Tuesday Tidings XI: Trump federal indictment may change 2024 election, illegal and E.T. aliens jousting for significance, as we chronicle 35-plus more sudden deaths

June 13, 2023

We will start this article with some lighthearted commentary, since most content on The COVID Blog® (including this article) is ominous and deflating. Critical thinkers cannot allow The Great Reset to rob them of their innate personalities and natures. Truth is never pleasant. Neither is intelligent, critical thought.

Lisa Simpson made one of the most profound observations thereof.

But we’re all still pure-blooded humans (at least 15% of us across the globe) with senses of humor and emotions despite relentless attacks since 2021.

We get a lot of emails from people asking us to start a non-vaccinated dating website (we sent subscribers an email about that today). The non-vaccinated are playing with fire by having sexual relations with vaxxed people. That means the dating pool for non-vaccinated Americans equals about 19% of the population. Add in error margins for married people and homosexuals, and that leaves about 10% (1 out of 10) people we can potentially date. Non-vaccinated critical thinkers must expand their horizons beyond personal, typical “types” to find love these days.

This blogger went out on a date in April. She literally emulated this chick in the following video.

She was a liberal. The first test, ice-breaker comment came out immediately: “if you think it’s cute to dress boys in skirts and makeup, move along.” She giggled and said that’s the father’s call. Wishy-washy, but whatever. She was quite attractive and was acting like the lioness in the following video, despite us meeting at a grocery store.

We had dinner that night. The next day, we texted back and forth. There’s no sense in dragging things on needlessly, especially after a fun first date. “The question” has to be asked, subtly or otherwise. Here’s how it was posed in this situation. Note, she is a nurse.

As the kids say today, she was “ghosted” thereafter. It’s sad because she was fine. But what can you do? That’s the life of a non-vaccinated single man (or woman) in a nutshell. Now that the chuckles and fun are out of the way…

Jacinda Ardern, Lori Lightfoot being rewarded for their service

All of the goons for the powers-that-be (“TPTB”), the ones who implemented and executed COVID dystopia from March 2020 to, in some cases today, are now being rewarded for their efforts. Former New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is/was arguably the most vile of the COVID tyrants across the globe.

Jacinda Ardern.

RELATED: Casey Hodgkinson: 23-year-old New Zealand woman suffering uncontrollable convulsions, loses ability to walk, talk days after first Pfizer mRNA injection (November 3, 2021)


Justin Trudeau (Canada) and Scott Morrison (Australia) are the only two even close to perpetrating the levels of evil Ardern did on New Zealanders (no coincidence all of said countries are controlled by the British crown). She resigned as Prime Minister in January. And now Ardern, 42, is being rewarded.

King Chuck of England bestowed Ardern with the title of “dame” on May 5. Note that damehood is the female equivalent of knighthood. The awards are given to people who “make a major contribution to the country.” Ardern is a Dame Grand Companion, which basically means she’s a trusted, forever taken-care-of minion of TPTB. But that’s not all for Jacinda.

She accepted a position at Harvard University in late April. She will speak and study about “online extremism” and leadership at Harvard Law School beginning this fall.

Former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot also did a lot of dirty work for TPTB. She was voted out of office last month (more on that later). But fear not. Lightfoot also accepted a fellowship at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. She will “mentor and teach students who aspire to similar roles.” Lightfoot will begin her new role this fall as well.

As we’ve said previously, Ivy League schools are training grounds for TPTB, nothing more, nothing less. There is nothing prestigious or honorable about attending any of those institutions unless selling your soul is the goal. And they will reward you handsomely for doing so.

Masks making a comeback

The true purpose of masks is robbing humans of their individuality, to help facilitate androgyny. Individualism is a threat to tyranny. Hiveminds are easy to control. Masks make everyone look alike and are a sign of obedience. Plus homosexuals and radical liberals/feminists, the two most coddled cultures in the U.S., love masks as much as they love mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. So the phenomenon will always be around from 2020 forward.

Fox News reported on Friday that, despite Biden ending the “COVID-19 emergency” last month, the White House was requiring masks and social distancing for all non-vaccinated people at the “College Athletes Day” event yesterday. The White House responded to Fox News on Saturday, saying the referenced email was “out of date” and inadvertently sent out to recipients.

For what it’s worth, it didn’t look like many people were wearing masks at the event, which isn’t surprising since most college kids are vaxxed.  Biden didn’t even show up to the event. In fact he cancelled his whole schedule yesterday because of “an unplanned root canal.”

Aspiring lawyers taking the 12-hour bar exam in Washington, D.C. in July will be required to wear masks the entire time. You also must show proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test within 48 hours of taking the bar exam. Home COVID tests are not acceptable. Lawyers, instead of using their knowledge of the law to fight tyrannical, illegal mandates like this, simply acquiesce and obey, just like doctors. That’s why COVID Legal USA™ is so important in the grand scheme of The Great Reset.

These ridiculous mask mandates are not just making a comeback in the U.S. The Tour De France, an outdoor marathon bike race, is requiring all participants, staff and officials to wear masks at the event next month. TPTB have a love-hate relationship with masks. They like them to take away individuality. But they also want 24/7, perpetual surveillance and facial recognition everywhere. The two agendas clash. Something has to give thereof.

RELATED: Two young European competitive cyclists die suddenly, another suffers heart attack at finish line in last two weeks (March 28, 2022)


It’s a mad world. Everything that is happening today has one purpose – to hide and deflect from the vaccine genocide. But TPTB also need to move their chess pieces into place to ensure the second global genocide in 2025-2028 goes as smoothly as the COVID plandemic genocide. That means placing more Arderns, Lightfoots, Trudeaus, etc. in high places.

The next U.S. president they choose will be the most powerful, integral cog of the second genocide. Who that might be is totally up in the air.

Trump has a major problem

MAGA people can stop reading now. That crowd treats Donald Trump (who is a vaxx zealot himself) like vaxx zealots treat mRNA injections. The latter blame #ABV for everything. All of Trump’s troubles are “the deep state,” whataboutisms, and #ABR (anything but responsibility – please do not use that lame acronym).

This blogger, as an objective journalist, believes and reported that the E. Jean Carroll sexual assault case against Trump was fully orchestrated by New York liberal politicians. But this current indictment was bought by special counsel Jack Smith, who has no ties to the Merrick Garland/Joe Biden Department of Justice. At some point, you have to call a crook a crook (or a criminal).

The unsealed, 49-page, 37-count federal grand jury indictment against Trump and his patsy (assistant), Walt Nauta, makes former President Richard Nixon look like a choir boy. This is not hush money payments to strippers or ripping off people via “Trump University.” Trump literally stole nuclear weapons secrets, disseminated them to several people, was caught on tape admitting all this, and then conspired to cover it all up. Several of the charges are violations of the Espionage Act.

For perspective, former U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Robert Birchum was sentenced to three years in federal prison on June 1. He stole 300-plus classified documents. But in his case, there were no allegations of obstruction or sharing the documents with unknown entities.

Thus if the Trump allegations are proven to be true, he’s likely to die in federal prison. And no matter what the MAGA crowd says, all Trump had to do was return the documents the very first time he was asked by the National Archives to do so; and this indictment never happens. But he didn’t, which further reinforces malicious intent. For the record, the special counsel investigation into Joe Biden allegedly stealing documents is still ongoing.

