Fred Pye: 39-year-old Canadian man suffering convulsions after Moderna injection, self-medicating with horse Ivermectin
July 21, 2021

Mr. Fred Pye.

CAPE BRETON ISLAND, NOVIA SCOTIA — A 39-year-old father of two took matters into his own hands when the medical established completely failed him.

Mr. Fred Pye received the first dose of experimental Moderna mRNA on May 25. The adverse effects were immediate. His feet and legs went cold; and he felt the dreaded “pins and needles” in his limbs. He was taken to a hospital from the vaccination center. Doctors ran a few tests, but released him within a couple hours.

The next evening, Mr. Pye lost consciousness and fell through the screen door of his home, onto the patio. He was again taken by ambulance to the hospital. Mr. Pye told the doctors that evening that he’d had the Moderna injection. But they brushed it off and told him that he needed to focus on his heart health. They gave him a heart monitor and discharged him once again. His condition worsened further.

The convulsions got to a point that Mr. Pye could not walk. He also had extreme difficulty breathing. He posted several videos on Twitter showing exactly what was happening.

Mr. Pye went on the Joe’s Place podcast on July 13. He said that the last time paramedics came to his house (there were at least seven times in six weeks), they told him not to mention the vaccine to the doctors when he arrived at the hospital. The paramedics said he would have a better chance of receiving real treatments if he kept quiet about the Moderna shot. But Mr. Pye wasn’t interested in that course of action. After waiting over six hours and given the runaround at the hospital, he left and never went back. Mr. Pye knew he was on his own.

Veterinary Ivermectin provides relief

By July 13, Mr. Pye had suffered at least 13 seizures and had no answers for anything as to what was happening. Though it’s hard to imagine that things got worse, they did. The Public Health Agency of Canada called Mr. Pye and told him he was cleared to receive his second Moderna mRNA injection. If he was going to find answers, it would not come from the medical establishment.

Mr. Pye contacted Shawn Skelton and Angelia Gipson Desselle. The two women were among the first to publicly talk about their convulsions after receiving the experimental injections. His Twitter page quickly gained a lot of followers and supporters. Mr. Pye learned about Ivermectin from all the activity on his Twitter timeline. Not only did local doctors pretend like they were unaware of the drug, but also refused to prescribe it once they admitted they knew what the drug was.

Mr. Pye bought horse paste Ivermectin from a local feed store. He was careful not to get the “pour-on” cattle Ivermectin, as it is toxic to ingest. The horse paste Ivermectin is essentially the same product as human ivermectin, except with looser standards as far as purity and quality control. He started taking little pats of the paste daily and the tremor significantly decreased.

Watch Mr. Pye on the Liberty Talk Canada podcast with Odessa Orlewicz. Fast forward to the 22:50 mark to watch Mr. Pye explain his horse paste Ivermectin regimen.

Ivermectin censorship continues

Mr. Pye is doing much better now that he’s taking Ivermectin. He said on the days he doesn’t take it, the convulsions and other adverse effects are as bad as ever. In other words, Ivermectin is the only thing keeping him functional.

Many Twitter trolls continue questioning the authenticity of his story. They even accused Mr. Pye of being an alcoholic and somehow grifting everyone. It’s quite pathetic how people’s cognitive dissonance exposes their obsequious ways. A GoFundMe page is collecting funds to help the Pye family with medical expenses. He also stays active on Twitter, keeping everyone up-to-date and helping others suffering similar adverse effects.

Ivermectin is such a major threat to the experimental mRNA and viral vector DNA industry/agenda that Google/Youtube bans all videos that even mention it. Further, a study published in January found that Ivermectin is a potential anti-cancer drug. The cancer industry is worth $175 billion. Big pharma will never allow an anti-parasitic drug that costs pennies ruin their vaccine and cancer billions.

Mr. Pye’s health battles are far from over. This is now his new normal life. He is also the example for others experiencing severe adverse reactions. The medical industry will not help you. Either you reach out, join support groups, subscribe to blogs like this, etc., or suffer in perpetuity. That is the unfortunate reality.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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DK Fynn
3 years ago

Don’t quote me on this one, but I heard somewhere that ivermectin prevents spike proteins binding to receptors, or at least reduces the likelihood of that occurring.

