3 #ABV stories demonstrating extreme COVID-19 brainwashing, denial, destroyed families, and coping with untenable circumstances in The Great Reset era

July 20, 2022

We’ve covered several extreme cases of denial, as it relates to “vaccine” adverse reactions, on The COVID Blog™. One of the more infamous ones is Ms. Tracey Spicer. The triple-vaxxed Australian television personality still suffers from pericarditis, bladder inflammation, debilitating fatigue, and a host of other health issues. It all started just 10 days after her mRNA booster shot in late December.

Ms. Spicer blamed “long COVID” for all of her problems. We published our story about her on April 27. Nearly three months later, Ms. Spicer is still playing the long COVID card and refuses to even broach the idea that she’s permanently vaxx-injured. Her story is the epitome of #ABV.

Denial isn’t the only rampant phenomenon during The Great Reset. If you cover enough of these types of stories, as The COVID Blog™ has since January 2021, you start connecting family dots.

We wrote about Ms. Ellen Berends last fall. She died on September 20, five months after her second Pfizer mRNA injection. Mrs. Berends was from Michigan, and her Facebook name was “Ellen Van Geest Berends.” The Van Geest part sounded familiar because it’s a fairly uncommon name. And sure enough, Mrs. Berends was the cousin of Mrs. Anne VanGeest, who was also from Michigan. She died on April 19, 11 days after her Johnson & Johnson viral vector DNA injection.

Vaxx-injury denial and destroyed families due to post-injection deaths and maimings are happening every second, every day. The previous continue annoying critical thinkers. The latter is painful reality for families across the globe.

Leah Justice: North Carolina woman suffers post-injection blood clots, amputations, surgeries, ventilators, etc., blames “COVID-19”

Ms. Leah Justice is a Columbus, North Carolina divorced mother of one 16-year-old son. She’s worked for The Tryon Daily Bulletin, a small local newspaper, for 22 years. Ms. Justice reported being “vaccinated completely” on March 25, 2021. It appears she received two mRNA injections, not the Johnson & Johnson viral vector DNA shot. Ms. Justice said she felt sick that day. Nonetheless, all of her friends and family celebrated her new status.

Ms. Justice did not post an “I’m boosted” photo. But she wrote on March 14 of this year that she was “the first to get vaccines and the booster” when they became available. That same day, Ms. Justice described how she was vomiting a lot in late January. She also experienced extreme shortness of breath. Ms. Justice went to a local hospital on January 29. Doctors discovered two blood clots, apparently in one of her arms. She was airlifted to a larger hospital in Charlotte, where she was ventilated and underwent two surgeries to remove the blood clots.

Doctors warned Ms. Justice about the possibility of losing her arm. She spent 10 days in the hospital, leaving with all of her extremities intact. But then on March 7, doctors diagnosed her with esophagus inflammation and a bleeding ulcer. She posted graphic photos of her hand. Ms. Justice blamed all of the foregoing on so-called COVID-19. “I’m sure most of [you] know as hard as I tried to avoid Covid, it got me and got me bad,” she wrote.

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Ms. Justice provided an update on June 7. She spent a total of 34 days in the hospital since January 29. Ms. Justice had her pinkie finger and other parts of her hand amputated because of a Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection. She’s been in physical therapy since February and still does not have use of the damaged hand. Ms. Justice declared, “I’ve got a long way to go still, but I finally feel like I beat COVID even if by the skin of my teeth.” Several of her friends and family praised her for “beating COVID.”

She hasn’t posted further about her health since June. We’ll update this story in due course.

Kaara Carlson: Canadian woman develops post-injection autoimmune issues, suffers from what she calls “COVID rash”

Ms. Kaara Carlson is a registered nursing assistant and a nail technician (paints fingernails) in Calgary, Alberta. She has at least three children, with one son age 32, and several grandchildren. Ms. Carlson had two preexisting conditions prior to the injections – fibromyalgia and chronic hemiplegic migraines.

Fibromyalgia is of course a chronic, full-body musculoskeletal pain disorder. The condition is listed on Pfizer’s own April 30, 2021 post-injection adverse event report, meaning the mRNA injections could exacerbate preexisting fibromyalgia. Hemiplegic migraines are migraine headaches accompanied by stroke-like symptoms, especially numbness on one side of the body and general confusion.

Ms. Carlson isn’t a vaxx zealot per se. She has displayed common sense and human decency throughout the so-called pandemic.

But ultimately she is a healthcare worker and loves to travel. She dropped a few zealot-like posts in her social media timelines. For instance, she promoted a Canadian sweepstakes that gave away $550,000 in total prizes to people who could prove they receive the injections.

That all said, Ms. Carlson received at least two Pfizer mRNA injections, according to her Facebook page.

It’s unclear if she received any booster shots. Interestingly, the Alberta provincial government just ended its vaccine mandate for healthcare workers this past Monday. Regardless, Ms. Carlson was diagnosed with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) in August 2021.

This condition initially affects patients in their 20s or 30s, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. It’s essentially temporary multiple sclerosis (MS) and then goes away for years and even decades. Ms. Carlson never mentioned MS in her Facebook history (which dates back to at least 2011) until this post. Considering how publicly and openly she talks about medical issues, it’s safe to assume that MS hadn’t bothered her for years, until this moment.

She mentioned MS again in October 2021, after MRIs on her brain and spinal cord. It appears the previously dormant disease was wide awake again.

RELATED: Richard Terrell: 74-year-old Virginia man gets full-body swelling, severe rash after Johnson & Johnson shot (March 31, 2021)


Ms. Carlson took a few vacations in late 2021 and early 2022, including one to Cancun. Thus her body was still functioning relatively well. But on June 1, Ms. Carlson wrote that she is “just getting over COVID.” She posted a gruesome photo of a rash that she referred to as “COVID rash.” Ms. Carlson repeated the official Cult of COVID slogan, “I’m glad I’m vaccinated or it would have been worse.” Some people in her timeline reinforced her COVID rash diagnosis. Others told her the truth about it being an adverse reaction to the injections.

Ms. Carlson’s June 6 Facebook post is what it is.

Four days later, Ms. Carlson reported more hemiplegic migraines.

A week later, on June 18, Ms. Carlson voiced frustration with her deteriorating health.

She moved from Calgary to Mission, British Columbia last week. We’ll update in due course.

Canadian family loses two brothers “suddenly and unexpectedly” in 11 days

This all happened earlier this year. But these stories are important for documenting how the injections destroy families.

There isn’t much information available about Mr. Nabil “Billy” Akleh and Mr. Edward “Eddy” Akleh. Billy was 47 years old. His younger brother Eddy was 36. Both resided in Mississauga, Ontario. Several of their family member speak/write Arabic and Persian on social media.

Akleh is the name of a small village in northwest Iran. The vast majority of Akleh’s in the world live in the U.S. and Canada, with Iran coming in third. Note that Palestinian-American Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh was shot and killed by the Israel military in Palestine (West Bank) on May 11. The instant family, based on their social media posts and other sources, is affiliated with the St. Mary’s Antiochian Orthodox Church in Mississauga. It is an autocephalous church, meaning the bishop does not answer to a higher-ranking bishop.

The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America takes somewhat of a wishy-washy stance on mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. The Greek Orthodox Archidiocese of Canada hosted vaccine clinics in Toronto last year.

RELATED: Matthew 6:24 – thousands of U.S. Christian churches are serving the wrong god by facilitating mRNA and viral vector DNA injections (December 14, 2021)


That all said, Ms. Ronia Kourzom-Barakat announced via Facebook that her cousin Billy Akleh passed away “suddenly and unexpectedly” on January 29.