RELATED: 2024 Presidential Election determines who controls U.S. during pivotal 2025-2028 years of The Great Reset, while DeSantis, New York pass laws to facilitate their agendas (May 30, 2023)


Trump has been telling the public for two years that, as President, he declassified everything before taking it, and broke no laws. But an alleged transcript of a conversation with Trump and a staffer has Trump admitting that he didn’t and couldn’t declassify the documents after he left the White House (page 15 in the indictment).


Patsy Nauta’s text messages are even more damning.


The indictment is spelled out in a way that it is going to be extremely difficult for defense attorneys to come up with any sort of realistic strategy to get Trump out of this. Two of Trump’s attorneys resigned hours after learning of the indictment. The only semi-credible defense strategy is playing the ignorance card. But the sheer number of documents Trump stole is just too much to claim ignorance.

The indictment included photos of Trump’s “Mar-A-Lago” home where the documents were stored.


He stored many of said documents in one of his bathrooms.



Trump took to his Truth Social platform on Thursday to blame everyone and everything else except himself.


Charlie Kirk, one of Trump’s mouthpieces, tweeted to his 2.3 million followers that all Republican Presidential candidates should suspend their campaigns and join Trump in solidarity today when he’s arraigned in Miami. Otherwise, Kirk implied, you are RINOs.


Conservative commentator Ann Coulter snarked back at that idea.


RELATED: Midterm Election Recap: 4 Biggest Takeaways including Trump hurting GOP, toxic feminism hurting Democrats, and The COVID Blog™ testifying before Congress? (November 11, 2022)


Regardless, this Trump federal indictment is already having major impacts on the 2024 Presidential Election. Former Vice President Mike Pence announced his 2024 candidacy for President one day before everyone learned about the indictment. Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie announced his candidacy on the same day. Here’s the reality.

Some GOP mega-donors no longer support Trump. Money wins elections, not votes. Many high-profile Republican politicians do not support Trump. The lingering elephant in the room is a potential pardon for Trump by the next president. Trump would of course pardon himself if elected. Some of the other GOP candidates would also likely pardon Trump. That prospect alone is enough to derail a general election victory for Trump. It also boosts the Democrats chances, as none of them would ever pardon Trump.

The only saving grace for Trump is Judge Aileen Cannon.

Her name and face are likely familiar to you because she’s the Trump-appointed crony judge who appointed a special master to stall and manipulate the related Trump civil case back in September 2022. Somehow she was “randomly” selected to oversee this case. This blogger has a very hard time believing that this is a random coincidence, particularly since this is all happening in Trump’s backyard and DeSantis’ Florida. Cannon has the power to reject damning evidence against Trump, to stall the case until after the election, and perhaps to even dismiss the case altogether.

The American public is going to get quite familiar with the term “interlocutory appeal” for the next 18 months or so if Cannon stays on the case. The Justice Department (DOJ) can appeal every Cannon decision. But all that does is delay the case further, which is what Trump wants. Cannon can arbitrarily just say her calendar is full, etc., and delay the case indefinitely that way.

The DOJ can ask Cannon to recuse herself. However, she ultimately decides whether or not to leave the case unless the Chief Justice of the Southern District of Florida, Cecilia Altonaga, gets involved. The only legal route for the DOJ to remove Cannon is to show and prove her evident partiality towards Trump.

The other option for Trump, if Cannon doesn’t completely rig the proceedings, is a plea bargain. Some inevitable stipulations would come with a plea, including Trump never being able to run for office again. He would also likely have to permanently surrender his passport, and be on probation for the rest of his life. In that scenario, the 2024 GOP Nomination is wide open.

TPTB are more than okay with sending Trump to prison because he literally tried to destroy their trillion-dollar corporation known as the United States of America for his own selfish reasons. It’s just another day in The Great Reset.

Banner time for illegal aliens and space aliens

Almost exactly eight weeks ago today, this blogger wondered when TPTB would resurrect their alien invasion propaganda. We didn’t have to wait very long. The United States is literally and figuratively being invaded by aliens right now. The illegal variety have far too much incentive not to continue flooding the southern border.

Let’s start in New York and that mayor of theirs who reminds this blogger of Destro from the G.I. Joe cartoons in the 1980s.

Either New Yorkers are truly next-level stupid, or they truly support Eric Adams’ agenda. He’s already spent hundreds of millions of dollars since mid-2022 housing illegal immigrants in five-star hotels. Now Adams announced on June 5 a de-facto government-funded AirBNB program where he’d pay New Yorkers with “spare rooms”in their homes upwards of $200 per night to house illegal immigrants. The program would cost a total of $4.3 billion.

Meanwhile in Chicago, those people thought new Mayor Brandon Johnson would be a breath of fresh air after taking over for one-term Mayor Lori Lightfoot on May 15.

It’s unclear why Chicago voters thought Johnson was any different than Lightfoot. He told them right on his campaign website that he believes Chicago is a sanctuary city and that he would govern accordingly. Thus it should be no surprise that Johnson proposed to City Council, and they approved, $51 million for illegal immigrants on May 31.

Chicago residents angrily protested at the City Council meeting when the vote took place.

Bottom line is that these people voted for this. You reap what you sow.

RELATED: Illinois administrative judge rules that former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot exceeded statutory power by unilaterally implementing vaccine mandate for unionized workers (April 26, 2023)


And of course when it comes to illegal immigrants, you know California will be mentioned. The state senate passed SB 227 on May 30. The bill will provide $300 per week to unemployed illegal aliens. The law bars state officials from asking for the illegal aliens’ Social Security Numbers to verify that they’ve worked the minimum 93 hours over the previous three months (which is a little over two weeks of full-time work) to be eligible for the unemployment. Instead the bill has a “trust me bro” provision for the illegal aliens.

The bill is expected to easily pass the California Assembly. Governor Gavin Newsom, who once said California is a “sanctuary to all who seek it,” is expected to sign the bill into law.

It’s important to understand how and why all these illegal aliens are just flowing over here and nothing happens to stop it. Technically they are not “illegal aliens” or “illegal immigrants.” They are “asylum seekers” or “refugees.” They all show up at the border and tell the same B.S. sob story, i.e. “if I have to go back home, they will kill me.”

The Refugee Act of 1980 allows this mass charade to continue, under the guise of escaping persecution. The law authorizes the U.S. Attorney General (Merrick Garland) to “terminate an alien’s refugee status if such alien was not in fact a refugee (as defined by the Act) at the time of admission.” But don’t hold your breath waiting for that.

RELATED: Aliens, artificial intelligence and augmented reality – the triad of trickery reinforcing tribal political loyalty, rendering the global vaccine genocide invisible (February 18, 2023)


TPTB need illegals to fill jobs, as the vaccine genocide has wiped out untold millions of Americans already. They need the other type of aliens to distract from the vaccine genocide. And of course this is The Great Reset, and nothing makes sense. “Conspiracy theorists” are now saying “ain’t no damn aliens.” Normies are now saying “there are aliens in my backyard.” This is 2023.

Couldn’t help but watch the 1985 film Cocoon after writing this story.

The latest alien sighting happened in Las Vegas on May 1. A family called 911 and reported an “8-10 foot person with big eyes…they look like aliens to us…they are 100% not humans.” A few minutes prior to that, a Las Vegas Police body cam captured video of something flashing in the sky. Hundreds of other people reported seeing the same thing as far away as California and Utah. The police were just as freaked out as the family that called in.

