Dominique de Silva: 30-year-old North Carolina woman disappears from social media, returns with Dystonia, severe convulsions after COVID-19 “vaccine”
July 21, 2021

Ms. Dominique de Silva.

UPDATE August 21, 2021 – Dominique de Silva forced to send doctor’s invoices, proof of sickness to GoFundMe as vaxx trolls continue attacking her

This is just sad. Why these people are doing this to this young woman just shows how vile and evil the mRNA and viral vector DNA zealots truly are. Caveat emptor is real. These people know they poisoned themselves and now have to go down defending their holy sacrament.

Here is one of the high-engagement Twitter posts that sent people to Ms. de Silva’s GoFundMe page in an attempt to report and get it taken down.

The page, however, is still up and running, meaning she satisfied the GoFundMe administrators with her proof. Ms. de Silva posted an update video on TikTok. She, among other things, said that she’s trying to still live a normal life. Apparently the trolls attack her because she doesn’t “look sick” all the time and does her makeup well. Ms. de Silva also posted an Instagram update about her trip to New York for several doctor appointments.

Now that critical thinkers understand what we’re dealing with, those in the USA who are unarmed are not thinking critically enough. This is a cult with very loyal followers who will die for their sacrament and their gods (Fauci, Gates, Biden, et al). Stay strong Ms. de Silva. Your voice is very important.




CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA — A North Carolina real estate agent concedes that her life is unlikely to ever be the same despite many Instagram users not believing her story. Meanwhile we’ve learned the name of yet another neurological disorder.

Ms. Dominique de Silva received one of the experimental injections against COVID-19 on March 18, according to her Instagram page. She received the injection in Las Vegas. Several people have asked Ms. de Silva to clarify which injection she received. But she has not done so.

Nearly 550,000 doses of Pfizer and Moderna had been administered in Nevada as of March 10, according to the Associated Press. The Johnson & Johnson viral vector DNA shot had just been authorized for emergency use on February 27. Clark County, where Las Vegas is located, began administering 24,000 doses of J&J on March 9. Governor Steve Sisolak received his J&J injection on March 11. Ms. De Silva said this about her injection:

“[I] made the decision to get my vax before I left Las Vegas to move back to my home state of North Carolina because I wanted to play it safe and make sure those around me weren’t in harms way.

Based on all the foregoing, we’re going to guess she got the “one-and-done” J&J shot. Regardless, it doesn’t really matter as all of them are equally dangerous and poisonous.

Making sense of Dominique

We read every post and nearly every comment on Ms. de Silva’s Facebook and Instagram since March. She moved to Las Vegas from North Carolina in 2012 at the age of 21. Ms. de Silva said she was naive, depressed, had low-esteem and let people walk all over her at that time. She became what appears to be a successful and passionate real estate agent in Las Vegas. She also reunited with her father who left the family when she was 10. He ended up dying of a heart attack shortly after their reunion.

Ms. de Silva speaks very highly of Las Vegas. She credits the city for transforming her from a little girl to a grown, successful woman. But her run in Vegas ended on March 18 when she moved back to her home state of North Carolina with her fiancé. This is also the day she received the experimental injection.

Her life seemed pretty normal and charmed from there. Ms. de Silva got married sometime around May 16 and was trucking along in her full-circle life back to the East Coast. But she was noticeably silent from social media from March 19 to May 10. She also disappeared from Instagram from May 29 to July 9. That’s when she started explaining what was happening.

World flipped upside down

Ms. de Silva suffered adverse effects from the experimental injection within a week. She spoke of general malaise as soon as she landed in North Carolina. But she dismissed it as jet lag. Extreme leg pain, short-term memory loss and visual impairment followed two weeks later.

An emergency room doctor diagnosed her condition as a “dystonic storm.” In other words, she had Shawn Skelton Syndrome. “The day that I heard these words (dystonia) is the day my life shattered right before my eyes,” she said. The July 9 Instagram post is lengthy. But it ends with Ms. de Silva conceding that her life is never going to be the same.

Ms. de Silva posted another lengthy update on July 12. She defiantly spoke of how doctors are not always right. More symptoms, such as brain fog, chronic fatigue, migraines and hair loss to the point that she now wears hair pieces were also described.

Ms. de Silva initially got the same treatment that most everyone we’ve covered on this blog got/gets from the medical establishment. Doctors told her she was fine, that it was all in her head, and that she just needed more rest. Keep in mind she had a pre-existing condition known as Hashimoto’s disease before she got the injection. She announced this to the world in April 2020, long before she received the experimental injection.