Another cousin, Ms. Nabila Akleh, also posted about Billy’s death.

Mr. Akleh’s obituary says he is survived by “his siblings, Abey, Somer and Eddy.” His funeral was held on February 5 at the aforementioned St. Mary’s Antiochian Orthodox Church.

Four days later, on February 9, Billy’s younger brother, Eddy Akleh, “passed away unexpectedly” at Credit Valley Hospital in Mississauga.

Since the two died so closely together, another cousin, Mr. George Akleh, announced that their traditional 40 Day Memorial Services would be held on the same day, March 5.

A Twitter user named Deb, who is also from Ontario, claims to know the Akleh family. She said the deceased brothers recently received booster shots together. Both died of heart attacks, according to her account. But the family refuses to believe the two died because of the injections.

Make of that what you will.

No such thing as second chances

NBA superstar Kyrie Irving receives most of the accolades from critical thinkers for his principled stance against the experimental injections. But Orlando Magic forward Jonathan Isaac also stayed principled this past NBA seasons and remained non-vaccinated. Unfortunately two initial NBA critical thinkers caved to coercion and propaganda.

Washington Wizards guard Bradley Beal received injections in late December after declining at the beginning of last season. He quoted pure propaganda as the reason, saying he was concerned about his family’s health. Golden State Warriors small forward Andrew Wiggins recently made headlines again. Of course he caved to vaccine propaganda last fall after holding out for several weeks at the beginning of training camp.

Mr. Wiggins made his first NBA All-Star team in the 2021-22 season. The Warriors also won the NBA Championship, which was Wiggins’ first ring. But Wiggins said in a recent interview that he still wishes he never received the injections. “I didn’t like that it wasn’t my choice. I didn’t like that it was either get this or don’t play,” he said.

Truth is that Mr. Wiggins, Mr. Beale, and all other NBA players have little to worry about. Mr. Beale just signed a 5-year, $250 million fully-guaranteed contract earlier this month. That means he and/or his family get that money if he sucks for the next five years, if he gets hurt today and never plays again, and even if he dies. Mr. Wiggins received $31.6 million last year and will make $33.6 million this year.

NBA players received placebos or just obtained vaccine cards without receiving the injections. Washington Wizards owner Ted Leonsis is worth $1.6 billion. Thus Mr. Beale’s contract is 15% of the owner’s net worth. There’s way too much money invested in NBA players to kill or cripple them with lethal injection.

RELATED: Investigation continues as 2,200 rich and famous Spaniards paid thousands of euros for registration in national vaccination database without receiving the injections (June 10, 2022)


Unfortunately, in this blogger’s educated estimation, you had a 60% chance in the Western world to receive the full, undiluted shots prior to September 2021. Those who received boosters or any shots after that time received the real shots at an 80% clip. Pfizer used the first eight months of 2021 as the global guinea pig stage, then received fake full FDA authorization in August 2021, then unleashed their new, kill slowly formula with far less lots being placebos or watered-down doses. Pfizer, as of today, still has at least 40 active clinical trials for their mRNA injections, with some lasting until 2025-26.

Denial, again, is all vaxxed people have left. This blogger used to regret past decisions, particularly in his 20s and early 30s. He passed up on marriage and family to pursue mainstream media jobs that he ultimately abandoned anyway (for good reasons). But regret will eat you alive from the inside out. There’s no time machine to go back. That’s why this blogger loves 80s music and movies because it’s an escape, the closest thing to returning to those times of blissful ignorance and carefree life.

Vaxx zealots and vaxx-injury deniers are annoying and nauseating to critical thinkers. But they’re literally using their last available survival instinct. Just think of the heavy torment on mothers who lost babies after the injections, fathers who allowed their babies to be injected, and those who took the injections themselves and can no longer avoid the truth.

American poet John Greenleaf Whittier once wrote, “for of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: ‘it might have been!'” American writer Kurt Vonnegut, known for his dark humor, changed up the quote in his 1963 novel Cat’s Cradle: “Of all the words of mice and men, the saddest are, ‘it might have been.’”

The worst possible starting hand in Texas Hold ‘Em poker is a Seven and a Deuce. That hand is equivalent to the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections in the game of life. Critical thinkers folded that hand immediately. But upwards of 70% of Western society went all-in with that hand. Perhaps some will get lucky with the community cards. Either way, you must live with your life’s decisions without regrets.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog™ book here. Shipping starts on December 15, 2022.


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1 year ago

Thanks for yet another exhaustive look at the human side of genocide and #ABV.

Leah thinks gangrene is a symptom of “COVID.”

Kaara says, “I got scars on my lungs, can’t stop coughing. I got a rash so bad on my arms and legs they are peeling from foot to thigh. I’d hate to imagine if I wasn’t vaccinated.”

Wow, wow, WOW!

1 year ago

It’s unbelievable! And these are for real people!

Kaara will need more than an animal spirit to get her through, and a dancing sheep! You can’t make this stuff up! How old is this woman? Like teenagers.

1 year ago
Reply to  Cat

I’m sorry Brian, but I don’t don’t know how to edit or I would have added to my original. But Kaara made a mockery of Christ. Sheep are Smart creatures, they ONLY follow the voice of their Master, they just don’t follow anyone! Ask any farmer. Same true in Biblical.

1 year ago
Reply to  Cat

I just cannot believe some Christians would inject something made with aborted babies, or with studies/trials on aborted babies. When I’ve read about what they do to these poor souls, rip them from their mother’s womb and then alive start to disect them to take the organs… is so VILE!
God gave us the brain and many use it for meagre entertainment that makes them stupid instead of search and learn, so this gift is taken away.
Some Churches Felt, they are no longer Gods Churches, not everybody in them, but the heads and many inside, is a uzurpation

1 year ago
Reply to  Maria

God has left these houses. They need a common sense cutesy call by the Decent Man. Maybe Kaara should have chosen a lemming as her animal spirit.

interstellar overdrive
interstellar overdrive
1 year ago
Reply to  Maria

i never realized until the scamdemic that my parents are sheep through-and-through. they are catholics who faithfully followed faux news, and never even bothered looking at the sites i suggested for real news. in fact, we hardly see each other anymore since thanksgiving, as my entire family, minus my brother but including my un-jabbed husband and our 21 year old jabbed daughter, think i’m a conspiracy theorist, rather than an inquirist, and shut out anything i have to say, so why bother (plus, it’s less exposure to the spike protein and nano-tech they’re shedding)? my father even had stage 4 non-hodgkins lymphoma following his two shots last year- yet he continues to faithfully listen to his doctors! as far as i know he and my mother remain un-boosted, but she is currently wearing a heart monitor for 30 days, and won’t tell me any bloodwork results, etc, so i stopped asking when we speak on the phone. it’s no longer possible to have a real conversation anymore, as anything at all that i say- even in small talk- is tuned out, as it’s impossible NOT to include what i’ve learned, or what’s on my mind, because every part of my life, and theirs, is now affected by the great reset.

my dad’s family are all catholic, and everyone of them except my brother and his wife got the shots, and my mother’s people are baptists, and they all got them, too. all aunts, uncles, and cousins are boosted, and several have had serious health issues since. i know this anti-pope has pushed the shots hard, but my parents aren’t necessarily devout and didn’t do it based on his lies, and instead got vaxxed just because *doctors* said so. i have a vague memory of going with my parents as a very young child while they received shots, so i asked my mom if they got the swine flu scam-vax in 1976, and she said yes! i was two years old, and will be 48 july 28th, so it’s safe to say my folks have been sheep my entire life, and there’s no sign of them waking up at 76 and 79, either. the same goes for my 21 year old daughter who has her head so far up her ass i could wail and gnash teeth. it hurts my soul and frustrates me to no end to see such much willful ignorance so close to me and not be able to do a damn thing about it. the luciferian zio-nazi cabal behind it is insidious.