Three points of order:

1) the Axon Flex police body cams display UTC time. Thus when the cops are talking to the family at 8:04 UTC (per the time-stamp) on May 1, 2023 in the video, that’s 1:04 a.m. local time.

2) the 8 News Now report said the cops blacked out the video when they went into the callers’ backyard to investigate the aliens because “it’s private property.” There is literally a TV show called COPS that’s been on the air since 1989, where police across the country blast people’s private property and business, including their bedrooms, on national television. So the censored because of private property narrative is fallacious.

3) all of this went down on May 1, but mainstream media just started reporting on it last week.

RELATED: Tiffany Dover Is Dead: Declassified 1944 CIA manual outlines government, mainstream media manipulation tactics, as artificial intelligence and performance art blurs lines between reality and theater (April 18, 2023)


That all said, here is the longest version of the 911 call we could find.

And here is the 8 News Now (CBS) report.

Make of all that what you will. That’s not all.

The same week (last week) of the Las Vegas reports going public, cable subscription channel NewsNation (formerly WGN Chicago) interviewed former U.S. Air Force veteran David Charles Grusch.

David Grusch.

The 36-year-old was part of the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), and a representative for the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) Task Force from 2019 to 2021, according to The Debrief, the outlet that originally broke this story on June 5. Grusch said the U.S. government has recovered “non-human craft for decades.” He also said dead alien pilots were in some of the aircraft.

Grusch conceded that he hadn’t actually seen any of the stuff he purports to exist. But he has spoken to others who have seen it. He also didn’t provide NewsNation or the Debrief any actual documents or photos because they are classified. But Grusch reportedly provided whistleblower complaints including said documents to Thomas Monheim, the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community. Grusch also submitted a whistleblower report to “Congress.” The NewsNationreport did not specify whether Grusch gave the documents to a House or Senate committee.

The Pentagon said in a statement to NewsNation:

“AARO has not discovered any verifiable information to substantiate claims that any programs regarding the possession or reverse engineering of extraterrestrial materials have existed in the past or exist currently.”

Again make of all that what you will. It could be pure coincidence that the Las Vegas story (which actually happened in early May) and the Grusch story, came out in the same week.

They have no choice. The truth is out there shining like the sun. The U.K., in February, released data on all so-called COVID-19 deaths in the country from April 2021 to December 2022. Every single month of the data on the spreadsheets look something like the following. Note that the far right column is the number of deaths involving “COVID-19.”

Thus for February 2022, for instance, 284 non-vaccinated people died in a death involving COVID-19. In that same month, 2,591 people who had received at least one mRNA or viral vector DNA injection died in a death involving COVID-19.

The U.K. continues its “vaccine compensation” charade where people who were “severely disabled as a result of a vaccination” can receive a one-time pittance payment of £120,000.

Good luck actually ever receiving the money. They’ve paid a total of 31 people since 2021.

But these data do not matter to vaxx zealots. And the saga continues across the globe. Anonymous sudden deaths are now the norm.

An unnamed 11-year-old boy died suddenly on a flight from Istanbul to New York on Sunday. A 20-something Australian man died without explanation at the Carrier Arms Hotel-Motel in Maryborough, Queensland on June 3. A “man in his 20s” collapsed and died while crossing The Strand (a very busy street in Westminster, Central London) on May 18. It literally happens every second, everywhere.

The theme for the following deaths: 50 is the new 80 in 2023.

Mike Batayeh: 52-year-old “Breaking Bad” actor dies in his sleep

Mr. Michael Batayeh was originally from Detroit, Michigan. He was a comedian and voice actor, best known for his role as a laundromat manager in the American crime drama Breaking Bad (2008 to 2013).

Mr. Batayeh suffered a massive heart attack while asleep at his home in Ypsilanti, Michigan on June 1, and never woke up.

Anna Shay: 62-year-old “Bling Empire” actress dies suddenly from a stroke

Ms. Anna Shay was born in Tokyo. Her family moved to Los Angeles in 1968 when she was eight years old. Very little is known about her personal life, except that she’d been married and divorced four times. Ms. Shay was born into wealth and never had to work.

She was best known for her role in the Netflix series Bling Empire, which ran for three seasons from 2021 until its cancellation in April.  Ms. Shay “died unexpectedly” on June 1 after suffering a stroke. Of course Netflix had a vaccine mandate in place for all workers, including actors, from at least September 2021 to the end of 2022.

Ms. Shay is at least the seventh Netflix actor, producer, etc. that we’ve covered who has died or been severely maimed from strokes and/or heart attacks since 2021.

Kyle Brown: 42-year-old ESPN producer collapses and dies at baseball tournament

Mr. Kyle Brown was originally from Washington Court House, Ohio – right between Columbus and Cincinnati. He played baseball at Ohio State University. He started working for ABC and ESPN as a freshman in college. Mr. Brown was a program director for ESPN since 2007. He had a wife and four kids.

Mr. Brown suffered a “medical emergency” while working at the NCAA super regional baseball game between Alabama and Wake Forest in Winston-Salem, North Carolina on June 10.

That means he collapsed and died from cardiac arrest. ESPN implemented a vaccine mandate in September 2021.

Ian McGinty: 38-year-old comic book artist and writer dies suddenly without explanation

Mr. James Ian McGinty was originally from Maryland. He was a well-established comic book writer and artist. Few details are available. But Mr. McGinty “died suddenly” on June 8.


He was at least double-vaxxed.


Fred Thompson: 59-year-old Canada man dies suddenly

Mr. Fred Gordon Thompson resided in Newmarket, Ontario. He worked at the Upper Canada Mall for over 30 years. Few details are available. But Mr. Thompson “passed away suddenly” on May 23.

Hamdan Aslam: 14-year-old Scotland boy collapses and dies at school

Hamdan Aslam resided in Harthill, Scotland. He was a student at St. Kentigern’s Academy in Blackburn. Hamdan collapsed and died at school on June 6. Mainstream media say he died from “natural causes.” His parents are blaming an “undetected heart condition.”

Diego Di Chiara: 47-year-old Italy musician dies from sudden “illness”

Mr. Diego Di Chiara resided in Villar Perosa – in the northwest corner of Italy. He’d been a staple in the local rock-n-roll scene since the early 1990s. Mr. Chiara was “struck down by an illness” on June 2. He died on or around June 3.

Mr. Chiara was a diehard vaxx zealot.

Jacobo Sánchez: 45-year-old Spain boxing coach dies from sudden heart attack

Mr. Jacobo Sánchez resided in Madrid. He is a longtime boxing coach. Mr. Sánchez coached the Spanish women’s national team at the 2018 World Championships. He was also part of the coaching staff for Spanish boxers at the 2020 (2021) Tokyo Olympics.

Mr. Sánchez fell deathly ill and went to Hospital de Alcorcón in Madrid on June 7. He suffered a sudden heart attack while at the hospital and passed away later that day. Marca.com noted that Mr. Sánchez “was in good physical shape and…had no previous pathologies.” All Spanish athletes and coaches were required to receive the injections to participate in the Tokyo Olympics.

Andrew Bellucci: 59-year-old New York pizzeria owner collapses and dies while working

Mr. Andrew Bellucci resided in Queens, New York City. He owned Andrew Bellucci’s Pizzeria in the Astoria neighborhood. Mr. Bellucci was well known in the area, as was his pizza.

He collapsed and died at work on May 31.