No more secrets, lots of skepticism and trolls

The full story came out on July 18. Ms. de Silva posted a video that is all too familiar to The COVID Blog. She also conceded that getting the experimental injection was probably not a good idea.

Unfortunately a good majority of the population receives all their news and information from mainstream media and big tech. Thus this type of vaccine adverse reaction can look very peculiar. The troll and skeptic comments are everywhere on Ms. de Silva’s Instagram page.


The verdict

Only a fool (aka COVID/vaccine zealots) with no critical thinking ability could believe this woman is lying and acting. There is, in fact, a real mental disorder known as Munchausen by Internet. It occurs when medically-well individuals fake recognized illnesses in virtual environments, according to the Journal of Medical Internet Research. But she is not on this spectrum, if you will. The study also mentions Munchausen by Internet trolling.

Ms. de Silva’s entire life revolves around her career as a real estate agent. Granted she is a Millennial girlie-girl who likes Instagram. But there is certainly nothing abnormal about that. At least 75% of her Facebook and Instagram posts have something to do with her job. There is no benefit whatsoever to her faking vaccine adverse reactions.

She simply has nothing to gain from faking this. Further, there are numerous others suffering the exact same adverse reactions. Except now we’re learning it has several different names. This is the first time we’ve heard the term dystonia in seven months being online.

Damage is done

Ms. de Silva knew her life was different and naturally did not want to talk about it with anyone for a while. That is why her life looked normal on her social media timelines. Call it temporary denial. Now she and many others similarly situated must adjust from what was a productive existence to being dependent on other people for the most routine things.

The medical industry is not going to help any of these victims. These injections are working exactly how they were meant – to murder and maim. Vaccine-injured individuals with strong support groups have the best chance of salvaging life for as long as it lasts. There are treatments to mitigate these reactions. But these conditions are irreversible once the plunger is pushed. Unfortunately there are tens of thousands that we’ll never hear about who will simply disappear.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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3 years ago

Looks like these shaking may be demonic possession. Did you notice that she flashed the devils right throughout?

3 years ago
Reply to  Nekem

My 64 y.o. gf has Parkinson’s since 2012. When ‘off’, she has dystonia as a symptom. When ‘on’ (medication levodopa), she has dyskinesia. She has involuntarily flipped me off rapidly a few times when dystonic while sleeping. It does indeed remind of the Exorcist! And she often mentions “dark forces pulling me” as part of the dystonia. They upped her meds to where she is ‘on’ most of the time now. That’s good, although there is always the dyskinesia. You run risk of biting your tongue if you are eating near her, as the dyskinesia of constant rocking and head bobbing can throw your own coordination off.

DK Fynn
3 years ago

I know I’ve alluded to this elsewhere, but I’ll reiterate it here: to me, it just intuitively seems that if these so-called vaccines can do this to one person, they’re probably not good for anyone.

I don’t expect others to logically see things the way I do, but to me, my “reasoning” for what I said above isn’t logical per se: it’s something deeper than logic–it’s intuition, or instinct, which (I hope) everyone has.

3 years ago
Reply to  DK Fynn

It has been conclusively proven that they don’t stay in the injection site but enter the bloodstream, breach the blood-brain barrier, and release trillions of spike proteins which we know cause clotting when they come in contact with the blood, through a variety of concurrent mechanisms.
Not all blood clots are immediately fatal, but even a single one can be if it forms in a bad place. At best, it’s playing Russian roulette with your health.

3 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

Well said.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
3 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

How anyone could believe that anything one ever takes in via injection could stay in the injection site is beyond my ability to understand. I get that sometimes, we shoot a compound into the muscle, sometimes into the blood stream, sometimes even organs. But does anyone really expect that 100% of whatever has been shot in is going to stay only there? Seriously?!

DK Fynn
3 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

Admittedly, my understanding of medicine is very limited. I’m not a medical student, but I agree with you. It seems hard to understand that an injection stays in the injection site.

3 years ago
Reply to  DK Fynn

Or that the mRNA will not get into the DNA. I can list about 56 lies or coverups of truth in this whole satanic plandemic, and that is one of them.

2 years ago
Reply to  DK Fynn

The birth control device, NEXPLANON, is inserted under the skin in the upper arm and it prevents pregnancy for 3 years. So definitely a substance put inside the body will be absorbed into the surrounding tissues and bloodstream and circulate through the entire body, and effect the organs, tissues, system etc. which is susceptible to it. Plus there are even nicotine patches and other drug patches which are absorbed from the skin itself.

