84 so needed some help.
Anyway, the last few days I’ve felt “off”. Heart racing at times, some weird pressure and rash/hives in various places on my body. Mostly forearms, neck, and ankles. Shedding? No way to prove it I suppose, but it sure seems odd. I suspect all the people breathing spike proteins on me for hours is the case. Hope you get better soon Brian, this is a great website!
What was the price for your pills? How many did you get? How many mg were in each pill? What was the shipping cost or other fees?
My husband weighed 240 pounds so he took 7.5 pills a day for 5 days. Each pill was 3 mg of Ivermectin. So the total amount of Ivermectin he took daily was 22 mg. Multiply that by 5 days and he took 114 mg of Ivermectin total.
He doesn’t have any drug coverage so he used one of those discount cards (Good Rx) at CVS, and paid $40.00 for 38 pills with each one of them being 3 mg. The price has now gone up at CVS.
I am just trying to compare prices here in the US with buying the pills abroad. Of course he also paid for a consultation with his Frontline doctor ($75 since I was also paying her $75), but it was good to talk to an actual doctor to find out more information.
Which indiamart supplier do you purchase ivermectin from?
Did you have any issues with Indiamart and or the application?
Also I forgot to mention, as a Christian you cannot afford to drink alcohol. Sorry if this sounds harsh but its coming from one who has enjoyed wine my whole life. The Lord Jesus has told me over and over = No alcohol. We must be sober, we must have all our brain cells to fight this war and win. God bless.
but jesus himself drank wine
a lord can do these things
it doesn’t destroy them
The wine he drunk in those times has nothing to do with the wine we know now.
I see this parroted in many places, but no one ever provides evidence. When Jesus turned water into wine during the wedding at Cana, the master of the feast questioned the groom as to why he served the good wine last. The Bible warns about drunkenness regarding wine (Isaiah 29:9 amongst others). What would the point of that warning be if the wine of the time had very little alcohol or was “basically grape juice” as I’ve heard from some tea-totalers.
Perhaps we can live in our freedom in Christ as Paul mentions. If you have a conviction, fine, live as you are convicted, but beware the Bible’s warnings about the Judaizers. If you preach a different gospel, you’re on very shaky ground.
Amen..i totally agree. Jesus turned water into wine–not grape juice. Many people have told me this and I told them they weren’t there & there was no refrigeration back then. Grapes fermented. Wine was part of their culture. Drunkenness was a sin, but enjoying wine with a meal or at a get-together with friends was not.
Hello. Just maybe that “wine” Yahshua created at that wedding was ‘”new wine” which IS grape juice! Gee. This is what He will be drinking at the wedding supper of The Lamb. Matthew 26:29
The bible forbids drunkenness, not having a drink. The apostle Paul told Timothy to drink a little wine for his stomach issues. There’s nothing wrong with having a drink, however, that doesn’t mean one can get drunk. Being sober minded means to be discreet, be on watch. Look at the verse in it’s context, ‘ Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.’ the call for sober mindedness refers to being on guard against Satan’s lies, which all dead religion is filled with. It’s a warning to be aware of false religion and it’s works based system used to get people saved. Satan devours those who are not given a mind of understanding by God with his deluded dead religion and all the wolves who promote it.
My message was for Brian.
I understand, but you took a verse out of context to try and show one should avoid alcohol, so it was necessary to correct that. 16All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
*Sobriety of the mind and temperament go hand in hand with alcohol impairment……..Can one be “clear headed, abstinent, self contained, have good sense, good judgement, wisdom, and level-headed in times of stress” (sober) while using alcohol? To fully address your comment, let me remind you that in order to establish Gods doctrine on a subject we must take the word/meaning and look at it throughout his holy bible. Then you have the true meaning. This is not possible on this forum. I believe you have taken my meaning out of context. We are not legalists in the body of Christ. However, point one, all must determine their own choices, my comment to Brian, one who is perhaps called to this task of informing the public of a very powerful satanic lie, was to Brian. Question: Did Jesus say to avoid drunkenness? He sure did. So you can never deny this as truth. Proverbs 20:1 – Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.