New York City had a vaccine mandate for all public and private sector businesses from late 2021 to late 2022.

Mahendra Sharma: 52-year-old India man collapses and dies while playing badminton

Mr. Mahendra Sharma resided in Noida, Uttar Pradesh. He was playing badminton at Noida Stadium at 7:30 a.m. on June 10 when he suddenly collapsed. Medical personnel tried reviving him. But Mr. Sharma was pronounced dead shortly thereafter. The only image we could find of him was when the paramedics were trying to save his life.

Paul Eckstein: 59-year-old New York actor and writer dies in his sleep

Mr. Paul Eckstein was a writer and actor best known for being the co-creator of the cable crime drama Godfather of Harlem. The series commenced in September 2019 and its third season premiered in January. Mr. Eckstein also appeared as an actor in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Law & Order, and 413 Hope St.

He “died unexpectedly in his sleepon June 6. One report said he died in Jamaica while teaching a screenwriting workshop. Godfather of Harlem is filmed in New York City. See Andrew Bellucci above.

Dr. Gaurav Gandhi: 41-year-old India cardiologist dies in his sleep

Dr. Gaurav Gandhi resided in Jamnagar, Gujarat. He was a well-known cardiologist who reportedly performed over 16,000 heart surgeries in his young career. Dr. Gandhi tended to patients at Sharda Hospital on June 5 before going home to sleep. His family found him lifeless the next morning. The official cause of death was a heart attack.

Nylson Torres: 37-year-old Brazil dancer hospitalized and dies two months after fourth mRNA injection; “husband” blames COVID-19

Mr. Nylson Torres resided in Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. He owned the Nylson Torres Dance Center, where he taught ballet, K-pop and other dance styles.

Mr. Torres was hospitalized on May 10 due to “complications with COVID-19.” He was placed on a ventilator and died of cardiac arrest on May 24.

Mr. Torres’ Instagram page was locked down (privatized) shortly after his death. But he was a frequent critic of former Brazil President Jair Bolsanaro and his critical-thinking approach to the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. Mr. Torres received the bivalent booster shot on or around March 10, which was either his fourth or five total injection.

Kerri-Anne Donaldson: 38-year-old British woman dies without explanation

Ms. Kerri-Anne Donaldson was originally from Farnborough, Hampshire. She appeared on Britain’s Got Talent in Season 8, as part of the dance group Kings and Queens. Ms. Donaldson had worked on Dancing with the Stars Ireland since 2019, according to Dublin Live.

Few details are available. But Ms. Cara Donaldson, Kerri-Anne’s sister, announced via Facebook on June 7 that Kerri-Anne passed away.

Mainstream media appear to be angling for the suicide narrative because Ms. Donaldson wrote a blog post in March 2022 complaining about how Instagram and other things have challenged her career. She also wrote a blog post in August 2021, declaring “now is a good time to add, I am double jabbed and I do want to believe our government guides us well.”

Justine Covault: 59-year-old Massachusetts musician dies “very suddenly and unexpectedly”

Ms. Justine Covault was originally from Pontiac, Michigan, but had lived in Arlington, Massachusetts (Boston-area) for many years. Her band Justine and the Unclean just released a new album on June 2. She was also the founder of Red on Red Records. Ms. Covault was a fixture in the Boston music scene.

Few details are available. But Ms. Covault’s daughter Haley announced on June 9 that her mother passed away.


Radio announcer Dee Tension describe her death as “very [sudden] and [unexpected].”


Boston had a vaccine mandate for all nightclubs, bars and restaurants from late 2021 to February 18, 2022.

Amanda Graham: 53-year-old Canada woman dies “suddenly”

Ms. “Mandy” Christine Graham resided in London, Ontario (a town that comes up quite a bit on The COVID Blog®). Very little is known about her except that she loved music and had a son.

Ms. Graham “passed away suddenly” on June 3.


Her obituary appears to blame #ABV, saying she was “plagued by various health issues throughout her adult life.”


Sarim Shah: 33-year-old India doctor collapses and dies at home

Dr. Sarim Shah was originally from Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir. He was an OB/GYN at Max Super Specialty Hospital in New Delhi, according to his Facebook page. We couldn’t find his exact age. But friends and family indicated he was around 33.

Dr. Shah collapsed and died at home on or around May 25.


He worked in “healthcare.” Not much more to say there.


Mohammad Bilal: 38-year-old Pakistan snooker champion dies from sudden heart attack

Mr. Mohammad Bilal (also spelled “Muhammad” Bilal in some publications) resided in Mandi Bahauddin, Punjab, Pakistan. He was a two-time National Snooker Champion (2016 and 2019) and runner-up in 2018. Note that snooker is a variation of pool.

Mr. Bilal died from cardiac arrest at his home on May 27. It was practically impossible to exist in Pakistan without receiving the injections in 2021. The country implemented punitive punishments for the non-vaccinated, including shutting off their cell phone service and/or withholding their paychecks.

Patricia Long: 59-year-old North Carolina woman dies “unexpectedly”

Ms. Patricia Arleen Long resided in Mount Airy, North Carolina. She was the mother of three children and had several grandchildren.

Few details are available. But Ms. Long died “suddenly” on May 27.


She was a diehard vaxx zealot.


Lauren Payton: 35-year-old Las Vegas woman dies without explanation

Ms. Lauren Payton was originally from Charlotte, North Carolina. She’d lived in Las Vegas since 2017, and worked as a caregiver. We don’t know her exact age, as no obituary appears to be public (which is becoming a common theme). So we crunch context clues to determine ages in some cases.

Ms. Payton just had her first baby, a daughter, in January 2022. Few details are known. But Ms. Payton passed away “suddenly” on or around May 26.


Ms. Payton was at least double-vaxxed.


Rashmita Ravindra: 19-year-old India nursing student collapses and dies at home

Ms. Rashmita Ravindra resided in Renjilady, Karnataka. She was a nursing student at an unnamed private college in Mangaluru. Some reports say she was 18; some say 19. Regardless, she was reportedly feeling sick for several days. Ms. Ravindra collapsed and died at her home on June 1.

Melissa Kinsella: 30-year-old British hairdresser collapses and dies at Turkey airport

Ms. Melissa Bridget Kinsella resided  in Upton, Merseyside. She was a hairdresser, and had three children with her longtime boyfriend. Ms. Kinsella was at the Antayla Airport in Turkey with her family on May 15 when she suddenly collapsed. She was clinically dead for quite a while. But the family flew her back to Merseyside for doctors to pronounce her dead on May 26, then harvest her organs.

Brenda Bartnick: 53-year-old Illinois woman dies without explanation

Ms. Brenda Bartnick resided in Springfield, Illinois. She was a beautician and the mother of three kids. Ms. Bartnick died at home without explanation on May 2.

Tracy Ruppe: 51-year-old Wisconsin assistant fire chief dies “fast and unexpected”

Ms. Tracy J. Ruppe resided in Superior, Wisconsin. She was the assistant finance director for Douglas County. Ms. Ruppe was also the second assistant fire chief for the Lakeside Volunteer Fire Department.

Ms. Ruppe died “fast and unexpectedly” on May 5. The cause of death, according to her son, was “heart failure.”


The Lakeside Volunteer Fire Department posted the following on January 6, 2021.