1 year ago

I share your pain. I’m 66 and I am the only one in my family that was not a sheep. The 20 – 40 year olds jumped at the shots and the boosters. Covidiots to the max. My daughter says she instantly deletes anything I send her describing the effects of the jab. You can’t fix stupid. Very sad indeed.

Kyle Rotundo
Kyle Rotundo
1 year ago
Reply to  lucy

Well said can’t fix stupid and these people continue to listen to the liars on main stream media ….idiots

Kyle Rotundo
Kyle Rotundo
1 year ago

Healthcare should be held accountable for all the people they have maimed and killed !!!! They got paid a lot of money to lie ….follow the money ….Gates and Fauchi should be arrested

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Cat

I can’t understand how anyone seeing these photographs (of that hand) and stories (such as one about the two brothers) and who is capable of thinking would ever chose one of those experimental vaccines. If work mandates it, find another job or even line of work if you can’t get an exemption. Your health is more important.

1 year ago
Reply to  Atom man

Absolutely right, but, unfortunately, many people are neck deep in debt. That has been another plandemic, in my opinion. When I was a child, it used to be a shameful thing to take a bank loan. That is, people only took loans if they were desperate and they didn’t talk about it. Then 10 or 15 years back, it became a trendy thing and people started boasting about taking huge loans. Now these people are trapped in a vicious cycle of EMI repayments. The bank will seize and auction their properties if they don’t pay up.

1 year ago
Reply to  Atom man

I say this every single time someone tells me their work mandated the jab. Your health is more important. You don’t think your work is going to find a way to fire you if/when the effects from that jab make it so you can’t work any longer? It’s frustrating, heartbreaking and infuriating.

1 year ago

I know. Mind blowing ?

1 year ago

I personally think every day what would’ve happened if I WAS vaxxinated. Isn’t it great the variety of people in the world? Next time I get sick I’m gonna say to my family, “At least I’m not injected, would’ve been so much worse,” in a casual way. See what they say.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  AlexPetrenko

The contrarian scientists warned us of “antibody dependent enhancement” (ADE) also called “pathogenic priming”. A certain % of those in the 1st vaccination wave would have anaphylaxis (severe, potentially life threatening allergic reaction) and should not take the 2nd vaccination. Severe side effects could be as high as 10% in the 2nd vaccination. The 3rd reaction is when any corona virus is encountered as it will stimulate the body to produce an immune response to the spike proteins in the virus but now the cells of the body itself will express those proteins and come under attack. In the animal studies, when the test animals were “challenged” by a corona virus, 20% or 50% or 100% of the vaccinated animals died. The severe side effects and deaths we are seeing here in these vaccinated individuals appear to be ADE.

Last edited 1 year ago by Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  AlexPetrenko

I said this to my ex mother in law. She had 4 shots and was sick like a dog with COVID. I got over inn 3 days. Just tired and stuffy head. Strep throat 4 years ago was even much worse for me than this so called covid

1 year ago

My family is mostly all boosted btw, unfortunately.

1 year ago

I heard this statement from a physician’s assistant yesterday; she contracted the “Delta” variant, she said, but it wasn’t that bad because she was [jabbed]. Holy mack, they’re all brainwashed.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kriss

The “Delta’ variant?… and what bogus test has ever been developed to detect that? These people are so easily manipulated and brainwashed. My 22 year old son doesn’t even fall for this unscientific BS!

1 year ago
Reply to  Dee

You are right. . . Good job with your 22 year old! Kudos.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
1 year ago
Reply to  Kriss

I hear that regularly at my office. Heard it today and I said “no, it would have been the same thing without injecting something you have no idea of into your body.”

Sin Nombre
Sin Nombre
1 year ago

And she’s a Registered Nursing Assistant. If that doesn’t tell you to be weary of, and avoid the medical professionals at all costs, I don’t know what will.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sin Nombre

The medical industry loves the young ones…they are easily manipulated. They are the ones that encourage their family and loved ones to take every shot and pharmaceutical on the market…they gladly hand their kids over from day one of life to be pin cushions for Big Pharma. Stay far away from these indoctrinated zombies. They will put you in the grave sooner than God intended.

Sin Nombre
Sin Nombre
1 year ago
Reply to  Dee

Sad part is, a person in her position trusts those above her, usually without question.

1. The nursing assistant gets her info from RNs/LVNs,
2. who receive their data from the physicians above them,
3. who in turn gets his/her instructions from the AMA,
4. that holds their license (livelihood) in its hands.

The love of money is the beginning of many, if not most evils.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sin Nombre

AMEN! You are right on!

1 year ago
Reply to  Dee

I was talking with my 19 year old a few weeks ago and we were discussing the last time she had been to the doctor for a check up. She told me she wasn’t going because she wasn’t going to let them talk her into any vaccines. I told her they would try as hard as they could. Her response: “You have no idea how hard I would dig in my heels if someone tried to get me to do something I refused to do”. I was shocked. My daughter is literally the shyest, most easy going kid I have ever met. I was so proud of her! :0)

1 year ago

Cognitive dissonance. Terrifying. But my anger is reserved for the perpetrators even though these folks serve as enablers.

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
1 year ago

“Leah thinks gangrene is a symptom of “COVID.”

She’s an idiot, but it doesn’t help that the doctors at the hospital are almost certainly drilling this lie into her air head. THEY KNOW BETTER. And they deserve nothing less than death for betraying, injuring, and murdering fellow human beings like this.

1 year ago

I fully agree. Verdict. Removal from the planet. All who did it ACTIVELY on all levels, all who knew, who enabled it. All every seed of this evil will have to go.

1 year ago

It’s interesting that you see these severe adverse reactions in only the injected and they blame it on “long Covid”. I have yet to see any pure bloods with “long Covid” with these reactions. They have no comprehension that perhaps these injections didn’t do them much good since they have “long Covid” and are most likely causing their major medical problems. I thank God every day that He made me a critical thinker, skeptical by nature and distrustful of earthly authority figures and organizations.

1 year ago
Reply to  Wollio

God prevented lots of us, many people felt they dont have to take it and searched online till they found the sources. I think the people that didn’t sold their souls. Even many ”good people” they do everything for money, many injustices – but find excurses.
God gaved us all critical thinking but many chosed to close that part because convenience and status quo, to be ”progressive” to be in consensus with the stars, the powerful people of the day and now they took the poison

1 year ago
Reply to  Wollio

AMEN!! I know quite a few unjabbed people and NOT ONE suffering with “long haul” covid. I do know quite a few suffering with long haul common sense and anti-government propaganda though.

1 year ago
Reply to  Wollio

My husband likes to brag his has long covid to the vaxxed. He is not vaxxed and they know it. They get upset when he compares his essentially non-existent symptoms to their long covid. I tell him to stop teasing and triggering them but he gets too much enjoyment from it. ? So even the covidiots know the unvaxxed don’t get long covid. ? Yeah. It’s not mature but since honest conversation doesn’t get through to them, maybe absurdity will.

The elites laugh
The elites laugh
1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

These people should be trolled. When I see people in the stores with diapers on I use them as reference points. I say “oh the rye bread is over there by those MASK FREAKS. ” When I see them in a car with the mask on I point and laugh hysterically. It’s long past time to shame them.

Mr Novaks
Mr Novaks
1 year ago
Reply to  Wollio

If the effect of shedding due to being in constant close proximity to jabbed people is not temporary as we would like to believe, then we might just start seeing more and more cases of “long Covid” in the purebloods too soon enough. Let’s hope the effect of shedding on purebloods is only temporary, regardless of the amount of exposure.

