Kenya: over 100 fully-vaccinated girls at Catholic boarding school suddenly come down with “mystery illness” all at the same time
October 20, 2023 (updated 8:36 p.m. Pacific)


KAKAMEGA COUNTY — Bill Gates, via Microsoft, filed a patent for his “body activity data” apparatus in 2019. It detects and rewards human behavior with cryptocurrency. But it only works if the human has an internal antenna that “communicatively couples” the human to a central server.

It is well-established fact that the mRNA and viral vector DNA not only contain metal particles, but also life-like organisms that mimic theragripper technology. We also know that the lethal injections contain actual DNA that modifies humans genetically, like a software update on a computer. Former Moderna Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks called his company’s mRNA injections “the software of life.” Moderna, which deleted this page from its website long ago, also called their mRNA platform “an operating system” with spike proteins being the “apps.”

4G internet was more than enough for humanity to use the world wide web. It was fast, and already very damaging to humans due to high radiation emissions. The only purpose 5G could possibly serve that 4G could not is controlling humanity via the aforementioned technologies.

Nearly all 5G towers were erected in 2020 when all of Western humanity was locked down in their homes. When humanity re-emerged from their homes, 85% of them in the Western world, China, India and much of South America had these operating systems installed in their bodies via the lethal injections. Now the powers-that-be (“TPTB”) can activate any “app” they wish at any time in any human or groups of humans.

We may have witnessed, for the first time, the power of group app activation in Kenya earlier this month.

Mass “mysterious paralyzing illness” dismissed as anxiety, faking

Secondary education is very expensive for Kenyans. The country instituted free primary education nationwide in 2003. But it’s still cost-prohibitive because parents must pay for books, supplies and other expenses. A private school like St. Theresa’s Eregi Girls High School accepts only top-performing students with parents (or sponsors) who can pay the tuition. We could not find the exact costs to attend. But Eregi is a boarding school, meaning the girl live there. It certainly is not cheap.

The school is affiliated with the Catholic Church and a diehard vaxx zealot known as “the pope.”


All 1,662 girls at the school received the lethal injections in July 2022.

Based on vaccination date, all of the girls received the second iteration of the injections – the slow-kill formula, which typically takes 1-3 years to do its job. But nobody knows what exactly is in those syringes. Further, Africans have been used as Bill Gates’ guinea pigs for over 30 years. What happened at Eregi is something we’ve seen previously, but not on this scale.

It all started on Monday, October 2. All told, 106 of the St. Theresa Eregi Girls’ High School students came down with a condition that looks very much like Shawn Skelton Syndrome. What’s odd is that it all happened spontaneously and simultaneously among them all.

Many of them were bleeding from their mouths and noses, something we’ve never seen with post-injection convulsions and partial paralysis.

All of the girls were admitted to area hospitals. There are mixed reports about the school closing down temporarily. Nearly 1,100 students were taken out of the school by their parents, with around 500 remaining if the school is in fact still open.

RELATED: Dominique de Silva: 30-year-old North Carolina woman disappears from social media, returns with Dystonia, severe convulsions after COVID-19 “vaccine” (July 21, 2021)


Susan Nakhumicha, the Cabinet Minister of Health in Kenya, said that no pathogens were detected in any of the students. The aftermath has been very typical and consistent with global vaxx propaganda. Many high-profile Kenyans and their followers accused the girls of faking to get out of taking final exams.


Others just blatantly poked fun at the girls, and dismissed it as “this happens all the time” during exams.

Kenya health officials are also blaming “mass hysteria and panic attacks caused by upcoming exams,” a propaganda talking point right out of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) playbook. The other common #ABV excuse is dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.

A school board member told ACIA Africa that prayer and professional counseling are all that is needed to fix the situation. The latest report, from October 8, says 46 of the girls have been discharged from the hospital, with 60 still hospitalized in stable condition.

We’ll follow up in due course.

Remember October 4 in the U.S.?

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced in late September that every American would receive a government “nationwide emergency alert” test message on their smartphones on October 4 at 2:20 p.m. Eastern. It apparently happened as scheduled, and made a very loud noise when the text arrived.

This blogger doesn’t use smartphones often. We’ve warned people many times to only talk on said phones with earbuds and never place the phone directly on your ears, to minimize radiation exposure. Batteries were removed from this blogger’s phones, and said devices were placed in aluminum foil and Faraday bags all day on October 4. When the phones were powered back up on October 5, the national message was not there.