Andrew Walker: 23-year-old Idaho graduate student collapses and dies while running a marathon

Mr. Andrew Walker was originally from Seattle. He was a member of the Boise State University club lacrosse team. Mr. Walker graduated with a degree in business and economics in 2022. He was enrolled in a master’s program, and was a graduate assistant for the Boise State football team.

Mr. Walker was running a marathon on May 28 when he suddenly collapsed. He died a short time later.

Boise State University has had a vaccine coercion policy in place since January 2022. The school reported that 87% of students had received at least one injection as of October 7, 2021. A scholarship fund has been established in Mr. Walker’s name.

Amylia Bergholz: 46-year-old Iowa woman dies without explanation

Ms. Amylia Yeaman Bergholz was born in Milwaukee. She resided in Iowa City, Iowa with her 10-year-old daughter. Ms. Bergholz was a world traveler, poet, and former public school teacher.

She passed away on May 21. Several people on social media say she died in her sleep. The family is blaming diabetes for her death. The following is a post from Ms. Bergholz’s now-deleted Facebook page.

Dallas Keogh-Frankling: 17-year-old Australia footy player collapses and dies in locker room

Dallas Keogh-Frankling resided in Castlemaine, Victoria. He was a member of the Castlemaine FNC Australian Rules Football (“footy”) team.

Dallas was playing in an under-18 Bendigo League game at the Kyneton Showgrounds on May 27. When Dallas entered the locker room after the game, “his eyes rolled in[to] the back of his head,” according to the Herald Sun. Paramedics tried resuscitating him for 90 minutes. But Dallas was pronounced dead.

Mr. Mark Frankling, Dallas’s father, said his son had no preexisting medical conditions, and he wants to know why his son died. Mainstream media have acknowledged that Australia had more excess deaths in 2022 than at any point in the last 80 years. Of course they blamed so-called COVID-19. The silly #ABV-splaining headlines about Australia never stop.

Stephen Quinn: 46-year-old British doctor dies “suddenly and unexpectedly”

Dr. Stephen D. Quinn was originally from Whitby, North Yorkshire. He was a consultant OB/GYN at St. Mary’s Hospital in London. Few details are available. But Dr. Quinn died “suddenly and unexpectedly” on or around June 11.

Suezette Madery: 53-year-old Idaho National Guardswoman dies from “respiratory distress”

Ms. Suezette Renee Madery-Wilkey resided in Boise. She was a First Sergeant and HR Manager for the Idaho Army National Guard. She’d been with the National Guard since 1989. Ms. Madery was the mother of two children.

She passed away due to “respiratory distress” on May 29. The Pentagon required all National Guard personnel to receive the lethal injections from November 30, 2021 to January 10, 2023.

Mara Kieval: 51-year-old Oregon nurse dies from hyper-aggressive lung cancer

Ms. Mara Kieval resided in Portland, Oregon. She was a nurse representative for the Washington State Nurses Association. Note that downtown Portland is less than 10 miles from the Washington State border.

Ms. Kieval was diagnosed with lung cancer on April 19. She had one round of chemotherapy, and died on May 13.

She posted the following via Instagram on November 27, 2021.

Marissa Karcich: 34-year-old New York woman “dies suddenly”

Ms. Marissa E. Karcich resided in Bethpage, New York. She appears to be the mother of boys. Few details are available. But Ms. Karcich “died suddenly” on May 24.

She posted the following via Facebook on May 25, 2021.

Jill Smart: 49-year-old North Carolina woman dies in her sleep

Mrs. Jill Funderburk Smart resided in Monroe, North Carolina. She was a teacher, and was working on her PhD at the University of Indiana. Mrs. Smart was the mother of two children and two stepchildren.

She died in her sleep on May 26. There’s no definitive evidence she received the injections. But if her husband is like this…

Homosexual culture, hyper-aggressive cancers ensuring TPTB get to their 500 million global population goal by 2030

It must be a rite of passage in Hollywood these days. Actress Megan Fox was best known for her role in the 2007 blockbuster action film Transformers. Now Fox, 37, is famous for dressing her three sons up in girl’s clothing.

The boys’ father is actor Brian Austin Green, best known for his role in the 1990s television series Beverly Hills, 90210. The couple divorced in 2020. But it appears Green helps facilitate the emasculation of his sons. Fox got mad and said anyone who talked about her sons’ “gender identity” will be a victim of her witchcraft.  This “woman” literally admitted in 2022 that she drinks other people’s blood.

Meanwhile a federal judge in Pennsylvania affirmed the right of Saucon Valley School District students to have After School Satan Club on school grounds. The ACLU represented the Satanic Temple in said case. There are numerous schools across the country with After School Satan Club, riding the wave of the foregoing federal court victory.

The White House displayed a homosexual flag between two American flags on June 10.





The Rockefeller Center in Midtown Manhattan looked like this on June 6.


The fact that at least 20% of Generation Z (people born after 1997) are homosexuals, plus high uptake of mRNA injections with that demographic, means that human procreation will essentially come to a standstill in Western countries in the next decade. Oh and remember White House “non-binary” weirdo luggage thief Sam Brinton? “They” was arrested AGAIN last month because of a lead from a woman who tweeted the following in February.

It’s unclear if “they” will actually face any real accountability this time, since “they” is part of the most protected class of people in human history.

The post-injection, hyper-aggressive cancer phenomenon is affecting far more people than we ever imagined. An emailer wrote us and said “search ‘I have cancer'” on YouTube. There are hundreds of these, all since 2021, and all young-looking people.

The depopulation agenda is working even better than TPTB hoped. This blogger, in normal times, would say it’s sad that 80% of the human race is completely oblivious as to what’s happening. But 80%-plus of humanity allowed someone to inject experiment gene therapies into them. So it all makes sense.

Several readers tell us they accept that the world and humanity are over as we once knew them. They also appreciate us telling it like it is, except for the fact that they always leave these long articles feeling distraught and helpless.

We’re going to try beginning and ending these long articles with something light, funny and/or positive. So…introducing the Buettikofer’s epauletted fruit bat.

They mostly live in Ghana, Liberia and the Ivory Coast. The people there reportedly hunt these things for bushmeat. But it’s better than “eat zee bugs and like it.”

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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1 year ago

Mr. Frankling wanted to know why his son died.

To Mr. Frankling:
You. The reason is you.
You allowed you and your son to be brainwashed into taking these experimental jabs (as well being brainwashed about everything else)
Well done. Only a matter of time before your next.
Don’t forget your booster – after all granny still needs protecting and Covid is still out there. You don’t want to be labelled as anti-vax, now do you?

But if you want to do something about it, then wake up and smell the coffee. Your government hates you and is selling the little rights away. Overthrow your government.

My words may sound callous and hurtful – but hey the truth hurts. But at least there are people out there trying to wake you fools up.

P.S. – Sorry for your loss (I guess)

Someone who is smarter than you

To the rest of the critical-thinkers:

I love you. Well done.

An anti-vax scum/person who is still alive

1 year ago
Reply to  Aidan

@Aidan – You aren’t scum! And neither is any other smart person who didn’t take the jabs. The Covidiots just name-call us to make themselves forget their own dumbness and stupidity.