Christel Picciano
Christel Picciano
1 year ago

Karla Carlson’s spirit animal ? ? . My brother and BF’s brother both have rashes at the ankle, for a year, both say they got covid and then the ? ? ? ? . Now, one has brain fog, the other tired all the time. My brother’s 4 th ? , chills for a week, diarrhea 4 days. My friend just told me his girlfriend ? ? has long covid. I laughed when a nurse told me the mask prevent the flu season, last year. I replied, but not covid? I’m through talking with these sheep.

1 year ago

My doctor regurgitated the same garbage about masks stopping the flu so I asked her why it didn’t stop covid. She said “well people thought it was a hoax and didn’t wear the mask!’ Really? people look up to these indoctrinated imbeciles because they have a ‘duh-gree!’ God forbid they ever teach critical thinking and common sense in government run schools.

1 year ago

Most doctors are now murders IMO. (top three killer in the world too) Their job is to think critically. They have lost that ability. (if they ever had it) All their skills are these days is ordering synthetic pharmaceutical treatments, tests that generate income for pathology labs and mouth pieces for propaganda. There are many speaking out however but you never hear about them. Good luck with finding one of these good doctors with a license anymore.

Christel Picciano
Christel Picciano
1 year ago
Reply to  covid1984pl

Yep. Doctors, medical industry have been captured by big pharma and fed government. All the “Covid cases” were financially driven.

1 year ago
Reply to  covid1984pl

Large chunks of relevant info pertaining to physiological processes and function appears to be absent from recent medical school curriculum, hence what we’re perceiving as a lack of critical thinking ability — one can only work with the knowledge one possesses. It surprises me how few docs seek to increase their working knowledge and competence via ‘life long learning.’ Further, an alternative doc who was up for license renewal 3 or 4 years ago commented afterwards that he was disgusted by the sole focus of the renewal exam on symptom identification and its correlating pharmacological. Oh the easy fortune to be made through knowing and doing so little to produce equally little results.

1 year ago

165K for a helicoptor ride?!? I wonder who is footing the bill for that?

I am in the wrong freaking business.

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

The medical and life insurance industries must have to go bankrupt sometime in the near future. The costs associated with the bioweapon can’t be sustainable.

Sin Nombre
Sin Nombre
1 year ago
Reply to  J H

It’s my understanding that insurers are refusing to pay out benefits for deaths caused by the injections.
I’m sure more and more of these companies are requiring autopsies for anyone who’s died after receiving the shot(s). Even if they have to pay for the procedure, it would save them untold billions. And from a cost/benefit analysis who could blame them?

Last edited 1 year ago by Sin Nombre
KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
1 year ago
Reply to  Sin Nombre

Good point. And the remaining family won’t be able to blame ‘long-cv’ after that.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sin Nombre

Yes but I thought no one acknowledged deaths from the shots anyway?? So that means insurers are going to be bankrupt soon if not already. I wonder if they’re being subsidized by the current admin. Money for Ukraine going to a lot of places.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gwen
Sin Nombre
Sin Nombre
1 year ago
Reply to  Gwen

Hey there Gwen. Good question. It is possible that the insurance industry is being subsidized by the current admin. through the Fed. Reserve.
I look at it like this, that while no one in the MSM is acknowledging the injuries and deaths, it doesn’t mean that insurance corporations aren’t doing exactly what I mentioned. Think about all of those who’ve spoken out about injuries and deaths, just to be dismissed out of hand and not reported on (except on blogs such as this one). If media doesn’t investigate and report on these very real experiences, I wouldn’t expect them to do that on insurance company activities that would put truth to their lies.
It would show all of them, conservative, moderate, and liberal truly to be fake news. Those few who are orchestrating this catastrophe can’t have, and don’t want the majority thinking for themselves.
Thanks for helping me to mull over and clarify my thoughts better.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sin Nombre
Susan Jones
Susan Jones
1 year ago
Reply to  J H

And wait until people start seeing the new life insurance premiums when they apply or whole life policies.

1 year ago
Reply to  J H

They will not. One verdict in France went as follows. The actions of the France jabber equaled suicide commited because no one forced him to do it. He was encouraged and pressured but had his free will in the end. His family recieved nothing from the insurance company . End of story

Matthew Grant
Matthew Grant
1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

That caught my attention also. A person can fly across America on a private jet for less than that.

1 year ago

For the last 16 months I have been following a site for vestibular maladies that also has a forum for vax side effects. It has grown to over a thousand pages of people seeking help from others that suffer similar post vaxx symptoms. From reading the posts, it has evolved from nothing to do with the vaccine(?) to everything to do with the vaxx in this 16 month time period. For most of those folks. There is still people in denial similar to nurse Kaara. One such person listed many horrible side effects and then stated that they were worried because they are too sick to get their booster. Many of these poor folks are still relying on the same medical system that injured them to cure them. There is many that have completely lost hope. Recent postings have stated that there are fewer people participating and wonder where they all went. Have they recovered one person asked. I would estimate that at least 50% of these people have connected the dots and are not ashamed to admit they regret getting the vaxx. They are no longer mocked or ridiculed for this type of statement as time went on.
In my view, some were brainwashed but then realized they were duped while others remain clueless. It’s really sad hearing from these hopeless, damaged people knowing that there is no cure for them. People like nurse Kaara influence many on this site because they regurgitate the same bullsh#t and same denial that the magic elixir has anything to do with their not being able to work, breathe, etc. It’s become difficult to even know how to react to these kind of people. Scratch your head and wait and see I guess. (Sorry, long winded)

The Ogs
The Ogs
1 year ago
Reply to  Hal

So true. I think it was Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) who observed “it is far easier to fool someone, than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.”

Average Joe
Average Joe
1 year ago
Reply to  Hal

I have wholehearted respect for those who admit their mistakes and seek truth as opposed to the pig headed imbeciles clinging to an exposed narrative known to be a lie by any rational critical thinking person.

Do the lemmings really believe we’re that stoopid?!

1 year ago
Reply to  Average Joe

Fun fact that I learned from a YouTuber the other day, the lemmings in the movie were driven off the cliff. Lemmings do not actually commit suicide. This is something that was made up and animals were killed to make it up. Sick stuff.

Sin Nombre
Sin Nombre
1 year ago
Reply to  Lisa

Yep, it was the 1958 Disney nature film “White Wilderness”. I remember watching it in horror on TV as a kid. The film makers deliberately pushed the creatures over the cliff while recording it. They did this so they could get dramatic footage of the so-called cruelty of nature.

1 year ago

80s music, eh? I’ve got the complete Depeche Mode [I know, R.I.P. Andy Fletch] discography on vinyl. Maybe we can trade some tracks on Discogs some day. Music, vinyl….it’s all that I focus on in an insane world. And yes the fact that I will never again see Depeche Mode live (apart from the 5 times I saw them in concert) in their original incarnation, is something really terrible to think about.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  AlexPetrenko

I like 80s music too – it was the best time of my life in some ways but I also made some choices along the way that can’t be redone like the site moderator.

Matthew Grant
Matthew Grant
1 year ago

After looking at those photos of Leah Justice’s hand, there’s no way she should be believing that it was caused by COVID-19!!! Some of her friends should show her some tough love and tell her what the really brought about her situation

1 year ago

Her hand pictures were gross ?! I can’t believe what people post. As far as vaxx zealots and vaxx deniers I don’t understand it and have stopped trying. I am bearing witness to their suffering and praying for them. I will never cave to these shots. And I am thankful to God that my entire family, extended too, has not taken the shots either. Brian, great reports as always. God bless you all. ❤

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

The whole family unvaxxed ?. You all ought to be protected by Greenpeace, under ‘the endangered species act’.

