Opt-out procedures at airports for TSA dystopian facial recognition screening, plus artificial intelligence, tech and banking updates

July 22, 2023

Meet Lisa. It debuted last week as an AI news bot for Odisha TV in Bhubaneswar, India.

“Lisa” is at least the second AI-generated news bot in the country. India Today debuted its AI bot “Sana” in March.

Kuwait News debuted AI news bot “Fedhi” in April.

Hollywood labor union SAG-AFTRA (Screen Actors Guild – American Federation of Television and Radio Artists) is now in Week Two of its strike. SAG-AFTRA, which represents approximately 160,000 actors and other stage personnel, is demanding, among other things, that Hollywood studios update their pay models to facilitate residuals for streaming content. But the main sticking point is artificial intelligence.

The vast majority of Hollywood actors are extras and background people who make average Joe and Jane salaries. Hollywood studios are threatening to capture the image and likeness of these actors in one shoot, pay them for that one shoot, then continually use their images and likenesses via AI in perpetuity, with no further compensation.

Studios are also threatening to use AI to write scripts. The foregoing would put thousands of writers and actors out of work. This trend goes way beyond Hollywood.

RELATED: Artificial intelligence will completely eliminate human identity, creativity and the arts, as copyright gray areas and illusions of reality become norms (June 13, 2023)


A Goldman Sachs report published in March estimated that 300 million jobs will be lost or severely diminished due to AI by the year 2030. The firm also stated that humanoid robots will be working in factories, elderly care facilities, etc. by 2025. Rich people already have their very own C3PO’s and R2D2’s, except they are far more human-like.

There was just a gathering in Geneva on July 6-7 called the “AI for Good Global Summit.” It was dubbed the world’s largest gathering of humanoid robots. Among the robot “delegates” was Nadine, who had just spent six months working in a home for the elderly in Singapore.

If all goes well for the powers-that-be (“TPTB”), there will only be 500 million people total left on Earth in 2030. Thus job losses are in the natural order of things. Regardless, it’s quite sobering seeing all this happen in real-time, while the masses continue grazing, dying inside more everyday, and blaming “long COVID.”

We’ve said it a million times. Humanity is over as we once knew it. Those who remain non-vaccinated, avoid large crowds with recently vaccinated people, and maintain their critical thinking skills without going insane, have front-row seats to watch all this unfold.

The Georgia CHIP program

Your child has a 1 in 300,000 chance of being kidnapped or go missing prior to turning 18 years old in the U.S. The odds are even longer when talking only about White American children. The child is far more likely to be found if they are White and female because mainstream media plaster their faces everywhere until they are found.

They still talk about JonBenet Ramsey today, the six-year-old who was kidnapped and murdered in Colorado in 1996 – 27 years ago.

This face was more recognizable than many Hollywood stars for quite a while.

Human traffickers often target Black American children and illegal immigrant children because they are the least likely to receive help from mainstream media and police in their searches. Further, stories like Jussie Smollett and Carlee Russell provide otherwise decent people with justification for not caring about missing and/or abducted Black Americans.

White American kids, unless it’s family-related, have a very remote chance of ever being abducted. But kids in general had a 99.997% survival rate for so-called COVID-19; and parents, by the millions, allowed their kids to receive experimental gene therapies (“vaccines”). The same irrational reasoning is playing out in Georgia and across the U.S., thanks to Freemasons.

The Georgia Child Identification Program, aka GACHIP, is one of several programs administered by MasoniCHIP International, Inc. Freemason groups have been collecting children’s DNA under the guise of protecting them from potential child predators for nearly 20 years.

RELATED: War on children continues: 8-year-old Ryleigh Jones develops post-injection neurological disorder, as FDA approves more deadly “treatments” for kids (May 3, 2022)


Parents take their children to these events, and allow Freemasons to gather their fingerprints, scent and DNA as a “public service.” The GACHIP brochure says the program has been going on since 2004. But it was always dismissed as “conspiracy theory” by mainstream media until recently.

We’re highlighting the Georgia chapter because it has an upcoming event on July 26 to collect kids’ DNA, scent and fingerprints. But the program is active in several U.S. states and in Canada.

The GACHIP programs assures that:

“The…program retains only the permission slip that must be signed prior to participation in the event. All other data is permanently erased after the child’s document is prepared.”