Death Race 2030
Death Race 2030
1 year ago
Reply to  Aidan

right on Aidan. He trusted his doctor and his government, big mistake. Sorry to see someone so young perish without fulfilling their dreams

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
1 year ago

I like the idea of a non-jabbed website for dating or a way to meet like minded people to hang out with. One big challenge will be how to prevent contaminated jabbed people from entering the domain? The jabbed will be like a Trojan horse, desperate to seek a pure blood mate and will lie about their jabbed status. It may be difficult to screen for spike protein jabbed people unless a blood test or some other method can be created that’s highly accurate.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

There could be a way to screen the vaxxed/soon to be dead out on this website: Ask them a few questions regarding NWO stuff, as well as asking them their thoughts on certain topics.

Ask them their thoughts on people like Fauci and Gates. Ask them about the great reset, Father “you vil eat ze bugs” Klausy, federal reserve act, how banks and money work in the real world, esoteric religions/spiritual practices, floruide, the real hollywood, etc… Someone who is awake/unvaccinated should have a good amount of knowledge on these topics (or at least be aware of them).

Holding On
Holding On
1 year ago
Reply to  Aidan

Great list of topics. You can add some more: geoengineering using man-made weather modification systems, weapons causing additional earthquakes and so-called smart cities…..

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

I’d say a big problem is how can you ensure the people who wanted everyone dosed wouldn’t just use something like that as a shopping list?

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

Yes, this could be a problem. But i’m afraid to go near any types of needles (to get my blood tested). TPTB could accidentally inject me with a vaccine, then say oops, sorry, wrong needle.

It’s very dangerous now to date. There are folks that (like you said), will search for “pure bloods” like us, and lie about their own status. Tough situation to be in.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

What’s also scary, is that there are unvaccinated people who took the PCR tests (nasal or throat swabs). And those are also contaminated with nano-tech.

So, let’s say, you meet someone who is anti-vax. But they were pressured to get PCR test (by their job) during the plandemic? I may have to give up on dating… too many questions (for a mate). Too many opportunities for a potential mate to lie.

I remember early on (post-vax), they were saying women were already lying about their vax status (due to regret). That was early 2022.

Sean O'Connor
Sean O'Connor
1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

True that how many purebloods have slept with the inoculated? How many inoculated have taken saline shots? Unknown

1 year ago

I just read about Meghan Fox. A Republican senator came out with the story about Meghan dressing her young boys in girls clothing. She came out and said He messed with the wrong witch…..yep she is admitting it she a witch. Well the story goes the boys were crying that their mother was making them wear the dresses and their nanny was comforting them at a playground.
The senator said he and his family used to live in their gated community and his children played at the same playground. So the story is most likely true. She and her ex husband are nasty people with an agenda for their 3 sons. Pray for the innocent children….even her kids know they are boys and don’t want to wear dresses.

1 year ago

Most of the world is under occupation by the first of the seven deadly sins (pride). It even flies its own flag. Its only counterbalance is the virtue of humility.

1 year ago
Reply to  CSJ

I believe that pride is an appropriate name to the alphabet gang’s month long celebration. For after the pride comes the fall. And they will fall. They’re position and entire lives are based on delusion and hate. Especially of themselves.

1 year ago
Reply to  CSJ

Under the influence of Satan is more like it

1 year ago
Reply to  CSJ

I’ve come to the conclusion that most of the world is under occupation by the aliens, whoever they are. They want to get rid of humans from this planet, and claim it for themselves. I’ve watched a documentary about how aliens are abducting humans, and using them to create a new hybrid race to live on this planet after we’re gone. Is it really surprising? Look around you! All the pesticides, preservatives, additives that they put in the food, wifi 5g, birth control chemicals, endocrine disruptors in the shampoo, dishwasher liquid, BPA plastics, and now the vaccine. And on top of it all, the media is pushing anti-natalist propoganda. All these factors are looking like aliens want the human population to go down. It’s like in Half-Life 2 when aliens controlled the planet, they put in place a disruption field to keep women from conceiving. They polluted the entire planet, and ate all of it’s resources.

1 year ago
Reply to  Warrior

They are called fallen angels, demons. They have been pushing the alien agenda for some time now, since it will be used to explain the sudden disappearance of the true church (and all children in the world who are under the age of accountability) when we are raptured to Jesus, prior to the Tribulation period and Second Coming.

1 year ago
Reply to  Susannah

Agreed. And all the signs point to the rapture occurring very very soon. In particular, the apostasy (falling away) of the church itself. It’s so heartbreaking to watch this world going down the toilet and loved ones refusing to be saved. It’s a bittersweet thought, but see you soon in the air, sister.

1 year ago
Reply to  Emjay

I’m finding it really hard to hold on. This world is way too harsh for a person like me. The emotional toll of this past couple of years is just too much. I’ve seen everyone’s true colours and it is not pretty. I pray every day for this to be over for those of us who do not want to participate in a world of hate. And then I pray for the strength to stay and witness, if that be the Plan for me.

1 year ago
Reply to  Cherie

Your comment truly resonates with me! Some of my family fell for the lies, it’s put a strain on my marriage at times, and I feel like my personality has changed. I don’t think any of us are the same people that we were a mere 4 years ago. I pray every day for the Lord to keep us strong and faithful until He returns, and He honours that prayer although some days I feel like I’m hanging on by my fingernails. The hate and anger and spiritual war are difficult to watch, but our eternal hope is near.
Just hold on, stay faithful, Jesus is coming back. Praying for you. Rev 2:7, 2:11, 3:5, 3:10, 3:12.

11 months ago
Reply to  Susannah

We are living “as in the days of Noah” Matthew 24:37. The fallen angels corrupted the human genome in Noah’s time, they are doing that now with the mRNA “vaccines”. Matthew 24:22: And unless those days be shortened, there shall be NO FLESH SAVED; but for the sake of the elect, those days will be shortened. As Brian says, “Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.” This cannot be stressed enough.

11 months ago
Reply to  Susannah

There is no pre-trib rapture.

1 year ago

Yes I am receiving all these recommended YouTube channels with people with cancer. You watch one and YouTube thinks you want them ALL. Alot of very young people and its already stage 3 or 4. Of course lots of testing and the obligatory chemo for months and months and throw surgery in too. A few are vegans and eat only the best food….yet thought nothing of injecting themselves with????? Well we don’t know what and neither did they. One girl (jessica brock)was fine working on her farm in Canada then decided last year to go to college in Canada….vax mandate now she has ovarian cancer. Another couple (eamon and bec) also from Canada decided they needed to travel to Morocco to get their van they had left during the pandemic. Well you needed to be vaxed to leave Canada and then she got breast cancer. This is only the tip of the iceberg….so many are just home dealing with it and not pulling a camera out and making videos about it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rox

A family member just diagnosed with bile duct cancer. Very sudden and unexpected. Went to the hospital with symptoms of jaundice, stomach pains, itchy skin etc. Initial tests came back negative but the doctor knew something was wrong. Healthy people don’t get jaundice. 2nd test showed cancer which is already in advanced stages if you have these symptoms. Turbo cancer. This cancer is rare. Suddenly, unexpected, rare, advanced cancer – yes – he is vaxxed and boostered. The vaxx strikes again. I sure all protocols for observing the #ABV narrative will be followed.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Rox

A geneticist who was head of the MIT Human Genome Project has found pieces of simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA (said to be carcinogenic) as part of the sequence in the Pfizer vaccine and added that all mRNA corona virus vaccines should be suspended immediately. I saw this story at an Epoch Times site (linked from a Joseph Mercola site). It also included a video discussion of this finding by a Japanese scientist who became quite excited over this carcinogenic monkey virus sequence being found in the “vaccine” and even used the word “malicious”. This is getting more unreal and serious by the day. This would also support that pathologist Ryan Cole who has said he and his colleagues have seen more cases of cancer (malignant neoplasms) in younger people and more aggressive cancers than ever before in their entire careers.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Rox

Two other “little things” about this SV40 discovery: (1) that “animated” Japanese scientist video can be found only on Rumble (do not look for it on YouTube – any guesses why?) and (2) in the comment section one person noted that Pfizer just spent $43 billion to buy “oncology focused” Seattle Genetics (SeaGen) “to battle cancer”. As Brian often says, I will leave it there. You can draw your own conclusions about that one and I know you will.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rox

I have seen countless posts on Facebook of young people who suddenly got cancer since the shots rolled out. I will admit that I had ovarian cancer (discovered in December 2022) and needed surgery in January. (I have never had any Covid shots.) The surgeon said that the tumor had been inside of me for what he thought was “decades” and it was a low-grade Stage 1, etc., thank God. (Maybe it had started out benign and became cancerous, I have no idea.)