The point is that the vast majority of Americans carry smartphones everywhere. Someone in the federal government pushed one button and was able to transmit a message to nearly every American in a matter of seconds. At least 85% of American adults have received at least one lethal injection. All of the spike proteins being endlessly produced in vaxxed people’s bodies are, again according to Moderna, “apps” that are controlled by the company’s “mRNA operating system.”

Someone has the power to press a button, and activate the cancer app, the cardiac arrest app, etc. in individuals or groups based on batch number. Each U.S. state has an immunization information system (IIS) that knows every injection, batch number, date, etc. for every citizen of said state. As crazy as all of the foregoing sounds, TPTB told us that this is what’s happening.

RELATED: Chanelle Wilkinson: Australia woman receives second Pfizer mRNA injection despite severe adverse reactions to the first, now suffering uncontrollable convulsions, autoimmune issues (January 10, 2022)


Everyone who has suffered uncontrollable, post-injection convulsions has been accused of faking. This blogger was even skeptical of the early 2021 cases because it just seemed to evil to be real. All of the victims are left to fend for themselves because the global medical industrial complex dismisses these cases as anxiety. And if you dare mention the injections, you’ll lose your job, family, friends and livelihood.

What happened in Kenya cannot be a coincidence. Granted young girls can be drama queens. Further, if there was no evidence that the girls were injected, then we would not have written this story. Mainstream media have already dismissed any connections to the injections and what happened in Kenya as “conspiracy theory.” Whenever mainstream media use that term, it means the related topic is true. Otherwise they would not have acknowledged it at all.

Africans should know better by now not to allow Western poisons in their children’s bodies. There have been no updates on this situation for over a week. We assume the story will be buried from here. Pfizer and Moderna technically own all vaxxed, GMO humans’ genes. TPTB may do whatever they want to do to vaxxed people now because they “trusted the science.”

We wrote about atrocity propaganda this week. Kenya was simply a small-scale test in Africa, which is out of sight, out of mind for most Westerners. Expect something very similar to happen in the U.S. that happened in Kenya, except on an even larger scale, by the end of the year.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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10 months ago

If the convulsions were all in the girls’ heads, how did they make themselves bleed from their mouths and noses?

10 months ago
Reply to  lin

How dare you

10 months ago

Why is Kenya vaccinating their children with covid especially after all that tetenus saga? Wasnt the catholic church in Kenya against vaccines? As someone who was born and raised in Africa, i have seen the redcross people, UN and other devils come to our schools to draw blood or give medication withoit parental consent. It is crazy

10 months ago
Reply to  Anna

I was wondering about that incident too. I recall the Catholics were the whistleblowers at the time.

10 months ago

Wow! So they took up all that hospital space for hysterical and conniving girls. Not only were the girls in on the scam but the school and the hospital. And all the blood was fake too. Sarc. Wow! Tptb really do think we are stupid. Considering how easily most were conned into taking these shots maybe they are right. I hope all the girls are fine now.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
10 months ago
Reply to  Annie

It’s sad to acknowledge it, but the girl will never be ‘fine’. They may not be as badly off as in the videos we’ve seen here, that is certainly my hope, but they’ll never be fine. I’m seeing it all around me now, people coming down with everything – terrible colds (corona virus), RSV (syncytial Virus), …. You know this, as do we all – those who’ve been vaccinated will not be as they were before the shots. The greater the no. of shots, they greater the damage to the immune system. It’s sad, but it’s true.

10 months ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

And those who are exposed to them even without taking a shot, will also not be as they were before. Many non-vaxxed with “long covid” these days.

10 months ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

Yes. Not to mention the fact that they’re all probably infertile now . . .

10 months ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

I talk to a few people in Thailand, vaccinated mothers with children. The vaccinated mothers are sick all the time, coughing, body pain, headaches, etc. Their vaccinated children seem to show the same symptoms. They are in and out of the hospital at least once a month. The doctors just give them lots pills.

10 months ago

The Catholic Church around the world has betrayed its believers and sold them to the mRNA devil in exchange for the Judas sequins they got from the governments. They silenced the few pastors who resisted. The Catholic Church is totaly morally bankrupt.

10 months ago
Reply to  Primož

And most of the “Protestant” Church is also sold out to the Pope and the RCC.

10 months ago
Reply to  Susannah

Many of the Orthodox hierarchs have as well, though there are notable bishops and elders who have been warning against the injections since 2020.