Freemasons are the foot soldiers and the average Joe pool for TPTB today. Those who want to be part of TPTB and their agendas, but cannot get into one of their training schools (Harvard, Yale, etc.), join local Freemason lodges to get attention.

Freemasons were previously (like 200 years ago) the fighters against the “Illuminati,” which is the conspiracy theory term for TPTB. George Washington, the first U.S. President, was not only a Freemason, but also frequently spoke of the “nefarious, and dangerous plan, and doctrines of the Illuminati.”

This same George Washington statue is in at least five U.S. towns and cities. This one is in Houlton, Maine.

Sometime after the U.S. Civil War, Freemasons became what they are today – the lower ranks of TPTB.

We assume the only people giving their children’s DNA to Freemasons are the same crowd that lined up their 5-year-olds for mRNA injections. Regardless, beware of these devious programs that are apparently accelerating for whatever reason.

FedNow® goes live, while banks around the world eliminate paper money

We first wrote about the CashApp-like FedNow® platform on April 18. It went live on July 20, according to a Federal Reserve press release. Wells Fargo, U.S. Bank and Chase are the largest banks listed as early adopters. The platform allows participating banks and individuals to send payments instantly to anyone else who has a FedNow®-connected account.

This may not seem like a big deal on the surface. But it is yet another major step towards a cashless society where the banks know where every penny is spent by every individual in the world. It also gives TPTB another avenue to cut people off from their money if you disobey their rules (e.g. fail to receive vaccines). This is already the case in China, while Americans are being conditioned into compliance with digital monetary policies.

This blogger still uses cash, prepaid debit cards, and cryptocurrency for as many purchases as possible. A local gas station also accepts silver bullion for fuel purchases. But most of the masses are already conditioned only to use credit cards and QR codes for purchases. We’ll give it until the end of 2025 for cash to no longer exist in the United States. The U.S. dollar won’t exist in its current by then either. This is all happening much faster elsewhere.

RELATED: A look back on geopolitical currency wars, as bank collapses, artificial inflation of Bitcoin are latest signs of imminent conversion from “petrodollars” to digital currency (CBDC) (March 28, 2023)


Aussies were already the least-likely people in the world to use cash for purchases. Now that the conditioning is complete, Commonwealth Bank, the largest bank in Australia, announced last week that it is no longer facilitating cash transactions over-the-counter at several of its branches. Customers are now limited to $500 per day withdrawals via ATM. This news comes as ANZ Bank, the country’s third-largest bank, stopped cash withdrawals at many of its branches in March.

The National Bank of Ethiopia is making digital ID mandatory for all transactions. Ethiopia has Africa’s fourth-highest performing economy. The program, announced last week and administered by the World Bank in Washington, D.C., will require all customers (basically all Ethiopian citizens) to be enrolled in the Fayda digital ID program to access banks. No digital ID, no banking, no money.

Meanwhile the United Nations, very quietly, launched its automated fact-checking system called iVerify late last month. It’s like a combination of Politifact, Reuters and that cheesy “Newsguard” website to control global narratives. The official iVerify website uses all the contemporary buzzwords in describing its mission:

“Understanding online information pollution is an urgent global challenge. Misinformation, disinformation, and hate speech threaten peace and security, disproportionately affecting those who are already vulnerable.”

It’s only a matter of time before all transactions around the world are facilitated with QR codes on smartphones, while free-thinking will be a thing of the past by 2030.

Know your rights before going into a U.S. airport

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – it’s best not to fly at all in 2023 unless it’s absolutely necessary. And when flying is necessary, it needs to be on a commercial jet with at least two pilots. And for those still believing the Republican Party will save them from whatever, 83 Republicans voted against a bill last week that would have forced airlines to reinstate pilots who were fired for refusing the lethal injections.

The U.S. House of Representatives voted 412-9 on that same day to pledge Zionist ass-licking from U.S. government in perpetuity. Digression.

RELATED: Are COVID-19 injections the “ethno-bomb” Israel began developing in the late 1990s? (January 17, 2022)


We’ve had several people send us photos like the following at U.S. airports.

You may also see something like this.

The U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) have expanded their facial recognition system to more airport in 2023. They and certain airlines take photos of all passengers at the check-in lines (or before boarding the plane), and compare them with photos on their passport, state ID, or other identification.