Proverbs 23:20-21 – Be not among winebibbers
Mark 14:25 – Verily I say unto you, I will drink no more of the fruit of the vine, until that day that I drink it new in the kingdom of God.
Second, the word “sober” in Greek has multiple meanings = “clear-headed, abstinent, abstemious, sober, temperate, self-contained”. Alcohol effects our brains, our cognitive functions and it also impairs our health so mentioning the verse about staying SOBER is accurate. If your comment is to dismiss Jesus’s message about warning against alcohol, then you are in error. This is not a light subject and it can be exhaustive (this is not the place for it) Lastly, when we step out in truth we open ourselves up for attack by Satan. When we stay alcohol free, in my experience, we break some of the legal right of the enemy and he has less opportunity against us. This has been my experience for 30 yrs. This is another reason Jesus said fasting (putting the flesh under submission) works against the demonic. They drank wine in the old days often because water was not clean. My message is that when in a spiritual war, use every advantage you can to win! Sobriety is a huge advantage, in my experience. Yes, God said there was a place for wine: Proverbs 31- Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts.
7 Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more.
If myself, if Brian, if anyone enters in this spiritual war, you need to be healthy, you need your brain to fully function and you need to be physically and mentally SOBER. Its ok if you disagree. The holy spirit always gives the best advice, and if he tells you to drink alcohol, thats bewteen you and him.
This is your original statement, “Also I forgot to mention, as a Christian you cannot afford to drink alcohol. Sorry if this sounds harsh but its coming from one who has enjoyed wine my whole life. The Lord Jesus has told me over and over = No alcohol.” There isn’t a verse that demands ‘no alcohol’. The bible forbids ***drunkenness***, not casual consumption. You are taking it way past what it actually says, pulling verses out of context in an attempt to say one should never, ever have a drink.
Let’s be clear, the bible says not to get drunk, a drunkard will not enter heaven. What is a drunkard? It’s one who habitually gets inebriated, who purposely consumes alcohol until drunkenness sets in.
From 1 Timothy 5, “No longer drink only water, but use a **little wine** for your stomach’s sake and your frequent infirmities.” Paul explicitly told Timothy to drink a little wine, so it becomes clear wine is not evil in and of itself. It’s when someone abuses wine, using in excess, that it becomes an issue.
Now, take note what Paul says in 1 Timothy 3…
Deacons likewise must be dignified, not double-tongued or given to **much wine** or greedy for money’
I *starred* the phrases to point out the variation in them, ‘little wine’ and ‘much wine’. One is recommended, the other is forbidden, what is the difference? ‘little’ and ‘much’ , the first meaning exactly what it says, a little or a small amount. The latter means a great deal, excessive.
This is from Psalm 104, ‘He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth;
And wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and oil to make his face to shine, and bread which strengtheneth man’s heart.’ Here we see the wine makes the heart glad, or merry. This doesn’t refer to drunkenness, it does refer to wine in moderation. We know this because why? Because other verses that make it clear concerning drunkenness, like 1 Cor. 5:11, the word ‘drunkard’ is from the Greek word ‘methysos’ , the root word is ‘methyō’ and is defined by Strongs as ‘to drink to intoxication, i.e. get drunk’. This is clearly what the bible forbids, drinking to the point of obvious intoxication.
Again, you must compare scripture with scripture to rightly interpret. Drinking wine is NOT forbidden, drinking excessively and getting drunk IS forbidden. Nothing is wicked until sinful man misuses and abuses it.
The problem most professing Christians have is they refuse to let the bible say what it says in its proper context. They take personal views, then they use those as a hammer to pound those views and impose them on others. Your claiming Christ told you ‘no alcohol’ cannot be supported by His word. That was my point, which is why I broke down 1 Peter 5:8 in its proper context, sober minded has nothing to do with alcohol in the context Peter wrote it. Let the bible speak for itself, and don’t add your spin on it. Accept correction, all God’s elect delight when He rights their wrong.