Helen Beggs
Helen Beggs
2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

Censored Professors and PHD doctors have said that the previous vaccines stay in the arm, but not these ones.

3 years ago
Reply to  DK Fynn

I’m sure you’ve read about how the injection escapes into the bloodstream, and the spike protein creates systemic damage. That is too high a risk that can not be controlled by anyone. It’s a lethal “vaccine,” if it’s that at all. I really don’t care what people want to call it but it’s simply toxic material. Your reasoning is logical to me.

DK Fynn
3 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Yes, the biodistribution study. I feel that that study alone should’ve been enough cause to at least pause this “vaccination” campaign.

But nope. I don’t pay attention to the mainstream media very much, but I’m almost certain there was no mention of it there.

If my suspicions are correct, these next few years (maybe until 10 years…who knows) are going to be very eye-opening.

I hope I have the spiritual, emotional, and psychological maturity to handle whatever happens. I hope we all do.

3 years ago
Reply to  DK Fynn

We will be seeing deaths like never before which is why they are now pushing these door-to-door injections before the mass deaths start. When all this started in February 2021 I just realized it was almost to the month 30 years ago when the Gulf War ended and the incident that occurred over the last few days of February 1991 that became known as the Highway of Death.

Retreating Iraqi troops from Kuwait had the first vehicles hit by air strikes which caused a traffic jam. As a result the troops bunched up which then became a massacre. One iconic photo that became featured in the HBO TV series on the war ‘Generation Kill’ showed a charred arm of an Iraqi soldier sticking out of the ground on the side of the highway.

I did a meme calling what’s going on the Vaccine Highway of Death – 2021 comparing it to that carnage in 1991. This one will be much longer drawn out and will see levels of carnage that will be many times more than the thousand or so who were killed by the US Air Force bombing those few days.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  SpecOps

Sadly, I also think this is how it will play out.

2 years ago
Reply to  SpecOps

You can tell by the way the media is lying and covering up the truth of so many deaths and injuries from the vaccines…Also the in your face Lies of for example the Miami Herald stating that nearly 90% of the hospitalizations in Florida now are from the “unvaccinated” Also they are so so desperate for everyone to take the shot. This isn’t even a pandemic yet there they are pushing pushing pushing. The level of Evil of what is going on. I pray that the people see what these satanist are doing and we have the trials. So many people are part of this Evil.

2 years ago
Reply to  SpecOps

Speaking of the Gulf War, many vets there came down with “Gulf War Syndrome”, and some blame on the anthrax vaccines they were forced to have then.
As for the Highway of Death, there were some Kuwaiti civilians cars and buses using that highway at the time.
The U.S. did that to show what the NATO forces could do, is what a guy who was a soldier at the time said. U.S. also made sure to get Russia to “approve” the withdrawal agreement of the Iraqis and the U.S., even though Russia wasn’t involved at all. I think it was done to make sure Russia was paying attention and to sort of humiliate it by “showing off” the U.S.’s terrorization power.
It was also U.S. which baiting Iraq into the war by having Kuwait slant drill into Iraq’s oilfields. Kuwait was using U.S. equipment to do that and wouldn’t have been doing it without U.S. backing (and probably insistence). Iraq even asked U.S. if it was okay to go into Iraq and stop it and U.S. said it was, yet used that as its excuse to start a huge build-up of weapons in that theater. They started sending the weapons over in summer 1990 and were no doubt preparing for the blitzkrieg. And one of the first things they bombed was a refugee shelter with hundreds of women and children staying there. It was purposeful, no doubt.
The U.S. also had the daughter of a Kuwaiti government “testify” before congress of witnessing Iraqi soldiers bayoneting incubator babies when it was a total fabrication and the Iraqi coup was bloodless.
The same people behind the incubator baby lies, and getting a young girl to lie, and pushing that in the press are the same types pushing the Covid and mRNA “vaccine” propaganda.

3 years ago
Reply to  DK Fynn

I hadn’t been paying a lot of attention about the vaccine rollout , since I already knew I wouldn’t take it. However, when Nurse Dover tipped over in Mid December, that was my major red flag day. The dead and disabled are starting to pile up. Graphic pictures, videos, detailed time lines lead to very accurate stories, that are hard to deny. Great work Covid blog!

3 years ago
Reply to  DK Fynn

The whole purpose of this so called vaccines is for depopulation. If it wipes out one fool then it should do it for another fool. And it does. So it does work. What is there to understand? You are aware of Agenda 21 and the elities planning this scamdemic to take over the world, right?