1 year ago

Yeah that’s incredible. Unfortunately I can’t say the same, my wife is even talking about getting a 3RD shot, not because she wants it but because her work is mandating it! She just can’t see she is playing Russian Roulette no matter how much info I give her.

1 year ago
Reply to  Citizen

Pray on this. Just because you can’t get through her thick/stubborn skull, doesn’t mean the Holy Spirit can’t give her a good, solid lesson.

1 year ago

I credit my father and grandfather. Neither trusted doctors and both went to live long productive lives till almost the last day. Free of medical intervention. They taught our entire family to think for yourself and don’t be afraid to not follow the crowd as most are sheep. RIP Daddy and PawPaw ❤

Christa Ford
Christa Ford
1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

Amen! I agree fully! By God’s amazing grace through Jesus Christ, my husband and I, and our six children are purbloods, as are my Mom, Dad, sister, neice, nephew, bro in law, Mother in Law,and tons of friends!

1 year ago

“Ms. Justice declared, “I’ve got a long way to go still, but I finally feel like I beat COVID even if by the skin of my teeth.””

Wow, just wow . . . said as skin is literally sloughing off her body.

Average Joe
Average Joe
1 year ago
Reply to  Kiel

Yeah, she beat covid alright! It’s the evil serum that’ll wipe her out definitively!

Wilfully ignorant bytch. Zero sympathy anymore for morons like her that perpetuate and fuel the greatest fraud in the history of mankind unto those who proceeded under the principle of “best to err on the side of caution”.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kiel

She should get together with Cheryl Hynes Harnett for some Tea and share there stories…anything but the vaxx…

1 year ago

Pretty sad when the best they can do is prop up a failed vaccine. Does anyone know if their “long Covid” (due to the shots) are contagious to the unvaccinated?

1 year ago
Reply to  freefall

yes there is shedding to be concerned about and is a required warning – at least in theory – and a required testing aspect for all mrna drugs.

some say that shedding is not permanent; others say the opposite. we just don’t know. trump shoved out this vile bioweapon with 3-4 months of testing when it should have been12-15 years. on the other hand, it was a bioweapon and test results with animals were all positive – all of the animals died meaning that it was effective.

as far as their cofake virus is concerned, you can’t “catch a virus.”

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
1 year ago
Reply to  tony

Trump was just a brainless puppet. These people have had this in the works for decades.

1 year ago
Reply to  freefall

I would say yes, I have a friend x3 shots who had so called long Covid, and when she was at the height of it all I always came away from her with strange symptoms but as she got better I didn’t get symptoms after I had seen her any more.

1 year ago
Reply to  freefall

I think there is some evidence. Also saw an interview with an embalmer pulling the calamari-like strings out of a cadaver that one of them was an unjabbed person who had received a blood transfusion. The elites will kill us all if they have their way.

Frank S.
Frank S.
1 year ago

At this point, only a tiny fraction of current Purebloods are likely to cave ‘for ANY reason’. The ranks of the Awakened who’ve experienced “vax regret” grows daily. Only a fraction of the lost Sheeple will realize they are their own worst enemy for ‘unquestioned obedience’.

1 year ago

So here’s something that shuts the vaccine zealots down every time… just ask them… If this “long covid” and these bad reactions are from covid, then why are the “vaccinated” the ONLY ones experiencing it? I had covid ONCE, back in 2020, and never since… I also don’t have any of these “symptoms” of “long covid” either… it’s a LIE. The “vaxx” is the “long covid.”

1 year ago

Where’s all the mass unvaccinated Covid deaths? That’s right. None. Instead it’s vaxxed up fools kicking the bucket in their droves (as this blogger is pointing out at a rate that I can’t keep up with).

And just a big well done to Ms.Justice on depriving her son of a mother. Get ready for the newly made orphans and wailing of mothers.

If these simpletons want to say it’s “covid” or “it could’ve been worse without the jab” then let ’em have their cake (or bugs if they are forced to eat it). I’m not obligated to cast my pearls upon these swine (Mat 7:6). I have a big mouth and need to learn to shut it amongst the gentiles.

Those who are sick and of sin can only be healed if THEY WILLINGLY CHOOSE to accept Jesus as the one true saviour and start living according to the law of christ and not seek favour amongst the world:

Mat 9:12-13 It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.

Gal 1:10 Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.

I’m so glad I have found peace with Jesus Christ. We are not of this world. Don’t worry about what happens in this life. Yes the future is scary with this no so great reset; but why worry if you have Jesus as your breastplate?

As someone else has already pointed out in the comments section of this blog:
John 12:25 – He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it to everlasting life

In regards to the Greek Orthodox church their patriarchate is a shill looking to dance with the Jesuit Bergoglio. Look to the ROC for the one true, catholic and apostolic church that has kept the teaching of Christ, untainted, for the past 2000 years.

And a plane has crashed in Newtownards, Co.Down, Northern Ireland. Two people died in the crash. Hmm? Clot Shot?

This is OUR moment.

1 year ago
Reply to  Aidan

Greek Orthodox Church is a Fallen Church. As much as The Catholic Church. Of course not everybody, not all the Bishops not all the priests, but the Churches are uzurpated. Cypriote Orthodox Church the same.
Other Orthodox autocephalous churches ike the ones from Armenia, Georgia (the country), Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia not. Even if they tries to infiltrate these too, so far they couldn’t do it. I think the Coptic one still stands too.
The are many Christian Churches, so I dont know about them all, but for the Orthodox I know. Adn Vatican… lol, I hope they manange to take it back – the good Cardinals.

1 year ago
Reply to  Maria

Sorry for the misspelling. On a side not: do you know Vatican put the statue of Moloch in front of Collosseum a couple years ago? This being a place where Christians were martyred. And Moloch the God people sacrificed their children.
Also, when Popoe prayed for peace in ukraine in 2014 and release some pigeons, some ohter birds appeared and killed them which is very unusual: seagull and crow – was all over the news. Also Pope showed up with a bruised eye and lots more

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
1 year ago
Reply to  Maria

The catholic church is gone

1 year ago
Reply to  Aidan

“Those who are sick and of sin can only be healed if THEY WILLINGLY CHOOSE to accept Jesus as the one true saviour ” compared to God’s word – “You did not choose me, but I chose you”… John 15.
“For He says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whomever I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whomever I will have compassion.” So then it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy”- Romans 9 no one chooses Christ, God does the choosing, by His mercy, according to His word.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lyn

Fair enough. I didn’t know that.

I’m still learning my bible. Thanks for the correction.

1 year ago
Reply to  Aidan

A good text to think on is Ephesians 2:8,9 – “for by grace are you saved, through faith, and that not of yourselves. It is a gift of God, not of works lest any man boast.” The phrase ‘and that’ is a neuter demonstrative pronoun, meaning it doesn’t point to any one thing. This is purposely done because this phrase points to all that is prior to it, ‘grace’ ‘saved’ and ‘faith’ are all what ‘and that’ points to. They are all a gift of God. Man does nothing in the salvation process. God gets all the glory, every bit of it…salvation is by grace, not by what we say or do.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lyn

“Man does nothing in the salvation process.

He does do something. If he does nothing then he won’t get it.

“salvation is by grace, not by what we say or do”.

Salvation is attained by a combination of grace, faith and works. God isn’t going to save someone if they don’t live according to Christ’s law. And what is his law? To love thy neighbour. Which is a DOING action.

James 2:8 “If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself’ you do well”

Salvation is gained by keeping the whole law. And to keep the law you must abide by it, which includes doing what is good in God’s eyes.