Laurie, I agree–good words. Jesus multiplied the wine and blessed the wedding that he attended. In fact, the scripture says that this was “the best wine” of the party. If God is opposed to wine, Jesus would be a kind of hypocrite to manufacture it.
Also, organic red wine contains a lot of Anti-Oxidants with many benefits in the current situation, although you should not drink to excess, of course!-
The health benefits often touted by the “experts” can also be found in fresh grapes, unfermented grape juice, and raisins without the intoxicating and harmful effects of alcohol. Additionally, the benefits of red wine are offset by the damage it’s long term consumption -in ANY amount- can cause all of the organs in the body. In short, the anti- cancer properties of red wine are cancelled out by it’s cancer-causing properties. Don’t take my word for it, look this up for yourself, there are a plethora of studies that show this. No amount of alcohol is safe or beneficial.
Think about this long and you honestly believe that Jesus would turn several huge pots of water into a fermented, alcoholic beverage and promote complete and total intoxication of an entire wedding party? That would indeed make Him a hypocrite, and worse yet, a sinner of the highest order.
Judging by your comment, I assume that you are a Christian and indulge, at a minimum, in the occasional drink, whatever that means for you. If I have wrongly assumed this, I sincerely apologize. But if I have assumed correctly, then I must ask the following: Why do you drink? Is it for enjoyment? For relaxation? Unwinding after a long day? What about personal devotions and daily communion with Jesus, is that not enough? Are you someone who believes that Jesus enjoys communing with you while you are on a buzz? Even small amounts of alcohol can impair judgment. I encourage you to read the story of Nadab and Abihu in Numbers 3 in its entirety. After you read that, skip on over to Malachi 3:6. The God of Numbers 3 and Malachi 3:6 is the exact same God that we worship today, and He would have all of His people clear-headed at all times. We cannot serve Him or glorify and honor Him on an alcohol or drug-induced buzz, moreover, He would not honor it. The Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 6 that our bodies are not our own, and I’m sure you’re familiar with that passage, so I would encourage you to take a look at this study and understand what any amount of alcohol does to the body.
In short, no amount of alcohol is safe or beneficial. Whatever benefits may be found in alcoholic beverages are offset by the damage they cause to all internal organs, from diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. If you drink occasionally on a regular basis, what is to stop you from going over the edge at some point and becoming a full-blown alcoholic? There’s an expression that says, “Give the devil an inch, he’ll take a mile.” Ephesians 4:17 tells us not to give place to the devil. You made an accusation in your comment that you have very well done yourself: you’ve wrested the scriptures to your own destruction. I pray you will study these things out for yourself and truly seek, in full sobriety, understanding and clarification on this issue. May the Holy Spirit lead and guide you, and I pray you will allow the Holy Spirit to guide you into ALL truth. Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers. In Jesus’ holy name, Amen.
If you are a Christian, and you drink occasionally on a regular basis, what is to stop you from going over the edge at some point and becoming a full-blown alcoholic? How do you know that you aren’t a full-blown alcoholic? Alcohol, in any amount, robs us of discernment, and anyone who believes otherwise is deceived. Scripture tells us that “wine is mocker…and anyone who is deceived thereby is not wise” Proverbs 20:1. There’s an expression that says, “Give the devil an inch, he’ll take a mile.” Ephesians 4:17 tells us to not give place to the devil. I need to also mention that there are Christians who are seriously struggling with alcoholism, and we are cautioned against causing the brethren to stumble (Romans 14:13, 1 Corinthians 8:9), and your comment would cause many to stumble.
will pinus elliotti or pinus taeda work?
I have the same question as pinus elliotii is abundantly available
Good and interesting article, However it would be good to know how shedding occurs. Air born? skin contact? from something a vaxxed person has used/touched? How long do the spike proteins last outside the body ?
Steve Kirsch claims the spike protein is made for 48 hours, I do not know if that is true, he is well informed, but not sure of his source.
Another claim is the spike protein breaks down within a month.
This site has some videos that talk about it and many people like Brian who experienced it, but mostly speculation on how it transmits.
go to bitchute and search for Dr. Tenpenny
I get a nosebleed, it must be airborne. Or maybe they’re radioactive?? Who knows. It goes away after a while, but I do get one around newly vaxed people.