It’s just too bad that it’s been suppressed.

Michael Hunt
Michael Hunt
3 years ago
Reply to  DK Fynn

Ivermectin is very effective as a covid preventative, covid treatment, and long covid treatment. It is being hidden from the public because the medical ghouls want to get the entire planet vaccinated and don’t want people using safer and more effective medicines. I am not vaccinated and I am using ivermectin as a prophylactic. I take 0.2 mg/kg, one dose a week.

I didn’t know it could be used to treat vaccine side effects but it makes sense since it is the spike protein that is the culprit in both the vaccine and the virus.

3 years ago
Reply to  Michael Hunt

Where did you get your ivermectin

3 years ago
Reply to  Janicr

Ive been using it for months. 3mg.x4 weekly. (weight 110 ) No side effects. My pulmonologist prescribes it for me. I am high risk, exposed to many people and so far I have been protected. Get Ivermectin from a list of doctors on the FLCCC (Frontline Covid Critical Care)

3 years ago
Reply to  Janicr

Jan, you can buy it through Americas frontline doctors. It is a $90 consultation fee. Then you fill out a lengthy online questionnaire about your health. They charge you around 250 more and 20 shipping. A total ripoff but, its a legal prescription. Or some are buying it at tractor for animals.

3 years ago
Reply to  farmerz

I wish I lived in the free country that the USA still is. Here in (Western) Europe it’s impossible to get your hands on ivermectin. Even for the animal variety you need a prescription from a vet.

2 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

True. Or you need to be a pharmacist or having in your relatives or friends a pharmacist brave enough to get it for you cos most of the doctors refuse to prescribe it.
Everybody is frightened by the so called healh authorities.

Michael Vaughan
Michael Vaughan
1 year ago
Reply to  Janicr

I got mine off amazon ..called bimectin …flavored with apple for horses..I didnt get vaxxed but my roommate was sent home with covid.. I started getting sick..flu/covid not sure took a dose and woke up fine..used it as a preventative when was traveling too.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
3 years ago
Reply to  Michael Hunt

It sounds like this and the suramin tea are the best options for protection. But, the Iver seems to linger in the system, in a good way, as opposed to the tea? This is of course all speculation. I like to think that the body is amazing, and those who are juiced will stop transmitting the S-antigens and what not after 1-2 months, but we’ll never know for sure. We are in truly uncharted territory.

Zelda Carruthers
Zelda Carruthers
3 years ago
Reply to  Michael Hunt

Hi Michael im76 and I am interested in taking Iv prophylactically im in Canada and may have trouble getting it and may.have to go the horse route
Any information and or advice would be greatly appreciated

3 years ago

In Canada, contact and they may be able to direct you on where to get ivermectin.

Steven McKenzie
Steven McKenzie
2 years ago

I just order some on line ,the problem it take 3 to 4 weeks ,if you know a horse owner they always have it on hand my so called friend is using on his horse now because of the break out in the back stretch..

3 years ago
Reply to  DK Fynn

search for magnetic bioresonance resonance, do NOT use google to search but

search for 8D-NLS -get it and beat it

this is what we supposed to get in 2030 – we use it for years, its a big big big secret.

Good luck from Singapore!

3 years ago
Reply to  TheLastGoyim

2030 is the target date for all this RE-SET TO HAPPEN. What is happening in Singapore in 2030?

3 years ago
Reply to  DK Fynn

The toxin is the spike protein itself, so Ivermectin appears to work at all levels from disease to vaccine because it blocks the binding of the spike protein to ACE receptors.

3 years ago

How pathetic is the medical help he received that he’s told not to mention the shot. This cover-up is worthy of any communist country. Those looking away, especially politicians and stakeholders, will not be able to keep the jab victims’ faces out of their nightmares in the end. I wish him well and increasing power and knowledge in joining with others similarly injured.

Last edited 3 years ago by Kriss
3 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

This cover-up is worthy of any communist country. 

My father always said (and this was 40 year ago!) “The American media makes Goebbels look like an amateur”.