“A good text to think on is Ephesians 2:8,9 – “for by grace are you saved, through faith, and that not of yourselves. It is a gift of God, not of works lest any man boast.””

You are saved by grace, THROUGH FAITH. And faith without good works is dead.(Jam 2:17).

You also missed out Eph 2:10

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

We are created to do good works, which God already had in mind for us to do. The good works we are created for are the works that are deemed good according the law of Christ and not of Man. The works in Eph 2:9 are works of Man, which aren’t deemed good according to God. Man is saved by grace if does good works which are deemed good by God.

1 year ago
Reply to  Aidan

Beautifully said, this whole covid episode has served as a fire for us in Christ, my prayer life, faith and understanding of scripture have all increased, the veil of this fake satanic world has been lifted.

1 year ago
Reply to  Aidan

Chatholic churc is gay. It cclosed during lockdowns same as all other false churches. But im glad youre reading your bible unlike most catholics

1 year ago
Reply to  Dan

I said the ROC is the one true, catholic and apostolic church. ROC is the Russian Orthodox church. I’m not a Roman Catholic.

Russian Orthodoxy is catholic by defintion (catholic means universal, meaning everyone is welcome).

But you’re right that most Catholics don’t read their bible.

1 year ago

Every gambler knows that the secret to survivin’
Is knowin’ what to throw away and knowing what to keep
‘Cause every hand’s a winner and every hand’s a loser
And the best that you can hope for is to die in your sleep

You got to know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em
Know when to walk away and know when to run
You never count your money when you’re sittin’ at the table
There’ll be time enough for countin’ when the dealing’s done

1 year ago

Excellent writing today, sir.

Such sad stories. The shot-injury denial is tremendous. To think, people actually go back for more of the toxin in boosters.

Sin Nombre
Sin Nombre
1 year ago

But that hand! It seriously looks like something out of a zombie flick. As difficult as it was, I had to look twice to make sure it was real.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sin Nombre

She could have been a walker on the walking dead with that hand. ?

1 year ago
Reply to  Sin Nombre

And she speaks of her amputation so flippantly, as if it’s just in the course of another day.

Sin Nombre
Sin Nombre
1 year ago
Reply to  Teri

With all of the maladies she’s experienced post-jabs, I’d say it is just in the course of another day for her. Very sad and unsettling.

Holding On
Holding On
1 year ago

Karaa and her sheep ‘spirit animal’ should rename herself ‘Baara’. As for Leah Justice, she does herself a severe injustice by refusing to engage her brain. The photos of her hand were just horrible. I do not understand how anyone can’t connect the dots. My work has a 98 percent jab rate, and everyone has been sick. On top of that, they keep encouraging staff to rush out and get the flu jab. That is a lethal combination. I wonder if there is any data available on those whose demise was hastened by taking the flu shot in combination with the other toxic shots?

1 year ago
Reply to  Holding On

It was probably flu shots that killed the elderly in 2020.

Edward F
Edward F
1 year ago
Reply to  Holding On

My cousin who was residing in UK took both the jabs, a flu shot, and a pneumonia shot in quick succession. He soon got cancer – 1 kidney was removed (not in UK). Was taking chemo/radiation (not in UK) – initially he was given (he actually chose) very expensive Immuno (boosting) drugs which did not work.Last month, the MRI scan found that the cancer has spread.During my conversation with him about 6-8 months back (after his kidney was removed), i broached the subject of the Booster being given in UK. His response was like this – “I have to take the booster.”.

Holding On
Holding On
1 year ago
Reply to  Edward F

I’m sorry about your cousin. My brother and sister-in-law in the UK are both triple whacked. What has alarmed me is that my brother, who is not in the best of health anyway, believed the lies because he wanted to travel. We have had many, many conversations where I’ve tried to wake him up. I might have had more sense from a lamp post?‍♀️?‍♀️. Anyway, he no doubt will rush out to take a flu shot, if he hasn’t already done so. I’ve noticed that everyone I know who is jabbed has developed a nasty cough, especially after taking a flu jab. This is obviously just my observation, but it does makes me nervous for them.

Greenngold Cheesehead
Greenngold Cheesehead
1 year ago

The wait time to see a doctor has tripled. All of a sudden the talk radio station I listen to has 2 burial companies advertising. One even uses an example of a woman’s husband dying suddenly and you should really buy your plot now before they fill up ! All of these companies know exactly what is going on. Casket makers in Canada have back orders for child size caskets. Sales are at a record pace. It is all extremely sickening. Yet these vaxed idiots keep coming up with #ABV excuses.

1 year ago

Why do I see so many white women of all ages on some of these sites? Can someone explain that to me? Are they all so naive? I will be nice and not call them stupid. I am white btw.

John McClane
John McClane
1 year ago
Reply to  farmerz

It has nothing to do with skin colour, however, you see so many women on these sites because a great many of them (not all) go by their emotions, rather than logic and reason, so their judgement is already clouded. They lap up the lies and propaganda like a sponge soaks up water. Arguments can be made that women have lead the way with the acceptance of a great many evil things (agendas) in this world and use their influence to get others to follow suite. I think 60+yrs (and counting) of mounting evidence speaks for itself, dont you? They are also usually the ones that will turn on you or jump down your throat if you do not follow along or merely point out how wrong they are & defend these evils with every fibre of their being. Why bother with logic, reason, facts or irrefutable evidence when you can just go on an emotional rant, shout down your opponent, shout sexism or misogyny, pat yourself on the back and claim victory as though you said anything remotely intelligent, to the appraisal of others who are as brainwashed and clueless as can be. This is one reason why the world is screwed.

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

Amen. I am surrounded by these women. Not a real person among them. They care about feelings , 401k and their lifestyle. They bought this crap and brought their families down with them. Reality is not an option for them because it would expose them for the fakes they are. So wine, fancy cocktails and pharmaceuticals are used daily. Western suburbs of Philadelphia – Chester County too.

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

Yeah, I don’t think it has anything to do with race or gender. It could be that certain people like to broadcast their lives on censored social media sites. They get sympathy and encouragement from likeminded people in their safe space bubble. Maybe it’s just weak and insecure people.

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
1 year ago
Reply to  Hal

I’m White, so let me tell you something about my people, and I’m ashamed to admit this, but THEY ARE TOO TRUSTING. White people are gullible too, especially White women. They run on pure emotion, and the media plays on their emotions by making things like wearing a mask and getting vaccinated = being kind and protecting others. With this kind of manipulation they can make them do anything they want and *you* will be attacked if you don’t go along since you are being “mean” and “selfish”.

Obviously there are exceptions, but as a general rule White people are clueless when it comes to understanding how evil and vile the people running our world are.

Sin Nombre
Sin Nombre
1 year ago

if you don’t go along since you are being “mean” and “selfish”.” Oh and don’t forget “Patriarchal”.

1 year ago

No, women are not pure emotion. Stop with this. There are just as many men buying into the jab nonsense. Especially leftists. At my job it was a white man who told me he couldn’t believe that people were trying to kill us when I warned him about the shot. And worse, he was middle aged and a Republican too.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gwen
1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

‘Arguments can be made that women have lead the way with the acceptance of a great many evil things (agendas) in this world and use their influence to get others to follow suite. I think 60+yrs (and counting) of mounting evidence speaks for itself, dont you?”

The list is almost endless.

In the early 1920’s propagandist Edward Bernays convinced suffragettes to take up smoking as a signal to ‘stick it to the man’. Imagine that, they were convinced that deliberately harming their health was liberation.

When women got the vote, the first issue they decisively swayed was to make beer illegal [Prohibition] – this leading to a massive explosion of organized crime.