I just recently started working in close proximity to someone who has been vaxxed. I am getting more and more nervous about it.
Also, this person has a “cold” which has turned into a sinus infection. She is coughing all over the place, within close proximity to me!
I am not happy…
If she’s coughing she should go home if you ask me. Many people get COVID-19 after they’re jabbed. There’s more than one reason they are pushing forward with this forced vaccination agenda. Go to put CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS PLANET LOCKDOWN in the search engine and listen to her FULL interview. Also has a form to sign letting your elected officials know you are against the mandates. also has forms to download if you’re being threatened with loss of job, school etc.
I just saw this article on using an espresso maker to steam star anise (ground up) because it has even more of that healing substance called shikimic acid, than pine does. I dont have an espresso maker so I am going to try using my italian coffee carafe bc it gets very very hot.
I enjoy reading your newsletter, and glad to keep up on the info…back in Feb this year, my hubby and I saw our primary doc, who had the shot, we always get a hug; and then a few days later, at church, hugged a couple of friends, and then found out in conversation…they always want to brag they had the shot…that yes, they had the shot…well, about a week and a half later, I got sick. No headaches like yours. But the exhaustion was huge; sore throat, and a persistent cough.Then a couple days later, my hubby got all the same symptoms. We naturally stayed home, didn’t want to be around any people. And slept a lot…only up for a couple hours in the morning and then not again till 2pm and then slept till 5 pm…I also had the aches in the back of my knees that I get with a bad flu. But that only lasted one day. Both of our symptoms lasted for well over 3 weeks. Fortunately, we had enough food in the house that we just didn’t go out. Didn’t even think about getting it from vaccinated people till weeks later I started seeing it on social media…then we flashed back and wondered if that’s who we got it from. No, we never went in to be tested…don’t trust that PCR test anyway. Thankfully, we had it mild, but the exhaustion was the worse and longest symptom to get rid of. Glad you are better too…oh, and yes we take all the same supplements, but we also take zinc and Quercetin, alpha lopic acid, berberine and many more. Stay Healthy…
Had the same reaction also. Closed down my massage practice of some 26+ years because did not want to be around vaxxed people. Also am a retired pharmacist, and let my license go because the CEU was to convince people to get vaccinated. No way. NC pharmacy board and NC medical board would not let pharmacists talk about invermectin, CHQ. vitamin D, C, etc to strengthen immune system. So, I can now do this because I am not under jurisdiction of the NC pharmacy board.
What a bummer. You gave up a lot! You’ve put your life’s work & effort into 2 very respectable professions. Hope you’re doing okay having been pushed into retirement. It’s so disturbing how so-called medical authorities have become so political, closed minded, bull headed, & care nothing about actual true, medical health.
Thanks for sharing. Have you tried fasting?
last week, i got a headache + grogginess + brain fog for a few hours after being touched by a vaxxed friend. (i’m careful about only meeting them outdoors & don’t stay too close. we don’t wear masks). I also had the same reaction after my acupuncturist. (Needless to say, he touched me during treatment)
Although i don’t know if i’m overreacting tho. but i fired my acupuncturist just to be on the safe side.
Thank you for all that you do!! I’m glad your feeling better. I take d3 & elderberry along with vitamin c too. I too am around “shot victims”😩. It’s stressful for sure!! I saw a lot of people on Etsy selling pine needles for tea. I’m amazed you went out and found your own!!
Brian, often people write articles in which they are competent in understanding, but for a “layperson” it is often difficult to follow. When I write articles I try to make it easy reading and often get feedback precisely about it is pleasant for others to read what I write. Your article I view is showing your profession as well as the very detailed steps you took which is not only very worthy but commendable. It is a pleasure to read such an article and not get lost in too many technicalities. My wife is always about supplements, etc, but I am not and yet she ask me to give her a brief explanation about what others write. As such, I am glad your article is easy to follow. Wish you the best in health and again thanks for the article.
I thoroughly enjoyed this story and thought that it is my duty to place a comment so you know that people are reading these informative articles.