I mean yeah you are correct if one person suffers from the vaccine then it would not be good for someone else to take it. But you sound like a man of intelligence that would explain your reasoning for not taking the vaccine.

However I would go one step forward and not even take the vaccine once I heard people suffering from it. I would use this logical conclusion:

The vaccine came out within less than a year, no long term studies were done, unlicenced, unapproved and within clinical trails. In other words it has not been proven to be safe. Simple

But you have to remember how sheep operate, and I’ve heard them say this crap over and over again:

“Oh but these vaccines cause rare blood clots/oh that’s just a conspiracy theory from tin foil hat anit vaxxers”.

The more dumb sheep that take it the better.

Last edited 3 years ago by Aidan
Oh hyhdh
Oh hyhdh
3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

That’s why they say they’re “safe and effective”. People just don’t know in what way they mean that.

2 years ago
Reply to  DK Fynn

yes. You are just bypassing the propaganda bullshit that these are “rare side effects”. If someone gets his blood clotting, it means it does happen to everyone but in different proportions. This is not about the individual but about the poison. Some people will handle it better than others, but the fact remains that it has this effect on anyone.

2 years ago
Reply to  yvan

One Doctor stated 67% of his patients who took the jab showed blood clotting. All of those he said had permenant health damage.

2 years ago
Reply to  CensorDeez

Wow, two thirds who got the jab already showing blood clotting … and these are early days. Time now to stop the jabbers.

Nancy Bryson
Nancy Bryson
3 years ago

I believe that this lady is suffering and it makes me sick.

DK Fynn
3 years ago
Reply to  Nancy Bryson

Yes, that video’s a bit hard to watch.

What I find infuriating is the doctors telling her (and others) that it’s “all in her head.”

I believe in “mind over matter,” but I don’t believe that’s what’s happening here.

All in her head…pfft…gimme a break.

3 years ago
Reply to  DK Fynn

When Bill Frankenstein Gates went to India and injected those girls with HPV vax many of the girls were harmed and the Dr’s did the same thing. Some girls committed suicide other will never be the same. Who needs condescending Dr’s when you are feeling something in wrong and to be cast off as mental.

3 years ago
Reply to  DK Fynn

It’s gaslighting, plain and simple.
First they inject people with a Chinese bioweapon and then tell them that they’re crazy if they think it hurt them.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
3 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

At least the Chinese version is based on known tech. (attenuated virus) used for many decades ie Polio. They, at least, have not injected their population with a biologic poison – the spikes will cause cardiovascular collapse (together with glyphosate which has poisoned (primed) people since the 80’s) – they are also the definition of PRION protein. What will they call this? MadPfizerDisease springs to mind.

Cap Matifou
Cap Matifou
3 years ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

I think you missed the part about the spike protein mRNA code arriving via chinese internet download to the western vaxx manufacturers. They got an unverifiable genetic code in digital form, like a password protected ZIP file that needs to be thrown at (injected into) living people to see what’s in it. After the download the vaxx was ready in two afternoons, maybe you heard about that intriguing part. This is the very definition of a Troyan horse. The true line of encapsulated surprises will manifest in the years ahead. And I doubt the code was made by a flesh and blood Chinese Mengele. Sometime down the line it will be explained, the mRNA programmer was a very smart computer, or if you read between the lines you’ll rather suspect the dark hiperdimensional force happily using said computers as a 3D interface to this world. This enemy of humanity planned these chess moves since thousands of years, nudging humanity into building the “talking image” (i.e. digital) technology.
Sudden deth and shaky hands are little Johnny’s birthday party compared to what awaits the clueless vaxx victims. It may come true what the bible talks about, that the survivors (of the jab) will envy the dead (those that keeled over from it right away). We stand collectively butt nekkid in the shooting frontline, and many not even fathom the war of good and evil is going on around us.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cap Matifou

Wow I don’t know where you get your info but it’s very interesting and these days, I’ll consider any background information seriously, especially when it comes to the C19 shots and China.

3 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

Amazing how most of the vaccines are jew owned not. chinese. The vaxx is killing not covid. Wake up.

3 years ago
Reply to  Vince

Maybe I didn’t express myself clearly. The so-called “vaccine” IS the bioweapon.