10 months ago
Reply to  Primož

Tgey did this since forever. Catholic church has nothing to do with the good side of things.
Yes there are many in the Catholic Church tgat are extraordinary people also many believers.
But the Institution is and it always was demonic. From time to time they did had a good Pope.
Not the case with this one.
Also, they made theor intentions clear.
In 2019 by the orders of the Pope a huge statue of Moloch was places im front of the Collosseum.
Collosseum is under Vatican administration and a place pf Christian marthyrs.
Moloch is the god to wich they sacrifice children.
Statue was exposed for 6 months. Vatican disnt answer to: which was the purpose to put the stague of a demonic god in front of a place where Christians were martirised?
Yeah. They announced what they will do, sacrifice the Christian children.
Bit people are still in disbelief when things are SO clear!!!
African people tgat are believers are amazing. They do believe and are so brave being still martirised over there in many countries but they keep on strong. They are now taken advantage of and sacrificed, something Vatican always did: crucades, burjing people inquisition tortures etc.

Allyn Franklin
Allyn Franklin
10 months ago
Reply to  Primož

God has not forgotten the 50-60 million Christian martyrs murdered by the RCC. Wrath against them is coming.Revelations warned to come out of her lest ye receive her plagues.

10 months ago
Reply to  Allyn Franklin

Revelation 13:1-10
The Roman beast

10 months ago

Time released death.

10 months ago

In the early 90s I met a girl in college who had spent much of her childhood (in the 70s) in developing countries. India, Yemen. Her father – a physician – ran vaccination programs for the WHO. In our conversations she would make cheery but biting comments like “Now [that we saved them from tetanus etc.] they’re STARVING to death.” It made me deeply uncomfortable. It also gave me, for the first time, a gnawing impression that vaccines were part of an opaque global system that wasn’t what it purported to be.

Mother Dear
Mother Dear
10 months ago
Reply to  Dayne

That’s exactly how those elites and their minions (WEF,WHO,UN) perceive of Africa and the “so-called third world countries”. They have little regard to lives there….the messiah complex.. it’s a shame.

10 months ago

When they were doing the test on Oct 4th. I thought of the movie Cell written by Stephen King. They are all on their cell phones and than something turns them into zombies. They powered down at night only to be ready to go again at sunrise and spoiler alert at the end they are all circling a transformer tower\cell phone tower. The ending is different in the book but Hollywood has an agenda and they like to tell us what they are going to do before they do it. The movie came out in 2016 he wrote the book in 2006.

Last edited 10 months ago by Rox
kieran osullivan
kieran osullivan
10 months ago

I hope those responsible for this outrage are ”put up against the Wall”

Mother Dear
Mother Dear
10 months ago

It’s a pity that people start castigating the girls instead of trying to look at the cause of the illness. There’s also another story of a Kenyan radio dj called Sean Cardovillis, the injection killef him after a year of suffering. He got pneumonia that messed up his life and he unfortunately realised it too late….mea culpa….

10 months ago

The great experiment… Hitler would be proud. One day, maybe people will wake up and see this was the world’s largest involuntary experiment. But I doubt it. All of these injections violate the Nuremberg code. Everyone involved with the creation, distribution, and terror tactics involved with this experiment MUST be publicly hanged… according to the Nuremberg code.

10 months ago
Reply to  Expat

Vengeance is mine, I will repay…saith the Lord…they will receive far worse. 4 eternity!

10 months ago

Thank you for the research you’ve done on this, as always. I am very surprised to learn about Gates’ body activity data apparatus patent and will do further research on it. Apparently there are 3 main batches, color coded blue (highest adverse rates), green and yellow (said to be placebo due to lack of adverse reactions). Guessing the 1-3 years apply to the blue and green batches…

10 months ago

Thailand is requiring the Cervical Cancer Vaccine for girls over 13 years old. It makes you wonder what are the long term side effects of those vaccines.

10 months ago

Say one thing, the bleeding occurrence sounds more reminiscent of the Marburg type issues or a variant. It’s now becoming known that the HOT zone experiments of the 90s was experimenting with ebola type virus couple that with the desired zombie-type wake up call that 5g may can produce and when mixed with the rabies style micro-genetic combination you’ve got a picture of gore blood and the propensity to to bite people;the perceived walking dead may just become a reality at a simultaneous event thar bears watching with new and aware eyes. I’m just speculating of course and we only hope that the impossible remains impossible but I don’t think that TPTB are here to display anything for entertainment purposes only. Stay safe and be aware of surroundings. My thanks to this informative article. Waiting for more.

Last edited 10 months ago by Marty
10 months ago

When will people learn?

10 months ago

The same thing happened in Brazil, 2015, during the HPV vaccination campaign in Acre. The government rulled out any side effects of the vaccine, and told the people that the group of 74 girls was suffering from mass hysteria.

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