It’s been going on at some airports and with certain airlines since 2019.

As of publishing, we know that the technology is being used at the following airports:

Atlanta (ATL); Baltimore (BWI); Boston (BOS); Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW); Denver (DEN); Detroit (DTW); Cedar Rapids (CID) in Iowa; Cincinnati (CVG); Columbus (CMH) in Ohio; Gulfport-Biloxi (GPT) and Jackson (JAN) in Mississippi; Honolulu (HNL); Las Vegas (LAS); Los Angeles (LAX); Miami (MIA); Nashville (BNA); New Orleans (MSY); Oklahoma City (OKC); Orlando (MCO); Phoenix (PHX); Richmond (RIC); Salt Lake City (SLC); San Francisco (SFO); San Jose (SJC); and Washington, D.C.-Reagan (DCA).

The program will be in 97% of U.S. airports by mid-2024. This is clearly an invasion of privacy. But most Americans, similar to the lethal injections, will just do it. But for critical thinkers, you can in fact opt-out of the program. Note that foreign travelers do not have the option of opting out.

The key is staying vigilant. Both the airlines and the government are very coy about this program, and in most cases, do not display either of the foregoing signs.

RELATED: #Vaxxidents: last two months of 2022 warned us all – travel by plane only when absolutely necessary, drive during non-peak hours only, avoid public transit (January 13, 2023)


Make certain before stepping foot in an airport to have this linked page pulled up on your phone. TSA agents are ultimately cops, and thus power-drunken. Show them their own words on the foregoing linked site – that you can opt-out of the facial recognition photos. They will not make it easy and will not advertise the fact that you can opt-out.

Assert your right to opt-out immediately to the first TSA agent you encounter. Otherwise, they may take your photo without you even knowing it. Tell them you wish to opt-out and use an “alternative screening” method. Make certain to use those exact words, as that’s how the laws and policies are written and recognized. The full spiel, from a now-deleted CBP page (which you should also have pulled up on your phone), is:

“Travelers who do not wish to participate in this facial comparison process may notify a CBP Officer or an airline, airport or cruise line representative in order to seek an alternative means of verifying their identities and documents.”

Granted the TSA and federal government already have your photos via Facebook and state ID. But simply allowing them to own your body further only emboldens them. It will likely create a small scene when you opt-out. But freedom and liberty are never easy to obtain and maintain.

Noticing more differences during The Great Reset

This is the United States, land of guns, violence, trannies and Trump. We’re accustomed to 2-3 mass shooting per day, tribal political violence and just general debauchery and degeneracy, particularly since the turn of the millennium. But it seems Americans are getting more deranged by the day, like the Zombie Apocalypse is already here.

We wrote about Chad Doerman earlier this month. He’s the Ohio man who executed his three young sons in front of his wife on June 15. Crimes are becoming more heinous, even for U.S. standards.

Theresa Cain was the 46-year-old Ohio woman who killed her husband, 13-year-old son, and 74-year-old father, before killing herself on February 27. Mainstream media said that the family was about to be evicted from their home, so the woman killed everyone.

The Cesar Olalde case is also quite disturbing. He’s the 18-year-old Texas man who killed both his parents and his two siblings on May 23. Olalde thought his family were cannibals and were going to eat him, so he killed them.

It’s surprising that the story of Taylor Schabusiness (yes, that’s her real name) isn’t 24/7 “news” a la Jodi Arias and Casey Anthony. The 25-year-old Wisconsin woman, in February 2022, killed and dismembered 25-year-old Shad Thyrion in Green Bay. The two were either a couple (Schabusiness is also married) or just friends. Thyrion‘s mother found his severed head, penis and testicles in a bucket in her basement.

The murder trial begins on Monday.

Ralph Yarl, a 16-year-old Kansas City kid, was shot in the head on April 13. The assailant, an 84-year-old man, shot Yarl after he knocked on his door believing it was someone’s else’s house.

Kaylin Gillis was the 20-year-old New York woman who was shot and killed on April 15 for mistakenly pulling into the shooter’s driveway, believing it was someone else’s house.

Cheerleaders Payton Washington (18) and Heather Roth (21) were both shot in Elgin, Texas on April 17 after accidentally getting into the wrong car in a parking lot. It was an honest mistake, but the shooter opened fire. Both Roth and Washington survived.