3 years ago
Reply to  dddd

I’ve said pretty much the same for years. The US government’s propaganda machine makes Hitler’s Germany look like rank amateurs.

Amin Abdullah
3 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

By now, one would think that you figured out that there are no communists, no capitalists, no socialists, no right and no left. All there is is a bunch of demon-worshiping toxic narcissists, hell bent on enslaving humanity and inflicting as much hardship on the inhabitants of the planet. No matter what fake flag and label they claim for themselves.

Unfortunately, most people are just unable to see the big picture and are still seeing things through the lenses of their oppressors.

“The most potent weapon in the hand of the oppressor, is the mind of the oppressed.”

3 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

Upvoted. That is very well-stated.

Buzz Saw
Buzz Saw
3 years ago

Besides Ivermectim or the horse paste version, it appears N-Acytel Cysteine (NAC) offers some benefits as well as Glutathione as far as helping the Mitochondria that becomes destroyed by the spike proteins. Other things that help against spike proteins are products that contain shikimic acid such as white pine needles.

I don’t know know if any of these will help block or reduce the effects of the toxin graphene oxide found in some of the death vaccines. Also not sure if there’s anything to block the mRNA from re-coding your immune system.

Notice how this could possibly be a triple whammy death threat: spike proteins + graphene oxide + re-coding your immune system?!?!

Danilo Delgado
Danilo Delgado
3 years ago

There is an error in link to Angelia Gipson Desselle. Thank you for this blog, we’re living a nightmare.

3 years ago

I work in Health Records at the hospital and know absolutely that the doctors are admitting the vaccine was received prior to the condition showing up. It’s mentioned in the Ambulance reports but never again once the patient reaches the hospital…the condition is what they treat and acknowledge and that is it. I am so sorry for everyone that is experiencing side effects and conditions due to the vaccine. More than anything, I am sad and disappointed that very few media companies have the balls to investigate and tell the truth about what is really going on. It can not stay covered up for long, it is just too vast for this cover up to continue.

3 years ago

wow–Fred is doing so much better- AMAZING!!.. What a turnaround!.. He has a severe condition.

When you see all these many affected people on video (MILLIONS per VAERS + Eudra) with their severe Tremors, spewing Blood, etc. shortly after their Covid shots, it looks like their Bodies are screaming, “No, No, No!!!”…

Last edited 3 years ago by Toots
David Robertson
David Robertson
3 years ago

Hydroxychloroquine is a derivative of the anti-malaria drug Quinine so maybe that would help. It can also be purchased on Amazon without prescription. Here is one comment from the Quinine page at Amazon:

“My 91 year old mother tested positive for covid. She lives in an assisted living facility. I sent her a bottle of quinine. She said with the very first dose she felt different and could lay down at night and slept all night. She had been getting up at night and coughing. By the 3rd day, all of the tightness in her chest was gone, still some coughing , but so much better. She has recovered.”

I don’t understand why this isn’t more well known. I found it out for myself because I am always curious about where things come from but even among the alternative news media I have heard nothing said about Quinine.

Last edited 3 years ago by David Robertson
3 years ago

If I order quinine.. how do I know how much to take. I’m 60 yrs.. weigh probably 215/220 lbs. Are there different strengths or mg of quinine ? How did you figure out how much for your mom to take ?

David Robertson
David Robertson
3 years ago
Reply to  B.J

The comment about the 91 year old mother on Amazon was not mine. It is just one of the comments at the website for Quinine. I would imagine the directions will be on the bottle and usually one can figure out to use more or less. It is not like a pharmaceutical drug. You can use a bit more without harmful consequences. I would say give it a try. It can’t hurt.

Last edited 3 years ago by David Robertson
Steven McKenzie
Steven McKenzie
2 years ago
Reply to  B.J

Help food stores,I just educated a lady that own the store to get off her ass and fine out ! I went back and she couldn’t believe what was happening ,You have to wake people up !!!

2 years ago
Reply to  B.J

I take it for Lupus, Hydroxychloriquine. 200 mg. I got the virus untested but I know it was the same after we first heard about it a month later. It was very hard and was very sick but its quite possible the Lupus drug helped to fight it.
If you take more than that, it’s dangerous, also certain people uncertain meds can’t take it. Look it up and here in Canada you need a Rx…if you can get it and take it, make sure you do lots of research first.