Much respect from down under.
Many blessings
Wow, this is fascinating. Humans have only had plants as medicine for thousands of years–in some places, that’s all they STILL have. I am so glad your open mind led you to (very real) medicine that sounds like it really addressed your condition. The people that say that plants aren’t real medicine don’t realize that pharma has extracted a lot of its medicines from plants (only sometimes the extracted version either doesn’t work or has negative side effects–more evidence that our insistence on reductionism is misguided).
“Whatever ill in life there be, the answer is nearby you see”. -19th century American herbal healer saying.
I am grateful you were able to battle and get back to health. (And, I skip the elliptical when healthy and otherwise just tired…you’re near death and going to the gym…a showoff, ha). Your experience is a huge warning for your readers. It shows it is a wise decision to keep immune system very healthy and also to boost one’s defenses against shedders with such things as the pine tree tea. Thank you for sharing and glad to have you back.
I read every word of Brian’s editorial and especially liked how cautious he was about whether he is really a victim of shedding and whether the pine needle tea really cured his headaches. But on both accounts, it sounds like there’s a good chance. On my bike ride today I noticed a lot of pine trees along the side of the road and am taking a pair of scissors with me next time. It would be good to store a few bags of this in the freezer, just in case.
I was wondering where you went! Thank you for sharing your story. God Bless all your work!
I just started using white pine needle tea. I can’t believe the amazing results I am having. Within a couple of hours what was left of my eczema was almost completely cleared up. The infection on my toe also healed, and I’ve had energy for the first time in 2 years. This is day 4 of using the tea, and I continue to have good energy levels. I’ll tell you my story because I think it’s important. Something most people are not considering. My boyfriend was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer 8/19 (age 55). He decided NOT to do chemo or radiation. He did have 2 surgeries due to a complete blockage ,and then a colostomy reversal. He started natural treatments. By the end of April 2020 he was feeling great and his blood tests were showing cancer almost in the normal range. About the first week in May 2020 he came down with a virus (he was not tested for Covid). Symptoms were shortness of breath, fever, chills, and SWOLLEN TESTICLES (this was a red flag for me recently after hearing this swelling was a symptom of the vaccine/shot – one report of an ER doctor seeing 30-35 men per week coming in with swollen testicles). He never had the shot, so I’m assuming he was exposed to the spike protein from the virus. He was treated for the virus by his chiropractor with a rife machine. The breathing issues resolved, but the swelling continued. It was at this point that his cancer exploded. By the end of May he was very weak, and by the middle of June 2020 a CT scan showed over 30 large tumors all over his body. So, I started asking around on cancer boards if anyone else had seen new cancer or increased cancer after having the virus or shot. Many people responded and said within 2-3 weeks they had a huge increase in cancer, including one person who’s cancer had been steady for 3 years. My health also declined last year. I thought it was stress, but now I’m thinking he exposed me to the spike protein. I broke out with eczema in September for the first time ever, and it got worse over the next 6-7 months. Also an infected toe for the first time, and it wouldn’t heal. My energy levels have been extremely low, and I’ve gained 30 pounds. The pine needle tea seems to be working. I’m just wondering how long does this go on? Will this eventually kill me? Will I need to take the tea indefinitely? I’m also using white pine oil, fennel seeds (chewing after meals), and star anise tea. Thank you for the article!!
I forgot to mention that my boyfriend passed away in October. It seemed that nothing we did after he came down with the virus was helping. This is why I think it’s important to address the spike protein in the body even if symptoms of the flu have resolved. I wish we had known more a year ago.
Very helpful info. thank you!
Mary, I’m so sorry. You both went through so much difficulty for 2+ years. It’s so wrong that he and so many more lose everything because of this damn virus. I’m glad you’re hangin in there, & searching, reaching out for therapies and healing, and, also staying connected to good folks like on this website. Wishing you good health and recovery.
Research MMS (chlorine dioxide therapy).
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Thank you for sharing! Your story re-confirmed my own.