This blogger has always been somewhat of a recluse. But this world and the people in it today are nothing like they were even 10 years ago. Technology has set humanity back, while humanity in general is vast majority GMO in 2023. Many of said GMO humans will die in the next year or two. But the ones who survive longer are just, off.

It’s best to avoid society as much as possible in 2023. Whether it’s #vaxxidents, government manipulation, or GMO humans, there are simply too many dangers out there for non-vaccinated critical thinkers. Cling to your circle of friends and family tight. It’s going to be another two years before this tidal wave of vaccine genocide deaths and AI manipulation finally settle down. Every day is important in ensuring you and your family are prepared for what’s here and what’s to come.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog® book here.


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1 year ago

You have written about something that has long bothered me – Mass Media ONLY broad casting stories where white females go missing or are murdered. Even though my father was white, my mother is Native American. In the Native American communities, the rate of missing, abducted and murdered Native American women is one of the highest in this nation. Yet, the coverage for this segment of the population is nonexistent (along with other non-white populations). Always made me furious, the blatant disregard of the Media to marginalize certain segments of society as if we are less worthy of help, assistance, aid and coverage.

There is a bias in the media that is there if only people would just open their eyes and see. Truth isn’t what the boob tube tells you it is. We, the people, are being gaslighted as a nation. Wake up before it is too late.

1 year ago


1 year ago

Thank goodness for blogs like this, or anything refreshing or original these days!.. I’m born & raised in the USA back to the Mayflower. But, sometimes I wonder if I’m still in America. Is this a surreal dream??!.. It’s so strange dealing with heavily vaccinated individuals, which, in effect, are most people!.. Strange, but usually just subtle enough to leave you a bit uneasy. Other times it’s just crazy! So, I like traveling to less impacted States; hanging out with foreigners who never bought into these impositions; remembering how great my friends & relatives used to be; & just enjoying true, peaceful Nature. Thanks for the outlet!!-

And thanks for tips on Opting Out of Biometrics. I already Opt Out of the extra X-ray machines, which works OK, although you must be firm & assertive. Most recently, they have assigned bizarre LGBTQ+ TSA characters to do the Pat-Downs at major airports– just ask for the Privacy room/booth, which means the process will be supervised by a 3rd party. Personally, I’m not fazed by very gender-challenged people, as I don’t have confusion in that area, but it was somewhat amusing to see that this year-!!- (These were the kind with face tattoos, shaved heads. many piercings. I try to deal with them compassionately, as I believe that many have been abused. That worked out well.)

Last edited 1 year ago by Liesl
1 year ago

A detail-packed and insigthful article, Brian. Well done and thank you.

1 year ago

I heard from some people claiming to be familiary with the issue that today’s Freemansonry is Judaism for Non-Jews. And you are right they are one step below the Ashkenazi rulers. So everyone who is hoping for white hats aint gonna happen folks.

1 year ago
Reply to  Falkor

Freemasonry = jewish mysticism for goyim.

Amy Sukwaan
11 months ago

Although a child getting snatched away by a complete stranger is rare, it does happen. The bigger issue is the legal abduction through Child Protective Services and immigration and trafficking networks that are supported by the government. I suspect the Sound of Freedom movie may have led to the push for those chips…I’ll pass for my children thanks

Linda Grace Byers
11 months ago

Wow, Tony Robbins … the king of coaching and motivation, sharpening the wits of plastic people?!
I find it disturbingly entertaining to hear how “realistic” these programmed dolls are according to the propagandists. For shame on all of them … the one responding to Tony wasn’t even making eye contact but he was trying to, HILARIOUS!

Brian … I feel the same way about increasing my reclusiveness. I was challenged to not be “afraid” to fly. I am not easily frightened, but I am not stupid either. Planes trains and automobiles are driven flown and driven by time bombs (tick tock, we just aren’t sure who is going to die when and where?)

The painful part of all this is the people I love that have been injected, saying they just don’t understand why celebs are dying en masse? It is a pointless useless fruitless conversation to have because they don’t get it, and I don’t want to rub salt in open wounds for those that know they made a huge mistake … sigh, God help us all

It is a waiting game I don’t want to play … the grieving has already been heavy

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