Then the puppet masters convinced women that they needed to abandoned their families and get out of the house because ‘the man’ was holding them back [from the miserable grind of life in the workforce].

Then the government propagandists convinced women that birth control & no strings attached sex was another way to ‘liberate’ themselves – ya’ know, cuz men just hate no strings attached sex.

Finally, we have abortion, ‘my body, my choice’, to execute their unborn children to the tune of ~60 million children and counting, and now we have an unabated immigration crisis to replace that missing portion of the population and stabilize the economy for the generational retirement programs.

What’s happened is by design, weaponize women, and destroy marriage & the family, as well as destroy them individually.

‘My Body, My Choice’, scream Western women, unless it involved state sanctioned murder with a bioweapon passing itself off as a gene altering experiment in transhumanism.

Now I’m seeing where the young gals are angry because they are now averaging around 60% of college admissions, and there aren’t enough men to go around on campus – really can’t make this up.

Yep, the ladies certainly have ‘Come a Long Way Baby’ (ironically from a cigarette commercial).

I’m becoming more and more convinced that we’re living in a farce, a dark comedy of entertainment for even darker beings that pass themselves off as gods.

Last edited 1 year ago by Kiel
1 year ago
Reply to  Kiel

And note that Bernays is Freud’s nephew.

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

Are they also responsible for pushing these endless wars of aggression, all of which have been based on lies? The twisted Left (feminine) and the twisted Right (masculine) have both become little more than death cults at this stage. And just like the story of the Garden, they always blame each other.

John McClane
John McClane
1 year ago
Reply to  freefall

I never said anything about Wars, so nice logical fallacy there. I said they have lead the way with the acceptance of a great many evil things (agendas) in this world, i didnt say all evils, i said many. If you want to have an idea to what specific things i am referring to, then read Kiel’s comment, he said it well. Other things can be added in, but he summed up why society is at the point it is at. This isnt like the Garden of Eden, throwing away personal accountability and just playing the blame game, this is going by evidence, observation and the past 100yrs of history and how society has changed all for the worst and having an objective look at the kind of people who are blatantly responsible for what we have to deal with now.

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

Yes, generally speaking, women are more gullible because they are more emotional. But men would’ve killed each other off a long time ago without them.

Both sides have lost their divine qualities that have held the foolishness of the other in check.

1 year ago
Reply to  freefall

Are you Incels trying to start your own Incel chat here? Putting all the blame on women? Really? I could outwit you in an instant. Get off of here with your misogynistic nonsense.

1 year ago
Reply to  freefall

They’re trying to turn the discussion here into an Incel forum. Must suck to be a guy who can’t get laid nowadays, especially with so many injected women. It takes a certain bitterness to make a man so hateful to blame women for all their problems. I myself practice chastity, but I know how angry men are who can’t get women to have sex with them. It turns them into monsters. They’ve bern doing this to women for centuries now, calling women seductresses and whores and witches.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gwen
Average Joe
Average Joe
1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

Amen, You’ve described my Ex to a T! She’s in need of 3 or more “boosters”.

BTW who’s ever heard of needing a so called booster to any vaccination, makes no sense whatsoever.

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

That’s not true. I am a philosophy major and have a graduate degree. Not all women are emotional as you state, in fact, there are just as many emotional and illogical men today. Please don’t bring your judgemental hatred here. This isn’t an incel forum. You sound like someone who has a personal vendetta against women which makes you just as “emotional.” Women are not evil per se. Humanity is evil.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gwen
1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

Well, here’s the breakdown in my family:
Four older sisters and one older brother (I’m the youngest). Parents are both deceased.

Three of my four sisters are brainwashed, vaxxed Covidians, as is my brother. Interestingly, one of the three vaxxed sisters identifies as a conservative Republican.

Only one older sister and myself are adamantly opposed to masks and vaxxing.

So, that’s a majority Covidians amongst the six offspring from our parents, who, thankfully did not live to see Covid world.

1 year ago
Reply to  farmerz

I remember reading something somewhere that some/most black people (or whatever the term is now) already don’t trust the government so are less prone to get the jabs. Haven’t read about any of the other colors and their views. Other possible reason could be the white women are speaking up more or somehow more noticed….?? Maybe even the jabs are designed to demolish the whiteys….and now that I said that, it seems most males reported on are also white.

#FBA Sasha
#FBA Sasha
1 year ago
Reply to  Mac

You probably read it here. Brian pointed out through surveys and polls in a few articles that Black Americans are the least likely to get vaccinated. Black immigrants aren’t included in that, as they do whatever they’re told for green cards or what not, to kiss up to the establishment. There’s very clear distinctions between Black Americans and black immigrants. Everyone talks about Tuskegee Experiments. But when the COVID Blog was on Twitter, there was a tweet about a book called Medical Apartheid by Harriett Washington. So I bought a copy. I’m grateful for all I learn from this blog. But that book was horrifying to read, and explains why so many Black Americans completely distrust the medical establishment and government in the United States.

Tom Bombastadillo
Tom Bombastadillo
1 year ago
Reply to  farmerz

They are plentiful because they want attention so badly that they post every little thing about their lives on social media–for all to see. Including gangrenous hands. And contradictorily, they all want to ‘swim with the school’ and to ‘fit in’ as ‘well adjusted’, hence all of the fatuous virtue signaling and going along with the herd–over the cliff.

The crooks who concoted this scam knew quite well that they could ‘buffalo’ the plebes this way.

1 year ago

I have long covid. Had it for 2.5 years. I see it endlessly in the media. I see people with strange face coverings. Workmates talk about it incessantly. People who got the juice get sick as dogs and blame it. Some have heart issues and other blood clots. However they are all part of long covid. Long covid’s most adverse side effect is discouragement and loss of faith in humanity. If you get it you lose friends, family and even your job. You might lose your house and car too. Long Covid affects fuel prices too and causes inflation. Long covid leads to war and economic collapse. The adverse reactions list of long covid are….well…long!

1 year ago
Reply to  covid1984pl

I concur. Even if you consider covid as a real risk, long covid is nothing but a made-up phrase to keep people in line and the medical/pharmaceutical companies in business.

Last edited 1 year ago by Alex
Eric the Red
Eric the Red
1 year ago

Postmodernism; no objective truth; shape the narrative… this is the mindset infecting western civilization. This is your enemy. Not fascists, not neoliberals, not neoconservatives, not jews, not globalists.. instead it’s this ideology, which doesn’t even have a name. All the groups you THINK are the enemy are just hitching a ride on this juggernaut ideology. Without this ideology, those groups would make zero progress with their respective agendas.

Let’s call it woke leftism, ok? It’s a secular religious cult, The Cult of the Holy Narrative. All those other “isms” are already defined, and their definitions do not match woke leftism. Want to argue about it? Then just go away and kiss the ass of the left, because you’re certainly not fighting them, you’re fighting me, which makes you just another useless nerd smartass.

The leftist tyrants and their media goons don’t care about Dutch farmers or Russia sanctions or vaxx mandates. In fact, they are shaping the narrative by ignoring it or mischaracterizing it. The narrative makers believe they can bring reality to heel, if they can shape public opinion to support their narrative. Public opinion will then influence political action and create the desired “reality”.

1 year ago

“70% of Western society went all-in with that hand.”

It could explain a lot of problems in our world !
May be a good semi-pro or pro player would fold much more likely? I am no good player, but the only circumstance I could think of going all in with that crappy hand is in a heads-up and short stack situation…

1 year ago
Reply to  Gary

More like 80 to 85%

1 year ago

Global Stockholm Syndrome…Loving all of the Lies to the bitter end…

1 year ago

“Who dont hear must feel” lololol

1 year ago

My kid and I are purebloods, yet we both have been sick so many times during 2021-2022, we lost count! (I’m normally sick about 2x a year.) We live with extended family who are vaxxd and boosted. All the kids in the neighborhood are vaxxed. Oh yeah, and I even got shingles.

