Bonnie Keefe: 61-year-old Canadian woman develops painful skin disease following Pfizer mRNA injection, told “don’t talk to media” by health authorities
September 1, 2021

Mrs. Bonnie Keefe. PHOTO CREDIT: ASHLEY FRASER/Postmedia.

RENFREW, ONTARIO — A 61-year-old woman is unable to walk and in serious pain, with her condition unlikely to improve anytime soon.

Mrs. Bonnie Keefe received her second Pfizer mRNA injection early this summer, according to the Ottawa Citizen. She told reporter Elizabeth Payne that the adverse effects started a few days thereafter. Mrs. Keefe developed painful “red, blistering spots” all over her legs. The pain got so bad that she is unable to walk and now in a wheelchair.


She checked into a hospital and was diagnosed with cutaneous vasculitis – inflammation of capillaries (blood vessels) in her legs.

Introduction of new medicines in the body is one of the main causes of hypersensitivity vasculitis in adults. Doctors told Mrs. Keefe that her condition was “most likely associated with a COVID-19 vaccination.”

RELATED: Toxic epidermal necrolysis: 49-year-old New York woman develops life-threatening skin-rotting disorder one week after Pfizer mRNA injection (August 23, 2021)

Mrs. Keefe said she cries every night and wishes she was in less pain. We almost never knew about her story at all. Mrs. Keefe said the first doctor she saw told her not to speak to media about her condition. That doctor later apologized once the Ottawa Citizen story was published. But this practice is modus operandi in Canadian healthcare.

We wrote about 39-year-old Fred Pye in July. The Nova Scotia man is still to this day suffering from convulsions and other neurological events caused by to the Moderna mRNA injection. Mr. Pye was told by paramedics not to mention “the vaccine” at all to doctors if he wanted the best possible medical help. Meanwhile Mrs. Keefe is on several medications, hoping the adverse effects run their course so she can get back to normal.

Mrs. Keefe said she “did her job” by receiving the mRNA injections. “But now look at me. I am suffering because of it,” she said. The Ottawa Citizen report says Mrs. Keefe “doesn’t want to discourage people from getting vaccinated.” But there is no direct quote from her insinuating that position.

Trifling Trudeau

The entire globe, except the Africa Continent, is full of premiers who are bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical industry. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is no exception. He told a crowd in Markham, Ontario on August 17 that injections are mandatory for all federal workers, including politicians. Trudeau warned that “there will be consequences” for anyone refusing the injections.

Health Canada is also spreading disinformation about Ivermectin. They not only repeated tropes about Ivermectin being solely a horse drug, but also blatanntly lied and said it was dangerous and ineffective against COVID-19. The only semi-positive news coming out of Canada is that the government finally ended that dystopian hotel stopover rule. Anyone arriving in Canada was required to book a room at a government-authorized hotel and quarantine for three days.

Death and blood clots are by far the most talked-about adverse events caused by the government-coerced injections. But we’re seeing more skin diseases like this every day. Just remember – a job, education or trip overseas is no good to you dead or severely maimed. Keep that in mind. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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John McClane
John McClane
3 years ago

Gosh, poor woman is in pain, this is beyond sickening, makes me angry because it could easily be one of my parents.

“Trudeau warned that “there will be consequences” for anyone refusing the injections.”

Oh i can’t stand that guy, him, Gates, Fauci, Biden, Pelosi, Clintons, Obama’s, whole of CNN etc and many more, when i see them i think of cockroaches that flee when the light is switched on, as it will be on Judgment day for these people, but they wont escape. They are like parasites, infecting society and making people suffer.

Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
3 years ago

Looks like the beginning of septicemia.

Eddie Leong
Eddie Leong
3 years ago

Not sure how much longer she can live. Pain is such a horrible suffering. And if she can wind back the clock, will she get vaccinated? Too late to regret.

Those of us who refuses the vaccines, who tune into this website, are wise and blessed.

We can fight and defeat Covid-19 without the need for vaccines.

Amin Abdullah
3 years ago
Reply to  Eddie Leong

YES you can fight and defeat con-vid, here is how : TURN YOUR TV OFF ONCE FOR ALL.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

excellent advice!

3 years ago
Reply to  Eddie Leong

COVID 19 does not exist. It was the flu, renamed.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lucy

It’s a flu/common cold, but I think the powers that be have figured out that every time they introduce a new wireless system (radio, radar, wifi, 5g), there’s a massive rise in sickness for the next year. Check out a book called the Contagion Myth.

As one example, the Spanish Flu was precipitated by the mass adoption of radio antennas all over the world. Scientists who tried to isolate a virus that caused the flu found the disease was not communicable. They had people with the Spanish flu cough on healthy people, breath infected air etc, and no matter how hard they tried they couldn’t make anyone else sick.

Guess the first city to roll out 5G technology. That’s right, Wuhan.

3 years ago

This is awful. That poor woman. “Don’t tell” said her doctor. Heck with him and the terrible vaccine; will take my chances with the flu.

3 years ago

It’s amazing how many frat-boy-like prime ministers and other politicians will sell their soul to the devil for free money and position.

3 years ago

Anyone that says don’t talk to the media is being bribed by the Sorcerers at Big Pharma and the Epic Sellouts in Government…They are Organized Crime and Murder/Dope Incorporated…

3 years ago

Poor woman. We are close in age. Makes me feel glad to be losing my job because I’m such a bad girl and won’t get jabbed. Stay the course, fighters!

Last edited 3 years ago by Kriss
John Brennan
John Brennan
3 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Thank you for your courage. I joined the nurses protest at Henry Ford Hospital on July 17. About 40% of their employees are declining the jab, and those who don’t get an exemption will be fired after September 10. I heard today that they are considering taking away trucker’s commercial driver’s licences if they don’t get the shot. We need a well organized National Strike to bring these covid nazis down a peg or two.