Middled-aged, unvaxxed female. Healthy until… March when heavy, irregular bleeding began. Abdominal pain began April. Fortunately, my diet was already heavy with immunity-guarding foods like ginger, garlic, turmeric, green tea, etc and so increased my take, which likely saved my life
Learned of the spike protein towards the end of April/beginning May. Still wasn’t sure, but increase in pain threw uncertainty out the window. Began heavy dosing of pine tea spiked with ginger, clove, cinnamon. The next day after starting the pine tea, the bleeding stopped and the pain lessened to where I was able to exercise. And now, the pain has nearly disappeared completely, like I recovered from a giant bruise across my middle.
I also resumed bromelain/quercetin vitamins, and I’ve been eating more pineapple since these contain digestive enzymes for proteins.
Best wishes and prayers.
Wow, with that fast a recovery after pine tea, I’d say that stuff truly works. I’ve been taking quercetin w/bromelain, eat pineapple regularly for years. I take Solgar brand Mega Quercetin, 1 cap= 600mg Q, +brom, rutin, hesperidin, bioflavs, & vit.C. Online store iHerb is where I buy all my vits/supplmnts. I take a variety of other anti-virals, anti-inflammatories, herbs, vits, minerals, etc. I’ve been living like under house arrest, like a hermit, since 3/2020, only grocery delivery, due to 70 yr old, heart issue, spine damage & fibromyalgia. Even w/that, I’ve been sick 4 x’s with a littany of viral symptoms. I need to start getting things done & go out in public a bit more, but I’m really scared. I have ivermection horse paste, not taken yet, & –thank you! Brian.. so glad I found your site.. I will be buying some of the pine needle tea.
I have been having lots of fatigue and really bad headaches lately. Last Friday I took the day off from work and stayed in bed the whole day with headache, stomachache. I’m going to try the pine needle tea. Thank you for your blog!
I’m a nurse that works at Penn Medicine in Pennsylvania in the operating room. Penn just mandated the vaccine as a requirement of employment. Everyone MUST be vaccinated before September 1. They have told us that 70% of their employees have already been vaccinated. I have been suffering from severe migraines, nausea, vomiting, brain fog, and fatigue for the past two weeks. I left work early twice. I have no intention of getting this experimental gene therapy, and I’m probably going to leave my profession because of it. I’m a critical care nurse that was mandated against my will to work in the COVID ICU during our surge for a couple of months. I know what COVID can do, and I’m more afraid of the vaccine then getting COVID. Thanks for your inspiration!
Aileen, I probably speak for many when I say that my prayers are with you and yours, that He stands by you and provides. I believe that you and any true nurses and doctors, those who were called (you know who you are, as opposed to people who took that route because of the income and/or status) will have to go underground to be real medical practitioners. I believe some already have.
The small-town doctor who treated most of the large and active semi-rural families I knew when I was growing up, would have properly diagnosed the real diabetic (type 1) and saved his life, and he would have told the type 2 diabetic, “You don’t need a doc, you need a kick in the butt. Stop wasting my time, it is critical to others.”
WOW! Awe! Thank you! Prayers! Check if the good people over at Dr. Kory & Dr. Marik group, FLCCC, might have a job for you; you have immense, valuable, critical knowledge, skills & experience. Hope you find a new position with sane, informed, empathetic medical people.
Thanks for posting such great content. Informative and content suppressed by the mainstream media.
Just found this site today… very grateful — thank you Brian.
Thank God for you. 🙏
I am a functional health practitioner specializing ingenomic analysis ofcthe inflammation (oxidative stress) and detoxification pathways. I am adamantly against injection of toxins (mRNA), face masks, quarantine and face masks because all exacerbate immune deficiencies. What I am aboutvtonwrite is my own selection for managing my health in a world of spike protein-shedders. I knew of and spoke with Jennifer Daniels MD long before COVID erupted; and have been following her suggestions fir dosing turpentine. I use a sugared CoQ10 gummy (instead of a sugar cube) and source turpentine from Diamond G Forest Products of Georgia. I do this treatment with a deep understanding of my own immune/detox systems. Elimination (regular bowel movements) is important, as are nutrients, and removal of other toxins (mycotoxins from mold, parasites etc) Dr Neil Nathan’s book “Toxic” has excellent information, as does Tennant Institute on the importance of voltage at the cellular level. You will want to support the EVER CRITICAL lipid membrane of the mitochondria. I start all clients with a Functional Genetic DNA test — this test goes way beyond 23&Me or nutrient/fitness gene tests. Second, we do an organic acids test. All is compiled in analytical software. Itvis all well and good to take these supplements but you really (really) need to know what you are working with and your doctor running a blood test will have no clue!