So I don’t know if we’re picking up stuff from all the vaxxed people in our house and neighborhood? Have our immune systems just given up from the lockdowns?. We don’t dare go to the doctor but we are both burned out from all these crappy colds and flus we keep getting.

1 year ago
Reply to  anybody

You might want to look into the pine needle tea that you can purchase here on the blog.

1 year ago
Reply to  anybody

Same here and I eat really healthy so I am very confused.

1 year ago
Reply to  anybody

Sunshine is absolutely VITAL! as is exercise. Make sure your diet is as varied as you can make it, and obviously don’t eat to excess. Avoid folks who’ve gotten the v if possible. If you live with them, spend as much time out of doors as possible. Invent chores if you need to. Walk an elderly neighbors dog or something, mow the lawn, trim the hedges, weed the garden, wash the windows… find ways to stay away from those who’ve been ‘compliant’. (don’t need to anger them, but you do need to start looking after your health)
If people had ignored the lockdown orders and gotten their vitamin D from sunshine… we wouldn’t have had nearly as much sickness. That alone, would have made a massive difference.
Yes, shedding is real. It used to be, not so long ago, that hospitals would have a policy that recently vaccinated people were not permitted to visit the maternity ward!!! Just saying….
Also, pray, pray a lot. Jesus loves to hear from us, in good times, AND in bad times. Pray in his name, as we are told to do in 1st Timothy 2:5.

1 year ago
Reply to  anybody

Yes you are picking up the transmission of the jabs. I pick it up every time I work around jabbed people. I only work part time and I get blood spots all over my arms and legs. Bruising also. It takes a month to clear up. Very scary. Lots of Vitamin D plus NAC and supplements helps.

1 year ago

Holy “F@#K! How far does ones head need to be up their ass to unsee this realty? I don’t know ONE unjabbed person dealing with blood clots, aneurisms, strokes, amputations, migraines, tremors, guillian barre, or any kind of disability to carry on daily activities. What the hell is wrong with our world that they have accepted this as “normal?!?”

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
1 year ago
Reply to  Dee

Prior to the vaccine rollout I never heard of any respiratory virus INCLUDING so-called “Covid” causing blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes. Maybe it happened but it must have been very rare because I never once saw it mentioned on the news, whereas now it’s being reported regularly.

The elites laugh
The elites laugh
1 year ago
Reply to  Dee

They used the same tactics Jim Jones used to get people to line up for poison Kool Aide. They convince the gullible then the herd mentality kicks in and the rest line up like stupid farm animals.

1 year ago

Man oh man this blog! I never cease to be flabbergasted at how great it is.

Edward F
Edward F
1 year ago
Reply to  Teri

second that….i have a good chuckle reading some of these comments….

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
1 year ago

A couple reminders as I see many posters claiming they “had Covid” or know someone who “had Covid”:

1) The entire “pandemic” was based on a fraudulent PCR “test”. The inventor of PCR (Kary Mullis) states on video that “in PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody” and “it doesn’t tell you that you’re sick”. All PCR does is replicate bits of genetic material. Each cycle in PCR doubles the number of samples of the this genetic material. Run enough cycles and you will get a false positive. That is what Mullis meant by his statement “you can find almost anything in anybody”.

2) Since PCR only replicates bits of genetic material it cannot be said to “detect viruses” or “diagnose” an illness. The replicated genetic material could (and almost certainly does) come from something other than “Covid”.

So for the love of God…please stop stating that you or someone you know “had Covid”. It’s bullshit. You had the flu / common cold. You took a useless “test” that *told* you that you had Covid, nothing more. There is no pandemic. There never was. There was only a CASEdemic based on PCR, and people dying of other causes labelled “Covid” based on PCR and based on FINANCIAL INCENTIVES for labelling deaths “Covid”. Hospitals were literally killing poeople by putting people on deadly Covid “protocols” (ventilators, Remdesivir) when they tested postive.

1 year ago

Every day, each time I read the news, I am vindicated. I was pressured and coerced by family members to be tested and jabbed. I refused both. On this website, I get to read refreshing truth about Covidianism. On other, more “mainstream” sites, I have to read between the lines for the truth. You’re like the little boy in “The Emperor’s New Clothes” who says out loud that the Emperor isn’t wearing any clothes.

1 year ago

Just wanted to share a story. My friends that are also brothers, had kids about the same time. One of them “trusted the science” and injected the kid with all the government approved vaccines. The other is an “stupid anti vaxxer”, who said from the start, that his kid will be vaccinated over his dead body.
Guess whose kid screamed his head off for a week and a half after another injection routine? The kid is always crying, light sleeper, fussy eater, has allergies, rashes, always a new problem appearing. The unvaxxed kid is a heavy sleeper, has no allergies, never sick, rarely cries (Ive yet to witness it myself) and is active and happy.
I remember my mother was told by a doctor when she had my little sister that, “kids cry a lot, its normal”. Well unfortunately she had all the vaxxes too. I really feel that the upbringing of unvaxxed kids is much easier. The brother who is anti vax, thought that fatherhood is much worse, they are new parents and they are not really even sleep deprieved. The kid is up about once per night, gets breastfed and back to sleep. No screaming and crying, and endless hushing to sleep, that is supposedly “normal”.

You made your bed
You made your bed
1 year ago

I honestly don’t feel one ounce of sympathy for these people. These are the same types who screamed at people in stores for not wearing a face diaper and applauded treating the unjabbed like lepers. They are so self righteous that they know what’s happening and won’t listen to actual facts. They are narcissists in a cult who live for positive affirmations from Facebook. Why else would a parent line their kids up for this? So they can brag on FB that’s why. “We’re in this together!”…..eat me.

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
1 year ago

“and applauded treating the unjabbed like lepers.”

These people had no issue with unvaccinated people losing their jobs / careers / homes / families for refusing a forced injection of a mystery substance over a fake pandemic. They felt it was fully justified. I know they would have had no problems watching us starve.

I read numerous death wishes from vax zealouts towards the unvaccinated on social media. I took those as direct threats. These people were absolutely vicious toward critical thinkers during 2020 and 2021, so to say I have no sympathy when they die is an understatement. It’s the opposite. I’m glad they’re dying. They’re a serious danger to the rest of us.

1 year ago

There is no talking sense to them either. No matter how many of their friends and family croak they still want more boosters. It’s the same mindset as drug addicts. They know what they are doing is killing them but they just do it anyway. They’re addicted to virtue signaling.

1 year ago

That’s so sad about those brothers!!.. So wrong!! Some of these cases are esp. heartbreaking!!..
I wanted to ask people how they are dealing with family members & friends who are boosted & “vax-happy”.. Have you given up on warning them about possible severe, irreversible vax dangers for them & their minor children??…
Just wondering how others are relating to them, now, specifically??!- Tks!-

Kyle Rotundo
Kyle Rotundo
1 year ago

The people who justify the poison jab are learning a sad lesson !!!! It’s never been more clear than now they are trying to “kill” as many as possible!!!! Those jabbed are in a lot of trouble!!!! Evil is in charge of this country and if these lunatics are not removed from office many more die !!!! This will not end!!! They will just create and release more just like the covid scam !!!!

David A Howard
David A Howard
1 year ago

Trumps Operation Warp Speed DNA altering poison will cause suffering and death for years to come. By signing the emergency bill, he transferred power to FEMA and FAUCI. No surprise that Biden renewed the bill.

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