3 years ago
Reply to  John Brennan

40% that’s impressive.

We are going to testing after Oct 15th which I predict won’t be an option by the end of the year. If I stop being angry long enough, I may try an exemption but that won’t help me help others fight the tyranny even if I got one. Why should we have to kiss their rings to have control over our own bodies? Ask for “permission” to not be jabbed? I don’t know if the election of Larry Elder would make a dent in Commiefornia but we are not there yet and it may not happen. Sacramento is not called “PsychoMento” for nothing.

Picking on truckers. More injustice. They’ll have protests and riots in the street if the supply lines falter due to government’s unfair meddling. I have been watching the truckers in Australia lately. If the covid Nazis are not made to squirm in their ivory towers, then it will keep going. Strikes and sympathetic strikes, boycotts, civil disobedience in every essential service would make them pay attention. Stay the course. Assault on one’s body is not okay.

Amin Abdullah
3 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Picking on truckers, on nurses, on municipal workers, on food supply workers…etc, it is all by design. They want to smash their own current demonic system to pieces and make room for the next version of it that they call “The Great Reset”.

Having people quit their current jobs, everybody depending on food pantries, monthly handout that they call “Basic Universal Income”, misery, desperation, confusion, suicides, riots…is the plan !!!.

Yes their demonic system has to be smashed to the ground and they have to go with it by any means necessary. People have to stop being addicted to having a ruling class governing them, like a junkie who have to have his daily fix.

They have no reason, no excuse and no justification to be in our lives whatsoever. Themselves, they must be wondering how come we haven’t hang them yet from lamposts !!.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

I think we ALL should refuse to pay taxes. They can’t throw us all in jail.

3 years ago
Reply to  John Brennan

I’m sure you’re aware but let them fire you. Don’t quit. You’ll have standing in court later. Bastards

3 years ago
Reply to  Heidi

No you won’t. The courts are bought and paid for.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Me too!!!! As of October 1 I am out of here@

3 years ago

I have read on telegram that some victims pretend to have C19 in order to get treatment for their vaxx injuries.

3 years ago

This is micro-clotting in action.

3 years ago
Reply to  Paul

This looks exactly like micro clotting in the capillaries. Dr. Charles Hoffe explains it here. The capillaries’ are where the blood slows right down where and absorption takes place. Now, with the vaccine, spike proteins are made which now line the capillaries. This, in turn, gets the attention of the platelets thinking there’s an injury, and so they form clots.

3 years ago

If Ivermectin is a “horse drug” and shouldn’t be used on humans, then Vancomycin is a “chicken drug” and shouldn’t be used on humans. They really do pitch their propaganda at the lowest possible denominator.

3 years ago

Ouch, looks like she walked into a pond full of piranha

Wise owl
Wise owl
3 years ago

“Just remember – a job, education or trip overseas is no good to you dead or severely maimed. Keep that in mind. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.”

Such a very important sentence. I spoke at length (several times) with my 25 yr old son and told him about the dangers of this clotshot. I also told him why I do not trust the pushers or the makers of this shot. He took it anyway. Why? Why? I asked after finding out that he had taken it. You want to know his answer? It makes me cry just to think about. Because there is a horse racing track in Kentucky that requires it for you to race there. And apparently his outfit is going to race there. I am sad and depressed and scared for him. He already had some health issues to deal with. Now I am so afraid. He was already sterile and would not be producing grandchildren (due to Klinefelters Syndrome). He had the clotshot on Sun August 29th. I am frightened and depressed. All over a stupid racetrack. Its mean of me to say but I hope the people who put these rules in place suffer. I know that God wouldn’t wish me to have these feelings and I am fighting them, but these nasty feelings and wishes are winning in me today.

3 years ago
Reply to  Wise owl

My daughter took it too. She was forced to by her PA school to continue her education. She graduates in January. But at what cost? She just had blood work done because she is so tired she falls asleep at school. Her blood cannot carry oxygen, so it is uploading excess iron. These injections cause damage to the red blood cells. It looks like sickle cell anemia under the microscope. I am sick over it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Wise owl

I am so sad for you. I totally understand as my 34 yo daughter took 2 injections as well. She lives in NYC and their propaganda along with Fakebook ‘news’ persuaded her. All we can do is pray – the evil propaganda is stronger than even family ties.

2 years ago
Reply to  JKD

My daughter took it too so she could travel. Why are people jumping to get a shot that is “experimental?” Are they so uniformed they don’t know they are now lab rats??????? Too sad!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Peggy

A lot of people are conditioned to take jabs. Flu shots are pushed relentlessly and now also jabs for shingles, for meningitis, herpes, pneumonia–whatever ails ya! It’s not so bad just take some more! People accept them and don’t realize those may be the very things making them sick.

3 years ago

“Don’t tell” is a threat against the person silenced. “Don’t tell” is what rapists and child molesters tell their victims. That doctor, who’s first reaction to the devastation suffered by his patient is Don’t Tell, should be investigated.

3 years ago

Donald Trump is the guy that helped speed up the death jab rule out with (operation warp speed) and I hold him accountable with the rest of them. Trump boasted about it calling them “the Trump-ccines” Trump is one of them! Is Trump going to make America great again? Highly unlikely. Just more and more people are going to be deceived, just like old times.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jeremy

You are exactly right! They are all complicit. Look at the Executive Order Trump signed on 9/19/19, just one week after the Global Vaccination Summit in Brussels.

The Summit: (read Ten Actions Towards Vaccination for All)

2 years ago

Fark Trudeau. We had our own Health Minister in my country tell us citizens the same BS. Fark that fella also.

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