I tried to use the winter months pre and post surgery to offer up my situation for the many people who are dealing with cancers and other ailments from the shots, and pray for those people. But I failed miserably. I’ll admit right here on this blog that throughout the winter months I was very self-focused and it was hard for me to pray for others, even for myself, to concentrate in general—instead I just wished I’d make it through the ordeal with my health restored. I did.

Now I’m beyond grateful for how things turned out for me. But whenever I read about a woman who just got diagnosed with ovarian cancer, (or who had it for a few years and then recently passed away) I feel so sad for the suffering people whose lives must be completely turned upside down. And it’s terribly disturbing when you connect the dots and discover that some of these people with ovarian cancer got the Covid shots.

Clown World
Clown World
1 year ago
Reply to  Rox

Yes, the most vegan thing you can do is inject yourself with the chopped up remains of human fetuses.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago

It is obvious to me that the public was sold a bill of goods on what was really genetic modifications that were relabeled as vaccines by the FDA when they changed the definition of a “vaccine”. Also I recall the CDC first said on their web site the injection components stayed in the arm muscle but as contrary evidence built up quietly dropped that from their site without any announcements. I think many in the public are now becoming aware of all this, thank you, but maybe too late for some of them. It is quite macabre to me now to see those “we can do this”, “boosted”, and boosters can be Xmas “stocking stuffer” quotes from decedents as it looks like those unfortunate souls were “boosted” into a higher level of existence after their bodies went into the ground as the “boosters” became “coffin stuffers” instead. At this point I doubt we will get any “truth” from the medical establishment or their political and journalistic allies. Autopsies are not being done so morticians will ultimately become a vital source of information due to increasing difficulty of removing the plasticized blood from dead bodies. This is almost like “The Andromeda Strain” except the blood is not a powder.People passing out are likely having transient ischemic attacks from temporary blockage of blood flow to the brain, before the condition becomes so severe as to qualify as a cerebrovascular accident (stroke). The existence of those long, stringy plastic looking “clots” also indicates to me that normal cardiac resuscitation procedures will fail as those “clots” go completely through the heart if I am correct about this. If I was in this situation I would look into NAC and nattokinase but who knows if any of that will work in the flesh – research on “neutroceuticals” is not funded by the corrupt US drug industry.Also while it is true that sudden and unexpected deaths can occur (two of which I know about in my life long before 2019 were due to “occult” (hidden) bacterial infection in the blood or a rupture in an arteriovenous malformation in the brain), none of these reported cases have anything suggesting that and the numbers are certainly beyond chance expectations. Premenopausal women in particular have protection against heart attacks (myocardial infarctions) that men of the same age do not. The reported cases here are alarming and overwhelming and likely just the tip of the iceberg.

Mensa had too many vaxxies
Mensa had too many vaxxies
1 year ago

What I like about you is that you’re possibly the only person who hasn’t memory holed Trump’s pro-vaccine stance. The left love getting vaccinated and hate Trump, the right hate getting vaccinated and love Trump, so both sides just pretend Operation Warp Speed didn’t happen.

Well, it did. Bigly.

1 year ago

Yep. If I were to vote for anyone. It would be Robert F Kennedy Jr (Democrat). He’s not perfect, but he’s anti-vax and allegedly pro gun, anti-open borders. I’ll vote for any party, doesn’t matter if Dem, Rep or other. I vote based on policy, not party line.

I’m sure TPTB will do whatever it takes to silence him and push their trojan horse candidates ahead of him. I originally voted for Trump, but his refusal to walk back his support of the “death shot” vax, i can’t accept.

1 year ago
Reply to  MGMG

Dr Jane Ruby did a show on june 26th regarding the many indications that RFK is a Trojan horse for the biggest plans of TPTB (climate change, gun control,..etc). Not to mention his groveling to the zionist lobby.

She had me completely change my previously positive opinion of RFK. Definitely check that Dr Jane Ruby show of June 26th.

While “they” distract you with the left hand (convid vax, pollution, autism…etc), the right hand is working to avance the prioritized plans. If a few mega corporations go out of business in the process, no big deal to TPTB. Ater all “they” are not in it for the money, as many erroneously think.

1 year ago

Yep, I don’t trust ANY politicians anymore. 98%of them are outright snakes or snakes in the grass, and the other 2% mean well at first until TPTB get ahold of them. There is no one to trust but Jesus.

Kim Karma
Kim Karma
1 year ago

Two sides of the same coin

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
1 year ago

Wow! That’s some exquisite phrasing

1 year ago

Being injected is at the top of the list of dating Red Flags. Ask him/her up front if they are, but do it tactfully before you meet for coffee or dinner. That will save you both time and the money that you spend on him/her/ (or they if thats your thing :). Proper vetting is essential in dating in 2023. Ive done a lot of thinking about this recently.

The Pareto principal states that 20% of effort leads to 80% of results. Pareto can be applied to all areas of life: business and relationships. Basically 80% of the population will not be compatible to you in any way. Not for friendship or dating. That leaves 20% left who “could” be compatible. Interestingly enough, these numbers correspond to the numbers of Americans who are “vaxed” (80%) vs. those who are not (20%). So, there are 20% of people who may be “compatible” to you…however due to life’s circumstances, those 20% will not be available to you at any given time, so take that 20% and eliminate 80% of them. That leaves approximately 4 out of every 100 people that you may meet who may be compatible to you for dating, friendship or any kind of relationship. 4%. Stay Strong. Stay Pure.

1 year ago

They already started to transhuman us with 666-Nano without our consent. Last night I experienced my first transhuman side-effect; while sleeping a computerized circuit activated around my neck; for a few hours my neck felt like a computer-motherboard with Christmas-lights. This circuitry was most likely installed by a COVID-PCR-Throat-Swab with 666-Nano inserted at the back of my throat about 3 months ago (my doctor failed to warn me). Ever since this COVID-test I have been experiencing sporadic gurgling and popping sounds coming from my throat (with minor pains) after waking-up, but I am unvaccinated and my throat was perfectly fine before this test.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rick

The PCR nose tests and swabs are contaminated with nano-tech. It’s basically like being vaccinated.

1 year ago
Reply to  MGMG

I’m glad i never allowed myself or children to get one. My husband submitted to swab because of his employer when he had a cold. Not sure what’s going to happen to him.

1 year ago

Beware the flu shot, too! Beginning this fall they’re going to be based on mRNA technology. DO NOT TAKE EVEN THE FLU SHOT!