Thanks for sharing your struggle and all the good information you found. I have been investigating to see if pine needle essential oil can be mixed with water and taken internally like a tea or tonic. Do you have any info on this? How did your capsules work for you?
Do you think turpentine has the seramin it and everything we need to fight the spike protein? My friend takes it and says it’s fantastic.
Anyone know for sure if it’s in it?
I think pine needles have to be boiled to create turpentine. The pine needle tea is taken before the water boils.Food grade turpentine is never taken by the cupful…..only 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon on some sugar cubes (remember the song just a teaspoon of sugar helps the medicine go down?). So perhaps the shikimic acid is destroyed upon boiling. That would be my guess. However, both turpentine and pine needle tea is good. The Star Anise tea has the higher concentration of shikimic acid and is cheaper to buy on Amazon. Also fennel seed tea, and dandelion root tea have shikimic acid.
I just want to make a note on your comment, Liz. Those with issues breaking down high oxalates should be aware fennel & dandelion are extremely high in oxalate acid.
Dr. Zach Bush has info on the shikimate (shikimic?) pathway and how gmo is blocking our absorption of certain amino acids and making us sick. Don’t know if this pertains. I’m not in the medical field but Dr. Bush’s info is fascinating.
Also, what about Vitamin D levels? Does it factor in?
Amazon sells different pine needle teas. Can you tell me which I should buy?
My daughter, a Police Sargeant, has been having extremely bad headaches. Her Dr, which is mine too at the moment, wants her to get a head scan and prescribed migraine medication. I sent her this information praying she read and understand what is truly causing her problems. A mom can only suggest when they have left our home years ago and has her own family. Please pray with me that my daughter realizes the truth. Thank you.
Many of the younger adults who took both jabs experienced bad migraines and horrible nightmares the days after the second shot. No “vaccine” should be giving this kind of violent reaction.
I can understand the nightmares.
“Tamiflu, a prescription flu drug, is made from shikimic acid. But several reports say that the Swiss pharmaceutical company that makes the drug, Roche, gets its shikimic acid from the Chinese star anise plant. ”
The First Nations up in Canada found back when the H1N1 was around that Star Anise Tea helped to break the high fevers in babies.
It was used then, as was Pine NeedleTea. If MRSA comes in as a secondary invader… increase Copper. Copper kills MRSA.
Interesting that we are Copper deficient since we were weaned away from Copper Pipes. We are also mostly low Iron… bordering on being deficient since we were talked out of Iron Pipes and Iron Cookware and we were sold Teflon Cookware.
Native Americans here in the States have been using Pine Needle Tea as their Medicine. I learned about it sitting with the Elders. Flat Leaf Cedar Tea is also strong Medicine. They make Mullein Tea for congestion and Lung Issues and add a pinch of Coltsfoot if mucus does not budge easily. Mullein Tea is my first go to. Then, the Pine Needle Tea. Then the Flat Leaf Cedar Tea but only 1/4 cup dose 2-3 times a day… as it is very strong Medicine.
If I think that I am starting a cold, then I usually toss a Sage Leaf into any hot Tea that I make.
This is an amazing story! Incredible information, too. So glad you are healed. God bless!
Thank you for your research and story. I went out and got some pine needles today and made some horrific tasting yet healthy tea. Being around vaxxed people is dangerous, and I live with one so I have no choice but to consume 3-5 cups a day. We need to spread this antidote to others as well.
God Bless you all!