Richard Somma
Richard Somma
3 years ago

ALL VACCINES are bio-weapons….they are Designed specifically to sterilize people….causes blood clots , death…they are for DEPOPULATION…..Thousands of studies show you are MORE likely to get the disease IF you are vaccinated….Read the research……they are unsafe and deadly….A harvard study shows only 1 % of the deaths and disablities are ever reported…..Crime against humanity…..

dd mee
dd mee
2 years ago

Found this on the NIH website, funny like everything they say, they arent saying this: In vitro studies suggest that ivermectin leads to a ~5000-fold reduction in SARS-CoV-2 RNA at 48 hours, likely through inhibiting IMPα/β1-mediated nuclear import of viral proteins.78 It remains unclear…
From hydroxychloroquine to ivermectin: what are the anti-viral properties of anti-parasitic drugs to combat SARS-CoV-2? (

Last edited 2 years ago by dd mee
Steven McKenzie
Steven McKenzie
2 years ago
Reply to  dd mee

Best two drugs in the world that are ban ! I know for a fact they killed the two owners of Apotex the biggest and cheapest just before all this shit came out ,look it up ..

2 years ago

FRED! make your own hydroxycloriquin!! all the the peels of 3 grapefruit,3 lemons,in a medium size pot of water- 4-6 quarts-let it come to boil then turn to simmer for a few hours,,strain it let it cool off,,you can freeze some in ice cube trays..otherwise drink 2 tablespoons a day

2 years ago
Reply to  denise

@denise (or for Anyone w/ experience): 4.5 questions:

1a) After bring the 3 grapefruit & 3 lemon peels to a boil, for how many hours do you let the solution simmer on low heat before taking it off the stove tap and drinking the 2 tbsps?
1b) Can you put the unused tea solution in the refrigerator indefinitely (until you finish it all)?

2) When you drink the tea the next day from the fridge, do you reheat or just drink the 2 tbsps cold?

3) For how long (1 month, etc.) is it recommended to drink the 2 tbsps a day?

4) What do you do with the peeled fruit? (especially if you’re not a lemon or grapefruit eater…)

Rosa @};-+

2 years ago

my hubby and I started watching when Covid first hit in dec of 2019 and stayed with it every day watching and listening to a Dr. from England.We waffled back and forth as to whether or not this was a really bad thing or the medical establishment was trying to pull the wool over everyones eyes.We had red flags so we tended to lean away their bullshit story.There was no way we were getting any experimental anything from the government. I read the study from Phizer when it came out.All the animals died,and more weird stuff,I said no way. It takes an average of 10-15 yrs to make sure a vaccine is safe for humans,if the animals make it thru,but they all died within the first few weeks.Ever since then ,its research every day,watch the video’s and podcasts from multiple places.Reading whats happening in other countries and what they are doing to help their people. We both know this is a global agenda to cull the population down to what they feel is a manageable number of 500 million from our global number of almost 9 billion. here in USA,our whole country is up in a frenzy as word has spread like wildfire! The walk outs are numerous since they are attempting to mandate or you lose your job-and growing by the day,the protests are everywhere. I armed myself early on with stuff for my horse,,and loaded up NAC before they pulled it,I got mine just in time. Then I loaded up my first aid kits and food supply more than we usually do.We’ve pretty much always bought in bulk to save on costs, I just got better at it lately! The people in this country are almost ready to burn down the White House…and I dont feel bad for anyone who is a traitor to humankind…

2 years ago

I found a place where I could get liquid Ivermectin, you don’t injest it, but it’s topical .
I gave this to Two friends that had the vid, one was double vax’d and other no Vac. With in two days fever and congestion was gone, continued this for 5 days.

2 years ago

Thank you so so much Fred, Stevie and gracious interview by Odessa. Amazing the lack of spine in the professionals with their status and good income jobs. Shame on them.
Just a thought, another anti parasitic, panacur has been known to treat lung cancer or other cancer. Isn’t that interesting.

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