1 year ago
Reply to  JustSayNo

No more shots ever for me! Good advice!

1 year ago
Reply to  JustSayNo

Last couple of years floods of texts covid shot (at last they’ve given up on that one), Flu shot, now pneumococcal vaccine. All from our beloved NHS(UK). Avoid all plus all prescription meds if possible. Exercise, sleep well and eat healthy food. 

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
1 year ago
Reply to  JustSayNo

True, but there is no need for it regardless of technology. It has never worked, and only made people sicker.

Kim Karma
Kim Karma
1 year ago

Masking are only making a comeback due to halitosis. The bad breath that’s created from dying flesh (sepsis). People are realizing that the vaccinated are sloughing off illness.

1 year ago

Democracy is always the easiest path to tyranny. Simply dumb down a couple of generations; and the “majority” of the people will vote for their own slavery and TPTB total control over them.

In the process; no one will even know it is slavery; because they “voted” for it.

See 2023 America.

1 year ago

I talked to a friend from Thailand. She told me that the their hospitals are full of sick people. There is a shortage in healthcare stuff and many are quitting their jobs. Doctors are stressed and many are committing suicide.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Godom

Is she really sure that is “suicide” or dare I say could it be “something else”?

1 year ago
Reply to  Atom man

Many are committing suicide because of the symptoms. They feel deep down that they screwed up and it’s not worth carrying on with such a degrading body.

1 year ago

I’d love a chat room with like-minded people rather than a dating site. No pressure to date, just connect naturally.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
1 year ago

I read a comment from an obstetrician who said that 2022 and 2023 placentas look nothing like placentas from years gone by. She concluded saying, “I wonder how these babies will fare over the next 5 years and if we will see long-standing mental acuity changes for these innocent passengers.”

This horror show is a bottomless pit. God help us.

Sean O'Connor
Sean O'Connor
1 year ago

Yeah dating a dentist, doctor or nurse was this super desired thing before all this and now not so much. The scary part is they’ve taken the most rounds. Learn first aid!

Hans Delbrück
Hans Delbrück
1 year ago

Eh, I’d be more impressed if you’d told your date “I can’t possibly consider you as a partner as your ovaries are swimming in toxic spike protein”

1 year ago
Reply to  Hans Delbrück

Am very sure you know we don’t have to be so cruel to them – many were deceived.

Some of this people deeply regret their actions already, a little compassion and rallying together from both sides to fight this evil is what we need now.

1 year ago
Reply to  Stepping22

How on earth is “swimming in toxic spike protein” cruel? That’s the truth. We have evidence of these spike proteins doing that. Or is that some crazy conspiracy theory? What’s wrong in being cautious and telling the truth? At least he is being honest (something vaxxed joe-normies and the elite are unable to do).

All the man is doing is telling the truth. Seems to be that the truth is something that offends people these days. If the truth hurts people that much then they can crawl into their little safe spaces and give themselves positive affirmations, like the good little sheep that they are.

I would like to know if my date/potential mating partner was riddled in spike proteins. I mean it’s not like I am worried about catching anything off them. In fact weren’t us critical thinkers ridiculed for questioning about long-term effects of the vaccine. And is it not wise to screen people for their vax status to save us any harm to ourselves or our newly-made babies. I don’t think it’s a selfish thing to spare your offspring of any health issues (after all aren’t we all awake to the vaccine scam?).

How else would you say to these dumb sheep that you don’t want them to contribute their spike proteins to your offspring? If they don’t like it, then they can move on and limp on (thanks to the vaccine they put their trust in) through the barren wasteland of remaining vaccinated proles. I think the unvaxxed, after what they have been through, have every right to date and bang a fellow unvaxxed. They had to put up with a lot of crap, but now get a smokin-hot unvaxxed date this Friday. Both members will vent their feelings about their day in their wage-slave hellholes and how they can’t discuss the truth about everything with their vaxxed, back-stabbling, sellout co-workers (because they don’t play the bullshit date that everyone does and actually act like themselves) before moving onto an organic, healthy meal full of laughter, dancing and a little romance (oh-la-la).

Or maybe he was telling a joke? God forbid we have any kind of jokes like that in this crazy world, or amongst our fellow critical-thinkers who have been through crap the past 3 years (like our brothers and sisters in Canada and Australia).

But I do agree with your other points about at least showing compassion and rallying together to fight the evil.

1 year ago

For those still in denial that covid was a plandemic, then explain why China was producing the rapid tests for covid back in 2018? It’s been recently discovered many of the first tests for covid were manufactured in 2018… says so right on many of the tests and some of the companies have publicly admitted it.

1 year ago

I just read that FoxConn is leaving China. From an article of September 2021, says that 90% of its working force was “vaccinated”. It makes you wonder if that is not the reason why FoxConn is leaving China. They probably do not want to deal with a sick working force in need of healthcare. Did any of those employers that required their working force to receive the “vaccines” received any incentives?

1 year ago

P.R.I.D.E. – Perverts Rationalizing Incredibly Demonic Evil, as heard on ham radio the other night.

1 year ago

In case of exposure via jab, swab, or shedding… Bromelain, the enzyme found in pineapple, breaks down protein, which might assist with the spike.

Activated charcoal might assist with detoxing from graphene oxide and other chemicals.

Ginger, garlic, rosemary might assist against clotting. Hibiscus, cinnamon help regulate blood pressure.

Madagascar periwinkle might assist against cancer.

And HCQ, natural quinine, Vitamin C, ivermectin might serve as preventatives against future infections/exposures. May God bless us.

1 year ago

Seeing these lists of vaxxed people who are now and forevermore protected from contracting Covid, well it makes my heart swell with pride.

1 year ago

I’m from India and every time I come back to my home town, I hear so many deaths of young, it feels like WW3. Its true Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars going on in India.

India is now the most populated country on earth like 1.42 billion, so to reach humanity to 500 million, that’s entire world number, we have to be like 5% of 1.42 billion.

This time I really dug it out from friends, and whoever has taken the vaxx told me their energy has gone, they always feel tired, they are not the same as before, has lost the will, most are just waiting to die because anyways in India, there is not much going on with high unemployment, poverty, curruption, inflation like one wroung move and its over for us.

I think in 10 years, there won’t be much Indians left on planet earth and thats 1.42 billion gone.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rajesh

It is like that everywhere. Another country whose population is being wiped out, is Vietnam. So many sick people and dying. The world will be a very different place in a few years.

1 year ago
Reply to  Godom

In Thailand, the healthcare system is collapsing under the excessive workload. Some doctors are quitting and a few committing suicide. The birth rate has plunged by 25%, and excess death is 20% higher compared to 2019. The population has shrunk by 150,000 strong since the injections were introduced.

1 year ago

Another casualty ? :

Bellator featherweight Chris Lencioni is out of intensive care. However, he faces a long and uncertain road to recovery.
Lencioni, 28, went into cardiac arrest and had a heart attack June 8 while training at a gym in Spokane, Wash. His wife, Marca Lencioni, told MMA Fighting on Tuesday that an MRI revealed her husband also suffered brain damage. As a result, Cris is in a “state of disordered consciousness,” although he is awake and responsive.

His wife said : “Because he was so, so healthy when this happened and is young and an athlete, they’re not really sure what’s gonna happen”.

VIdeo : https://www.instagram.com/p/CuCTRw3Nqnd/

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