Hi! Horrific what you went through from the off-shedding. I’ve read that spruce needle tea also works for this. I’m drying mine, like dried herbs, and keeping in a mason jar in a cool, dark place. All the best to you, and all of us as we venture into this dangerous society. God bless you.
Has anyone been using Dandelion Tea or Fennel Tea??.. I saw so many varieties of both Dandelion Root & Dandelion Leaf tea at local store & have heard that it contains the magic Shiskimic acid as well?!…Best wishes, all!–
Tank you so
Much for all you write
In my country i dont have the pine tree
I am in Europe Portugal where i can bye this pine tea please?
Tank you
China….I bought mine from Amazon, and the vendors are in Korea and China. I sprained my foot and could not forage for the pine needles near where I live. Dandelion root works, too. Hopefully your country has dandelions growing in the early spring.
Hi. Regarding graphene. Hydrogen peroxide oxidizes metal and taken orally is said to make body reject non bio materials. Could this happen with getting the body to reject the graphene? And can pine needles teas to this too?
Thank you for this post.
I work as a disability support worker in Australia. I am around a one vaxxed client twice a week. My mother is also vaxed but there is one major issue for me that means I am going to working full time for myself as an NLP therapist.
I am severely allergic to the protein shedding from vaxed people.
By sever I mean breathing difficulties, full body shakes and convulsions and swelling in my throat and lymph glands.
Pine needle tea and antihistamines are keeping alive, literally.
I now can’t see my mother in person because of my reaction.
It starts in 2 hours of being around a vaccinated person, direct correlation. Every time, it happened 6 times now. With the known one I prep with taking pine needle tea and it makes it alright for me to do my two hour shift but if there is a second exposure in 24 hrs, I am down in dizzy spells then convulsions start. Often lasting intermittently for 24 hrs.
I am glad to read other people’s experiences as I know then that I am not alone.
My doctor only half believes me as he can loose his job if he admits it’s the shedding.
Any way thank you so much for this article. Its important people can get some other perspectives and knowledge.
Change docs. Yours is a craven sellout.
Hello! I had dinner last night with a bunch of people vaxxed and I when I got home I felt off, I started having dry cough and my throat felt weird so immediately I got a ginger shot with some cayenne pepper and I woke up feeling better but my fingers on both hands felt tingling so I now believe in this viral shedding. I found this blog and thank you so much for this info btw. I live in Sputh California . I don’t know where to get the pine needles. I did buy Star anise from the store but I saw its made in China and I don’t honestly truat anything made from there. I need help where to get the pine needles.
hi, i found white pine needle on etsy.
maybe you can find star anise from Taiwan or Korea?
Wow, thanks for the amazing post. I regrettably got my first dose 9 days ago. It was a moment of weakness/ not thinking in which I let everyone else around me influence what was probably the biggest and worst decision of my life to date. I have been researching frantically how I can reverse what I have done to myself, even though my symptoms are (so far) mild.
I am going to find some of this tea and start using it. Thank you again for all the work you have done. I am praying everyday that I will find a way to undo what I did to myself.
Hi Brian. Just found your blog while looking for shikimic acid and viral shedders. Love you post! Great job. Strokes/aneurysms can be prevented by upping intake of vit C. It gives elasticity to vessels/arteries. Instead of tearing and bleeding, vit c helps the vessels to expand/contract. Vit c also gives flexibility to muscles and tendons, also preventing tears. Research history of vit C and Dr. Fredrick Klenner. Read some of his papers.
My wife uses organic unadulterated turpentine once/month following Dr. Daniels protocol. (Excellent info) and been doing it for like 10 yrs.
Thank you for the photos of the pine needles! We believe God knows best. That’s why he gave us plants vs doctors.
Hi! Just wanted to add a more recent study on the subject : Suramin inhibits SARS-CoV-2 infection in cell culture by interfering with early steps of the replication cycle
Also, have heard : Antidote for Spike Proteins & COVID19 Vaccination: Fennel, Star Anise, Shikimic acid, Pine Needles, Turpentine & NANO SOMA
Oooh, thank you – didn’t know about Nano Soma. Just searched it at DuckDuck – sounds amazing – I need to learn more. Thx.