2 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

Who the fuck injected them with a “bio weapons”? You are stupid

3 years ago
Reply to  DK Fynn

That tells you what doctors are in the medical system. They are trained to be the nazi concentration camp doctor Mengele

3 years ago
Reply to  SpecOps

Well sort of, I think, and upvoted. I think the profession draws a larger share of arrogant power trippers, an occupational hazard. They are trained to be opportunists and have created huge disease industries out of fake diseases — amoral to the core. For example:

Diabetes (type 1, pancreas suddenly shuts down permanently, zero warning, and insulin production halts) in the 1930s, 1950s, up until relatively recently, was one disease and it was (and remains) fatal if ignored. The only remedy is to be injected with insulin, and in those days the only insulin that would work in humans came from pigs (synthetic insulin came about I think in the ’70s or ’80s). The diabetic faces certain death unless he/she receives insulin injections, and it stays that way for life.

Today, diabetes as a disease includes type 2, those with symptoms reflecting what happens when insulin production is screwy. Its victims come by it gradually and it’s obvious why — they eat very badly, a lot of sugar and carbohydrates, and they get little or zero exercise. They mess up their pancreas and its production of insulin, their bodies mimic the symptoms of diabetic decline, and PRESTO new disease for doctors to “treat.” Billions of dollars in marketing for this “serious disease!”

Today’s doctors are trained to keep such as patients. BETTER doctors would say gently or not to the second kind of diabetic (type 2), “You don’t need a doctor, you need a kick in the pants. Get in shape and start eating right, and your diabetes will go away. Stop wasting my time because there are people who need me.”

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
3 years ago
Reply to  SpecOps

You see what the jews are doing and still believe that other big lie? We are all germans now.

3 years ago
Reply to  DK Fynn

The vast majority of doctors proved themselves not credible in this plandemic. Same for the pharmaceutical doctors. Same for elected leaders.

But, perhaps they vaxxed themselves and are now high on the mind-controlled priority list.

3 years ago
Reply to  Nancy Bryson

A woman in Ireland is being wrongfully imprisoned for not wearing a mask. Three months she will be in the slammer for not wearing a mask.

Old people in care homes are being held hostage in care homes with forced covid vaccine jabs and DNR orders.

I know where my sympathies lie and it’s certainly not with this women who has sold her soul to the devil and left her family in a dire situtation.

Grimly Fiendish
Grimly Fiendish
3 years ago

What the hell kind of “logic” is that in the post from the guy who got the J&J shot? “I got the shot so I wouldn’t be a danger to others?” Everyone is not a plague carrier! There is no such thing as “asymptomatic” carriers…period. It has been debunked.

3 years ago

These people have been brainwashed. Just like you were once and so was I.

3 years ago

The anxious covid people act like I’m going to come up and give them a big smooch or something and spread (what?) on them!

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago

Yes, debunked for months, even by entities sympathetic to the ’cause’! Yet, many of the sheep will never NOT believe the asymptomatic carrier scare. I suppose it takes too much thinking to even entertain the notion that asymptomatic people’s bodies are winning the battle and thus extremely unlikely to pass on the pathogens. I should clarify: natural pathogens vs this nightmarish lab-concocted juice that people are so giddy to take. Who knows what is going on with the latter is terms of transmission.

3 years ago

There are two websites that may offer treatment options for those who have been injured by the jabs.
Anyone who can get this information to those who have been injured would help many. I’m not on social media and never will be, but you savvy folks who can get this out there on those platform that can help these people would be greatly appreciated.

Buzz Saw
Buzz Saw
3 years ago

I listened to a podcast suggesting that only about 10-20% of these suicide jabs contain death toxins during 2021. The vast majority of vials contain saline solution, which is what our fake leaders and billionaires get. Notice how none of them have had any adverse reactions?!?! So in 2022, the World Economic Forum plan will be to increase the vials to contain more death toxins and continue to increase it further in 2023 and so on etc. etc.

In some ways, this sounds quite plausible because if 100% of the vials contained death toxins, many more people would be dropping like flies and their de-population plan would become too obvious even for the lazy couch potato sheep.

Only time will tell.

2 years ago
Reply to  Buzz Saw

Some aren’t even given saline – the injections are faked. For some of the ones “shown” on TV or in the news/photo-shoots, sharp-eyed people noticed things such as the cap being still on the needle.

Daniel StJames
Daniel StJames
2 years ago

I watched a video of Dominique a few days ago. It appears Domonique’s symptoms become worst with emotion(s). That said, Dominique appears to have control of language, articulation etc. It is my belief that some damage or pathology may exist in her limbic system. This is the part of the brain that controls emotions among other things. Also, Domonique should have a D-Dimer test performed to see the severity of her microclots….this is very likely causing Domonique’s symptoms. These microclots are of course a result of the gene therapy she was administered.

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